#Cultural Competent Counselors
librarycards · 7 months
The term “social transition” has a non-trans history in the psychology of adolescence. In the 1980s, it was an operative metaphor for describing adolescence through the American trope of a rocky period of self-making, what one psychologist in 1978 termed “the difficulty of adolescence as a transitional period.” The primary “transition” that concerned psychologists at the time was school, where social shifts in friend groups and hierarchies from middle school to high school affected a young person’s self-esteem and mental integrity, resulting either in positive self-actualization or, if the social transition went poorly, “problem behavior.”³
The term “social transition” was only later adopted by psychologists and psychiatrists looking to powerfully expand their jurisdiction over trans youth to include entirely non-medical practices that often spur parents to reject or harm their kids: wearing a dress, cutting or growing out hair, wearing a binder or a bra, wearing makeup, or adopting a new name and pronouns. Making those banal but concrete practices of changing gender into psychiatric events was intended to convince anxious and angry parents that they shouldn’t put down their children. By the same token, tying practices of clothing and self-description to healthy development overinflated them with a pathological degree of significance, upping the ante and creating a lucrative target, both for parents of trans youth who wanted to stop their children from transitioning and, now, politicians.
I don’t mean to imply that psychiatry directly caused HB 2885, just that it clearly holds one part of the blame for inventing the root vulnerability that Gragg has taken advantage of in Missouri. If anything, the attachment of sex offender felonies to a teacher complimenting a teenager’s haircut exposes, once and for all, how fraudulent the medicalization of transition has been all along. Gragg can claim the right of the state to control children’s dress and speech (masquerading as the rights of parents) through teachers and counselors, in part, because psychiatry and medicine first claimed the right to regulate trans youth’s practices of transition.
Still, the causal events that led to HB 2885 run far deeper than the shallow history of “social transition” as an especially foolish psychiatric fiction. Here lies the far bigger problem raised by this bill. Not only will psychiatrists prove to be the least effective political allies of trans youth in Missouri, but contemporary queer and transgender culture’s elevation of the private right to dress as the sine qua non of politics is also quite useless as a political strategy.
Part of what I gather stuns in bills like HB 2885 is their audacity. The law would target the most conservative, least politically subversive of all transgender practices: individual style, identification, and language-use. In the case of minors, “social transition” is also a cheap compromise offered to young people who are refused blockers and hormones by disapproving parents and doctors, but that compromise is offered in a broader queer and transgender culture that has elevated self-identification through style as the ultimate arbiter of being transgender, making it much harder to advocate for a genuine right to transition for anyone, teenager or adult.
Students have very limited First Amendment rights on school campuses, meaning that they cannot present themselves as private individuals enjoying the right to dress as they please.⁷Their self-expression is governed from the outset by a competing set of custodians, from parents to schoolteachers, to psychiatrists and doctors, to the Missouri House of Representatives. Trans youth’s interests are therefore materially extraneous to the mainline of contemporary queer and transgender culture, whose architects were wealthy, college-educated adults whose prior enjoyment of full-citizenship was the very reason they demanded only the affirmation of a right to dress.
I suspect that part of the genuine shock of bills like HB 2885 is that most people reasoned that LGBT liberalism’s elevation of the private individual over all other political concerns would inoculate dress and language from state interference. It evidently has not. What perhaps has been misunderstood, then, is how the state exercises power. The law cannot prohibit being transgender, for there is no such state of being. The state has no need to target people’s interior selves, either, for the law can seize people where it always has, in concrete social practices that it simply declares are the undesirable traits of transgender people—namely, practices of transition.
Jules Gill-Peterson, The Unimportance of Wearing Clothes. [emphasis added]
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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I just saw this poll that was apparently the product of a debate among non-Americans as to whether or not summer camp is real. Americans were supposed to select one of several answers describing how real it actually is and what their direct experience is with it (like "I've been to one" or "I've heard of them but never known anyone who went"), as if to prove their claim. One option suggested it was only for rich people. Never in my life did it occur to me that the reality of summer camp was up for debate, but I also never thought about the economics of it. As a kid I was just glad I didn't have to go; forced-fun is really hard on me still, I hate even friendly competitions because I am literally incompetent, and I couldn't imagine being in a situation where I wouldn't ever be alone for days or weeks at a time. We had to go to band camp, which was just a day thing at school for a month or so, and I'm sure that was a combination of our parents just wanting to get rid of us and also wanting us to have extracurriculars on our record. But it never occurred to me that proper sleepaway summer camp was out of our price range, probably because wealthiness was not part of the cliche of summer camp.
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Like, the 1980s was the era of a film subgenre called snobs versus slobs, a prime example of which is the movie MEATBALLS, which pits kids at a working class summer camp against the rich jerks at a much ritzier camp nearby; the stereotypical vision was that summer camp is for everyone, but the rich people versions are less wholesome, farther away from the American-as-apple-pie camp experience god intended. I also recall a Saturday morning cartoon called Camp Candy, in which John Candy was the beloved counselor of an earnest little camp that was under threat from a rich developer--again here, money is the enemy of the salt of the earth, egalitarian decency of summer camp. ERNEST GOES TO CAMP involves scrappy juvenile delinquents at a camp that is antagonized by a greedy strip mining corporation, so money is only a theme insofar as "camp" represents something common and honest that is antithetical to contaminating wealth. The standard summer camp narrative is most often about underdogs trying to save something they love, and not about rich people either finding their souls or getting their comeuppance (unless they're the bad guys who are generally not "real", sincere campers). Personally, my closer cultural connections are with FRIDAY THE 13TH and SLEEPAWAY CAMP, which take place in rural New Jersey; nowhere is there the idea that Jason Voorhees' mom was rich, and although there's evidence of wealth regarding the first family you meet in SLEEPAWAY CAMP, the prevailing image is not of snotty prep school students, but of regular, somewhat coarse suburban kids who don't mind skinning their knees and getting their hands dirty and eating cafeteria slop dished out by a filthy pervert.
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I do get the idea (just now, from searching the internet) that summer camp is exorbitantly expensive nowadays due to inflation (and probably escalating greed, just like with everything else), but even though it can involve room and board etc for days or weeks, I never acquired the prejudice that camp in general was only for the upper crust, like I'd assume about ski school or uh sailing lessons or I don't know what. And I mean there's a lot of stuff like that in mainstream media, where e.g. blue collar families have homes and possessions that are WAY too nice, or something like that. It's just something film and TV creators do to make things more inviting and less depressing, I think, and that can skew popular conceptions of how expensive certain things actually are. But I'm looking at a Reddit right now confirming my perception that versions of summer camp were available to middle class Americans in the 1960s-80s, and that the idea that the price tag of it would compete with college tuition is pretty recent. But it's still funny to me how often I see people on here assuming that if they've never personally experienced something, no matter how often they've heard of it, then it's probably not real. That's some protagonist syndrome shit right there. Just because you've seen an artificially enhanced version of something on TV doesn't mean it's a fake idea contrived to make an idiot out of you. You can do that all by yourself.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 months
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these are two hotlines: national inquiry into missing & murdered indigenous women & girls toll free support phone line & first nations & inuit hope for wellness helpline for any of my& indigenous moots, followers & any Indigenous person who may need it ! while i've personally never used the mmiwg2s support phoneline so far (bc of imposter syndrome), i can personally say from experience that the hope for wellness helpline is extremely helpful & ive used it in times when i was in some of my darkest moments, they're really well trained, they have culturally competent counselors & they help first nations, métis, inuit & all indigenous peoples all across canada, whether you have status or not & they also have an online chat feature that you can use. an elder once told me that this is an overall intergenerational community trauma that affects everyone who's native, regardless of skintone, other intersecting identities or status. you're loved. you're supported. i& love you. we& love you.
