#Crewman Moody
Imagine A Buzzed Slider Flirting With You
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Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner X Fem!Kazansky Reader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, slightly drunk Slider, Iceman is a protective older brother and it annoys reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Requested by @iceman-kazansky​
Taglist: @the-marshals-wife​
Part 2 here​​
(A/N:) Thank you so much for this fun request! I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to start it but when I finally got that the rest was cake! I adore writing requests for this fandom cause they are always so fun and creative! And I love writing all these great characters! I hope this was everything you were hoping it would be! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Life as the sister of Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky was hardly ever easy, especially when he had the tendency of being the protective older brother. Though it wasn’t all bad, when you found yourself in one of the most popular bars in Fightertown USA celebrating your brother’s achievement with all the other pilots of Top Gun. Though surrounded by handsome pilots, Ice had a strict policy of no dating Navy pilots, and he had drilled harshly into the heads of his fellow pilots and crewman that you were off the market to any and all forms of Navy men. You snorted at the thought taking another sip from your beer mug as Iceman conversed with you about the different maneuvers he had to perform during his most recent dogfight. Normally you would be interested in your brother’s exploits but tonight you wanted to have fun and enjoy the night talking with others (maybe have some potential relationships open up). Not be the untouchable sister of the elite pilot in the whole Navy that everyone was told to avoid and not touch.
“You okay,” Ice finally interrupted your moody thoughts as his eyes searched yours worriedly.
“Yeah fine,” you replied looking away and sipping more at your beer. “Just a long week Ice. I’m really tired.”
“You could have just told me you didn’t feel like going out tonight. I would have understood.”
“And miss the chance to celebrate my big bro’s achievement? Heck no!”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he answered though his body language proved he thought otherwise than his spoken words. 
You snorted punching him in the shoulder, “Some of us have to make do being lowly nurses working long shifts.”
“What you do is really important,” Iceman cut you short never one to let you demean yourself or compare your line of work to his. “There’s no way that I’m not proud of you because you aren’t a Navy pilot like me. You’re job as a nurse helps more than I ever will.”
“Chill out there Ice,” you chuckled a little bitterly. “I know how you pilots like your ego stroked.”
Before Ice could retort several pilots came up to you two, slapping him on the back before pulling him away from you towards one of the pool tables sitting in the middle of the bar. He looked back towards you reluctantly before tapping another pilot sitting at a table on the shoulder. Ice spoke a few words and then he nodded before getting up and making his way towards you still standing at the bar. You rolled your eyes turning away, another babysitter to watch over you while your brother played pool. Just when you got rid of one killjoy, the first killjoy hires a second one. While waiting for this newest lookout made his way to the bar you begin to plot on how you could possibly escape this torture when you caught something out of the corner of your eye. One of the waitresses that had gone on break about thirty minutes ago was making her return and she was heading straight towards your incoming bogey. This guy Ice sent didn’t seem to be the brightest or most trustworthy and your intuition proved correct when he forgot completely about you and went straight to the poor waitress that just wanted to finish her shift. But sacrifices must be made for the greater good of your sanity. You made your escape while everyone was distracted. Which was just outside the bar because you did ride here with Ice. You didn’t mind sticking around though and enjoying the view outside with the beach right outside the door with a beautiful sunset coloring the scenery with different purples, pinks, and oranges.
Taking a seat on a salt crusted bench you enjoyed the sounds of waves crashing against the beach and a salty wind stirring your hair. The fresh air felt good on your flustered cheeks when the front door opened. You jumped afraid that you had been found when a different pilot you had never seen before stepped through the front door. You were afraid Ice sent him to find you but by the stumbling steps of this pilot and the buzzed look on his face he was just looking for a good place to cool off or puke his guts out. You turned away losing interest despite his handsome features. Yes your brother’s friends were all attractive in their own way this one was more your type. Close cropped dark sandy colored hair and a square jaw that could cut steel. He wore sunglasses so you couldn’t tell what color his eyes were, but you know you shouldn’t find out since Iceman would have a fit if he even knew that you were entertaining the thought that a pilot was one of the most absolute handsome creatures you had ever seen. You chuckled again causing this new guy’s attention to cut over to where you were sitting.
“Heeeyyy,” he slurred while waving at you. Even that small motion was causing him to stumble into the doorway of the bar. “Nev’r seen you ‘ere before.” He continued like he hadn’t been close to kissing the splintery wood of the doorframe.
“Yeah this is my first time being here,” you admitted thinking the conversation would end there. You jumped a little when he took a seat right beside you on the bench leaning right up against you.
“Y’here for th’ booze t’,” he continued to converse with you, barely as he was on the verge of being hammered, and you couldn’t decide if he had a death wish or just didn’t know that Iceman is your brother.
“Well I’m here with my brother to hang out so not necessarily here for the booze,” you answered scooting away just a little as his arm kept bumping into yours from his close proximity.
“Ooo luk’y me,” he smirked settling an arm on the back of the bench this time. 
Though he was being controlled mostly by the liquid courage you couldn’t bring yourself to fear this weird man for being so forward. It was a nice change of pace as everyone else had been avoiding you like the plague. Yes you had accepted to come for your brother’s sake and you were so very proud of him, but you wished that he would have a little more faith in you at picking out who you let woo you. Though you probably weren’t giving the best impression being basically cuddled by a drunken Navy man who had one too many drinks and was on the verge of making poor decisions. But he was fun to talk to and you found yourself losing track of time as you both conversed and he continued to flirt shamelessly at times, especially when you told him you were a nurse. It wasn’t until you heard a commotion inside did you realize you had completely forgotten about Iceman. The door to the bar burst open and a steaming mad Iceman.
“Slider,” the normally professional pilot roared making his way towards the man who had made himself comfortable right by your side. 
“Ice whaat ‘s your dealll,” Slider whined when the angry pilot lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. “Is she y’ girl?”
You made a gagging noise while glaring at your brother basically lifting your new friend up with nothing but rage fueling him.
“As if,” you scoffed wrenching Slider (who you now knew his callsign) from your fuming brother. “He’s my brother and he’s also a killjoy.”
“Killjoy,” Ice turned on you this time.
“You heard me,” you stepped forward sick of listening to him while he sucked the fun out of everything. You could understand his no pilot rule but despite Slider being on the verge of plastered he hadn’t done anything untoward towards you. “You invite me here to celebrate you and I agreed cause I wanted to be a good sister and have fun with my brother. But then when I get here you basically tell everyone I’m off limits and I can’t even begin to make conversation with anyone you’re friends with because they think that as soon as they do they’re going to be torn limb from limb. So excuse me if I talk to the one guy who was too stupid to know who I was.”
