#Crabalanche fever
ludmithjacques · 2 years
Gonna start a crowdfunding campaign for Crabalanche
Prehistoric crabs, each the size of a schnauzer AT MINIMUM are frozen on top of a mountain. The plot can either be Global Warming or some shady company trying to mine something from the mountain but either way something thaws the crabs and there’s your Crabalanche but the plot is mostly focused on this upper-middle-class white family with an estranged Dad who comes back to try and reconnect during Christmas and ‘Honey when did you get a pet coconut crab?’ and it fucking tries to eat the cat and it’s just the first of the Crabalanche and we gradually learn about the frozen CrabBerg on top of Mt. Crab or whatever and they have to evacuate the town because a wave of crabs will soon thaw and destroy it.
Also the first place to go has got to be a seafood place. Or maybe one of those Chinese Buffets with a sale on crab legs.
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