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sandpumpkin · 5 years ago
A Rescue mission
I’ve been sitting on this idea FOR AGES. Wrote it up tonight XD 
FT the new Baroque works
Tagging: @one-piece-dumpster-fire​ for sandpumpkin content
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“So where is this island exactly?” Hana asked, following Bon Kurei off the ship and onto a shady looking harbour not just full of pirate ships but merchant ships too “I didn’t see it on the map.” 
“It’s not any map. It’s an underground hub.”
“oh..Right..if that’s the case..why did I see a marine ship?” she questioned, pointing to a navy ship nestled between two merchant vessels. 
“That doesn’t matter,” came Crocodile’s deep voice, joining them on the dock “Do not wander off.” he ordered looking down at her sternly.
“Yes sir.” she smiled, making sure to keep behind him and next to Bon Kurei. “So why are we here?” she asked quietly,
“Faust needed some..medical things..” Bon whispered “That’s all I know. We’ll probably get some extra weapons and things whilst we’re here too.” Hana nodded and glanced around as they headed into the town which slowly got busier and more crowded. It was a hive of activity. A bustling black market, selling all sorts of sordid things. 
Through the crowds Hana spotted a large tank and was curious to the animals within. Her heart sank like a rock when her eyes gazed up a large bananawani curled up in the tank with no space to move at all, in a much tank beside it were several smaller bananawani and atop that a large egg in a basket. 
Drawn to the large bananawani she placed a hand against the tank “you poor thing.” The reptile looked down at her wearily. 
“Hey! What are you doing?!” Hana jolted at the sound of someone shouting and tensed when a tall marine grabbed her shoulder “That's property of the Celestial Dragons.” he snapped, shoving back.
“T-they need a bigger tank-” Her words were met with a violent shove which sent her flying backwards, placing her hands on the ground to push herself back up. The marine stamped on her hand twisting his heel as he leered down at her 
“Be thankful I don’t cut that hand off.” he picked her up by the scruff of her neck and shoved her away making her stumble again the crowd that had gathered parted enough for her move through “Just chuck a cover over it, we’ll move it in the morning.” she heard the marine order,
She hurried through the crowd and spotted Bon Kurei waving at her and behind him Crocodile who did not look pleased. Clutching her hand she made her way towards them, quickly hiding her hand behind her back when she approached them
“Sorry..I got swept away with the crowd..”  She glanced up to meet Crocodile’s icy cold stare and looked back down at her feet in shame. He had asked her one thing and she messed up again. 
“Bones, take her back to the ship.” Crocodile ordered sharply, turning away from her. 
“Yes boss.” Daz guided her away from the group. He looked down at her nursing a bloody hand “don’t let boss see that.” She nodded and quietly followed him back to the ship. 
“It’s fine. You can go back to Crocodile now. I won’t leave the ship.” she said, offering him a weak smile. Daz patted her head and left her on the empty ship. 
Once Bones was certainly out of sight she hurried to the workshop to borrow a few tools and headed straight to her room. To plan. 
Hana was absent from tea that evening, she was probably lost in her sewing again. Bon Kurei went to check on her armed with her portion of food. Knocking on her door, hearing a response he poked his head in. 
“Hana-chan, I brought your dinner.” 
“Bon-chan! Great timing! I  have something for you! Could you call Bones as well please?” she said, accepting the food from him. Tilting his head curiously and hurried off to collect Bones. By time he had returned she had finished her food and was sitting waiting for them. “I need your help.” She stated simply. The pair looked at each other and that wasn’t what they were expecting.
“With what?” Bon Kurei questioned, watching her move to the wardrobe 
“Do you remember when we spoke about the Baroque Works? Well-” she pulled out two long jackets. One pink with swan feather pauldrons and the other black sleeveless with gold trip and a hood with the words ‘supa’ embroidered on the back “These are for you two,” she handed them the respected jackets. “Bon-chan I made you  swan princess tiara too.” She placed a white feather crown on his head and smiled brightly. “Oh, Bones, yours has a hood which is also a mask.”
“What’s this for?” Bones frowned, what was she planning. It was then they both noticed her own outfit. An orange romper with a jack o'lantern face on the front, an orange cropped jacket with wide sleeves, a black sash tied in a large bow at her side, odd coloured socks and a pumpkin sat at a jaunty angle on her head. 
“I just need to borrow you both for like an hour tops..please.” she said looking up at him hopefully, her hands clapped together pleadingly. “I made up superhero pins and everything.” she added, holding out the pin with a small sword on it. Sighing deeply, Bonez changed his jacket and accepted the pin. Bon Kurei had already changed his coat and was spinning happily. “Thank you!! This will be our first mission as the new Baroque works.” she grinned excitedly. She handed Bones a duffle back which was oddly heavy. “Come on. Lets go now. Croco-chan is in the bath. So he won’t notice us gone.” she said opening the door for them. Hurrying them off the ship and back towards the town which had quietened down now. Just a lot of drunken sailors and no one was paying them any mind. 
