#Corona Cases MP
bansalnews · 1 year
भोपाल। मध्यप्रदेश में एक बार फिर कोरोना ने रफ़्तार corona alert again पकड़ ली है । पिछले कुछ दिनों से लगातार केस बढ़ने से अब कोरोना ने मध्यप्रदेश के 10 जिलों को अपनी चेपट में ले लिया है। अब तक प्रदेश में कोरोना के 101 एक्टिव केस हो गए हैं। पिछले 24 घंटों में 26 नए केस सामने आये हैं.
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spacenutspod · 11 months
According to new research we can start writing the eulogy for four exoplanets around a Sun-like star about 57 light years away. But there’s no hurry; we have about one billion years before the star becomes a red giant and starts to consume them. The star is Rho Coronae Borealis, a yellow dwarf star like our Sun. It’s in the constellation Corona Borealis, and has almost the same mass, radius, and luminosity as the Sun. But where the Sun is about five billion years old, RCB is twice that, which means its red giant phase is looming, at least in astrophysical terms. A new paper appearing in The Astrophysical Journal presents these results, and asks some questions about what happens to exoplanets in a star’s habitable zone when the star becomes a red giant. The paper is “Planetary Engulfment Prognosis within the Rho CrB System,” and the sole author is Stephen R. Kane, from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Riverside. “Post main sequence stellar evolution can result in dramatic, and occasionally traumatic, alterations to theplanetary system architecture, such as tidal disruption of planets and engulfment by the host star,” Kane writes. Rho Coronae Borealis is both old and bright, making it “… a particularly interesting case of advanced main sequence evolution,” according to Kane. Not only because its similar to the Sun and easily observed, but also because it hosts four exoplanets. Kane used stellar evolution models to try to determine Rho Coronae Borealis’ future, and the future of its planets. In 1 to 1.5 billion years, the star will leave the main sequence and become a red giant. Red giants can swell to epic proportions, and some can expand to one billion km in diameter. When our Sun becomes one in several billion years, it’s bloated form will likely consume or at least destroy all of the inner planets. Rho CrB is no different. It has four known exoplanets named Rho Coronae Borealis b, c, d, and e. They’re named in order of discovery, not distance from the star. The three planets in the most danger are e, b, and c, the closest planets to the star. This figure from the study shows the Rho CrB System and its four planets. The inner edge of the optimistic habitable zone is shown in green, just beyond the orbit of the otuermost planet d. Image Credit: Kane 2023. The four planets range in mass from super-Earth to Jovian. All of them are much closer to the star than Earth is to the Sun, and the two innermost planets are closer to their star than Mercury is to the Sun. They’re tightly-packed into their inner solar system, and this is what spells their doom. This table shows the basic facts about the four exoplanets around Rho CrB. It shows their orbital period, P, semi-major axis, a, eccentricity, e, argument of periastron, w, and the minimum planetary mass, Mp sin i. Image Credit: from Brewer et al. 2023. The research shows that e,b, and c are in the worst position. Rho CrB can totally engulf these three planets. The engulfment of planets by an expanding star can have different outcomes depending on the overall architecture of the system. Planets can take decades to spiral in toward the star. On the way, they can be destroyed by evaporation. They can also destroyed by tidal disruption when they meet the Roche limit. In that case, they add to the star’s bulk, helping it puff up even more. For sub-Jupiter mass planets between 3 to 5 AU, their fate is sealed according to some research. There’s no escape. But for others, despite the dire circumstances, there might be a way out. Sometimes, scientific models show, planets start to interact in different ways gravitationally with one another as the star swells. As the star expands, it’s also losing mass as it continues to fuse material. This creates tidal effects in the system, and in some cases, it can drive planets into mean motion resonances, and also drive them further from the star. So, there’s a potential escape route. It’s difficult to determine so far in advance what exactly might happen, though. But if some do survive, researchers think they can survive as the star leaves the Red Giant Branch (RGB) behind. They may even survive as the star enters the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase. The AGB phase is similar to the RGB phase, but RGB stars have slightly different chemistries in their cores and their shells. But the details of the star aren’t that critical to the fate of the planets. There’s a possible escape route for some of the planets, but the same tidal interactions that can rescue a planet can also work against it. Interactions can drive a planet inward toward the star too, to an earlier demise. Researchers are actively trying to understand all of these process by watching stars that are leaving the main sequence. To understand what might happen in the Rho CrB system, Kane plotted the star’s future mass, luminosity, and radius. This figure shows how Rho CrB will change over time. The dotted line represents the star’s current age, with the grey region representing the uncertainty of the age. The top panel shows mass, middle panel shows radius, and the bottom panel shows luminosity for the star as it transitions through the RGB, horizontal branch, and AGB. Image Credit: Kane 2023. Kane also plotted the changes the star will go through alongside the positions of the four exoplanets. That puts the peril the planets face in stark relief. It doesn’t look good for the four exoplanets orbiting Rho CrB. As the blue line representing the star shows, the RGB phase isn’t one smooth expansion. There