#Creative Kit
ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
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I dunno what Pigsy was expecting to happen when he hugged a touch-starved monkey
were i not constrained by the limits of my computer i would have a great deal more of these
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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inspired by that kinnporsche meme
look don't think about it too hard, I obviously didn't
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anonymous-ampersand · 3 months
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Isn't this what you wantеd? Time sure feels like it's running out Just finish what you startеd Queen of nothing Wearing such a heavy crown
PLEASE listen to Queen of Nothing by The Crane Wives !
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jaubaius · 1 year
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wolfavens · 2 months
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priya's new ciudad enamorada place 🪴
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itscolossal · 2 hours
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Are you as obsessed with these embroidery kits as much as we are? Stitch a new friend in the Colossal Shop. 🪡
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hibanny · 1 month
Marcille's artwork + dorm tap and combat animations for the Arknights x Dungeon Meshi collaborative event "Delicious on Terra"
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chaotic-orphan · 6 months
Intoxicating Fear (Xiv)
Wake up call
Continued from // Masterpost
This one was a struggle, I’m not happy with the end of it, but… the first half is good enough
Kit woke in the middle of the night, his head on fire as if there was poison lacing through it. He lurched to the side of the bed, rolling over the damp sheets sweat clinging to his forehead and hair. He hit the ground on his hands and knees, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain and resting his forehead on the cool wooden floor of his bedroom.
He groaned, nausea climbing up his throat that he fought not to throw up. What would he even throw up? Bile? He hadn’t eaten anything all day.
Fuck… Kit let out another moan of pain, the terrible clanging pain of it quieting from the hammer on an anvil level pounding. Slowly, dreadfully slowly, Kit sat back on his hips, raising his head to try and sit vertically. He shivered as he set his shoulders against his bed frame, his sweat freezing on his skin, teeth chattering as he looked to his clock.
6.15 a.m.
He needed to get something, painkillers something, water— anything. He grabbed his shirt by the collar and yanked it up over his head, throwing it down beside him on the floor. It landed with a heavy wet slap, but Kit didn’t care. He did the same with his bottoms and pushed himself to his feet, his muscles aching as he walked to his wardrobe and grabbed some fresh pyjamas, pulling them on. Some fresh socks.
The house was almost expectant, eerie, as Kit opened his door and padded down the hall, hand on the railing as he took the stairs. As if the house had been woken with Kit’s nightmare or… something. It felt like he had eyes on him, but he didn’t care enough to investigate the shadows peeking at him in his mind.
He grabbed the painkillers, filled a glass with water and turned to walk back up the stairs. Rain pattered heavy against the roof, wind creaking the gutters and trees outside. The changing shadows were just that, shadows as the dawn tried to yawn awake. The skies oppressed with the rainclouds and poor weather, and Kit fell asleep before first light broke, curling up in Mentor’s bed, arms wrapped around himself, shivering to sleep while the house’s shadows watched over him.
Kit woke again later with that same ear shattering headache that drew a cry from his throat. He didn’t wake in a cold sweat like last time, but the headache was somehow worse like a migraine. The pressure was unbelievable and it felt as if someone had reached inside his skull and took his brain, squeezing it in the palm of their hands like putty and Kit opened his eyes as a single name crossed his mind: Ambrose.
“Motherfucker,” Kit ground out as he got his feet on the ground, the room swaying as he stood. Shit… where did he leave his phone? Kit’s feet stumbled forward just before he reached the door, hand flying out to catch himself on the wall. He wasn’t going to make it downstairs if Ambrose didn’t at least let up a bit.
I’m coming! Kit thought as loud as he could, over the thunderous rolling of sound and pressure. He didn’t even know if Ambrose’s power worked like that. How far was his reach? Could he even hear Kit’s thoughts from so far away? Kit paused at the railing of the stairs, white knuckled grip keeping him upright.
The headache lessened in pressure, but remained there in the back of his mind, thrumming impatient for Kit to reach his phone. Kit walked down the stairs carefully, dreading every step closer he got to his phone. He turned it on and waited for the screen to reboot. There’s no way Ambrose knew where he was, did he? Did he have to be close for his power to work? Or did it just matter that he was in the city — could his reach be that strong?
Kit had only put his pin to unlock the phone in when Ambrose’s name flashed across his phone. Kit answered after the fourth ring, just to piss him off.
“My name’s not Christopher, Rosey.”
