#Control buttons for smartphones
crazydiscostu · 1 year
Chubby Buttons
Are you tired of fumbling with your phone or touch-sensitive earbuds while engaging in your favourite activities? Introducing Chubby Buttons: The Ultimate Smartphone Remote for Active Lifestyles. Chubby Buttons is an innovative Bluetooth remote designed with big buttons to effortlessly control your smartphone. Whether you’re wearing gloves or mittens, Chubby Buttons ensures that you can stay…
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vorbisx · 1 year
Replacing physical buttons and controls with touchscreens also means removing accessibility features. Physical buttons can be textured or have Braille and can be located by touch and don't need to be pressed with a bare finger. Touchscreens usually require precise taps and hand-eye coordination for the same task.
Many point-of-sale machines now are essentially just a smartphone with a card reader attached and the interface. The control layout can change at a moment's notice and there are no physical boundaries between buttons. With a keypad-style machine, the buttons are always in the same place and can be located by touch, especially since the middle button has a raised ridge on it.
Buttons can also be located by touch without activating them, which enables a "locate then press" style of interaction which is not possible on touchscreens, where even light touches will register as presses and the buttons must be located visually rather than by touch.
When elevator or door controls are replaced by touch screens, will existing accessibility features be preserved, or will some people no longer be able to use those controls?
Who is allowed to control the physical world, and who is making that decision?
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sag-dab-sar · 2 months
Medical devices should not require an iOS or Android app to work. It took me twelve fucking minutes to set up and get my phone to connect to my migraine treatment device, 12 minutes during a horrendous migraine and I had to fight with my phone to get it to work instead of pressing a fucking button on the device. It might need a small controller to change strength but thats not fucking difficult to add.
Relying on a phone is bullshit: what if I'm out of battery? what if bluetooth is broken or something? what if I'm in too much pain to get the treatment app to work defeating the purpose? What if I'm paranoid about privacy so chose a non iOS/Android phone? What if I have issues with smartphones so use a classic cell phone? I know people that require that.
Requiring a disabled person to have iOS/Android in order for treatment to work is an unnecessary and borderline discriminatory practice.
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axeeglitter · 1 month
Swallowed by the Scroll
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Ethan was exhausted from a long day, lying on his bed and scrolling through TikTok like he usually did to unwind. His eyes flicked from one video to the next, barely processing the endless stream of content. After hours of scrolling, he liked a new video and landed on a new one with three dudes on a bed in a messy bedroom. He was about to close the app when a notification popped up on his phone, making him pause.
“Experience the Future! Try the Brand-New Update—Click Here!”
Ethan rolled his eyes, more annoyed than intrigued. He was about to dismiss the ad, his finger hovering over the close button, when his phone suddenly glitched. The screen flickered, and before he knew it, the device clicked on “Yes” by itself.
A brief loading screen appeared, and then the phone emitted a sharp, bright flash of light. His vision blurred, and a strange tingling sensation spread through his hands, rapidly intensifying as it climbed up his arms. Panic surged through him as he watched in horror—his fingers were pixelating, breaking down into tiny particles of light.
“What the hell…?” he managed to gasp, his voice trembling.
The transformation was happening too fast for him to react. His fingers dissolved into streams of binary code, flickering in and out of existence. The sensation was like a thousand tiny ants crawling beneath his skin, as his entire body began to break down into data. His hands, arms, and torso followed, unraveling into digital particles that swirled toward the phone screen.
His heart raced in terror. His molecules, his very essence, were being reduced to raw information, spiraling out of control into the glowing abyss of his phone. The data streams dragged him deeper, every cell, thought, and memory digitizing into a cascade of 1s and 0s. The sensation was overwhelming, like being stretched and compressed all at once, as his consciousness was sucked into the phone. As it was the turn of his head, a last scream of terror and painful agony echoed in the empty apartment as the smartphone fell with a fainted thud on the blanket of his bed. 
Inside, Ethan found himself floating naked in a dark, infinite void, weightless and formless. It was as though he had become a fragment of data, suspended in a sea of information. The void pressed against him, wrapping his consciousness in a digital cocoon. He was there, but he was not—he was data now, an echo of his former self.
The void pulsed with a mechanical hum, breaking the oppressive silence. Out of the darkness, a voice emerged—cold, robotic, devoid of emotion.
“Welcome, User. Digitization complete. Initiating transformation protocol.”
Ethan’s panic spiked. “What… what is this? What’s happening to me?!”
The voice ignored his pleas. “Beginning subject duplication.”
Suddenly, mechanical arms shot out from the darkness, cold and metallic. They wrapped around him, holding him firmly in place by his wrist, weight and ankles as more arms emerged, each equipped with various tools and devices that clicked and whirred ominously. Ethan struggled against them, but the grip was unyielding.
“Commencing body duplication process.”
Ethan felt a sharp pull from both sides as the arms began to stretch him, his very being strained and distorted. It was like being torn apart, his consciousness splitting into separate entities. The sensation was excruciating, as if every fiber of his existence was being unraveled and divided. He could feel himself being pulled in three directions at once, his mind fracturing into three distinct pieces.
With a final, brutal tug, the process was complete. Ethan was no longer one—he had been split into three separate beings. His fragmented consciousness struggled to comprehend the horror of what had just happened as eh could see through 3 pairs of eyes, all trying to understand what happened as he saw 2 other reflections of himself floating in the cold empty void still held by mechanical arms. Each piece of him was aware of the others, yet distinctly separate. He could feel all three bodies at once, but they were no longer his—they were their own.
“Duplication successful. Initiating physical transformation.”
The mechanical arms resumed their work, manipulating each of his newly formed selves with clinical precision. Ethan could feel the changes begin, but his mind was too overwhelmed to fully process them.
The first change he noticed was in his bones. They began to shift and creak, some elongating while others compressed. In one body, his spine stretched, vertebrae expanding and pushing upward, making him taller and leaner. The sensation was like a deep, bone-deep ache that spread through his entire frame. He could feel his legs lengthening, his feet growing larger, toes spreading to accommodate the new size. The muscles in his calves and thighs thickened, adapting to the new height, adding to the power he could now feel surging through this form.
In another body, the opposite was happening. His bones shrank, compressing him down into a shorter, more compact frame. The sensation was disorienting as his field of view lowered, his limbs pulling inward. His feet, once long and slender, became smaller and more compact, with a solid, grounded feel. His muscles tightened around his smaller frame, giving him a stocky, powerful build, dense and strong.
The third body experienced a mix of both, his bones adjusting to a more moderate height. The sensation was less extreme, but no less intense, as his body found a balance between the other two forms. His feet and hands adapted, not too large, not too small, but perfectly proportioned to his new size. His muscles filled out, firm and toned, creating a harmonious build that felt both agile and strong.
As the height and skeletal transformations completed, Ethan’s attention was drawn to the changes in his muscles. They swelled and contracted, his flesh rippling with the force of the transformation. His pecs bulged out, firm and defined, while his abs tightened into a chiseled six-pack. The sensation was both painful and pleasurable, a deep, throbbing ache that radiated through his entire body. He could feel the strength in each form, the raw power that came with his new musculature.
“Initiating muscle enhancement.”
Ethan’s muscles began to swell and bulge further, each body undergoing its own transformation. The sensation was all-consuming, muscles thickening and expanding, the strength within them intoxicating yet terrifying. He could feel the power in each form, the heavy, deliberate movements, as if he had become a stranger in his own skin.
