xormxail · 4 years
Where: Peter’s Apartment When: Feb 24th 1981 With: Bellatrix @bellstricks​
Peter had gone a few days since interacting with any Death Eaters and he preferred it that way. The less contact the better and he suspected The Dark Lord agreed on that front; he was a spy after all, much as it terrified him. With any luck, he could make it to the end of the week before he was summoned by Severus to give up whatever he’d managed to find out. So far he’d kept anything important under wraps through the simple feat of not learning anything. He rarely attended order meetings and given the attack he was still getting over no one thought to really question it. 
On top of that he was pretty much a shut-in outside of work. Avoiding his friends and never going out unless he had to. He was tucked up in bed (in human form for once, rather then as a rat in the cage under it) and awoke with a start. For a moment he was unsure why, until he looked over in the weak moonlight and saw a figure sitting at the end of his bed. With a strangled cry he fell from the bed taking most of the covers with him and all but scrambled into the corner, taking far too long to grab the wand from his nightstand and stutter out a Lumos to reveal the form of Bellatrix looming over him.  
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perfectrosier · 5 years
Payment Due || Bellatrix & Evan
When: Post Bellatrix’s Ritual Where: Lestrange Manor  With: Bellatrix @viciouslestrange
Evan was a sporting chap, he paid all his lost bets and expected all those he won to be paid in kind. The benefit of his and Bellatrix’s stations being so high was that it allowed them to simply pay one another at their next meeting. He’d been passing nearby after meeting with one of his contacts and given how things had cooled somewhat since Puddlemere it was a good time to check in with dear Bella and collect his winnings in one fell swoop. 
The door was answered by a gaunt looking house-elf who seemed to think his pleasant smile was an alien expression and quickly led him into a parlour within the manor where he waited for the lady herself to grace him with her presence. As luck would have it, Evan wasn’t waiting long before the figure of Madame Lestrange appeared in the entryway.  
“Bella,” he said warmly rising to his feet, arms spread for a hug that may or may not have been coming, “It’s been so long since we left so many bodies at Puddlemere, I’ve no one else to so happily discuss murder with.” he told her with a pout. 
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silenciochang · 4 years
When: Present Day (Game Time) Where: Diagon Alley - Slug & Jiggers (late afternoon) With: Bellatrix @bella-donna-trixsoblack​
The shop was about to close up for the day, only about ten minutes left. Customers were usually scarce around this time and Bloise was looking forward to an evening by himself in the back room, he had several potions to make for the Order which weren’t complicated, so it would allow him to keep busy while he thought of ways to keep his sister safe that didn’t impact so heavily upon her freedom, his talk with Professor McGonagall hadn’t fallen on deaf ears.    
He was tidying up some while he waited for the clock on the wall to strike five. Bloise brushed the floor with more intensity than the task really called for but he always threw himself into a task with the utmost of his capabilities, moving swiftly from one end of the shop to the other and gathering a pile of dust that he vanished with a wave of his wand. He could’ve done the whole thing with magic but he didn’t want to since his sister had to do it this way when her turn rolled around. 
The bell chimed above the door and distracted him from his task. Looking up he frowned slightly at the woman darkening his doorway: Bellatrix Black. Ugh. Her sister was nothing but an elitist snob and he doubted she’d be any better. “I’m sorry, we’re closing in a few minutes,” he said, voice polite but cool, “But if there’s something ready made you require I could provide it.”
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Bellatrix & Fenrir
He had been partnered with Bellatrix once again, but this didn’t bother him, what bothered him was the fact that nearly every Deatheater at the table smirked at him as if he couldn’t handle her. Bellatrix might have been dancing on the line between batshit crazy and insane, but Fenrir had people in his pack who were more or less the same and he had put up with them for years, not to mention that under Bellatrix’s jabs at him was a woman who was more twisted than he was and he admired that.
Walking up to the spot they had agreed to meet, a dark alley where neither of them would be spotted with the other and he wouldn’t be spotted by anyone out to get him, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lighted it, wondering if the blood on his face had been wiped off or if he had missed some. A hunter they had caught and tortured for information had given them nothing for two days, so before he went to meet Bellatrix, he had ripped the man’s head off and old his wolves to send it to the hunters as they had done with his werewolves heads.
“Madam Lestrange” he greeted, his lips twitching as he raised the cigarette to his lips and took a drag, before pulling the packet out of his coat and offering one to her. 
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perfectrosier · 5 years
In Life As In Death || Evan & Bellatrix
Where: Puddlemere Quidditch Celebration With: Bellatrix @viciouslestrange​ When: Late in the Night
From a celebration of his first place at a duelling tournament in Belgium to a grimy field that was pst it’s zenith of entertainment… Somewhat of a boring change of scenery but the Dark Lord’s will be done. Evan was already dressed in his cloak and mask and it seemed his comrades had already started the fun; how cruel of them not to wait for him. Still, not to be left out he leapt into the fray, a well placed curse slicing down the chest of a running drunkard, blood erupting from the fatal gash and splatters of it landing on his robes.
Looking back he saw who the hapless fool had been running run and stepped unceremoniously over the corpse to a silhouette and mask he recognised. “NOt willing to wait for me, dearest Bella?” he asked her lowly, not that they needed to worry about being overheard in this chaos, “I’d be sad but you led a little fun right to me first thing.”
Raising his arm he flicked his wand so that a ball of flame spewed forth igniting a nearby tent in seconds, flushing out a few would-be hiders. “Care for a game of it? Let’s see who can pop the most heads of the little dollies.” he chuckled, wand tip already glowing purple with a half-cast curse.
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