#Croz and Ham
thatsrightice · 2 months
Just rewatched Part 2 of MotA and I need someone to write a fic where Crosby thought it was just his airsickness but turns out he actually did get sick from Bubbles. Like he pushes through for the mission because they’re lead crew and he really doesn’t want to screw up or let anyone down. But he’s just miserable with aches and fevers without knowing it until he finally passes tf out after debrief. And the news spreads while he’s holed up in quarantine like the entire base is talking about how Croz navigated them home while horrifically ill.
​And Croz never told anyone he got airsick btw like he was very adamant about not letting anyone find so only Bubbles and Ham would know, but maybe Douglass and Ham are talking that night in the bars and it goes something like;
Ham: So how’d Croz do?
Doug: He’s good but goddamn the man was sick as a dog
Ham: Go easy on him, yeah? He means well, just gets a little airsick sometimes
Doug: Wtf are you talking about? I know y’all had already left but Ham, the guy couldn’t even make it to the door leaving debrief. A little more than airsickness I’d say!
Ham: …what?!
Doug: Yeah man, he straight up passed tf out. For a bit there we thought he’d actually gotten hit and didn’t tell anyone
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saturnwisteria · 17 days
Threes Company sounds interesting and I would like to hear more please
Okay okay Three's Company is a post war Ham/Brady/Croz fic. It's mostly domestic fluff atm but I'm also toying around with how much ptsd to throw in before it gets too heavy. Because the recipe does call for it but im trying to make the first foray relatively light and fun. But also, it's like, but sir those are some of my favorite things
Okay little blurb bc I couldn't sleep again <3 unedited straight from the notes app, hot and fresh for u
"We should get a pet," he says out of the blue one day. Ham tends to be like that, thoughts running a mile a minute, mouth only ever catching up every now and then. It's not his fault his mind skips from one thing to the next so seamlessly; maybe everyone else ought to be doing more mind exercises to keep up.
Brady furrows his brow. "Like what?"
Hambone hums. "Dunno. I've always wanted a real cat."
Brady drops his fork. Harry looks up from the paper to see Hambone wincing. Brady chews his mouthful of pancake thoroughly before swallowing with considerable effort.
"Sorry," Ham says, "Shoulda held that til after breakfast, huh?"
Brady can't answer. He's stuck somewhere in between complete incredulity and faint horror. Harry is staring across the counter at him with growing concern, mouth tucked down to one corner, one eyebrow raised slightly higher than the other. Brady watches as Harry throws a furtive, questioning glance in Hambone's direction before reaching over to take his hand.
It occurs to Brady that Harry might not have any idea what's going on right now; he's learned a lot about their time in the stalag, but Brady can't recall if they ever told him about that specific story.
The idea that, to Harry, Brady is revolted by the idea of Ham with a cat, divorced of its background context, is funny all of a sudden. He feels a giggle slide its way up his throat, and clamps his mouth shut. But the dumbfounded look that crosses Harry's face at the slight choking inhale it forces him to make is enough to do him in.
The laugh that forces its way out of his throat sounds downright deranged, and does nothing to fix the helpless confusion marring every inch of Harry's expression now. He turns to Hambone for help, only to find the man in question shaking with his own silent laughter, palm gripped tight over his mouth. Brady reaches out for him with the hand not in Croz's grasp, and takes him around the bicep, tugging his arm away from mouth.
Ham howls.
They collapse into each other, Ham's head coming to rest against Brady's shoulder, his hands supporting himself against his thigh while Brady grips the side of Ham's elbow. Almost a year out from the incident itself, and there they are. Spluttering laughs and choked gasps, two hysterical peas in a pod.
"Oh, God," Ham chokes out.
"I know, I know," Ham says, tears running down his face.
"You," Brady tries, a stitch forming in his side, "with a cat?" He pushes Hambone off to grip his ribs, squeezing to try to convince them to expand and let him breathe.
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
A day at the theme park/water park with the boys!!! Inspired and brought to you by a conversation me, Ky, and Kat had! Likes and reblogs highly appreciated!!!
MOTA Masterlist!
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•They all packed into Bubbles van and Gales car to take the couple hour trip.
•When they got there they stood in the parking lot so Gale made sure they had a plan and everyone applied sunscreen. Make sure John applies sunscreen.
•Croz eats his lunch he packed since he has hella food allergies.
•Bubbles eats his too because that’s how in love with Croz he is.
•He has to chase the deranged toddler John Egan around the van to put on sunscreen.
•Hambone is complaining that it’s hot (he’s in cargo pants and a baggy shirt)
•Brady looks fly as hell in these sunglasses because he has the best sunglasses!
•Blakely and Dougie are wearing matching floral button downs and khaki shorts… they’re also standing against the van basically groping each other.
•Curt and Ken are looking all cute applying sunscreen to each other and Curt is blushing getting to rub the sunscreen into Ken’s waist bc he’s wearing a cropped tank top.
•Rosie and Sandra are pointing at all the roller coasters they’re going to ride.
•Blakely and Dougie are those couples at amusement parks…
•They’re making out, groping each other, hanging on each other.
•They break off from the group and run around together all day trying to take funny pictures on all the rides.
•John is getting buckled into the ride and he starts questioning his decision.
• “I think I might get off.”
• “Okay, do you want me to wave someone over?”
• “No! No! It’s okay! It’s fine!”
• “John you don’t have to ride the coaster if you don’t want to?”
• “It’s okay, I swear!”
