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Ludum Dare 41 - Post Compo Reflections
Hello there, I didn't see you coming... Yeah I suck at writing devlogs -surprise-, but I decide that it was time. That, no matter what, I would write something for this one. Because this LD was in many ways, special.
9:00 pm
So, as we all know, the compo (or the jam, I don't discriminate) starts at 9 pm EST which, happily, is also my time zone. I was ready for this LD, after all, I hadn't finished one since LD37; But I was also worried about the amount of assignments I had to finish that coming week. Most of them were group assignments and I hadn't even started on the individual stuff. HOWEVER! It's the LD, I had to participate this time. So I decided to not sleep. At all. Do I feel proud of that? A little. Am I saying that you or anyone else (including me) should do it? Hell no, it completely fucked my whole week and since I had a very long flight to catch the next weekend and, as you might expect, I was destroyed.
The one smart decision I made was to make a small game. - WOW! REALLY?! IN A GAME JAM?! - Calm down... Yes, I decided not to make a "full game". Instead, I was set on shocking the audience, not unlike rapidly swinging my dong in front of an unassuming group of spectators in a theatre play. The expected Hamlet, they got a Gabe Pelvic Helicopter.
Let me explain...
About 3 hours into the jam, I knew what I was doing. A game jam within a game jam. A gamejamception, if you will. The way I chose to execute this idea was to make a text editor that had a time limit; Once your time runs out, you finish writing the text. But I still needed to tie in the theme: "Combine 2 Incompatible Genres". But how? I hear you whisper into my hearing holes. By making you write about 2 incompatible genres!
I remembered a writing exercise I did back in a creative writing class I took. It as quite simple: You have 1 minute to write a story about one of your family members. Naturally, I stole that whole idea; made a digital version that happened in 10 seconds instead of a minute; and replace the whole family part with nonsense.
So, the idea was: You have 10 seconds to write a script that merges a genre and a context. And I made it in, well, about 24 hours. And then I spend the other 24 looking at my computer screen wondering if what I made was enough. Funny, none of my friends in college (except for Sebastian and Coley <3) actually liked the idea. They all thought it was, well, pointless. And it is. But that is because it was not a game.
Now I can't say with absolute confidence that was by design. After all, I kind of just went with it, no questions asked. But out of that, came something surprising.
I published the game, and tried to keep expectations short. Thanks to Sebastian giving me a boost with a publication related to his game (BTW, check it out). When the comments came I was pleasantly surprised:
"I don’t really understand what you’ve made, but I won’t forget it at least :)"
"I’m not really understanding this i guess - what 2 genres did you combine?"
These are some of the lovely comments and criticism I got, and I was thankful for both. Turns out, 10 seconds was not enough to make something past "funny"; And exporting the text as a .txt file might have been useful for some people. But at least, some people got what I was going for, and none of them put it better than this:
This is kind of like a miniature version of Ludum Dare, where one has to create something under intense time pressure.
As it turned out, in my search to design a game that was original, small and weird to the point of people not understanding it; I designed a tool. Not a totally functional one, but an interesting enough tool that I decided to keep exploring and developing on the side. Maybe even buy a domain and make it available on the web for free.
If there's one thing that I learned, however, is that maybe I went a bit too far into the weird. It's fun to make hard/funny stuff, but if people don't get it, the game is only for me. It's a pretty lonely feeling. I'm happy some people understood the point and what I meant, but I should've put more thought into how to explain things better and make it slightly more playable.
Wow, you read this whole thing? Well thank you. For your commitment, I shall reward you with this GIF (/ɡɪf/):
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A whole different atmosphere of music!!!!
Mystique Productions has been creating and producing tracks for years on an underground bases, now we distribute and sell our records internationally…. We have developed into a well established business providing “Productions and several other services”. Our main Artists such as K’neil Ablaze and Fyah Konkarah will be releasing several new and entertaining tracks to put a new ambiance to the music society…..
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT… k’neil Ablaze – Delilah Produced by McGyver
Island Music Media
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New Music A whole different atmosphere of music!!!! Mystique Productions has been creating and producing tracks for years on an underground bases, now we distribute and sell our records internationally....
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Earn a Black! Share a video of your adventures with us at GoPro.com/Awards. Be… Earn a #HERO5 Black! Share a video of your #weekend adventures with us at GoPro.com/Awards. You'll want to get #inventive + embody "#WeekendChallenge" within the description of your submission. 🎬 : @desch_pictures • • • @GoProFR #GoProFR #Tenting #GetOutside #ExploreMore #🏔
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