#Cost per click (CPC)
fairmaiden8 · 1 year
How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Social Media? The Real Deal Revealed
Introduction to Social Media Advertising: Social media advertising is a powerful tool that businesses can use to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. With billions of people using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest every day, there’s no better place for companies to connect with potential customers. In this blog post, we will…
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jobsbuster · 3 months
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easterneyenews · 6 months
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mastersindigitalmedia · 8 months
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kruboydigital · 11 months
20 คำย่อการตลาดออนไลน์ต้องรู้!
บทความนี้ ครูบอย พามาเข้าใจคำย่อ สำหรับนักการตลาดออนไลน์ พ่อค้าแม่่ค้าออนไลน์ ที่ต้องการทันโลกคำย่อการตลาดออนไลน์ มาดูกันเลยครับ 20 คำย่อ การตลาดออนไลน์ 1. CMS : Content Management System ระบบการจัดการเนื้อหา คือ แพลตฟอร์มซอฟแวร์ช่วยในการสร้าง แก้ไข และจัดการเนื้อหาออนไลน์ มักใช้กับเว็บไซต์ 2. CPA : Cost Per Action (Cost-Per-Acquisition) ค่าใช้จ่ายต่อ 1 การกระทำ คือ…
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jackwynn2 · 1 year
Get your $500 Google ads Credit to promote your business
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Get your $500 Google ads Credit to promote your business
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cool-xtremeads · 1 year
Average CPC(cost per click) for Google Ads in India
When it comes to running ads on Google, the cost per click (CPC) is an important metric that businesses need to keep in mind. In India, the average CPC for Google Ads in India can vary depending on various factors such as the industry, competition, and keyword difficulty.
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miguel5219 · 1 year
How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners https://cutt.ly/f5TMeER
In this video, I'm going to show you how to start affiliate marketing for beginners. This is the perfect video for anyone who wants to learn how to start an online business and make money from home. I'll show you all the steps you need to take to get started with affiliate marketing, from finding a niche market to setting up your affiliate marketing account. By the end of this video, you'll have everything you need to start making money from your first affiliate sales!
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neoswami · 1 year
The Best and Worst Digital Marketing Initiatives
Key factors to remember when engaging with your audience on social media. by Kimberly Eugene, 04/21/23 Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com Coupled with market research, clear objectives, and the appropriate digital marketing strategy, digital marketing can be a great way for brands to better connect with their audience. Heineken’s Success with Digital Marketing Initiatives Brands such as…
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aakashgaur · 2 years
Best Digital Marketing Agency In Faridabad | Digital Sarthi
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Accurately Measure All Results
With offline marketing, it’s tough to measure the outcomes of your advertising and marketing campaigns. For example, if you vicinity an advert in a newspaper and on a billboard simultaneously, you can’t comprehend precisely how many human beings saw the newspaper advert or how many viewed the billboard ad. What can be greater irritating is understanding which advert is greater tremendous and which advert to make investments in.https://digitalsarthi.co.in/
However, digital advertising and marketing don’t have such issues. In fact, with digital marketing, you can measure the whole thing well worth measuring. From when the advert is clicked to when the traveler leaves the page. Everything! You are capable to decide how many humans noticed your ad, how much income resulted from the ad, and ultimately, your return on funding (ROI). Data analytics software programs (such as Google Analytics) and social networks or advert systems (such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads) metrics make this monitoring or dimension possible.https://digitalsarthi.co.in/
However, it is essential that you prioritize the most necessary facts due to the fact there are many trackable metrics. These essential records are referred to as key overall performance indications (KPIs). KPIs are these metrics that are associated with the targets and dreams outlined in approach planning and symbolize a tremendous enterprise outcome. Some examples of KPIs are:
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pakostdramalyrics · 2 years
How to Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings by Increasing Your Cost-Per-Click (CPC)?
How to Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings by Increasing Your Cost-Per-Click (CPC)?
Increase Your Google AdSense Earnings by Increasing Your Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is not easy – When it comes to Google AdSense earnings, many bloggers and website owners experiment with various methods to boost their AdSense revenue. Delivering quality and unique content in order to create value for readers and drive traffic to your sites is one of the most popular ways to earn money online with…
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monkey-wrench-zeurel · 7 months
Hi! I've found your break down of indie animation costs so fascinating, it's really cool getting a glance behind the scenes! Seeing as you've been willing to be so transparent, I was wondering if you have insight into what the general ad revenue is for youtube videos listed as 'animation'. I've done a lot of research into CPM/CPC and my end impression is just '???' given it varies per creator and per genre. I've seen youtube animators say they make as little as $2000 per million views which is demoralizing for sure. I've been trying to figure out how to be a better consumer (eg I watch ads all the way through but do I need to click on them for you to get paid? If people have to click on them for you to get paid does that mean you essentially make NOTHING because who clicks on ads while they are trying to watch something?)
