#Create 2D Floor Plans
zimthandmade · 3 months
Can we ask what newfound programs have you been using for these 3d refs?? Or any you'd recommend? You have so much power it's wicked inspiring 👀
✨It's Floorplanner!! ✨
I couldn't be more grateful for this. Easy to use, has a free plan, doesn't eat up too much ram while using it, you can walk through your layout in real time, adjust camera angle etc etc etc. With the free plan you can only make single story layouts but it's plenty enough for what I'm doing. They have a *relatively* limited object library, meaning they mainly have modern looking furniture (I would've needed objects like "dirty pile of clothes" but they don't got that lol). I know Sketchup has all that but I'm a bit too lazy to operate it. So Floorplanner it is. I just screenshot whatever scene I need and trace over it and it works like a charm <3
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jnstudios2 · 4 months
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Nicktoons Unite The Animated Series Episode One : The Adventure Begins
The nickverse and the universe were combined to create one cartoony universe. Humans and nick characters lived together in harmony in this 2d universe, until the syndicate attacked with their robot creations to try to take over the combined universe for themselves, scaring the nick characters and people into terror. It seemed the syndicate could finally win taking over the universe, but a spark of hope came to foil their plans. The nicktoons unite came to the rescue along with some friends like Jenny, el Tigre, Korra, and a few more to help them fight the bots and the syndicate from their evil plans. The syndicate fled as the team celebrated defeating them and protecting the universe from their evil, but they knew they would return and had to get ready for their next attack.
The team returned to their headquarters, the place where they stayed and where they got their missions. Jimmy lead the team into a laboratory, it was dark, the lights on the screens being the only light source inside. Timmy turner, Danny phantom, and SpongeBob SquarePants were wondering why Jimmy brought them here in this dark laboratory. “ what is this place it’s giving me the creeps?” SpongeBob said holding onto Danny scared when Timmy laughed. “ don’t be such a scaredy-cat, there’s nothing here to..” Timmy stopped when a clawed robotic hand grabbed him. Timmy freaked out when a voice spoke “ don’t touch that!” The voice said as Danny phantom and SpongeBob looked scared seeing another robotic claw hand grab a cube going back to the figure. The figure has four robotic arms and is high in the air looking at them with a glint of light on their sunglasses. Timmy tried to pull himself free from the robotic hand that grabbed him until it let him go when he hit the floor shocked. The figure landed on the floor and walked towards them. Out of the darkness of the laboratory was a girl with short brown hair wearing sunglasses with her green eyes peeking out. She wore a lab coat with a green buttoned shirt inside, and dark gray pants with a belt that was attached to something. She wore dark gray and silver boots and had four robotic-clawed arms on her backpack. She looked at everyone with a look and thoughtfully folded her arms while looking at them making them look nervous to wave at her. “ nicktoons unite meet Ella, she monitors, creates weaponry, and gadgets for us” Jimmy said as they looked at her as she pushed her sunglasses up “ nice to meet the other three members of the Nicktoons unite “ she said looking at them. “ Hi there, I’m Danny Phantom, ” Danny said, bringing his hand out to her to shake it. “ Ah the ghost boy himself, I’ve been fascinated by your ghost powers and your biology, “ she said, shaking his hand as he looked nervously “..thanks?” He said. “ And you must be Timmy Turner and SpongeBob SquarePants, you are quite interesting to research, “ she said, looking and examining them. “ Has there been any reports of attacks or anything yet, Ella?” Jimmy asked as she stopped examining the three. “ Not really it’s been quiet for a while” she told him until The alarm went off “ not anymore I guess” Ella said,checking it out. “ You want a mission? Well you got one in Orlando “ Ella said. "There has been an attack in the city, I’m talking about syndicate bots causing mayhem type “ she said. “ has to be the syndicate bringing out their toys again “ Danny said folding his arms in disgust “ finally some butt-kicking action!” Timmy said excitedly. “ take the self-flying ship there, I upgraded it with some slime weaponry from the last encounter, have fun with it, “ Ella said, then glared at Timmy. “ don’t break this one, I’ve worked on it to the best of my ability, if you break it you’re fixing it, “ Ella said glaring at him.
The team with Jenny and el Tigre who wanted to join in the fun headed out on the ship towards Orlando to see the mayhem the syndicate bots were causing. Broken windows, blasting at people and objects, and even stealing variables to please their masters. The bots turned up to see the ship flying as Danny and Jenny came out of it to fight them. Jenny unleashed her weaponry at them destroying them into pieces, Danny blasted his ghost rays and ice powers to freeze them then break them into tiny ice shards with his blast. “ My turn!” El Tigre smiled, jumping out of the ship, shooting his chain-clawed hand at them and wrapping them up as they tried to blast. Manny smiled, slicing the trapped bots in half as he pulled his chain back to him. The ship landed as Jimmy, Timmy, and SpongeBob joined in. SpongeBob blew bubbles and even used his karate gear to beat up bots, Jimmy blasted his tornado blaster and gadgets at them crushing them, Timmy wished to be a superhero and was crushed with his superhero powers. The bots didn’t stand a chance against the powerful team, it was like everywhere they went someone was there to kick their butts and turn them into scrap. A beeping went as they all gathered to see what was happening. “ You may have defeated our bots, nicktoons unite, but we the syndicate always return and soon the universe will be ours to command haha” professor calamitous said as they growled hearing his voice. “ self-destruct in 10 seconds “ the bot said as they freaked out. Danny grabbed them all and turned them intangible when the bots blew up making the whole city shake violently making it hard for Danny to focus on being intangible. The shaking stopped as they all opened their eyes to see a giant hole where the bots were and sighed in relief that Danny maintained to make them intangible to avoid the explosion from the bots. “ is everyone okay?” Danny asked them. “ si amigo, “ Manny said “ I’m all intact, “ Jenny said. He let them go and then walked towards the huge hole “ those could have blown us to bits!” Wanda said. “ ooh I wonder what it will be like,” Cosmo said as everyone looked at him like “seriously”. “ they just don’t know when to quit” Jenny said while folding her arms “ it’s the syndicate, what did you expect really? They won’t rest until they take over the universe, “ Timmy said, a bit annoyed at her. '' and destroying our sleep schedule, “ Danny added as everyone agreed with that.
