cryptic-official · 4 years
“Under The Watchful Eyes Of Their Long Dead God”
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Under the watchful eyes of my long dead God,
The seraphs have abandoned me,
Here my body lies, 
Defiled and mauled within all my misery.
Duped I was, by the Leviathan who's honeyed words and toxic voice drove me from my duty
Beaten I lay, my wings twisted and form strangled by the horrid beast who claimed to love me
Fought I had, and yet my feeble body remained unable to save the humans from their damned eternity.
Oh Holy Father,
Why hast thou betrayed me?!
How could you condemn me for my naivete,
When it was you who had made me?
Oh, Master Gabriel,
How are you not ashamed?
Do you revel in my helpless screaming, 
As I am rearranged?
Under the watchful eyes of their long dead “God”,’
My freedom hath been stripped from me,
And now here I stand,
Twisted and chained within melancholy.
- Croazel The Star-Crossed
Hey guys, sorry for the long hiatus again! I've been busy lately, and I was finally able to get this artwork up on the blog! There's going to be a lot of changes with everything here, and "Cryptic" itself is going to be much more of a horror oriented story. Because my computer is broken and I have yet to find an alternative way to use my drawing tablet, I will begin posting lore on various cryptids and supernatural entities (and possibly SCPs if I decide to delve into it), as well as posting drabbles and short stories to make up for the lack of content on this blog.
(Side note: Be prepared for a some pencil drawings since I can't use my tablet at the moment)
Anyways, have a good day/night whenever you see this, and make sure to wear a mask, lest ye get the pestilence!
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cryptic-official · 5 years
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So I made a doodle of a new character, took a picture and put a bunch of different filters on it. (Click for better quality)
Their name is Croazel, or Zel for short. They're a young Cherub with some tremendously bad luck.
Let's just say they were in the wrong place at the wrong time...
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