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cognitivecaveat · 4 months ago
#CrysisRemastered #XboxShare #Gaming #CognitiveCaveat
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antoninostarki9 · 2 years ago
PlayStation Plus #crysisremastered / *ps4* @Crytek
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iammrhelper · 4 years ago
"How To Find Crysis Remastered Save File Location" Is LIVE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE Click ☝️ Here To Subscribe Direct Link To My Channel
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vkdante · 5 years ago
Here's a clip from my "Why a non-gamer should play - Crysis". Had a ton of fun making this and is probably my most ambitious project. Hope you guys enjoy. Leave a like if you do and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more. Thanks to @naky_solanki for the gameplay footage. #crysis #crytek #firstpersonshooter #gameplay #gaming #videogame #pc #microsoft #windows #youtubegaming #youtubechannel #youtuber #youtube #gamingchannel #gaming #vkdante #classic #nanosuit #crysisremastered https://www.instagram.com/p/B__n_WADUSb/?igshid=l6mmdjicanzw
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techstartro · 3 years ago
Crysis Remastered gratuit cu abonament pe 6 luni la GeForce NOW
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Poate rula Crysis? Cu GeForce NOW aproape orice dispozitiv poate. La achiziția abonamentelor Priority sau GeForce NOW RTX 3080 pe 6 luni, utilizatorii vor primi Crysis Remastered gratuit, pentru o perioadă limitată. Acest bonus special este valabil și pentru membrii existenți GeForce NOW RTX 3080 sau cei care au făcut precomandă ca o mulțumire pentru că au fost printre primii care au făcut upgrade la noua generație de cloud gaming. Membrii care dețin un abonament GeForce NOW RTX 3080 vor primi codul pentru joc în zilele care urmează; în timp ce membrii care au făcut precomandă, dar care nu au contul activat încă vor primi codul pentru joc atunci când serviciul GeForce NOW RTX 3080 este activat. Atât gamerii, cât și iubitorii de muzică se pot aștepta la o experiență încredibilă în Core în această săptămână și pot vizita lumea digital Oberhasli. Acolo se pot bucura de mult anticipatul concent și eveniment „Encore" al lui deadmau5.
Iar asta nu este tot – 8 noi jocuri vin în librăria GeForce NOW în această săptămână:
Combat Mission Cold War (Lansare noua pe Steam, 16 noiembrie) The Last Stand: Aftermath (Lansare noua pe Steam, 16 noiembrie) Myth of Empires (Lansare noua pe Steam, 18 noiembrie) Icarus (Weekend beta pe Steam, 19 noiembrie) Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Gold Edition (America de Nord, America de Sud, Europa, Japonia și Coreea de Sud) (Ubisoft Connect) Core (Epic Games Store) World of Tanks (Steam) Lost Words: Beyond the Page (Steam) Read the full article
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deadleafmoth · 4 years ago
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My #NintendoSwitch & I have become practically inseparable #crysisremastered #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #Skyrim #SeaOfSolitude #Bayonetta #Bayonetta2 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNvQjzsp2P2/?igshid=16ad8bdnw92h9
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xnerdbrasil · 4 years ago
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Os repórteres da Digital Foundry publicaram um novo vídeo aprofundado sobre os modos gráficos de Crysis Remastered para PS5, completo com uma análise comparativa com o Xbox Series X|S sobre o desempenho oferecido pelo relançamento do FPS de grande sucesso da Crytek. O especial da DF retoma e estende os conceitos expressos em sua última análise de vídeo de Crysis Remastered no Xbox Series X|S, mas desta vez com foco no desempenho e na experiência lúdica oferecida pela versão para PlayStation 5 do agora histórico FPS. #xnerd #crysisremastered #xboxseriesx #gamer #game #games #noticiasgames #gamesnoticias https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoWjt4IEXg/?igshid=1so2fzv9fv5j7
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helpmetech · 4 years ago
Crysis Remastered arriva su PS5 e Xbox X?