But the time for celebration was cut short
Because a mysterious figure named Chosen Warrior looked mad at them and blasted at them with her glowing blue powers. This mysterious figure was a phantom sorceress, but the reason why she was angry still remained a mystery. SpongeBob noticed the blasts “ hey guys look! They're shooting fireworks for us!” He said happily as El Tigre saw them “ umm I don’t think those are fireworks” he said as Jimmy looked shocked. “ Look out!” He said as everyone took cover and Chosen Warrior landed with her black gloved fist to the ground, shaking the city like an earthquake from the impact. Everyone looked at her as she stood up and glared at them with her glowing sea blue eyes with black pupils. She was wearing a black shirt, gloves, pants, boots, collar cape with sea blue in it, a sea blue blue top hat with black rim on it, and a blue heart shaped necklace that glowed blue. Her hands glowed blue as she blasted a few kinds of rays at the team as Danny created his shield to block them, angering her as she flew towards like a spinning drill to slice through and punched Danny into a building. “ charge!” Timmy said as Jenny and el Tigre charged towards her and fought her, but she was good at fighting, very good, as she didn’t fear these three fighting him. El Tigre swiped at her as a glowing blue bo staff appeared stunning him “ well, that ain’t good “ he said as she swung her bo staff showing impressive skills with it to block his claw swipes and Jenny’s attack as she smacked them away from her and blocked Timmy’s attacks with cosmo as a giant green mallet and Wanda as a backpack full of tricks keeping her at her feet with her powers and fighting skills. While this was happening, Jimmy aimed at her trying to blast her with his tornado blaster, but she noticed it kicking Timmy out of the way and throwing her bo staff like a boomerang towards him. This shocked him “ what In the nebula?!” He said as it smacked his tornado blaster out of his hands and back to her. Jenny kicked her as she caught herself and swing her bo staff like a baseball bat to hit her when she flew towards her into a wall “ wow, she’s good “ el Tigre said “ but I’m better “ Timmy said as he had his wish blaster blasting at her as she spun like her bo staff like a fan to block it all stunning him. “ or not “ he said stunned to see this, she sensed Danny flying towards her and fired her rapid fire ray at him, but he became intangible and tackled her through a wall and crashed into a game when they both turned tangible to hit it,
Metal and shards of glass flew everywhere when they made an impact on that arcade game. She kicked him off of her as he caught himself and she got out to see her bo staff gone and growled at him “ what is your problem?” He asked her. “ You will never understand!, “ she told him, “ maybe if we talk about it, we could, “ he told her. “ not going to happen '' she said, showing her fists at him as he got ready for her, who was like a lioness ready to pounce with that anger burning in her. She lunged at him as the two got into a fist fight, showing off their martial arts, and their skills. They were both impressive, it was like these two were evenly matched and they couldn’t lay a hit while fighting. Danny blasted at her with ghost rays when she caught them then fired them back at him to hit him with his own attack. Chosen warrior lifted some arcade games with her powers and fired them at him while he flew away or became intangible to not get hit by them as they crashed onto the floor. “ cheap magic trick magician “ Danny said to her as she growled glowing blue “ that’s sorceress to you!” She said with her collar cape flying in the gust and swiped at him, but he dodged and went behind her. “ the top hat says otherwise “ he said, blasting her “ oof!” She said as she crashed into the prize center with a thud. She got up by using the counter with silly string all over her and heard him chuckle “ what’s the matter? Feeling silly?” He joked. She growled as she turned invisible then drop kicked him back into the floor then grabbed him and ran him through the counter, making sure he hit every single prize on there then threw him off. She winced while holding her head, she was struggling to control herself. Unfortunately for Danny, she growled at him while still holding her head with one hand and looking at him with her sea blue eyes. “ Why are you this angry?” He said softly to her as she looked at him “ you’ll never understand the pain and suffering I had to endure” She said clenching her fangs in anger as her blue heart shaped necklace glowed to show her anger stunning him. She lunged at him, clawing at the columns to slice some and even damage them while Danny became intangible. She used her powers to try to get him until she got distracted “ I wish to be a superhero!” Timmy wished as he chinned her to a wall and slumped down to the floor.
