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culturdrop · 5 months ago
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Not feeling it #eruption #blush #crush #crisismode #cute #naruto #hinata ep.148
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sheexclaimed · 2 years ago
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Living life in #CrisisMode 🙄 #SheExclaimed #Semicolon #mentalhealth [Stolen]
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vinnyvince99-blog · 6 years ago
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I finally got my stuff back from my mom after about a month and a half of being separated from my belongings (I had been separated from my mom on February 16th when she entered Crisis Mode). Now that I have my stuffed dolls back, I might become active on Instagram again. However, I may choose to migrate my TY's to Twitter, where I posted random things. See you soon, Vinny Vince #stuff #mom #month #monthandahalf #separated #CrisisMode #stuffeddolls #active #backoninstagram #backonthegram #migrate #Twitter #random #randomthings #vinnyvince99 (at Millville, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7ccN0grQh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k33e2v87la63
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thiswildheart · 2 years ago
Its been awhile...
Its been awhile, but im still here. Just...
Life has been anything but cruisy. On the outside we would seem like a happy little family who has it all. The reality is, I'm worse than ever before. I thought I would get stronger since trying to heal myself but I feel like I'm only making it worse. Surely there is a bright side to all this darkness. I've lost myself completely and despite having the most beautiful girls ,I cant stop the thoughts of just succumbing.
I nearly lost one parent to a monster who tried to take their life and leave them with scars they will never heal from. Jumping from one lover to the next in hopes of filling the space that they was meant to fill themselves. God, that sounds dirty, its not intended that way i can assure you.
The other parent is stuck in their old ways. Too dependent on making sure their partner is happy to make themself happy. Looking in from the outside, it would seem that they don't care, the new family is all that matters now. I know that to not be true but it still stings when I'm the one constantly making the effort to avoid a war of words. My siblings are their own worst enemies. One is identical to our mother, who plays the victim and relies on the need to feel loved by others. The other craves love but on their own terms. Believing that they are not good enough to attract the right person. And here I am, trying to get through it day by day, no support apart from my best friend who also shares similar struggles. We share common pain and I believe that's why we care so much for each other. We understand. I'm in a loveless marriage, my husband gets his thrills from sneaking around my back and if, what I think is going on is truly happening, he may be fathering an additional child that sure as hell isn't with me. We're pretty much just room mates at this stage. We barely talk or touch and I snap at him at the drop of a hat. He makes me feel like what I do is never good enough, he's very manipulative and patronising, gaslighting me at any opportunity. I'm not sure if it truly is him or if its a cycle of paranoia that my childhood trauma has caused me to have. Either way, it sucks balls. Add in a large amount of debt, trying to run multiple businesses and keep everyone alive, its truly a recipe for disaster. My resentment towards him for my misery is growing everyday, yet I still cant leave. I'm not ready yet.
My girls are incredible, I feel so bad for them however. I yell at them all the time and get so irritated with them. But I know that's not their fault, they are children who need to be taught how to love and heal themselves from any trauma I may leave them. I'm trying my hardest not to but the world is not perfect and I'm far from it. So polite, well behaved and smart. I cant handle the thought of being the one to ruin that for them.
I've been to a doctor to for some help, apparently all I need is to schedule some time for some self care. That could well just be the answer, but its not that easy when your whole world relies on you. Plus, if I got some self care, do you really think I'd need the fucking doctor? I'm sure there's something physical going on, ADHD, hormonal imbalance, low cortisol. Maybe my mental health is manifesting physically. I don't know, I'm not the doctor here. All I do know is something ain't right and no matter what I do, I cant get the help I need.
It seems like I only ever post here when shit gets rough. Well, its never been rougher and this ship is sinking fast. Until the next crisis...
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tokka · 3 years ago
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#SDCC #CrisisMode https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOdhtUOSPr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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socialsf · 5 years ago
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#truerwords #crisismode #greatestfear via @brycetache #thankyou for #callingaspadeaspade #speakingthetruth https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GptXEJny_/?igshid=yyl6693bmg2b
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demonias-archive · 5 years ago
anyways i was a sexy evil vampire priest for halloween and the capital g Gang was my polycule-slash-convent of hellbound nunsluts and we had a bitchin time
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doveotion · 2 years ago
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ty @swimmingblues 4 tagging me ilysm <3<3 (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/♡
@actualnymph @mywineandwhine @covete @aphrodiitaes @nekuz @spirited-avvay @holyqround @rawrmonstuhr @happilyy @godsopenwound @nthingbutthetruth @strwbrryvale @crisismodes @chantilliy @chocochat @soulaans @98borabora @pollen @breadmp3 @truelovewaitsmp3
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crisismodes · 6 years ago
*uses one too many emojis in a text to someone who doesn’t use emojis*: I suppose I am, sometimes, a whore 💋
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crisismodes · 6 years ago
Okay so I had zero opinions about picasso before going to the Gallleria Borghese, but there was a picasso exhibit happening meaning no pictures were allowed and I couldnt take a photo of Apollo and Daphne, my godamn ALL TIME FAVORITE STATUE, so now picasso is my mortal enemy :)
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Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne at the Galleria Borghese in Rome, 2016. Photos by Stuart Franklin.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 6 years ago
Hey guys!Sorry to bother you but I’ve been looking for this fic and went through the tags and couldn’t find it.. if it’s not too much trouble could you help me find it? It’s stiles wishing kate hadn’t existed or something and then going to take a nap and waking up in a world where she hadn’t happened and proceeds to befriend the hales and explains what happened. Talia taught him how to make Derek’s special cake? Or soup? he then comes back and smells like them and gives Derek messages from them
Oh my god, @stupendousbananas! I knew this one but I couldn’t find it. It was driving me batty. But luckily @crisismodes and @wanderyears found it for us! 
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If I Could Turn Back Time by Menacherie
(1/1 I 5,052 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles wakes up in a world in which Kate Argent was never born.
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t0nysoprano · 7 years ago
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revisioned-pictures · 6 years ago
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Casablanca frame #317 process Rolling on acrylic ink again, this time white. I think it’s gotten too thick and I’m losing everything underneath. Not at all what I intended. www.revisioned-pictures.com/project-casablanca #wip #casablanca #revisioned #animation #art #drawing #process #artistsoninstagram #acrylicink #indiaink #inkandroller #inkandbrush #copicmarkers #micronpen #blackandgrey #drawanyway #doubleexposure #map #losingit #crisismode #ilovedrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ivckiBq23/?igshid=1bmt6k3qnnk8j
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socalledfreethinker · 7 years ago
i’m starting to do chessed by my rabbi’s family and i’m just like wow. casually hanging out with them again? it’s been since like October when i was in #CrisisMode that i was around them just for fun
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pumabydesign001 · 7 years ago
Florida AG: "You're not going to steal from Floridians in a time of crisis," Chevron called out.
#Florida AG: "You're not going to steal from Floridians in a time of crisis," Chevron called out. #pricegouging #HurricaneIrma #crisismode
Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi, l is going after price gougers taking advantage of a good crisis; namely, Hurricane Irma.
Bondi has threatened to publicly shame and go after those businesses from gas stations, markets, corporations, everyone such as those third-party vendors on Amazon who are charging people $3.00 for a case of water and $100 to ship it. Thankfully, Amazon is cooperating.
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dkaotic · 7 years ago
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So true. Existential Crisis on Infinite Earths! #crisismode #DramaKing #DKaotic #DK (at San Francisco, California)
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