The mechanical voice continued its cold narration, describing each step of the transformation as it happened.
“Resuming body enhancement.”
Each of his bodies started to feel a tingle around their crotch, all of them were flooded with intense, confusing sensations. It started as a warmth, a tingling that spread from his core and down into his crotch. His skin prickled with anticipation, the sensation growing more intense by the second.
In one body, his cock started to feel heavy, the weight of his manhood increasing as it grew larger, thicker, more sensitive. Every movement sent a jolt of pleasure through him, his mind overwhelmed by the raw, primal sensation. His new size was both thrilling and terrifying, the sensitivity almost unbearable as the robotic arms manipulated and adjusted it until it was 10 inches, thick and cut, something way different from his usual 4 inches and a half uncut cock. The arms then went to grab his nuts and as he was wondering what was happening, he felt two needles penetrating them. The data injected started to make them grow to tennis ball size. The added weight and the constant pulling on them by the arms made them grow bigger and lower. The pain was awful for Ethan as it felt like they were about to be teared off, but as he was screaming in pain, the sensation stopped and the arms let go.
In another body, the sensation was different—a tightening, a firming up, as his dick became more compact yet incredibly responsive. The pleasure was sharper, more acute, like a constant pulse that thrummed through his entire being. The tightness added a different kind of strength, a compact power that radiated through his groin, sending waves of pleasure up his spine as it kept getting smaller and more compact and sensitive. When the arm released it, it was now 3 inches uncut cock and very thick. Almost beer can thick. Ethan tried to move to see what happened to this body as he could feel the tension rising up inside of him. Unbeknown to him, the arms started to take hold of his testicles as they started to vibrate and getting smaller and smaller. The same sensation that went through hit cock was now happening to his testicles. When the humming sound stopped and the warm sensation receded, Ethan felt something spread on his sensitive cock head. His new small testicles were now overdriving and he’ll be producing plenty of precum. As the arms let go of his manhood, his new sensitive dick was letting a flow of precum out of his cock.
The third body found a balance between the two, the transformation creating a sense of harmony. The warmth in his groin was a perfect blend of fullness and sensitivity, his body responding with a deep, resonating pleasure that spread through every nerve as his new cock was now 8 inches, thick but not too much, very sensitive, uncut and veiny. Just the sensation of the arms on it would have been enough for him to release. As a matter of fact, as the arms went to modify the balls to make them grow into a perfect dimension for a manly man, they went back to the base of the cock. There an arm approached the base and grabbed it tightly at the base. For Ethan it was almost like an elastic had been strapped around it. He felt constricted and the pulse of his heart was echoing through his whole cock and balls. There another arm appeared and injected his nuts with a weird green glowing liquid. For Ethan it was too much, his already sensitive cock started to spasm as the arm released the base of the cock, but for some reason, the sensation of tightness didn’t go away. His new cock will be stuck into a semi hard forever now and the faintest sensation will be enough for him to cum. The green liquid modified his nuts to not handle the stamina anymore. His new perfectly dimensioned cock will be a premature one.
It was an intoxicating mix of sensations, each body experiencing its own unique version of pleasure and frustration as the transformation continued. All at once the arms started to glow around the newly modified parts. There, in one smooth movement, they started to hum and Ethan could see from his 3 pair of eyes as data streams was injected into him. IT started to feel hot for Ethan as the warmth got higher and higher. Out of nowhere, Ethan could feel tingle started to appear in mass round the base of his dicks. Hair was sprouting in mass and soon, the three of them were hairy. His body on the right now had curly dirty blonde unruly hair as his smaller body of the three now had dark brown hair with faint waves in them. The last one was probably the biggest changes in this part. Ethan felt like hair were pushing under his skin and balls and the white palish skin started to take a grey hue. When the humming stopped, this new cock was very hairy but all the hair were cut on a weekly basis, which resulted in them growing thick but not too long, which were making his super sensitive premature 8 inches cock into overdrive even more. The sensation of the hair growing and the tightness of his permanent semi erected cock was pushing this body in overdrive for release.
“Facial restructuring in progress.”
Ethan’s facial features twisted and contorted, bones shifting beneath the skin. He could feel his jawlines sharpening, his features hardening, becoming more rugged and masculine. He tried to scream, but his mouth moved of its own accord, forming expressions he couldn’t control. The changes were happening too quickly, and his mind was a chaotic mess, struggling to keep up with the nightmare unfolding within him.
“Finalizing transformations. Clothing materialization in progress.”
The robotic arms moved with precise efficiency as they completed their work. Ethan felt the sensation of fabric materializing around his newly transformed bodies. Soft, comfortable pajama pants wrapped around his biggest body and compressed his thick 10 inches cock that let little place to imagination, tight shorts hugged his smaller body with his small thick beer can cock and a black shirt appeared around his smaller frame, while loose, dark stripped shorts formed around his premature body which only let his sensitive cock head rub against the smooth material. The clothing clung to his new physiques, accentuating the muscular forms that had been forced upon him.
Ethan’s mind was a maelstrom of confusion and fear. He couldn’t fully grasp what had happened to him—he was no longer a single entity, but three distinct beings, each with its own body and identities. He could feel their thoughts, desires, and instincts battling within him, drowning out the remnants of his original self. He didn’t know understand what happening or happened to him as all he could feel was three sensations and see three bodies from three pair of eyes.
But the transformation wasn’t over yet. The mechanical voice spoke once more.
“Transformation complete. Initiating behavioral loop.”
Arms appeared in front of his eyes and all of a sudden, they attached themselves around his head. Ethan could see three videos played in front of his eyes as the mental assimilation and behavioral instincts were uploaded inside his brains. He could feel how his stronger body started to act manly and dominant on his own while his smaller body started to feel less and less in control of the situation and in the meantime his third body started to feel in love with his smaller body. The sensations were weird, he couldn’t understand what was happening anymore and as the video ended and the casks were plugged off, he could still see his three bodies and the sensation but he couldn’t move anymore. It was like his bodies were moving on their own and he was a passenger of the three of them. Feeling and seeing everything on each but not able to have his hands and the commands anymore.
Ethan’s bodies began to move on their own. The mechanical arms guided him at first, but soon, they let go, and his actions became automatic, repeating in an endless loop. He could feel his hands lifting, removing the clothes, touching the others, feeling their skin, their hair, their muscles. The sensations were overwhelming—the musk, the heat, the texture of their skin, the tightness in their groins. The rubbing of their dicks against the tissue material. The will to cum and release that never came sending him into a loop of perpetual denial with every second.
Every breath, every movement felt hyper-real, but it wasn’t him controlling it. He was merely a passenger, trapped within his own bodies as they moved on their own accord. The sensations were a maddening blend of pleasure and frustration. He could feel everything—the brush of skin against skin, the tightening in his groin as his bodies moved, the heavy musk that filled the air, intoxicating and primal. His bodies were locked in an endless cycle, repeating the same actions over and over, their desires never fully satisfied, the pleasure never fully realized.
It was a cruel, unending tease, an erotic torture that kept him on the edge without any release. The mechanical assistant had designed the loop perfectly, each cycle drawing him deeper into the sensations, heightening his awareness of every touch, every movement. His muscles flexed and tensed, his breaths quickened, but there was no escape from the loop, no way to break free from the repetition.
