#Cucumis melo
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goodrichthyseskdalensis · 6 days ago
Just watered the Rockmelons
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barcelonavegana · 2 years ago
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Imagen: rawpixel
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klaser24 · 4 months ago
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(via 2002 Bułgaria Mi 4559 CTO (k49) - Klaser24.pl znaczki pocztowe filatelistyka)
Znaczek pocztowy: Melon zwyczajny (Cucumis melo)
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dashydesu · 1 year ago
cucumis melo - Cover
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hellsitegenetics · 11 months ago
String identified: t t ’ ggg at tg tat 5 ca at
Closest match: Cucumis melo isolate PI 511890 chromosome 9 Common name: Cantaloupe
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not now sweetie mommy’s blogging about something that 5 people care about
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peacemore-springs · 7 days ago
From Melons To a Toad
the one and only Poets Post today reads as follows....
Melons are any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae. They have sweet, edible, and fleshy fruit. Melons can also specifically refer to Cucumis melos, commonly known as "true melons" or simply "melons". The term "melons" can apply to both the plant and its fruit. Botanically, melons are a kind of berry, specifically a "pepo".
The word itself derives from Latin melopepos (a kind of round melons), which is the Latinization of the Greek μηλοπέπων, meaning "melons", itself a compound of μῆλον, "apples", treefruits" and πέπων, amongst others "kinds of gourds or melons". Many different cultivars have been produced, particularly of the true melons, such as the cantaloupe and honeydew.
So, in answer to the question.... 'Do melons hail from Spain'? The answer is an unequivocal no.
Melons though have had quite a journey! They originally come from Africa and southwest Asia. They were cultivated in these regions thousands of years ago and then spread to other parts of the world, including Spain, through trade and exploration. Spain eventually became one of the key players in the cultivation of melons, particularly known for varieties like the Piel de Sapo.
"Piel de Sapo" translates to "toad skin" in English.
I suppose your wondering if there is even anything funny about melons? Here's a melons joke: Q) Why did the melon jump into the lake? A) It wanted to be a watermelon!
Here's an image of the Ashculm Turbary of Devonshire anyway.
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selinas-collections · 13 days ago
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fiverr0fjg · 21 days ago
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Wholesale 50 Seeds Jumbo Cantaloupe Seeds - Muskmelon seeds - Hales - Rock Spring Cantaloupe melon Seeds - Honeyrock Sweet Melon Fruit Seed - Spanspek Tuscan - Honey Rock Melon seeds - Heirloom Non-GMO
Jumbo Cantaloupe Seeds - Muskmelon seeds - Hales - Rock Spring Cantaloupe melon Seeds - Honeyrock Sweet Melon Fruit Seed - Spanspek Tuscan - Honey Rock Melon seeds - Heirloom Non-GMO. Cucumis melo Life Cycle: Annual Light Requirement: Full Sun Planting Season: Warm Season Plant Type: Vining Features: Heirloom Fruit Size: 3-6 lbs Days to Maturity: 85 Days Plant Spacing: 2-3 feet Planting Depth: 1 inch Sowing Method: Start Indoors, Direct Sow Hardiness Zones: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Cantaloupe seeds are middle-sized seeds found inside the fleshy sweet fruit Cantaloupe. The cantaloupe is a type of true melon with sweet, aromatic, and usually orange flesh. Originally, cantaloupe refers to the true cantaloupe or European cantaloupe with non- to slightly netted and often ribbed rind. Today, it also refers to the muskmelon with strongly netted rind, which is called cantaloupe in North America, rockmelon in Australia. Cantaloupes range in mass from 0.5 to 5 kilograms.
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fishonthetree · 3 months ago
they had Cucumis (melo L. var.).
also since then, I found this blog post by an actual archeologist with more images, and explanation, and sources, for those who aren't weirdly obsessive about their everything oblong is a dick ideas:
fish out.
I know this happens and it looks suspicious but
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this image? we have every reason to think it is a cucumber, like it was made in clay models in burials period, it's painted green, it's on the small side of things (9.6 cm or 3 3/4 inch)
oh right and it was placed on a model offering table with small model bread and drinking cup
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sometimes a cucumber really is a cucumber.