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mikavenz · 1 year
scaramouche modern au headcanons #1
the modern!scara i'm talking about is the one from my chiscara long distance au.for background context on my version of this character, check out this post.
Scara is probably going for a BS Psychology degree once he's in college because he wants to understand emotions and the psyche on a scientific point of view
While he isn't the best at handling kids, Teucer does think he's entertaining (and has a funny hair cut). They sometimes play Roblox together.
On the other hand, Tonia thinks he's scary.
He only downloaded Discord because Childe wanted him to. He didn't know about the reputation the site had until Hu Tao made fun of him for being a "Discord Kitten"
He is no fan of dango, despite his mother and sister being fond of the milk
While he was a book kid growing up (Yae Miko always send spare books from her publishing house to Ei for her kids to read), he grew out of it
The guidance counselor (Nahida) is the second ever person he opened up to. She was also the one who got him interested in Psychology.
Ei was really strict with her children being introduced to pop culture when they were young, but a movie he watched at kindergarten that his teacher left on stuck with him. Part of it was because of the message, the other part of him recognized it as the first Western movie he's ever watch. That movie was Despicable Me.
He tried getting into kendo like his sister, but wasn't cut out for it. He was, however, eventually enrolled in a kid's karate class. Not good enough to compete, but decent enough to learn self-defense.
Childe tried getting him into all sorts of games. From FPS to roleplaying and whatever you classify Fall Guys as (that was his least favorite.) He ended up just playing whatever multiplayer Childe wanted them to do together. His favorite was probably being Portal 2.
His family is pretty well off since Ei is the town's mayor and her sugar mommy best friend, Yae Miko, helps out with whatever expenses they need. Scara has a decent allowance but had no reason to spend too much or flex. This surpised Childe, who was planning to get a job.
He has a gaming laptop because when Ei both them both laptops for school, she ordered whatever she thought was "practical"
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aboutanancientenquiry · 11 months
Herodotus, the abductions of mythological women, and the cause of the Persian Wars
"To this point I have focused on the beginning and the end of Herodotus’ prologue. What lies between them is one of the most enigmatic and disputed passages in the Histories,51 a passage that traces the origins of the GrecoPersian wars to the abductions of familiar female figures from Greek mythology. Yet the perils of these familiar heroines are recounted in decidedly defamiliarising fashion. For the stories are thoroughly rationalised,52 so that no divine agents are involved in the intercontinental transportation of Io from Argos to Egypt, of Europa from Phoenicia to Crete, of Medea from Colchis to Iolcos, or of Helen from Sparta to Troy. Moreover, the stories are linked in causal relationships as two pairs of reciprocal abductions: Io and Europa on the one hand, Medea and Helen on the other.53 Finally, and to the disbelief of several modern scholars,54 Herodotus attributes these stories in their causal succession to non-Greek sources: to Persian logioi in the first instance, as amended in the second instance by Phoenicians who defend their national honour by insisting that Io was not kidnapped, but sailed away from parental wrath of her own volition after being impregnated by the ship’s captain (1.5.2). For his part, after recounting at some length these allegedly foreign versions of primeval Greek stories, Herodotus refuses to state an opinion about them, and begins his own account by fixing blame or responsibility (αἰτίη) upon a more recent figure whom he knows to have committed unjust acts against the Greeks, the Lydian king Croesus.
What can we say about the relationship between this extraordinary sequence and the Greek poetic tradition? As far as content is concerned, Antony Raubitschek, believing that the stories of Io, Europa, Medea, and Helen were best known to Herodotus from Greek tragedy, ventured to identify a single play as the true source of the ‘foreign’ traditions in 1.1–5— namely, the Phoinissai of Phrynichos.55 The assumed co-existence in this play of Persian imperial counselors and a chorus of Phoenician women56 creates a context in which competing national perceptions of Greek mythological material might be aired. This speculative but ingenious suggestion was recently revived by Stephanie West, who thinks it more credible that Herodotus was indebted to a Greek poetic source claiming to reproduce foreign traditions than that ‘Persians with a smattering of Hellenic culture defamiliariz[ed] Greek legend either for their own amusement or, more seriously, by way of addressing problems of war-guilt in the aftermath of Xerxes’ invasion.’57 However, there are other passages in the Histories in which Persians are represented as citing Greek mythology for the sake of persuading Hellenic audiences. At 6.97.2 a herald sent by Datis assures the frightened Delians that they need not flee from the Persian fleet: as the birthplace of two gods (sc. Apollo and Artemis), their island is sacrosanct. In a matter of greater military and political weight, Herodotus reports a story told throughout Greece (7.150.1), according to which Xerxes’ herald invoked local myth as a means of dissuading the Argives from joining the Greek resistance, citing the Persians’ descent from Perses, son of the Argive hero Perseus.58 As Fowler has seen, this episode is especially telling, since its currency throughout Greece demonstrates a general Hellenic belief, right or wrong, that (some) Persians knew (some) Greek myths.59 In view of these and other passages that reflect Greek belief in Persian knowledge of Greek myth,60 I share Fowler’s willingness to accept Herodotus’ representation of Persians (and Phoenicians) as knowing rationalised versions of Greek myths, and therefore consider Raubitschek’s hypothesis unnecessary. At the same time, it seems entirely likely that the raw narrative material of the prologue—i.e., the abductions of Io, Europa, Medea, and Helen—was best known to Herodotus’ audience through authoritative poetic performances; and that the climactic mention of Paris, Helen, and the Trojan War will have called to mind the epic tradition above all.60"
From the article of Charles C. Chiasson "Herodotus' Prologue and the Greek Poetic Tradition", Histos 6 (2012), 114-143
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Bisexual survivors, like all survivors of any form of trauma or violence, deserve compassion, support, and better treatment. Bisexual individuals who have experienced trauma or violence may face unique challenges and forms of discrimination that require specific attention and understanding. Here are some key aspects of why bisexual survivors deserve better:
Visibility and Recognition: Bisexual survivors' experiences are often overlooked or erased, both within the LGBTQ+ community and in broader society. Their experiences might not fit neatly into heteronormative or monosexist narratives, leading to further marginalization and lack of support.
Biphobia and Stigma: Bisexual survivors may face biphobia and stigma, even from within the LGBTQ+ community, which can compound the trauma they have experienced. This additional layer of discrimination can create barriers to seeking help and support.
Access to Support Services: Support services for survivors of trauma are essential, but they may not always be inclusive and sensitive to the unique needs of bisexual individuals. Efforts should be made to ensure that support services are affirming and accommodating for all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Cultural Competency and Training: Service providers, including therapists, counselors, and law enforcement professionals, should receive training on bisexuality and the specific issues faced by bisexual individuals. This training helps them better understand and support bisexual survivors effectively.