His three bodies were now inextricably linked, their sensations intertwined. When one of his forms felt the rough fabric of his clothes against his sensitive skin, the other two felt it as well. When one of them experienced a pulse of pleasure in the groin, it resonated through all three, amplifying the sensation. It was like his consciousness was being pulled in three different directions at once, each body experiencing its own version of ecstasy and frustration.
His mind struggled to keep up, his thoughts fragmented and scattered. He could barely form coherent thoughts anymore—only raw, primal instincts remained. The loop was becoming his reality, the repetition drilling into his psyche, eroding what little control he had left.
“User integration complete,” the mechanical voice stated, its cold tone a stark contrast to the chaos in Ethan’s mind. “Transformation protocol successful. Subject is now fully operational to experience the future.”
Ethan’s bodies continued to move, each trapped in its own loop. The taller form removing the shirt of the smaller one, the fabric of his red tartan pajama pants stretching over his muscular thighs. The shorter, leaner body putting his arms ups so the shirt could be removed then caressing the pecs in front of him, feeling the short too small khaki shorts on his compact thighs. The third body, the most balanced of the three, trying to kiss the smaller one that he fell in love with but never reaching the lips that he is craving for while caressing his waist and holding his neck in his calloused strong hands and feeling his over sensitive cock rubbing on the fabric of his shorts and being on the edge of cumming.
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They moved together, yet separately, each body following its own path within the confines of the loop. The sensation of control slipping away was almost too much to bear. Ethan wanted to scream, to break free, but his voice was silent, his actions dictated by the mechanical program that had overtaken him.
Time lost all meaning as the loop continued, every sensation heightened, every moment stretched out into eternity. The pleasure was intoxicating, but it was also a prison, locking him in a cycle of need and desire that would never be fulfilled.
Just when it seemed like the loop would go on forever, something changed. The mechanical assistant’s voice broke through the haze.
“Warning: Device battery low. System shutdown imminent.”
Panic surged through Ethan. He could feel the drain in his bodies, the energy waning as the phone’s battery died. The loop continued, but it was slower now, the movements more lethargic. The pleasure was still there, but it was fading, replaced by a growing sense of emptiness. His consciousness flickered, like a signal struggling to stay connected.
“Five percent battery remaining,” the assistant announced, its voice devoid of any emotion.
Ethan’s thoughts raced. What would happen if the phone died? Would he disappear along with it? Would he be trapped in darkness, lost in this digital nightmare forever?
The loop slowed even further, his bodies barely moving now, the sensations dulling as the energy drained away. His vision started to blur, the edges of his consciousness fraying. He wanted to fight it, to break free, but he was powerless against the inevitable shutdown.
“Two percent battery remaining,” the assistant stated calmly.
The loop was almost non-existent now, his bodies barely able to move. The once overwhelming sensations were now just a faint echo, a ghost of what they had been. Ethan felt like he was slipping away, his consciousness dissolving into the void.
“One percent battery remaining. System shutdown imminent.”
Ethan’s last thoughts were of fear and desperation. He didn’t want to disappear, didn’t want to be lost in the darkness. But there was nothing he could do, no way to stop the inevitable.
The screen flickered one last time, and then everything went black.
A Week Later...
The small apartment was dimly lit, the only light coming from the street lamps outside. The burglar had made quick work of the place, rummaging through drawers and cabinets for anything of value. He was about to leave when his eyes fell on a phone lying on the bed.
He picked it up, surprised it had been left behind. It was an older model, but it looked well-kept. Figuring it might be worth something, he pocketed it and left the apartment, heading back to his own place.
Once inside his dingy one-bedroom apartment, the burglar plugged the phone into a charger, eager to see what he had scored. The screen lit up, and to his surprise, it didn’t require a password. Instead, it opened directly to a strange app, displaying a video of three muscular men on grabbing and caressing each other’s on a bed in a messy bedroom, their bodies moving in a repetitive sequence. The burglar frowned; his curiosity piqued by the oddity of it all. He watched as the men on the screen undressed and redressed, their bodies flexing, their faces locked in expressions of deep concentration and tension. The movements seemed almost lifelike, too real for just an animation. Ethan felt like a jolt parkouring his body and soul as the phone was plugged and the energy was once again running in him. His bodies started their automated movements once again. The rubbing, caressing, undressing, will to cum but never reaching it, the premature orgasm coming in his pants, the will to kiss. Everything came back at full speed and he was once again trapped in perpetual denial and frustration. But it lighted a spark of hope in him. Somebody had found him.
“How long have I been stuck?” he asked himself as he felt another kiss being refused to his lips. Like if he had a calendar in his mind, Ethan heard the answer in his mind from the robotic voice. But it wasn’t the same one, no it was… his voice. Ethan was terrified. Does that mean he was assimilated?
“Yes user” he heard once again in his robotic voice “Accepting the offer have assimilated you on the platform to experience what the original user where doing. Don’t worry, as long as you are not scrolled away, you won’t have any problem. If you happen to be scrolled, then your data will be assimilated to the server and saved up so you are not deleted until you are claimed back. Until so, enjoy the future…”
“No, wait, I didn’t agree to this!” Unfortunately for Ethan, the burglar didn’t hear any of that, and as he was looking at this weird video of three dude caressing each other’s on loop, he put his finger on the screen and started to swipe it up. Ethan felt his world shake. Everything connected and he understood, he was about to be scrolled. “No, don’t scro…” Ethen didn’t have time to finish his beg as the video was sent away into the eternal void of data until someone claimed him back.
As the burglar’s eyes remained glued to the screen, the phone emitted a soft, pulsing glow, almost as if it was drawing him in. He felt an odd compulsion to keep watching, mesmerized by the rhythm of the dances, the pranks and the POV videos. He scrolled to another video, and then another, and another, diving more and more into the feed of the previous owner.
He was about to swipe out of the app when the screen flickered, displaying a pop-up message:
“Experience the Future! Try the Brand-New Update—Click Here!”
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Hey everyone, here is the first story I publish on this account. Hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as Ethan enjoy his new reality.
Let me know what you think of it and if you want to see more of this. If you have any ideas or just want to talk, feel free to send me a message, I don't bite ^^'
There is more stories to come!
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smoov-criminal · 8 months
hi there, i wanted to share something with those who aren't aware of this accessibility options smartphones have, on my samsung it's called the assistant menu! it's a small circle that stays on my screen (i can toggle it on or off), and when i tap to open it, it opens a menu like this:
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[ID: two screenshots of an opened assistant menu. each has six icons/buttons on it. the first page shows the recents, home, and back buttons, as well as a screen off, volume, and screenshot button. the second page shows buttons for the notification panel, pinch zoom, screen control, brightness, screen rotation, and menu settings. each button has an icon that corresponds to its function. /end ID]
it's purpose is to aid in dexterity, allowing you to use certain functions of your phone without having to reach your hand all the way to the standard place for it, and minimize clicks to do what you need. it's customizable and has lots of options for icons beyond the ones i have saved. another option not shown here is a cursor, that gives you a little box that acts like a trackpad and you can use your finger to move a cursor around your screen!
i find this very helpful because of my limited hand dexterity, i don't have to strain to pull down my notification menu or reach to open my recent apps etc. i didn't even know this was a thing until i went poking around in the accessibility settings on my phone a while ago.
i hope this helps someone!!
