arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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               To all our amazing members and lovely lurkers alike:
      It is with mixed emotions that we formally announce the temporary closure of The Arcana Council. This brainchild of ours has been a tremendous success, something that neither of us could have foreseen becoming what it has been and we could not be more in love with it and everyone that has been a part of it! Both Divya and I wanted to express our extreme gratitude towards all the amazing writers and genuinely awesome people that have been with us both from the beginning and as our magical journey continued on.
      Unfortunately, due to several (different) issues affecting both of our personal lives that have been or are becoming rather time consuming, we have made the mutual decision to take a step back from moderating the roleplay... for now.
                                      What does this mean to all our current members? 
The Discord server will remain open and active as it has been. We couldn’t bear to part with chatting with all of you!
You are more than welcome to continue writing your beautiful characters! They are yours after all, we simply will not be providing plot drops or tasks for the time being.
Divya and myself are both still around via discord or our personal tumblrs if you need us!
When (not if...when!) we decide to re-open, you will all be the first to know, likely through the Discord server.
                                                What does temporary mean?
      This is more or less a hiatus for us admins. We love this roleplay to death (mostly because of what you all have made it into!) and we have no plans to say goodbye to it forever. We both anticipate our schedules re-opening up as we approach the holidays and into the new year, so be prepared to be enticed in the coming months! We still have a lot of plans and heart to put into this roleplay, so we could hardly close it forever.
                                                                 In conclusion: 
      Thank you all for joining us on this journey so far. The creativity and joy you all brought to our idea has been incredible, even when you yourselves have been caught in busy or rough moments. As soon as we’re able, we’ll be back again to take you where this plot is meant to go - cliffhangers are the worst, but we're determined not to leave this one unresolved. You’ve all been a wonderful family to us, and we sincerely hope to see as many of you as possible when we return. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
       Thank you, as always, for the sincere and perfect love and dedication you’ve given to us and our silly magical card idea!
                                                  Forever yours,                                                    Cori & Divya
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operateens · 7 years
Capital Opera Teens Sing National Anthem at Wizards Game at the Verizon Center
By Nareg B., Capital Opera Teens; National Opera Teens Advisory Committee and Caroline H., Capital Opera Teens
Sareen B., Co-founder of Capital Opera Teens (COTs) and her sister Arya B. sang the Star Spangled Banner at the last Wizard's game of the regular season, Saturday April 8, 2017. It was Fan Appreciation Day, with a sold-out crowd of over 20,000 people at the Verizon Center! 
Members of the COT Executive were there to cheer them on. Mrs. Alicia Hatcher, a strong supporter of the COTs, was also there. Both Sareen and Arya have sung multiple times with the Washington National Opera Children’s Chorus, so their training is in opera, of course! They were fantastic, and we are really proud of our fellow COTs! 
Here is the YouTube link: https://youtu.be/3MVR4fvpUFE
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Although we have no new applicants this week, we do have a special treat for all our lovely players! One we think you will all enjoy and will directly tie into our plot moving forward as well as everyone’s characters!
Last week, our first task dropped. A big thank you to all of you that participated! They were amazing to both view and read, and you guys outdid our expectations as usual! 
                                                                              HOWEVER ...  😏
In tune with our hottest discord channel: conspiracy theories, we included something extra that perhaps no one noticed! Carefully chosen and inlaid within the graphic for the last task were THREE CLUES that hint towards what is involved in tomorrow’s plot drop! To make it interesting, we are offering a prize:
The first player to correctly identify ALL THREE clues by either IMing or messaging the MAIN BLOG (no discord guesses will be counted) with their guess will win both the opportunity to play a key role in our 3rd plot drop as well as get to choose their partner for tomorrow’s drop.
The original post can be found here, but the graphic is also posted again below the cut. Good luck & happy hunting!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Heads up, Councilors! We have decided to extend the current event another week, with a new plot drop happening on Wednesday, July 17th! We want to make sure everyone has ample time to react to our surprise drop, and we’re working on some stuff behind the scenes. So, happy plotting!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Happy Wednesday, Councilors! We have decided to extend the current event, with a new plot drop happening on Wednesday, August 7th! Sorry to keep our secrets for another week, but stay tuned to find out what strangeness is afoot, and happy plotting! 
