eva-mcculloch · 3 years
When: Present Day Where: Gotham City - Gang Warehouse  With: Harley @side-of-puddin​
This city was just loaded with her husband’s dodgy deals. That was good. It really was. The larger his corrupt empire, the more she had to rip to pieces, revelling in every destroyed or reclaimed piece of technology. None of it had been his give away. Stolen from her work while she’d been hammering behind glass for someone, anyone to hear. 
Such thoughts swirled in her mind like a million reflections staring back at once. Eva grit her teeth and used a window on the warehouses second floor as a portal to step inside. The thugs were purely street level. They levelled guns her way and fired. She dodged around them, moving at light speed grew easier the more she did it and her photon canon blasted each back into unconsciousness; she couldn’t say why she’d not calibrated it to deadly levels yet... the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. It incapacitated, that was enough. 
She wasn’t a monster. 
It was crate of solar powered guns, watered down versions of her canon but set to fry whoever was hit by a blast of concentrated solar power. Her face curled unattractively at the sight and she raised her canon, firing blast after blast, yelling as she did so. By the end the crate was nothing but broken wood and unsalvageable gun parts.
“What do you think of that Joseph!?” she yelled into the air, “Where’s your damn empire now!?”  No answer came, she didn’t expect one. But she did hear the warehouse door open and spun, levelling her canon at the door. “If you’re here for the guns they’re destroyed.” she spat. 
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kitemanxhellyeah · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Abandoned Island - Joker’s Hideout With: Harley @property-of-joker
One of the benefits of being Kite Man? (Aside from everything) was flying around at night. Folks couldn’t hear him and he was pretty hard to detect thanks to the scramblers he’d built into his kite, so he flew on the breeze over to Joker’s place to drop off a few extra bullets for his roulette gun; Mr. Joker’d seemed a little worked up last time so he figured he’d bring extras over to keep him happy.
He was known as one of his lackey’s so he had no problem getting into the joint, holding a case with the bullets in them he called out, “Helllllllo!? Mr. Joker? It’s Kite Man, hell yeah!” He laughed a little at his catchphrase before he caught sight of a familiar figure and ended up smiling at her, “Hey Dr. Quinzel! I didn’t know you were back!” He always did his best to be polite to Harley for her own sake and to keep Joker happy. 
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askhaylie · 6 years
Closed starter:Plans
@asktheprincessofhearts @askharleyhades
So here they were in her room, her sister and her best friend. All recipients of the same letter, tangled in something bigger than them. In need of a plan.
“So”, the demigoddess started, “Any idea what this is?” she asked. “I’d place my bet on the Anti-Heroes, but Harley isn’t one of them so any idea is better at this point.” she shrugged. 
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@askharleyhades continued from here:
They haven’t tried taking anything from me yet. I...ris actually helped me during a slip. She said she sees me as the princess of her home. Al...ly is just...cordial. But my mother lost Wonderland to a child. I don’t want the same thing to happen to me. But the same way, I don’t want you to lose your chance to stay at Auradon Prep. Don’t worry about it. If they try to take Wonderland- or if Al...ly does -I will defend it on my own.
Yeah, I do know Hector! The really demi-god? He’s sweet. I’m not surprised he’s trying to get along with you. I don’t think there’s anyone he doesn’t get along with. Also...aren’t the gods always fighting about who rules? It would make sense for demigods to have a truce.
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therapisttothedevil · 6 years
The last thing Linda wanted or needed after a long day at work was to be accosted by two thugs in clown makeup, put in a car and driven off to God knows where cause ‘someone’ wanted a word with her. If this was another intimidation tactic by Joker then he was losing his touch. Oddly though, her captors had been very polite (or as polite as clown-faced thugs could be) and even opened the door and offered to help her out of the car (she declined) and as they approached a warehouse asked ‘Can I take your coat Doctor?’ She frowned, by now more confused than anything, “No thank you.” she replied, polite despite herself.
Once she was inside and saw Harley she fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Harley, there are easier ways to speak with me then sending your... friends to kidnap me outside of my office. Next time a phone call will do.” She probably would have turned up either way.
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onehellofalawyer · 6 years
@harleenreborn liked for a starter! :D
Foggy squinted at the make-up counter... all that did was make his black eyes and broken nose twinge in pain. People expected lawyers to be put together and professional, not looking like they’d gone ten rounds with a The Incredible Hulk, and Foggy wanted to get back to work. Maybe if he could fix his face up a little to look less gross he would start meeting some clients and get the money rolling in.
Trouble was he couldn’t see all that well either since his eyes were a little swollen, so he turned to the person next to him, (young lady he guessed) and spoke, “Hey, uhh, quick question: do you know which of this junk I should grab to try and cover up some of this mess?” he asked, pointing to the shit-show that was his current mug.
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kitemanxhellyeah · 5 years
Gotham Heist ||
When: Flashback Where: Gotham City With: Harley @property-of-joker​ 
It was a windy night in Gotham. Just perfect for some Kite-Themed crime! And there was no one better for that then him! Joker didn’t often pick him for stuff... He understood why, not everyone could take in his particular brand of awesomeness, especially when most of costumed folks in the place were just a little bit more awesome than him. Still, here he was, getaway driver (or rather flyer heh) to one of Gotham’s A-listers.
“Hell yeah!” he called into the night sky, just before he heard a loud crash behind him and some sounds of gunfire soon after. “Here we gooooooo.” He grinned, adjusting his goggles in time to see Harley sprinting onto the roof, “Lets go Quinn! Perfect flying conditions!” he grinned happily.  
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askhaylie · 6 years
"I'm coming." - @askharleyhades
“Yeah, sure. Harls, if this is one of your pranks, it’s not funny”
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Microphone (for Harley)
“Load up on guns and bring your friends- it’s fun to lose, and to pretend.  She’s overbored and self-assured…with the lights out, it’s less dangerous.  Here we are now, entertain us! I feel stupid and contagious.  Here we are now, entertain us!” – “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” Nirvana cover by Think Up Anger
OOC: I chose this because I feel like if Harley ever saw Cora during her slips (and I’m sure she did) they would both kinda go down a very dark, reckless path, especially given Harley’s role as her father’s assassin.
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chesslawrence · 6 years
It’d taken Chess a little longer than expected to get himself semi-back on his feet but he had to face the music sometime and pick up his responsibilities again. Starting with his dog, Benji, who he’d seemingly dumped on Harley, though he figures she doesn’t mind. The warlock doesn’t look great though when he arrives at Harley’s. He looks sleep deprived. He clearly wasn’t sleeping much and his body felt like it was still fighting a virus though he wasn’t actually sick. He’s in an old musty grey hood and tracksuit trousers as he knocks on the door. “Oi, H. Lemme in. It’s bloody freezing out here.” That and he had a bag with the pottle noodle he’d basically promised her. In his eyes, a small gift of gratitude for taking his son and keeping him safe from that witch. That he knows her species now. That’s a fascinating bonus he’d have to address. @wailing-redhead
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