#Creedence Creek Cowboy Trilogy
julesthequirky · 1 year
Jensen and Characters
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Hunted: Series: After being stood up, the reader finds the company of Dean Winchester, only to later realise it was all meticulously planned.
Theirs: Series: Back in Helena, the reader captures the attention of two Alphas, Beau and Dean (not Winchester).
The Choice: Series: Three of your favourite characters turn up in your home, and as you get close, you have a decision to make. Who are you sending?
Healing Her: Series: DV survivor moves to Montana to make a fresh start and gains attraction from the Sheriff, Beau Arlen.
Chapter One
Beautiful Trauma: Mini-Series; The reader finds out that after nearly forty years, Ben is alive. (Ben x Reader)
Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Four
Brat: Series: In order to adjust her behaviour and attitude, Y/N is sent to John’s and whilst she’s there, John’s sons, Sam and Dean take a liking to her.
Falling For The Sheriff: Part of the Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy Series; Reader's car breaks down outside of a small southern town and who else comes to her rescue? None other than Sheriff Dean Winchester.
Broken and Unfixable: Drabble; Dean hits the reader with some hard “truths”.
All Out of Options: Drabble; Reader resorts to a last option. (Dean x Reader)
Under The Mistletoe: Drabble; There’s mistletoe. And Dean (Dean x Reader)
Toy Soldier: Ficlet; The reader finds Michael in her apartment.
Classroom Humiliation: Oneshot; Reader gets humiliated in class. (Jensen x Reader)
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julesthequirky · 1 year
Jared and Characters
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The 'Uncle': Twoshot; Much to the reader's disapproval, her 'uncle' will supervise whilst the reader's mother and her partner go on holiday for a week.
Part One
Brat: Series; In order to adjust her behaviour and attitude, Y/N is sent to John’s and whilst she’s there, John’s sons, Sam and Dean take a liking to her.
Trailer Trash Tinkerbell: Part of The Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy; He's a lawyer. She's unemployed. But a chance meeting changes their lives forever. (Sam x Reader)
It Started With A Beer: Oneshot; Reader meets Sam in a bar, and smut ensues. (Sam x Reader)
Drive Me Crazy: Mini-Series; Reader used to date Sam, and now Dean's asking for her help on a case. (Sam x Reader)
Classroom Humiliation: Explicit Oneshot; Reader gets humiliated in class. (Jared x Reader).
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julesthequirky · 4 years
Falling For The Sheriff
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Summary:  Your car breaks down just outside a small southern town, and the first person to your ‘rescue’ is no one other than the Sheriff of the town, Dean Winchester. 
Chapter One
Damn, all you could get on the radio was country. Country, country and more country. You slapped your hand on the dial, turning it off. You turned up your air con. Christ was it hot in this backwater hick town.
That was the moment your car decided to splutter and choke.
“Oh no. Please, not now. Not now.”
Your car died and you groaned. Trust you to be stuck in the middle of some outback tiny town.
Your hands smacked your wheel and you swung the car door wide enough for it to break off from the hinges. You stepped out into the sweltering heat.
Christ. You felt your forehead bead with sweat. You checked your phone. Ugh it wasn’t even three. You went to lift the top of your car, but your fingers burned on the black metal. You cried out in pain, snatching your hands, curling them to your body.
You kicked your car.
“Stupid piece of shi-”
“Help you, ma’am?”
You jumped and whirled around in the middle of a paddy, now looking like a deer in headlights.
The man standing before you stood in front of a black ‘69 Chevy Impala. He wore a stark white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black pants. His outfit complete with bolo tie, tan cowboy boots and a Stetson.
He was a young good-looking man.
“My car just quit on me.”
“I’ll have Bobby take a look at it.”
His voice was deep with that distinctive southern drawl.
“Oh, uh, thanks.”
“You’re not from around here, are you?”
“My accent give it away?”
“All right, little miss, no need for the sarcasm. Or I’ll have you for sass talking the Sheriff.”
He was the Sheriff?!!!
“Are you really the Sheriff?” You went around to the back of your car and popped the trunk. You pulled out your suitcase, the weight almost pulling you down with it.
You looked at the man and he had his badge out. Ah shit.
“That real enough for ya?”
You nodded.
“Come on, I’ll take you to the inn, Jodie loves new faces.”
You pulled your suitcase not five steps and the handle broke.
“You kidding me?! Stupid shit!”
You went to kick it, but the Sheriff got there before you, picking up the case.
“Woah, woah now. Don’t want any injuries before you get rested. Plus, I’m the one that’s gotta write it up.”
“I got a case of the bad luck.”
“Well, now that last case of bad luck bought you here, to Creedence Creek, Texas.”
He stepped forward and grabbed the handle attached to your case and picked it up, carrying it with ease to his car. He popped the trunk, then placed it inside.