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Crysis Remastered ha appena ricevuto il tanto necessario supporto DLSS per PC, e ora sembra che anche le piattaforme Xbox e PlayStation riceveranno degli aggiornamenti. Da quando Crysis Remastered è stato rilasciato con un'accoglienza generalmente scarsa a causa della sua mancanza di smalto rispetto alla versione originale di Crysis nel 2007, i fan hanno chiesto aggiornamenti per migliorare il gioco. Su tutte le piattaforme, Crysis Remastered ha sofferto di problemi tecnici e di un gameplay obsoleto per uno sparatutto in prima persona. Crysis Remastered ha recentemente ottenuto il supporto DLSS per PC, che dovrebbe aiutare i giocatori PC a migliorare un po' la grafica e le prestazioni, ma le altre piattaforme non hanno ricevuto gli aggiornamenti necessari per ottimizzare il gioco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqBP3kXi9jM Questo potrebbe cambiare con un nuovo annuncio dall'account Twitter di Crysis. L'account ha twittato ieri che lo sviluppatore Crytek ha rilasciato hotfix per i problemi di motion blur in Crysis Remastered, oltre a garantire che DLSS possa essere abilitato su tutti i sistemi che lo permettono. Crytek ha seguito quel tweet con un altro che prendeva in giro "aggiornamenti sia per Xbox che per PlayStation", che ha effettivamente scatenato la curiosità dei fan del gioco su quali potrebbero essere questi aggiornamenti. Crysis Remastered su PS5 e Xbox series X? Read the full article
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epicpianoarrangements · 5 years ago
With the release of the newly remastered Crysis game, I thought I’d share the best theme in the series. Full performance & sheet music can be found on my YouTube page (link in bio) . #epicpianoarrangements #peterjohnston #🎹 #piano #pianist #crysis #crysis2 #crysisremastered #videogamemusic (at Perth, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFR7PT_A4Li/?igshid=d33q51vd2y78
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adrianxaxt · 5 years ago
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Getting ready for Crysis:Remastered. All gear is ready and spare Gpus if the game tries fry them or burn my Pc #crysis #crysisremastered (at Olongapo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFRyqBElsF3/?igshid=hfuc2jxovahb
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innomight · 5 years ago
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We already know that Crysis Remastered would support ray tracing if you had the PC hardware to run it. However, @crytekofficial announced that, for the first time, in the console generation @playstation 4 pro and @xbox one will offer ray tracing support. The gaming industry is evolving fast right now. The technology is evolving every day. #crysis #crysisremastered #crytek #crysisgame #gaming #gamingnews #gamingreports #gamingfacts #ps4 #ps4pro #xbox #xboxone #pcgaming #raytracing #raytracingtech #tech #technology #nvidia #pcgaming #pcgamingnews #consolegaming #gamingconsoles https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBxEecFB5Y/?igshid=1lurfxw026dhq
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iguanayt90 · 5 years ago
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CRYSIS REMASTERED . DOUBLE IF YOU LIME THIS GAME #crysis #crysisremastered @proaddictedgames #doom #ps4pro #ps4gamer #pcgameplay #pcgaming #game #gamingchannel #gaming🎮 #youtubesubscribers #gamingcommunity #games #gameplay  #walkthrough #youtube #youtubegaming #anime #anime2020 #bestanime #bestanimes #topanime #bestanimeever #isekaianime #top10anime #animeedit #danmachi #smallyoutuber #newyoutuber https://www.instagram.com/p/CE37OvqMSTp/?igshid=10gjjmiuohcsy
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inesbenoran · 5 years ago
LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead...
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LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead... #Amalur #avengers #console #CrusaderKings3 #crysis #crysisremastered #DonjondeNaheulbeuk #gaming #googlestadia #jeuvidéo #jeuxvidéo #jeuxvideocom #JVC #jvcom #linux #mac #mafia #MarvelsAvenger #Naheulbeuk #NBA #NBA2K1 #nintendo #nintendoswitch #one #pc #PES #playstation #PlayStation4 #ps4 #SeriousSam #SeriousSam4 #stadia #switch #TheOuterWorlds #Thewalkingdead #tonyhawk #Videogame #WRC9 #xbox #XboxOne Read the full article
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chahrazedconsta · 5 years ago
LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead...
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LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead... #Amalur #avengers #console #CrusaderKings3 #crysis #crysisremastered #DonjondeNaheulbeuk #gaming #googlestadia #jeuvidéo #jeuxvidéo #jeuxvideocom #JVC #jvcom #linux #mac #mafia #MarvelsAvenger #Naheulbeuk #NBA #NBA2K1 #nintendo #nintendoswitch #one #pc #PES #playstation #PlayStation4 #ps4 #SeriousSam #SeriousSam4 #stadia #switch #TheOuterWorlds #Thewalkingdead #tonyhawk #Videogame #WRC9 #xbox #XboxOne Read the full article
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khadijaanonymoussa · 5 years ago
LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead...
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LES MEILLEURS JEUX DE SEPTEMBRE ! Avengers, Tony Hawk, Naheulbeuk, Crysis, Mafia, Walking Dead... #Amalur #avengers #console #CrusaderKings3 #crysis #crysisremastered #DonjondeNaheulbeuk #gaming #googlestadia #jeuvidéo #jeuxvidéo #jeuxvideocom #JVC #jvcom #linux #mac #mafia #MarvelsAvenger #Naheulbeuk #NBA #NBA2K1 #nintendo #nintendoswitch #one #pc #PES #playstation #PlayStation4 #ps4 #SeriousSam #SeriousSam4 #stadia #switch #TheOuterWorlds #Thewalkingdead #tonyhawk #Videogame #WRC9 #xbox #XboxOne Read the full article
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newsandscore · 5 years ago
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🎮Das Jahr 2020 🎮wird besonders atemberaubend für 💽Gamer 💽sein, denn neben neuer 🌶️Konsolen-Hardware🌶️ (PS 5 🖲️& Xbox Series X🖲️) warten die meisten Top-Spiele auf ihre Veröffentlichung. 💎💎💎 September und seine 6 Perlen: Iron Harvest #ironharvest Crusader Kings 3 #crusaderkings3 Marvel’s Avengers #marvel Crysis Remastered #crysisremastered Serious Sam 4#serioussam4 Mafia: Definitive Edition #mafia 💎💎💎 Oktober, der dich bis zum Zittern bringt: Star Wars: Squadrons #starwars Watch Dogs: Legion #watch dogs 💎💎💎 November und seine Epic-Spiele: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War #callofduty Assassin’s Creed Valhalla #valhalla Cyberpunk 2077 #cyberpunk2077 💎💎💎 Bleibe auf dem Laufenden mit 🎮newsandscore.com🎮! Besuche unsere Website und sei positiv🦸‍♀️ ------------------ #esports #esport #gamling #bettingsports #bet #wetten #sportbook #sportwettentipps #wettanbieter #germany🇩🇪 #deutschland #gambling #videogambling #gambler #zocken #videospiele #newsandscore #ps5 #bizzardmacht https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpKxZTj9yW/?igshid=g8lfvqzjyx0v
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