These are our current YT stats in terms of Rev;
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As you can see, for us Ad rev isn't amazing, though $300+ for 114k views isn't bad? That value wildly fluctuates depending on how many ad breaks you put in your stuff.
Though honestly I feel that saturating episodes with ads tends to just cheapen the whole package and annoy a lot of people. We try to stick to only 3 ad breaks;
One at the start.
One in the middle.
One at the end.
Merch ads are fine though :)
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Looking for the best Google Ads PPC for air ticketing website? We can help you setup PPC for flight booking campaigns at a low cost per acquisition, which was managed and run by our experts at a low cost per click. Get Call only Ads for Travel Call Leads Campaign, Google Ads for Flight Booking, Airlines Calls Campaign in Spanish, PPC for flight booking.
Why choose PPC for air ticketing website
instant visibility: PPC ads provide instant visibility, in comparison to organic search techniques, which may require months to show results. As soon as the marketing effort launches, your ads display at the top of search results, bringing rapid traffic to your website.
targeted advertising: PPC makes it easy to target users precisely on the basis of different factors that include their location, interests, search history, and even the device they are using. this meeans you can now coonect with different travellers looking for flights to particular location
Cost-effective Marketing: PPC is an affordable method of drawing highly-intent visitors to your website because this pay-for-performance model guarantees that you are going to get response for your investment. PPC advertising only costs you when a user clicks on your advertisement.
Key Strategies for Effective PPC Campaigns in Travel
To create effective PPC campaigns in the travel industry, several key strategies can be employed. These include:
Thorough Keyword Research: As the cornerstone of every successful PPC campaign for travel companies, conducting extensive keyword research is crucial.
Target High-Intent Keywords: In order to increase conversions and attract consumers who are prepared to make a purchase, concentrate on targeting keywords that show a high level of purchase intent.
Location-Based Targeting: Since almost half of experience bookings take place after a tourist reaches their destination, targeting location-based searches might be beneficial.
Landing Page Optimization: Make sure your landing pages are set up to effectively convert site visitors into paying clients. They have to be easy to use, load rapidly, and provide appropriate material that lives up to the advertisement’s claims. Conversion rates can be considerably raised by a smooth reservation process.
Monitor and Adjust Campaigns: For PPC campaigns to be successful, ongoing monitoring and modifying are necessary. Examine performance indicators including cost-per-click (CPC), conversion rates, and click-through rates (CTR). Make adjustments to your bidding tactics, ad wording, and keywords using this data.
An effective PPC campaign may hold the key to greater visibility, more traffic, and higher sales in the highly competitive marketplace of online travel. Your airline booking website can achieve unparalleled profitability by collaborating with professionals and employing effective pay-per-click strategies. With our expert PPC services, you can get started on the path to success right now.
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leads-view · 4 months
The Importance of Keyword Research in PPC Campaigns
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In digital marketing, building a successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign is no small task. It requires a careful balance between several crucial elements, one of the most significant being keyword research. In this blog post, we will shed light on the importance of keyword research in PPC campaigns and how it can make all the difference in your strategy.
Understanding Keyword
Research Keyword research is the process of identifying relevant search terms your target audience is using and leveraging them to draw attention to your online content. These search terms - or keywords - are then incorporated into your PPC campaign, helping your advertisements display to users who search for those specific terms.
Why is Keyword Research Important in PPC Campaigns?
1. Targeting the Right Audience
Keyword research helps to ensure your ads reach the right users at the right time. By understanding what your audience is searching for, you can align your advertisements with their needs and interests, making your campaign more effective and efficient.
2. Improve Ad Relevance and Quality Score
Google Ads uses a metric known as Quality Score to determine your ad relevance, expected click-through rate (CTR), and landing page experience. Keyword research can boost your Quality Score by improving ad relevance. The better your keywords align with your ad copy and landing page content, the higher your Quality Score is likely to be. This can contribute to a lower cost-per-click (CPC) and higher ad ranking.
3. Capture High-Intent Users
Understanding and targeting high-intent keywords can lead to higher conversion rates. These keywords indicate a user’s readiness to act, be it making a purchase, booking a service, or downloading a guide. By bidding on high-intent keywords in your PPC campaigns, you stand a better chance of attracting users who are ready to convert.
4. Monitor Competitors
Keyword research allows you to monitor your competition. By knowing what keywords your competitors are targeting, you can adjust your PPC campaign strategy, identify gaps they are missing, or even compete for the same space.