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El Tigre and Timmy tried to punch her, but she phased through the wall to avoid them then grabbed Danny’s foot “ oh boy” he said when he was thrown towards the two. They all slid on the floor to hit a wall, getting dizzy from how hard they hit it “ ooh I see stars” Cosmo said chuckling while dizzy. Jenny air tackled her as they both flew into the air until she pushed Jenny off of her, then turned invisible to stay out of sight to hit her a few times confused of where she went. A few more hits went as Jenny was blindly firing to find her as SpongeBob and the rest were getting out of the way “ Jenny, watch where you are shooting at!” Jimmy hollered at her “ sorry” she said as Chosen Warrior blasted her invisible. “ ok that’s it!” She said as she put on her infrared contacts to find where she was going to attack next. Chosen warrior was in her sights as Jenny grinned “ gotcha!” She said hitting her with her boxing glove gadget to send her into a wall dizzy from the unexpected attack Jenny did. “ Ready when you are, I can do this all day “ she told her as she looked at her after recovering from the impact. “ So can I” she said as her gloved fist glowed blue and clashed with Jenny to create a bright glow like you would see in a light show at night. The two clashed a few more times at top speeds then pushed each other off “ you’re good..but I’m better” Jenny said unleashing her weaponry at her. chosen Warrior fired her rapidly fired ray to hit the rockets “ we’ll see about that “ she said as she spun around in her ecto tornado to have the rockets hit it and explode then came roaring at Jenny. She freaked out when it came after her and stuff started to get sucked into it making it really difficult to stay out of its way. But no matter how hard she tried, she was unsuccessful when a token machine hit her and sucked her into the tornado and got hit a few more times with some stuff while inside as she got punched out of it. A giant blue ghost wave smacked everyone as they all slid. She landed with an angry look “ do you all have any idea what I’ve been through?!” She growled as she lifted games with her powers stunning the team. “ cause I believe you don’t “ she said,firing them at the team as they recovered then destroying the games to create a cloud of smoke after how much they were destroying in their path.
A few seconds passed
The cloud smoke was still covering everything, but she was suddenly tackled by Danny as they both slid and saw that he was hugging her when they both stood up. “ we may not know what I’ve been through, but if you can calm down, maybe we can help you” Danny said, trying to get her to calm down so they could talk about this. “ let..go!” She said as she shocked him with her ghost stinger “ ahhhhh!” He said until he let her go and she backed off from him. He recovered after a while from her shock “ why are you so angry?” He said, rubbing his head, still getting over her shock as she growled at him. “ why? Why?!” She roared at him, scaring him. She glowed blue “ I've been through so much pain and suffering! , my heart has been shattered by the ones I trusted!, and you ask why I’m so angry?! “ She said, blasting at him as he blasted back to clash with hers. “ it must have been painful to learn that, I too have been through something like that” Danny said “ nothing like I have been through! “ She said, pushing her blast closer to him. “ I had my parents chasing me around when I was like this, they called me horrible names and threatened to hurt me like tearing me molecule by molecule, so I know how it feels “ he told her. She looked a bit stunned then snapped out of it “ no, you’re being like them, tricking me into believing your lies! I won’t let that happen..AGAIN!” She roared, pushing it even closer to him. “ no..that’s not it…I’m trying to help you..not trick you” he tried to tell her as the blasts suddenly created a giant bright light, stunning the two. “ uh” he said “ oh “ she said shocked “ everyone take cover!” Jimmy hollered when he saw it and everyone else took cover when it created a giant explosion to send the two flying into the food court on the other side with a crash.
Everything suddenly became quiet for a bit as the whole food court was a mess. A Broken table, soda hoses flying everywhere, and the tiles cracked with the two on the floor still trying to recover from the giant explosion that they just took. Eventually, they did recover with Chosen Warrior getting up stunned to see Danny badly hurt “..what have I done?” She said quickly getting up scared and heard the team hollering his name. She didn’t hesitate flying up to turn intangible to phase through the roof “ wait!” Danny said when he saw this , but she was gone. “ Danny, are you alright? “ Jenny said checking on him when the rest of the team arrived to see him. “ yeah I’m ok, but she fled scared” he said to them. “ good, she should be afraid of us!” Timmy said as everyone looked at him “ I think you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover sport” Wanda said “ nah, it’s more fun to do that” cosmo chuckled annoying Wanda . “ Well before you do that, you should know that something is clearly angering her, I learned that when we blasted at each other” Danny told them. “ And didn’t she say," Do you have any idea what I’ve been through? “ El Tigre said as Jenny agreed “ she did say that, and that should be evidence for what Danny is saying” Jenny added. “ But she attacked us, she’s clearly a bad guy” Timmy said ignoring what they were saying as Wanda looked at him “ like I said sport, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and you should really listen before judging her like that” she said to him. “ yeah turner” jimmy said annoyed “ will we ever see her again?” SpongeBob asked them when Jenny helped Danny up from the floor. “ I dont know if we will or not,..but who knows?” Danny told him as Jimmy was typing on his wrist “ well all I know it’s getting late and we should be heading back to get some sleep” he said as everyone agreed. “ can’t late for class again, Mr Lancer wouldn’t like that one bit “ Danny said as Jenny said “ my mom would freak out if I was late for school “ she said. “ Mr Krabs wouldn’t like me being late for work, I did it once when I was one minute late “ SpongeBob said as they all went into the ship once they made it. “ you know he’s overworking and underpaying you right?” Danny asked him. “ nah he wouldn’t do that to me and squidward “ SpongeBob said as they both were seated and ready to go. “ Even though he sold your soul for 62 cents “ Jimmy said softly and activated the ship when it roared to life and started to fly out of the city and open a portal back to the headquarters.