are pulses and expansions as shells burn and different chemicals are dredged up from the core to the surface. Image Credit: Kane 2023. So how much detail can models and simulations provide when it comes to the specifics of Rho CrB and its planets? “Although all of the planets will enter the stellar atmosphere of Rho CrB, their individual prognoses vary considerably,” Kane explains. Planet e, the innermost planet, is likely terrestrial. It’ll be the first to go and will probably evaporate as the star engulfs it deeply. It’s demise could be swift. Planet b is the most massive of all four, at almost 350 Earth masses. It’s more massive than Jupiter, and as it enters the star’s expanding atmosphere, drag will cause it to in-spiral. Its fate is tidal disruption, as it simply won’t be able to hang onto itself. Planet b’s fate can feed into planet c’s fate. If planet b’s material makes the star swell enough, that could hasten planet c’s demise by engulfment. The same stellar swelling and radial expansion could also hasten planet d’s demise by engulfment, all before the star leaves its RGB phase behind. Planets c and d are both about Neptune-mass, and they would likely lose their mass by evaporation as they spiral in toward the star. Unfortunately, the modelling did not account for orbital dynamics. But it’s possible that one planet could escape all of this mayhem. Planet d is the lone world with a chance to escape. “Our model further did not include the effects of orbital dynamics, which has the potential to cause planet d to migrate further outward and possibly escape engulfment,” Kane writes. If it does, it has a chance to survive for a lot longer, possibly in a newly-established habitable zone. Artist’s impression of the structure of a solar-like star and a red giant. The two images are not to scale – the scale is given in the lower right corner. In red giants, the convection zone is much larger, encompassing more than 35 times more mass than in the Sun. Image Credit: By ESO – http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0729a/, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26372192 That’s possible, but not likely in this case. “Since the inner planets of Rho CrB are engulfed prior to the AGB phase, it is unlikely that orbital dynamics will play a major role in the system during and after the stellar mass loss,” he writes. There’s no way to know for certain what will happen in this system. But astrophysicists are busy watching other solar systems for clues. There’s not much observable evidence for engulfment so far, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. “Thus far, observational evidence for planetary engulfment signatures has remained relatively sparse, suggesting that either engulfment scenarios are rarer than expected, or that signature detection is more challenging than anticipated,” the paper states. The detailed specifics of Rho CrB may be beyond our observational reach or the reach of our simulations and models, for now. But there’s no denying the potential catastrophic consequences. “The evolution of stars through their progression on the main sequence, expansion into a giant star, and then final contraction into a white dwarf, has profound consequences for the orbiting planets,” Kane writes. “Given the masses and semimajor axes of the four known planets, we predict that planet e will evaporate within the stellar atmosphere, planet b will in-spiral and be tidally disrupted, potentially further inflating the star, and planet c will be evaporated within the stellar atmosphere.” This diagram shows the evolution of stars under most circumstances. It shows how the Sun will become a Red Giant, then a planetary nebula, then a white dwarf. (It’ll never be a type 1a supernova because those only occur in binary systems.) Credit: NASA Planet d’s fate is a little less certain, but it’ll likely be destroyed, too. It’ll probably evaporate within the star at the end of the AGB phase. It’s possible that there are other planets within the habitable zone that haven’t been detected. If there are, they can survive the stellar evolution on the inside of the HZ’s inner edge during the RGB/AGB phase. But after that, the star will be a white dwarf. These planets, if they exist, will be well outside of the new HZ at that time. Part of understanding what happens to solar systems when their stars leave the main sequence lies in an accurate picture of their planet populations. Giant planets on distant orbits can affect the fate of inner system planets, potentially changing their orbits and moving them to safer distances. Those types of planets are difficult to detect with the transit method, but improved radial velocity measurements in the future could find more of them. This research is particularly interesting because our own Sun will become a red giant, and eventually a white dwarf. What will happen to our home? It’s not known, but the Earth is in jeopardy. It could be destroyed, or it could migrate further outward. Either way, our Solar System will never look the same. Fortunately, it’s so far in the future that it’s merely a curiosity to us. The post Three Planets Around this Sunlike Star are Doomed. Doomed! appeared first on Universe Today.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
Kirron Kher Tested Covid 19 Positive Shared Information On Social Media
Kirron Kher: Once again, Corona is slowly spreading its wings across the country. Every day, corona cases come to the fore. As a result, Bollywood actress and Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher has become infected with Corona. He has shared this information with his fans by tweeting. I also appealed to the people who came into contact to get tested. He wrote, my Kovid-19 test is positive, so whoever came…
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Career Hospital, Bhopal's 24x7 medical or surgical emergency team is always ready to deal with crtical medical cases.
