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Patience is the bridge that connects difficulties with wisdom, allowing us to cross with grace and emerge stronger on the other side
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"Recognizing the vastness of knowledge marks the commencement of truly living and learning."
Jitesh Gadhia | NLP Master Practitioner | Life & Business Coach | Outcome Mastery Coach | Motivational Speaker | Direct Selling trainer | Corporate trainer
#JiteshGadhia #MotivationalSpeaker #OutcomeMasteryCoach #NLPMasterPractitioner #KnowledgeIsPower #LifeLongLearning #WisdomJourney #ExpandYourMind #ContinuousDiscovery #EmbraceCuriosity #UnlockPotential #GrowthMindset #NeverStopLearning #ExploreWisdom #MindfulLiving #InfinitePossibilities #EnrichYourMind #EducateYourself #DiscoverLife #KnowledgeUnleashed #EternalLearner #IntellectualExploration #WiseChoices #EmpowerYourself #LearnToThrive #IgniteCuriosity #UnlimitedPotential #CultivateWisdom #MindfulGrowth
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This Is why we practice and this is what it leads to. To practice this to know the mind to know the mind is just begin to inclined towards that which is wholesome this intern frees the mind. The freed mind is PR. It cuts through delusion, abandons greed, send doesn’t engage in hatred. #Mindfulness #FreedomMind #WeissHeart #CultivateWisdom #buddhadharmasangha #wbmindfulness #rickhansonphd https://www.instagram.com/p/BuINsWSHddm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=192ifayniq9wd
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My Statement:. I talk a lot.
I am an Artist. What? No? yes! Multidisciplinary. Multilingual.
This is a character I've been writing and working with since 1998. I've put his story into a script that I also started way back then....it's a very personal story to me so I hope it becomes well received. https://fullarmour.carrd.co/#
What is this Piece?
For now here's some very rough sketches of Li WeiLian aka Nathaniel Leonard Christopher.
What nature does this put me in the mind of?
To be honest, not much. Dead leaves maybe. But i love fall so dead leaves are ok with me.
What do the Colourways mean to me?
I kinda like beige…when it’s closer to a gold. I have a whole artbook i’m crafting on Patreon that’s gonna be beige.
What did this piece inspire?
His main outfit. And the pony tails ofcourse.
What inspired it? - is there a Vid?
Lots of hanfu. I’m a fool for traditional clothing I even have a few Hanfu. And i knew he was a bit of a traditionalist to start with anyhoww when i came up with him. So that’s why he wears what all he wears.

Memory of an event pertaining to the Piece? - is there a Vid?
It was lockdown. The beginning of it. 2020 was a stalling year for me. I was just getting up the nerve to put myself on dating apps, loosing weight, doing my dance and yoga again, restarting corsetry...

Anything Funny pertaining to the piece - is there a Vid?
Out side of some wyyrd crotch action..no.
Do you have a Memory of a lesson or mistake surrounding or pertaining to the Piece? Any Philosophical insight? - is there a Vid?
Looking back on this piece. I should have done these in art school. But that place was the most DEPRESSING school to be in. I’m shocked we made it out AT ALL. but either way. If i knew then. One i would not have gone and two i would have done more fashion sketches. Richmond in 2020 was seeing racial riots like many of our US cities.
Is there a Musical thought surrounding this Piece? - is there a Vid?
I think i was listening ot Demonhunter or the IceFantasy soundtrack…not sure long time ago.
Statement for posterity, a note to the 3 Thunders, and well wish to the piece
I hope these fashions make it to the screen…or even on one of my future son’s bodies. :) that’s make mom proud.
Hashtags and links to purchase?
I’m not selling this actually. But it’s up on Patreon.com/studionini to help explain out all the characters.
You all take care of yourselves…these days on Earth are trying. Mind your words and the words of others. Be kind and tough. Persevere and remember humility.
