#Cr9nus menti9n
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What are your opinions on Cronus? Personally I don't like him.
My th9ughts 9n Cr9nus Amp9ra?
D9 n9t take that sentence as a negative, mind y9u. I mean it as he's just very unique. A c9nfident, self-assured, inclusive man n9t t9 menti9n he has the pusher- s9rry- heart 9f an artist, th9ugh he c9uld stem t9 write less...vulgar serenads, 6ut that is my pers9nal 9pini9n 9n that matter, freed9m 9f speech.
D9n't get me wr9ng, he is a flawed individual like the rest 9f us and y9u are free t9 dislike wh9ever y9u please, 9f c9urse, 6ut he truly isn't that 6ad 9nce y9u actually get t9 kn9w him.
He's 9ne 9f the few pe9ple I feel I can 9pen up t9 a69ut whatever is 9n my think pan with9ut my "Insuffera6le" nickname t9ssed my way. I'm glad he's f9und a sense 9f identity he is c9mf9rta6le with, even if at times he prefers t9 keep it t9 himself. Sadly 9ur team can 6e quite naïve a69ut certain t9pics, leading t9 harsh w9rds 6eing exchanged. His mental health isn't..the 6est and I want t9 make sure 9thers are making it any w9rse, that's f9r sure.
T9 put it simple en9ugh, I c9nsider that man my 6est friend.
Als9, the tw9 I met here s9 far have 6een pleasant as well.
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Y9u may call me Kankri. I d9 n9t particularly care f9r m9st nicknames.
My pr9n9uns are he/him, 6ut I will als9 accept they/them 9n 9ccasi9n.
I am demir9mantic and demisexual, as well as transmasculine. I am als9 autistic.
I am n9t exactly the Kankri y9u may expect 9r 6e accust9med t9. 6ear with me, and I will d9 my 6est.
I d9 ap9l9gize if my typing quirk is difficult f9r s9me t9 read.
DNI is 6el9w the cut as well as a list 9f triggers t9 av9id and rules t9 f9ll9w.
Th9se wh9 are 69dily min9rs, radqueers, radfems, TERFs, MAPs, z99philes, racists, 6ig9ts, g9re/nsft/kink 6l9gs especially ddlg, transid, transage, transable, transrace, etc., gen9cide supp9rters, Dirk/6r9 Strider acc9unts/fictives/kins, factkin, religi9us 6l9gs, anti-kin, anti-therian, furry haters, anti-n9nhuman, c9ps.
S/H, sui
eating dis9rders
animal cruelty/death/a6use
maternal relati9nships
Christmas/religi9us h9lidays
Dirk/6r9 Strider
deer, even menti9ns
images 9f w9lves
S/A, n9nc9n, du6con
6eing misgendered
extreme g9re/medical trauma
vulture culture/animal 69nes
mpreg (including transmasc f9lks)
69dily waste and emet9
a6leism, especially t9wards the neur9diverse
Rules and Such:
D9 n9t f9ll9w 9r message me if y9u are 69dily a min9r. I will 6l9ck y9u.
D9 n9t re6l9g t9 RP. Please message me instead.
Er9tic RP is all9wed, 6ut there must 6e m9re 9f a pl9t than just pailing, 6ulges, and n99ks.
Please make it clear when y9u are speaking 9ut 9f character. Admin will n9t use this typing quirk and will 6e using 6rackets 9r slashes t9 indicate ve is speaking. Also, the quirk is 9nly f9r 6l9g p9sts 9r f9r when Kankri is texting.
Literate RP 9nly! I like t9 write. Generally n9thing t99 9utrage9us 6ut I need m9re than a few sentences.
D9n't just message me in character, please! I like t9 plan stuff 9ut in advance a little 6it, such as any AUs 9r maj9r headcan9ns that y9u may have.
Ships are limited, 6ut multiple acc9unts can RP with me at 9nce. Signless may make an 9ccasi9nal appearance if there is any interest.
N9 9riginal characters, 9nly can9n please. I have had 6ad experiences with 9C x can9n and I just prefer t9 av9id it alt9gether. I may all9w them as 6ackgr9und characters/NPCs (such as empl9yees at st9res 9r restaurants, f9r example).
