#Content Ideas for Plumbing Business
wttcsms · 9 months
grumpy tenured professor Naoya x new, sunshine-y associate professor reader !!
lessons in intimacy, naoya zenin ;
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pairing naoya zenin x f!reader word count 4.5k synopsis naoya zenin, phd, still has a lot to learn, and you are a surprisingly good teacher content contains fluff!!!, academia au, and they were office roomies!, naoya-centric, he bashes the arts </3
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Learning Objective One: Notice Things About Your Partner
Naoya Zenin stares at the heart-shaped cake you left on his desk and refrains from going absolutely batshit. 
He can feel the pinpricks of irritation poking his insides, making him curl his hands in annoyance. Two weeks prior, there was a staff meeting informing the business school that they would be sharing their classrooms and offices with the English professors since apparently, due to poor plumbing and a lack of funding, their shack of a school building got flooded and was therefore deemed “unsafe” and “unusable.”
Naoya distinctly remembers making a snide comment about how majoring in something as worthless as English or literature should be deemed a safety hazard and that the degree is basically unusable. Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling everyone in the school to get a grip and let the entire English department just float away into a nearby swamp. 
The business professors all agreed and considering that all of their students end up becoming wealthy alumni who donate money to ensure that their buildings don’t go under, Naoya doesn’t care about the enraged comments from the English department. 
All his rude remarks seem to ensure that he’ll be left alone, which is exactly how he likes to be. It seems that he’s the most hated business school professor and no one is willing to share a space with him. 
Because you are the youngest and newest member of the faculty, you end up being the unfortunate soul paired up with Naoya Zenin, PhD. When you first step into the office, big box filled with your printed lesson plans and desk supplies, he refuses to lend you a hand.
Instead, he sits back in his seat, staring at you with such an intense look in his eyes that you decide to look at anything but him, and he watches you struggle to maneuver around the tight space. Because of the funding, the business school offices are spacious, but to maintain some semblance of privacy, minor renovations were made. Crammed in a corner is a new desk meant for you. If he keeps staring daggers into your very soul, you’re going to make a request to have a room divider put in place so you can cower behind them and avoid his glare.
While your side of the office is small, you make it as unique to yourself as possible. There’s a Cinnamoroll plushie sitting on your desk, a cup holding glittery gel pens, and inside your desk drawers are scratch-‘n-sniff sticker sheets with colorful words of encouragement because the world has already beaten down your students enough — you might as well give them back some of their childhood enjoyment.
Naoya’s desk is vintage mahogany and rarely has anything sitting atop it unless he’s inside the office and on his laptop. Hanging on the wall behind him is his doctoral degree that is forever put on display in a massive, ostentatious frame. Naoya Zenin, PhD from Keio University. Economics, you recall him telling one of his colleagues. Because finance is the poor man’s idea of a prestigious field. 
It doesn’t take a degree to know how Dr. Zenin feels about a degree in the arts.
Upon your first awkward meeting with Naoya (where he let you nearly trip and spill all your meager belongings onto his pristine office’s floors), you immediately head home and look at your new office buddy’s RateMyProf reviews.
Professor Zenin’s Top Tags
Review 1: i dropped my econ major because of him. this wasn’t even supposed to be a weeder class
Review 3: only redeeming quality is being hot, but he’s still an asshole
Review 4: Misogynist, doesn’t believe women can be leaders in the business world, has God awful takes that literally no one sane would agree with, teaches what HE thinks is right and refuses to acknowledge any opposing viewpoints, talks down on students, and that’s all i can say about him from the TWO DAYS i attended his class. i immediately dropped his course LOL 
Review 5: Dr. Zenin’s rigorous coursework and unforgiving grading has prepared me for graduate school, and I still believe all the courses I had with him provided me with a better foundation than my other peers in my doctoral program. However, he did make my undergrad experience a miserable one. His lectures are hard to follow at times, and he creates his exams with the intent of making it unpassable. He’s the professor that you wonder why he hasn’t been fired yet.
You search for any positive comments about him, but it appears that the students hate everything about him, to his tests, his teaching style, and his personality. 
In all honesty, it’s kind of sad. What must it be like, you wonder, to be so hated by the very students you’re meant to teach and inspire? You’re willing to give Naoya the benefit of the doubt — you know how one student’s misconception against a professor can paint a bad picture overall. Maybe Naoya is just a difficult person to understand! An undercover softie, if you will.
There’s no harm in trying to be friendly with him. After all, the two of you are going to be partners for the foreseeable future. You don’t have the energy to remain constantly on your guard around him. 
You start off with little things, like burning candles in the office to fill it with sweet, welcoming scents. You offer to let him borrow your extension cord so his charger doesn’t have to bend all awkwardly when he plugs in his laptop. You make an effort to ensure that the classroom is clean before his class enters because that’s a courteous thing to do. You notice that when he eats his lunch on campus, he’s always unwrapping a sweet treat afterwards.