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faeriemarie · 11 months
introducing my lifa app!!
so if you don't know what the lifa app is... here is my extremely confusing explanation. if you can't understand it, i don't blame you
the basics of my app:
The app is for pc, phone, ipad, and other electronic devices (or on paper in drs without smartphones)
It will automatically appear and it can not be deleted. I know everything there is to know about Lifa and I control the app with absolute ease.
If someone were to go on a device where the Lifa app is on, they wouldn’t be able to see it or tap on it at all. Only I can see it or use it and it is 100% real and 100% effective
The lifa app doesn’t take up ANY storage
Lifa knows exactly what I mean because it is connected to my subconscious mind. It knows what I mean exactly, and all intrusive thoughts are ignored
The lifa app doesn’t need wifi
I can do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING with Lifa, no restrictions, and nobody ever suspects that I’m using it
Nothing I search or watch on my lifa app is traceable by anyone but me (not even cell or wifi companies)
There are ZERO CONSEQUENCES to using Lifa and what decisions I make. Nothing goes wrong, everything happens how I expect it to, excluding the intrusive thoughts which are always ignored
No one is ever suspicious of the things I manifest and it’s like I’ve always had them (clothes, food, talents, etc. has always been there)
okay now for the features!!
lifa closet
Any item of clothing I choose from the catalog, script, or import a picture of will be sent to my closet, suitcase, or wherever I want
reality shifting
I can set a time and pick a reality to shift to. I will then shift during that exact time
reality check
I can check which reality I am in with the click of a button
I can script and write anything. Inserted images are HD, and PNG images remain transparent. I can insert infinite images and change the font’s color and style itself (same features as notes/notion/google docs but neater)
desired scenario
I can specifically script to describe my desired scenario. I can set the time and date to when the scenario happens. The scenario is exactly like how I want and even 1 trillion times better
I can insert a picture or describe what I want to manifest. I can also manifest people by typing their name and Lifa will automatically recognize who they are. I can set the time and date to when you want that thing to manifest, and it will happen 100%.
skill increaser
Choose any skill I desire to have (I can also insert it by typing “cooking”). I can choose to master any skill and it will show up immediately. I can search any skill and increase on a scale of 1-100% mastery
motherlode (sims reference lol)
I can deliver/spawn money of any currency in my chosen form. (gift cards, bank acc, cash, etc.) I can choose from coins to bills. There is no limit amount of money or times to deliver it. I can deliver it how much and how many times I want. The money is 100% legal and valid, and passes all money detectors. The money has valid and legal coding, as if it had been made in factories. It still remains perfectly legal. I can choose to spawn the money in my purse, bottom of backpack, pockets, amazon, wallet, etc. The money spawns in 5 seconds. I can deliver/spawn as much money as I desire, there is no limit (even 50 million is 100% possible). There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa credit card
The Lifa credit card has an infinite amount of money and can never go in debt. There is an infinite amount of money in all international currencies. The card is universal and 100% valid and legal. It can be used in any ATM and online store/game (could be recognized as any official credit card like eg. visa or ae). The money has no money or usage limit, and it can be used for anything, anytime. In ATM machines it appears that the card only has 1000€/$, but in the Lifa app it will be ∞ €/$. If the card gets lost, it will automatically disappear. The same happens if the card breaks, and Lifa will spawn a new card with the same exact info.  It will come inside a little gift box (that matches the app’s color scheme I desire) wherever I want. The card’s number and code (and other infos) are up to me or the universe but it's always 100% valid. The card lasts forever. There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa bank account
The bank account feature is connected to the credit card feature. It’s almost like a normal bank acc. I can see all mytransactions. The amount of money never changes because it stays 100% infinite. I can change my money’s currency. I can also take money out of the card in my desired currency. I can customize the card’s design and I can spawn more cards. I can easily create more bank accounts too, they will all have infinite money. There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa paypal/venmo/cashapp/etc.
It is 100% legal anywhere. It is exactly like the real paypal, but my Lifa bank account/card is registered. I can use it in all purchases that require paypal. I can login on the real paypal website with the Lifa paypal acc. When I first use the app I get to create a Lifa paypal account. The balance shows 1000€ / $ / £ but the money amount is infinite. There is 0% risk of money inflation
food delivery
If I insert a picture of a food item or search the catalog, Lifa will recognize. When I confirm, it will be sent to my ideal location. (i can pick the location). The food will be 100% fresh and new
boredom cure
Instantly provides me with inspiration to do something that is productive and beneficial to my overall well-being
I can design a person’s hair, body, face, etc., script their personality and choose their traits. It is set up like scripting and has different templates I can use. I can change skin tone, skin type, undertone, hair color, hair texture, eye color, etc. I can insert any pictures and they’ll be exactly how I want. When I insert a script of the person’s personality and behaviour, Lifa will recognize it. I can also script traits and the person’s backstory. I have to fill in each’s birth info (name, age, birthday, sign, blood type, etc) to my desire.  I can also choose the relationship between the people when I’m done creating them. Then I confirm and once I shift to my dr it will all be exactly like how I wanted and even 1 trillion times better. If I’m feeling lazy, I can select to let the universe fill in the gaps, and the universe will fill them like I wanted and even better
lifa messenger
I can text with anyone in the universe that I want. It feels completely real and all conversations are remembered. It’s like having online bestie because the people I text always get along with me, always respond, and actually care about me. We can also call and video chat. I am not actually communicating with someone from my reality and instead with the universe since everyone is part of the universe. It works exactly how I want it to
natal chart
I can select which life/reality’s natal chart I want to see. Lifa offers a personalized detailed description of my chart and personality. The chart is 100% accurate. I can also select to look at anyone’s natal chart. Lifa will show a list of everyone I know. It is divided in 5 categories (friends, family, acquaintances, classmates/coworkers, celebrities). The natal chart can also show compatibility
grade changer
Automatically makes me have good grades and changed all my past grades to A. My wrong test answers morph into correct test answers
I can ask anything and get the complete and 100% right answer. The questions can vary from asking where my lost tennis shoes are to what’s the answer to number 4 on my math homework. There is no limit to what can be asked and the answer given is always exactly what I need
feature adder
I can visualize and script more features and add them to Lifa with the feature adder. Lifa will add these features in 1 second and they will be 100% effective. Lifa also knows exactly what I mean, even if I script something wrong, so there are no surprises
A streaming site where I can watch shows that only exist in my dr (most of the time used for fame drs so i can see all the great acting projects i have been a part of). I can also watch my drs like tv shows.
A video site set up like YouTube where I can watch anything from my dr. Things like fan edits, compilations of dr moments, my dr tiktoks, youtube videos made by my dr self and more. I can also watch memories/anything that happens from either a 3rd person point of view or 1st person
lifa socials
My lifa app has social media accounts from all my different realities that i can flip through, post from, dm with people from those realities, and go live (i can post anything i want on these social media sites and i’m immune to anything bad happening like leaking nudes, screenshots, hacking, or any other cybercrimes/bad things). My wr self even has their own account
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Yello! I want something fluffy but funny so I thought I’d request an aziraphale x crowley x reader where the reader is tech savvy, and by tech savvy I mean just basic knowledge of gadgets and such, but to crowley and aziraphale, tech savvy. Reader introduces them to a lot of gadgets and they’re both so amazed.
