#Couscous the carbuncle
wildstar25 · 5 days
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Much like Arsay, Couscous loves a good cuddle 💙
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wildstar25 · 27 days
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"No matter where I go, I can always depend on Couscous to be right by my side. An adventurer's best friend through and through."
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wildstar25 · 2 months
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Watching the tide roll in
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wildstar25 · 2 months
the long couscous
the coooooooooouuuuscooooooouuuuuuuus
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"I think I might have to start calling him Spaghetti..."
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wildstar25 · 6 days
would couscous have little fangies for when biting mean peoples
Yes! and for having a handsome smile UwU
This is what I picture in my head:
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wildstar25 · 9 months
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-> In pursuit of a playmate, a young Y'shtola created a water-based familiar by applying lessons learned from her mentor. -> As a lonely child, a self-taught Arsay used an aged codex stolen from her guardian to summon herself a friend.
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Them! Because sometimes your wolship end up having similar childhood experiences despite their different circumstances and I think that's a really sweet connection between them <3
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wildstar25 · 7 months
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MiqoMarch Day 10 - Free Day
AU Jobs pt.2: SCHOLAR Just before setting out to Limsa Lominsa, Arsay's guardian -a lalafel named Emrara Emra- would gift her not only Arsay's now treasured ribbon, but an heirloom of great import. A blue stone that had been passed down in Emrara's family for generations with a strange symbol caved into its face. Supposedly it came from a time where three powerful schools of magic began to clash for reasons unknown. Little did Arsay know how useful that stone would be on her adventures, or that it would lead her to uncover mysteries around the very same same city her guardian always dreamed of finding.
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wildstar25 · 9 months
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sniffs u
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wildstar25 · 5 months
Arsay will often send Couscous (her carbuncle) out on little quests around old Sharalayan and he is pretty well known around the markets, the neumenon, and the last stand. Especially considering most Shalayan residents would more often use mammots as little chore bots over anything else
The usual mission for couscous is tracking down either G'raha or Y'shtola, or its picking up small food order while she's otherwise busy, and on the rare occasion passing along a small note to someone on the other side of town.
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wildstar25 · 6 months
Arsay Nun
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Name Arsay Nūn Nicknames None, her name doesn't shorten well (call her Ars and you will be on the wrong end of her blade ^^) Age ARR -> 22 (+5 years in lifestream stasis that Arsay is completely unaware of) Dawntrail -> 25 (+5 years) Nameday 3rd Sun of the Third Umbral Moon Race Miqo'te, "Greeter of the Star" (a.k.a: Keeper/Seeker mix [South Shroud/U tribe] ) Gender She/Her Probably non-binary but has a job so she ain't got time to worry about all of that... Orientation Bisexual, Polyromantic Profession Adventurer, Warrior of Light & Darkness, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Full time kitty cat
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair Midnight Blue with patches of red tip patterning concentrated around the back and sides of her head! Thick with the slightest bit of wave (often gets brushed out) Eyes Ruby Red Skin Very Light Olive with white facial stripes and darker pigmented nose. Tans well but never sticks for long. Tattoos/scars One visible scar on the cheek, multiple around her body which get glammed over. After endwalker, her right hand has a high concentration of scaring around the knuckles & palm (A consequence of her final fight in ultima thul and the proceeding surgery needed to reset the incorrectly healed bones.) She has various arcane geometric patterns marked into her skin in aetheric ink. One at the back of her neck, one on each forearm right above the inner elbow, one banded around her ankle. They are also glammed over to be invisible to the naked eye, but those who are well attuned to seeing aether would see them glow faintly as Arsay casts summoning spells.
