fddarchive · 4 years
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Bios of Crickymon (also known as Tentamon) and her forms. From Crickymon’s Profile on Before The Sunset
Name: Babumon Stage: Fresh Group: Micro Type: None Size: 2.0 G Special Ability: None Technque: Bubble Blow Personality: Calm, shallow, quiet, Shy 
Name: Motmon Stage: In-Training Group: Micro Type: None Size: 4.0 G Special Ability: Float or Fly Technque: Acid Bubbles Personality: Peaceful, non-socialable, generous, Helpful
Name: Crickymon/Tentamon Stage: Rookie Group: Insectiod Type: Vaccine Size: 6.0 G Special Ability: Fly and Changing Colors Technque: Super Shocker, Claw Attack Personality: Socialable, intelligent, kind, Loving
Name: Revemon Stage: Champion Group: Pixie Type: Data Size: 15.0 G Special Ability: Fly Technque: Lighting Breeze, Electro Shocker Personality: Calm, mellow, sweetheart, practical, Intelligent
Name: MegaRevemon Stage: Ultimate Group: Pixie/Micro Type: Data Size: 17.0 G Special Ability: Fly and Recharging Technque: Voltage Gazer, Spark Storm Personality: Agressive, silent, mellow, geneous, Protective
Name: Meganmon Stage: Mega Group: Pixie/Goddess Type: Vaccine Size: 20.0 G Special Ability: Fly, recharging, changing Colors Technque: Mega Lighting Breeze, Giga Light Crusher Personality: Outgoing, powerful, kind, intelligent, Lonely
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Eve and Shannon icons, from Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Eve (season one and season two versions) and Tentamon/Crickymon icons from various pages (Our Digimon Adventure Story, Our 02 Digimon Adventure Story) on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Art from the Tenky (Tentomon x Crickymon/Tentamon) Shrine on Before The Sunset. Drawn by Esty, Shannon, and Amy.
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: I look so kawaii in this picture! I like the background also. 
Eve: Everything looks so kawaii and perfect! *Smiles brightly*”
Tentamon/Crickymon, drawn by Lisa. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: This is what I used to look like a year ago and now I'm about one-hundred and five years old while Tentomon is past a thousand, but that is nothing compared to Piedmon. I think he is a million years old. 
Eve: If that's true then Digimon can look good for old age. *Smiles*“
Tentamon, drawn by Lexxy. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: A beautiful picture of me in my ginka form. I look unbelievable!
Eve: Ah, how amazing you look Cricky! I cannot imagine how wonderful you look. *Hugs Dejiko-Chan* Thank you for this beautiful picture!“
Gijinka Crickymon/Tentamon, drawn by Dejiko-Chan. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: Ginka me by Lili! This is what she thinks I should look like. I like it!
Eve: I never knew there were different versions of you. *Sighes* No one tells me anything anymore...“
Gijinka Crickymon/Tentamon, drawn by Lili. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: Me in my ginka form looking older! I look so awesome, thanks Purity! 
Eve: I like your outfit by the way! *Smiles*“
Gijinka Crickymon/Tentamon by Purity. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: A 3D picture of me! How awesome, I've never seen one before!
Eve: You look kawaii in 3D format. 
Crickymon: Ah, I'm glad I guess. Do I ever look kawaii? *Makes puppy dog face*”
A 3D model of Crickymon/Tentamon, made by Felice. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: A picture of me as a chibi, yay! 
Eve: I never thought it was possible to have a chibi Digimon but I guess I was wrong.“
Crickymon/Tentamon drawn by Ariana. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Crickymon: It's a picture of Eve and me but I look like an alien. *Eyes bug out*
Eve: I think it looks cute and I'm in chibi form.“
Crickymon/Tentamon and Eve, drawn by Aoi. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Eve: This is a picture of Crickymon and me again except this was around when I was eleven. I had a hairdo like Hikari's and Crickymon is wearing her armor because we're on protection status. 
Crickymon: I like it when I don't wear the armor.“
Drawn by Tiamat. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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“Eve: A picture of Crickymon as a wolf! I love the way that she looks as one!
Crickymon: I would probably be stronger if I was one too!“
Tetnamon/Crickymon, drawn by Page. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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"Crickymon: An awesome picture of me by Wolfgirl! I look so kawaii but clumsby! 
Eve: You are really kawaii but you can be a ditz! *Winks*"
Drawn by Wolfgirl. From the Pictures of Us page on Before The Sunset
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Emoticons/icons of Eve from the People for Eve Page on Before The Sunset
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