“Heeyyy,” Slider pouted his flush cheeks becoming redder.
“No offense,” you smiled, happy to know that despite seeing Iceman’s rage he continued to stick around.
Iceman sighed rubbing at his neck sheepishly. He could admit when he was out of line. Despite wanting what was best for you at all times, he could be overprotective and a jerk at times.
“I’m sorry,” he finally apologized before looking back to his back seater. “But really? My RIO?”
As soon as he asked you, you got a sly grin pulling at your full lips.
“So he’s not a pilot?”
“Technically,” Iceman paused seeing right where you were going with this. “Don’t you dare.”
“He’s not a pilot Iceman,” you stuck your tongue out at your brother grabbing Slider’s hand. “C’mon big boy I want to take a walk on the beach!”
Iceman stepped forward to follow before earning a finger in his face.
“Without my brother,” you snapped before leading the still buzzed Slider away. You didn’t think when you came to Fightertown USA that you would be walking hand in hand across the darkened beach with a Navy man by your side. Iceman wouldn’t like it but sometimes when it came to your happiness you just had to ignore your older brother and do what you felt was in your best interest. He meant well and wanted what’s best for you always but somehow you had a feeling that this man, who stumbled drunk into your life, was possibly going to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
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Titanic Passenger: Rev. John Harper - His last Sermon:
John Harper, a Baptist minister, was traveling from London to Chicago with his daughter, Nina Harper, and Miss Jessie Leitch. Rev. Harper was on his way to Chicago to begin a series of revival meetings at Moody Church, located at West Chicago and La Salle Avenue. His successful ministry during November, December, and January of 1911/12 led to his being invited back for a second series of meetings.
On the evening of April 14th, Rev. Harper and Miss Leitch stood on the deck of the Titanic, admiring the sunset. “It will be beautiful in the morning,” Rev. Harper remarked before retiring for the night. After the collision, Harper quickly awakened his daughter, wrapped her in a blanket, and carried her up to A Deck. There, he kissed her goodbye and handed her to a crewman, who placed her into Lifeboat 11 along with Miss Leitch. Rev. Harper, however, chose to remain on the ship. A well-known photograph of the second-class promenade shows a young girl holding her father’s hand; many believe this image captures young Nina Harper with her father. As the Titanic sank on the night of April 14th, 1912, 1,528 people found themselves in the frigid waters of the Atlantic. Among them was John Harper. After ensuring his daughter’s safety on a lifeboat, he swam desperately from person to person, sharing the message of Jesus Christ before succumbing to hypothermia. At one point, Harper swam to a young man clinging to debris and asked him, “Are you saved?” The young man, in shock, replied that he was not. Harper tried to lead him to Christ, but the man initially refused. In an act of profound selflessness, Harper removed his own life jacket, threw it to the man, and said, “Here, you need this more than I do,” before swimming away to help others. Moments later, Harper returned to the young man and succeeded in leading him to salvation. Of the 1,528 people in the water that night, only six were rescued by the lifeboats, one of whom was this young man. Four years later, at a survivors’ meeting, he tearfully recounted how John Harper had led him to Christ. Rev. Harper tried to continue helping others but grew too weak in the intense cold. His final words before slipping beneath the icy waters were, “Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” While Hollywood may not remember this man, his legacy as a servant of God endures. While others fought to secure a place on the lifeboats, John Harper gave his life so that others might be saved. He understood the urgency of living a life devoted to Christ. Me personally, it was sobering looking over his letters and personal items of a man that took his last breath in life giving people hope in the darkness of night knowing they would die. He remained faithful until death. What a story.
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the-dutchmanjr · 16 days
…I have some HEADCANONS!!!
This is about the Flying Dutchman’s crew in “pirates of the Caribbean”, just a couple of things I came up with…ok maybe more than just a couple, I kinda got carried away. 😂😂
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What if maccus usually goes to sleep on his stomach since he can’t really lay down on his back with those tendril pinchers, and he can’t lay on his side with his hammerhead like….head. 😂
What if he lays in his hammock and just nuzzles into the fabric and lets himself sink into it like a bed of wet sand, what if he has these itches on the back of his head he just can’t really reach so he goes around to one of the wooden beams and just rubs his head back and forth on them (hammerhead XD) till he gets that itch.
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What if jones has a tendency to play his organ when the Dutchman’s underwater and he draws in all sorts of creatures who just wanna hear the music. What if he draws in mermaids, and dolphins, and all sorts of fish who either dance (swim) around or start singing (chirping) with his song.
What if jones has all these different octopuses that he uses as scouts, growing attached to them he’ll use them like little pets and will play with them from time to time in the privacy of his quarters.
We’ve seen him fall asleep at his organ before. But when Beckett takes charge of the Dutchman, he’s gotta relocate his living quarters (probably down somewhere in the ship) everyone has this known silent rule where if he goes to that certain part of the ship, they all leave. That’s his new personal space.
What if when the kraken’s around, it’ll grab certain parts of the ship and just tags along for a ride before disappearing back down to the depth to sleep.
What if Davy jones watched the kraken grow from a young (but large) squid into the giant beast (baby) we know today.
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What if bootstrap bill tries to help the others as much as he can with the more littler things, just trying to help ease some of the crews load.
What if when bosun (who apparently is actually named Jimmy Legs???) finds out that bootstrap is helping the others with their loads and he starts giving turner more heavy burdened tasks to do “since he obviously doesn’t have enough chores to do”
When the others find out, they all sort of pitch in together to try and take some of the load off of bill turners duties (to which he’s grateful for).
I can definitely see bootstrap bill turner being as kind as one can be in his situation to the newer recruiting members. Trying to help them out a bit before bosun takes notice again and basically starts punishing him for stepping outa line (fucking bosun man 😂)
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What is Palifico (who I’ve taken the liberty of calling Ree) has the duty of cleaning the barnacles and the bottom of the ship, while he’s down there he finds all sorts of things that get stuck on the coral parts that have grown. He like collecting weird things. If they’re in shallow enough water and he has the time, he’ll scope out the bottom searching in the sand and seeing if he can find things like rocks or shells or random trinkets.
What if he likes giving those things to the other on the ship. I could definitely see him giving someone like Koleniko an urchin just to see his reaction and start cracking up when Koleniko just glares at him.
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Speaking of Koleniko, what if he had a lover in a past life.