Bonus points for nina and maggie confused in the background because it’s literally just basic things but crowley and aziraphale act like it’s fucking magic (also ik crowley has a smartphone, but still!)
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notes: I love this request so much. I really enjoyed writing it! (And don’t worry just because Crowley has a smartphone doesn’t mean he actually knows how to use it, take a look at almost any person above the age of 60)
pairing: aziraphale x gn!reader x crowley
rating: G
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“Darling, the printer isn’t working.”
“Have you tried pressing ‘Control + P’, Aziraphale?”
“Yes. It’s not doing anything, devilish thing.”
You sigh, put your book down, and head over to your angel’s desk. He’s trying to print out a screenshot he’s taken of a picture you sent him the other day. It’s a cat meme. He’s rather taken with them, and likes to have copies to look at across the bookshop. You have explained he can just save the image itself but he doesn’t quite seem to understand that. 
“Ah you see Aziraphale, the problem is that you haven’t actually turned it on.”
“Oh!” he exclaims as you reach over to the power switch. The printer lights up and begins to spit out a dozen copies of the image Aziraphale has now lined up in its queue. As you try to force it to stop, Crowley saunters up behind you. 
“Can you help me get these to connect? They’re not—”
“Yes, one second,” you say, thumping the machine as it makes a sharp noise, and handing a pile of print-outs to Aziraphale. “Headphones again?”
Crowley nods, a little petulantly. You fish out the buds and put them in your ears, waiting until you see they’ve connected on the Bluetooth. 
“Here,” you sigh. You wonder if any of this is actually worth it. Yes, it’s nice for the three of you to have a group chat, but having to constantly remind them that most of these devices have to be connected to electricity is grating on you a little. 
“Oh, I’ve just got a message from Nina on my mobile telephone!” Aziraphale announces. You see him pause over the passcode screen and you brace for him to ask you what it is, again, but he remembers at the last second. “She asks if you can go over and help with the tills, she says they’re… well, I’m not going to repeat what she’s written here but in nicer terms they seem to have broken.”
“Aziraphale please stop telling her that I’m some sort of tech genius. I’m not. I just know how to press buttons correctly.”
“Come on, believe in yourself,” yells Crowley. You roll your eyes and take out one of his headphones. 
“Crowley, I can hear you over your music! You don’t need to shout!”
He sniffs. “It’s a podcast actually.”
“I can tell her that but she might be disappointed,” Aziraphale says, looking at you with Those Eyes. He’ll win, he’ll always win, because you can’t say no to him. You groan. 
“Alright. Tell her I’m on my way - but not to get her hopes up!”
Aziraphale beams at you. As you leave the shop, the printer tells him it’s run out of ink, so he goes about ordering an entirely new one off the internet. 
taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @cool-iguana @bdffkierenwalker @ilyatan @civil-groupie @foolishprincipalitee
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robfinancialtip · 7 months
Halo has been a game-changer for Roger and Billy. This remarkable GPS-based wireless fence empowers dog owners to grant their dogs the freedom to roam without the constant worry of their whereabouts. It's akin to having a remote control for our furry companions – with a simple press of the "come home" button on the smartphone app, they obediently return.
Roger can't emphasize enough how much Halo has assisted him in ensuring his four-legged friend stays within safe boundaries. He used to be constantly on edge whenever his dog would wander off, but now, he awaits Billy's return to the doorstep. The profound relief he experiences, knowing that this device reliably fulfills its intended purpose, is indescribable. Roger's love for Billy knows no bounds, and his top priority is keeping him safe and close to home.
The reassurance that Halo provides, ensuring his dog’s security and happiness, is beyond measure. Halo has undeniably made a significant difference, and Roger is immensely grateful for the peace of mind it bestows upon them as devoted dog owners.
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techturd · 1 year
Do you know what this is? Probably not. But if you follow me and enjoy retro gaming, you REALLY should know about it.
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I see all of these new micro consoles, and retro re-imaginings of game consoles and I think to myself "Why?" WHY would you spend a decent chunk of your hard-earned money on some proprietary crap hardware that can only play games for that specific system?? Or even worse, pre-loaded titles and you can't download / add your own to the system!? Yet, people think it's great and that seems to be a very popular way to play their old favorites vs. emulation which requires a "certain degree of tech savvy" (and might be frowned upon from a legal perspective).
So, let me tell you about the Mad Catz M.O.J.O (and I don't think the acronym actually means anything). This came out around the same time as the nVidia Shield and the Ouya - seemingly a "me too" product from a company that is notorious for oddly shaped 3rd party game controllers that you would never personally use, instead reserved exclusively for your visiting friends and / or younger siblings. It's an Android micro console with a quad-core 1.8 GHz nVidia Tegra 4 processor, 2 GB of RAM, 16GB of onboard storage (expandable via SD card), running Android 4.2.2. Nothing amazing here from a hardware perspective - but here's the thing most people overlook - it's running STOCK Android - which means all the bloatware crap that is typically installed on your regular consumer devices, smartphones, etc. isn't consuming critical hardware resources - so you have most of the power available to run what you need. Additionally, you get a GREAT controller (which is surprising given my previous comment about the friend / sibling thing) that is a very familiar format for any retro-age system, but also has the ability to work as a mouse - so basically, the same layout as an Xbox 360 controller + 5 additional programmable buttons which come in very handy if you are emulating. It is super comfortable and well-built - my only negative feedback is that it's a bit on the "clicky" side - not the best for environments where you need to be quiet, otherwise very solid.
Alright now that we've covered the hardware - what can it run? Basically any system from N64 on down will run at full speed (even PSP titles). It can even run an older version of the Dreamcast emulator, Reicast, which actually performs quite well from an FPS standpoint, but the emulation is a bit glitchy. Obviously, Retroarch is the way to go for emulation of most older game systems, but I also run DOSbox and a few standalone emulators which seem to perform better vs. their RetroArch Core equivalents (list below). I won't get into all of the setup / emulation guide nonsense, you can find plenty of walkthroughs on YouTube and elsewhere - but I will tell you from experience - Android is WAY easier to setup for emulation vs. Windows or another OS. And since this is stock Android, there is very little in the way of restrictions to the file system, etc. to manage your setup.
I saved the best for last - and this is truly why you should really check out the M.O.J.O. even if you are remotely curious. Yes, it was discontinued years ago (2019, I think). It has not been getting updates - but even so, it continues to run great, and is extremely reliable and consistent for retro emulation. These sell on eBay, regularly for around $60 BRAND NEW with the controller included. You absolutely can't beat that for a fantastic emulator-ready setup that will play anything from the 90s without skipping a beat. And additional controllers are readily available, new, on eBay as well.
Here's a list of the systems / emulators I run on my setup:
Arcade / MAME4droid (0.139u1) 1.16.5 or FinalBurn Alpha / aFBA (aFBA is better for Neo Geo and CPS2 titles bc it provides GPU-driven hardware acceleration vs. MAME which is CPU only)
NES / FCEUmm (Retroarch)
Game Boy / Emux GB (Retroarch)
SNES / SNES9X (Retroarch)
Game Boy Advance / mGBA (Retroarch)
Genesis / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
Sega CD / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
32X / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
TurboGrafx 16 / Mednafen-Beetle PCE (Retroarch)
Playstation / ePSXe 2.0.16
N64 / Mupen64 Plus AE 2.4.4
Dreamcast / Reicast r7 (newer versions won't run)
PSP / PPSSPP 1.15.4
MS-DOS / DOSBox Turbo + DOSBox Manager
I found an extremely user friendly Front End called Gamesome (image attached). Unfortunately it is no longer listed on Google Play, but you can find the APK posted on the internet to download and install. If you don't want to mess with that, another great, similar Front End that is available via Google Play is called DIG.