Intersectionality: Many bisexual individuals have intersecting identities, such as race, ethnicity, gender identity, and socioeconomic status. Intersectionality must be considered when providing support and resources to address the diverse needs of bisexual survivors.
Fostering Safe Spaces: Creating safe and inclusive spaces where bisexual survivors can share their experiences and find support is crucial. This includes both physical spaces and virtual communities.
Breaking the Silence: Encouraging open conversations about bisexual survivorship can help break the silence surrounding their experiences and raise awareness about their unique needs and challenges.
Empowerment and Agency: Providing resources that empower bisexual survivors to reclaim their agency and voice in the aftermath of trauma is essential for healing and recovery.
Research and Data Collection: More research should be conducted on the experiences of bisexual survivors to better understand their needs and develop targeted interventions and support services.
Addressing Bi-Erasure in Support Discourses: Efforts should be made to address and challenge bi-erasure in discussions surrounding trauma and survivorship, ensuring that bisexual individuals' experiences are acknowledged and validated.
Overall, addressing the specific needs of bisexual survivors requires a comprehensive approach that involves education, awareness, policy changes, and a commitment to inclusivity within support systems and communities. By advocating for better treatment and support for bisexual survivors, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all survivors of trauma and violence.
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novatherapy · 6 months
Unlocking Mental Wellness: Exploring the World of Nova Therapy
Nova Therapy is not just another counseling service; it's a beacon of hope for those navigating the complexities of mental health. With a team of licensed therapists and counselors dedicated to your holistic well-being, Nova Therapy is committed to providing accessible, convenient, and effective mental health support to individuals from all walks of life.
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Embark on your journey towards mental wellness today by joining the Nova Therapy community. Whether you're seeking individual therapy, couples counseling, family therapy, or group sessions, Nova Therapy offers a comprehensive range of services to support your mental health needs. Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow with Nova Therapy by your side.
In a world where mental health struggles are all too common, Nova Therapy stands as a beacon of hope, offering accessible, personalized, and effective virtual counseling services. With a team of expert therapists, flexible scheduling options, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion, Nova Therapy is revolutionizing the way we approach mental wellness. Take control of your mental health journey today and discover the healing power of Nova Therapy.
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halfseoulco · 1 year
The university analogy: Finding what makes KPOP groups unique
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Published Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 — With as many groups as there are currently active within the KPOP industry, even with the population of fans growing globally, the reality is that the market for KPOP is oversaturated. It seems like new groups are debuting every week and fandoms are ready to defend their favorite artists at a moment’s notice. There are many ways in which you could possibly insult somebody else’s favorite group—if you were that kind of person—but no attack is more pointed than one that targets their talents as artists.
The University Analogy
What is the university analogy? The university analogy is something that I came up with because I thought it was the best way to explain the current KPOP market to a friend who knows next to nothing about KPOP.
When I was applying for colleges in 2011 as a junior, I was warned by everyone from my mother to my guidance counselor that having good grades and a good SAT score would simply not be enough. I ended my high school career ranked tenth out of a graduating class of several hundred students, a well-above average SAT score, honors and AP classes stacked up to my nose, four years of band as my extracurricular activity, and several awards—and I only got into two out of the six schools I applied to.
I imagine it’s much more difficult for today’s students to get accepted to the college of their dreams. College prep culture and the business of helping students study and prepare for applying to college are now so prevalent that an above 4.0 GPA means little to admissions boards these days. Institutions of higher education are more interested in what a student has to offer aside from their ability to study, memorize information, and pass tests for good grades. What makes them special? What do they do outside of school? What are their passions? Who do they want to be in the future?
The KPOP industry is much the same.
With the popularity of Korean media and especially KPOP booming around the world, it’s not enough to these Korean entertainment agencies that an individual is talented. There are definitely other factors they take into consideration, which means that there is one thing that every KPOP idol who has passed through a trainee program at one of those entertainment agencies and debuted as a group possesses—something that warring fandoms refuse to acknowledge about their adversaries: talent.
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The KPOP Model
As much as some people might be irked by the fact that I’m calling it a model, there is a model that Korean entertainment agencies follow when trying to build a successful group. It’s basically the whole premise of JYP Entertainment’s A2K project, in which J.Y. Park’s goal is to find talented individuals in America and put them through the KPOP training system to show that it can be applied successfully to an international group. In partnership with Republic Records, JYP Entertainment is striving to create a girl group with global appeal through this reality competition.*
Trainees hoping to debut are put through grueling schedules where they practice singing, dancing, and rapping and are evaluated regularly. Some trainees don’t get to debut at all—some get sent home and some simply quit. There are some trainees who stay trainees for years; and by the time they get to debut, their relief and exhaustion are almost tangible.
While there are a few groups who don’t have fixed positions, the makeup of a KPOP group is pretty typical. There are designated vocalists, rappers, and dancers, with other positions dubbing them as main vocalist, center, visual, leader, etc. (Personally, I think that not having fixed positions is more of an indication of well-rounded talent, but people should remember that having fixed positions is also perfectly fine. Everyone is good at something—and conversely, everyone is also not as good at something.) Companies are competing for market share in sales and attention from fans so of course they’re only looking for the most talented individuals they can find; therefore it is a given at this point that every group who is currently active within the industry is talented. There might have been a time when groups could escape notice if someone was, say, only scouted for their visuals but today’s fans have discerning eyes and ears—and they want to see and hear something amazing.
If all KPOP groups are more or less going through the same training system and all the idols are talented, what sets one group apart from any other group? What does one group have that another group doesn’t?
The answer lies in the same thing that makes any piece of art extraordinary: people.
What KPOP Audiences Want
When I was on my way to see TOMORROW X TOGETHER in LA at the end of May, my Uber driver, who was a middle-aged Korean man with a love for IVE, told me something that I knew already but that I want to share with all of you, slightly paraphrased as I remember it:
If KPOP agencies were only looking for good-looking people who can sing and dance, they could find them in Korea. They scout in America and other countries because those people are influenced by different things, especially music, and have different perspectives and beliefs—which is particularly true for those who are a part of the Korean diaspora.
And, of course, representation matters—fans are always excited about seeing idols from their hometowns or home countries; and KPOP artists are seen as some of the biggest forms of positive representation for Koreans and Asians as a whole. In his documentary, SUGA: Road to D-Day, SUGA of BTS is shown being stopped by other Koreans while in Las Vegas thanking him for making Korea proud, so the emotional connection between artists and their fans definitely plays a significant role in the group’s success.
Even if fans don’t see themselves represented in the individual members of a group, they can still find elements in the music and styling that are familiar to them. Korea is a largely homogeneous country, although tourism and the globalization of Korean pop culture have led to an increase in foreigners and expatriates. KPOP is not longer meant to only appeal to Koreans; in order to appeal to audiences around the world, they have to find elements that those audiences will respond well to. This is why companies scout or accept as trainees Koreans born and/or raised in America, Canada, or Australia, for example; in addition to those from Japan, China, Thailand, and other Asian countries. How else could LE SSERAFIM have a Japanese ballerina and a Korean-American opera singer in the same group? How else could KARD have a Korean-American rapper who grew up speaking Spanish and Portuguese, which has had a significant influence on their sound from the beginning and contributes to their popularity in Latin America? In the same way that colleges want to see what makes students unique, Korean entertainment agencies and fans alike want to see what makes a KPOP group unique. Talent is a great starting point... but what else is there?