Once the team arrived at the headquarters, Ella was tired but she activated the portal to take each member back to their home world to get some rest and get ready for the next day in store for them. Once they saw their home world, each member waved goodbye to the others before entering the portal to head home. Every member was home except for Ella and jimmy “ well I guess this is goodnight neutron, I hope you’re ready to have your winning streak of the science fair broken tomorrow, by yours truly” Ella said confidently and chuckling with her clawed hands
Showing how sharp they are. “ We'll see about that, I expect you to bring your a game to be a good runner up” Jimmy said as she laughed “ let’s just hope that Carl or sheen ruins it, cause my creation is foolproof!” She laughed then yawned loudly. “ ooh, I need to get some sleep, I’ve been working non stop today” she said rubbing her eyes “ me too, we need to get some sleep if we are to bring our a game at the science fair “ Jimmy as Ella tapped on her nicktoons watch. “ see you tomorrow, neutron” she said as she disappeared out of the lab to head Home on the other side of retroville. Jimmy went to his room with his robot dog snuggling against him to get some sleep as well as the other members. But SpongeBob was wondering if they’ll ever meet that mysterious girl again, he wanted to give her a big ole hug to make her feel better.
Speaking of which, where was she now?
She was still in Orlando while flying in the city, stunned by what she just did. “ What have I done? ” She said while flying, shocked “ oh I hope that he didn’t see that” she said, a bit nervous. “ Oh but I did,” a wicked voice said as she saw the ghost syndicate of evil smiling while folding his arms and stopping her in mid air, stunned to see him. “ plasmius, I..” She said but he stopped her “ no need to explain yourself my dear, you did a good job showing those fools..who you are” he chuckled getting closer to her stunning her. “ I didn’t mean to, I lost control of my anger “ she said defending herself but plasmius wasn’t hearing it. “ Oh stop with the excuses, they make you look soft to our enemies, and you don’t want that, right?” He told her. “ ..no” she said softly then landed on the roof of a building. “ The Nicktoons unite are our enemies my dear, a bunch of fools who are to help others and be the protectors of the universe? Pfft” He said annoyed. “ But you gave me great entertainment while watching your battle against them, oooh what fierce energy and power you have “ he smiled pointing to her chest. He grabbed her hands “ that’s what I like to see, a fierce sorceress who doesn’t let anything stand in your way “ he smiled at her, pleased to see this fierce side of her. But then he saw the good side of her, annoying him “ I still didn’t mean to” she said softly. “ Who cares if you meant to or not, it’s still a great battle for you, and soon you will have them in your grasp “ he told her. “ Why do you still insist that they are friends? What exactly have they done to make you trust them?” He asked her. She was about to answer then stopped herself, realizing that she didn’t have an answer for his question as he watched her “ can’t think of one can you?” He said. She held her arm with her gloved hand while looking at him “..I can’t “ she answered him softly “ so if you can’t think of a reason why you can trust them? Then that should be your clue that they are our enemies, right?” He said. “ ..right” she said slowly still doubtful about that, but pleased him that she acknowledged him.“ but I’m still in hot water with them, and I still didn’t mean to, it was an accident “ she said as he looked annoyed then put his gloved hand on her shoulder “ we’ll work on that, but for now we should be getting some rest..” he continued while smiling wickedly “ we got fun and exciting things to do tomorrow “ he laughed while hugging her. “ Come along now dearie, shall we be going?” He said walking away from her and she watched the cityscape for a bit “ I’m sorry..nicktoons unite “ she said softly so he wouldn’t hear her. She was still feeling bad for attacking the nicktoons unite and slowly followed him into the darkness to disappear to not be seen in the city again.
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321arka · 2 months
In the realm of architectural design and visualization, SketchUp stands out as one of the most popular tools for creating 3D models. Its versatility and user-friendly interface make it an ideal choice for architects, designers, and hobbyists alike.
However, when it comes to presenting these models professionally, SketchUp alone may fall short. That's where Layout, SketchUp's companion software, comes into play.
Understanding Layout
Layout is an essential component of the SketchUp ecosystem, offering a platform to arrange and annotate SketchUp models for presentations, construction documents, and more. Its integration with SketchUp allows seamless transition between 3D modeling and 2D documentation, facilitating a streamlined workflow for designers.
Dynamic floor plans, in the context of Layout, refer to floor plans that are not static images but rather interactive and editable elements. They maintain a connection to the original SketchUp model, enabling real-time updates and modifications. This dynamic nature enhances efficiency and accuracy in design iterations, making Layout an indispensable tool in architectural visualization.
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muggedmoth · 8 months
i spent a few hours making my oc's house on this floorplanning website so now its gonna be soo damn easy to draw backgrounds just you wait
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just look at her go!! i didnt rlly bother to paint all the walls or add in all the paintings n stuff but this is actually so cute
i also did my other oc's bedroom
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here's the link if u want it :) it's free and pretty damn easy to use
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venusbae · 6 months
𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐙
Gorillaz lore, told a little differently.
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part one - D-DAY
content warnings: graphic description of violence, satanism mentioned, blood.
summary: august 15th, 1997. d-day. murdoc and 2D's first interaction.
Sat on the couch of his fathers sweet, sickly sweet, humble abode was Murdoc Niccals, after being forced for many years of his childhood to be on stage, his passion (or at least the only thing he really knew how to do) had become music. 