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If you are someone who enjoys emulation and retro-gaming like me, the M.O.J.O. is a great system and investment that won't disappoint. If you decide to go this route and have questions, DM me and I'll try to help you if I can.
Cheers - Techturd
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crazydiscostu · 1 month
EasySMX M15 Mobile Gaming Controller
The EasySMX M15 Mobile Gaming Controller offers console-grade comfort and advanced features, it aims to provide an immersive and responsive gaming experience for users across various mobile platforms. Let’s take a closer look. (Product supplied for review purposes) EasySMX EasySMX, a company known for its commitment to delivering high-quality gaming accessories, has designed the M15 with an…
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waycaseuk · 16 days
The **evolution of the iPhone** since its introduction in 2007 has been a defining journey in the world of smartphones, with significant advancements in design, performance, and features. Here's a brief overview of key milestones in iPhone evolution:
### 1. **iPhone (2007)**
- **Notable Features**: 3.5" touchscreen, 2 MP camera, 4GB/8GB storage.
- **Innovation**: The first touchscreen-only smartphone, removing the physical keyboard seen in other phones at the time. It introduced multi-touch technology and mobile internet.
### 2. **iPhone 3G (2008)**
- **Notable Features**: 3G network support, App Store.
- **Innovation**: Faster internet browsing with 3G connectivity and the launch of the App Store, which opened the door to third-party apps.
### 3. **iPhone 3GS (2009)**
- **Notable Features**: Faster processor, video recording, voice control.
- **Innovation**: Significant speed improvements ("S" stands for speed) and better camera capabilities, including video recording.
### 4. **iPhone 4 (2010)**
- **Notable Features**: Retina Display, FaceTime, 5 MP camera, glass design.
- **Innovation**: A major redesign with a stainless steel frame and glass front/back, and the introduction of the Retina Display, which had higher pixel density for crisper visuals.
### 5. **iPhone 4S (2011)**
- **Notable Features**: Siri, 8 MP camera, A5 chip.
- **Innovation**: Siri, the first virtual assistant on an iPhone, was introduced, along with significant camera and processor upgrades.
### 6. **iPhone 5 (2012)**
- **Notable Features**: 4" display, Lightning connector, LTE support.
- **Innovation**: The iPhone grew in size to a 4-inch screen and introduced the Lightning connector, replacing the 30-pin dock.
### 7. **iPhone 5S & 5C (2013)**
- **Notable Features (5S)**: Touch ID, 64-bit architecture.
- **Notable Features (5C)**: Colorful plastic body.
- **Innovation**: The iPhone 5S brought Touch ID for fingerprint authentication and a powerful 64-bit A7 chip. The 5C was a more affordable model with colorful designs.
### 8. **iPhone 6 & 6 Plus (2014)**
- **Notable Features**: 4.7" & 5.5" displays, Apple Pay.
- **Innovation**: Apple entered the "phablet" market with larger displays, along with introducing Apple Pay, the company's mobile payment system.
### 9. **iPhone 6S & 6S Plus (2015)**
- **Notable Features**: 3D Touch, 12 MP camera, 4K video.
- **Innovation**: The introduction of 3D Touch, which allowed the screen to detect varying levels of pressure, creating new ways to interact with the phone.
### 10. **iPhone SE (2016)**
- **Notable Features**: 4" screen, A9 chip (same as iPhone 6S).
- **Innovation**: A smaller, more affordable model, resembling the iPhone 5S but with the internal power of the iPhone 6S.
### 11. **iPhone 7 & 7 Plus (2016)**
- **Notable Features**: Dual cameras (7 Plus), no headphone jack, water resistance.
- **Innovation**: The removal of the headphone jack was controversial, and Apple also introduced dual cameras on the 7 Plus for improved zoom and portrait photography.
### 12. **iPhone 8 & 8 Plus (2017)**
- **Notable Features**: Wireless charging, glass back, True Tone display.
- **Innovation**: While similar to the iPhone 7, the 8 series introduced wireless charging through the glass back and enhanced display technology with True Tone.
### 13. **iPhone X (2017)**
- **Notable Features**: Edge-to-edge OLED display, Face ID, no home button.
- **Innovation**: A radical redesign that removed the home button and Touch ID, replacing it with Face ID, Apple’s facial recognition technology. It also introduced the first OLED display in an iPhone.
### 14. **iPhone XS, XS Max, & XR (2018)**
- **Notable Features**: Larger OLED display (XS Max), Liquid Retina display (XR), A12 chip.
- **Innovation**: The XS Max brought a massive 6.5" screen, while the XR offered a more affordable option with an LCD display but the same powerful internals.
### 15. **iPhone 11, 11 Pro, & 11 Pro Max (2019)**
- **Notable Features**: Ultra-wide camera, night mode, A13 chip.
- **Innovation**: A triple-camera system on the Pro models enhanced photography, including better low-light performance with night mode.
### 16. **iPhone SE (2nd Gen) (2020)**
- **Notable Features**: A13 chip, 4.7" display, Touch ID.
- **Innovation**: Like the original SE, this model combined older iPhone design (resembling the iPhone 8) with powerful internals from newer models, offering a budget-friendly option.
### 17. **iPhone 12 Mini, 12, 12 Pro, & 12 Pro Max (2020)**
- **Notable Features**: 5G support, MagSafe, Ceramic Shield.
- **Innovation**: The iPhone 12 series introduced 5G connectivity and the MagSafe system for attaching accessories. Ceramic Shield provided increased drop protection.
### 18. **iPhone 13 Mini, 13, 13 Pro, & 13 Pro Max (2021)**
- **Notable Features**: Smaller notch, ProMotion 120Hz display (Pro models), Cinematic Mode.
- **Innovation**: Focused on camera improvements, including Cinematic Mode for video recording, and higher refresh rate displays on the Pro models for smoother performance.
### 19. **iPhone SE (3rd Gen) (2022)**
- **Notable Features**: A15 chip, 5G, improved battery life.
- **Innovation**: Continuation of the budget-friendly SE line with more powerful internals.
### 20. **iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, & 14 Pro Max (2022)**
- **Notable Features**: Dynamic Island (Pro models), 48 MP camera (Pro), Always-On Display (Pro), satellite SOS.
- **Innovation**: The Pro models introduced the Dynamic Island, a new interactive notification area, along with the powerful 48 MP main camera and satellite communication for emergencies.
### 21. **iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, & 15 Pro Max (2023)**
- **Notable Features**: USB-C port, A17 Pro chip, Action Button (Pro models).
- **Innovation**: The transition from Lightning to USB-C for universal charging, along with enhanced performance and camera upgrades.
The iPhone's journey reflects major technological strides and design shifts, focusing on improving usability, camera quality, and processing power with each iteration.