Strategies for Effective Keyword Research
So, how do you conduct granular keyword research for your PPC campaigns? Here are a few strategies:
1. Understand Your Audience
It starts by understanding your target audience: their needs, pain points, search habits, and language they use. This will form the basis of your keyword research.
2. Use Keyword Research Tools
Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, and Ahrefs to generate a comprehensive list of keywords related to your product or service. These tools not only suggest relevant keywords but also provide data on search volume, competitiveness, and CPC.
3. Long-Tail Keywords
Don’t forget about long-tail keywords! These are specific, often lengthier, phrases that users might search for. Though they typically have lower search volume, long-tail keywords are less competitive and often signify a higher buying intent, resulting in higher-quality traffic.
4. Continually Refine Your Keyword
List Keyword research isn’t a one-time event. Regularly revise and refine your keyword list based on your PPC campaign performance metrics, new trends, and changes in user behavior and industry landscape.
In summary, keyword research is a fundamental component of a successful PPC campaign. Thoughtful, strategic keyword research ensures your ads not only reach the right audience but are relevant, competitive, and capable of capturing high-intent users, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions. By treating keyword research as an ongoing process, marketers can remain adaptable and responsive, leading to continually optimized PPC campaigns.
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passiveincomemoney · 3 months
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The Digital Marketing Dilemma: Paid vs. Free Traffic Sources
In the digital marketing world, traffic is the lifeblood of any online presence. It's the stream of visitors that brings potential customers to your website, and ultimately, drives conversions and sales. But not all traffic is created equal, and understanding the differences between paid, and free traffic sources can be crucial for a successful online strategy.
Paid Traffic: The Fast Lane to Visibility
Paid traffic is akin to a turbo boost for your website's visibility. It involves paying for advertising space to showcase your brand directly in front of potential customers. The most common forms of paid traffic include pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, display ads, and social media advertisements.
Advantages of Paid Traffic:
Immediate Results: Once your ad campaign is live, you can expect to see an instant increase in traffic.
Targeting Capabilities: Paid traffic allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviours.
Scalability: You can increase your ad spend to scale up traffic as needed.
Disadvantages of Paid Traffic:
Cost: The most apparent downside is the ongoing expense. You pay for each visitor, and costs can escalate quickly.
Short-term Impact: Paid traffic often provides a temporary boost. Once you stop paying, the traffic typically drops off.
Here are some of the popular platforms for contextual ads:
Google Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine results pages. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience and pay only when a user clicks on their ad. This model offers the flexibility to control costs by setting daily budgets and bids for each click. With the right strategy, Google Ads PPC can be an effective way to drive targeted traffic to a website and increase online visibility.
Quora Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a form of advertising on the Quora platform, which allows advertisers to pay for each click on their ads. It's known for being a cost-effective option compared to other PPC platforms, with some campaigns reporting significantly lower cost-per-click (CPC) rates than those on Google or Facebook. Structuring campaigns carefully and optimizing ad delivery is crucial for success on Quora Ads. Advertisers can bid based on clicks, impressions, or conversions, tailoring their approach to their specific marketing goals.
Facebook Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a powerful advertising tool that allows businesses to target specific audiences on Facebook. Advertisers can create ads tailored to their business goals, such as increasing website traffic or boosting online sales. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Additionally, Facebook provides detailed analytics to help advertisers understand the performance of their ads and optimize their campaigns for better results.
Free Traffic: The Organic Approach
Free traffic, also known as organic traffic, doesn't cost anything directly. It's the result of people finding your website through search engines, social media shares, or other referral sources without paid promotion.
Advantages of Free Traffic:
Cost-Effective: It doesn't require a direct payment for each visitor, making it a more sustainable long-term strategy.
Credibility and Trust: Users typically perceive organic results as more credible than paid ads.
Long-lasting Results: The efforts you put into SEO or content creation can yield traffic for months or years to come.
Disadvantages of Free Traffic:
Time and Effort: It takes significant time and effort to build up organic traffic. SEO and content creation are long-term investments.
Unpredictability: Changes in search engine algorithms can impact your traffic levels overnight.
Here are some of the best free traffic sources that can help you attract visitors:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website for search engines can lead to a steady stream of organic traffic.
Email Marketing: Building an email list allows you to reach out directly to your audience.
Social Media Platforms: Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be powerful for sharing content and engaging with users.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable content helps attract and retain a loyal audience.
Blogging: Regularly updating a blog can help drive traffic and improve SEO.
Guest Posting: Writing articles for other websites can introduce your brand to a new audience.
Online Forums: Participating in forums like Reddit or Quora can drive traffic if you provide value in your posts.
Video Marketing: Platforms like YouTube offer a way to reach a vast audience with engaging video content.
