yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 10 months
Second-Chance Bracket: Poll 5
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1:  Conquestshipping(Mai Valentine|Mai Kujaku/Valon)
Propaganda: Valon really seemed to care for Mai, at least according to child me that just never saw the spark of Polar shipping but immediately latched on to Conquest shipping after seeing Valon and Mai interact. Plus they have shared trauma; huzzah for trauma bonding! I just think Mai had more chemistry with Valon than with Joey. | I love that this ship is doomed and bad from the start. He’s the rebound and they both know it, and they’re stuck trying to move past that and never quite managing it. And at the same time Valon is totally devoted to Mai in a way that’s both sweet and pointless. Strong tragedy, strong sad ship.
Pairing 2: Familiarshipping(Critias/Kisara)
Propaganda: A bit of a predicatable ship for her but it also just makes sense - the two dragons tied and connected to Kaiba in someway connecting and being together (Honestly surprised they never made a fusion monster for them but I digress) similar to Timaeus they are devoted protectors. And hey after everything she's been through I think she deserves to have a knight by her side don't you. 
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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multistenebris · 3 years
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PokeAU Mahad and Kisara with their aces. 
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thewittyphantom · 4 years
Wrote a story inspired by a conversation I had with @waifines a while back about a Seto Kaiba version of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth, with further inspiration from the musical Hadestown, which had the myth in a time loop while they try and fail for a happier ending, but keep on trying. It was fun delving into Kaiba’s past lives and the challenges he’d face! I used Critias, Priest Seto, and Rosenkreuz from Duelists of the Roses.
Seto Kaiba arrives in the Underworld on a mission to regain what is lost to him. The challenges are similar to those faced by heroes past, and the King of the Dead is irritatingly familiar. And, as he learns, this isn't his first time trying. Inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, and also the musical Hadestown.
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dragontamer05 · 6 years
God back on Ygo Princess Tutu au
White Dragon Kisara (Duck)
Isabel the black dragon - who was kidnapped at a child ( @mpuzzlegirl )
Prince Timaeus
Seto being Fakir who is stupidly protective of Tim. ( Or Critias)
Kisa is cursed to turn into like this small dragon ( or maybe just a lizard)
Kisa trying hard to befriend Isabel.
Tim ends up falling for Isabel ( and vice versa)
Kisa lives happily with Seto/Critias
instead of animals it's a bunch of duel monsters.
Dartz the super annoyed author wishing his characters would just do as he wants.
Maybe idk
I just need this au some how okay
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fictionalsadist · 7 years
Mark of the Gods Ch 3- Awaken (Preview)
​Another dragon rose from the hole in the floor. Dartz recognized the Child of Shadow and his lifemate sitting on it’s back.
 The Child called out “Shadow Ghoul!” and a horrifying insect looking creature rose from the shadows and knocked him back away from Timaeus.
 The red dragon landed and Atem raced forward to Timaeus’s side. The normally docile dragon was four times his normal size and thrashing about and screaming his displeasure out to the world. Atem didn’t know anything more than Timaeus was like him or Mahad when they lost control. So Atem and Mahad merely did the only thing they knew to do.
 With the Harpie’s dragon and the Shadow Ghoul guarding their backs Atem allowed Mahad to take the lead and slowly made his way up to Timaeus. The bespelled dragon snapped his jaws at him. Atem watched worriedly as Mahad straighten up curled his hands into fists and stomped his foot on the ground like a child.
 “Don’t you start with me scales for brains!” Mahad snapped. He and Timaeus stared at each other while Atem repressed the urge to snort in amusement as Mahad softened his stance and held out his arms to the weary dragon. As the occupants of the room watched Timaeus began to shrink, the hooks fell from his body and the sword lost its place. When he was his normal size he dropped his head against Mahad’s shoulder. Mahad smoothed his hand along the dragon’s scales and whispered “It’s ok Timaeus. We’ll get you all fixed up soon.”
 The tense silence that descended onto the room went unnoticed by the two young men and the dragon. Mahad placed Timaeus’s head onto the ground.
 It was finally broken when Critias whispered “What did he just call him…?”
Read it on
AO3 (link)
FF.net (link)
Deviantart (link)
(All my love to @nenya85 and @duelmepharaoh for their reviews.) 