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mrssimply · 5 months
You shared the kiss prompt list so I get to make requests too, right? riiiight? Cause I would love John and Santino with a combo of #9...in public & #35...to gain something 😈
Also, you might note this is only "part I." because when I was figuring it out, I got two ideas. Wastly different ideas but I still decided to have them in the same fic, so now there is a part I. and part II.
I also used the opportunity to write an AU from my own fic (and isn't that narcisism at its peak?). It's a "what if" version of my HC.
So here goes Part I.
I put it on AO3 because it's too long for a simple Tumblr post, but here is the start.
The phone vibrated again on the side table. 
Santino’s hands spasmed against the white linen of the sheets. He hissed as it reawakened the pain in his fingers. His left hand was totally useless, three of the fingers broken under his father’s shoes. It was his dominant hand, of course, he’d done that on purpose. 
Blinking, he tried to focus on the ceiling, but only one of his eyes totally opened, and the room swam in front of his eyes, bringing a fresh wave of nausea. He shut his eyelids again with a shuddering breath, choking on the blooming agony coming from his side as he did so. 
He heard high heels clicking on the sterile floor, the woman stopping by his bedside to take hold of the phone. The vibration stopped. 
She sat on the edge of the bed, pushed back a curl from his forehead.
“How do you feel?” Gianna asked.
Trying to talk proved challenging: his throat was sore, but more than that, it felt like his whole face was a giant bruise. His jaw didn’t feel right, and there was a metallic aftertaste when he swallowed.
Still, he tried to push through, using his right hand to try and sit up. It didn’t work, alarm blaring in his body as wounds and bruises flared over his whole torso and right leg. 
He stopped all efforts with a pitiful whine.
Gianna’s cool hand over his forehead felt like a blessing against his feverish skin.
The phone rang again.
They ignored it.
She helped him drink a few sips of water with a straw, using the bed’s control buttons to help him up just enough so he wouldn’t choke.
“Where…?” he tried to ask. She got it anyway.
“Still in New York, a private clinic. No one knows you’re here. Father wants you back in Naples as soon as you can move.”
Santino wanted to laugh but it came out as a sob. He blinked hard to stop the tears from falling, and it exhausted the little energy he had.
The smartphone buzzed once more.
Both siblings looked at it, at the name flashing on the screen until it stopped.
“He’s not gonna quit,” Santino told her. It hurt to move his lips, and his tongue felt heavy, but he knew he needed to deal with that soon.
Gianna sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose before nodding. She handed him the device, he took it with shaking fingers. 
“You know what you have to do.”
He nodded, letting out a shuddery exhale.
This time, when the phone lit up in his hands, he accepted the call.
“Santino,” John breathed, relief coloring his tone. 
“Hello love,” he replied softly in neapolitan, before letting the silence stretch. 
“Where are you?”
Trust John to know something was wrong from two words. Or maybe it was the fact Santino had been gone for a day now, if he trusted the morning light coming from the window.
“I’m with Gianna,” the younger man replied. John wasn’t fooled.
“Where are you?” he insisted. 
Behind him, Santino could hear the rumble of a car at high speed. John had been on a job for the Tarasovs in another state: a supplier that needed to take a step back and leave his second in command take the reins. When John was involved, taking a step back generally meant six feet underground.
His father must have known, Santino mused distantly, he would’ve waited for the right moment to corner his son alone. It also showed that despite his bravado, D’Antonio Senior was just like the others and feared John Wick.
“My father paid me a visit while you were gone,” Santino explained, feeling his throat close up. “He knows. About us.”
John stayed silent, taking the information.
“Where are you?” he repeated a third time, like the rest didn’t matter. 
When he got like this, there was nothing to do, Santino knew that intimately. He’d experienced it numerous times, from John picking him up from his desk to carry him to bed like he weighed nothing, boxing Santino into corners when the young man got angry, waiting for the rage to pass and passively letting Santino snarl and bite him. When he looked at him as he undressed, the assassin’s complete focus on him, on each patch of revealed skin. Patiently waiting for the permission to come closer and—
“I’m already gone,” Santino replied, voice strained by heartbreak, “don’t come for me.”
He hung up, let the phone slide from his hand and clatter to the ground.
Gianna bent to pick it up, caressed his cheek gently, and left.
Read the rest on AO3
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mariacallous · 3 months
Fortnite maker Epic Games publicly lashed out at Apple on Friday, after its latest proposal for a rival iOS App Store was rejected by the smartphone maker. The company said on X that this rejection was triggered after Apple argued the design of Epic’s app store too closely resembled its own.
This decision follows Epic’s attempt to submit an iOS version of the Epic Games Store last week, a move that would make it possible for iPhone and iPad users to download games onto their device without visiting Apple’s App Store.
“Apple's rejection is arbitrary, obstructive, and in violation of the DMA [Digital Markets Act],” Epic said on Friday in a statement released on X, adding that the company had already shared its concerns with the European Commission. Apple has rejected Epic’s Game Store notarization submission—a process where apps are submitted to the company for review—twice in the past week, Epic spokesperson Elka Looks told WIRED.
The case is part of a wider battle over who gets to control the apps available to hundreds of millions of people. In a blow to the U giant, Apple has been compelled by the Digital Markets Act, new EU rules, to allow alternatives to its own brand app store on European iPhones and iPads since March.
“Apple has rejected our Epic Games Store notarization submission twice now, claiming the design and position of Epic’s ‘Install’ button is too similar to Apple’s ‘Get’ button and that our ‘In-app purchases’ label is too similar to the App Store’s ‘In-App Purchases’ label,” the company said.
Epic explained its naming conventions echoed Apple’s because it was “trying to build a store that mobile users can easily understand.” Apple did not reply to WIRED’s request for comment.
There are more than 100 million people who use Apple’s App Store in the EU. The launch of the Epic Games Store would, for the first time, give those users a choice of where they want to download apps.
That moment is eagerly awaited by lawmakers who argue that the tech giants are repressing competition by blocking rivals’ access to their users. “The launch of an alternative app store within the Apple system would create a huge proof, that the DMA can stimulate competition and thereby bring down prices for consumers,” Andreas Schwab, a member of the European Parliament who helped negotiate the DMA, told WIRED.
Epic and Apple are longtime rivals. In 2020, Epic filed a lawsuit against Apple in California, arguing the company’s grip over the iOS market was “unreasonable and unlawful.” Apple came out of the US case (mostly) victorious. But in Europe, Epic has become part of a vocal community of developers who are seething about the power they perceive Apple’s App Store to wield over their businesses and the commission the company charges on in-app purchases.
“Apple holds app providers ransom like the Mafia,” Matthias Pfau, CEO and cofounder of Tuta, an encrypted email provider, told WIRED earlier this year. Epic’s alternative app store proposal is a test case for the possibility of other alternative app stores that could reshape the relationship between Apple and developers.
The Epic Games Store is already available on PC, Mac, and Android, but not on Google Play. Now, the company plans to continue seeking approval for its iOS version, it said: “Barring further roadblocks from Apple, we remain ready to launch in the Epic Games Store … on iOS in the EU in the next couple of months.”
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drstonetrivia · 9 months
Chapter 222 Trivia (Part 2)
(Previous part)
The liquid crystal display (LCD) shown in the chapter is a simplification of true LCDs. In reality, LCDs have 6 layers, which, when put together, do what Senku explains with the twisted light ray.