Parents Sapir Nun & U'hbi Tia (deceased 1552, 6th astral era, killed in combat to the first wave of Garlean invaders in Doma)
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Emrara Emra (Guardian/Adoptive Aunt, very much alive in the south sea isles)
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Siblings Alphinaud and Alisaie (adopted younger siblings) Grandparents: Unknown and/or deceased In-laws and Other: G'raha (Husband), Y'shtola (Wife) Y'mhitra (Sister in law) Generally main scion members are family to her in different ways Cid and Nero (Weird Uncles) U'odh Nunh (unconfirmed but most likely half first cousin) (There are three female face 4 miqo'te in the U tribe and I HC that those three are the most closely related to Arsay's Dad in some way I've yet to really piece together.) Pets Couscous the carbuncle, Fish the Chocobo
Abilities Physical: -Multiple Combat styles (Dual blades, Pole arm, Single blade, Hand to Hand, Marksmanship, Knife throwing) -Typical scouting techniques (invisibility, tracking, assassination, can move without making a sound) -Greater agility, dexterity, flexibility, balance, and strength -High Stamina -Strong Swimmer -Great Climber Magical: -Advanced Aetheric Manipulation (Elemental Conversion, Creation) -Summoning, Channelling (Dreadwyrm Trance available at moments notice) Other: -Knows how to sail a ship -Can navigate on land and sea without a map or compass -Can rally and inspire others to achieve great things together!
Hobbies: - Monster Hunting - Fishing - Frontlines - Crystalline Conflict (recreational league) - General exploring/mystery hunting&solving
Most Positive Trait: Her big heart! She'd do anything for the people she cares about Worst Negative: Terrible sense of self-worth. Needs to do things for other people or she goes insane with anxiety and guilt. Hates being looked after.
Colors: Red! Its her favourite. Smells: the ocean, the breeze through the forest, tropical zones with humidity in the air, her partners Textures: Furs, Leathers, Silky or soft textiles. Drinks: Spiced Chai, Coffee with Cardamom, Citrus of any type and Water
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: nope, the only smoke from her is her smoke bombs Drinks: only socially, and not a whole lot. Does not like feeling out of control of herself. Mount Issuance: Probably! Tataru would help her get it all set up at least Been Arrested: Almost but she always gets out of it UvU
Tagged by: @eriyu Thank you so much!! 💙 Tagging: @nivienne-grovant @baublegums @astraveil @yukupo-lalapo @eli-leam (and anyone else who wants to do it! I feel like I'm pretty late to the game on this lol)
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wildstar25 · 4 months
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picked up some more charms for my ffxiv board, this time by @chaobunnyarts ! They are so cute <3 love the details are created through a raised layer. SO happy to finally have a carbuncle charm to rep my boy Couscous
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wildstar25 · 9 months
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🐾- see them with a favourite pet or (animal) mount
Gpose meme requested by @cindernet-explorer - Thank you!
While the scions waited on Krile to grant them passage to Old Sharlaya, Arsay was possessed by the idea of "leveling up" her dear carbuncle Couscous. She loves him the same way anyone would love a pet animal, despite the fact most others would consider him nothing but an aetheric construct being projected by a crystalline core. It took some doing, but Arsay did manage to alter her usual summoning ritual and out came big!Couscous. She was so excited!! The downside was that she was completely exhausted by it. So much so that it wouldn't be practical to use the form in battle. Rather than give up on the idea, Arsay instead decided her big buddy could provide a way of getting around when she needs to cross long distances.
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wildstar25 · 10 months
more thought about end of endwalker Arsay recovering from the big fight and having her hands like so completely unusable. I mean, most her body was unusable for the first two weeks; but she really did a number on her hands in that fist fight. Tbh I imagine in the desperate attempts at keeping Arsay alive on the ragnarock, they didnt really get a chance to make sure every bone was set right before blasting her with healing magicks. Once she got looked at by an actual medical professional in Old Sharlayan it was determined they'd have to re-set a lot of those joints and fractures.... painful stuff to say the least.
The healing was the hardest part. Complete lost of dexterity meant no dual wielding and no mudras for months. She started relying on her carbuncle to pick things up for her. Wrapping her hands and wearing gloves gave some support as she began what could ostensibly be called physical therapy. Lots of daily stretching to get the soft tissue and muscles back to being adventure ready, the instructions of which were sent by Alphinaud. (He would instruct her in person had he not already be off in Garlemald.) G'raha and Y'shtola would supervise and provide lots of encouragement. She'd start trying to channel aether via her mudras, only to get the form slightly off and end up with Couscous (carbuncle) on her head (I hc that instead of the rabbit for arsay specifically). G'raha would do whatever he could to lift her spirits, Y'shtola would push Arsay to keep at it.