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darkscorpiox · 2 years
YGO Theory – Kisara’s origins
My theory came from two things: the with Eyes of Blue archetype and the Fang of Critias OST heard the two times we see Kisara summon her dragon.
with Eyes of Blue archetype
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Maiden with Eyes of Blue
Priestess with Eyes of Blue
Sage with Eyes of Blue
Protector with Eyes of Blue
Master with Eyes of Blue
The attires are fantasy-themed, but the fringes are a common trait. By researching about them, I learned that they originated from Mesopotamia (source). Here are some examples.
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This means Kisara came from there (even though her name sounds Japanese and the Priestess’ outfit displays some Japanese characteristics). Plus, on Wikipedia (source), I found out that Turkey has a mountain named Kisara. It might be a coincidence, but still.
Fang of Critias OST
I’ve made a post about the respective leitmotifs of Priest Seto and Kisara. Just like them, I thought there might be a connection between Critias and Kisara/BEWD (at least in the anime). And a thought came to me: what if Kisara — or her dragon — used to be from the spirit world with a human/dragon form similar to Timaeus, Critias and Hermos? What if after the tragedy of Atlantis, she and some Atlantean survivors fled to Mesopotamia where the latter rebuilt their lives and the former protected them till she dies (and is reborn as a human). If Chris and Ironheart’s spirits were in America, why can’t it be said that Kisara and her people were somewhere on Earth as well? I mean…
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Mausoleum of White
the mausoleum looks likes it had been made with (advanced) material of very good quality (and I wonder if they are praying to BEWD or about to welcome her into the world as Kisara).
Now, how did she end up a captive of slave traders? Simple: Dartz. He probably send minions to or helped neighboring territories take down Kisara’s people and in her escape, she got captured. My guess is that Dartz wanted to have Kisara grow resentment at the world for the loss of her home and family, and join him in his quest to destroy it. Of course, he didn’t plan on Priest Seto saving her and thus, showing her that humanity is still worth protecting. Still, after she saved Seto from the slave traders, with no home to go back to, she probably ended up under Dartz’s care…or at least till she had heard his plan to maybe use Zork to claim more souls for Leviathan (why would he be in Egypt in the first place?). Then, she had gone back to Egypt to probably warn the pharaoh about it, not knowing that she would meet Seto again and consequently, her doom. And the rest is history (or at least till I post a theory on how everything took place then and there).
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khxpresh · 3 years
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// This is an updated version of my old post, in regards to the main big differences between Yami Seto Au and the normal DM stuff. This is also a quick run down of the timeline.
The very first duel: Set wasn’t aware that the pharaoh had returned, he was blinded by a mix of his and Seto’s ego as well as pride. Because of this, he enabled and further fed into  Kaiba’s plans of kidnapping Yugi’s grandpa. Set “remembers” of his  original mission, when they are defeated and Yami Yugi “shatters their mind”. It’s important to highlight that Set has been sharing Seto’s body, years prior to the serie’s events.
Read more due to the length
Duelists kingdom arc
Because Seto is the wielder of the millennium rod, there is an even bigger motivation for Pegasus to try take over KC. The stakes are even higher here, than compared to DM;
They still go through with all the pre-DM stuff that ties them to Pegasus, however Set always remains well hidden within the back of Kaiba’s mind whenever they are in his presence. He always feels an odd sensation, while in the presence of illusion industrial president. The spirit isn’t aware that the man is in possession of the millennium eye.
The next big change happens in the duel against Pegasus. At some point during it, Set realises that their opponent has Aknadin’s item and tries to banter with Seto for them to swap places. After all he knows how the eye works, but due to their current situation, everything they had previously gone through against Yugi not too long ago and Seto’s insistence that he will save Mokuba by himself prevents Set from even attempting the minds swapping strategy. The duel’s outcome is the same, Kaiba is defeated and his soul is stolen. Leaving Set behind all by himself, in his body. This is the first time, his existence is revealed to everyone;
Both Yugi and Yami Yugi, have only had the slightest bit of clue from the existence of the other face (Set). Until this point.
