#Credo Mutwa
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#paranormal#crop circles#credo mutwa#metaphysics#extraterrestrial#aliens#consciousness#secrets in the field#zulu#african#south africa#ufos
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Denver Heavy Metal Society is now on Substack as well. Look for more new interviews coming soon!
In case you missed it! This is not a typical band interview. We dive deep with Austin Spence of California death metal band Embryonic Devourment about the origins of his lyrical and conceptual inspiration. If you're interested in the unexplained, the esoteric and the unseen, and how they may influence our reality, check out this chat with Austin, and stay tuned for part 2 coming soon!
#Substack#Denver Heavy Metal Society#metal music#interviews#Embryonic Devourment#death metal#Credo Mutwa#Cathy O'Brien#Daryl James#Michael Aquino#reptilian agenda
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Credo Mutwan avaruusolentokohtaamiset
Credo Mutwan avaruusolentokohtaamiset

Maan ulkopuolisten tapaamisten ja muinaisen kansanperinteen saralla harva hahmo erottuu yhtä elävästi kuin Credo Mutwa, eteläafrikkalainen zulusamaani. Hänen kertomuksensa, jotka ovat syvästi juurtuneet afrikkalaiseen kulttuuriin ja joihin liittyy avaruusolentokontaktin arvoitus, muodostavat kiehtovan kudoksen tähtienvälisiä kertomuksia.
Mutwan kokemusten keskiössä ovat sirkkaolennot, olennot, joissa yhdistyvät harmaiden avaruusolentojen ja heinäsirkkojen kaltaisten olentojen piirteet. Nämä olennot eivät ole vain visuaalisesti silmiinpistäviä mustine silmineen ja käärmemäisine iiriksineen, vaan niillä on myös ainutlaatuinen, unohtumaton haju. Mutwan kuvaus maalaa elävän kuvan olennoista, jotka ovat yhtä salaperäisiä kuin pelottaviakin. Niiden nimi, joka on johdettu sanasta, joka tarkoittaa pahoinpitelyä ja hyväksikäyttöä, viittaa niiden pahaenteiseen luonteeseen, erityisesti niiden vuorovaikutuksessa ihmisten kanssa.
Chitaurit, jotka on kuvattu älykkäiksi ja aggressiivisiksi matelijaolennoiksi, tuovat Mutwan muukalaismaisemaan tumman sävyn. Nämä maanalaisissa maailmoissa asuvat olennot ovat sidoksissa ihmisuhri- ja verenjuontirituaaleihin, jotka heijastavat ihmisten muinaisia pelkoja alamaailmasta. Chitaurin ominaispiirteet vastaavat maailmanlaajuisia myyttejä liskon kaltaisista olennoista ja viittaavat ihmisen tietoisuuteen upotettuun universaaliin arkkityyppiin.

Wasungut, jotka kuvataan valkoihoisiksi avaruusolennoiksi, jotka saapuvat bumerangin muotoisella avaruusaluksella, haastavat perinteisen historian. Mutwan mukaan heidän läsnäolonsa Afrikassa ajoittuu ennen Euroopan tutkimusmatkailua ja viittaa unohdettuun aikakauteen, jolloin muukalaisten ja ihmisten välinen vuorovaikutus Afrikan mantereella oli unohdettu. Tämä kertomus kutsuu meidät pohtimaan muinaisten, kehittyneiden sivilisaatioiden ja niiden maan ulkopuolisten yhteyksien mahdollisuutta.
Ehkä kaikkein kiehtovinta on Mutwan teoria, jonka mukaan nämä avaruusolennot, erityisesti sirkkaolennot, ovat peräisin tulevaisuudestamme eivätkä ulkoavaruudesta. Tämän hypoteesin mukaan niiden intiimi vuorovaikutus ihmisten kanssa, kuten kyky hedelmöittää maan naisia, merkitsee yhteyttä, joka ylittää maan ulkopuolisen alkuperän. Mutwa ehdottaa, että nämä olennot ovat jälkeläisiämme, jotka ovat katkeria tekojemme perinnön vuoksi ja etsivät kostoa tulevista rikkomuksistamme.
Credo Mutwan tarinoissa perinteinen afrikkalainen kansanperinne sekoittuu avaruusolentojen kohtaamisen salaperäiseen maailmaan. Ne eivät ole vain kertomus avaruusolentokontaktista vaan myös peili, joka heijastaa pelkojamme, toiveitamme ja ajatonta pyrkimystä ymmärtää paikkamme kosmoksessa. Hänen kertomuksensa haastavat meidät katsomaan tähtien tuolle puolen ja itseemme, tutkimaan ihmiskokemuksen syvyyksiä ja sen mahdollista yhteyttä valtavaan maailmankaikkeuteen.
Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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The Ancestors in African Spirituality in Comparison with Swedenborg’s Experience of the Spiritual World
(Note: This post is a lightly edited version of a paper written in 2022 for an academic program at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. References for some quotations have been left in condensed academic format. For full publication information, see the bibliography at the end.) Introduction During the time my wife and I have been living in Soweto, Johannesburg, since we moved here from…