After signing a deal with Satan, from a ‘Satanism: For Beginners’ kit off his brother, Murdoc had received a red silky coloured bass guitar, appropriately named ‘El Diablo’ and a lengthy, chunky upside down cross necklace. The deal? Create a band to take the entire world by storm. No need for any other words, Murdoc knew this was his fate, what he wanted. What he needed. And surely, it would make his father proud. Or at least a tad bit sweeter.
Once he’d signed this deal however, the plan didn’t go as smoothly as first suspected. Murdoc had tried many times to hit the ground running. He made bands such as ‘Patchouli Clark’ which out of them all seemed to be the biggest fail. Not one audience member in pub gigs. Others like ‘Kiss N Makeup’, ‘Bullworker’ and ‘The Stupid Name Gang’ were more popular by three or four people, including bartenders, yet all failed due to the lack of listeners (or patience for his bandmates). This had Murdoc wondering. What about his band made them fail so hard?
Murdoc soon came to a conclusion that perhaps it was his fault. His high-pitched, screeching was less appealing than when he was a child, it was the era of pop and punk after all. Not black and heavy metal. 
Throwing a small handmade ball of rubber bands up and down, Murdoc decided he needed to take action. Instead of being the bassist and vocalist, he could just be one, and since El Diablo had been gifted to him by his almighty superior, he came to the decision of letting another become the frontman, although he would still be band leader, of course.
Grabbing the keys of his 1985 Vauxhall Astra, Murdoc ran out the front door, carefully closing it so as to not make so much of a noise to alert his sleeping relatives. This all was for nothing, as after he had practically jumped into the driver's seat of the car, slammed the door and started it up, pressing his foot all the way to the floor. With 14 years of driving experience, Murdoc narrowly avoided curbs on his cornerings and was never really caught out with speeding. Probably due to the fact he’d been in trouble for DUI’s when he was instead. 
Turning the corner into a small retail park, Murdoc didn’t slow down, yet only sent his car flying through the side window of ‘Uncle Norm’s Organ Emporium’. The sound of shattering glass filled Murdoc’s ears, leaving the man to pull his hands back from the steering wheel and scrunch up his face, bracing for impact. The car came to a sudden stop, front lifted off the ground. Murdoc reluctantly opened his eyes, looking as he silently celebrated the success of his placement, rudely interrupted by his airbag hitting him in the face, cracking his already weirdly shaped nose.
‘Bit delayed’, he thought, opening his door and swinging his legs out. When he looked down at his feet, a gorey sight was there waiting. Murdoc felt a bit of vomit come up to his chest as he gagged. A young man with half blue, half red hair was below him, one eye closed yet one he couldn’t figure out whether it was blackened or he had no eyeballs at all. Another man, who looked to be the manager, rushed up to the man on the floor, sitting him up and shaking him.
“Stuart?” The manager spoke through a panicked tone, looking up at Murdoc who was frozen in his spot. He’d never even knocked someone out before, let alone kill a person!
When Murdoc realised that everyone had been staring at him, he hopped out of the seat, only to be alerted by the sound of the front door of the shop slamming open, police officers yelling at him to put his hands up before running toward his and pushing Murdoc up against the cold metal of the car. From where he was, he could see the blood splat on the corner of his car light.
‘Bullseye.’ The man disgustingly thought before he was being shoved out of the shop and into a police car.
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hitechbimservices · 6 months
Architectural BIM Services: Architectural Drafting & CAD Conversion
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Architectural BIM services encompass a range of offerings aimed at enhancing architectural design processes. At Hitech BIM Services, we provide various architectural design services, from converting 2D AutoCAD floor plans into detailed 3D Revit BIM models, transforming CAD drawings into BIM execution plans, and developing full-scale rendered LOD (Level of Development) models following AIA standards, and integrating architectural, structural, and MEP designs to create clash-free models, etc.
Our architectural BIM services provide improved design communication, enhanced coordination with engineers and contractors, and develop comprehensive architectural building designs from existing 2D drafts and CAD models.
As experienced providers of outsourcing BIM architectural services, our team of professional designers excels in BIM platforms and delivers 3D models that meet specific design standards. Partnering with us ensures sustainable building designs, efficient architectural solutions, and precise technical documentation throughout the project lifecycle.
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simspirationarchives · 9 months
Three Bedroom, Two Bathroom
First Floor (2D)
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Second floor (2D)
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First Floor (3D rotated view)
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Second Floor (3D rotated view)
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A three bedroom, two bathroom floor plan that includes a designated office space in the platform area.
(Look closely at the first set of stairs to see where the floor raises to create the platform section on the first floor) Platform section includes the bonus room, the office space, and the first floor bedroom.)
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zartoon · 1 year
WEEK 2 - Project 00
This was a week of planning
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I began creating word associations/mind maps to get at the root of what i wanted to do. During my ideation, i reflected back to a conversation i was having with my sis about how we miss the tiles of my aunt’s home. It was so strange to me how i reminisced the touch and feel and look of a tiled floor.
That got me thinking about culture, memory and TILES😍
Plus i want to break away from what i have been doing since first year like drawing people and 2D illustrations to something more immersive. Like ceramics!
