#CotO textpost
shuruzy · 4 years
It is with an EXPLOSIVE HEART that I must say...
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The demo of Call of the Overseer is now available for download!
It’s about an hour long, so check it out if you have that kinda time! [x]
About the game itself, well... other than what’s said on the page, well... It's an rpg! beat the shit outta shit! The protag of the demo version is a merchant & musician who is the ceo of gender. Their teammates are Healer Wif A Sword and Over-The-Top 90's Villain Inspired Mage.
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shuruzy · 4 years
not-exactly-art-related, but news on CotO!
I woke up to see its game page had been approved on rmn! ehhehe!!
It’s not gonna be downloadable until like... a couple more days, but here is the link to the page itself: [x]
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shuruzy · 4 years
i haven’t talked much about the game makey event that I’ve joined uhhhh well it started 2 nights ago! So I’ve been working on that, ye! For the event, the game has to center around a specific season... I’m doing winter! And this story’s plot at its most basic is: “go save a good sexy god from an evil sexy god.”
......so I went and subverted(?) the “kill god” trope by having the goal to be to SAVE a god... just to loop right back and say “well actually you still gotta kill this OTHER god”. Astounding. 
Also this project’s called CotO (Call of the Overseer) so I’ll be tagging any logs & stuff as that if you wanna mute the tag or however that works.
Anyway I mostly wanted to mention this because I drew one of the playable characters that will be in the demo (the sprite isn’t by me, it’s from an official pack I bought. I just,, heheh... interpreted the sprite’s outfit which was actually kinda fun when I really sat down and thought of each piece. Some parts that I interpreted still feel a little odd as an outfit but this’ll do for now!):
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So the idea for the full version of this game’s that you make a team of 3 out of 6 selectable characters (think trials of mana bc that’s exactly what I was inspired by when telling myself “this game might not be long enough to flesh out 6 characters at the same time”).
For the demo however, the player will have no choice tho ghkgn... You’ll be given Aadrios & 2 specific others.
Gamedev-wise, today’s plan is to work on writing the intro into the engine itself bc I have most of the general plot written in a doc but yeah.
Yesterday & the night before was mostly me just testing out stuff when it came to certain plugins I wanted in the demo. Now that I know I can mechanically make the game as intended (if it didn’t work out I would’ve changed things for the demo & tried to figure out the difficult stuff after the event), it’s time to Start Making the actual game ghkjgn.
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shuruzy · 4 years
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sooo remember that game make event I was talking about a while back?
It’s going well!! ghkng. Got a lotta stuff working for the game as a whole (like the battle system, which I was maaad struggling w/ in the early few days). Aaand I almost finished the entirety of the first dungeon (there’s basically just 2 dungeons and 1 “hub town” in the demo). Yeah! Also there’s two types of “dungeons” in the game. 
One is the usual “walk around, fight monsters maybe solve a tiiiny puzzle, get treasures.
The other is a real “traps and perils! puzzles to solve!” type of dungeon, very much inspired by LoZ style dungeons... I’ve never really been interested in putting puzzles in my games/stories since they never really fit or made sense, but it fits really well with this one. Still, I’ve never really MADE puzzles or anything like this before, so it’ll definitely be... an experience!
Anyway in the (eventual) demo of CotO, Aadrios’ outfit's pretty green, but for the full version I wanna run back & change his outfit colors so he can be Super Purble & Keir can be da green one.
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shuruzy · 4 years
whether aadrios is wearing a leotard or the end of his shirt is triangle-shaped is an ongoing debate between me & the gods.
Or it is an eternal mystery.
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shuruzy · 3 years
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hello gamers
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