What if some days he gets really reminiscent about her and he starts to get really bitter about how his life turned out, About jones, about his decisions, about the duties he now has to do for the remainder of his time.
Because of this, he gets really moody and becomes kinda cold towards the others. It makes him a good crewman getting all sorts of things done and pushing through a lot of of the elements and hardships, but everyone usually tries to stay clear of him when he gets like this. Bitter about everything.
But on the better days, he’s pretty neutral to everyone. Even going as far to help some of the others out if he’s feeling generous. He’s usually a quiet person, only speaking when he has to. But when he starts feeling better he can talk to someone he’s more close to on the ship and just goes on and on about anything. It’s not often, but when he wants to- he can be a real chatterbox.
This was fun, I’ll have to see if I can come up with some other things for the rest of the crew later! 🤣
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redshirtgal · 5 years
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Crewman Moody was one of several Enterprise crewmen affected by the  polywater intoxcation leading  to the deaths of lab personnel on Psi 2000 and the personality changes in other members of the crew. Perhaps a buried desire for Yeoman Janet Rand led to this scene where he doggedly follows her down the corridor, giving yet another rendition of “I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen.” After all, Riley seemed to be  having a good time with it. Despite Rand’s attempt to get Spock’s attention, he never catches on, leaving the poor yeoman alone with Moody again. So we all know that McCoy eventually comes up with a cure (doesn’t he always?). But can you imagine the awkward encounter Moody might have had with her the next time they run into each other? Would Janet have ducked down the nearest corridor or would she have reassured Moody that she knew he meant no harm?
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Now the question is, was this scene the one and only time we see Moody? Or did he also appear in this recreation room scene in “The Trouble with Tribbles”? Memory Alpha seems to think he does appear in the scene where Kirk pulls his chicken sandwich and coffee out of the food synthesizer, only to find them both covered in tribble furballs. Out of all the male crew members who appear in this scene, the man above would be the closest candidate. No other crewman has dark hair except for Lemli (he is sitting at back table on the other side of the room).  He both does and doesn’t look like the Moody from the episode above. Definitely the hair color is right. Could be the same hairline, although that is hard to distinguish since we see them from two different angles.\ It’s possible the actor who played Moody may have developed a deeper tan when this was filmed. But it’s still hard to say. In either case, Moody is never seen again. He’s either faded into the background with the other 400+ members of the Enterprise or transferred to another ship. 
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It was not the last time actor William Frederick Knight was seen or heard in Hollywood. Star Trek provided him with his first Screen Actors Guild job. But he has actually been on the stage all his life, starting with touring the country at age 5 as “Little Billy Knight, World’s Youngest Boy Preacher.”  From there he transitioned to stage acting while he was at Los Angeles City College. Knight was eventually brought to New York City to appear in the original cast of the long running Broadway play, Oh! Calcutta!  From there on he appeared both on and off Broadway for the next 15 years and at some point served as an enlisted man in the Air Force. 
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Between stage gigs, William Knight began acting on television and film. He has close to 300 appearances, spanning from his first role on Star Trek in 1966 to the present day. Above is one of his early appearances as the head surgeon in the Knight Rider episode, “The Scent of Roses.” Other TV shows and movies among his credits are an episode of Simon and Simon, and movies The Lost Platoon and Navy Seals. 
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But he is also well-known as a voice actor, especially by fans of anime.  He first began by doing the English voice of a revolutionary priest in Akira in 1988 and has continued dubbing other character voices in TV, film and video game anime franchises. Most of his roles are those of wise old men. He is often heard as the English voice of Chief Daisuki Aramaki in many of the Ghost in the Shell series.  William Knight has also been heard in the  Naruto: Shippûden TV series as the English voice of Danzô Shimura.  And he provided the English voice of Ultraman in that franchise as well.  If you wish to listen to a sample of his voice acting and an interview, this features a scene from one of the Ghost in the Shell films and a short interview with William Knight. https://youtu.be/3bypYcAJNh4
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But Knight also still is active on the stage. Above is a photo of his 2011 appearance in the play Nevermore, which is based on the Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Fall of the House of Usher” with Poe himself as one of the main characters. 
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And Knight continues to be a presence in Hollywood. Above is a scene from A Better Place where he plays the part of Sam Abram. He’s acted in a number of web series and streaming TV shows since then.  Crewman Moody may not have had much of a career in The Original Series, but the same cannot be said of William Frederick Knight.  Film and TV/Stage /Voice actor - the man’s a triple threat and doesn’t show any sign of slowing up soon. 
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passable-talent · 4 years
Heyyyyy I love how y’all write zuko! Could I ask for an imagine where the reader is zuko’s servant and is very shy and docile, and one of the guards on his ship tries to intimidate her but zuko goes in to defend her. Thanks 💗💗💗💗
as this was requested nearly two months ago, it is a relic of another time. that’s why I’m excusing the female pronouns. but be aware- incoming asks now get deleted if they ask for female reader in any way. yes, I’m being a hardass about it
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You had the fortune of being born a firebender. Sadly, that was where your fortune ended. You were born into the lowest class of the fire nation- the servant class. You couldn’t do much to bring honor to your name, other than to do your best to serve whatever household you were placed into.
You weren’t very good at that, either. You were so bad at it, in fact, that when it came time for the young prince Zuko to take a ship and head off to find the avatar, you were given to him almost as a joke, as though you would make his life harder, instead of easier.
You were determined to prove them wrong. So every day, you did your chores dutifully. You purified salt water from the seas to make it into drinking water, and used some of it to wash the sheets and clothes of the crewman, the prince and general of course being treated first. Then, as it was lunch by the time you’d finish, you would help the cooks distribute lunch to all of the crewman.
Then, in the afternoon, you would assist both the prince and anyone else in the crew with anything they needed. Usually, you fetched parchment, or maps, or new candle wax. You helped distribute the evening meal, and after dinner you finally had time to yourself.
Most nights, you wandered to the bow of the ship, and practiced firebending.
You didn’t have much need for the skill. You weren’t gifted, and it wasn’t as though anyone expected you to help fight any sort of battles, as you weren’t a soldier. You didn’t plan on fighting any Agni Kais, and your bending was already good enough for mundane things, like lighting candles and thawing crewmen who stepped the wrong way in front of the avatar’s waterbending friend.
By all accounts, there was no need to train you any further.