•John screams loud and high pitched the entire time…he’s also scared out of his mind.
•The pictures are peak comedy.
•Blakely and Dougie are kissing.
•Ham: 🖕🏻😐 Brady: 😁 (Curt and Ken are the same LOL)
•John: 😱🫨 Gale: ✌🏻🙂
•Sandra: 🖕🏻😁 Rosie: 👋👋 jazz hands
•Croz doesn’t do roller coasters so him and Bubbles went to go ride water slides. Bubbles is loving getting to stare at the way Croz’s swim shirt clings to his back. Croz still has a lean/muscular back from dance and it’s insane.
•okay hear me out: John can’t swim, he just looks like he can’t swim okay?
•Gale tells him to just stand up in the water because he’s 6’2.
•Curt and Ken are making fun of John and his tube in the wave pool.
•Gale is getting his tan on and reading his book wave pool side.
•He’s also trying to get John to reapply sunscreen but he’s refusing.
• “I don’t need it Buck!”
• “I don’t wanna hear you complain when your shoulders hurt tomorrow!”
• guess who’s red and peeling tomorrow?
•If you guessed John, you’re right.
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orangethreads · 5 months
realistic modern au mota headcanons :
- brady would post bible verses on his insta story
- bucky and curt would do zyn
- douglass would be an elf bar fiend
- bubbles would drive a janky toyota corolla and be the groups dd
- rosie would never be allowed aux unless they’re smoking 🍃
- buck is the one who gets them alc because adults trust them
- croz would fail the sats because he forgot to turn the page
- alex would yell at them to shut up during study hangouts and kick them out (except bubbles) once a week
- ham would be a “where’s my hug at” kinda guy
- jack is the one calling the cops on their parties because he wants to sleep goddammit
- ev would smoke cigs but smack them if he saw them smoking
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reallylilyreally · 1 month
not to be predictable but breathe through the bruises for the 'send me a fic of mine'
BRB quick reread... (here)
My favorite scene
OH MAN. Ask my to pick a favourite child, why don't you?! Made particularly difficult by the fact that this fic doesn't really *have* scenes? There are some, but it's mainly just, like, visuals.
I ADORE all of the Bucks & Marge interactions we get in this one, the little snapshots of their deeply batshit, deeply domestic set up. And I love with all my heart the repeating motif of the phone calls between Benny and Johnny, and the bruises, obviously, but I think the winner has to be a tie between this:
The 100th outdo themselves, and are all milling around in the hotel lobby a good ten minutes before they need to leave for the church. Blakely looks like death, Hambone has the beginnings of a black eye and there's a conspicuous bite/bruise peeking out of Dougie's collar, but they're all there, dressed neatly and fully conscious. Small miracles. Mothers' sons. Brady adores them, it's unbearable.
Marge's side of the church is full of her family and friends. Buck's side is full of bomber crews. Brady and Benny take the front row, with Crank and Jack next to them, and it feels strangely right. Hambone sits down on Brady's other side, and elbows him in the ribs.
“Douglass is over there by the big drapes,” he says, very quietly. “You give me the nod and I'll give him the signal and he'll set them on fire.”
Brady turns to stare at him, for a moment completely lost for words.
“If you think we need to stop the wedding,” Ham says, deadly serious. “If you think we need to stop the wedding, or if Bucky starts to lose it, you give me the nod and Dougie will set the curtains on fire and we'll cut this whole thing off at the knees.”
There is so much going on in Brady's mind in that second that he can't decide what to say first. Benny seems to have no such problem, leaning over Brady and punching Hambone hard in the shoulder.
“I will cut you off at the knees,” he says, voice dripping with sincerity. “You leave this wedding the fuck alone, Hambone, or I will ruin your fucking life.”
It's the most vitriol Brady has heard from Benny since the last time they tangled with the RAF, and he's a little in love with him, just for a moment. Hambone looks sufficiently cowed. Brady turns in his seat, finds Douglass, and fixes him with a very sharp look. Dougie puts his lighter back in his pocket, and sits down. Brady resists the urge to put his head down on Benny's shoulder and weep. He used to be a pilot. Now he's a babysitter. Benny fixes Ham and Dougie with one last glare of his own, and then turns away from them both so that only Brady can see the way his shoulders shake with silent laughter. 
and this:
He speaks to Benny on Fridays. When the time comes for him to call, Brady’s passed Croz’s 72 hours by a fair handful, and he’s seeing things that aren’t there. It takes him three tries to get the number right, his fingers aren’t following direction. There’s the distant hum of a Mig in the back of his mind, he can see the trails out of the corner of his eye. He’s in the teachers’ lounge. He’s in America, he’s indoors, there aren’t any fighters. There aren’t any fighters. A whole wing’s worth of dead boys are sitting on the sofas with the maths department. The phone rings six times.
“Benny,” he says into the phone. His tongue feels thick and heavy, he can’t make his hands work well enough to put pressure on his bruises. 
“Jesus, Johnny,” Benny says, “Are you alright? Are you drunk?”
He’s so tired he feels drunk. Feels wasted. Feels like he might die. “Just tired,” he says. “Haven’t slept since I got back.”
“At all?” Benny sounds horrified. “Jesus, Johnny, it’s been four days. You haven’t slept at all?”
He shakes his head, and then realizes Benny can’t see him. “Don’t think so. It’s alright. I’m alright.”
“You sound like you’re dying, Johnny.”