Podcasting: Starting a podcast can help you reach a new audience through audio content.
Webinars: Hosting webinars can attract an audience interested in your expertise.
Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers can help you tap into their follower base.
SEO Tools: Utilizing free SEO tools can improve your site's visibility.
Press Releases: Announcing news can get coverage and drive traffic.
E-books and Guides: Offering free resources can attract visitors searching for information.
Affiliate Programs: Encouraging others to promote your site can increase traffic.
Each of these sources requires time and effort to develop, but can lead to significant traffic growth over time.
Combining the Best of Both Worlds
While the debate between paid and free traffic sources can seem polarizing, the most effective strategies often involve a blend of both. Paid traffic can provide a quick influx of visitors and help test new markets or products. At the same time, building a solid foundation of free traffic through SEO and content marketing can ensure a steady flow of visitors over time.
Ultimately, the choice between paid and free traffic sources will depend on your business goals, budget, and timeline. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each, you can craft a balanced approach that drives both immediate results and sustainable growth.
For more insights into optimizing your website's traffic, consider exploring the nuances of SEO and Google Ads management, or how content quality can boost your organic reach. Remember, in the realm of digital marketing, diversity is key, and leveraging multiple traffic sources can lead to a more robust and resilient online presence.
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georgegraphys · 3 months
Dissecting this article "Mercedes F1 report over £500m turnover for 2023"
So according to the financial report, it is reported that Mercedes, despite a flop season, records the highest turnover in Formula One world with +£500M revenue which is a +£71.9M increase from 2022.
"How are they exactly able to do this?? Didn't they flop? Didn't *** or ******* do better?? We didn't have any wins last year!"
According to the article, the sponsorship revenues were the highest contributing factor to the financial growth for Mercedes. This also brought them more partnership in 2023 and later for 2024. And it is worthy to note that although
"“The team’s share of television coverage showed a small decline to 14.7% for 2023, reflecting the lower number of podium finishes the team enjoyed versus 2022, The cumulative Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE) remained strong for commercial partners and shareholders, at $5.3 billion. The team continued to grow strongly on social media, with a cumulative followership of 36 million (+15%) and a total of 465 million engagements (+9%).”
Let's first talk about AVE. What is Advertising Value Equivalency? AVE is a commonly used term in the PR world that measures the monetary values of media coverage of a PR campaign. How do you exactly measure an AVE? It is done through ROI (Return on Investment), Revenue made by the company, CPC (Cost per Click), Conversion Rates, Average CTR (Click-Through Rate), ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), and others. It is also noteworthy that even though AVE is commonly used, AVEs do not FULLY measure the value of a company's PR work and is never the standard for a company's successfulness i. AVE just measures the monetary part and reflects nothing to the whole PR works (Some damned it too lol).
But back to the topic, this case shows that in the end even if Formula One is a sport, money stood the highest and the contributing factors around it are sponsors, every single PR campaign, media coverage, etc. It is no surprise that this year will generate more profit for Mercedes in terms of AVE, television and media coverage, etc. And this is all thanks to the second seat drama that is going on right now.
Judging by how the drama is boiling hot, I doubt that the second seat will be announced soon because the drama generates a crazy amount of coverage for Mercedes' rn. Every week, Mercedes name got to be one of the most mentioned of all as everyone waits out in anticipation of the second seat. This does not only benefit Mercedes but to all the sponsors, shareholders (Toto, Benz, INEOS), George, and to everyone in F1 that has their name mentioned. This type of coverage would boost Mercedes valuations and stocks like crazy and that is the amount of money you'd never think about. Think of every time Mercedes' name is mentioned, it is a money in the pocket for them thanks to the coverage and exposure they got.
This whole thing shows that money wins and money talks. From a PR and business standpoint, it's not always about the idealism of "who wins" but sometimes it's about "who's the most talked about". The next time you see Toto Wolff yapping, think of it as a way of him and everyone else involved getting the ka-ching. Because in the business world, good or bad publicity has a paper thin difference as they both generate money and money is the most important thing. As much as you'd think my word is dramatic, the amount of money they generate from the exposure and coverage also helps the human resources they recruited and the development of the team. It is also reported in the report that they increased the staff in the factory, they paid a lot for it and they must pay more taxes. Again, this is not just a two-dimensional way of seeing capitalism happening but also by seeing the small percentage of people getting a job in these tough times (reducing unemployment for a country) and the taxes regulating back to the citizen (well if it's not corrupted but if it did yeah...). So yeah, the money they get from benefitting on those media coverages, no matter how stupid it is, will come back to the people working for them and to other external parts. It is a very complex yet interesting economic cycle that starts from maybe the tiniest PR agenda 😉
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