“Fine, Mallory,” Ambrose drawled, far too chirper for Kit who was just dragged out of bed. “You slept in.”
“I would have slept longer if you weren’t so fucking needy.”
“I did knock first, but you weren’t answering your door.”
Kit froze, turning his head to the front door. “I didn’t hear you,” Kit said, voice thankfully even.
“That’s fine. You can see why I went to plan B then. Just let me in now, it’s cold outside.”
Kit didn’t answer. A beat passed between them. Then, “Kit. I’m waiting.”
Kit licked his lips. “Can you even force me over the phone?”
Ambrose laughed a cold, humourless chuckle. He didn’t answer, instead he said: “Kit, open the front door.”
Apparently he could. Kit felt his feet carry him forward, his heart thundering in his ears, because what if Ambrose knew where he was? What if he was waiting outside that door? Kit didn’t want him in his house. His childhood home, where he had countless memories with Mentor.
Kit swallowed hard as his hand settled on the lock. It clicked open and Kit opened the door. He let out a small laugh as he did, seeing his porch empty of any sadistic villain.
“Kit, I’m getting impatient.”
“I opened the door, Rosey,” Kit told him. Kit felt a sudden sharp streak run through his mind, as if searching for a lie.
“I told you that you weren’t allowed to run, or disappear,” Ambrose said. Kit could hear the cold anger in his voice and could imagine Ambrose’s face right now.
“Maybe you’re losing your touch, Omen,” Kit said with a laugh. “Better luck next time. I’m going back to bed.”
“Bye, Rosey. Have a nice day.”
Kit pulled the phone away from his ear to hang up on the bastard when Ambrose’s voice rang out again. “Do you want me to find that water Hero instead, Kit? Oh, what was their name? Tides?”
Kit’s thumb hovered over the red end call button, his heart hammering against his chest. He should hang up. He should hang up. He wanted to hang up. Hasn’t he suffered enough? Wasn’t it somebody else’s turn to suffer the sadist?
His hand was shaking and he wanted to scream. Just end the call! It’s not your fault what a fucking Villain does. You can’t control his actions. Nobody would ever know that you could’ve saved Tides, it would be a tragic accident and—
Mentor’s face flashed through Kit’s mind and he balled his free hand into a fist at his side. Did he really want to have to visit two people in hospital, especially when he could have prevented one of them from being there in the first place?
“Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick—”
“Fine!” Kit spat into the phone. He could almost see Ambrose’s horrible smile.
“If you are not at your apartment in an hour, I will make good on my threat, Mallory. See you soon.”
Ambrose hung up. Kit stared at his reflection in the black screen of his phone and cursed, slamming the door shut and letting out a long, guttural: “FUCK!”
His voice crackled and echoed with electricity, his phone like a battery in his hand that he was draining. He let out a breath, straightening and focused on moving the charge back into his phone until the screen blinked up at him.
Fuck, at this rate he would need to wear power dampeners just to ensure he didn’t cause any power outages on the way back to his apartment. His apartment… His apartment where Ambrose was waiting, and probably pissed off.
God… how long had he been free of the bastard? Two, three days? Such a short amount of peace, and the first day Kit had spent most of it sleeping! He didn’t even consider enjoying it because exhaustion had forced him into bed.
Kit had a quick shower and left, taking the metro back to his apartment. The entire way his mind raced with the sheer power that Ambrose possessed. How was any Hero ever meant to beat him? To defeat him?
A smaller voice in his mind echoed a poignant: how will I ever defeat him?
But… No, if Ambrose was really as strong as he wanted Kit to believe then he would have taken over the city at any given moment. He could have wiped the minds of the city’s entire population and made them think that Ambrose was the number one hero, and why stop there? Why not the mayor? Or something else more grandiose and Ambrose-y.
No… There’s no way Ambrose would just let the world be if he could do that on such scale. There had to be something local about his ability. Some restraint. Something that stops him from controlling whoever he wants, whenever he wants.
The information didn’t stop his palms from sweating, or the dread from building in his stomach as he came to his stop. The doors opened with a soft whoosh and a creak and Kit stepped out into the underground. His apartment was a five minute walk from here.
He checked his watch. He still had fifteen minutes. He could hang back for a minute, maybe dawdle away some of the time so he wouldn’t have to see Ambrose again for as long as he possibly could. Then Mentor flashed through his mind again and he found himself ascending the steps to street level and walking towards his apartment.