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The most important thing to remember is that talent is not any one specific thing. Talents are varied and diverse and can therefore be highlighted in just as many ways. That is why one of the things that I find the most fascinating about KPOP is how many different shows there are to showcase the various talents of artists, especially when they’re having a comeback.
Aside from the regularly scheduled programming (SHOW CHAMPION, Mnet Countdown, THE SHOW, THE SHOW CHOICE, Music Bank, Show! MusicCore, and Inkigayo), and other miscellaneous shows such as Arirang’s SIMPLY K-POP CON-TOUR, there are shows dedicated to highlighting specific areas of talent in groups or individuals. While the aforementioned shows are by no means a lesser example of a group’s skills (as being a charismatic performer is still an important aspect of being a KPOP idol), these shows are not necessarily the best indicators of a group’s talents, as the use of backing tracks are common. Most of the channels that provide artists with opportunities to show off their best skills are solely online rather than broadcasted via a public network—but there is definitely demand for the kind of more niche content that these channels specialize in.
Groups known for their exceptional dance skills and impressive stage presence are often invited to STUDIO CHOOM, 1theK’s 1theKILLPO, or DGG’s COLOR DANCE. I definitely look forward to sessions from these channels as there is something so incredibly satisfying from seeing cleanly executed choreography and flawless synchronization between members. KPOP groups will also release performance versions of their music videos and dance practice videos themselves, showing off the efforts of their dedication and hard work to fans—so it’s not lost on me or anyone else that having skilled dancers is essential when forming a KPOP group. However, compared to singing, dancing is a skill that can be more easily honed through practice and repetition.** A person’s voice is unique to them; aside from technique refinement and improved musicality, a voice cannot get better if there was no talent to begin with. Vocalists go through training in order to work on the more technical aspects of singing, find their singing style, and become stronger singers. There are good singers—singers who have never had a vocal lesson but can sing in the right key and sound pretty while singing in the shower or at church, but the competitive nature of the KPOP industry doesn’t demand good singers—it doesn’t even demand great singers.
It demands extraordinary singers.
If a group has one or two star vocalists, they get invited to Lee Mujin Service, where they perform prepared pieces live in front of Lee Mujin, who is a talented singer himself, and his crew. If they’re lucky enough to have a whole group of well-rounded vocalists, they get invited to it’s Live to sing with a live band, where groups can perform to the fullest of their vocal abilities unhindered by having to perform choreography; or, one of my favorites, Dingo Music’s Killing Voice. There are also popular radio shows where groups can sing live, such as BTOB’s Kiss the Radio, COOL LIVE, STATION Z, and more, all streamed via KBS CoolFM. Whether it’s something that you personally look for or not, live vocals matter quite a lot to most fans; and even people who don’t know much about music can recognize when the mixed and mastered version of an artist’s voice is a huge departure from their original raw vocals. Vocal teachers or professional singers of other genres who react to KPOP groups for fun prefer to watch live performances as opposed to “produced” ones, as it is easier to get a truer sense of an idol’s vocal abilities when there’s no mixing and mastering involved. Live performances also give some vocalists the opportunity to share their real voice without any auto tune or other effects that producers add for stylistic reasons.
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The holy grail of all shows, in my opinion, the KBS show Immortal Songs is a program where groups are invited to perform their own renditions of legendary songs by older, well-established artists who are highly respected and revered in the industry. Oh, and by the way, they’re not allowed to lip sync.
In June of this year, ATEEZ set a new record as the first group to win on Immortal Songs four separate times (and they’ve been on the show six times). Often dismissed by the Korean KPOP audience and by the rest of the industry for coming from a small company and for their unconventional style, they are mostly praised for their incredible performances and unmatched stage presence; and their live vocals tend to be overlooked. However, winning four times on a show where lip syncing is not allowed is no small feat and should be recognized for the achievement that it is; and I think that there are groups within the KPOP industry who would really benefit from participating in Immortal Songs so that they can receive the credit they deserve for their abilities.
Personally, the groups that I find the most talented are the ones who consistently sing well live. It’s rare that anyone will go through a session in the recording booth and not have to have their voice tweaked for the final product that then gets released; and there should be no expectation that an artist will sound the way they did on the album while they are also performing intense choreography. A skilled vocalist who knows their limits knows when to sing live and when to let the backing track fill in the gaps. Singing live while dancing, especially during concerts and world tours, requires a high level of strength, endurance, and stamina that can be achieved through consistent training; and there is a consensus of deep admiration for groups whose voices remain stable even as they are running up and down from the main stage to the extended catwalk and back. However, there have been some notable examples over the past few years of groups who have been caught lip syncing for the entire duration of the performance—or worse, caught lip syncing while sitting for the performance. The criticism and backlash for those offenses were not light by any means, and it is likely that fans are not going to forget them anytime soon.
Now, lip syncing is not a crime; rather, it is a necessity, especially if the artist is going to be performing for a greater length of time. Lip syncing during a moment of complicated choreography is totally acceptable. As aerobic activities, singing and dancing both require significant amounts of oxygen; and vocalists are more likely to choose to allocate their oxygen to dancing over singing. This is also why rappers tend to not have too much choreography during their verses, as they have to focus on articulating more syllables at a faster speed; or why main vocalists will stop moving right before they belt or sustain a long or high note. No artist should sacrifice their health or physical well-being for the sake of proving that they can sing live all the time—and no one should expect them to—but I do favor groups who prioritize being able to maintain vocal stability while singing live over those who seem content to only sing live some of the time.***
At the end of the day, it’s not possible to be totally objective about talent. Everyone’s personal preferences, including mine****, play a part in whether they perceive someone as being “good”. But what all KPOP fans should consider when putting down another group for being untalented is that not liking said group for things such as genre, style, or concept does not equate to a lack of talent. Additionally, a company’s failure to promote their artists properly or provide them with opportunities to truly showcase their abilities is also not an indication of a lack of talent but poor management. Members of a group are selected for the talents they possess. They may not possess all the skills demanded by industry standards by themselves but that is why, if the company is smart, they put together groups consisting of members with different talents so that they achieve a cohesive, well-balanced performance team. This is usually the goal but it is, of course, more impressive to have members who can do it all. Aces and all-rounders in KPOP are so highly sought after and heavily praised for this reason—audiences only ever want to see the best of the best; and with the number of active groups continuing to climb, everyone is feeling the pressure to step up their game and seek out the most talented individuals around the world. It’s uncertain what this fierce level of competition will mean for the future of KPOP but what we can all do is continue to be respectful and give artists the credit they deserve for their skills.
*Please note that I did not watch the A2K series aside from the official announcement, which provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of the project.
**This is not meant to be taken as saying that anyone can dance if they work hard enough at it or to demean the natural skill and talent of professional dancers. You definitely cannot dance well if you don’t already have a knack for it but it’s easier to teach a person who’s never danced before to dance than it is to teach someone who is tone deaf how to sing.
***Please make sure to watch the live version of ONEUS’s dance practice for “ERASE ME”, as it is a great example of artists who choose to sing live even though there is no expectation for them to be singing live in that particular situation.
****Please also note that while I am expressing my opinions here, some of the insight I am providing is based on my own knowledge and background in music in general, as well as in singing and dancing.