And yet, you did. You had a passion for firebending- not for the fighting, and the martial arts, but for the way it made you feel. You loved the noise of the flame, and the energy that coursed through your bones, and the heat of the fire. You loved the warmth and the light that it spread. Though you had no teacher, you trained the best you could, practicing forms you had witnessed General Iroh teaching prince Zuko.
You hadn’t gotten in trouble yet. You didn’t know why you would, after all, you were off duty after dinner, but still you feared that somehow you were breaking a rule. Yet you thought that maybe the night watchman was less concerned with your shenanigans than whatever else their duties were. Maybe you had been reported, but hellfire was yet to rain upon you. There was no way to know.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and began your forms again, your shoulders square and torso strong but your footwork lacking.
“May I?” asked a voice behind you, and you turned to see General Iroh, sitting down at his Pi Sho table.
“General,” you said, turning toward him and bowing deeply. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you, I’ll see myself to bed right away-“
“No, Y/N,” Iroh said, “it seems I am the one who has interrupted you. I sometimes enjoy a late night tea, and look at the stars. Don’t let me stop you.” You paused, shocked, but soon offered him a grateful smile and returned to your movements.
You faced the bow of the ship, and struck forward with both hands, knuckles vertical, making fire frame the point of the bow. Then, you jumped, launching upward and letting your body drift sideways as you struck your hand and foot in opposite directions, sending arcs of flame. You were supposed to land on your feet, but you stumbled sideways, and took the fall to your hip, then hands.
“Your technique is strong, but you need to focus more on your footwork,” General Iroh said, making you stiffen up. You hadn’t realized he’d been watching you- much less that he would critique.
“Much like earthbenders, firebenders can gain control from their connection to the ground. Keep your stances strong, and mind your center of gravity. This will help you control your flame.” You turned to the General and bowed again, a small smile on your face.
“Thank you, General,” you said, and began the set anew.
And so it became a pattern. General Iroh would often take naps in the afternoon, so that he could sit under the stars with you and help you learn. You couldn’t ever thank him enough, as he had no need to do this for you. Regardless, your skill began to strengthen, slowly as it was.
It did mean, however, that you were much more tired in the mornings. When you got up to clean up from breakfast one morning, your drowsiness was so strong that you managed to stumble when delivering Lieutenant Jee his tea. You apologized profusely, and immediately offered to get him another cup, regardless of the shard of porcelain stuck into the center of your palm, but it seemed that he wouldn’t hear it.
“You should’ve never been placed on this ship,” the lieutenant jeered, “It’s ridiculous that the good crewmen of this ship are burdened with not only a moody teenager as a captain, but also a clumsy teenager as a servant.” You looked to the side, hoping that maybe you would garner Iroh’s pity, and he would come to your rescue. But instead, you saw him walking away, showing utter indifference to your situation.
“We’re not the banished ones! Why are we being punished?” As he raised his voice, you tucked your chin down, hoping to diffuse his anger with your submission, complacency.
“My apologies, Lieutenant, I’m sorry-“
“You should be sorry. You’re nothing. To think that you’ve even been trying to be a firebender. You’ll never be more than you are- a useless servant.”
“Leave them alone,” said Zuko, emerging from the interior of the ship. Behind him walked Iroh, and you realized that the General had gone to fetch the prince.
“If you think that Y/N is useless, I’d love to see how you manage a day without their help. You may be a lieutenant, but you show no respect.” Lieutenant Jee turned from the conversation, seemingly chased off, and Prince Zuko turned to you.
“Are you alright?” He asked, and you realized you’d never seen a side of him so caring. Slowly you turned over your palm, revealing the shard still stuck into your hand, and the trail of blood it had dripped and carved.
“Come inside, I’ll get you to the medic,” he said, and you followed him into the ship. However, he took you nowhere near the medic’s chambers, instead pulling you into his own. He had you sit down in front of his desk, and gathered a bandage from a nearby storage chest.
“If he says anything like that to you again, tell me,” the prince ordered you, and you nodded, casting your eyes to the floor. You never thought you’d be in his chambers- let alone when he’d just saved you. He sat in front of you, gently taking your hand and turning over your palm so that he could slowly pull out the shard of cup you’d smashed into it. Gently, he used a wet cloth to wipe the blood from your hand, his palm placed over your knuckles to hold your hand in place. Then, he wrapped your hand, and though you knew that your body carried the heat of a firebender, you couldn’t help but think that his hands felt so warm.
“My uncle said that you’re a promising firebender,” Zuko said, seemingly struggling to make conversation.
“I’m trying to learn,” you answered, voice small. You still felt so out of your element, being in his chambers.
“I could pardon you for an afternoon, so you can train with me. If you want.”
“I don’t think I’m good enough for that,” you said quickly, astonished he’d even offer.
“Well, when you’ve learned more. Maybe then.” You nodded, and he tucked your bandages into place, a small metal clip keeping them from unraveling. You stood up quickly, and bowed to him.
“Thank you,” you said, before rushing from his sight.
You couldn’t help the blush that rose on your cheeks, nor the way your heart pounded. You never thought he’d even known your name- and now he offered to train with and protect you.
Maybe the prince wasn’t as emotionally closed off as the crew seemed to think. Maybe there was something in his chest, something that you might even be able to reach.
-🦌 Roe
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bigfootwrites · 4 years
A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight [Reposted Anniversary]
@today-in-fic @mypanicface @improlificinsarcasm @enigmaticxbee Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this
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Embarrassed, anger swirling through her, Scully storms out of the pool, throwing open the doors on her way out. She ignores the looks she gets for her actions, for the way the doors bounce off the walls and startle a woman nearby. She doesn’t care, she just needs to get far enough away from Mulder and all things first class. She barely acknowledges the crewman passing who barks at her to get back to her own deck, Scully gladly goes, climbing over the now locked gate.
She’s done. Done with all of it; the dinners, the people, Mulder. He can live in his sad fake world with his sad fake fiancé. In a few days time, she’ll get off this boat and never the two shall meet again.
His words still ring in her ears. His words, his father’s words, whoever’s words- she doesn’t care, they’re all the same- the same closed minded people who don’t give a shit about anything other than themselves.
But Mulder wasn’t.
She pushes that thought away, ignoring the truth and forcing herself to mould Mulder to be like everyone else. If he did care about her he wouldn’t be worried about what his father thinks.
Why did it always have to come down to what father’s thought of their children?
She finds herself in the galley before she realises, a room completely crowded with people doing nothing with their lives and it angers Scully even more, this whole ship does, every person on it. She’s sick of crowded rooms, of seeing the same people every day.