Set is taken hostage, and can’t do anything but wait within his jail cell. By the end of it, he is reunited with both Seto and Mokuba;
Before they find Mokuba however, they have a brief encounter with Shadi. Who investigates their soul rooms, in search of the eye’s thief. It’s here that Set learns about Pegasus’ fate (he is quick to assume that Bakura must have had something to do with it), as well as how it has become impossible to traverse/get inside of Kaiba’s soul room.
Prior to the start of DM’s events, Kaiba and Set have a run in with Y!Bakura who comes close to stealing the rod. (Post going into more details about this event, will come soon).
The dark RPG arc
The game is still something Seto has been working on for a long time. Set has been a helping hand, in testing the VR technology. Thanks to the programming, he and Seto can co-exist with separate bodies;
Seto is kidnapped leaving Set try to get to him, all by himself. However, as imagined he can’t get to him due to lacking a party to take on the game’s late quests;
When Yugi’s party catches up to Set, he and Mokuba try to pass him off as some sort of NPC;
Mokuba still is the one who frees Seto, Set is working alongside Yugi’s party and following their pace.
Battle city:
Malik still is the main antagonist of this arc, however he doesn’t wield the rod. Likely has another millennium item, in his possession;
Set also maintains his presence/existence a secret from the Ishtars. He, alongside with Ishizu, convince Kaiba to start the tournament;
While he may have contributed to the start of BC, there is a huge debacle between him and Seto in regards to the use of the Obelisk in duels. Set refuses to use the God card, out of fear of angering the deities (this is in reference to when he was a pharaoh. He never used the God Kas, during his reign). Whereas Seto, obviously couldn’t care anyway less about the spirit’s concerns in regards to it, and clearly takes immense pelasure out of using its power;
Set participates in the following duels:
The double duel agains the rare hunters, in Atem’s side. vs. Ishizu, that is when he reveals himself to the Ishtars.
Up until Ishizu’s duel, Malik’s primary target was Atem. However, it changes to Set when he reveals himself to be the pharaoh responsible for the creation of the tombkeepers;
Set reveals himself to be someone with far greater knowledge, and control over shadow games than both y!Malik and Bakura. AT some point, they try taking on him, but their attempts prove themselves to be in vain. He is keeping Kaiba and Mokuba safe, from them;
They have another brief run in with Shadi. Seto doesn’t learn how to read hieroglyphs, since Set is there to do that for him. Set also feels y!Bakura being erradicated by y!Malik;
Virtual world:
Set has heard of Seto and Mokuba’s story a dozen of times, but not the thing in its entirety. Not only that, Seto has never learned what happened in his early memory loss episodes when Set woke up. It is here, that the truth is brought to light.
At the start, Set only saw Seto, as nothing more than a vessel for him to fulfill his duty of serving/helping Atem in the present time. And he would speak of him in such manner, with Gozaburo. Needless to say, but learning such things is bound to put a damper in the brothers’ trust on Set.
Unlike in the Dark RPG arc, Set is bound to Kaiba’s body. It appears that no one outside of Gozaburo, are aware of his existence in the first place. Which catches Noah by surprise, when they finally come face to face;
Set is the one who initiates the duel against Noah, under the justification that he was the one responsible for Gozaburo’s death and not Seto. However, he has to swap places with Seto once Noah starts using Mokuba as a meat shield. They are unable to continue, and are turned into stone as a result;
From the duel against Gozaburo, all the way to their escape Set and Seto are in complete sync with one another, in the same way that Yugi and Atem are always seen.
By the end of the duel with Gozaburo, Set finishes what he began all those years ago, the ritual to feed the man’s soul to his BEWD ka. His punishment for all the crimes, against him.
BC’s finals
There aren’t any major differences between them. Set and Y!Malik exchange a few words, mostly just so he can both taunt him and send him after Atem. By the end of the tournament, Set finally gets the confirmation that his pharaoh is indeed back.
Pyramid of Light
Again, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set picks up on the sudden shift in Kaiba’s behavior, he is mostly there as an observer. He gets sucked into the millennium puzzle, when the pyramid of light is played, that is where he stays for remainder of duel/story. He returns to Kaiba as soon as he is fred from the puzzle, and takes over the body while the other is recovering.
In relation to Anubis and the fake relic: Set had yet to be promoted into his high priest position, however he was around to witness Aknadin punish him. He wasn’t aware of the fake relic’s existence, and simply saw the sentence as just another of his mentor’s lessons. But, he recognizes Anubis.