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vidhyamacademy · 1 year
Best Abroad Education Consultants in Delhi - Vidhyam Academy
Deciding to pursue higher Education Abroad is an exciting and Life-changing Journey. The prospect of studying in a foreign country opens up a plethora of opportunities for personal and academic growth. However, the process of applying to universities Abroad can be daunting and complex, making it essential to seek guidance from expert education consultants. Among the numerous options available, Vidhyam Academy stands out as one of the Best Abroad Education Consultants in Delhi. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key reasons that make Vidhyam Academy a top choice for aspiring international students. Get Free Counseling with Vidhyam Academy Today.
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The Importance of Abroad Education Consultants
Before diving into Vidhyam Academy's merits, let's understand the significance of education consultants in the abroad application process. Navigating the complexities of different countries' education systems, admission requirements, and visa procedures can be overwhelming. A competent education consultant can provide invaluable assistance to students by streamlining the entire process, increasing the chances of securing admission to their dream universities.
Vidhyam Academy: A Trusted Name in Abroad Education Consultancy
Established with the vision of guiding Indian students towards their overseas education aspirations, Vidhyam Academy has earned a reputation as a leading consultancy firm. Their team of experienced counselors and mentors understand the nuances of international education and ensure that students receive personalized guidance tailored to their unique goals.
Services Offered by Vidhyam Academy
One of the aspects that sets Vidhyam Academy apart from other consultants is its comprehensive range of services. From initial counseling and university selection to visa assistance and pre-departure guidance, the academy offers end-to-end support to aspiring students. We will explore each of these services in detail to provide readers with a clear understanding of what to expect when partnering with Vidhyam Academy.
The Role of Counseling in Abroad Education
Counseling is the cornerstone of any successful abroad education application process. Vidhyam Academy's expert counselors invest time in understanding each student's background, interests, and academic achievements. By doing so, they can suggest suitable courses and universities that align with the student's aspirations.
University Selection Process
Choosing the right university is a crucial decision that can significantly impact a student's academic and professional future. Vidhyam Academy employs a meticulous approach to help students select the most suitable universities based on their preferences, course availability, and financial considerations.
Admission Assistance
Navigating the admission process can be challenging, especially for competitive universities. Vidhyam Academy's team assists students in preparing and organizing all the necessary documents, crafting compelling essays, and ensuring that their application stands out among thousands of others.
Visa Guidance and Documentation
Securing a student visa is a critical step in the Abroad Education journey. Vidhyam Academy's experts are well-versed with the visa application procedures of different countries and guide students through the documentation and interview process.
Pre-Departure Support
Moving to a new country for education can be both thrilling and intimidating. Vidhyam Academy offers pre-departure orientations that equip students with essential information about the destination country, cultural nuances, and tips for a smooth transition.
Why Choose Vidhyam Academy
Vidhyam Academy has emerged as one of the Best Abroad Education Consultants in Delhi due to its commitment to providing exceptional guidance and support to students. Their comprehensive range of services, experienced counselors, and successful track record make them a trusted choice for aspiring international students. If you are planning to pursue higher Education Abroad, collaborating with Vidhyam Academy can be a transformative step towards achieving your dreams.
In case you need more details Call Now at +91-8447186261 or, visit: www.vidhyamacademy.com
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blogeternal · 4 days
Joseph White Mental Health Counselor - Transforming Psychological Care
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Joseph White, a pioneering mental health counselor, was instrumental in transforming psychology to be more inclusive and culturally relevant, particularly for African Americans. Born in 1932, he championed culturally sensitive mental health care and was a key figure in founding Black Psychology. His advocacy for diversity and focus on community strengths reshaped the mental health landscape, making care more accessible. White's work continues to inspire counselors and psychologists in promoting culturally competent practices today.
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The Vital Role of Counseling Services in Phoenix, AZ for Mental Health
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Mental health care plays an important role in the modern desert city of Phoenix, Arizona. With our increasingly complicated and demanding lives, professional counseling services are more in demand than ever. This blog post looks at the benefits involved in Counseling Services Phoenix AZ, and how the general mental health of the community benefits from them.
A Growing Need in a Growing City
Phoenix attracts immigrants from all walks of life and is ranked among the fastest-growing cities in America. The negative consequence of such rapid growth is multifarious psychological problems, among them being:
1.Stressful change of residence and adjustment to a new environment 2.Anxiety about job market competition or change in career 3.Depression out of cultural adjustment or social isolation 4.Substance abuse issues due to the entertaining and nightlife scene of the city
Counseling services in Phoenix provide a safety net for long-time residents and fresh arrivals who need assistance with these and many more forms of mental health concerns.
Cultural Competence in A Diverse Community
The counseling services in Phoenix are sensitive to the population with varied dimensions. Many of the counselors within the vicinity are trained in order to understand the particular difficulties that different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups face, hence providing them with culturally competent care. In essence, this strategy is set to establish trust within the community and provide good treatment for them.
Combating the Stigma of Mental Health
The progress does little to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. Among the leaders to try and make the services of taking care of one's mental health more accessible are Phoenix counseling services. The professionals offer education, outreach programs, and accessible services that help eliminate barriers for patients so they can seek care without shame or fear.
Preventative Treatments and Interventions
Counseling does not only treat reactions to crises. The majority of the services in Phoenix are about early intervention and preventative treatments. These services are crucial in ensuring community wellbeing and preventing the onset of more debilitating mental health issues because these services treat difficulties while they are still manageable.
Assisting Children and Families
Given that a large percentage of the Phoenix population constitutes young families, pediatric, teen, and parent counseling services are especially helpful. These programs help address issues with family dynamics, the mental health of the youth, academic pressures, and developmental concerns. Such counseling services ensure that the future of the community is secure in terms of mental health by not neglecting the young population.
Coping with Environmental Elements
Phoenix is known for its extremely hot weather and very long summers. All these factors make the residents feel low mentally. The counseling services help the residents cope with seasonal affective disorder, the stress caused by extreme weather conditions, and the changed lifestyles imposed by living in the desert. Such programs include practices that can be put to use by an individual in order to maintain their mental health despite bad conditions.
Integration with Overall Healthcare
Given that physical health is related to mental health, most of the counseling services in Phoenix liaise with other health professionals. This approach brings forth better outcomes in the patient's general health.
Economic Impact
Counseling services are vital for more than just reasons dealing with one's own health. The overall quality of life is enhanced, treatment saves healthcare, business productivity will increase, absenteeism will be reduced, and this will make the society of Phoenix a better place to live and work with positive mental health.
The services of Counseling in Tempe AZ, are not only vital; they are essential. They are the backbone of a resilient and vibrant community; they provide critical support for the health of individuals and families and improve the overall health and quality of life for the entire city. Programs that prevent mental illnesses and promote mental health cannot be overemphasized as Phoenix continues to grow and evolve. If you're struggling, just know that help is out there, and it takes more guts than it does weakness to ask for assistance, no matter how much time you've spent in the Valley of the Sun.
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misbalewadi · 24 days
Unlocking Your Educational Potential: Direct Admissions Explained
In the competitive realm of higher education, unlocking your full potential requires strategic guidance and support. At EduHQ, we understand the complexities of the admissions process and are dedicated to helping students navigate their way to success. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative power of direct admissions and how our counseling services at EduHQ can assist students in accessing top-tier institutions while maximizing their educational opportunities.
