#Countryhumans gdr
ezicorifl · 2 months
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80ssovietcomrade · 2 years
Traversing the mountainscape
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ukidzu · 4 years
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jenal-art · 5 years
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"Ich vermisse dich... Burder"
Poco antes de que terminara la segunda guerra mundial, Third Reich tuvo 2 hijos, La República Federal de Alemania y La República democrática de Alemania (De izquierda a derecha), los cuales al morir Third eran solo unos bebes.
Al finalizar la guerra, y al repartir Alemania, RFA quedo al cuidado de Usa, Inglaterra y Francia, mientras que RDA se quedo con Urrs.
Por él nuevo contexto que se dio en ese momento (la guerra fría) a las dos Alemanias se les prohibió verse, (sobre todo Urss, quien tenia miedo de que RDA se volviera capitalista como su hermano) por lo que se construyo el muro de Berlín, pero esto no fue impedimento de los dos hermanos para verse.
Siendo solo unos niños, ambos eran muy inteligentes, sobornaban o se escapaban hábilmente de los militares para poder verse, generalmente del lado de RFA.
Los pocos momentos que pasaban juntos los aprovechaban al máximo, ya sea hablando sin parar durante mucho tiempo mientras veían él cielo estrellado y haciendole diferentes bromas a los guardias del muro.
Pero, esa felicidad no duro por mucho tiempo, ya que la perdida considerable de la población de RDA, las manifestaciones, desplazamientos y la hambruna que se pasaba de ese lado del muro hizo que RDA se debilitara gravemente, las grietas en su cuerpo solo empeoraban al pasar de los días, hasta que finalmente, él 9 de noviembre de 1989 falleció siendo un adulto joven, lo cual dejo a Alemania devastado.
Por lo que cada 9 de noviembre, se puede ver a altas horas de la noche a un alemán colocando flores del lado oriental del ta destruido Muro de Berlín, recordando él fatídico hecho donde su único hermano, se fue de este mundo.
Shortly before the end of World War II, Third Reich had 2 children, The Federal Republic of Germany and The Democratic Republic of Germany (From left to right), which when Third died were only babies.
At the end of the war, and when distributing Germany, GFR remained in the care of the USA, England and France, while GDR stayed with Ussr.
Because of this new context that was given at that time (the cold war) the two Germans were forbidden to see each other, (especially Ussr, who was afraid that the GDR would become capitalist like their brother) so they built the wall of Berlin, but this was not an impediment for the two brothers to see each other.
Being only a children, both were very intelligent, bribed or skilfully escaped from the military to be able to see each other, usually from the GFR side.
The few moments they spent together took full advantage of them, either talking non-stop for a long time while watching the starry sky and making different jokes to the guards of the wall.
But, that happiness did not last for a long time, since the consid
erable loss of the population of the GDR, the manifestations, displacements and the famine that passed from that side of the wall caused the GDR to weaken severely, the cracks in its body only worsened as the days went by, until finally, on November 9 of 1989, he died as a young adult, which left Germany devastated.
So every November 9, a German can be seen late at night placing flowers on the eastern side of the destroyed Berlin Wall, remembering the fateful fact where his only brother left this world.
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tsumi-kun · 5 years
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german-garbage · 4 years
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FRG (federal republic of germany/west germany) and GDR (german democratic republic/east germany). I haven't seen a lot of designs for them that I actually like, so I created my own. I don't really use "genders" for the countryhumans characters (i mean they're hecking countries y'know) but I decided to give GDR a more female-looking body for more diversity.
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enjolchan · 4 years
My CountryHuman GDR fanart.
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ezicorifl · 2 months
have you ever draw the weimar republic as a countryhuman???
Not actually, I drew German empire(at least one headshot), TR, GDR and FRG and nowdays Germany but I never drew Weimar Republic. I dunno why, maybe circumstances turned out that way that I didn't need him/her/it(as I never draw this country I can't say which gender I would give to it)
But if u want I can draw it:)
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