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carrerhospital · 2 years
One Vaccine against many diseases.
in the majority of cases, Cervical Cancer is associated with the contraction of the virus - human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a sexually transmitted infection. 
Ensuring widespread immunization can largely reduce the rate of Cervical Cancer. 
Gardasil 9 is the approved vaccine that is largely effective. It is effective in protecting against many highly infectious strains of the HPV virus. The vaccine was first introduced in 2006 and from then the rate of infection, genital warts, and cervical precancers have decreased. It also gives long-lasting protection against this virus. 
It is ideal that this vaccine is given before the virus has been contracted or before an individual is sexually active. This vaccine can also prevent vaginal and vulvar cancer, genital warts, anal cancers, and mouth, throat, head, and neck cancers in women and men.
After the virus is contracted, the vaccine does not have much effect. It is therefore very important you get younger people vaccinated to prevent the spread of the HPV virus. 
Do remember vaccines cannot treat  an existing HPV infectOne Vaccine against many diseases.ion
At what age should the vaccine be takenOne Vaccine against many diseases.
The HPV vaccine can be given from the age of 9 to 45 years. Medical fraternities believe that children aged 11 to 12 years should get 2 doses of this vaccine with an interval period of 6 months. After the age of 15, children will require 3 doses of the vaccine with an interval of 6 months. 
Speak to your pediatrician about the benefits and whether it is advisable to administer this vaccine to your child.
Regardless of age, speak to your doctor about getting vaccinated to protect yourself from HPV infection which leads to different types of cancer in certain cases.
The HPV vaccine is administered to all genders.  
Who should not get vaccinated?
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those with allergies like yeast and latex. 
Discuss with your doctor the components of the vaccine and if you have shown symptoms of allergy to those components in the past.
Can I take the vaccine later in life?
Yes, you can take the vaccine even after marriage or if you are already sexually active. If you have contacted one strain of the virus, the vaccine can prevent you from contracting other strains in the future. 
Where can I take this Vaccine?
Gardasil 9 is available at Career Cancer Research Centre Bhopal,MP, ph-_______________
Or contact your nearest hospital. Do consult a good doctor before taking this vaccine or administering it to your children. 
Any side effects of the Vaccine
Like most vaccines, Gardasil 9 can have side effects too. But not in all cases. 
The most common side effects are mild like pain, redness, or swelling in the arm where the shot was taken. Dizziness or fainting is more common among teenagers. Nausea and headache were also reported in certain cases. 
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spacejournal · 2 years
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
MP: बीते 24 घंटों में सामने आए 184 नए मामले, एक्टिव केस 2607, अब तक 564 मौतें
MP: बीते 24 घंटों में सामने आए 184 नए मामले, एक्टिव केस 2607, अब तक 564 मौतें
MP Corona Cases
मध्य प्रदेश में अब कोरोना के एक्टिव मरीजों की संख्या 2607 है. अब तक राज्य में कुल 10199 लोग कोरोना संक्रमण से मुक्त होकर अस्पतालों से डिस्चार्ज किए जा चुके हैं. 
भोपाल एम्स.
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solojisposts · 4 years
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
एमपी में लोगों को लगाए गए कोरोना के टीके के 12 करोड़ से अधिक डोज, पिछले 24 घंटे में मिले 50 केस
एमपी में लोगों को लगाए गए कोरोना के टीके के 12 करोड़ से अधिक डोज, पिछले 24 घंटे में मिले 50 केस
COVID 19 Vaccination in MP: मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh) में कोरोना वायरस (Covid-19) से संक्रमित मरीजों की संख्या में लगातार इजाफा हो रहा है. प्रदेश में इस समय 454 कोरोना संक्रमित मरीज हैं. इस बीच स्वास्थ्य विभाग ने एक बड़ी सफलता हासिल की है. प्रदेश में प्रथम, द्वितीय और प्रिकॉशन डोज मिलाकर अब तक लोगों को 12 करोड़ से ज्यादा कोरोना टीके लगाए जा चुके हैं. सरकार के मुताबित पिछले 24 घंटों में प्रदेश…
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bansalnews · 4 years
मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना (Corona virus in Madhya Pradesh) की रफ्तार लगातार कम हो रही है। स्वस्थ होने वाले मरीजों का आंकड़ा सक्रिय मामलों से ज्यादा हो गया है। प्रदेश में अब तक दो लाख 20 हजार से ज्यादा मरीज ठीक हो चुके हैं।
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harpianews · 3 years
Coronavirus Live Updates: India records 1.4 lakh new Covid-19 infections, 1,072 fatalities
Coronavirus Live Updates: India records 1.4 lakh new Covid-19 infections, 1,072 fatalities
The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has continued to haunt humanity over the last two years, and has created panic, anxiety, economic disruption, and a compromised ability to learn. It has also raised concerns about many long-term impacts of Long Covid and mental health, which may be hard to measure. In a swift response, several safe and efficacious vaccines were developed within a year. But the…
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carrerhospital · 2 years
Early detection of Breast Cancer leads to better survival
The alarming numbers of breast cancer cases reported in the current year have led to serious concerns among the medical fraternity.