“Okay here we are.” she stopped in front of a huge covered stall and the sheet off to reveal the bananawani. Turning back to the pair who were standing with their jaws huge open. 
“Those are bananawani.” Bon pointed out.  Hana nodded turning around to set her hand on the glass 
“They need to be free.”
“They’re going to eat you.” Bones added flatly.
“I’m going to free them!” Hana said turning back to them her hands balled into fists “They need to be free!” Bones sighed, they were here now and she wasn’t backing down.
“What exactly are you planning to do?” 
“Well you are going to carry the big tank to sea, Bon-chan will carry the baby tank and I’ll get the egg.” she explained, handing Bon Kurei a white sparkly eye mask to go with his crown and she put on an orange one. “Go team!” 
Bones lifted the tank with ease and took the lead down to the small beach he had seen earlier. The other two followed suit. Once all the items were down safely on the beach. Hana took the bag she had given to Bonez earlier and produced a pair of bolt cutters. Bonez didn’t bother with slicing the lock off with aid of his devil fruit power. 
“You know. I forgot you could do that.” she chuckled as she pushed the lid open letting the water spill out into the ocean, the big bananawani flowing with it. 
The reptile splashed around in the ocean before looking back at them expectantly. “Of course your babies.” Struggling with the bolt cutters Hana freed the smaller bananawani who were a little more frightened to leave their tank. 
Develing into the bag she had brought, she pulled out a large tupperware box of meat and made a little trail down to the ocean. “And some for you mama.” she said, chucking the remaining pieces at the waiting bananawani, who lazily opened its mouth to catch the flying chunks of meat. Stepping aside Hana crouched and watched the little bananawani finally stray from their confines nibbling on the meat as they went. 
“Look at their little legs,” Hana gushed as they plodded across the sand towards the ocean. She reached out to pet one when Bon Kurei grabbed her hand in panic,
“They will bite you.” he warned, though he shrieked as one clammered onto Hana’s lap.
“Aren’t you the cutest~” she cooed rubbing its nose softly, “come on let's get you to the ocean.” she carried it the rest of the way setting it down into the ocean. The rest of the bananawani has clambered into the mama’s mouth ready to be carried away to safety. Hana quickly ran to grab the egg from the basket “Bon-chan can you fill the little tank with barnacles and seaweed please.” she hurried towards the bananawani one last time “your egg.” The big bananawani was hesitant and nudged it gently to her “but.. I’ll look after it.” she said quietly. With that the bananawani family were on their way to freedom. Bones and Bon were busy, so she carefully placed the egg in her back without them noticing. 
“Done?” Bones asked. She nodded triumphantly “okay let's put these back, cover them and head back.” For the last section of their task, they placed the tanks back where they had taken them and pulled the covers back over them, after Hana was finished leaving a finishing touch on the big tank. Not that Bones or Bon had seen it. Nor would they see for a few days.
“Lets go!” Hana hummed happily as they headed back to the ship “Good work team.” she said nudging them both “The bananawani are free and out of the clutches of the stupid dragons-” Both Bones and Bon stopped in their tracks “what?”
“Dragons? As in Celestial Dragons?” Bon asked grabbing her shoulders in panic
“Well yes. They were going to them..and I wanted to save them.” she said shuffling nervously “It’s not like they’re going to know who took them.” she added, pulling away and carried on her merry way.
“If Croco-boy finds out we willingly helped her steal from the Celestial Dragons-” Bon looked up at Bones “he won’t find out. Our secret..” Bon sighed “we should have asked shouldn’t we?”
“It’s done now.” Bones added. 
What was to come in the following days would certainly bring the secret right out into the open. 
A few days later. Hana shuffled into the dining room for breakfast. Rapunzel ran straight to her, shoving the paper into her face “is that you?!” She pulled the paper away from her face to see a picture of her with her mask standing near the empty tank paintbrush in hand.
“...I suppose it does look like me-” she laughed nervously handing the paper back only to hand a wanted poster held in front of her “Oh!I have a bounty-”
“So it is you.” Rapuzel said flatly “what did you do to get a bounty that high?!”
She shrugged “who knows.” she laughed again, still inspecting the wanted poster. This is awesome. Does that make me a full fledged pirate now? 
“If the boss sees that, you’re never leaving the ship again.” Rapunzel warned “you’re a walking paycheck. Miss Halloween.” 
“Well he doesn’t need to know” she said, folding the bounty up and placing it into her pocket, then taking the page from the paper and tearing it up “He’ll never know.” she grinned.
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