The Advantage of Direct Admissions Direct admissions offer students a streamlined pathway to prestigious colleges and universities, bypassing traditional hurdles and emphasizing holistic achievement. By considering factors beyond test scores and GPA, direct admissions programs identify talented individuals who demonstrate exceptional promise and potential for success. At EduHQ, we recognize the significance of direct admissions in unlocking opportunities for our students and provide tailored support throughout the process.
Our Counseling Services: Empowering Your Journey
Personalized Guidance At EduHQ, we understand that every student is unique, with their own set of strengths, interests, and aspirations. Our team of experienced counselors provides personalized guidance and support, helping students identify their academic and personal goals and navigate the direct admissions process with confidence.
Strategic Planning Navigating the direct admissions process requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. Our counselors work closely with students to develop comprehensive application strategies, highlighting their strengths and achievements in a way that resonates with admissions officers. From selecting the right colleges to crafting compelling application materials, we provide the tools and resources students need to present themselves effectively and stand out from the crowd.
Skill Development Success in the direct admissions process goes beyond academic achievements—it requires a range of skills and competencies, from effective communication to leadership and teamwork. Our counseling services focus on developing these essential skills, equipping students with the confidence and resilience needed to thrive in a competitive academic environment.
Mentorship and Support At EduHQ, we believe in the power of mentorship and support. Our counselors serve as mentors and advocates for students, providing encouragement, guidance, and reassurance throughout their educational journey. Whether it's addressing concerns, providing constructive feedback, or celebrating achievements, we are committed to supporting our students every step of the way. How We Can Help You Navigate Direct Admissions
Comprehensive Assessment Our counseling services begin with a comprehensive assessment of each student's academic record, extracurricular involvement, personal achievements, and aspirations. Through in-depth discussions and evaluations, we gain a holistic understanding of each student's unique strengths and opportunities for growth.
Targeted School Selection With a deep understanding of our students' aspirations and preferences, we assist in identifying colleges and universities that offer direct admissions programs aligned with their academic and personal goals. Our counselors provide insights into each institution's admissions criteria, culture, and programs, helping students make informed decisions about where to apply.
Application Preparation Crafting a compelling application requires careful planning and attention to detail. Our counselors work closely with students to develop strong personal statements, resumes, and supplemental materials that showcase their unique talents, experiences, and achievements. We provide guidance on essay topics, structure, and tone, ensuring that each application reflects the student's authentic voice and aspirations.
Interview Preparation Preparing for admissions interviews can be daunting, but with our support, students can approach these opportunities with confidence and poise. Our counselors offer mock interviews, feedback, and coaching to help students articulate their goals, experiences, and aspirations effectively. Through practice and preparation, students can present themselves authentically and make a positive impression on admissions committees. Conclusion: Unlocking Your Potential with EduHQ Direct admissions represent a transformative opportunity for students to access top-tier institutions and unlock their full educational potential. At EduHQ, we are committed to helping students navigate the complexities of the admissions process with confidence and clarity. Through personalized guidance, strategic planning, skill development, mentorship, and support, we empower students to maximize their opportunities for success and achieve their academic and personal goals. Contact us today to learn more about how EduHQ can support you on your journey to success.
For more Information click here for our Website: - https://eduhq.in/deemed-universities-for-mbbs/
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coretactic · 1 month
DeafEd Dynamics: Revolutionizing Deaf Education
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In the evolving landscape of educational methodologies, DeafEd Dynamics LLC emerges as a groundbreaking initiative, reshaping the way deaf education is approached and delivered found by Dr. Steven Farmer. This transformative movement not only challenges traditional paradigms but also introduces a suite of innovative strategies tailored to enhance the learning experiences of deaf students. By integrating cutting-edge technology and embracing a holistic approach, DeafEd Dynamics aims to empower these students, ensuring they receive a robust, inclusive education that prepares them for a successful future. About Steven E. Farmer, Ed.D. DeafEd Dynamics is owned by Dr. Steve Farmer, a Deaf professional who brings a deep understanding and unique perspective to the fields of Deaf Education and deafness. Our Deaf Education and Culture Workshops are highly beneficial to organizations unfamiliar with deafness and the specific needs of Deaf individuals. Dr. Farmer is an excellent public speaker with an impressive range of credentials, including: Over 30 Years of Experience in the Deaf Education Field (Ranging from Classroom Teaching to CEO of a Multi-Site Organization Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children) Bachelor’s Degree in Deaf Education Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies DeafEd Dynamics: Pioneering New Paths DeafEd Dynamics is at the forefront of revolutionizing deaf education by dismantling outdated methods and advocating for progressive, evidence-based teaching strategies. This initiative recognizes the unique needs of deaf learners and emphasizes the importance of a tailored educational framework. By fostering an environment that prioritizes accessibility, DeafEd Dynamics ensures that deaf students are not just accommodated but actively engaged in their learning process. The approach is a radical shift from the one-size-fits-all mentality, highlighting the necessity for systems that adapt to individual learning styles and preferences. Central to the philosophy of DeafEd Dynamics is the integration of deaf culture within the curriculum. This inclusion fosters a deeper sense of identity and community among students, which is crucial for their social and emotional development. Educators are encouraged to incorporate sign language, not only as a communication tool but as a vital component of the educational content. This promotes a bilingual approach where both sign language and the predominant spoken/written language are used fluidly, enhancing cognitive flexibility and linguistic competence in deaf students. Moreover, DeafEd Dynamics advocates for the active involvement of the deaf community in the educational process. By engaging deaf professionals, including teachers, counselors, and role models within the school environment, students gain exposure to successful individuals who share similar experiences and challenges. This mentorship is invaluable as it not only inspires students but also provides them with tangible pathways to personal and professional success, reinforcing the belief that their potential is limitless. Innovative Strategies in Deaf Education Innovation in deaf education, as propelled by DeafEd Dynamics, is marked by the adoption of advanced technological tools that enhance communication and learning. Interactive platforms that utilize AI to translate spoken language to sign language in real-time are just one example of how technology is being leveraged to bridge communication gaps. Additionally, virtual reality (VR) applications provide immersive experiences that can significantly improve the learning of complex concepts through visual and sensory engagement, tailored specifically for deaf learners. Another significant stride in the innovative strategies introduced by DeafEd Dynamics is the personalized learning plans. These plans are meticulously crafted with a focus on the strengths and interests of each student, promoting a more engaging and effective educational experience. Adaptive learning technologies are employed to monitor progress and adjust the curriculum dynamically, ensuring that each student can learn at their own pace and according to their own unique learning style. This adaptive approach not only supports academic growth but also builds confidence among students as they see their own progress reflected in real-time. Furthermore, DeafEd Dynamics emphasizes the importance of collaborative learning environments where deaf and hearing students can coexist and interact. This inclusive setting not only demystifies disabilities among hearing peers but also promotes a culture of diversity and mutual respect. Such environments are enriched with communication tools and practices that ensure everyone, regardless of their hearing ability, can contribute equally and learn collaboratively. These practices extend beyond the classroom, aiming to prepare all students for a diverse society where inclusivity is the norm. DeafEd Dynamics is not just transforming deaf education; it is setting a new standard for how educational systems can and should adapt to meet the needs of all students. Through pioneering new paths and implementing innovative strategies, this initiative ensures that deaf students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in an ever-changing world. As we witness these advancements unfold, the promise of a more inclusive and effective educational landscape becomes increasingly tangible, offering a beacon of hope and a model for future educational reforms in various contexts. Learn more about DeafEd Dynamics at our UPCOMING Free Webinar on August 21st from 12-1pm EST - Click Here to register Read the full article
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Let’s handle this professionally!