Waking the dragons
The first duel against Amelda: Kaiba still is the one dueling, however Critias is unable to interfere in the duel. Leading to him being defeated, but Set manages to take over the body in time so his soul is the one taken by the orichalcos seal instead. He doesn’t return until the Leviathan is defeated, by the end of this arc;
Seto is trying to recover Set, while attempting to salvage what is left of his company. He doesn’t relate at all to Atem’s situation, even though at first glance they seem to be on similar grounds.
KC Grand prix
Once more, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set is aware of Ziegfried’s existence, but he really doesn’t get to do anything or much of relevance throughout this arc’s events.
He also mocks Ziegfried’s hair & mannerisms, in a similar way that Kaiba does. The other is unable to tell both apart.
Memory world
They travel to Egypt in order to join Yugi and his crew, this means that Kaiba participates in the MW’s events a lot sooner. At first, he is tasked by Set to look for any clues to Atem’s name. There is a fallout between them, when Seto becomes aware that Set isn’t trying to change the course of events, even though he knows what is coming/about to happen;
It should be worth reminding that: Set remembers most things about his life, with the exception of most memories assosciated to Atem’s existence, he doesn’t remember his name neither why he erased it from existence or anything that could possibly lead/hint to learning the name prematurely.
Set is saved from Aknadin’s control with the help of Kisara, Seto and Atem;
Seto and Set are the last ones to leave the MW, because there is one more portion of this story that is exclusively meant for Kaiba to see. Which is the aftermath, of Zorc’s battle. When Set regained consciousness and found himself all alone with the puzzle.
Ceremonial duel
They split up during the ceremonial duel, just like Yugi and Atem and watch over it like that.
Taking place about 1 year after the end of DM. Kaiba’s goal is to meet with Set, one more time. Even though, everyone around him seems to just assume, he is after Atem.
At some point, he recovers the millennium rod and keeps it to himself, even though it has no power. What Yugi says about the spirits being gone, is true. He also can’t feel Set’s presence in his relic. The rod vanishes when Atem returns to his realm.
Kaiba and Set duel each other, Kaiba is the winner and safely returns to his realm.
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Kisara chooses insult and scare
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“...” Well, it works. His fists are clenched and shaking. “Blue-Eyes... I’m trying to lead us to victory! What about that don’t you understand!?”
Insult - from Critias
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“Grrgh--! I’m not going to sit here and be mocked by every dragon in my deck! You’re just a card, Critias!”
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kaibacxrps · 3 years
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@eebon​ has sent: 1, 8, 10, shipping questions :3c
Mun Related Shipping Questions! [Accepting]
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1. OTP(s) for your muse?
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// Here we go:
Kaiba: Rival (Yugi/Kaiba) & power (Malik/Kaiba) Set: Headdress (Mahad/Set) & Mizu (Kisara/Set) Atem: Scandal (Set/Atem) & pride (Kaiba/Atem) Ishizu: Trust (Kaiba/Ishizu) & Awe (Mahad [or DM]/Ishizu) Noah: N/A Critias: ? (Critias/Set) & plato (Timaeus/Critias)
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
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// It really depends on the kind of development a shipping ends up taking, but the majority of my muses aren’t prone to being jealous with the exception of a few.
Atem: His jealousy only happens, when it comes to his romantic partners. Driven by immaturity and a strong sense of insecurity, things can take a very dark and toxic turn if he delves for too long into it.
Kaiba: This only seems to be possible, in plots/ships that end up expanding into the later half of his life. But even then, it is very uncler. Because here’s a thing for him: he doesn’t get together with anyone, there is no such thing as dating him. And yet, if it involves someone who he has had a consistent affair with for a long time (as in-- if they were the first guy, he has had any experiences with & so on). He could in theory, become “jealous” if the person moves onto something else from him. It is ironic.
Ishizu: She has the potential to become jealous, it is possible deep down within her. However, she doesn’t demonstrate it in a clear way. It comes in subtle ways. To a point, not even she is aware that she has developed such feeling.