#HUMANARTY my fledgling initiative for Artists of all Disciplines to support our OWN COMMUNITY “buy Human Made Art”
https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/index.html The Glaze Project!
Disclaimer Bits:
I draw, write, paint, and produce my own everything, so hyshh!
I use Adobe almost exclusively.
Yes, I am VERY for hire! studio.nini.official@gmail.com
#patreonartist #instaartist #blackfemaleartist #thefullarmourproject
-Stop Exploiting our creative industries! Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Regulate AI or shut it down! Stop the Violations to the public! Stop the damage to our creative platforms! Stop the damage to humanity! #SupportHumanArtists #TeamHuman #RegulateAI #humanmade
-Humans come in all colours, shapes, and sizes…lay off others just because they don’t look, talk or act like you. If you shut up, maybe you will learn something useful from someone else. #humanrights #stopasianhate #blackandasiansolidarity #blacklivesmatter #loveisamovement
-Take yourself out. By your own flowers. Pat yourself on the back. Talk healthily to yourself.
#speakyourselfloveyourself #trustyourself #cultivatewisdom #godmadenomistakes #youwerebornonpurpose
-I put feet to my faith, bro…
#creatorevidencedbyourcreativity #winnersfocusonwinning
—-------------on the other tentacle—----------------
Krakens of the World, Untie!
0 notes

Simple. I hate AI’s THIEVING systems..
This is the stamp you’ll see on EVERY piece of mine.
I love pulp paper…used to make it. Gonna go back to it for the BOARD GAME. yes i have a board game, several actually.
Colour won’t mean much as this is just a stamp.
Of recent AI has made i8t damn near impossible to plan for my future so i’m going the other way.
This has inspired the phrase “craft-beer art experience”...if you want REAL HUMAN ART….come find me.
Simply inspired by the HATE and VITRIOL spewed to us CREATIVES by the tech industry and AI-bros. Burn…Burn to Ash…all who wanted to see our demise.
No real memory to note because if i had known this day would come for us…i’d have never listen to naysayers when i was 16
Not really a funny thought at the moment
Again 16…woulda dug in deep for my dreams…so much fluff and just simple inability to help me toward my goals then…like…wtf…SOMEBODY know SOMETHING and know that I'm floundering…shit…i hate knowing what i lacked around me now looking aback.
Still shoulda listened to those fairy tales..the REAL ONES..
Still listening to Jimin….this is gonna be a while.
Thunders Three? Y’all better know this was not easy. This sewing my past and present together…this getting wealthy in every area of my life just so you can speak the languages you know comfortably…..this was not an easy young adulthood for me.
You all take care of yourselves…these days on Earth are trying. Mind your words and the words of others. Be kind and tough. Persevere and remember humility.
------------------------------Disclaimer Bits---------------------------------------------------
#HUMANARTY my fledgling initiative for Artists of all Disciplines to support our OWN COMMUNITY “buy Human Made Art”
https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/index.html The Glaze Project!
I draw, write, paint, and produce my own everything, so hyshh!
I use Adobe almost exclusively.
Yes, I am VERY for hire! studio.nini.official@gmail.com
#patreonartist #instaartist #blackfemaleartist #thefullarmourproject
-Stop Exploiting our creative industries! Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Regulate AI or shut it down! Stop the Violations to the public! Stop the damage to our creative platforms! Stop the damage to humanity! #SupportHumanArtists #TeamHuman #RegulateAI #humanmade
-Humans come in all colours, shapes, and sizes…lay off others just because they don’t look, talk or act like you. If you shut up, maybe you will learn something useful from someone else. #humanrights #stopasianhate #blackandasiansolidarity #blacklivesmatter #loveisamovement
-Take yourself out. By your own flowers. Pat yourself on the back. Talk healthily to yourself.
#speakyourselfloveyourself #trustyourself #cultivatewisdom #godmadenomistakes #youwerebornonpurpose
-I put feet to my faith, bro…
#creatorevidencedbyourcreativity #winnersfocusonwinning
—-------------on the other tentacle—----------------
Krakens of the World, Untie!