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*places a laptop in front of Nagito* Okay Nagito, I will be asking a few simple questions and I want you to answer honestly, alright?
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Okay then, show me the first image...
*Nagi clicks on a button*
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NAGI: Now you do you recognize this place?
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Ah that's simply, that's Hope's Peak Academy; a school for the gifted and talented, a lot of people want to attend there and I just got quite lucky!
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I mean really, attending such a place is a dream come true and I couldn't feel more honor for being chosen among the elite, can you believe it and I get to be among the beacons of hope as well!
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Hm, I take it that you quite like this school... don't you?
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Well you can't blame me, it's a symbol of hope so I guess I really do admire that place as I did get in by pure luck, never thought that be useful for me at all.
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That's fine, I can tell - anyway next question...
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NAGI: What about these 2…?
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I... don't recognize the first one, sorry...
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But I do recongize Usami, she claimed to be our teacher for the school trip, she seems quite cute if you ask me!
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Okay good to hear that, now onto the next question; what about these 2?
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Oh yeah, I do remember seeing them on the forums when I was checking out my future classmates!
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The girl is named Hatomi Sato, she is the Ultimate Archer and is quite gifted; people known her for her Japanese-Korean heritage and is extremely gifted and is even quite famous culturally too!
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While the boy is Yukio Miyahira, he's the Ultimate Counselor and is known for being able to help find future careers for his whole school and host sessions for those that are struggling with their talents.
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But I did remember there was another mention on there but I didn't see her...how odd...
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Oh you remember another person?
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Yeah, her name was Charlotte Taylor, she was suppose to attend as the Ultimate Cyclist but I didn't see her; she's quite the famous icon in the cycling world and competed in various competitions ever since she rode a bike.
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While there are 2 others that I'm not sure on but I'm sure Hope's Peak Academy must of scouted them...
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Right... Well, let's continue on, shall we?
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NAGI: Aside from yourself, can you remember these people…?
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Oh that's easy; Sonia Nevermind, Ibuki Mioda, Byakuya Togami, Gundham Tanaka, Chiaki Nanami, Kazuichi Souda, Mahiru Koizumi, Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu, Mikan Tsumiki, Akane Owari, Hiyoko Saionji, Teruteru Hanamura, Peko Pekoyama and Nekomaru Nidai.
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Many symbols of hope pick by Hope's Peak Academy and I feel honor being among them and getting to know them too!
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I can tell you seem happy to become friends with them...
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Well seems you do remember quite a bit, I'll go get the others so sit here for a moment.
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Alright, thank you.
*After that Nagi left the room*
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Hmm... I still wonder what happen to Hatomi, Yukio and Charlotte; I know they were suppose to attend and there are 2 that are taking their place...how curious...
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collegedunias · 2 months
Unlocking Your Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Success at JSS Academy of Technical Education
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Are you ready to take the next step in your educational journey? Look no further than the JSS Academy of Technical Education. This prestigious institution offers a unique blend of academic excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant campus life that prepares students for success in today’s competitive world.
Why Choose JSS Academy of Technical Education?
Choosing the right college is a crucial decision that can shape your future. Here are some compelling reasons to consider the JSS Academy of Technical Education:
Academic Excellence: JSS Academy provides a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs. Whether you are interested in engineering, management, or computer applications, the academy offers top-notch education delivered by highly qualified faculty.
Advanced Facilities: The campus is equipped with modern laboratories, libraries, and research centers that encourage innovative thinking and practical learning. The JSS Academy of Technical Education continuously upgrades its facilities to keep pace with technological advancements.
Global Exposure: JSS Academy has collaborations with several top universities worldwide, offering students opportunities for exchange programs and internships. This global exposure enhances your learning experience and broadens your horizons.
Dynamic Campus Life: Beyond academics, JSS Academy offers a rich tapestry of extracurricular activities, from sports to cultural events, ensuring a well-rounded development. The campus is a melting pot of cultures, fostering an inclusive and dynamic community.
Courses and Specializations
The JSS Academy of Technical Education offers a diverse array of courses tailored to meet the demands of today’s job market. Here’s a look at some popular programs:
Engineering: JSS Academy is renowned for its engineering programs, offering specializations in Computer Science, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, and Civil Engineering. The curriculum is designed to provide a strong theoretical foundation along with practical skills.
Management: The MBA program at JSS Academy prepares students for leadership roles in the business world. With a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and strategic thinking, graduates are equipped to tackle the challenges of the corporate world.
Computer Applications: The MCA program is designed to produce competent IT professionals. The courses emphasize software development, database management, and network security, ensuring students are job-ready upon graduation.
Student Support and Services
One of the hallmarks of the JSS Academy of Technical Education is its commitment to student success. The academy offers numerous support services to help you navigate your academic journey:
Career Services: From resume writing workshops to campus recruitment drives, JSS Academy’s career services team provides the guidance and resources you need to secure your dream job.
Academic Advising: Personalized academic advising helps you select the right courses, manage your workload, and achieve your educational goals.
Counseling Services: Mental health is a priority at JSS Academy. Professional counselors are available to support students through any personal or academic challenges they may face.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: JSS Academy offers a range of scholarships based on merit and need. Financial aid offices assist in managing tuition fees, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder your education.
Success Stories
Alumni of the JSS Academy of Technical Education have gone on to achieve great success in various fields. From CEOs of major corporations to pioneering researchers, JSS Academy graduates are making a significant impact globally. The strong alumni network also provides current students with mentorship opportunities and industry connections.
How to Apply
Applying to the JSS Academy of Technical Education is straightforward. Prospective students can fill out the online application form available on the official website. Make sure to check the admission requirements and deadlines for your desired program. The admissions team is always available to assist with any queries you may have.
Tips for Prospective Students
Research Your Program: Understand the curriculum and specializations offered. This will help you choose a program that aligns with your career goals.
Visit the Campus: If possible, visit the JSS Academy of Technical Education to get a feel of the campus environment and facilities.
Engage with Alumni: Reach out to alumni to learn about their experiences and gather insights about the academy.
Prepare for Entrance Exams: Many programs require entrance exams. Start preparing early to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
Final Thoughts
Your education is the foundation of your future. Choosing the JSS Academy of Technical Education means investing in an institution that values innovation, excellence, and holistic development. With world-class facilities, a diverse range of programs, and a supportive community, JSS Academy is the ideal place to unlock your potential.
Embark on your educational journey with the JSS Academy of Technical Education and watch your dreams take flight!
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imformationusa · 2 months
Trends in Relationship Counseling: What New Yorkers Need to Know
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In the ever-evolving landscape of relationship counseling, the needs and preferences of clients in New York City are shaping the future of therapeutic practices. As the city's dynamic and diverse population faces unique relationship challenges, counselors are adapting to meet these demands with innovative approaches and trends. This comprehensive article explores the latest trends in Relationship Counseling Nyc and what New Yorkers need to know to make informed decisions about seeking help.