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
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// I usually don’t pay any attention to ships, that have nothing to do with the characters I rp. With that said however, I’ve come across a few that have caught my interest such as:
Yugi/Anzu, Pegasus/Cecelia, Honda/Miho, Mokuba/Sera, Mahad/Isis, DMG/Anzu, Anzu/Jou. I believe these are all that I’ve got on me.
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 11 months
Round 1: Poll 10
Propaganda under the cut.
Pairing 1: Familiarshipping (Critias/Kisara)
Propaganda: A bit of a predicatable ship for her but it also just makes sense - the two dragons tied and connected to Kaiba in someway connecting and being together (Honestly surprised they never made a fusion monster for them but I digress) similar to Timaeus they are devoted protectors. And hey after everything she's been through I think she deserves to have a knight by her side don't you.
Pairing 2: Nellshipping (Noah Kaiba/Amane Bakura)
Propaganda: Children of wealthy families who died in car related accidents!!
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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multistenebris · 3 years
ff+ Critias but in dragon form for Kisara.... in her BEWD...
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"I've reached a dark place. A very dark place." Kisara whispers to herself as she scrolls down the screen. Is this something people are into? She's not kink shaming, she's just... surprised. She's more surprised by the number of stars this piece of literature has in its rating bar. A lot of people are into this sort of thing it seems.
It's like a train wreck. She can't look away. "Should... I make an account to tell them that their idea of dragon biology is a little off?"
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thewittyphantom · 4 years
I was talking to @waifines about her fanfic Their Promise, which is an awesome romance fic about Kaiba and Kisara in all of their lives (including Forbidden Memories and Duelists of the Roses!), as well as Pegasus and Cecelia’s doomed romance being inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Then I imagined a retelling of the myth for Seto and Kisara and got Sad, until I thought ‘maybe it's like Hadestown (great music <3) where it repeats through their lives in hopes of changing the tragedy’. Critias turns, Priest Seto turns, Rosenkreuz turns; maybe, for all his doubt and skepticism, Kaiba doesn't.
Then i thought ‘Maybe Pegasus and Cecelia could be Hades and Persephone for irony points’ XD Pegasus got the job after the previous king left and he knows this quest cause he's been through it himself, hehe. (The previous king and queen could be Dartz and Iona).
I could see a thing where Kaiba recalls the myth and wonders just how long this has been replayed, is he destined to lose her too? How far would he go to keep her here? And Kisara says she'd go just as far to keep him here, and she wouldn't look back. (And maybe for the last time she could go to save Kaiba before his time was meant to be over!)
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floaromaxtowns · 4 years
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
(For any ygo ship i’m curious .-.)
ship asks [Accepting, thank you for the ask!]
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
I’m answering these with Duel monsters’ serie, since I have yeat to watch the others c’:
Puzzleshipping - Yugi/Atem is the first thing that comes to my mind, tbh! When I first got into the ygo scene last year, I liked a lot the idea of this ship. Nowadays, I’m very indifferent towards it. I just prefer the picture of these two as very good friends c’: I feel like romance here, cheapens out their experiences/stories. I also found other ships that just, please me a lot more for them.
Mizushipping - Priest Seto/Kisara. Let me reiterate, I still haven’t read the manga and I’m well aware how different the memory world arcs can be. And I’m also aware how the poor author was pushed into a time crush, to hurry up and finish the series (thanks KonAmI). But may I ask, what the fuck is up with priest Seto’s creepy ass obsession with pooR KISARA?? NGL the few things I’ve seen with him from the manga, kinda of stained a ship that I’m mostly neutral about (in fact, I still enjoy some bits of these two). It hasn’t ruined the whole ship to me, but c’‘‘: Let’s look away from the manga.