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spritehouse · 10 months
Lex's Minecraft Architecture Project!
for context: i'm in an architecture class where the final project is to design, create, & furnish both 2d & 3d models of our dream houses. because i'm super cool, my teacher is letting me do this in minecraft
requirements/restrictions: - square footage can be from 1500-4500 square feet - must have at least two floors & one staircase - no budget, but a cost sheet estimating the total cost to furnish the house is required
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—Concept #1
–First Sketches: Scale: 3/16 in = 1 ft –First floor:
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–Second Floor:
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–Digital Floorplan: designed in AutoCAD Scale: 1 in = 4 in
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after completing my digital drawing, i started building the base in minecraft. before finishing, i completely redesigned my house in-game and then the world got corrupted and i lost all of my progress.
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—Concept #2:
i started this house in my original minecraft world & then my save got corrupted and i had to restart. at this point, i didn't have any dimensions drawn, so i had to rebuild/draw based on memory.
–Sketches: -Rough Exterior Sketches:
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-Additional Details:
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-Rough Floor Plan (not to scale)
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i'm going for a dark academia + dark cottage aesthetic, but i'm absolutely awful with color theory & interior design, so bear with me.
-Pinterest Boards: Concepts Furniture
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—Building the House:
–Technical Stuff: i'm using the chisel and bits mod to add more detail to this build. since minecraft blocks are 16x16 pixels & my scale (1 block = 1 foot) doesn't convert 1:1, i'll be rounding up to the nearest pixel
–Exterior Base/Foundation Scale: 1 Block = 1 ft
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somediyprojects · 11 months
DIY treasure hunting: keys
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Project by Kate Pruitt:
I’m so very excited to introduce Treasure Hunting, a new monthly column for DIY Wednesdays. If you’re like me, you can often be found browsing the aisles of thrift shops, scouring the tables at flea markets or haggling over prices at yard sales. Sometimes you inherit a random item unexpectedly, or perhaps you walk past give-away piles on the street and feel an involuntary cringe over the wasted possibilities. This column stems from those experiences and from a love of objects and their formal properties.
I’m not advocating aggressive hoarding habits by any means, but there are some seemingly mundane, disposable, obsolete objects in the world that are not entirely without merit. Treasure Hunting will take these objects and find a way to make them wonderful again, through their visual impact as a collection or their value as a new and improved functional or decorative item.
The first post is about old keys. The key is a pretty standard tool that we all own, but as a design object, it’s spectacular. The possibilities for using keys in interesting and beautiful ways are endless, so forgive the length of this initial post; they won’t all be this lengthy, I promise. I hope you enjoy the new column and stay tuned for all the treasures yet to come! — Kate
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Image above: A collection of keys from JeepersKeepers
Nothing combines form and function quite like a key. Their beautifully peculiar notches and curves are not just for decoration; the shapes are dictated by the maze of gates inside their corresponding door lock. Maybe if I studied locksmithing a bit, the process would be demystified but as it stands now, keys are magical. They certainly look magical. With a humble purpose, low price point and everyday availability, keys are an untapped resource for creating a captivating home display.
Images, from top: A key display from Llubav Choy Duerr’s living room, a collection of skeleton keys from Country Living
Hanging Composition This style of loosely composed objects as wall décor seems so effortlessly chic to me. I love how it catches the eye, and then allows it to wander off the composition. The beauty is not only in the overall visual impact of the varied shapes and sizes. It’s also in the details you can only see close up, the intricacies and history behind each rusted or labeled key. Another benefit to this display is that you can add to it as time goes on, enriching it with an ongoing collection of pieces found here and there.
How to Get the Look
1. A successful composition can be loose and organically shaped, or rigid and linear. First, measure the size of the wall space you have.
2. Tape off the dimension on the floor so you can roughly plan out a composition to see if it works and to give you an idea of the spacing you need.
3. Begin hanging the keys on the wall using a hammer and small picture-hanging nails or brads. These will cause minimal damage and allow you to make a few adjustments without causing any eyesores in your wall.
4. If you have trouble finding varied sizes or shapes of keys, consider drawing silhouettes of keys onto decorative paper, fabric or wood veneer and add them into the mix. The combination of 2D and 3D objects can be quite striking if there is a common shape that keeps them unified.
5. Carefully place your keys in the frame and replace the backing or glass, and it’s ready to hang!
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Images clockwise from top left: Key art from CB2 (no longer available), Mamie Jane’s DIY key art, Ballard Designs (no longer available), Restoration Hardware
Framed Key Art Sometimes quantity in a collection is unnecessary. I love the look of a single object or group of objects hovering in a frame. The focus given to a seemingly mundane object once it’s framed is mysterious and visually quite interesting. Placing a small collection of keys in to a framed wall piece is a quick and easy way to display the objects.
How to Get the Look
1. Find a frame or frames that will fit your key collection. If you want to have glass in the frame, you will need to use a shadow box or a frame deep enough to fit your keys. Paint or treat the frame if necessary.
2. Use a piece of cardboard, foam core or wood as the backing for your piece. Cut it to size, so it will fit perfectly within your frame.
3. Cover the backing with paper, linen or a fabric of your choice. Use spray adhesive to attach the paper or fabric to the backing.
4. Use small nails or tacks to hang the keys in place. If your keys are lightweight, you can choose to use a small dab of hot glue at the top of the back of the key to permanently set the keys in place. Remove any loose glue threads by blowing on them for a few seconds with a hairdryer.
5. Carefully place your keys in the frame and replace the backing or glass, and it’s ready to hang!
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Images clockwise from left: necklace from November Rose Atelier, gift package by Oh, Hello Friend, porcelain keys available at Chatchada
Loose Keys Keys are like little mysteries unto themselves, which is why they can be charming just on their own to give as present or wear as an accessory. You can personalize a plain key with paint, gold leaf, decoupage and other craft techniques, or you can simply use a beautiful antique key on its own — either way, keys are little treasures that make the perfect objet d’art.