Towards Ambrose.
Towards Omen.
Towards his tormentor.
His heart shudders to a stop when he sees Ambrose in his charcoal overcoat he wore the first day Kit met him on the docks. No doubt he was wearing some expensive suit beneath.
He looked so out of place in front of Kit’s small white block of apartments. He looked too much like a stranger, a foreigner who wasn’t properly acquainted with the style this side of town — as if Ambrose had just walked the wrong side of the river and was about to knock for directions.
Kit’s apartment was on the rougher side of the city because he liked it that way, and too many times he had seen people who dressed like Ambrose getting jumped or mugged on the street in certain alleyways.
Kit almost scoffed at the thought of someone jumping Ambrose. He pitied the imaginary thief who would cross Ambrose’s path.
You crossed my path, Kit.
Kit blinked then stopped. Ambrose was standing on the small path that led up to Kit’s apartment on the second floor. His back was turned to Kit, standing relaxed beside the railing. Ambrose knew that he was here and he didn’t turn his head to show he knew.
You’re so dramatic.
Ambrose turned his head this time, his dark eyes capturing Kit’s and smiling. Tick, tock, tick—
Kit started walking after that. He didn’t want to give the bastard any reason to go after Tides. He checked his phone for the time to see he still had four minutes. He took a breath as he ascended the steps to where Ambrose stood waiting patiently.
Ambrose regarded him with a cool look. “Where were you?”
“Not here.”
Ambrose stared at him for a beat. Then he said, “fine. Open the door.”
Kit didn’t fight his body as it obeyed the command. To be honest he was happy he didn’t have to look at Ambrose for those few precious seconds, his alabaster skin closer to some statue than an actual human.
The lock opened with a click. Kit pushed down on the handle and the moment the door cracked open, Ambrose shoved him inside. Kit stumbled forward, half expecting the attack and turned to face Ambrose once he regained his footing.
Ambrose smiled coldly at him, closing the door behind him and locking it again. “Kit,” he said with a drawn out sigh. “I trusted you to obey the terms of our deal.”
“No, you forced me to obey the terms of our deal,” Kit snapped in reply. “And if you fucked up the terms in the first place, it’s not my fault.”
Ambrose took a step forward, and Kit fought himself not to match it with one back. “Where were you, Kit?”
“If you thought I was just going to wait here like a little puppy for you to drop in whenever you feel like it and torture me, you are sorely mistaken.”
Ambrose clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I knew it was too premature to trust you with your freedom. You’re still so defiant. What have you got left to prove?”
“If you think I’m just going to obey every command you—”
“Get on your knees.”
Kit’s knees hit the floor before he realised what happened. He had only begun to push himself up when Ambrose’s black eyes flashed above him, his lips that horrible red against his marble skin. “Stay on your knees.”
“You’re a fucking—”
Kit did his best imitation of a dog. He could feel the humiliation crawl pink up his neck at the sound.
“Look at me,” Ambrose said, and Kit glared up at him, fists balling by his sides. “See how you obey every command for me? You’re so good at it, like a little puppy.”
“You’re such a dick.”
“I wouldn’t have had to do any of this if you just told me where you were hiding.”
Kit’s lips curled back into a snarl. “Make me!”
Ambrose clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and walked past Kit. Kit turned his head, but stared back at the door when Ambrose told him to not turn around. He could hear Ambrose taking his jacket off behind him and laying it somewhere. Then he heard the sound of his tap turning on, and a moment later the click of the kettle.
Kit’s lips curled up viciously, his nose crinkling at the sound. What the fuck was Ambrose doing?! It’s ridiculous. Well fuck that. Fuck him. Kit reached for the electricity in his kettle and pulled it from the plug. The kettle stopped thrumming. Ambrose sighed behind Kit and shoes clacking off the wooden floors got closer and closer until Kit could feel Ambrose standing behind him.
“Show me your electricity,” said Ambrose.
“No,” Kit said.
“Show me your electricity, Kit,” Ambrose said again, and this time against his will, Kit’s fingers clicked the spark into his hand and he held up his arm for Ambrose to inspect.
Ambrose hummed behind him. “It’s not red anymore.” Ambrose walked around Kit to face him, and stared down into his eyes. “Hmm.”
“What?” Kit snapped.