The Evolving Landscape of Relationship Counseling
Relationship counseling NYC has undergone significant transformations over the years, reflecting broader societal changes and advances in therapeutic techniques. These shifts are particularly pronounced in a vibrant and fast-paced city like New York, where the interplay of cultural diversity, technology, and shifting social norms influences relationship dynamics.
Current Trends in Relationship Counseling
1. Emphasis on Digital Therapy
Overview: The rise of digital technology has revolutionized the way counseling services are delivered. Online therapy, teletherapy, and mobile counseling apps have become increasingly popular, offering flexibility and accessibility for clients.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Accessibility: Digital therapy provides access to relationship counseling NYC services without the need for commuting, which is particularly beneficial in a city known for its traffic and busy schedules. Flexibility: Online sessions can be scheduled at convenient times, making it easier for busy professionals to fit therapy into their routines. Privacy: Virtual counseling allows for a degree of anonymity and privacy, which can be comforting for some clients. Example: Better Together Counseling offers online therapy options, allowing New Yorkers to access high-quality relationship counseling from the comfort of their homes. For more information or to schedule an online session, visit Better Together Counseling.
2. Integration of Technology and Therapy Overview: Technology is increasingly integrated into therapeutic practices to enhance the counseling experience. Tools such as therapeutic apps, digital mood trackers, and virtual reality exercises are being used to support traditional therapy methods.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Therapeutic Apps: These apps can provide additional support between sessions, offering exercises and tools to help clients manage their relationship challenges.
Digital Mood Trackers: Track emotions and progress over time, providing valuable data for therapists to tailor their approaches. Virtual Reality: Some therapists use VR to simulate relationship scenarios and practice communication skills in a controlled environment.
Example: Therapy apps and tools recommended by counselors at Better Together Counseling can complement traditional sessions, providing clients with additional resources for managing relationship issues.
3. Focus on Diversity and Inclusivity Overview: Modern relationship counseling NYC emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing diverse relationship needs. This includes cultural, racial, and sexual orientation diversity, as well as recognizing the unique challenges faced by different communities.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Cultural Sensitivity: Therapists are increasingly trained to be culturally competent, understanding the nuances of different backgrounds and experiences.
Inclusive Practices: Counseling services are incorporating inclusive practices to ensure that all clients feel respected and understood, regardless of their identity or relationship structure.
Example: Better Together Counseling prides itself on providing culturally sensitive and inclusive therapy, catering to the diverse population of New York City. Their therapists are trained to handle a wide range of issues with respect and understanding.
4. Incorporation of Mindfulness and Wellness Practices Overview: Mindfulness and wellness practices are being integrated into relationship counseling to promote emotional well-being and stress reduction. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and stress management strategies are becoming common components of therapy.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Mindfulness Techniques: Help clients stay present and manage stress, which can improve relationship interactions and communication. Wellness Integration: Incorporates holistic approaches to enhance overall well-being, including physical, emotional, and mental health. Example: Many NYC counselors, including those at Better Together Counseling, incorporate mindfulness practices into their sessions to help clients manage stress and improve their relationship dynamics.
5. Emphasis on Preventative Therapy Overview: Preventative therapy focuses on addressing potential issues before they escalate into significant problems. This proactive approach is gaining traction as couples seek to strengthen their relationships and build resilience.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Early Intervention: Couples are encouraged to seek therapy before issues become severe, fostering a more proactive approach to relationship health.
Building Resilience: Preventative therapy helps couples develop skills and strategies to handle future challenges more effectively. Example: Better Together Counseling offers preventative therapy options, helping couples build strong foundations and address minor issues before they become major problems.
6. Focus on Personalized and Tailored Approaches Overview: Modern counseling emphasizes personalized approaches that cater to the unique needs and circumstances of each couple. This trend reflects a move away from one-size-fits-all solutions toward more customized therapeutic plans.
What New Yorkers Need to Know:
Individualized Plans: Therapists develop customized plans based on each couple’s specific issues, goals, and dynamics.
Flexible Techniques: Approaches are adapted to fit the unique needs of each client, ensuring more effective and relevant interventions.
Example: At Better Together Counseling, therapists create personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each couple, ensuring that therapy is relevant and effective.
How to Choose the Right Counseling Service Given the diverse trends and options available, selecting the right counseling service can be a crucial decision. Here are some tips for choosing a service that aligns with your needs:
1. Assess Your Needs and Goals Identify Issues: Reflect on the specific challenges you and your partner are facing. Define Goals: Determine what you hope to achieve through therapy, such as improved communication or enhanced intimacy.
2. Research Providers Check Qualifications: Ensure that therapists are licensed and have experience in relationship counseling. Explore Specializations: Look for providers who specialize in the issues you want to address, whether it’s communication problems, trust issues, or other concerns.
3. Consider Practical Aspects Location and Accessibility: Choose a provider that is conveniently located or offers online therapy options. Cost and Insurance: Verify the costs and whether the service is covered by insurance or offers a sliding scale.
4. Read Reviews and Testimonials Client Feedback: Look for reviews and testimonials from other clients to gauge the effectiveness and approach of the counseling service.
5. Evaluate Therapeutic Approaches Methodologies: Consider the therapeutic approaches used by potential providers and whether they align with your preferences and needs.
Top Relationship Counseling NYC services Here are some highly recommended counseling services in New York City that incorporate the latest trends in therapy:
Better Together Counseling is known for its personalized approach and commitment to addressing diverse relationship needs. Key features include:
Online and In-Person Therapy: Offering both digital and traditional counseling options. Inclusive Practices: Providing culturally sensitive and inclusive therapy. Holistic Approaches: Incorporating mindfulness and wellness practices into therapy. 2. The Center for Healthy Relationships
The Center for Healthy Relationships focuses on holistic and preventative therapy approaches. Highlights include:
Diverse Therapy Options: Including individual, couples, and family therapy. Preventative Focus: Emphasizing early intervention and resilience-building. 3. New York Therapy Placement Services
New York Therapy Placement Services offers flexible scheduling and a variety of therapeutic styles. Features include:
Flexible Options: Accommodating diverse schedules and preferences. Varied Approaches: A team with expertise in different therapeutic methodologies.
4. Couples Therapy Associates
Couples Therapy Associates is known for its evidence-based methods and supportive environment. Highlights include:
Evidence-Based Techniques: Using proven methods for relationship improvement. Supportive Atmosphere: Creating a comfortable space for couples to explore their issues.
5. Thrive Counseling Services
Thrive Counseling Services offers comprehensive counseling options with a focus on practical solutions. Features include:
Integrative Techniques: Combining modern therapeutic methods with holistic approaches. Actionable Strategies: Providing couples with practical tools for relationship enhancement.
As relationship counseling continues to evolve, New Yorkers have access to a range of innovative and effective therapeutic options. From digital therapy and mindfulness practices to a focus on diversity and personalized approaches, the landscape of relationship counseling is rich with opportunities for growth and improvement. By understanding these trends and choosing a counseling service that aligns with their needs, couples can enhance their relationships and navigate challenges with confidence.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your relationship. For more information or to schedule a session, contact Better Together Counseling at (646) 653-0297 or visit their website at Better Together Counseling. Embrace the benefits of modern relationship counseling and take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling partnership today.
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