How to Get the Look
1. You can fake the look of these beautiful cast porcelain keys by dipping real keys into plaster-of-Paris or thick white paint. First, bend a few paper clips open and hang them on a string to make drying hooks, and place a layer of newspaper or paper towel underneath the drying station.
2. Mix up the plaster-of-Paris or paint in a small bucket, ensuring you have enough liquid in the bucket to submerge the entire key. Give the key several coats, allowing it to dry between each coat. This will help achieve that thick, made-of-clay appearance.
3. Attach the key with a pretty ribbon to a gift, or string the key on a chain to create a lovely pendant.
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Floor plan helps to get a visual idea of how the property will look after completion. There are various benefits that floor plans. This is not just suitable for homeowners, but for real estate agents as well to showcase in their listings. Real estate floor plan conversion services with redrawing process ensure that you can enhance your property listing and attract more potential viewers and buyers.
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caddcentrenagpur · 2 years
12 Best free 3D Modelling Software for Beginners
Many professional-level 3D modelling programmes are outrageously costly, making them out of reach for most beginners. Furthermore, they are even less desirable because of the necessity of expensive monthly or annual subscriptions. Thankfully, some high-quality options for 3D modelling software may be had for no cost at all. That is the subject for today's conversation.
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1. Tinker CAD
When it comes to free 3D modelling software, many beginners choose Tinker CAD because it is one of the better solutions available. It's completely free to use, and it has a robust online community. Complex 3D models are beyond the capabilities of Tinker CAD. Still, it gives newcomers simple yet effective tools for making simple 3D creations without breaking the bank.
As a starting point for your own free 3D models, you can download some pre-made ones from the website and import them into TinkerCAD. And if you want to learn how to use it to make 3D models for yourself, there are free tutorials for that as well. If you are looking for a CAD courses in Nagpur then CADD Centre Nagpur is the one stop solution for CADD Courses
2. Fusion 360
The capabilities of Fusion 360 extend well beyond those of traditional 3D modelling tools.
It's wonderful programme for novices who wish to experiment with basic 3D modelling and have fine-grained control over the final product's shape and size, despite the software's extensive feature set. With Fusion 360, you can create designs for production, 3D printing, and even machining.
Because the ribbon area is not overloaded with tools and commands, the user interface is clean and straightforward, making Fusion 360 a breeze to learn and use. Makers including 3D printing hobbyists, woodworkers, and even machinists use Fusion 360 as their primary design and drafting programme.
3. Daz 3D
Makers of the popular Daz Studio, Daz 3D are responsible for some of the most intriguing and user-friendly developments in the history of 3D modelling software. When it comes to animating, posing, setting up lighting, and rendering in 3D, Daz Studio simplifies many of the more technical aspects of the medium.
4. Free CAD
Despite still being in beta, FreeCAD, a free 3D modelling software with real skin in the game, has made great progress since its first release in 2002. It's made to streamline and simplify the process of generating 3D models of physical objects. 
5. Vectary
Vectary, billed as the "easiest online 3D and AR design tool," is a browser-based mesh and parametric modelling programme. Its straightforward, user-friendly design conceals a wealth of useful functionality.
The software is aimed at professionals in the fields of graphic design, product design, and game design, with a particular emphasis on rendering, however it may be used for any type of 2D or 3D modelling.
6. Meshmixer
Autodesk's Meshmixer, a lightweight 3D modelling programme, is a necessary addition to every maker's arsenal. The software is a "Swiss Army Knife" for 3D objects, letting you easily modify, extend, splice, merge, and otherwise work with models, as described on the software's official website.
7. SketchUp
Google's SketchUp is a free, all-inclusive 3D modelling software suite. It is a visual tool for creating 3D models (unlike other 3D programmes, which need knowledge of code or the usage of complex tools). Users all over the Internet attest that SketchUp is a simple and efficient tool for drawing floor plans, furniture layouts, and other architectural and interior design-related 3D models.
8. Blender
Blender, one of the most widely used 3D modelling programmes, has a large and helpful online user community that freely distributes STL files, 3D models, and tutorials. If you do a fast search on Google or YouTube, you'll find millions of results from people who are happy to share their Blender 3D creations or instruct you in its use. This is because Blender is an open-source 3D modelling software application that doesn't cost a dime, allowing users to freely experiment with the software's vast set of features.
9. Z Brush Core Mini \ Z Brush
Core Mini is a streamlined variant of Pixologic's Z Brush, a sculpting application widely used by experts in the field. Still, that shouldn't put you off. Due to its design, Core Mini is accessible even to people with no prior knowledge with 3D modelling.
10. Dark Spark Mechanical
It's a free programme that may be used to create CAD environments. Even if the programme is simpler to work with, there are less job openings. In this way, engineers with no prior experience with 3D modelling software or conventional drawing equipment would be able to make their own customised models with ease. The 3D printing community has embraced Design Spark Mechanical with open arms. CADD Centre Nagpur also provides Mechanical CAD Courses
11. Archi CAD
This programme has a free 30-day trial period but costs money beyond that. Structures can be designed with the help of the ArchiCAD application. You can use it to make complicated 3D models and then analyse their constituent pieces in great detail.