You can’t be a truly bad person if you have a sweet tooth, you rationalize. 
So, you bake him little goods and leave them on his desk. When a week goes by and he doesn’t acknowledge your actions but the goods are always gone by the time lunchtime is over, you think you’re making progress. You notice that he seems stressed and annoyed every time he storms into the office, and so you start adding tiny notes of motivation alongside the goods, too.
Written on a pink sticky note that’s in the shape of a heart (probably to match the fucking miniature cake you baked), Naoya’s eye almost starts to twitch as he examines every loop and curve of the letters you personally handwritten for him.
I hope you have a great day today! Look on the bright side, you’re done with all your lectures for the week!
Naoya angrily takes a bite out of the cake as he waits for his laptop to turn on. The sugary sweetness does very little to alleviate his annoyance, but he can begrudgingly admit that the cake is good. Delicious, even. 
This makes his scowl deepen. 
How annoying, he thinks, tossing your note in the trash bin (not having the heart to crumple it up like he used to do with your previous notes). What are you, some kind of a stalker? How is it any of your business to know that Thursdays are his last days for teaching since business schools don’t believe in having class on Friday? And why do you always do that? Saying I hope? 
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, Momo,” he remembers you telling your blonde-haired student. “But I hope you consider sticking with your creative writing major. We’ll lose a very talented student if you choose to go, you know.”
Naoya had let out a little snort of amusement at this. Who the fuck cares about whether or not students drop out? If they can’t handle the coursework, clearly they’re not cut out for the real world. He finds it annoying that you practically hold their hands, coddling them, always tacking on an I hope because you don’t want to demand people to do things. So much damn consideration, he wonders how you even survive in this big city. You’re probably the type of person who apologizes when someone else gets in your way at a busy store. You probably let yourself get cut in line. You definitely give money to panhandlers who are only posing as the homeless and needy. 
Naoya wants to take joy in the fact that you are the type of person who could easily be taken advantage of, but as he finishes the cake you made for him, the idea of people purposely giving you a hard time just because you’ll take it lying down makes him feel even more irritated than before.
He takes out his frustration on his students. A first-year student emailed him asking for an extension, so Naoya tells them either they get it done by the original deadline, or he is more than willing to just give them the zero right now. In the real world, your boss and your clients will not give a single shit that you are hospitalized after being hit by a truck. Perhaps, if you used the brain inside your head and the eyes on your face, you would know better than to cross the road when a speeding truck is heading your way. 
Then, he thinks that you would probably gladly give your students an extension if they asked. You’d probably even visit them in the fucking hospital, like the saint you think you are. 
You’re so helpful to the point of your kindness being detrimental to your own wellbeing. You extend deadlines, and then have to beg and plead with the dean and bust your ass to get final grades in by the required date. All that struggle could have been avoided if you just gave the zero. You hear out your students, letting them speak their minds, and it cuts into your lecture time. Nobody is paying tuition to hear another student’s ramblings. And how long does it take you to bake him these desserts? It’s something different every day, always fresh, always seemingly made with care. 
He doesn’t even know how you know he likes sweets. Lucky guess, he tells himself. 
You see, Naoya knows that he is respected (somewhat) and feared (most definitely). He knows that he is not loved, not by his colleagues (who are all intimidated by him), not by his family (who thinks becoming a professor at a prestigious research university is dogshit when he should have been a global economist), not by his students (the university-mandated end-of-the-term class surveys are always sent to him). So to him, despite the ego he presents to the public, he cannot fathom the idea of someone noticing little things about himself. He definitely can’t imagine someone noticing and caring — it would honestly make more sense if they used private information against him. 
He doesn’t think about you noticing him, and he refuses to think about all the things he subconsciously notices about you. He can recognize you by your perfume alone; someone had passed him by in the hall, and his eyes searched for your figure, only to be greeted by a student who just happened to favor the same fragrance as you. (He had snapped at the poor girl, telling her to walk faster or get out of the way.) He’s certain he knows the fucking HTML color code for the specific shade of lipgloss you’re always constantly applying in the office. One time, against his better judgment, he saves the place you’re at in your book. You had fallen asleep at your desk, your finger pressed on the page you were struggling to read, and then your head banged on the desk, hand slipping away. He doesn’t know why he didn’t leave you alone in the office; he had no business staying that late since none of his students were brave enough to turn in any assignments to be graded. There was an on-campus police alert the day before, though. Naoya rationalizes that he just didn’t want any criminals or deviants breaking into his office and destroying it. That’s all.
He actively avoids any thought of you, not realizing the irony of how, in his vehement attempts to ignore your existence, he is very much acknowledging you.
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Learning Objective Two: Have Meaningful Conversations With Your Partner
“Why do you do that?” Naoya snaps, breaking the silence in the office. 
Naoya is the type of person who does not simply say things — he snaps, he sneers, he smirks. And he has the exact tonation, voice, manner of speaking, of someone who grew up and was never told to shut the fuck up. With his current position in life, it seems like no one ever will.