0 notes

Woke up needing something, so i’m posting something instead.
Here’s #Jimin of #BTS if you hadn’t guessed. Billboard top 100 #1 for Like Crazy and the man who i happen to be listening to now as i type this post. Ha.
Flowers are a thing he’s heavily associated with. That and the moon. So i think this piece makes me think of an old Victorian house…a veranda possibly overlooking a rolling backyard full of flowering trees and bushes.
The beiges of this piece speak to my mood for 2023 i think. I’m waiting for something so i think beige is the colour of waiting…what sitting alone in a couch feels like.
14 years is a long time to wait for an answer to something but i’m hoping that it doesn't become 15 yrs. Sheesh. Depressing thought.
This piece inspired me to do another of Jimin i’ll be uploading soon. He has a tendency to inspire artists then REinspire them once they’ve completed a work. Way to go, guy.
This one was inspired by something he asked #ARMY for. So as a good #PurpleBlood, i obliged.
This piece reminds me of the last week i was in Japan. I wish i was back in Asia, really, but i’m in the US now so here i will be for a while.
The rose thorns on his neck had me cracking up…cuz so many ppl didn’t know what that was on his neck in the photos. I immediately knew, mainly cuz he’s a walking flower anyway but also because i ‘ve draw rose thorns (prickles) before. It was nice concept i thought.
I recently played a game called bramble and it reminded me of a time when i, myself, was caught amongst the thorns. I don’t learn significant lessons very well unless they HURT deeply. I should have taken heed when i was caught in thorns as a child that ppls words can also be like thorns. Luring you in with pretty phrases but all the while twisting and turning around you until you are unable to leave without getting torn apart. That is the lesson of my life kids.
Childrens fairy tales are important to learn from.
I’m listening to #FACE-OFF by #ChimChim (that’s one of the many nicknames ARMYs call Jimin)...it’s evident he was, too, caught in the brambles at one point. I feel for him.
In my posts from now on I’ll be addressing 3 souls none of you know. I call them My Three Thunders. When I was in the 5th grade I decided I wanted three children. Two boys and a girl. I do not have said children now. I hope by some miracle i do someday, but for now…i’m using the internet as somewhat of an open letter to them. “Hey, kids, mom was a hack artist” HAAA…noooo. Ppl use the internet for many things…i’ll use it for prophecy. : wink :
You all take care of yourselves…these days on Earth are trying. Mind your words and the words of others. Be kind and tough. Persevere and remember humility.
#HUMANARTY my fledgling initiative for Artists of all Disciplines to support our OWN COMMUNITY “buy Human Made Art”
https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/index.html The Glaze Project!
Disclaimer Bits:
I draw, write, paint, and produce my own everything, so hyshh!
I use Adobe almost exclusively.
Yes, I am VERY for hire! studio.nini.official@gmail.com
#patreonartist #instaartist #blackfemaleartist #thefullarmourproject
-Stop Exploiting our creative industries! Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Regulate AI or shut it down! Stop the Violations to the public! Stop the damage to our creative platforms! Stop the damage to humanity! #SupportHumanArtists #TeamHuman #RegulateAI
-Humans come in all colours, shapes, and sizes…lay off others just because they don’t look, talk or act like you. If you shut up, maybe you will learn something useful from someone else. #humanrights #stopasianhate #blackandasiansolidarity #blacklivesmatter #loveisamovement
-Take yourself out. By your own flowers. Pat yourself on the back. Talk healthily to yourself.
#speakyourselfloveyourself #trustyourself #cultivatewisdom #godmadenomistakes #youwerebornonpurpose
-I put feet to my faith, bro…
#creatorevidencedbyourcreativity #winnersfocusonwinning
—-------------on the other tentacle—----------------
Krakens of the World, Untie!
0 notes