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apollomedics · 1 year ago
Emergency treatment | Micro Hand surgery | Apollomedics
Successful surgery of amputated thumb of a one-year-old girl. Micro hand surgery Thumb Replant | Dr. Nikhil Puri & Dr. Ashish Vilas | Apollo Lucknow 3-year-old Swara was playing outside the house when suddenly a heavy iron piece fell on her, which cut the toe of her left foot. Her parents immediately brought her from Unnao to Lucknow where Dr. Nikhil Puri and Dr. Ashish Uke of the Plastic and Reconstructive Department repaired Swara's thumb through micro-vascular surgery. The operation was successful and today Swara is walking normally again. Best Emergency Hospital in Lucknow for any situation.
For More Details:
Map: Get Direction
Name: Apollo 24/7 Adult & Paediatric Emergency Services
Address: Kanpur -  KBC 31, Kanpur - Lucknow Rd, Shringar Nagar, Sector B, Singar Nagar, LDA Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226012
Phone: 08429021957
Services: Emergency care service in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Opening Hours: 24X7
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helputrust-drrupal · 5 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
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helputrust-harsh · 5 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
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helputrust · 5 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
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drrupal-helputrust · 7 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@MYogiAdityanath @cmouttarpradesh
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
@followers @highlight @topfans
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helpukiranagarwal · 7 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@MYogiAdityanath @cmouttarpradesh
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
@followers @highlight @topfans
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npsurgery · 3 years ago
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Options in Nashville
Cosmetic surgery aims to reshape certain areas of the body for the sake of a certain appearance, which makes it somewhat different from plastic surgery. Most people in the Nashville area who want to “get some work done” are thinking about cosmetic surgery, which covers a wide range of procedures.
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Cosmetic versus Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive surgery, what some people think of when they think of plastic surgery, is about repairing damage to the face, breasts, and other body parts. Plastic surgery is what you have after undergoing a mastectomy or suffering certain major injuries.
Think of cosmetic surgery as a way to improve things and plastic surgery as a way to repair the damage. This is an important distinction to make for financial reasons. Plastic surgery may be covered by insurance but most cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered.
More Than Implants and Nose Jobs
People often turn to cosmetic surgery to “touch up” specific areas of the body they don’t like. Breast implants and nose jobs are two famous forms of surgery. Plastic surgeons also sculpt ears, repair eyelids, do facelifts, and more.
Most people who opt for cosmetic procedures want to work on some aspect of their face or neck. Botox, of course, is a famous non-surgical way to reduce laugh lines and crow’s feet. Neck lifts, nose jobs (rhinoplasty), eyelid lifts, and face lifts are great ways to reverse the signs of aging, too.
Breast reduction and augmentation are two cosmetic procedures that come to mind. Some men suffer a condition called gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) and turn to cosmetic surgery for breast reduction surgery.
Cosmetic surgery has many more applications. If you want to get rid of stubborn fat deposits around the belly, hips, or thighs, you might choose liposuction or a tummy tuck. A thigh lift can also be a good option for tightening up the skin and creating a more pleasing shape.
Contact Nashville Plastic Surgery to Discuss Your Needs
If you want to modify or improve your appearance, one of our cosmetic procedures may be right for you. If you need some work done, trust a local and experienced Nashville cosmetic and plastic surgeon. 
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smbalaji · 5 years ago
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Nasal Tip Reconstruction This little girl had a congenitally flattened tip of the nose. Facing a lot of teasing from peers at school, her parents brought her to our hospital for cosmetic rhinoplasty. A costal rib graft was harvested from the patient. This was used as a strut graft to create a sharp nasal tip for her. They were very happy with the results of the surgery. 📞 Phone: +91 44 4294 7222 📬 Email: [email protected] 🌍 Website: www.smbalaji.com 📍 Location: Chennai, India #nasaltiprecosntruction #reconstructivesurgery #rhinoplasty #cosmeticrhinoplasty #cosmetic #nosesurgery #drsmbalaji #smbalaji #balajidental #maxillofacialsurgeon #maxillofacialsurgery #india #chennai #tamilnadu (at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAab55vlxrf/?igshid=1r5w6uinm323u
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dermatology2019-blog · 5 years ago
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We are glad to have Maria Marta Rubatti, Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon specialist at Novomed clinics as our speaker!!
JOIN US to listen to her talk!!
For more details visit: https://aestheticdermacongress2019.blogspot.com
To be a part drop an email @ [email protected]
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medicanahealthpoint · 4 years ago
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Plastic surgery is a discipline consisting of aesthetic (cosmetic) and reconstructive (reconstructive) surgery. Aesthetic surgery provides more self-confidence, spiritual and emotional happiness by improving the physical appearance. Reconstructive surgery corrects abnormalities caused by congenital or acquired defects of the body to improve shape and function.