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
hey darlings! i was trying to access the members masterlist and it appears to have a broken code. just wanted to give y'all an fyi! also, this rp is so cool and i am totally working on an app!! lovely job.
Hey anon! I have actually been meaning to make a post about this for a while now, and you just gave me the perfect kick in the pants (in the most polite way possible) to do so! 
So, small announcement to all our lovely followers: our masterlist of skeletons is currently under repair! We’re working on fixing it, but in the meantime our mobile navigation has links to open and closed characters. Let us know if we can help you in any other way! Thanks again anon!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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The Arcana Council will be officially convening in one hour! Our first plot (which we are very excited for, and hope you are too!) will be released at 2pm EST, and with that we will open and ready for threading! This has been an incredible adventure so far, and we can’t wait to write with all of our amazing players!
A reminder: we are still short three cards and are therefor still on the hunt to add them to our deck! Our next acceptance round will be Tuesday, May 7th. Spread the word!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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And that concludes our acceptances for today! Congrats to all those accepted, and a big, big heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who submitted an app. I’m not being fluffy when I tell you they were all a huge pleasure to read. We were trying to rationalize how we could have twin cards!!
We will begin to update all of our relevant pages including the masterlist, follow list (as blogs come in), ooc page, trigger page, and app count. Please bear with us as all of these feisty coding changes are going through.
With three cards still available, including two of our Ambitious Three, (The Chariot, The Lovers & Justice) our submit box is now re-opened. Our next acceptance day will be Tuesday, May 7th. For those who were not accepted today, we’re more than happy to provide feedback if you’d like it, and we sure hope you’ll give one of the remaining cards some thought! 
To all our new councilors: get those blogs in and get ready to plot! Our first event drops tomorrow! Thank you everyone who helped make this magic happen.  💖 💖
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Happy Monday to our councilors and prospective applicants alike!
Although we do not currently have any applications for this week, if we get any before Tomorrow, May 14th, at 12pm EST we will do another round of acceptances. We are still hoping to find someone to fill our beloved Justice card, and Temperance is newly re-opened for play! 
Our next event is scheduled to drop Wednesday, May 15th, so get those apps in to join us! Our first event was a big hit, and we’re very excited to see how everyone spins our next drop! 
As a thank you to our current councilors, we also have a special surprise scheduled for you all tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled! ;)
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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It is 12pm EST, and our submit box is once again closed! A big thank you to our new round of applicants, we are very excited to read what you have for us! 
At this moment, we do not have an exact time when we will post acceptances as we received more apps than we were anticipating! We hope to have the posted in the next couple hours, so stay tuned!
Our next round of acceptances for our last lonely unclaimed card will be held Tuesday, May 14th, which will be just prior to our next plot drop event! As always, our ask box remains open for questions and concerns.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to personal reasons for leaving OR lack of activity, please unfollow:
Jude Valentine
Emmy Lawrence
Jonah Azzara
The roles of Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man, & The Star are now re-opened for application.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure that we admins excitedly offer our amazing players a much requested treat: 
                                  A BLOG FOR BALFOUR!
Feel free to send in asks for everyone’s favorite new resident: he���s a fountain of knowledge and Feiyan’s closest confidant! He might just know some things you might want to know! Feel free to go in anon or not if you get a little shy-- he won’t hold back!
Keep in mind, this is meant to be a fun side treat to having Balfour in the lair, rather than a ‘gossip blog’. True to Balfour’s character: he really doesn’t care who’s going behind who’s back or who was kissing in the gardens. Feel free to have fun with it, but we will monitor all asks to ensure it’s in all in good humor. Have fun all!
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to personal reasons, SB will be stepping down as Aalin Pace.
The role of Temperance is now re-opened for applications.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Our follow page will be updated at all times.
The Fool
The Magician
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune
The Hanged Man
The Devil
The Star
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to personal reasons for leaving, please unfollow:
Zhou Ziyu 
The role of The High Priestess is now re-opened for application.
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arcanacouncilrp · 5 years
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Due to inactivity & lack of response, please unfollow Hayden Foster.
The role of The Sun is now re-opened for applications.
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