“C’mon on, you don’t wanna die of thirst out here do ya?”
You shook your head.
“No, sir.”
He went around to the passenger side door and opened it for you.
“Is being chivalrous, necessary?” You asked getting in.
“No, but it’s how many of us are raised. It’s a way of life.”
Oh. Now you felt like an ass and felt you had insulted him. He closed the passenger side door and made his way to the driver’s side. He slid in and pulled his phone out, making a call.
“Bobby! Hey, how ya doin’?”
You couldn’t hear the other side.
“I’m good, n’aw Bobs, I can’t tonight, got a ton of work waitin’ me for me back at the office. Raincheck on them drinks, alright. Alright. Listen, I got a car, just a little way’s out of town. Black, small, city car y’know the kind. Massachusetts plate, number beginning 429, yeah, you’ll know when ya see it. Great. Awesome. Thanks, I owe you one, Bobby.”
He hung up and started the engine, then drove off.
“I didn’t get your name back there, Miss.”
“I didn’t get yours either.”
He gave a small laugh.
“Alright, formally I’m known as Sheriff Winchester, but everybody in town knows me as Dean.”
Sheriff Dean Winchester. It had a nice ring to it.
“What about you?”
“Y/N. Not Sheriff, from Boston.”
“Ah a city gal. The locals are gunna love you.”
You snorted. That was an understatement, if you ever knew one. In the backwater town that was Creedence Creek, they would have a whale of a time telling you that your wat wasn’t the way things go around here. And you knew it. Southerners didn’t really mix with northern city goers. Or city goers in general.
“Will my car be okay?”
“It’ll be fine, ain’t nobody gonna take it if that’s what you’re worried about.”
It had crossed your mind and you definitely didn’t feel safe leaving it behind.
“If it’ll make you feel any better, I’ll have Bobby give you a call, I’m sure your number is tied to the plate. May I ask what you were doin’ down here? I mean to say, we don’t get a lot of city goers, that is.”
You had been looking at the scenery on the way into town.
“I had to bail out my mom.”
You didn’t want to say any more than that. Telling him a tiny snippet of the truth was more than enough.
“So, you grew up in Texas?”
You nodded. It would be best not to divulge any more family trauma. Not right now. The quicker you got home, the quicker you could forget ever coming down here.
“Alright, not much of a talker, I see. Well, we’ll be arriving shortly.”
He didn’t say anything more, to which you were grateful.
He slowed as he turned a corner. It was like the town had appeared out of nowhere. A blink and you’d miss it, kind of thing. Shops lined the main parade, with roads and paths leading away. He turned another corner and another, then entered a lot and parked in front of the sign which read Sheriff. Up ahead was the police station.
“I won’t be long. I just gotta send Bobby the number.”
You nodded.
“You can get out and stretch your legs if you like.”
You opened the door, taking him up on his offer. Opening the door had been a mistake. It was hotter than hell.
“If you come in, I can get you some water.”
You nodded.
You followed him in.
His co-workers turned as he walked in, then noticed you. You hoped to God they wouldn’t ‘recognise’ you. It wasn’t like your rap sheet was a mile long, it contained mainly a few misdemeanours, to which you had paid your fines and done the community service that was asked, but the biggie was when you had been caught with a tiny baggie which turned out to be cocaine.
You had thought your own mother would have bailed you out. No. Instead she left you to suffer the consequences she should have had. It had almost cost you your career and the ability to move out of state, but through a stroke of luck they believed in second chances and took you on.
“What did we tell you about picking up pretty strays, boss?”
“Working whilst you’re working, Winchester?”
You gave the Sheriff an odd look. Was it normal for him to pick up potential dates whilst out on patrol?
“Can it. Get her a drink of water from the cooler. She’s dyin’ of thirst,” He turned to you and gestured for you to follow. “This way.”
He walked through the tiny precinct to a little office in the corner.
“It ain’t much but it’s mine.”
You sat, waiting for him to transfer the necessary information to Bobby.
“You like it here?”
He looked up from his computer at you.
“I’m very happy here.”
He turned his attention back to his screen and whistled. Crap.
“Oofta, jaywalking, possession of marijuana, drunk and disorderly, and possession of cocaine.”
“Jesus, look, I served my time and the misdemeanours are about to come off my record anyway.”
“That felony will be on there for some time, little lady.”
You rolled your eyes at him. You could thank your mom for that.
“Whatever just send him my number and plate info. The quicker my car is fixed, the quicker I can leave this shitpot town.”
You stood up and walked out, ignoring the officer who had water in a plastic cup for you.
“I hate small towns.”
You felt too close to home. Too close for your liking. Sure, Texas was big but adding a few more states in between was preferable.  