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
Hi welcome to Vani’s rareship hellhoLES, you’ll never leave them c’:. I feel like they aren’t exactly disliked... Rather, they simply go unnoticed- pushed aside for the big and popular ones. Which is a shame because, I feel like there are some hidden gems there. So here are a handful that I got:
Headdresshipping - priest Seto/Mahad Mastershipping - Seto Kaiba/Ryuji Otogi Trustshipping - Ishizu Ishtar/Seto Kaiba. Although, I heard somewhere this is surprisingly very popular in Japan. Moneyshipping - Seto Kaiba selfcest ?shipping - Critias/priest Seto Historychannelshipping - Seto C Rosenkreuz/priest Seto (can u tell how I kickstartedthisoneplzsupPORT) Cubeshipping - Diva(or Aigami)/Seto Kaiba
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
oH bOY HERE WE GO, unleash the salt c’:
Puppy/violetshipping - Jounouchi/Seto Kaiba. I really tried to be open-minded about this ship but... Man, it just ended up falling flat in my eyes TBH. I don’t see their chemistry... At all. I get it, they have a lot of similarities between them and also there are so many metas talking about how Jou is a great foil to Kaiba’s character. But IMO, it doesn’t contribute nor serves to add up to anything. I just feel like, there are so many better options for both of them. Corruptshipping - Thief king Bakura/priest Seto. Okay so firstly, I never cared about or even liked Bakura within DM. In season 0 he is fine, and IDK about the manga. So I was already going in skeptical about it, then I had some bad experiences with shippers which essentially killed this for me. Any and all versions of Bakura (Ryou, Yami and thief King) with Atem or Yugi. - So about these ones. It is a combination of my lack of interest on the Bakuras, on top of some content for these ships that pretty made it clear to me how they just wouldn’t be my cup of tea. I’m not here to virtue signal, judge or even tell people how they should or shouldn’t like their ships. But I’d rather avoid content that glorifies, fetishizes and romanticizes serious subjects such as kidnapping/rape/etc. I’m not saying that’s all these ships have going for them, and maybe I was just unlucky but that’s pretty much the only things I could find for them. So, yknow- kinda of killed those ships for me bruh.
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duelistas · 3 years
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@multistenebris​ has sent: 📜 - Kisara @ Ishizu and Critias c: <3
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!) [Accepting, mutuals, SPECIFY MUSE]
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occultsister · 6 years
"Alright here goes, I can't promise it'll be painless but this should do the trick."
Kisara stood infront of Amane and Hermos book in hand. Critias and Timaeus were near by to watch and be able to tell if something seemed wrong as they were far more well versed when it came to transformation magic. If this didn't work she didn't know what would.
Kisara started to recite the spell speaking each word carefully as she did.
Amane took a deep breath flexing her toes, something was definitely happening. She arched her back and stretched out her wings before folding them up again. ~Erg,~ She groaned feeling her body shift and change, well she'd been warned changing back wouldn't be comfortable still somehow she hadn't imagined it this bad.
As she got smaller the scales and feathers also slowly vanished, her features becoming more human, occaisionally pressing herself up against Hermos. Domehow she'd imagined the cgange back to be faster. The amulet glowed and there was an almost cracking sound until finally as the curse was broken the amulet slipped from around her neck as she sat on a pile of straw up on the barn.
"It..It worked!" She was human again. There was still one minor problem, her clothes hadn't made the change with her, and upon realizing this Amane quickly tried to cover herself with her arms blushing in embarrassment.
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dragontamer05 · 6 years
Welcome to Freedom Flight- Big Dragon Sanctuary. A safe heaven for all draconian big and small and even a few non dragons too. Founded by Kisara Amarella. They work along side many other groups include one that did captive breeding programs to help with those species that had been horribly over hunted.
The sanctuary was filled with all manner of dragons and they accommodated the best they could relying heavily on donations from the public and any outside help.
There is a large aviary type area to help those who needed help with their wings or to give the smaller ones a chance to stretch them. For the most part the older dragons actually stayed of their own free will, those that were healthy enough generally took off quick as they could back to where ever they belonged.  Some of course had to be released in specific locations and had to be taken there- not an easy task to transport a dragon.
Although many had very calm and docile natures Kisara treated each with caution and deep respect. understanding their power and not about to under estimate it no matter how much she loved and trusted the beast. There were also a number of permanent residents at the sanctuary- some were simply old while other far to injured or possibly even sick to ever survive out in the wild on their own.
Not only do they taken in wild dragons but ones that had been held in captivity. Abandoned, neglected, ones that either shouldn’t have been kept as pets in the first place or perhaps ones being wrongly used in dragon fighting. One of their oldest residents was a large teal coloured male rescued with two others who had been cruelly mistreated being made to preform in a circus. The decided to name the three Timaeus, Critias and Hermocratese (Usually just called Hermos though) after Platos’ three writings on Atlantis.
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