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#Africa#African Traditional Religion#Ancestor veneration#Ancestors#contacting spirits#Credo Mutwa#David W. Mooki#Emanuel Swedenborg#South Africa#spirits#The New Church of Southern Africa
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Credo Mutwa Speaks On Nommo Aliens
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do you have any recs for folklore/mythology books to learn from or docs/videos?
I have tonnes!!! I prefer non-fiction books when it comes to mythology, with the exception of American Gods and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This one is more history focused but it blends the mythology and culture of Nigeria/Igbo folklore. I would recommend it to anyone just looking for a really good book to read about culture, history, the perception of masculinity within that culture, and of course, the negative effects of colonisation, and the history of pre-colonisation in Nigeria. It's one of my favourite history books by a really amazing author and poet! Def recommend.
I tried to focus on mythology that is not as widely popularised as others since they are often harder to find. But here are some of the ones that I enjoyed! Most of them were available at my public library as well so if you can't find them in stores or online, that's always another good place to look for mythology books/refs!
Myths from Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley
Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales by Naguib Mahfouz
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many by Erik Hornung
Indaba, my Children: African Folktales by Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (this is a massive encyclopedia at 700 pages but sooooo worth it!)
Folktales from India by A.K. Ramanujan
Myth = Mithya: Decoding Hindu Mythology by Devdutt Pattanaik (also: The Goddess in India: The 5 faces of Eternal Feminism, 99 thoughts on Ganesha: stories, symbols and Rituals of India's beloved Elephant Headed Deity, and the Pregnant King are really good)
Myth and Reality: Studies in the Formation of Indian Culture by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi
The Ramayana & Mahabharata by Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (these are epics but OH GOD they are fantastic!)
Irish Mythology - this is a massive tumblr reference with books and guides on where to find Irish Folklore
I've really been enjoying the Chronical Books series on mythology - if only for the illustrations. My favourite so far is Tales of East Africa by Jamilla Okubo, Tales of India: Folktales from Bengal, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu by Svabhu Kohli and Viplov Singh. I wouldn't really say these are super important for mythology - the stories are very basic (not in a bad way at all, just less in-depth since I believe the books are geared toward a younger audience) but the art alone makes them worth it!
Mythology by Edith Hamilton is usually a good introduction to Greek, Roman, and Norse myths
The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson
Trese on Netflix - it's about Philippine mythology told in modern times, and just an amazing show on its own!
The Entire Story of Greek Mythology Explained - it's 3.5 hours but WORTH IT!
I don't really watch too many videos on mythology, but I do on history and culture. It's just kinda hard to find mythology/folklore specific videos but since it's often interwoven within the cultures respective history, I watch Smithsonian docs on their history instead.
I really hope this helps!!!
#if anyone else has any others to add please do so!!#and before i had disposable income#there's the wikipedia rabbit hole#and tourism pages!
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There was a post circulating on here a few years ago that I am still incredibly pissed off about, and it was essentially making fun of the idea of believing in UFOs and aliens because almost all of them take place in the United States. And yes, quite a few of the UFO sightings from the twentieth century could be contributed to the Cold War paranoia and there is an interesting theory attached to why the US has so many UFOs that I will go into if someone would like to hear me be insane.
But that post is just, flat out wrong, because there is so many UFO sightings that take place outside the United States. You have the Brazilian Flap (highly recommended looking into, its stupid weird), Rendlesham Forest, Antonio Vilas-Boas, Credo Mutwa, the Ariel School UFO mass sighting, Lake Baikal, and so so so many more.
Probably the most interesting cases are always outside the United States.
So, stop making lies to make fun of Americans and just use actual things to make fun of us like adults, because none of it matters because the Greys are absolutely obsessed with us.
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“My grandfather also taught me how to control my powers of seeing and how to sharpen them and make them more accurate and efficient. He taught me the art of breathing properly. He taught me the secret art of joining my mind to that of the great gods in the unseen world. He taught me how to sit still – very, very still – and eliminate all thoughts from my mind and call upon the hidden powers of my soul" - Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa Explore this subject further in our short article titled 'Primal force used by traditional healers of Southern Africa' https://ancestralvoices.co.uk/primal-force-used-by-traditional-healers-of-southern-africa/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps7LYVjSJq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Embryonic Devourment from Willits, California performing the song Suffer The Seas Of Gore live in Fort Collins, Colorado. Video courtesy of Denver Heavy Metal Society.
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almost done with this album and the only line I remember so far is ‘I wish Kanye West had met Credo Mutwa’ from Cassper and that made me laugh
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The Credo Mutwa Cultural Village
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Credo Mutwa
You live on through me
All that you have done for Amazulu and the world will never be forgotten
Right now the words expressed are written from my pen and live within my soul and heart
Supreme Gratitude and Everlasting Blessings
Sangoma NkosanaTake your place within yourself to take a stand. looking, being lazy, and continuing excuses as to why you're not putting in the work Vodun is love!
Voodoo accepts all, not everyone accepts Vodun!
Ayibobo! Asè!!!
Respekte oné ávèç rèspèc
Everyone is here to help each other heal. It's time get to the origins and roots of our Amadlozi with wisdom knowledge understanding. This is a strong stepping stone for many in this explorations. Keep yourself free spirited as well as harmonized The spirits speak to us through everything DNA and Nature. respecter les esprits du vaudouOya gave me strength, Heviosso provided the drum of fire.!
Asé exists in everything!
The divine instructions echoed!
Believe in yourself Achebe Fula-Ngenge
To all those that didn't know my power
Keep that same frequency in your times that you may need to realign with familiar energies
Reminisce that family can be some of the worse people in your lives
Stop living for everyone's life except your own
Here's a common problem amongst our people is that the winds have always been blowing as well as the fire of mighty drums
All you can do is take it one day, one task at a time. Do not put yourself in a rutt or a bad decision which will make you bitter and fearful to take risks. Opportunity are paths to detrimental forests to many doorways.
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This is an interview with Credo Mutwa that was done over 25 years ago by David Icke.
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Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa talks about his 1959 alien abduction experience in Rhodesia
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1993 Illustration by Credo Mutwa
"Their minds leak into your mind. Their ideals are able to become ours ... It is they, sir, who have instilled into our minds at this time in human history a consciousness of the oneness of the whole world." — Credo Mutwa interviewed by Dr. John Mack, December 10, 1995
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