The novelty of things wears off eventually.
She spies Charlie in the corner, happy, laughing with a group of boys he’s befriended. This journey had given him the freedom to just be a kid, to not have to worry about finding a job or the constant response of “No, you can’t work here”, “No, we haven’t got any jobs free for you”, “No, you need more experience”. He hadn’t won much in the terms of a job, either.
Seeing him now, Scully is envious. Despite the hardships, he was still free to be a child, they could go home and Ma wouldn’t push him to find a job and here, he could laugh with as many people as he wanted, hopelessly flirt with as many girls as he wanted and there would be no consequences, no rules or hearts broken because of a stupid mistake.
Not in the mood for company, Scully leaves the galley, about to head into her room and shut the world away for the rest of the trip before a familiar little voice stops her.
Scully turns to see a little girl, blonde curls bouncing behind her, bound towards her.
A smile passes across Scully’s face at the presence of Agnes, momentarily forgetting her sadness and anger, she kneels to the girl’s height.
“Hello,” Scully says. “Are you feeling better now?”
Agnes nods her head, her blue eyes bright and cheeks rosy with colour, so much better than the day before.
“You helped me be better,” the girl says. In her hands she holds a brown box and extends it forward towards Scully. “I wanted to give this to you, to say tack sjalv…That means thank you in Swedish.”
Scully takes the box from Agnes, her thumbs slipping under the lid and opening it. A dancer dressed in traditional Swedish clothing appears spinning around as music plays from the box.
A music box.
Scully smiles, warmed by the girl’s gesture of thank you. She looks from the music box to Agnes, the girl’s smile radiating happiness, proud of her gift.
“Are you sure?” Scully asks, thankful for the gift but also having first-hand knowledge that they didn’t carry much and what they did carry was something extremely special to them.
Agnes nods. “It was Mama’s but Papa said we couldn’t keep it anymore, it’s too much space.” Her smile falters at that and Scully knows that it was either to be given away or sold to a stranger.
“I’ll take it Agnes,” says Scully and the girl instantly cheers up. “I’ll look after it and won’t let anything happen to it.”
Agnes happily nods and gives Scully and hug before running off back down the corridor.
The music box in one hand, Scully opens the door and sets the box on the table, a wee bit happier than she was before.
 It’s strange how yesterday she was sat in a great big hall surrounded by shallow-minded people, eating food she could barely pronounce and today she is sat on the end of the bench eating mash and beef.
Well, eating being the desired action, she more than just picks at it.
She should probably eat it. All those times when she was younger, when she just wished there had been a slice of bread in the house remind her that she should eat food when she can, and eat all of it because who knows when the next one would be?
Her mood had lightened up with Agnes’ present but it hadn’t taken long for it to fall back down when she was alone. Maybe isolating herself wasn’t the best idea.
She can’t decide why this whole Mulder thing had gotten to her so. A similar thing had happened before, Scully had got in too deep with someone she shouldn’t and they had left her standing at a train station all night, never showing up themselves.
Whilst it had hurt to be humiliated, to walk back home with her tail tucked between her legs, she’d gotten over that situation fairly quickly and she’d done more than just dance with the man.
Scully tries not to think about the reasons, she was supposed to be blocking Mulder from her mind anyway, no dwelling on him.
“Decided dinner with your own kind is better then?”
Scully looks up to find Charlie opposite her, a smile plastered across his face from his ‘joke’. Sure, hilarious.
He sits down on the bench across from her. “I found your wee English fella before,” he tells her. “Well, he found me actually, jumped over the gate and all,” Charlie finishes with a smile at the memory.
Scully just frowns, why would a man who told her mere hours ago that he wanted nothing more to do with her go out of his way to talk to her younger brother?
“What did he want?”
“He just asked if I’d seen you, which I replied I hadn’t since the party and whatever glimpse I’d gotten of you before you ran out this morning.”
“I was with Agnes.”
Really, Scully doubts she’d spent no more than ten minutes with the lass but she wasn’t about to admit to her brother than she’d been lying in her bed depressed all day.
“Anyway, he said if I saw you to tell you to meet him by the mass at dinner time, he’ll be there.”
Scully thinks for a moment, calming the butterflies that fly in her stomach. Just what was Mulder playing at?
“He also said that you didn’t have to go if you didn’t want to, but something told him you will.” Charlie frowns, staring at her for a moment and Scully feels incredibly awkward.
“What happened between you two? You were getting along at that party last night.” His frown chances into a sly, knowing smile.
Emboldened, Scully pushes her bowl out of the way, leaning forward so her face was mere inches away from her brother’s.
“You can wipe that smile off ye face cause ye don’t know anything.”
She pushes herself away, standing up from the bench.
“You’re gonna go?” Charlie asks, leaning back also.
Scully nods.
“Can I have your food?”
Without a word, she pushes the bowl in Charlie’s direction. Curiosity and nerves blooming, she disappears off to find out what games Mulder wants to play.
 A chilly breeze blows across the deck, the sun almost setting in the distance. It looks beautiful, the orange and purples that paint the sky. It’s clear, the islands just off in distance visible. There’s no one out, every one off in the halls eating dinner, a perfect time Mulder chose.
Scully sees him near the mass just like he said, hunched over and leaning against the rails. At first she thought he’d be sitting on them, not unlike their first meeting. Despite her confusion, her curiosity, and the slight annoyance at his ever changing mind, she smiles at the memory.
“Are you always so moody, then?”
At the sound of her voice he turns, almost surprised to see her there.
“You came?” he asks.
Scully nods, “I did. I almost had second thoughts leaving the dinner hall but I thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt.” She walks closer to him then, shivering in the slight chill, a mischievous smile flittering across her face. “So long as I’m not distracting you,” she almost whispers.
And while she smiles he does not, instead pain and regret etched on his face as he looks down at his feet.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” he apologises. “I just…I feel bad for everyone involved in this, even Phoebe, she…she’s a lot but she doesn’t really deserve this.”
There’s a moment when Scully wonders if they’ll ever be able to have a conversation that doesn’t include Phoebe’s name in it but she thinks back to Mulder’s earlier words, how their relationship was complicated, so no, she doubts they ever will.
“What are you trying to say, Mulder?”
He looks up at her then, almost shy. “I guess I’m trying to say that I want to do this. You and me. Us. If that’s what you want?”
Is it? Her anger at him casting her aside, at choosing his family over her, they weren’t friendly feelings. The need to see him today, the speak to him and spend time with him, that went beyond friendship, too. She’s known him less than three days and even in that short time span she can’t think of the moment when they overstepped the friends line.
