Embracing the Spice of Life: A Recap of Mike Wird's Inspiring Talk at CreativeMornings/DEN
When we think of spice, we often envision bold flavors igniting our taste buds or the fiery kick that transforms a dish from ordinary to extraordinary. But what if spice went beyond the culinary realm? What if it became a metaphor for life itself—a catalyst for growth, connection, and transformation?
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At April's CreativeMornings/DEN event that took place at the Art Gym, speaker Mike Wird took the stage to delve into the concept of "SPICY" and how it manifests in our lives beyond the kitchen. His talk was a powerful reminder that embracing the spice of life means stepping out of our comfort zones, engaging with others, and finding confidence in our unique selves.
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Leaving Comfort Zones to Mingle with Others
Mike eloquently articulated how stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal and collective growth. Just as a chef experiments with different spices to create culinary masterpieces, we must be willing to explore unfamiliar territories and interact with diverse perspectives to enrich our lives. It's about breaking free from the confines of routine and embracing the unknown with open arms.
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Getting in Our B-Boy Stance with Confidence
Drawing parallels to the world of hip-hop, Mike encouraged us to adopt a "B-Boy stance" in life—a posture of confidence, resilience, and self-assuredness. Much like a skilled dancer commanding attention on the dance floor, we must approach challenges with a sense of conviction and belief in our abilities. By embodying the spirit of the B-Boy stance, we can navigate life's complexities with grace and authenticity. And, we stepped into the uncomfortability of crossing our arms the opposite of what feels comfortable in our stance and standing in that for a brief moment.
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Stepping Out from Isolation and into Community
Perhaps the most poignant aspect of Mike's talk was his emphasis on the power of community. In an age where isolation and disconnection prevail, he reminded us of the importance of forging meaningful connections and building supportive networks. Just as spices come together to create harmonious flavors, we thrive when we come together as a community, supporting and uplifting one another along the journey.
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Watch Mike's Video Under Talks
For those who missed Mike's captivating talk or wish to revisit its inspiring message, his video is available under Talks on the CreativeMornings/DEN platform. Prepare to be motivated, challenged, and empowered to embrace the spice of life in all its glory.
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Unraveling the Creative Tapestry: Insights from an Unexpected Audience
In the heart of March, CreativeMornings/DEN gathered at the Holiday Theater, not just to witness creativity but to unravel its intricate threads. What can we as creative leaders learn from an audience full of rowdy, irreverent college students? Theatre artist and Communication Coach, Christopher Peck, recalls the extraordinary performance of Anna in the Tropics—produced by Baylor University Theatre Department—when the shocking and unexpected behavior of the audience resulted in an equally unprecedented response from the play’s director. This incredible experience closely examines how audiences respond to art and what can be lost when that response is challenged by the vision and intention of the production. What is the responsibility of an audience? Who decides the meaning of a work of art? Finally, what do we fail to learn when we ignore or reject the perspective of our audience?
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Mess to Masterpiece with Mike Johnson
Despite the challenging weather with rain and snow, the audience at Denver Dream Center's event on January 26th was nothing short of wonderful. The atmosphere was charged with inspiration as attendees were captivated by Mike's compelling journey of overcoming addiction, homelessness, and a period of incarceration.
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What stood out was the powerful message that emerged from Mike's narrative – that life's messes can indeed become a message. Mike's ability to transform personal struggles into a beacon of hope resonated deeply with the audience. Their engagement was evident as they stayed after the talk to learn more about both Mike and the impactful initiatives at the Denver Dream Center. The event not only highlighted personal triumphs but also underscored the universal truth that our challenges can be transformative, offering a message of resilience and hope to all who face adversity.
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I don’t know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “tradition,” is the Broadway musical, Fiddler on the Roof. It’s almost instinctual for me to start bellowing out Tevye’s classic song about tradition. Yes, I occasionally have to stop myself mid-note when the word comes up in casual conversation.
The second thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “tradition,” is holiday festivities, especially around Christmas. Even if you don’t celebrate the Christmas holiday, it seems everyone has a sacred tradition (the word of the day!) this time of year.
One of my traditions this time of year is getting our family Christmas Tree through the Christmas Tree Program from the National Forests. Every year on the weekend after Thanksgiving, we load up the car with winter gear, cutting tools and Thermoses filled with hot green chili and start the journey over the Front Range and down into South Park. After picking up our permit at the Ranger Station, we head out to the Pike National Forest. We make a whole day of it, stomping around in the woods and cursing sharp pine needles. Inevitably, it’s the first tree we find that we take, but we still explore the forest for hours anyway.
Once we have the perfect little pine, we lug it down to the car and try to remember how we tied last year’s tree on the car. I swear, the configuration of ropes and tie downs is different every year.
Traditions are an important part of life, but they’re not just reserved for Broadway musicals or holidays. We might have traditions about what we wear to sports games so our teams will win. Or how we cook a family recipe for tomato sauce. We even have traditions for how we approach our work. Traditions provide structure, guidance and a way to remember what has gone on before us. They’re a way to find harmony in community and a source of peace for an individual.
Tradition unites all of humanity. Not one person, culture or country is without traditions. Our traditions may be different, but each one celebrates those around us and the things we all find most important: our family, our friends and our community.
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