He feels like he’s dying. “I’m alright,” he says. “Are you?”
Benny makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds a little like Meatball sneezing. “Christ. I’m fine! Not sleeping great, but I have slept. What the fuck are you doing?”
“Staring at the walls, mainly,” Brady tells him. He makes the executive decision to not tell Benny that he’s seeing things he knows aren’t there. He’s pretty sure Curtis Biddick is lounging by the coffee pot. “I think Biddick is here.”
“Jesus Johnny,” Benny says, yet again, and there’s a note of real panic in his voice. “OK. alright, listen to me, Johnny. Can you listen to me? Is there anyone in the room with you who you know for sure isn’t dead?”
Brady looks. “Yeah,” he says. “Pretty sure.”
Benny breathes out. “Alright. You got anyone there with you that you trust?”
“You’re not here,” Brady says.
“Fuck,” Benny breathes. “No, fuck, I’m not. Just… Just sit tight, Johnny. Find someone for me to talk to, give someone the phone.”
Brady does not want to go near the maths department. Tipper, the English teacher who was a paratrooper, is standing next to Biddick by the coffee pot, watching Brady with his one remaining eye, and he takes the phone as soon as Brady holds it out.
He leans against the wall and waits for whatever it is that Benny is going to do now. Eventually, Tipper gives him back the phone.
“You with me, Johnny?”
“Always,” he says.
Benny breathes out, a soft noise Brady usually hears in the dark. “Good man. Now, you do what Ed says, and get some fucking rest.”
“I’m sorry,” Brady tells him.
“Shut up Johnny,” Benny says, “Do what you’re told.”
Benny hangs up on him, and Tipper prods him with his cane until he gets up off the wall and makes his way to his room. He’s forced onto his bed, and handed the still unopened bottle of whiskey that Benny sent him for Christmas. 
“DeMarco says you have to drink at least a quarter of that,” Tipper says. “And if that doesn’t work I get to physically knock you out.”
Brady stares at him. 
“Which I was about an hour away from doing, anyway,” Tipper continues. “You look like you’re dying. Drink your whiskey, lie down, go the fuck to sleeHardest scene to write
Hardest scene to write
Ooh it's been a while, i don't really remember? I always struggle with endings, i never know how to wrap them up, and this one was definitely no different. It's really hard to work how to turn something into a romance when neither of the characters have any idea that they're in love!!
Favorite character to write in the fic
Gotta be Johnny, because he's so incredibly neurotic and so incredibly brave, and he just loves so hard, he loves so hard it nearly kills him.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
John/John, for sure. Big brother Bucky and little brother Brady, who take it in turns being the one who isn't fucked up.
Why I chose that title
I wanted something short and rhythmic and reflective of the central motif, so it was always going to be about bruises, and i threw a bunch of shit out into the ether and that stuck!
A fun fact about the fic
I did not ship this when i started writing it, and I wasn't sure if I was gonna have it resolve romantically until riiiiiight up to the last minute. I am now, obviously, fully obsessed.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Here’s a real challenge (at least it’d be for me): Hambone x Crosby
(cw: Vomit [because the bag of fail is important to the narrative])
Hambone bites his lip as he watches Crosby walk into the officer's club, then make his way across the room to Bubbles.
"You gotta do something about this crush," Douglass says. "You just whimpered."
"Fuck you, I did not," Hambone replies.
"Okay, you didn't, but it was implied."
Hambone turns back to Douglass and shrugs. "I don't know. I'm just some guy from Kansas. What's that mean to a guy like Crosby?"
"Ham, he popped a bag of vomit on you. If anything, you outclass him."
"He was getting a master's degree before the war," Ham says. "In Literature."
"I got through high school," Hambone says.
Douglass waves away his tone. "He's got four years on you, Ham. Shit. If you had four years on him you'd probably have been getting a master's degree in...whatever they get in Kansas."
"Pig-fucking," Hambone says without thinking because he knows it'll make Douglass laugh. It does. Hambone grins.
"Go over and tell him that joke," Douglass says, giving Ham's shoulder a shove. "If he doesn't laugh, I'll kick his ass."
"You would not. You're soft as butter on a summer counter."
"Nah, I'm tough when I need to be." Douglass throws an arm around Ham's shoulders. "That's why you and me drop those big beauties on the Krauts."
Ham leans into Douglass's one-armed hug. "Yeah, suppose it is."
"Is he looking at me again?" Crosby asks. He feels like he can feel every bead of sweat on his hairline.
"Sure is," Bubbles says, not trying to hide his grin. "I don't get it, Croz. What's so scary about Ham you can't just tell him you're sweet on him?"
"Which part of 'I slammed my hand on a bag of my own vomit and got it all over him' don't you understand?"
"The part where he's never brought it up and still always makes an effort to say hi and ask how you're doing. My mama would call that courting behavior." Bubbles laughs at the way Crosby stares at him, big disbelieving eyes. "He's sweet on you," he says.
"He is not," Crosby says.
Bubbles shakes his head. "He looks at you like all he wants is to hold your hand and tell you how much he likes you."
"Shut. Up." Crosby's blush is spectacularly pink, even in the dim lights of the officer's club.
"He does," Bubbles says. "Lordy loo, Croz, you know how loud your own head gets at you. Go against it for once. Trust that someone who knows you knows what they see."
Crosby grimaces. "It's not that I don't trust--"
"Gonna get a fresh drink," Bubbles interrupts.