She doesn’t think he knows either.
“You tried to kiss me when I walked you to the gate yesterday. Did you mean it?”
“I did,” he admits. “I wanted to but you stopped me so I thought maybe you didn’t and then…then before you said we were just friends so why the change?”
“Because you pissed me off,” she tells him, if they’re going to tell the truth they may as well both be truthful. “Because your father is right, I am a distraction.” She walks that little bit closer, now only a foot or so away from them both being in each other’s personal space.
“Does that bother you?”
Scully thinks about that. ‘Distraction’ maybe isn’t the nicest word to use for someone but in this moment she doesn’t care what some little person who seems as far away as the islands around them are, thinks she is.
“No,” she finally answers.
Mulder smiles and slowly outstretches his hand towards her.
“I want to show you something, Distraction.”
Scully smiles at the little nickname and takes his hand. Mulder leads her to the rails, places her where he was just standing.
“Step up onto the rails,”
Scully looks at him cautiously. “What? Are you planning on us both jumping off together or something?”
Mulder ignores her joke. “Just do it,” he says softly.
Grasping the heaviness of the situation she does as she’s told, stepping up on the first rail. She lets go of his hand to grasp hold of the mass, holding onto it for dear life as her feet wobble on the rail. With both of Mulder’s hands freed, she feels him take hold of her waist, holding her in place and instantly she feels a bit more secured.
“Are you sure we won’t get into trouble for this?” Scully asks, suddenly feeling cautious about any eyes that could be watching them.
“Why would we?” Mulder asks, incredibly close to her ear. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”
Correction: this whole step they’re taking is incredibly wrong but Scully decides not to dwell on that, instead basking it in, in the thrill of doing something that she shouldn’t be once more.
“So what am I supposed to be seeing?” she asks, turning towards him.
“Hang on a second.” He takes one of his hands off her side and uses it to cling onto the hand-rail, pulling himself up onto the bottom rail Scully stands on. She can feel every inch of his warm body pressed up against her, and still in her light and playful mood, she pretends to adjust herself so her entire body brushes against his. In response, the hand holding onto her clutches her tighter.
“Stop it,” he tells her, less lightly than before and Scully stops, allowing herself to just lean about into him.
“Look down at the water,” he tells her and she does so.
At first there’s nothing, just the waves caused by the ship as it ploughs on to their destination but then she sees it, a little speck of grey that appears in the air and disappears again. And another one. And a third.
“I see it!” she shouts, as three dolphins jump in and out of the water one after the other.
A smile passes across her face in happiness and delight, watching the creatures appear and disappear. This is what he wanted to show her and it doesn’t matter that she’s seen dolphins before, doesn’t bother her that it isn’t something more special, this is enough, just watching them jump in and out of the water, the cold chill of the wind against the front but the warmth of Mulder behind her, it’s all she can ask for. Slowly, everything fades away; the presence of people tucked behind walls, the view around her and the sun that continues setting in the distance, the ship, and its rails that she stands on and finally even Mulder disappears. Her eyes close and she’s warm and happy, free of all worries and stress. There’s no start or destination, it’s just her and the wind and the warmth.
Her surroundings come back soon, Mulder being the first thing to return to her. Scully opens her eyes again and looks down to the sea, the dolphins having gone. The spell broken and she misses their presence.
Weightless and carefree, she turns around in Mulder’s arms, taking her cold hands away from the mass and rail and presses them against Mulder’s warm chest, warming them up.
“Happy?” he asks quietly.
Scully nods. She looks up from her hands to find Mulder’s face inches away from hers. There’s a bit of a height difference between them like this and she steps onto her tip toes, clutching onto to Mulder to hold onto to as she presses her lips against his, once again her surroundings floating away around her.
She’s glad this is their first kiss. The one on the way to the gate would have been drunk and rough but this is sweet and perfect and much, much nicer.
It doesn’t go beyond that, as much as she wants it to be further it’s fine as it is, there’s more time for that later, anyway.
She pulls away, eyeing him nervously but something else catches his eyes. Frowning, his hands climb to her neck, slipping inside her collar to pull out her cross.
She looks at it from where he holds it between them.
“My mammy gave me it,” Scully explains. “My older brother tried to sell it one time but I didn’t let him. Instead I hid it and told everyone I lost it, until it was time to leave and I started wearing it again.” She unclasps it, handing it to Mulder to look at it. “I don’t know why I wouldn’t let them have it,” she wonders almost to herself.
“It’s yours. It means something to you.” She watches as he runs his thumb over the slim lines of the cross.
“I guess,” Scully agrees, staring at it. “It would have fed us, though.”
She watches him continue staring at it and it’s almost like he’s disappeared inside himself, frowning and thinking as he continues to stroke and hold the necklace.
He looks to her, his eyes searching hers and an almost pleading look on his face.
“You can say no,” he begins, before stopping to swallow nervously. Scully waits, interested in what he’s about to ask her. “Can…can I draw you wearing this?” She’s about to answer with a yes before he cuts her off. “Just wearing this?”
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scullysexual · 5 years
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titanic au | multichapter-au | au | multiple parts | historical au | msr | mature | ao3 | 6/13 | @today-in-fic​ |
For Mulder, a wealthy English-bred socialite who’s had everything given to him since birth, the Titanic is shipping him off to a prison, a life he no longer wishes for or wants. For Scully, an Irish stranger from the lower class, it offers a new life, a future she can truly envision in America. What if the universe put them on the same path to achieve those dreams at the cost of life? 
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
- - -
Embarrassed, anger swirling through her, Scully storms out of the pool, throwing open the doors on her way out. She ignores the looks she gets for her actions, for the way the doors bounce off the walls and startle a woman nearby. She doesn’t care, she just needs to get far enough away from Mulder and all things first class. She barely acknowledges the crewman passing who barks at her to get back to her own deck, Scully gladly goes, climbing over the now locked gate.
She’s done. Done with all of it; the dinners, the people, Mulder. He can live in his sad fake world with his sad fake fiancé. In a few days time, she’ll get off this boat and never the two shall meet again.
His words still ring in her ears. His words, his father’s words, whoever’s words- she doesn’t care, they’re all the same- the same closed minded people who don’t give a shit about anything other than themselves.
But Mulder wasn’t.
She pushes that thought away, ignoring the truth and forcing herself to mould Mulder to be like everyone else. If he did care about her he wouldn’t be worried about what his father thinks.