Show the exterior of a multi-story building, the floor plans of individual units, and the design of inner spaces, for instance. The data can also be transferred to analytical programmes for speedy defect localization and correction. At last, ArchiCAD has automated document and visualisation tools.
12. Self CAD
By allowing users to create 3D files without the need for any further downloads, SelfCAD aims to be the finest free browser-based 3D modelling software for students throughout the world. Because of this, it is often used in American classrooms to teach pupils about 3D design. On the other hand, individuals who prefer a downloadable version can do so on both PCs and Macs.
For any queries or details Feel free to call us on- Nandanvan- 7507111164 I Sadar-7507111145,   Or Visit our website- www.caddcentrenag.in/
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sdgzdrthsrj · 11 days
Inventor & AutoCAD: Key Tools in Modern Design and Engineering
In the world of design and engineering, two software platforms have become essential for professionals seeking precision, innovation, and efficiency—Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD. These powerful tools serve distinct yet complementary roles, revolutionizing how engineers, architects, and designers bring their concepts to life.
Understanding AutoCAD: The Pioneer of CAD Software
AutoCAD, developed by Autodesk, is one of the most popular and widely-used computer-aided design (CAD) software platforms in the world. Since its inception in 1982, it has been a staple for architects, engineers, and construction professionals. AutoCAD is primarily used for 2D and 3D design, drafting, and modeling, providing users with powerful tools to create detailed technical drawings, blueprints, and schematics.
AutoCAD’s intuitive interface and robust library of commands allow professionals to draft with precision, from simple floor plans to complex mechanical designs. The software's adaptability makes it suitable for a wide range of industries, including architecture, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and product design.
Key features include:
Layer management for organizing complex drawings.
Parametric design to maintain relationships between drawing elements.
Customization through scripts and plugins to enhance productivity.
Inventor: Revolutionizing 3D Mechanical Design
While AutoCAD is excellent for 2D and general-purpose design, Inventor, also developed by Autodesk, is focused specifically on 3D mechanical design, simulation, and product development. Inventor is a powerful tool for engineers working on complex parts, assemblies, and simulations. It offers parametric, direct, and freeform modeling tools, allowing users to design intricate parts and assemblies with remarkable accuracy.
Inventor’s strength lies in its ability to simulate real-world mechanical functions, such as stress analysis and motion, enabling designers to test and refine their products before physical prototyping. This reduces errors, speeds up development, and improves overall product quality.
Key features include:
Assembly modeling to manage complex designs with multiple components.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for testing material stress and behavior.
Integrated CAD/CAM for seamless manufacturing processes.
Choosing Between AutoCAD and Inventor
Both AutoCAD and Inventor have unique strengths. AutoCAD excels in general-purpose drafting and 2D design, making it ideal for architectural layouts and initial concept drawings. Inventor, on the other hand, is better suited for detailed 3D mechanical design and product simulation. For companies working on both architectural designs and complex mechanical products, using AutoCAD for drafting and Inventor for 3D modeling provides an ideal combination.
For design and engineering professionals, mastering both AutoCAD and Inventor is essential for staying competitive in today’s fast-paced industries. By leveraging these tools, engineers and architects can streamline their workflows, improve design accuracy, and create more innovative solutions. Software CAD Australia is dedicated to providing high-quality software solutions like AutoCAD and Inventor, helping professionals unlock their creative potential and enhance productivity. With the right tools and support, achieving design excellence is within reach.
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nakshaabanwao1 · 11 days
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Ready to design your dream home? Contact Us: +91 96482 59999 | www.nakshaabanwao.com #FloorPlans #ArchitecturalDesign #ConstructionConsultation #NakshaaBanwao #3DElevations
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viiuniqedesigns · 13 days
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Do you want to renovate or need great ideas for your house/apartment? Here you'll find great inspiration and a super service.
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arcmdesign · 17 days
Transform Your Space with 3D Home Designer Services in Malabar
Are you dreaming of transforming your home but unsure where to start? 3D home designer Malabar offer the perfect solution, allowing you to visualize your dream space before making any commitments. This cutting-edge technology brings your ideas to life, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision.
Why Choose 3D Home Design?
3D home design is revolutionizing the way we approach interior projects. Unlike traditional 2D plans, 3D design gives you a comprehensive view of your space, offering a realistic representation of how it will look and feel. This immersive experience allows you to explore different layouts, color schemes, and furnishings in a virtual environment, making it easier to make informed decisions.
Customization at Its Best
One of the significant advantages of 3D home design is the level of customization it offers. Whether you’re planning a complete home renovation or just a single room makeover, 3D design enables you to experiment with various elements until you find the perfect combination. From wall textures and flooring options to lighting and furniture placement, every aspect of your space can be tailored to suit your preferences.
Visualize Before You Build
In Malabar, 3D home designers are skilled at turning your ideas into tangible plans. With the ability to visualize your project in detail, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that the final result meets your expectations. This technology also facilitates better communication with contractors, as they can clearly understand your vision and execute it with precision.
Bringing Your Dream Home to Life
The 3D home design process in Malabar is user-friendly and collaborative. Designers work closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, creating a virtual model that reflects your unique style. Whether you’re building a new home, remodeling an existing space, or simply redecorating, 3D design services make the process smoother and more enjoyable.
3D home design Malabar are an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. By visualizing your dream home before any construction begins, you can ensure that every detail is perfect, saving time, money, and stress.
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