#Creature is so dear to my heart especially as a character that i haven't had for like 15 years!!
acedeductions · 1 year
I looooove getting the reactions to my D&D characters backstory when I talk to people about her!!! There's nothing better than that rapid oscillation of folks going from laughing at her puritanical name and her chaotic antics, to going "oh...oh no <:[" in response why she's like that. There's a possibility that I will be working with a few of my friends to help develop their characters better. D&D is all about that improv but when you have a little structure to base it on, it helps with the story and engagement!
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ezlo-x · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I really like your art, you’re pretty cool :] the way you use shapes and colors is very pleasing! zelda is very near and dear to my heart and one of my biggest comforts so it’s very warming to see someone have fun with the designs and story- your mipha design is one of my favorites i just love how squishable and soft she is!! very creature i am a big fan. And Sheik’s and Ganon’s and Revali’s designs don’t get me started !!! i’m fairly new so sorry if these have been asked already but what’s your favorite zelda game? :0 and how many have you played so far? is there any specific lore you especially like from a game? what inspired you to start making your au and redesigns?
aaaa thank you so much! :'0 My fav tloz game is a bit hard but I have a lot of good memories with Majora's Mask and BotW :] so far I've played 7 plus the beginning of TP cause I haven't gotten the time to get back to it. I actually like WW's worldbuilding and lore when watching gameplays it is the most memorable for me. Also you say that abt what inspired me to create my au, I created this au around the time I was completing Age of Calamity. I was enjoying the game, mostly gameplay rather than story, but I liked a few things about the story was about how we finally had more interactions with the main characters with side characters. As much as I dislike this game's story now, it was around the time my fixation w tloz was brought back from slumber after a year or so it fulled a lot of ideas. Originally my au was supposed to be an OoT au with a few BotW elements, but as time went on I realized I could do more in BotW's world. So taking the idea of the story starting in the forest from OoT to my au.
Majority of my redesigns especially monster designs, were very much inspired of Monster Hunter! With more small scale monsters I wanted to give them more animalistic features. With the rest of my redesigns, specifically w Sheik and Ganondorf, Sheik's very much has similar design traits as OoT Sheik and a few Fierce Deity Link design traits cause there was originally meant to be a Link in my au but scrapped him and both of them had similar clothing. Ganondorf's design, honestly I think OoT Ganondorf was like my main inspo of design cause like I said! This au used to be an OoT au. But myea! That's all I have to say!
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xinkypotatoechipsx · 3 years
Sebastian Michaelis Relationship Headcanons
Soooo I decided to write something for Sebastian so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys it :)These are based on some of my personal headcanons so if you disagree with some of these please don't be mad and I apologise if he seems out of character
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~Before you two started dating and starting experiencing these "new" emotions he would be so confused. Demons such as him shouldn't feel such humanoid emotions should they? As you were the only person in the entire manor who could really explain these feelings he had, he had to be careful as to not give away that they were directed at you.
~Eventually when you two do begin courting, he's still trying to figure them out. Yes he automatically knows how to be a gentleman and the basics on how to court you but he never knew there'd be so many (emotional) strings attached
~Due to the contract him and Ciel have, the 14 year old can be seen as more of a priority but please don't take this to heart! He loves you but due to the rules that are bound by the contract he is obligated to carry out his master's orders immediately after they were given, especially if there was an emergency.
~However if you also work in the Phantomhive house hold, there is more of a chance of you two seeing each other more as well maybe getting into a conversation or 2 whilst on the job.
~He may seem very intimidating and stoic but he is in fact very caring and soft around you, especially if it's just the two of you in private. Whilst in public he may hold your hand or kiss you on your cheek but not 24/7.
~Sebastian frequently calls you nicknames such as kitten, dear, darling etc
~Would always be there as a voice of support when you need it. Someone has said some awful shit to you he'd hunt the fucker down and give them a slow, painful death. Even if you didn't want them to die just because of a stupid comment they made over your appearance there is no possible way you could prevent Sebastian from killing them or even beating the absolute shit out of them.
~Basically he is very protective of you and even if somebody looks at you the wrong way he will give them the exact same treatment that was mentioned above.
~Will become very clingy as your relationship progresses. If he's ever stressed out or just feels like giving you a hug and you are both in your shared bedroom you can damn well guarantee you'll be stuck for an hour or 2 (possibly longer) being held in the demon butler's embrace.
~Is extremely flirty with you. He loves how flustered you become when he backs you into a corner or when whispers in your ear. When you squeak in surprise or out of embarrassment he enjoys teasing you over it. It is also another reason why he calls you kitten (other than him loving cats and him loving you ^w^)
~If you were to ever flirt back with him, it would turn into a war but he would obviously win.
~I assure you that you will be visited by more than one cat or see Sebastian being surrounded by the furry little creatures, he just loves them so much. If you share the same love for cats, he will be so happy but slightly jealous at the same time as many of the cats, mainly the kittens, would go to you. He may even go into a huff over it, which you can use to tease him.
~If you both have free time, he would love to slow dance with you! Just the both of you dancing in an empty room :) Even if you have no music he'd still love to do it with you, either he will hum a gentle tune or you will (if you sing he would probably melt) as you both gently sway side to side.
~If you were ever curious about his true form, Sebastian would become very nervous.
"How come I've never seen your true form before? I mean we've been together long enough haven't we?"
"I don't want to show in case it scares you off. I don't want to lose you, you know darling?"
He may show you it eventually but as mentioned he would be too scared because he thinks that you'd run away and see him as the true monster that everybody else thinks he is. If you give him enough time, then maybe. However if you do see his true form, please don't run away and please give him words that would boost his confidence.
~To conclude, Sebastian is a very overprotective, calm and loving boyfriend who cares deeply for you ♥
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rileykitty · 3 years
I hope this isn't overstepping or anything, but I wanted to say that I think it would be really cool to see more of your OC things! The wip you put in your post is both gorgeous and super cool (your creature character's design is so neat, I just kind of went "oohhh~!" when I saw it!) and I'm really intrigued by it! Tbh I didn't know that you had OCs because I've only really seen your pokemon art, but I would definitely be excited to see more. :) And getting to see any sort of comics you want to draw would also be very interesting, I think!
(I also think it's really awesome you've been enjoying yourself in a new game! That's always a lot of fun I think, especially when you haven't been able to for such a long time. ^^)
Anyway, I just hope you're able to avoid getting stressed out and can keep enjoying yourself, in whatever you're doing!
Not at all! It means a lot when anyone expresses even a sliver of interest in my own characters hahaha :D
I suspect most of my followers are unaware I have OCs since I've kept them mostly to myself for a while now, but they are near and dear to my heart. My core group of characters have been around for a long time, too. Like, 12-14 years...
My monster guy Aurelius is a fun character because his appearance can have different degrees of distortion and I love the free reign to make him whatever amount of horrifying I'm currently in the mood for lmao. He tends to have all his skin in reality, though. The wip picture is specifically one of the nightmares that can sometimes be brought about if you're in his vicinity. He's a pretty wretched creature with a tragic story. I love him.
Honestly though if OCs are my "children," then my favorite Pokemon characters are my "adopted children" and I love playing with their stories just as much. Diving back into making cute fanart comics has been something I've wanted to do for a while, and I have already started to write again to get the ideas rolling. It delights me that people enjoy what I make fanart-wise, too. :)
Thank you so much! <3
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