Why did it always have to come down to what father’s thought of their children?
She finds herself in the galley before she realises, a room completely crowded with people doing nothing with their lives and it angers Scully even more, this whole ship does, every person on it. She’s sick of crowded rooms, of seeing the same people every day.
The novelty of things wears off eventually.
She spies Charlie in the corner, happy, laughing with a group of boys he’s befriended. This journey had given him the freedom to just be a kid, to not have to worry about finding a job or the constant response of “No, you can’t work here”, “No, we haven’t got any jobs free for you”, “No, you need more experience”. He hadn’t won much in the terms of a job, either.
Seeing him now, Scully is envious. Despite the hardships, he was still free to be a child, they could go home and Ma wouldn’t push him to find a job and here, he could laugh with as many people as he wanted, hopelessly flirt with as many girls as he wanted and there would be no consequences, no rules or hearts broken because of a stupid mistake.
Not in the mood for company, Scully leaves the galley, about to head into her room and shut the world away for the rest of the trip before a familiar little voice stops her.
Scully turns to see a little girl, blonde curls bouncing behind her, bound towards her.
A smile passes across Scully’s face at the presence of Agnes, momentarily forgetting her sadness and anger, she kneels to the girl’s height.
“Hello,” Scully says. “Are you feeling better now?”
Agnes nods her head, her blue eyes bright and cheeks rosy with colour, so much better than the day before.
“You helped me be better,” the girl says. In her hands she holds a brown box and extends it forward towards Scully. “I wanted to give this to you, to say tack sjalv…That means thank you in Swedish.”
Scully takes the box from Agnes, her thumbs slipping under the lid and opening it. A dancer dressed in traditional Swedish clothing appears spinning around as music plays from the box.
A music box.
Scully smiles, warmed by the girl’s gesture of thank you. She looks from the music box to Agnes, the girl’s smile radiating happiness, proud of her gift.
“Are you sure?” Scully asks, thankful for the gift but also having first-hand knowledge that they didn’t carry much and what they did carry was something extremely special to them.
Agnes nods. “It was Mama’s but Papa said we couldn’t keep it anymore, it’s too much space.” Her smile falters at that and Scully knows that it was either to be given away or sold to a stranger.
“I’ll take it Agnes,” says Scully and the girl instantly cheers up. “I’ll look after it and won’t let anything happen to it.”
Agnes happily nods and gives Scully and hug before running off back down the corridor.
The music box in one hand, Scully opens the door and sets the box on the table, a wee bit happier than she was before.
 It’s strange how yesterday she was sat in a great big hall surrounded by shallow-minded people, eating food she could barely pronounce and today she is sat on the end of the bench eating mash and beef.
Well, eating being the desired action, she more than just picks at it.
She should probably eat it. All those times when she was younger, when she just wished there had been a slice of bread in the house remind her that she should eat food when she can, and eat all of it because who knows when the next one would be?
Her mood had lightened up with Agnes’ present but it hadn’t taken long for it to fall back down when she was alone. Maybe isolating herself wasn’t the best idea.
She can’t decide why this whole Mulder thing had gotten to her so. A similar thing had happened before, Scully had got in too deep with someone she shouldn’t and they had left her standing at a train station all night, never showing up themselves.
Whilst it had hurt to be humiliated, to walk back home with her tail tucked between her legs, she’d gotten over that situation fairly quickly and she’d done more than just dance with the man.
Scully tries not to think about the reasons, she was supposed to be blocking Mulder from her mind anyway, no dwelling on him.
“Decided dinner with your own kind is better then?”
Scully looks up to find Charlie opposite her, a smile plastered across his face from his ‘joke’. Sure, hilarious.
He sits down on the bench across from her. “I found your wee English fella before,” he tells her. “Well, he found me actually, jumped over the gate and all,” Charlie finishes with a smile at the memory.
Scully just frowns, why would a man who told her mere hours ago that he wanted nothing more to do with her go out of his way to talk to her younger brother?
“What did he want?”
“He just asked if I’d seen you, which I replied I hadn’t since the party and whatever glimpse I’d gotten of you before you ran out this morning.”
“I was with Agnes.”
Really, Scully doubts she’d spent no more than ten minutes with the lass but she wasn’t about to admit to her brother than she’d been lying in her bed depressed all day.
“Anyway, he said if I saw you to tell you to meet him by the mass at dinner time, he’ll be there.”
Scully thinks for a moment, calming the butterflies that fly in her stomach. Just what was Mulder playing at?
“He also said that you didn’t have to go if you didn’t want to, but something told him you will.” Charlie frowns, staring at her for a moment and Scully feels incredibly awkward.
“What happened between you two? You were getting along at that party last night.” His frown chances into a sly, knowing smile.
Emboldened, Scully pushes her bowl out of the way, leaning forward so her face was mere inches away from her brother’s.
“You can wipe that smile off ye face cause ye don’t know anything.”
She pushes herself away, standing up from the bench.
“You’re gonna go?” Charlie asks, leaning back also.
Scully nods.
“Can I have your food?”
Without a word, she pushes the bowl in Charlie’s direction. Curiosity and nerves blooming, she disappears off to find out what games Mulder wants to play.
 A chilly breeze blows across the deck, the sun almost setting in the distance. It looks beautiful, the orange and purples that paint the sky. It’s clear, the islands just off in distance visible. There’s no one out, every one off in the halls eating dinner, a perfect time Mulder chose.
Scully sees him near the mass just like he said, hunched over and leaning against the rails. At first she thought he’d be sitting on them, not unlike their first meeting. Despite her confusion, her curiosity and the slight annoyance at his ever changing mind, she smiles at the memory.
“Are you always so moody, then?”
At the sound of her voice he turns, almost surprised to see her there.
“You came?” he asks.
Scully nods, “I did. I almost had second thoughts leaving the dinner hall but I thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt.” She walks closer to him then, shivering in the slight chill, a mischievous smile flittering across her face. “So long as I’m not _distracting _you,” she almost whispers.
And while she smiles he does not, instead pain and regret etched on his face as he looks down at his feet.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” he apologises. “I just…I feel bad for everyone involved in this, even Phoebe, she…she’s a lot but she doesn’t really deserve this.”
There’s a moment when Scully wonders if they’ll ever be able to have a conversation that doesn’t include Phoebe’s name in it but she thinks back to Mulder’s earlier words, how their relationship was complicated, so no, she doubts they ever will.
“What are you trying to say, Mulder?”