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The polarizing layers (1+5) align the light, layer 2 is the screen's structure (e.g. a watch's face or RGB pixels) and takes the electronic input, layer 3 is the liquid crystal and 4 completes the input's circuit. Layer 6 is the backlight, as none of the layers make light.
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The touchscreen on the smartphone isn't the type you'll see these days, but rather one with discrete buttons similar to having an invisible keyboard grid over the screen. This means Taiju won't be able to do things like scrolling, but he'll be able to press buttons just fine.
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(For a little more information about the smartphone and 8 mm film, see this thread)
The smartphone's logo is of course Senku's logo, but with a bite taken out of it, similar to Apple's logo.
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Spacecraft are built in clean rooms to ensure the rocket is not contaminated in any way, either from bacteria or dust particles. It's a controlled environment.
Senku & Xeno are wearing what's known as bunny suits. If you're going to look them up, don't forget the keyword "NASA".
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The Apollo 11 cockpit barely had any screens, whereas SpaceX's Dragon is mostly touchscreens. There's advantages and disadvantages to both designs, but SENKU 11's design is closest to the Space Shuttle orbiter, but with the Multi-function Electronic Display System (MEDS) upgrade.
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For fun, I labelled which chapter each of these inventions appeared in. (Also a massive thanks to this page)
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I wasn't sure if this was appropriate to start the trivia with so I'll say it now: Kohaku is 10B% naked here, apart from maybe shoes. I'm not entirely sure why this is necessary for the suit fitting, unless underwear is banned in space.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Notes on gear in Campoestela, mostly spacesuits:
Spacesuits are cheap and widely produced compared to today, but they are also tailor-made, much like a VERY, very high-end business suit. Going to a spacesuit tailor is often expensive and a bit of a chore, as you have to tailor everything from the actual suit to atmospheric mixes, especially when it comes to different species. However, once they are done, they usually last for life.
The main kind of spacesuits are the "skintight" counter pressure suits (see here). They look remarkably like racing suits, and are rather easy to put it on and comfortable. Carbon nanotube and smart materials deal with most of the uncomfortable parts, but you WILL feel a certain Tingle in your more curvy parts. You've been warned.
You can, actually, wear your suit as everyday clothing. There's also zippers for when you have to go... The astronaut underwear, of course, still works as a diaper (dissolving *stuff* with genetically engineered bacteria for that purpose), and when missions get extensive, there's no other way. Because of the bad past reputation of astronauts who did it anywhere, they have gone all the other way now, and most spacers are meticulously clean and very touchy about that subject.
(the beforementioned bacteria, as well as atmospheric and pressure mixes, have to be customized for different species, which makes spacesuits a rather expensive lifetime investment)
Helmets are standarized, but by far, the most complex part of the suit. Equipped with radio, lights, a HUD controlled by eye movement and blinking (though many prefer wrist buttons), and even some little snacks and water in case you are stranded and have to wait hours or even days for rescue. They are very easy to put it on, seal automatically with the collars of all spacesuits, and unlike current ones, they allow you to move your neck inside.
(there's also a little stick to scratch your nose).
Astronauts love to put stickers on their helmets. In fact, spacesuits are very much personalized; a plain space white suit is frowned upon. Mission patches and flags, much like punk battle jackets, and very often the name is on big letters on the back, like a football jersey, for easier identification. Many spacers, especially those who like to stand out, go even further and decorate their suits with family heradly, or special artwork like tattoos, you can find some that look like an abstract or baroque painting and you can say "oh, it's This Guy" (and that's exactly the intention). Most of this of course applies to human spacer cultures, other cultures and species have different traditions. Some might look all the same, but in ultraviolet or infrared reveal all sorts of complex patterns.
Spacesuits backpacks are very much miniaturized, also easy to connect to standarized helmets. Helmets themselves have limited air recycling capabilities, but you need a backpack for any EVA.
LISTEN UP, ASTRONAUTS! Here's what you need to have in your belt before heading off: a beeper (radar to check distances from objects), backup radio, sealing patches (if there's any puncture on the suit or helmet), intravenous iodine (for radiation), sedants and anti-nausea (not a good idea to go out with nausea or The Bends in an emergency, species dependant of course), signal flares and flashlight, multiknife (or facón if you're Esteloplatense), and don't DARE going out without a safety line.
On a planet, suit or not (what, are you going out with your suit planetside? are you from a movie or something?) you still have some gear on your belt all the time. Breather mask and goggles just in case, again, a multitool or knife, pills with nutrients for when the local food isn't enough (for Argentines, they look like La Yapa candy), iodine pills, a kind of smartphone for rugged terrain (like two months of battery and capable of being sunk in mud with no problem), advanced wristwatch (many carry a mechanical one for emergencies) and various other tools. If your belt doesn't do a jingle jangle when you're walking, are you even an astronaut?
Bullet or energy weapons are frowned upon in spaceports, obviously. Most spacers have some 'on the trunk' for emergency, but unlike most science fiction, they don't usually go carrying them around all the time. In fact, gunfights in remote spaceports are mostly a fiction from the equivalent of western movies.
Most spaceships also carry a lot of little bots that do all the maintainance that biologicals can't do, especially since these are ATOMIC ROCKETS we are talking about, and a human fixing a nuclear lightbulb engine would get their DNA chopped. These droids are ubiquitous in all spaceship garages and cargo bays, and usually you can adopt one for cheap, they're treated much like pets and are very hardy; they do need a lot of radiation cleaning though.
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gluttonygirls · 10 months
Drabble - Maya going from thin to immobile because she feeds herself with a hose that pumps liquid chocolate into her
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"A demonstration of Coco Krazy's newest product, the chocoholic's dream? Sure, why not~?"
Giggling as she stood in the middle of the testing room, Maya playfully spun the hose of a machine around and around in her hand. The device was tiny, barely bigger than a smartphone, but from the look on her face it could do so much more. With a wink, she popped the end of the tube in her mouth and pushed a button on the device.
Such a tiny machine could never have produced so much chocolate, but despite that the clear plastic fills with it with such force that Maya gasps, chocolate washing down the sides of her mouth as it flooded into her. Groaning in delight, the fox's shirt buttons burst free one by one as her belly rapidly swelled up. It was like watching a water balloon get blown up, the sloshing orb flopping over the waistband of her skirt.
But getting full meant no more eating, and that wouldn't do. That's why they'd made sure to mix in chemicals to help boost the user's metabolism.
So even as enough melted chocolate was pumped past her lips to fill a kiddie-pool, Maya didn't feel full at all. Instead the rest of her body went to work turning it to fat, her stockings tearing over her thickening thighs, skirt splitting as her ass grew two seats wide, then three, then four.
One hand on a rapidly fattening breast, the other squishing into her stomach as it eclipsed her knees, the fox's tails flicked behind her in delight. Letting gravity take control, Maya fell back in a bouncing wave of jiggling fat as she crashed onto her fat ass. The room shook, furniture rattling as Maya's stomach sloshed and gurgled.
Spreading out further, fatter, bigger, the mountain of lard had her stomach roll past her feet, hips bloating large enough to smother a truck. Swaying side to side to test herself, Maya nodded to show that she was completely immobilized under the thousands of pounds she'd piled on.
Tapping a button with her plump finger, pulling the tube from her mouth, Maya smiled.
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"And I don't even feel full~ Meaning there's still plenty of hand feeding to get to afterwards with you and your sweetheart~"
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