Ambrose reached his hand forward and pressed his finger to Kit’s forehead. Kit shivered as the familiar ice cold sludge of Ambrose’s power flooded his brain and his electricity stopped cackling in his hand. The kettle thrummed to life again, back to boiling and Kit stared mutinously ahead at his floor.
“Good lad. You haven’t forgotten the futility of struggling in my absence it seems. You can stand up now.”
Ambrose walked back to the kitchen, but Kit stayed on his knees for another moment before getting to his feet. He walked to his table and sat down at it, running a hand down his face as he watched Ambrose get two mugs from the cupboard and grab the instant coffee.
He hated seeing him. He hated seeing Ambrose so at home in his apartment, as if they were roommates or friends. He wanted so bad to just murder him in that second, but the heaviness of being back here, under Ambrose’s control it was… exhausting. Kit was so tired and it hadn’t been what? Ten minutes yet? Twenty?
“You should really think about getting a cafetière Kit. The coffee is better than instant.”
“Sure, i’ll take your word for it.”
“Oh come on now, you’re not already defeated are you? Are you sulking?”
Ambrose hummed his disapproval but didn’t say anything else in reply. He walked to the fridge and opened the door, his eyes going to the milk and grabbing it. He frowned staring down at the expiry date. The 21st… that was four… five days ago? Ambrose’s frown deepened as he put the milk back in the fridge and closed the door. His eyes skimming over Kit at his table, expression dazed.
He hadn’t been home in days, or he would have noticed his expired milk. Interesting.
Kit only snapped back into reality when Ambrose placed a cup of steaming black liquid in front of him. “Thanks.”
“Oh Kit, don’t be so glum. This was our deal, right? Your life for a couple visits a week.”
Kit let out a deep sigh as he grabbed his mug closer and stared down into his coffee. Ambrose’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t want this. He wanted Kit to have more life, not less.
“So,” Ambrose began, schooling his features into a more neutral expression. “Tell me what you’ve been up to.”
“My life, right?” Kit said, his eyes finally raising to meet Ambrose’s black ones. “That means you don’t ask about it.”
“Oh come on, tell me what you did while I was gone. The first thing you did.”
Kit immediately thought of his minor breakdown the second Ambrose left and he grimaced, setting his lips into a thin line and bringing the mug into his hands letting it hover just beside his lips.
“I went for a run.”
“And how was your run?”
“It felt… good.” Kit wasn’t lying. The run was the one thing that kept him sane after his minor meltdown. He hoped Ambrose was true to his word and staying out of his mind. Otherwise he would see everything… just in case Kit tried his best to make his mind go blank.
“Now, see? It felt good. I give you back your life, your autonomy in return for a few visits, I’m not unreasonable Kit.”
Kit scoffed and took a sip of his coffee.
“What else did you do? Where did you go?”
Kit stared down at his coffee. Ambrose rolled his eyes. “Do I have to force everything out of you, Kit? I have no qualms about using my powers on you as you know. In fact, I quite enjoy it.”
“I went to see my mentor,” Kit snapped, eyes locking onto Ambrose’s black ones. “Happy now?”
Ambrose smiled. “Ecstatic. How is Superhero?”
Kit’s grip tightened on his mug of coffee. Ambrose raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Was Superhero not your mentor?”
Kit set his jaw and looked away. Ambrose wouldn’t know, of course he wouldn’t know. As far as Ambrose knew, Mentor was before Kit’s time. Before Kit ever became a hero. Ambrose probably thought Kit came up through the ranks with Superhero, not Mentor.
And if that’s true then that means Ambrose wouldn’t know what Mentor meant to Kit, and Kit liked it better that way.
“I thought I said I don’t want to talk about my life outside of you,” he said instead of telling Ambrose to fuck off.
Ambrose hummed. “Look at me, Kit.”
Kit obeyed, swallowing as his eyes found Ambrose’s. The two black pools seemed to swirl like a storm, drawing Kit further and further in until he was lost in their abyss.
“I don’t want—”
“I don’t care,” Ambrose cut in, effectively silencing Kit’s protests. “Answer me honestly, is Superhero your mentor?”
“Why do you care?!” Kit snarled.
The corner of Ambrose’s lips tilted up slightly. “I care because you’re trying to hide something from me, and you know how much I love—”
“Torturing people, yeah I know.”
Ambrose sat back in his chair and shrugged his shoulders casually. “Always the hard way.”