Get Information: https://www.medicanahealthpoint.com/plastic-surgery-services/ #plasticsurgery #reconstructive #aesthetic #reconstructivesurgery #instagood #photooftheday #instalike #photography #medicana #medicanahealthpoint
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helputrust-drrupal · 7 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@MYogiAdityanath @cmouttarpradesh
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
@followers @highlight @topfans
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helputrust-harsh · 7 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@MYogiAdityanath @cmouttarpradesh
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
@followers @highlight @topfans
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helputrust · 7 months ago
World Plastic Surgery Day : Dr Neeraj Upadhyay | विश्व प्लास्टिक सर्जरी दिवस : डॉ. नीरज उपाध्याय
As we all know that July 15 marks the global celebration of World Plastic Surgery Day, formerly known as India's National Day of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Originating in India centuries ago, this practice has now transcended national boundaries, drawing attention to the transformative impact of plastic surgery worldwide.
Today, we have Dr Neeraj Upadhyay with us who will share his valuable views on the topic "The Impact of Social Media on Plastic Surgery Trends and Patient Expectations"
Dr. Neeraj Upadhyay is an extensively trained board certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Lucknow with a special interest in bringing science to the sculpture of beauty. With more than 7 years of practice in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he remains a pioneer and global expert of his field & maintains an exclusive practice in the full scope.
We are so much thankful to Dr Alka Nivedan, Member, Internal Advisory Committee, Help U Educational and Charitable Trust for conducting this interview.
#WorldPlasticSurgeryDay #PlasticSurgery #ReconstructiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #DrNeerajUpadhyay #PlasticSurgeryTrends #PatientExpectations #SocialMediaImpact #BeautyScience #LucknowSurgeon #SculptureOfBeauty #MedicalExpert #PlasticSurgeryAwareness #GlobalPlasticSurgery #DrAlkaNivedan #InternalAdvisoryCommitteeMember #IACM
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight #topfans
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@MYogiAdityanath @cmouttarpradesh
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
@followers @highlight @topfans
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giuliomariamaggi · 4 years ago
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RECONSTRUCTIVE PLASTIC SURGERY . In what other cases is lipofilling used? . In all cases of cosmetic surgery in which it is necessary to restore the volumes lost due to severe weight loss, trauma or congenital alterations in all areas of the body. It happens that more and more patients ask us to increase the volume of the breasts or buttocks with only adipose tissue. The technique involves a three-dimensional insertion of the adipose tissue exactly where it is most needed, modeling the tissues in a natural way. One of the most obvious advantages of this technique is that the breasts and buttocks maintain their natural characteristics and the tissue is restored only and exclusively where it is needed, obtaining a double benefit: we remove excess fat in some areas of the body such as the trochanters. or the abdomen and we use it to restore volume to the breasts or buttocks. All in a single intervention! . CHIRURGIA PLASTICA RICOSTRUTTIVA . In quali altri casi è impiegato il lipofilling? In tutti i casi di chirurgia estetica nei quali è necessario ripristinare i volumi persi per forti dimagrimenti, traumi o per alterazioni congenite in tutti i distretti corporei. Accade che sempre più pazienti ci chiedono l'aumento di volume del seno o dei glutei con il solo tessuto adiposo. La tecnica prevede un inserimento tridimensionale del tessuto adiposo esattamente dove ce n'è più bisogno, modellando i tessuti in maniera naturale. Uno dei vantaggi più evidenti di questa tecnica è che il seno ed il gluteo mantengono le loro caratteristiche naturali e si ripristina il tessuto solo ed esclusivamente dove è necessario, ottenendo un duplice beneficio: asportiamo il grasso in eccesso in alcune aree del corpo come i trocanteri o l'addome e lo utilizziamo per ridare volume al seno o ai glutei. Tutto in un unico intervento! . #dott_giuliomariamaggi #lipofilling #lipofillingtorino #reconstructivesurgery #chirurgiaricostruttiva #aestheticsurgery #aestheticclinic #aestheticclinictorino #chirurgiaestetica #chirurgiaesteticatorino #chirurgianaturalezza #chirurgiaplastica #chirurgiaplasticatorino #chirurgoesteticotorino #followforfollowback #chirurgoplasticotorino (presso Aesthetic Clinic Torino - Dott. Giulio Maria Maggi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI1QtLPD_Bc/?igshid=ylc0t953129c
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medobal · 6 years ago
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smbalaji · 4 years ago
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Large Upper Jaw with Short Upper Lip This young girl always kept to herself because she felt self conscious of her protruding upper jaw and teeth. No amount of persuasion by her parents could get her to socialize with others. Realizing that this needed to be corrected, her parents brought her to our hospital for management. Upon examination, she had maxillary prognathism with a short upper lip. Treatment planning was explained to them and they consented to surgery. She underwent a Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy with superior positioning at our hospital. This resulted in good lip competency and improved esthetics. Her facial appearance was completely transformed following the surgery. She was very happy with the cosmetic and functional results of the surgery. 📞 Phone: +91 44 4294 7222 📬 Email: [email protected] 🌍 Website: www.smbalaji.com 📍 Location: Chennai, India #jawcorrction #jawsurgery #reconstructivesurgery #drsmbalaji #smbalaji #balajidental #maxillofacialsurgeon #maxillofacialsurgery #india #chennai #tamilnadu (at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAsG7rHMC-/?igshid=1wyzhwgll1467
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