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wikiesoterica · 1 month ago
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goodrichthyseskdalensis · 8 days ago
I'm gonna go and water the Rockmelons
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barcelonavegana · 2 years ago
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Melones Cantalupo
Imagen: rawpixel
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mahezatania · 2 months ago
Manfaat Buah Melon Untuk Kesehatan
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Manfaat Buah Melon Untuk Kesehatan
Melon, atau Cucumis melo, adalah buah yang tidak hanya enak dan menyegarkan, tetapi juga kaya akan berbagai nutrisi esensial yang mendukung kesehatan tubuh. Dengan kadar air yang tinggi serta berbagai vitamin dan mineral, melon memberikan banyak manfaat kesehatan. Melon mengandung kalori, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, serat, berbagai vitamin seperti vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, serta mineral seperti kalsium, zat besi, fosfor, kalium, natrium, dan zinc. Konsumsi melon dapat membantu mencegah dehidrasi, memenuhi nutrisi ibu hamil, meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan, menurunkan tekanan darah, mengurangi risiko inflamasi, menyehatkan tulang, kulit, dan rambut, serta meningkatkan sistem imun dan menjaga kesehatan mata. Namun, konsumsi berlebihan dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan dan memicu reaksi alergi pada beberapa orang. Dengan berbagai manfaat dan kandungan gizi yang beragam, melon adalah pilihan buah yang sangat baik untuk dimasukkan dalam pola makan sehari-hari, asalkan dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang wajar. Kandungan Gizi MelonBuah melon mengandung banyak nutrisi penting yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Berikut adalah kandungan gizi dalam 100 gram buah melon:
Kalori: 36 kcal
Protein: 0,5 gram
Lemak: 0,15 gram
Karbohidrat: 9 gram
Serat: 0,9 gram
Vitamin B1: 0,04 miligram
Vitamin B2: 0,01 miligram
Vitamin B3: 0,4 milligram
Vitamin B5: 0,16 milligram
Vitamin B6: 0,09 miligram
Vitamin C: 18 milligram
Kalsium: 6 milligram
Zat besi: 0,17 miligram
Fosfor: 11 miligram
Kalium: 228 miligram
Natrium: 18 milligram
Zinc: 0,09 miligram
Beragam Manfaat Melon untuk Vitalitas Tubuh
Berikut adalah beragam manfaat buah melon untuk vitalitas tubuh:
Mengatasi DehidrasiMelon mengandung sekitar 90% air, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk membantu mengatasi dehidrasi. Selain itu, kandungan mineral dalam melon dapat membantu mengembalikan keseimbangan elektrolit dalam tubuh.
Memenuhi Nutrisi Ibu HamilBuah melon kaya akan kalium yang membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah ibu hamil. Selain itu, vitamin C dalam melon meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, membantu ibu hamil menghindari penyakit yang bisa membahayakan janin.
Meningkatkan Kesehatan PencernaanMelon mengandung serat dan air yang membantu melancarkan pencernaan dan mencegah sembelit. Kulit melon juga mengandung senyawa fenolik yang memiliki potensi antioksidan dan prebiotik, yang baik untuk kesehatan saluran pencernaan.
Menurunkan Tekanan DarahKandungan natrium dan kalium dalam melon dapat membantu menurunkan dan menstabilkan tekanan darah. Kalium membantu menyeimbangkan jumlah volume darah, sementara natrium membantu mengikat cairan dan menambah volume darah.
Mengurangi Risiko PeradanganMelon mengandung vitamin C yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan melindungi tubuh dari penyakit kronis dengan mencegah peradangan.
Menyehatkan TulangMelon mengandung folat, vitamin K, dan magnesium yang penting untuk memperbaiki dan memelihara tulang yang kuat. Folat juga membantu dalam pemecahan homosistein, yang dapat mengurangi kepadatan mineral tulang.
Mendukung Kulit SehatVitamin C dalam melon membantu memproduksi kolagen, yang penting untuk memperbaiki dan memelihara jaringan kulit. Asupan vitamin C juga melindungi kulit dari kerusakan akibat sinar matahari.
Menyehatkan RambutMelon mengandung vitamin A dan C yang penting untuk pertumbuhan dan pemeliharaan jaringan di tubuh, termasuk kulit dan rambut. Kolagen yang diproduksi dengan bantuan vitamin C juga berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan rambut.
Meningkatkan Sistem Kekebalan TubuhVitamin C dalam melon berperan penting dalam mendukung fungsi kekebalan tubuh, membantu mencegah dan mengobati infeksi pernapasan dan sistemik seperti pneumonia dan flu biasa.
Menjaga Kesehatan MataBuah melon mengandung antioksidan lutein dan zeaxanthin yang baik untuk kesehatan mata dan mencegah kehilangan penglihatan akibat penuaan.
Hal yang Perlu Diwaspadai
Meskipun melon memiliki banyak manfaat, konsumsi berlebihan bisa memicu gangguan pencernaan seperti perut kembung, mual, dan diare. Selain itu, pada pengidap alergi, melon dapat memicu reaksi alergi seperti gatal, ruam kulit, diare, mual, muntah, hingga sesak napas.