Kit’s brows furrowed at the villain. Shit.
“Tell me who your mentor is, Kit.”
“Why?” Kit asked, anger leaking from his voice, replaced with a guarded almost pleading sadness.
“Because you’re protesting too much.”
“Please,” Kit whispered then froze. Ambrose froze too. Then his lips turned up into his smirk and Kit knew Ambrose was going to force him to tell him about Mentor.
“Tell me who-”
It was Kit’s turn to cut Ambrose off. “Mentor,” he ground out through gritted teeth. Ambrose’s eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows twitching up in surprise, his lips slightly parted, froze mid-sentence.
A moment of silence passed between them. The moment turned into a minute, and Kit just closed his eyes and drank his coffee in the silence. He could feel and hear the cogs working in Ambrose’s head trying to match the timelines up and coming up blank.
“You’re joking,” Ambrose said eventually. Kit looked away, it felt as if someone had a hand around their heart and squeezed it. “Oh. I see. You’re not joking… but Mentor was Superhero before—”
“Yeah,” said Kit. “I know.”
Kit’s scoff cut Ambrose off, his eyes going back to Ambrose’s. “What? You want my whole tragic backstory, Rosey?” He asked with a sardonic smile. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
“Mallory, I—”
“Didn’t know?” Kit supplied, his voice rising in pitch. “You didn’t know? Does it look like I give two shits about what you know or not?! I don’t need your false pity, or your remorse for your actions, Omen, because we both know you don’t mean it.”
Ambrose’s expression darkened. His features schooled into neutrality, but Kit could read him by now. The subtle too-tight wind of his jaw, the coolness in his eyes, Ambrose was pissed and he was about to take it out on Kit. Honestly? Kit didn’t care. He preferred it when Ambrose was cruel to him, at least then he didn’t have to think about Ambrose possibly having human emotions, or being human at all.
When Ambrose was hurting Kit he was just a villain, and Kit could hate him completely without second guessing himself.
Ambrose stood up and Kit braced himself for impact, whatever it was. Then Ambrose grabbed his jacket, and walked towards Kit’s front door. Kit frowned, staring after the villain. “Hey! Where’re—”
“I’ll see you later, Kit.”
The door opened and closed. Kit flinched, his heart pounding in his chest and his thoughts racing through his brain.
Mainly: what the hell was that all about?
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @beatenbruisedandbloody @404lunar1216 @whumpyworld @nameless-beanie @andithewhumper r @annablogsposts @whumpasaurus101 @0eggdealer @rejectedbytheempty @sleepy-pearl l @n3rv0usn0v4 @whumpatize-me-captain @sunshiline-writes @burningkittypoet @honeyed-euphrates @sacredwrath @theonewithallthefixations @acer-gaysimpstuff @m3rakii @xxgalgurlxx @princess-bubble-blossom @blood-enthusiast t @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @andtheysaidspeaknoww @dutifullykrispyland @mononeigbour @lovethiswriting
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alaynestcnes · 1 year
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by braydenjaselle
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retrocgads · 3 months
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UK 1987
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detdeldragons · 8 months
Still hoping Willow returns to Disney+ one day...
"Willow the tv series is phenomenal. It is an epic story filled with magic and prophecy, and knights and princesses. It is a tale of love and sacrifice, of self-discovery and perseverance. It is funny and doesn’t take itself too seriously while simultaneously dropping bits of wisdom when you least expect it. It is an adventure, one that I’m excited to be able to go on over and over again (are you reading this, Disney?)."
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industrations · 6 months
Casual morning crying about a man peacefully cuddling with his cows
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sweetsimapples · 9 months
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𝔖𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 ℭ𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔞
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mousemannation · 15 days
if they let me design the atp tennis kits id just use it as an excuse to make those men slut it up
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risuola · 9 days
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WIP GAME — thank you for the tag my love @vagabond-umlaut
rules — list the names/titles of docs in your WIP folder + open your inbox to have people ask about them!
my askbox is open, if you have questions about any of the wips, don't be shy! <3 there are no names to those wips because i name the files just like that - name of the character and the concept to keep myself organized
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mob!suguru x spy!reader
a story of you infiltrating the most dangerous mafia in japan, blending into its world all while gathering intel from the inside. a dangerous romance that blooms on the line between crime and law. contains blood and violence but also passion, betrayal and lingering death.