Characters I will ship with: Cr9nus, p9ssi6ly Mituna?, Dualscar (Signless 9nly).
Reminder that this is a N9N CAN9N C9MPLIANT INTERPRETATI9N. If y9u d9n't like it, here's the d99r 🚪. Thank y9u.
69nus (admin's 9ther 6l9gs):
Art (semi-active): @caelfyreart
Kin stuff (very active): @caelfyrekin
#kankri vantas#homestuck#homestuck rp#grumblr#rp account#hs kankri#hs signless#the signless#intro post#kankri talks#cronkri#dualsign
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Cr9nus, I d9 appreciate y9u f9r reminding me 9f y9ur 9ffer.
Th9ugh I w9uld als9 appreciate if y9u didn't c9me t9 me in pu6lic a69ut y9ur n99k and 6ulge, especially when I've just 9pened this 6l9g up, and it seems it'd appear 9dd with this 6eing the first ask ever. Als9, this is incredi6ly innapr9priate t9 c9me t9 me 9n a pu6luc 6l9g and ask such a thing.
Th9ugh, I supp9se if y9u messaged me 9n Tr9llian t9day (Whenever I return t9 my hive, 9f c9urse), I will 6e ready t9 give y9u my answer. I will let it 6e kn9wn that I finish deciding quickly. <3
#tw #n99k menti9ns #6ulge menti9ns #pu6lic em6arrassment #9ffer menti9ns #innapr9priate asks #red/flushed intent #red/flushed feelings #please 6e weary next time #thank y9u
(I als9 ap9l9gize f9r my lack 9f pr9per art, I happen t9 6e s9mewhere at the m9ment.(school :())
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Cr9nus I cann9t tell y9u en9ugh h9w str9ngly I identify with y9ur statement here, stagnanti9n has pr9ven t9 6e the a6s9lute 6ane 9f my- and likely m9st tr9lls existance. Trigger warning f9r menti9ns 9f the 6u66les and all the hermetic 6al9ny that came al9ng with them 6ut I'm starting t9 think they may have affected me much m9re than I ever even th9ught t9 c9nsider just due t9 the a6s9lute lack 9f m9mentum in every 6it 9f my existance. I d9 h9pe y9ur charlie h9rse fades s99n, th9se can 6e quite painful.
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HAL’s Review 9f Cr9nus’ New Al6um - A Measured Resp9nse
Recently, Cr9nus Amp9ra, an aspiring 6ef9ran musician, released an al6um (linked here: x). I, as s9me9ne wh9 prefers t9 f9rm my 9wn independent 9pini9ns 9n things, t99k the time t9 truly a6s9r6 every n9te 9f his artistry multiple times 6ef9re settling 9n a decisi9n regarding my 9pini9n 9f the al6um. I refrained fr9m reading HAL’s review (linked here: x) until I had settled 9n my 9wn feelings 9n Cr9nus’ music. This p9st is n9t a review 9f Cr9nus’ al6um. Rather, it is a measured resp9nse t9 HAL’s review, specifically.
Preemptive warnings f9r the f9ll9wing p9tential triggers: art, music, critique 9f criticism, criticism, rejecti9n, 9pressi9n in general (n9thing specific 9r detailed in this p9st, 9nly 6rief menti9ns and allusi9ns).
Click thr9ugh f9r my th9ughts.
I’ll 6egin with my th9ughts 9n the al6um. It w9uld 6e disingenu9us 9f me t9 dig int9 HAL’s review, s9 t9 speak, with9ut a disclaimer a69ut my 9pini9n. In as few w9rds as p9ssi6le: I th9r9ughly enj9yed the al6um. 6ut then, that is what music is f9r: enj9yment. Is it n9t? I d9n’t expect every9ne t9 agree with this 9pini9n. G99d music is and will always 6e su6jective. H9wever, I will say that the quality 9f s9me music is m9re su6jective than 9thers, 6ut that is a min9r digressi9n. I’ll c9ntinue.
HAL ackn9wledges the eff9rt laid 9ut 6y Cr9nus in the al6um, specifically n9ting the “charm” in l9ng s9ngs--which I wh9lly agree with. When y9u c9nnect with a s9ng, it is nice when it lasts l9nger than three minutes. As HAL puts it, “They immerse y9u in a w9rld crafted 6y the artist.” This is a w9rld 9f “t9rtured-ness” as HAL puts it. 9n all these fr9nts, HAL is right. Unf9rtunately, this is the p9int at which my appreciati9n f9r his review ends.