More months pass and eventually she can cast her mudras again, and the grip on her daggers have never been stronger. Still, subtle signs of trauma are there if you look long enough. Scars on her palm and knuckles and a finger or two that is always a little bent. The hand which struck Zenos that final time looking much worse for wear than the other. She doesn't care, it's nothing a little glamouring or gloves couldn't cover. If her hands work, that's all the matters.
Tataru gets in contact with Arsay one day. She's got a new outfit, custom, made with Arsay in mind. The set included a pair of gloves: one that covered her main hand almost fully, the other composed of perfectly aligned straps of leather that supported her hand and wrist. She thanked Tataru immensely.
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wildstar25 · 1 year
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Her carbuncle has officially been given a name!!
And that name is......
y'know, cause they are a carb!
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wildstar25 · 1 year
Which jobs (incl DoH/DoL) are lore-canon for Arsay? Are there any you play a lot that aren't?
Arsay’s canon jobs are the following:
- Ninja (though she calls herself a rogue first and foremost! She is incredibly duty driven as a ninja is described to be within the quest line. Her duty is to her friends and family.)
- Summoner (she loves to baha blast! Her carbuncle is named Couscous)
- Dragoon ( in name only, in my canon she is not given the title of azure dragoon nor did she go through the lv1-60 lancer/dragoon story. She got Estinien to show her pole arm basics and developed her own style from there. Her draconian abilities stem more from her connection to Midgardsormr and her demi-bahamut. She only pulls this job out for hunting or other non wol stuff! Only exception was the steps of faith trail cause it’s more dramatic to be a drg on that fight)
- Astrologian (this was her post ARR patch and heavensward trauma response class. She heard that there were people in ishgard that knew how to predict the future and thought it would be a good skill to pick up for herself. She was really taken by surprised by everything that happened during the bloody banquet! And again with what happened after the vault. She wanted something, anything, in her pocket that could maybe prevent her from putting her friends in bad situations. After going through all the rigmarole of learning the stars and aligning her aether to them she soon found out that the cards aren’t nearly as forthcoming with information as she hoped them to be. She does keep up with the job in her spare time, just in case! Though urianger is much more suited to it than she is. )
- machinist ( Cid showed her this sick looking gun one time and she thought it was really cool so she got a job stone from the skysteel factory and signed herself up for eorzean e-sports (crystalline conflict and front lines) pvp is her main hobby and her primary way of de-stressing. )
- gunbreaker (soft canon atm. Essentially, it would make sense that she could pick this up as it’s quite functionally a combo of knife (ninja) and gun (machinists). It’s also a zippy enough class that it makes sense for need for speed. But I haven’t figured out a lore reason for why she would have picked it up aside from wanting to show thancred up in front of ryne for fun )
- fisher (she’s not patient enough to wait around for fish but she definitely knows how and its a vital survival skill for her to have)
All the other jobs that I have for her right now are more “jobs that would be canon if xyz were true”
Monk is the only other dps I have at 90, it’s the job she would have instead of ninja if she had decided to head for thanalan in search of her father’s family at the very beginning of her adventures.
I also technically have scholar at 90 but haven’t done a single job quest beyond getting the stone. Scholar would only be canon to arsay if Emrara had decided to pass on their scholar jobstone off to arsay before arsay left for limsa.
Other classes I have are:
Warrior (would be canon if she wanted to be like her mom and also had way more pent up rage about her parent related trauma )
Red mage, black mage ( au where arsay has a larger store of her own aether to pull from and also went to thanalan first)
Bard (au where Arsay could carry a tune and went to gridania in search of her mothers side of the family. Also wasn’t immediately put off by the many micro aggressions and full racism moments she had to deal with in the archers guild)
Samurai( au where she wanted to fight fire with fire against zenos in storm blood. That or during the ralgars reach he broke one of her knives and instead of just buying a new set she was like “I will shrimply adapt” )
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wildstar25 · 10 months
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
When people don’t treat Couscous like he’s the cutest carbuncle in the world 😤
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