The most effective way to decrease this number is by identifying high-risk patients and enabling them to undergo regular screening. CIMS, Career Institute of Medical Science, Bhopal, MP has been regularly screening patients but the number needs to increase. The hospital is well-equipped with imaging and radiology devices to ensure an accurate diagnosis.  The hospital has been effectively detecting high-risk patients and carrying out awareness campaigns so that more patients report when symptoms occur.
The best drill to follow is for all women above the age of 15 years to contact their doctor and discuss the need for a routine checkup. Screening for breast cancer cannot prevent getting breast cancer but what it can do is identify it at the onset of its growth. What we are witnessing in India is that majority of cases are treated at the hospital in the 3rd or 4th stage. At this stage mastectomy, the complete removal of the affected breast is the only option left. This also affects the patient physiologically. Though there are options for breast reconstruction and reshaping, these are expensive options and not widely available. The sooner treatment begins the suffering caused by cancer and death rates can be brought down.
The symptoms of breast cancer are difficult to spot in the early stages. There are also lots of reservations among women to report any symptoms or changes to family members or doctors. With campaigns and awareness programs we hope to see a change in this attitude.
 Most people are unaware of the symptoms of breast cancer. A lump in the breast or underarm should be shown to a doctor. Swellings in any part of the breast. A dimple or a dent formed in the breast. Pain around the nipple, change in shape, size, or redness, and swelling is also an indicator.  
Many a time these symptoms are caused by other medical conditions. Therefore it is important to get yourself checked regularly to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Early detection is the only way forward.
best cancer hospital in bhopal
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sareideas · 3 years
भाजपा सांसद मनोज तिवारी कोरोना पॉजिटिव - Sareideas
भाजपा सांसद मनोज तिवारी कोरोना पॉजिटिव – Sareideas
डिजिटल डेस्क, नई दिल्ली। भाजपा सांसद मनोज तिवारी कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाए गए हैं। उन्होंने खुद ट्वीट कर यह जानकारी दी। ट्वीट्स की एक श्रृंखला में, उन्होंने कहा, कल उत्तराखंड-रुद्रपुर चुनाव प्रचार में शामिल नहीं हो सका क्योंकि मैं 2 जनवर��� की रात से ठीक महसूस नहीं कर रहा था। मैं कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाया गया हूं। सावधानी बरतते हुए, मैंने कल ही खुद को आइसोलेट कर लिया था। कृपया अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल…
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना के 60 नए मामले मिले, एक्टिव केसों की संख्या हुई 400 के पार
मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना के 60 नए मामले मिले, एक्टिव केसों की संख्या हुई 400 के पार
मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना: मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh) के 10 जिलों में कोरोना (Corona) के नए पॉजिटिव मरीज सामने आए हैं. इस समय मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण के 400 सक्रिय मरीज (Active Case) हैं. इसके अलावा प्रदेश में पॉजिटिविटी दर भी कम नहीं हुई है. राहत देने वाली बात यह है कि पॉजिटिव मरीजों के मरने का आंकड़ा बेहद कम है.  किस जिले में कितने नए केस मिले मध्य प्रदेश में पिछले 24 घंटे में…
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adminnewstrust24 · 3 years
In Uttar Pradesh, Australian MP Craig Kelly, who was convinced of corona management, sought loan from CM Yogi
In Uttar Pradesh, Australian MP Craig Kelly, who was convinced of corona management, sought loan from CM Yogi
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s model is being praised not only in the country but also abroad for the decreasing cases of corona virus in Uttar Pradesh. Australian MP Craig Kelly is so impressed with the UP CM that he has asked Yogi for a loan. Craig Kelly has praised CM Yogi for the use of ivermectin to control the second wave of corona in Uttar Pradesh. Let us inform that the drug ivermectin…
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