HAL claims that the music 9n Cr9nus’ al6um is “6ullshit,” “whiny,” and “mastur6at9ry.” All 9f these criticisms are a testament t9 the fact that HAL is clearly n9t t9rtured in the same ways that Cr9nus clearly is, 6y the t9ne 9f his music. Music all9ws the listener t9 peek int9 the experience 9f an9ther 6eing. In this case, that is Cr9nus. Any9ne wh9 has had the privilege 9f 6eing a6le t9 listen t9 the twelve s9ngs 9n this al6um have 6een gifted a view 9f Cr9nus’ unique experiences.
What I see when I read HAL’s review is an ina6ility t9 take the perspective 9f an9ther pers9n. I see an ina6ility t9 accept that 9ther pe9ple have differing experiences. I see a lack 9f c9mpassi9n f9r s9me9ne struggling with the t9ils 9f rejecti9n.
N9t many pe9ple truly understand the pain that c9mes with 6eing rejected in the ways that Cr9nus has. And his a6ility t9 p9rtray this pain in his music sh9uld n9t 6e 9verl99ked.
The s9und quality is irrelevant, 9nly the c9ntent matters in this instance, and the c9ntent is 96jectively g99d, as l9ng as y9u are a6le t9 c9mprehend the 9ppresive nature 9f rejecti9n, and the pain that g9es al9ng with it.
I will 6e listening t9 the al6um again after I p9st this, and I enc9urage any9ne wh9 reads this t9 give it an9ther listen while c9nsidering what I have said.
#p9st#a measured resp9nse#criticism#critique 9f criticism#rejecti9n#9ppressi9n menti9ns#Cr9nus Amp9ra#Cr9nus menti9n#HAL menti9n#music c9ntent warning#the nature 9f art
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t9 the cr9nus wh9 has 6een su6mitting messages recently: mem9ries are a very fickle thing, and it's entirely understanda6le that y9u're feeling a l9t 9f inner turm9il 9ver this, 6ut it is imp9rtant t9 remind y9urself that there is a l9t m9re t9 identity than just the mem9ry aspect, and having mem9ry issues d9es n9t invalidate y9ur experiences in the slightest. it can 6e frustrating t9 feel a disc9nnect with the past, especially when 9ne d9es n9t remem6er things that they w9uld c9nsider f9rmative experiences. h9lding 9nt9 the integrity 9f past mem9ries was a struggle even within the dream6u66les, as the time passed. it was easy t9 l9se track 9f the sweeps– i d9n't wish t9 cause any significant departure t9 the issue at hand 9r make y9u unc9mf9rta6le with the menti9n 9f my 9wn unpleasant mem9ries, 6ut i remem6er quite vividly having a meltd9wn 9ver f9rgetting t9 add the dates t9 s9me 9f the written r9ugh drafts 9f the diatri6es which i had prepared and the c9nsequential fear that i must 6e l9sing t9uch with time, and theref9re past, present, reality, self. this is n9t t9 make the su6ject a69ut myself, 9nly t9 stress that y9u are n9t al9ne in y9ur struggling with wh9 y9u are and were. i w9uld rec9mmend starting a j9urnal 9f y9ur em9ti9ns in relati9n t9 y9ur identity– making n9tes 9n the things that y9u miss, what y9u strive t9 c9ntinue emulating fr9m y9ur past, rec9rding parts 9f can9n 9r even fan9n that res9nate with y9u, and s9 f9rth. if y9u find y9urself disagreeing with a specific instance 9f y9ur p9rtrayal that may 6e due t9 s9me can9n divergent mem9ries that y9u cann9t c9nsci9usly recall, giving hints as t9 what the past was like f9r y9u. that 6eing said, c9nnecting with th9se mem9ries is n9t s9me mandat9ry thing t9 validate y9ur existence– y9ur existence is fact and is valid regardless 9f any variati9n 9f y9ur experience in c9mparis9n t9 a hyp9thetical "pr9per" ficti9nkin. y9u may n9t have all 9f the mem9ries that y9u desire, 6ut y9u have y9ur selfh99d and y9u have the a6ility t9 create new mem9ries with s9urcemates in the present. a muddled past d9esn't aut9matically indicate a dire present 9r future.