Crosby stares at him, shocked at the rudeness. Bubbles doesn't cut off conversations like this.
"Hey, Harry," Hambone says.
Crosby jumps and is silently grateful his drink is resting on the ledge next to him. Then he bounces against the wall, and his glass starts to wobble. He waits in terrified anticipation for it to hit the ground.
"Ope," Hambone says, and he grabs the glass in one hand before it can topple. He lifts it from the ledge and offers it to Crosby. "Here," he says.
Crosby can feel the heat of his blush and wants to sink into the shadows. "Thanks," he manages, taking the glass from Hambone. "Nice save."
"Bombardier reflexes," Hambone says, and his grin shifts into something a little sharper. Something Crosby might call flirty if he was a little braver.
"How are you?" Crosby asks, then winces. "Oh, shit, that was a stupid question."
Hambone chuckles. "Nah, it's nice," he says. "I like that about you, that you're nice."
Crosby stares at Hambone for a long moment, heart fluttery and hopeful in his chest. "Yeah?" he asks.
"Yeah," Ham says. "In fact, I was hoping to ask you a question because you're nice."
Crosby nods. "Sure."
"Well, I know you were getting a master's degree before you joined up, but I'd only just finished high school, so I was wondering if I would go to college for any of the Kansas majors, what would you recommend?"
"Kansas majors?"
"Yeah. We've got three. Corn. Wheat. Pig-fucking."
Crosby blinks, then laughs. He nearly drops his drink, but then Hambone's hand is coming under his to offer a little extra support. "Well, being from Iowa, I know a lot about the first two, but we really go for Cow-fucking as our third option, so I can't say much to the Pig-fucking options in Kansas."
Hambone grins wide, and Crosby knows without question that Bubbles was--as usual--right, and his own brain was--as usual--too fucking loud.
"We should go into town one night to discuss it," Hambone says, leaning in closer. "Someplace a little quieter so we can hear each other."
Crosby beams and nods. "Yeah," he says. "I like that idea."
(if you don't know, 'ope' is a common verbalization amongst midwesterners; enough so that I clearly picked it up from my midwestern parents while growing up in the south.)
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eganeyes · 6 months
first and last mota new ep live thoughts
end of a beginning continuity of an era etc etc
full on spoilers under cut
oh god
rosie saying coca cola to prove that he’s an american to the russians is honestly very him coded rosie ilu
I LOVEEE how his current fort trusts him so to get them out of berlin
macon and alex shooting the shit with solomon :(((
“how you doing”
YES MAJOR??? had me seething when that guys were just laughing and shit when the boys were abt to fly WITHOUT CHUTES??? blakely :((
ham and bucky??? BRADY (?) GOING “BUCKY WARNED U” what in the little brothers is going on
solomon helping the nazi :(((( they don’t deserve you
that nazi guard must be the newest batch or something he had me so fucking pissed shutttt the fuck up
the buckies telling them to not run in the factory their yells has got to be the loudest damn
THE TRAIN SCENEEE???? fuck absolutely everything what gay ass shit is this buck outrightly saying that his life would be shit without bucky oh my god
them comforting solomon……daniels,,,buck,,,,calling him solly,,,,,,,bucky instantly pressing up to him when solomon starts freaking out about being in nurnberg,,,,christ,,,the buckies telling him to calm down so the panic wouldn’t spread :((
oh rosie at the camp
not even the earth that covers our bones will remember us
daniels, demarco,,,,
ffffff bucky yelling at the head guard and  bucky glenn crank etc pulling him away I’m
john look at me this isn't u bb
I’m right behind you
don’t shoot
shut the cfjcuakasupf
‘you touch one hair of his head you’ll have a riot’ ahaha ha haah
FFFFFFF when buck yelled go i evaporated
THE WAY THEY RANNNN WITH HIS JEEPPPPPPP ‘aggie my friend’ fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu he promotes gentle parenting i believe rosie ilu
oh rosie and croz oh oh
oh them welcoming back buck oh oh lemmons oh oh
‘egan wouldn’t let us ship it to your folks’ AND THEY KEPT IT EVEN WHEN EGAN WAS GONEEEE?
my buddys just mia do you want me to disappear to the abyss
croz hesitating but bulldozing asking about bucky oh wow
bucky and alex searching for the flag oh oh
the pole and eveythning oh
oh he’s gorgeous what the fuck
bucky probably didn’t know if buck made it out alright and him airing the flag alive when he was the one who pushed to escape oh i feel sickkkk 
bucky sitting wihtw brady and crank the visuals alone could punt me to the sun
demarco laughing in the back with macon!!!!! they’re besties i know it
all the flag being waved :(((
every scene of rosie checking the plane before every flight is so important to me
“i usually take the left seat well always actually” ffff “its an honor” :(
kenny never flying when he’s the one building these planes hooooh and ‘never had a reason to fly’ and now he’s flying to drop food aid oh my love
bucks smile when the engine starts oh he loves flying for real
kennys smile :(((( “hows the view kenny”
something about opening bomb bay doors and watching through the glass how tiny little parachutes and boxes dropped and people running to them instead of heavy bombs destroying everything and no one walking away from it much less with a smile
well this is just
shut upppppp stone in my shoe?? shut up shut up what the fuck
oh I’m back :((((((
lemmons and his kids oh
in the interest of saving lives the ceasefire began yesterday
oh they’re kissing each other on the cheeks as celebration that’s cuteee
blakely and dougie trying to drown someone in whiskey akfjsfkla
buck and bucky moment alone…. and bucks drinking from the flask
where’s the rest of the guys sigh no tuskegee boys reunion???