twin dad!suguru x teacher!reader
suguru has a hard time accepting the fact that a monkey will teach his girls at school, especially after what happened in the village but he knows it's necessary for their development. that's when he meets you. it's a lesson of sorts, teaching him that maybe, just maybe, not all humans are bad.
roommate!satoru x f!reader
your favorite toy has never let you down. never, except for now, when the battery is as dead as they go and you could not be hornier. desperate, you ask your frenemy roommate if he has some loose batteries. it leads to a night full of unexpected events.
fem!satoru x wife!reader
a mission went wrong but your husband always comes home. this time though, it's not him who entered your shared home, but it's her. it's confusing, it's new but it tastes sweet, just like your husband.
heian!sukuna x sacrifice!reader
sukuna hates weak people and you seem to be the weakest of them all. you're a toy in his hands, a pretty little thing that he wishes to destroy but somehow cannot. this story is about cruelty, not only of him but also of the world that threw you into his hands. contains topics such as cannibalism, dominance and obedience, all of which leading towards changes that the king himself would never expect.
contract killer!toji x contract killer!reader x handler!shiu
you're good at killing people but being a pretty lady seems to often make things in life easier and toji hates how easily you wrapped shiu around your little finger. he's eating from your hands, handing you jobs that toji could have gotten, taking his money just by batting your lashes at your handler. it's a deadly triangle, a war of survival and dominance, thickly lined with sexual tension and roughness.
fratboys!jjk x student!reader
your girl friends drag you into a silly bet to flirt with each of the frats at your college and you join just for the fun of watching and supporting them. you're not really into forcing yourself onto the boys, but life has its ways to force the boys onto you. it's a college life of young people looking for fun, not really a romance but a fantasy.
there are also few nameless wips for love medley and serendipity, as well as chapters in progress for deadly attraction and sinful heavens.
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bonus round: WINDBREAKER
long distance bf!umemiya x girlfriend!reader
after months and months of texting, you finally arrive in the makochi. your way to bofurin is a little bumpy but soon you enter the infamous all-boys school. will hajime even recognize you?
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no pressure tags: @teddybeartoji @ponderingmoonlight @gojonanami @ohimsummer @gothsuguru
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ajdrawshq · 3 months
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i can almost guarantee ive said it before but. he would thrive in a zero escape game
#an octopath ze au would be kinda fun actually.. especially the octo2 party#would love to see these guys in an escape room . it would be so awful#temenos would fit in perfectly and might even make a good mc given his 'truth lies in the flame' segments..#i could see partitio doing well bc of his creativity and general demeanor#osvald is great at math but idk how trusting hed be of everyone in this situation.. especially if they assume zero is one of them early on#throné . girlie im so sorry#i think shed do fine for the most part (hard to say how much her thieving skills would be of help here) but she did not deserve this </3#do not let ochette into any pantry or food storage room. i dont trust any of that food#i wonder if shed have her partner(s) here tho.. how do u handle an owl and/or jackal in this situation..#she would be great for morale tho#same for agnea tho i worry for her emotional state a lil bit . help her#who am i missing .. CASTTI#shes good at managing stress (both hers and others) in awful situations . thank god#and shes there if anyone gets hurt 👍#not that its likely outside of bad end situations ? tho i may be thinking of the 999 map too much..#would it be more fun to use that as the setting or something else altogether.. more modern or more like octopath 2..#how the fuck would someone even make an escape room in . what is it like the industrial revolution. steam era#would it make sense to be able to use magic in universe to pull off something similar..#the canonicity of some ingame mechanics is dubious so its hard to tell how malleable magics uses and effects are..#itd probably be easier to place everyone in a modern setting but i have no idea what some of them would be that way#.. modern fantasy setting ??????#what if they had smartphones in octopath. would that be fucked up or what#also who the hell would be zero . would anyone be in kahoots w zero.. or at least Know Things but be unable to say smth abt it#i straight up forgot to mention hikari earlier but hes prolly like. fine#his intrusive thpughts would probably Suck Bad here but hed want everyone to get out alive as much as everyone else combined#wait who would even be the 9th person. would it be zero. but who..#if it were octo1 id say kit but its harder to get a good octo2 equivalent of him.. hm..#oh god im out of tags . tho what would the game style be like.. nonary game ab game etc etc.. what would be unique but fitting..#am i gonna look into actual scientific theories for this . and how would the morphogenetic field come into play.. and Why..#octotag
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