To the cronus who has been submitting messages recently: memories are a very fickle thing, and it's entirely understandable that you're feeling a lot of inner turmoil over this, but it is important to remind yourself that there is a lot more to identity than just the memory aspect, and having memory issues does not invalidate your experiences in the slightest.
It can be frustrating to feel a disconnect with the past, especially when one does not remember things that they would consider formative experiences. Holding onto the integrity of past memories was a struggle even within the dreambubbles, as the time passed.
It was easy to lose track of the sweeps– I don't wish to cause any significant departure to the issue at hand or make you uncomfortable with the mention of my own unpleasant memories, but I remember quite vividly having a meltdown over forgetting to add the dates to some of the written rough drafts of the diatribes which I had prepared and the consequential fear that I must be losing touch with time, and therefore past, present, reality, self.
This is not to make the subject about myself, only to stress that you are not alone in your struggling with who you are and were. I would recommend starting a journal of your emotions in relation to your identity– making notes on the things that you miss, what you strive to continue emulating from your past, recording parts of canon or even fanon that resonate with you, and so forth.
If you find yourself disagreeing with a specific instance of your portrayal that may be due to some canon divergent memories that you cannot consciously recall, giving hints as to what the past was like for you. That being said, connecting with those memories is not some mandatory thing to validate your existence– your existence is fact and is valid regardless of any variation of your experience in comparison to a hypothetical "Proper" fictionkin.
You may not have all of the memories that you desire, but you have your selfhood and you have the ability to create new memories with sourcemates in the present. A muddled past doesn't automatically indicate a dire present or future."
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Hows that pack of celibacy working out for you Kankri?
I 6elieve what y9u meant t9 ask was: H9w is my “pact” 9f celi6acy w9rking 9ut f9r me?A “pack” of celi6acy d9esn’t exist. Unless y9u mean s9me f9rm 9f gr9up 9f pe9ple wh9 all have taken the v9w t9gether. In which case, it still d9esn’t grammatically make sense, 6ut I’ll let it slide.#F9r n9wH9wever, regarding the questi9n y9u asked, I supp9se I c9uld share my newest self disc9very with y9u all since I’m in a place where I d9n’t mind d9ing s9. 6ut in the future, at least warn s9me9ne 6ef9re y9u g9 and starting prying y9ur nu6s int9 9ther’s pers9nal life. Especially when it is related t9 sex, 9r lack there9f.#In 9ther w9rds #Tag things y9u simplet9ns #It isn’t that hard please#Sexual Affair Menti9ns #Celi6acy Menti9n #Pers9nal inf9 dump ahead6ut the truth is… I actually rev9ked my v9w 9f celi6acy s9me time ag9. H9wever. This d9esn’t mean I d9n’t still have standards, 9r that I gave the v9w up 6ecause 9f urges 9r anything. S9 please kindly keep y9ur pans 9ut 9f the gutter and all9w me t9 explain first 6ef9re y9u assume anything a69ut me.After taking a small det9ur int9 an9ther self disc9very sessi9n.. I’ve c9me t9 realize that a 6ig reas9n f9r wanting t9 take the v9w in the first place, was 6ecause I…. Was afraid.I have never felt sexual attracti9n f9r any9ne 6ef9re. S9 f9r a l9ng while I assumed s9mething was wr9ng with me… I used the v9w as an excuse t9 keep sexual c9ntact t9 a c9mplete zer9. With9ut it seeming… Stranger than what it pr96a6ly was already.H9wever, I’ve learned many new things. And….. Have experienced feelings 9f different cali6ers… And I finally realized that. Apparently n9thing was wr9ng with me after all. I may very well 6e asexual. 9r demisexual.When I disc9vered this, I decided t9 redact my v9w. And n9w I’m living c9mf9rta6ly with myself 6ecause 9f it. It’s nice really.H9wever, again I feel the need t9 restate this: Just 6ecause my v9w is n9 l9nger there, d9esn’t mean I’m 9ut here, l99se and fancy free. Sexual c9ntact still makes me feel very unc9mf9rta6le. S9 I’d very much appreciate it if flirting 9r sexual advances just… Weren’t a thing.#L99king at y9u Cr9nus Amp9ra