“you want me to bring my infant son to a jazz club” 😭😭😭
their smiles ohh
well okay then
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itstheheebiejeebies · 4 months
15, 16, 17, and 19 for the mota ask game! <3
15) comfort character, hmmm. Crosby maybe? Or Bubbles? Not quite sure. They occupy a lot of my thoughts though.
16) I'd let Croz, Bubbles, Buck, Brady, Rosie, or DeMarco babysit any pets I had. And Buck is only allowed to if he promises to keep Bucky in line because god knows he'd bring him along.
17) I could probably list for ages here on who deserved more screentime. But I'll start with Curt and Bubbles. Especially since Bubbles died much later than that irl. They're so fun and have such great friendships with the guys that were severely under explored. Then I'd say Hambone, Ev, and Dougie. Those three are so great and we barely scraped the surface with them. Give me stuff about the fact that they're all married to gals and Ham and Ev's wives are living with Jean during the war too. Then there's Jack, my sweet suffering air exec. He deserves a thousand hours of screen time. And we have Macon, Alex, and Daniels who get so fucking little it's practically criminal.
19) I've answered this before here, it's th goblin riddle because Goblin Fort Superiority and it's the thesis of things in a way.
MotA asks
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spinteresting · 5 months
I agree 100% that they should have pulled more from the memoirs. Should we have had the romance subplot with Croz? No, waste of time, as sexy as it was. Should we have had all the POW stuff? Maybe, but it was mostly filler created from scratch by the writers.
There were so many other good stories from A Wing and a Prayer they could have used for Crosby. I do not understand why they chose to highlight his affair. It did nothing for the show.
As for the POW storyline, I’m glad they had it. I just wish it had been approached differently. It was so focused on Buck & Bucky. I think it would have been better if the ensemble had gotten more screen time and development. I wanted to see more of Brady, Ham, Demarco, and Crank in the camp.
I also wish they had saved the Tuskegee guys and written a movie for them. Something focused solely on them where they could shine and get actual development and a storyline.
I do really like Masters of the Air. I just think it could have been even better with some tweaks.
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mercyedes · 6 months
"last line" tag game, tysm to @precious-little-scoundrel for including meee, i love you <3
rules: share the last line you wrote.
i have nottt been focusing on any of my fic wips lately because i've been having too much fun in the mota rp server, so my answers to this are mostly gonna be from RP responses LOL. i forgot to post this last night also so technically these aren't my last sentences but they were when i wrote up this post :3
It’s quieter than Hambone would like in here, but there were still plenty of bodies around to watch …. And only one that he actually wants to. The sight of Everett a little further back in the club has something dangerous flickering in his eyes, one corner of his mouth twitching into a fleeting, overweening smirk.
-> from one of my threads in my server, cuz ham has ended up being super freaky super obsessed with blakely here and i love it <33
Harry turned the next page of the novel he was reading. The sun was shining high in the sky, the grass beneath him was comfortable enough, and the two idiots he had laying around him like cats huddled to a fire had finally shut up for once.
-> from a superrrr early draft scene, not sure if i was turning it into an intro to chapter 2 of my ham/brady thing or if i was gonna attach it to chapter 2 of my croz/buck thing, i never ended up deciding LOL.
Not that he actually cared, for the record, but Cleven and the other boys seemed to hold Alex in some form of high regard, circling around his clever abilities for drawing and map-making like dogs to a bone, and Hambone did care about them. They would be pleased with what he did just now; That was the sole motive he had been working off of.
-> another roleplay post from meee, this one for a ham & alex thread in the server! their friendship is basically hambone being confused about why alex isn't phased by his antics & alex being like goddamn this dude needs to be kept on a leash wtf.
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fourthlinefic · 6 years
Diversions IV
It’s been 84 years,,,
Sid should have known that something was up when Kris invited him round for lunch straight after practise. Usually, he gave Sid at least a day’s notice of any social engagement. If Sid had taken time to think about it in the sudden recalibration of his day, he would have realised that it was one of the places that Kris knew that they wouldn’t be interrupted by cameras or any of the five guys who had ‘emergency’ keys to Sid’s back door.
He was halfway through a ham and salad sandwich (on rye, no mayo) when Kris sprung his trap. But by then, he already had an Alexander in his lap and nowhere to run.
“So,” Kris started, spearing a cherry tomato with his fork. “How are things with you and Jamie these days?”
“Is this- is this is an appropriate topic for little ears?” Sid said, nodding at Alex's dark head. He didn't appear to be listening, instead straining across the kitchen counter to try and reach his juice cup. Sid handed it to him and got a broad smile in return.
“Who's Jamie?” Alex asked, after he'd taken a long pull of juice.
“Just a friend of Sid's. You met him at the rink remember?” Kris said. Alex shrugged. “Hey, why don't you go find mama, eh? See what she's up to.”
“Because me and Sid need to have a chat about some grown up things.”
“What sort of things?” Alex asked.
“Things for grown ups,” Sid said, hoisting him under his arms and depositing him gently on the floor. He and Kris watched as he toddled off, though at nearly five years old, you couldn’t really call him a toddler anymore. Kris found he never felt older than when he noticed how big the kids were getting. He turned back to Sid.
“So. Jamie.”
“I told you before,” Sid sighed, taking another bite of sandwich. “We’re just messing around. It’s just fun. And none of your business.”