Dengan kandungan gizi yang beragam dan manfaat kesehatan yang melimpah, melon adalah pilihan buah yang sangat baik untuk dimasukkan dalam pola makan sehari-hari. Namun, tetap konsumsi dengan porsi yang wajar untuk menghindari efek samping yang tidak diinginkan.
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thaibestsellers · 2 months ago
Rebina Melon Triple Collagen Jelly Rebina Melon Triple Collagen Jelly is the Collagen dietary supplement in sachet form. It is the formula to reduce wrinkles and brighten skin. The melon flavor with collagen strain is combined with key extracts from the Cucumis melo L which is melon strain from the south of France, and natural extracts from many berry fruits such as Elderberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackcurrant, Bilberry, and Strawberry. Carrot Extract contains beta-carotene and many vitamins that help in nourishing skin to be bright, radiant, smooth, and elastic, help promote collagen in skin, slow down cell degeneration, delay wrinkles and dry skin problems, help skin look youthful, and reduce dark spots, melasmas, freckles, redness, and dull skin problem. - https://www.thaibestsellers.com/product/rebina-melon-triple-collagen-jelly/?feed_id=44471&_unique_id=674d8f2313c59
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oaresearchpaper · 3 months ago
Common Fungi Found on Spoiled Fruits in Local Markets
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Fruits spoilage causes threat to human health and responsible for great economic loss worldwide. This study was conducted to isolate and identify fungi responsible for spoilage of fruit commonly sold in Panj Gula market, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. A total of 60 spoiled fruits, 10 samples from each different fruit includingstrawberry (Fragariaananassa), orange (Citrus sinensis), papaya (Carica papaya), melon (Cucumis melo), apple (Malus domestica) and guava (Psidium guajava) were collected aseptically in sterile polyethene bag and delivered to microbiology laboratory at refrigerated temperature. Fungi were isolated and identifiedby using culturing and microscopic methods. Seventy seven fungal isolates belonging to five different genera, Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Rhizopus spp., and Yeastwere isolated from spoiled fruits. Aspergillus spp. had the highest occurrence in all the fruits tested with a frequency of 40.26% followed by Penicillium spp. (24.67%), Alternaria spp. (20.78%), Rhizopus spp. (9.1%), and Yeast (5.19%). The results of this study suggest that fruits are spoiled with variety of fungi which causes great economic loss of country. In addition, isolation of pathogenic fungi in this study highlights the risk to human and animal health associated with spoiled fruits. Therefore improved preservation methods are required to prolong the shelf life of fruits and minimize the health hazard.
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Fruits have got an important role commercially as well as nutritionally. For balanced diet and keeping good health, fruits intake is necessary since they are source of vitamins and essential minerals. Although fruits are easily available worldwide, the limiting factor that affects their economic value is short shelflife due to bacterial and fungal attack. 
Due to containing high amount of sugar, low pH, and ideal water activity fruits are prone to bacterial and fungal spoilage (Droby, 2006; Singh and Sharma, 2007). On fruits, fungi overgrow bacteria, since they prefer to grow at low pH. Some fungi can start spoilage of fruits from the fields, while others can only contaminate and proliferate after harvesting when the plant natural defense system is reduced (Tournas and Katsoudas, 2005). It has been reported previously that about 20% of the harvested fruits is spoiled even in developed countries (Droby, 2006; Zhu, 2006). In developing countries, post-harvest losses of fruit is more severe due to less storage facilities.
Globally various researchers have reported postharvest fungalspoilage. For example, Akhter et al., (2009) isolated Colletotrichum species from strawberry; Sharma et al., (2013) isolated 11 fungal species from local fruits; El-Gali, (2016) isolated 12 fungal species of 8 genera from various fruits; Mailafiaet al., (2017) isolated 7 fungal isolates from variety of fruits; Biyik (2018)isolated 11 different fungal species from strawberries.
Fungal spoilage is responsible for organoleptic changes including change in texture and flavors of fruit. In addition, some moldshave been reported to produce hazardous metabolic products such as patulin, byssotoxin A, malformins, naphthopyrones and related mycotoxins (Frisvad and Samson, 1991; Pitt and Hocking, 1997; Beuchat and Pitt, 2001; Tournas and Stack, 2001), which poses threat to human and animal health. The use of synthetic fungicides mayreduce the fungal spoilage, however, use of same fungicides for long time could lead to resistance among fungiagainst fungicides (Spotts and Cervantes, 1986). Moreover, high residue of pesticides in fruits limits the use of pesticides.
There is limited published data on fungi which cause the post-harvest diseases in local fruits. Therefore, present study was conducted to study fungal pathogens responsible for post harvesting spoilage of some fruits available locally.
Source : Fungi associated with spoiled fruits vended in local market
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valgasnewsthings · 6 months ago
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