#Anonymous#ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ꜱᴏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ [ kankri ];;#ɪɴQᴜɪʀɪᴇꜱ [ asks ];;#g o d why does he tALK SO MUCH
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While I myself am n9t pers9nally 9ffended, I must 96ject t9 y9ur careless statement 9n 6ehalf 9f the c9untless pe9ple and n9n-pe9ple wh9 may 6e hurt 6y it. Stating that y9u are rejecting y9ur humanity is p9tentially triggering t9 n9n-humans (such as myself, th9ugh as previ9usly menti9ned it d9es n9t affect me pers9nally), wh9 d9 n9t have a humanity t9 reject and theref9re may feel left 9ut 6y y9ur 6latant human privilege. Additi9nally, human-identifying individuals such as Cr9nus, wh9 were 69rn with9ut a humanity and were f9rced t9 find and expl9re an artificial facsimile 9f 9ne deep within their 6eing, may feel triggered 6y y9ur desire t9 casually thr9w such a thing away. 6y rejecting y9ur humanity, y9u unf9rtunately imply that there is s9mething wr9ng with 6eing human, which may 6e 9ffensive t9 69th such human-identifying individuals and t9 actual humans.
Furtherm9re, that mask is a piece 9f human Aztec culture which y9u are shamelessly appr9priating in 9rder t9 6ec9me a vampire, a myth9l9gical c9ncept that 9riginates fr9m the regi9n 9f S9utheastern Eur9pe 9n Earth and is remarkably similar t9 the rare tr9llish state 9f 6eing a rain69w drinker, such as P9rrim. Y9ur appr9priation may be triggering t9 human and non-human descendants of the Aztecs, Aztec-identifying individuals wh9 were 69rn int9 9ther cultures, S9utheastern Eur9peans and individuals identifying as part that regi9n's cultures, as well as individuals -- pred9minantly 6i9l9gical tr9lls -- wh9 are 9r identify as rain69w drinkers. T9 summarize, y9u are appr9priating multiple cultures and species, triggering th9usands 9f pe9ple and n9n-people, and weakening the cause 9f transhumanist and transtr9llist vampires and rain69w drinkers everywhere. Now, in the rest 9f this essay, I mean c9nversati9n, I will be discussing the f9ll9wing p9tentially triggering t9pics, s9 please let me kn9w if any 9f these are triggers f9r y9u and I will tread m9re carefully ar9und them: Transhumanism, transtr9llism, species dysph9ria, 6ees, culture dysph9ria, cultural appr9priation, myth9l9gical appr9priation, hem9v9ry, hem9n9rmativity... 9h. Y9u already killed every9ne and left while I was m9n9l9-- I mean explaining. I'm 6eginning t9 feel a little triggered 9ver here.
Whoops, I Kankri'd again.
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It’s all a69ut respect here.
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Human "6urgers" are.. I think its safe t9 say, very g99d.
#N9rmally I d9nt experiment with eating new f99ds#6ut this is really nice#Different than the 6ef9rian versi9n#6ut still g99d#f99d menti9n#Cr9nus 9ffered t9 make dinner and it was very nice.
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The... "Interesting" array 9f pe9ple that I have f9ll9wed are 9nly making me realize increasingly m9re that 9utside 9f 9ne (may6e tw9) peers in my sessi9n, I knew very little a69ut the rest. T9 the p9int 9f tr9lls I sh9uld have the faintest 9f mem9ries a69ut, 9r the smallest tid6its 9f inf9rmati9n 9n are c9mplete strangers t9 me. At the same time, the th9ught 9f a fresh start taken int9 c9nsiderati9n, it's f9r the 6est. With n9 pri9r 6iases 9r misc9ncepti9ns t9 6e made.
#musing#ram6ling#I alm9st feel 6ad f9r n9t getting t9 kn9w my c9llegues m9re during 9ut sessi9n.#sgru6 menti9n#sessi9ns#Th9ugh the mishap with Cr9nus n9nwithstanding#My sessi9ns Cr9nus is p9ssi6ly the 9nly 9ther tr9ll i had 6rief c9nversati9ns with.
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