Kris wrinkled his nose at Sid. He would have thought that at thirty years old, someone would have taught him not to talk with his mouth full. “I mean, it kind of is my business since you started up with a teammate. And no offence, Sid, but,” he paused, because Sid was right. This was not a conversation he wanted being overheard by little ears. He cast a quick eye around and dropped his voice anyway, because you never knew. “But you're kind of a slut, and not everyone is used to the Sidney Crosby Treatment.”
“That’s not fair,” Sid frowned. “It’s not like I’ve had much of a chance at dating long term, y’know?”
And maybe Sid had a point, except Kris knew his friend, and he knew that Sid felt no remorse at his perpetual single-hood. Kris sighed. “I’m just trying to look out for you, Sid.”
“I know, bud,” Sid smiled. “And in my defence, you were there when I swore off Seguin. And the thing with Giroux doesn't count, we were in Prague.”
“I was there the last time you swore off Seguin, but you say that after every Dallas game,” Kris pointed out. Sid glared at him, and Kris stared back. He should be glad he wasn't bringing up his history with Ovechkin, or Weber, and he was pretty sure Taylor Hall was involved at one point. Sid sighed resignedly and shrugged.
“It’s different now. He’s got this regular thing going on with Benn,” he said, wrinkling his nose at the thought of exclusivity.
“You know, most people would call that a healthy, monogamous relationship, Sidney.”
“No, because then that would mean me and Jamie are in a relationship.”
Kris blinked. “I'm sorry, What?”
“Having sex exclusively with one person doesn't mean you're in a relationship,” Sid said with a shrug, and maybe if it was anyone else saying that, Kris would have been inclined to agree with them. Except.
“No no no, wait. No. You're sleeping only with Jamie?”
“I mean, it's not like I have many options these days. Most guys are either too young or married,” Sid shrugged. Kris sighed, rubbed his fingers against his temples. He had long ago come to the realisation that Sid was a special kind of emotionally emancipated. He had accepted that. It was just a Sid Thing, like so many other Sid Things. But Jesus, did he worry about him sometimes.
“That is so far from the point I'm trying to make here, Sid. When was the last time you were seeing only one guy?”
The long pause before Sid could answer would be enough to make his mother weep. It nearly made Kris weep. Just when he thought he was going to have to spell it out for him, Sid’s eyes suddenly flashed with realisation. He put his sandwich down on his plate, and blinked at Kris.
“Fuck. We’re dating.”
Sid eyed his phone as it started buzzing along his kitchen counter. Flower's grinning face beamed up at him, the top of Estelle’s head just visible in the frame of the photo. The ache of Flower’s drafting wasn’t as painful as when it was fresh, not since Flower had found a decent phone plan, but Sid couldn’t help the half sigh that escaped him before picking up his mobile.
“Whatever Kris told you, it's a lie,” he said as he put him on speaker, and Flower's laugh crackled down the line. Sid felt his own mouth twitch upwards in response. It was still so easy to fall into the familiar patterns of chirper and chirpee, the distance doing little to diminish Flower’s ability to verbally destroy Sid any chance he got.
“Hello to you too, Sidney.” Flower said. “I hear I should congratulate you? That you're finally growing up?”
“Don't you guys have better things to do than gossip about my love life?” Sid asked, going back to stirring the chili on the stove. He'd remembered to leave out the bell pepper this time, how Jamie had picked all the pieces out and left them on the side of his plate. And okay, yeah. He could see how maybe this whole thing had turned into dating.
“Sid, you know you're the most interesting part of all of our lives,” Flower said, and Sid could still pick out the teasing edge in his voice.
“Duper’s maybe,” Sid allowed, smiling at Flower's snort of laughter. “You and Kris should still be thinking about hockey.”
“Well the thing is, Sidney, we actually do have interests outside of hockey unlike-”
“How am I an interest outside of hockey?” Sid demanded. “I am about as hockey as you can get. I am literally dating a hockey player.”
“Aw, you said the D word!” Flower cooed and Sid seriously considered just hanging up on him. “We only gossip because we care. I’m just mad I’ve had to hear about all this second hand from Tanger. What’s he like?”
“Tanger? Uh, he’s about six foot, very pretty, great ass. Spills all my secrets to the French-Canadian mafia.”
“Oh, you mean Jamie. Yeah, he also has a great ass.”
“Is he good to you?” Flower asked, and he sounded so concerned and exasperated and fond, all at the same time that Sid couldn’t help but feel a little bad for being such a dick about the whole thing. He turned the heat down on the chilli so that he could turn his full attention to Flower.
“He’s great, Flower. He’s very sweet and thoughtful. And he gave me his instagram password.”
“I’m sensing a ‘but’ here. What’s up?”
And this is what Sid loved about Flower. Kris and Olli treated this whole thing like something with an expiry date, something that Sid was going to get bored of and drop as quickly as he had picked it up. And Sid couldn’t blame them really. A precedent had been set years ago, a pattern that had been traced over and over. So he couldn’t blame them for being more concerned with Jamie’s heart than his own. But Flower had never put up with Sid’s love ‘em and leave ‘em outlook on life. As much as Sid claimed he hated it, hated the judging eyes of his friend, he knew that Flower just wanted him to be better. It mattered to him what Sid’s heart was going through.