Now outside, you looked to the trunk of the Impala. Later, right now you needed space. He already had the wrong idea about you and didn’t need him sticking his oar in where it didn’t belong. You had no idea what this Jodie person looked like, nor where the inn was. With the sun beating on you hard, you made a temporary shade with your hand and walked back into the parade.
You only managed a couple minutes before the black Impala slowed beside you and a window rolled down.
“Get in the car, you’ll die of friggin’ heatstroke out here.”
You kept on walking.
“Sheriff’s orders. Don’t make me arrest you.”
“You’d love that wouldn’t you.”
He sighed and stopped the car. Stepping out he made his way to you. He no longer had his Stetson on, but his brown hair was teased into a simple style, a hair barely out of place. Without the hat, the sun did a number on his green eyes and making them shine just as bright as emeralds.
“I won’t ask, and we can both forget this whole encounter when you leave. I’ll take you to Jodie’s, she’s expectin’ you. Also, rude, what you said abou’ my town. Don’t do that again, ‘kay?”
He opened the door for you, and you got in. Once inside, he handed you the clear plastic container with water in.
“Heatstroke is no joke. It gets hot out here and if you don’t watch yourself you can get seriously dehydrated.”
You snorted, a Sheriff dedicated to his people and those just passing through, it was unreal.
“I look after my people, even fancy city folk who aren’t my people.”
You took the cup and drank. The liquid was cool and easily slid down your dry throat, though you suspected it had warmed up slightly. Secretly you were grateful, as you had felt he beginnings of a headache coming on. Hopefully at the inn, you could get settled and take a painkiller or two to stave it off altogether.
“There’s a town BBQ tonight, everyone is welcome. You should join, say hi to a few folks. They love new faces.”
The idea of free food was appealing.
“Plenty of food and plenty of beer.”
“You gonna order me to go?”
“No, no. That would be an abuse of power.”
“Well it’ll be at Oakwood’s Park, if you’re interested, at 5:30 ‘til late.”
You nodded and then placed the plastic cup in the holder, wondering how long the drive was to the inn. It was getting real awkward.
The car turned a corner and you met with a beautiful and large cabin. The awning read Jodie’s. Thank God. He turned into a parking spot and cut the engine. You got out, as did he and went to the trunk. He gestured at you to go to the front door, as he pulled your case out.
“Sheriff? What can I do for you?”
You gave an awkward smile.
“Oooh a new face, come on, lets get you in and get you an iced tea.”
Oh dear. You grimaced. Iced tea was not for you.
“Water’s fine.”
“Well come on in, I’m Jodie, owner of Jodie’s and I see you met our lovely Sheriff,” She leaned in as you walked. “Don’t you think the Sheriff is one fine man? Plus, I think he’s got a eye on you.”
Probably because you were still a felon in his eyes, but you didn’t say that out loud. Didn’t need the whole town knowing everything about you.
Small towns were not your thing.
Sheriff Winchester placed your case down beside you before hugging Jodie.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, it was nice seeing you Jodes, but I gotta shoot, get back to the office.”
“Aw, youre not gonna stay for an iced tea? Never mind, we can have a good catchup at the BBQ tonight.”
“Can’t, sorry Jodes, you know how it is, got paperwork pilin’ high. It’s gonna be a late one for me, ‘m afraid.”
“Well, we’ll save you a burger or two.”
“Appreciate it, thanks.”
He turned to you and said bye, then left.
Jodie took you under her wing and set you up with a room for the night. You thanked her and lugged your suitcase to your allocated room. After unlocking and setting your case to the side you had a quick rummage through your purse to see if you had any painkillers. Downing two you then laid on the bed and let the heat from the sun lull you into sleep.
@dean-winchesters-bacon @missjenniferb
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julesthequirky · 4 years
Trailer Trash Tinkerbell
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Summary: Nicknamed Tinkerbell due to just how petite you are, you encounter a giant of a man with luscious long locks and the strength of an ox one day in your trailer park. Turns out he’s a lawyer and his brother is the Sheriff. Definitely out of your league.
Sam is surprised when a young woman almost runs him down on her bicycle as he leaves, finished from meeting with a client. He shakes it off until his next meeting and spots the same bicycle and something inside him won’t let it be. Very quickly he realizes they come from two very different worlds. 
Part of the Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy
(yeah I know I have a problem)
(it’ll be up soon)
(I promise)
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julesthequirky · 4 years
The Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy
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It’s finally friggin’ happening!!!
My brain finally got its cogs working to make up this little world in Texas.
Falling For The Sheriff - Cowboy!Sheriff!Dean
Trailer Trash Tinkerbell - Lawyer!Sam
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julesthequirky · 4 years
New fic pic for The Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy
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julesthequirky · 4 years
Falling For The Sheriff
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Part of the Creedence Creek Cowboys Trilogy
Chapter One
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