He looks up at her then, almost shy. “I guess I’m trying to say that I want to do this. You and me. Us. If that’s what you want?”
Is it? Her anger at him casting her aside, at choosing his family over her, they weren’t friendly feelings. The need to see him today, the speak to him and spend time with him, that went beyond friendship, too. She’s known him less than three days and even in that short time span she can’t think of the moment when they overstepped the friends line.
She doesn’t think he knows either.
“You tried to kiss me when I walked you to the gate yesterday. Did you mean it?”
“I did,” he admits. “I wanted to but you stopped me so I thought maybe you didn’t and then…then before you said we were just friends so why the change?”
“Because you pissed me off,” she tells him, if they’re going to tell the truth they may as well both be truthful. “Because your father is right, I am a distraction.” She walks that little bit closer, now only a foot or so away from them both being in each other’s personal space.
“Does that bother you?”
Scully thinks about that. ‘Distraction’ maybe isn’t the nicest word to use for someone but in this moment she doesn’t care what some little person who seems as far away as the islands around them are, thinks she is.
“No,” she finally answers.
Mulder smiles and slowly outstretches his hand towards her.
“I want to show you something, Distraction.”
Scully smiles at the little nickname and takes his hand. Mulder leads her to the rails, places her where he was just standing.
“Step up onto the rails,”
Scully looks at him cautiously. “What? Are you planning on us both jumping off together or something?”
Mulder ignores her joke. “Just do it,” he says softly.
Grasping the heaviness of the situation she does as she’s told, stepping up on the first rail. She lets go of his hand to grasp hold of the mass, holding onto it for dear life as her feet wobble on the rail. With both of Mulder’s hands freed, she feels him take hold of her waist, holding her in place and instantly she feels a bit more secured.
“Are you sure we won’t get into trouble for this?” Scully asks, suddenly feeling cautious about any eyes that could be watching them.
“Why would they?” Mulder asks, incredibly close to her ear. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”
Correction: this whole step they’re taking is incredibly wrong but Scully decides not to dwell on that, inside basking it in, in the thrill of doing something that she shouldn’t be once more.
“So what am I supposed to be seeing?” she asks, turning towards him.
“Hang on a second.” He takes one of his hands off her side and uses it to cling onto the hand-rail, pulling himself up onto the bottom rail Scully stands on. She can feel every inch of his warm body pressed up against her, and still in her light and playful mood, she pretends to adjust herself so her entire body brushes against his. In response, the hand holding onto her clutches her tighter.
“Stop it,” he tells her, less lightly than before and Scully stops, allowing herself to just lean about into him.
“Look down at the water,” he tells her and she does so.
At first there’s nothing, just the waves caused by the ship as it ploughs on to their destination but then she sees it, a little speck of grey that appears in the air and disappears again. And another one. And a third.
“I see it!” she shouts, as three dolphins jump in and out of the water one after the other.
A smile passes across her face in happiness and delight, watching the creatures appear and disappear. This is what he wanted to show her and it doesn’t matter that she’s seen dolphins before, doesn’t bother her that it isn’t something more special, this is enough, just watching them jump in and out of the water, the cold chill of the wind against the front but the warmth of Mulder behind her, it’s all she can ask for. Slowly, everything fades away; the presence of people tucked behind walls, the view around her and the sun that continues setting in the distance, the ship and its rails that she stands on and finally even Mulder disappears. Her eyes close and she’s warm and happy, free of all worries and stress. There’s no start or destination, it’s just her and the wind and the warmth.
Her surroundings come back soon, Mulder being the first thing to return to her. Scully opens her eyes again and looks down to the sea, the dolphins having gone. The spell broken and she misses their presence.
Weightless and carefree, she turns around in Mulder’s arms, taking her cold hands away from the mass and rail and presses them against Mulder’s warm chest, warming them up.
“Happy?” he asks quietly.
Scully nods. She looks up from her hands to find Mulder’s face inches away from hers. There’s a bit of a height difference between them like this and she steps onto her tip toes, clutching onto to Mulder to hold onto to as she presses her lips against his, once again her surroundings floating away around her.
She’s glad this is their first kiss. The one on the way to the gate would have been drunk and rough but this is sweet and perfect and much, much nicer.
It doesn’t go beyond that, as much as she wants it to be further it’s fine as it is, there’s more time for that later, anyway.
She pulls away, eyeing him nervously but something else catches his eyes. Frowning, his hands climb to her neck, slipping inside her collar to pull out her cross.
She looks at it from where he holds it between them.
“My mammy gave me it,” Scully explains. “My older brother tried to sell it one time but I didn’t let him. Instead I hid it and told everyone I lost it, until it was time to leave and I started wearing it again.” She unclasps it, handing it to Mulder to look at it. “I don’t know why I wouldn’t let them have it,” she wonders almost to herself.
“It’s yours. It means something to you.” She watches as he runs his thumb over the slim lines of the cross.
“I guess,” Scully agrees, staring at it. “It would have fed us, though.”
She watches him continue staring at it and it’s almost like he’s disappeared inside himself, frowning and thinking as he continues to stroke and hold the necklace.
He looks to her, his eyes searching hers and an almost pleading look on his face.
“You can say no,” he begins, before stopping to swallow nervously. Scully waits, interested in what he’s about to ask her. “Can…can I draw you wearing this?” She’s about to answer with a yes before he cuts her off. “Just wearing this?”
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warpcorewarrior · 6 years
Tell us about your team? What are there best qualities?
My team of engineers is very impressive. 
First of all, we’re out here without any backup, questionable resource availability, and traded parts that are not necessarily compatible with Voyager, so maintenance and repairs of all the ship’s systems can be quite difficult. The engineering team has risen to the challenge. They’ve shown amazing innovation and flexibility. I can’t stress enough how proud I am of them. 
They’re also very supportive of each other. I almost never have to get involved in personnel issues, such as someone covering for a sick team mate or trading shifts so a crewman can have the day off they need. They’re very considerate and self sufficient. 
And finally, they have a half Klingon for a boss. That can’t be easy, but they handle the short temper, the outbursts, the stubbornness, the moodiness it really well. 
Excellent job engineering team! 
@@rebelwithoutacausedalby @susan-nicoletti-voyager​ @lyssacampbell 
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redshirtgal · 5 years
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Ah, that romantic songbird, Crewman Moody. Or is he really a creepster? Geesh, Moody - get out of Yeoman Rand’s space. And quit singing that song! Kevin Riley’s version at least had more of an Irishman’s flair.
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