“I dunno,” Sid sighed. “He’s just young, and probably way better to me than I deserve. I just can’t help feeling like it’s going to fall apart. And I don’t even know if we have enough of something to fall apart. Sometimes I feel like it’s just sex, but then I look at him and I just feel. I don’t even know what I feel. It’s just, it feels good. And I’m probably gonna fuck it up.”
“I think you need to talk to Jamie,” Flower said after a second. “I know how much you hate that, but you need to figure out what you have here. I'm just glad you're moving on, you know?”
“Uh, no I don't know,” Sid said, caught off guard. “Moving on from what?”
“You and Geno. You had that whole thing-” Flower suddenly stopped, as if the line had been cut. There was a pause before, “you know what, it doesn't matter. Forget I said anything. What are you up to tonight?”
“I've got some guys coming over for food and PS4, but what do you mean me and Geno?”
“I just mean you were both really into each other for a while and nothing really happened and I don’t think you ever got over that. But now you’ve got Jamie, so it’s all good, right?”
“Wait, do you think I’ve never dated because I was waiting for Geno? Flower, me and Geno were always just friends.” Sid said, torn between laughter and horror. “He’s beautiful and he plays beautiful hockey, and yeah maybe I was a little bit in love with him once, but no. I sleep around because I enjoy it, not because I’m hung up on Geno. Which is some backwards fucking logic by the way.”
“Okay, okay!” Flower cried. “Crisse, sorry for thinking you have human emotions. So you're not in love with Geno, that's cool.”
Sid went back to stirring the chilli, pursing his lips when he felt it starting to stick to the bottom of the pan. Like his mother before him, Sid kept a bottle of cheap(ish) red wine open for cooking, and he slopped another half a cup into the pan.
“If I burn this chilli because of you, I'm flying down to Vegas to beat you up myself.”
“I'd like to see you try, Croz. You wouldn't be able to get past Reaver.”
“I think I could take him,” Sid hummed as he fished a tablespoon of out the cutlery draw to taste the chilli with. “I’ve seen him fight, could probably get in his head a bit.”
“And I’ve seen you fight,” Flower said, his tone of voice telling Sid exactly what he thought of his attempts at dropping gloves. “So, you’re not in love with G. Are you in love with Jamie?”
Sid almost choked on a mouthful of chilli. “Oh for-”
“Joking, I'm joking!” Flower cackled. “Man, I wish I could have seen your face.”
“You’re so fucking annoying,” Sid muttered, and swore when he noticed that he’d spilled chilli down his shirt. That Flower had made him spill chilli down his shirt. “I’ve gotta go change, and the boys are gonna be here soon. Can we talk later? Properly?”
“You just want to get out of talking about feelings,” Flower said, and then steamrolled over Sid’s protests. “No, I get it, you don’t want to talk to your best friend about the things that are most important to you. You’d rather talk to Mr Degrassi. Yeah, talk to Tanger about that.”
“Okay, I’m hanging up now,” Sid warned, his finger hovering over his phone’s screen. “If you have anything nice to say, now’s the time to get it in.”
“Have a good night, Sid. Be good to your man, eh?”
“I’ll try. And I’ll see you around.”
“See you in the fourth round, baby,” Flower laughed, and Sid hung up on him with a smile.
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Crosby totally packs all of the lunches for his crew (and Bubbles, always Bubbles) when he flies missions. He gets their preferred choice of ration, all of their favorite flight-approved snacks, and he even manages to acquire some extra chocolate bars, all of which were carefully packaged inside a brown paper bag with their name on it in that delicate handwriting of his.
When Crosby gets transferred to Blakely’s crew, Douglass doesn’t stop bragging about it and shoving it in Ham’s face for weeks. Of course then Crosby felt bad when he saw how Ham was actually disappointed whenever the special lunches were brought up, so he started to secretly leave one by Ham’s flight gear before every flight.
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Okay but Bubbles giving a modified and surprisingly violent version of the shovel talk to Douglass after Crosby gets assigned to the Blakely crew like “I swear, Doug, if anything happens to him I will shove my snow-globe so far down your throat, I will feed your balls to the dog, I will tear you limb from limb and toss you out the bomb bay doors over the channel”
And Douglass is totally unfazed because he’s known Bubbles has been in love with Crosby for a very long so he’s just like “noted”
Pretty quick after he starts flying with Crosby Douglass starts to get suspicious, so he goes to Ham because he’d flown with Croz for longer than Doug has and yep, he is also hopelessly in love with his best friend
So of course Douglass knows he’s gotta play matchmaker because all of their soft smiles and longing looks and pining is actually driving him insane come to find out they’ve literally been in a relationship for a while but somehow still have massive crushes on each other
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
Decided to post all my mota playlists!!!
John Egans Personal Playlist!
Benny Demarco Personal Playlist!
Gale Cleven Personal Playlist
Hambone Personal Playlist
mtf!bucky playlist!
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
Everyone’s going to have to deal with my brain rot but here’s some Brady/Ham HC’s <3 likes and reblogs highly appreciated!!!
MOTA Masterlist!
•Hambone grew up with just him and his mom. His father dipped when he was too young to remember. Although he tries to make half assed appearances.
•A true mommas boy!
•He fr has abandonment/rejection issues because of his father…
•He also has an extensive amount of anger issues. Especially when he was kid.
•He would get into fights at the playground…that’s how he ended up with the gold teeth…
•He literally pushed Brady off of the monkey bars at recess on his first day and broke his arm.
•The next day he sat next to Brady at lunch and signed his cast.
•“why are you signing my cast when you’re the one who made me need it?”
• “signing my work, duh”
•Best friends from that day on.
•Hams got fucked up teeth okay? He’s had braces through most of middle school and all of high school.
•When he gets his braces tightened Brady brings him soft food for the couple days of pain.
•He has an orange cat named Garfield
•internalized homophobia…that’s all I gotta say…
•Ham tends to pent up his emotions and just not talk about them.
•His coping technique? Showing up at Brady’s at ungodly hours of the night to have sex with him.
•Now for Brady he grew up in a house of all women. he has two moms and three little sisters. He’s a little girly pop, okay?
•Brady is a rich boy but it’s kinda on the down low. His family lives in the same neighborhood as the Clevens if that tells you anything.
•Brady has OCD and Ham really is the first one to notice that all these symptoms have been growing and piling.
•Ham urges him to tell his moms about it because it got to a point where he couldn’t manage and suppress it anymore.
•After he’s diagnosed it was hard for awhile because he felt so weak about it. He made Hambone promise not to tell anyone about it.
•He’s on a cocktail of SSRI’s and it took five ever to find the right mixture for him.
•Brady’s true passion in life is to become a fashion designer. He always dresses himself well and accessorizes with lots of gold jewelry.
•He makes Hambone model the clothes he makes.
•See, their relationship is highly complicated…Gale is the only one who knows the extent of their mess of a situationship. (Gale and Brady work together at a local grocery store.)
•Ham is lowkey kinda toxic to Brady for a hot moment…his communication skills are shit and he doesn’t know how to manage his emotions.
•There’s one night that curved their relationship I’ll def be writing about later…
•When Ham finally comes to his senses about his feelings he flat out asks Brady out while they’re cuddling together.
•"brady will you be my boyfriend."
•"yeah of course dumbass, aren't i already at this point? idiot.”
•They sealed the deal with a kiss.
•They kept their relationship private for months until Prom rolled around.
•They rolled up to the function in matching cheetah print blazers Brady made them and cool sunglasses.
•When Bubbles comes over to take their picture for the year book. Brady grabs Ham by the lapels of the blazer and smashes his lips into his.
•Bubbles literally goes 😮 behind the camera and pushes the shutter button.
•Bubbles runs to tell Croz.
•Croz goes and tells John.
• John rushes over to Gale and literally out loud goes “Did you know Ham and Brady were dating!?”
•Gale smirks because he already knew.
Brought to you by me, @ihearteugeneroe , and @mangokitkats
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 months
in the high school au, you talk a lot about Bucky loving Nicki Minaj, what are some of the others favorites? Songs/artists?
Screaming about music is my fav 🗣️🗣️ I’ll link what I have for MOTA playlists here!!! (Friend me on Airbuds here!)
•Bubbles LOVES Weezer. He’s so annoying about it too, Buddy Holly has to be on every playlist. His favorite song is Undone.
•Croz tells him he looks like a virgin when it’s only Weezer showing up on his Airbuds.
•The Blue Album is banned during any of Croz’s pregnancies.
•Bubbles and Croz both share a deep rooted love for Fall Out Boy, especially early day fob. Bubbles would actually die for Infinity on High or From Under the Corktree.
•Everett’s favorite song is Monster by Kanye West with Roman Holiday by Nicki Minaj coming in at a close second. (Roman Holiday is John’s favorite Nicki song too)
•Benny likes a lot of 90s grunge/butt rock. He dabbles in a lot of 2015-2019 rap. Losing My Religion by REM is definitely his favorite song. His top three favorite bands are Green Day, Limp Bizkit, and Nirvana. (Benny's playlist)
•Gale LOVES Mitski, Fiona Apple, and Kate Bush. No one likes Mitski the way Gale likes Mitski. Similar to @ihearteugeneroe , Gale’s life was ruined the day Running Up That Hill had a resurgence on TikTok.
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•Dougie is in a similar music boat to Everett and John. They’re the Nicki Minaj/Ice Spice/Pinkpanthress girls. He would listen to Kanye West, let’s be real. He listens to SOME country music like Luke Bryant, Shania Twain, and a lot of fiddle playing country. He did grow up on a ranch after all..
•Brady is a Swiftie through and through. But Daddy I Love Him is his favorite song, although before ttpd came out it was either This Love or Getaway Car. He fought tooth and nail to get tickets to both night one AND two for Denver. He made him and Ham outfits for the show. Night one, they both dress up as Speak Now. (Ham is purely being dragged along for this.) night two, they did Midnight.
•Ham has an interesting music taste to say the least…he likes Suicide Boys, Travis Scott, Lil Uzi, Bones. I could go on for Ham, eventually I will make him a playlist!
•Rosie listens to a lot of big band/jazz music. He just really likes the saxophone. If you get into Rosie’s car it’s all going to be organized big band or jazz playing. Benny starts doing karaoke to it, he picks lyrics from a song that sound similar, they don’t and sings.
•Ken listens to a lot of everything, his favorites are Mac Miller, Deftones, and One Direction. Currently one of Ken’s favorite songs though has to be One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan.
•Curt likes loves Ghost and no one likes Ghost the way Curt likes Ghost. Especially as he gets older he’s more and more into Ghost. His favorite song by them is Rats.
•other than, Ghost Curt also listens to a lot of Mac Miller, Blackbear, Deftones, and whatever John’s hyper fixated on at the moment.
•Lmk if you’d guys like more and want to see specific character playlists!!!
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