“Do what?” You look up from the papers you’re grading, staring at him all doe-eyed and genuinely confused that Naoya discovers the unfortunate fact that he does, actually, possess a heart. An annoying one that gets all tight in his chest and starts beating against his rib cage every time you look at him. He’d charge you with a hospital bill from a top of the line cardiologist, but he knows you get paid like shit in comparison to him. Also, because he doesn’t like the idea of women spending money on his behalf. 
“Give out pity grades.” 
It’s like you’ll do anything in your power to not fail a student. You’re just pulling out participation points straight from your ass! And the comments — don’t get him started on the amount of comments you waste time leaving on your students’ papers. There’s a reason why his grades always get entered before deadlines. He’s efficient. 
“And ruthless.” You tell him, after hearing him tell you all about his “efficiency.” “We’re here to help cultivate their minds. Get them to think. College shouldn’t be about getting grades based on your professor’s mood.” 
Was that somehow an attack on him? He should be annoyed. Instead, he finds this side of you less annoying. 
“I’m always in the same mood every time I grade.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that, vindictive?” You’re teasing him, and he wouldn’t let just anyone get away with such a comment. He’s bored, he tells himself. That’s why he’s entertaining this. Unlike someone, he doesn’t have anything left to grade.
“Nah. Irritated. They’re all idiots.” 
You frown. “No student is an idiot.” 
He gives you a look. “You teach English.”
“Intro to Classic Lit.” You correct him. 
“Right.” He says this slowly. “Idiots.”
“Maybe yours, but definitely not mine.”
“Let's compare our students’ majors and potential earnings after graduation.” 
Now it’s your turn to give him a look. “There’s nothing wrong with pursuing your passions.”
“Great. Do you tell them that when the cashier tells them their card declined? Or, does the passion end up paying the total? Are grocery stores accepting passion as a form of payment now?”
“Don’t be as mean as people say you are.” 
His signature smug air of superiority momentarily dissipates at this statement. It’s not often that someone can get Naoya to shut up. To be bested by someone who grades using pink gel pens is so humbling, the only thing keeping him on his pedestal is the fact that he knows he’s the youngest tenured professor in this whole entire university and an acclaimed researcher (he always makes the list for top five most cited economic researchers). You’re fresh out of a doctoral program, and even being tenure-track would be a pipe dream for you. 
“There’s nothing mean about being honest.” 
“You can be honest without being mean.”
“It’s the truth. Students are idiots.” He shrugs, because what the fuck is he supposed to do about it?
“Then why become a professor?”
“Sweetheart, professors that work here are researchers first, teachers… no, not second. Maybe third? If they’re that dedicated to shaping young minds, or whatever fantasy you’ve got going on.” 
“Well, I believe that the students are here to learn. And before you call them stupid again, that’s the great part about learning. You don’t have to be smart to do it.”
Growing up, Naoya had to be a lot of things, smart being one of them. No one in his household was ever capable of producing an ounce of empathy, and considering all the people he’s been surrounded by since his prep school, university, and internship days have all been raised in similar environments. The world is unforgiving. Naoya lives by the ever-so-poetic motto of “sucks to suck.” 
He will go home and lay in bed and stare at the crown molding on his ceiling, and he will recall your sunny disposition. He wants to shame and berate you for being so damn optimistic, for believing in those words, and he will think to himself wouldn’t it be nice for it to be true? 
Instead, right now, all he does is huff. The truth is, Naoya is well aware that his students aren’t stupid, even if he tells them that they are every time they’re in class and every time they dare to come to his office hours to debate their grades. They aren’t stupid in the booksmart sense, but they are very dumb when it comes to the real world, and Naoya considers it a ruthless kind of mercy that he exacts on them. They’re idiots because they have all the potential in the world and would rather waste their time on stupid shit and procrastinate on their assignments instead of putting forth any real effort. 
If they tried, he would give them an A. 
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Learning Objective Three: Be Specific and Sincere With Your Praise
You’re crying.
In his head, Naoya tries to force himself to roll his eyes but finds his body unwilling to comply with the demands of his mind. He’s annoyed, but the irritation isn’t directed at you.
It’s at the man sitting across from you. Dr. Kimura got his PhD from Cambridge and thinks he’s hot shit, but out of pure curiosity, Naoya found his dissertation online and still uses it as free melatonin. Two paragraphs in knocks him out faster than a whole bottle of sleeping pills.
Dr. Kimura asks him to leave, into which Naoya reminds him that this is technically his office, and that Dr. Kimura is an intruder. Too much time spent with you in such a confined space has some of your little lessons rubbing off on him. Words are so important to you. Naoya decides that visitor and guest are too kind, too euphemistic, for Dr. Kimura. Call it like it is. 
Kimura’s business for being here is to give you your first ever teaching evaluation. It’s actually just a poorly disguised attempt at trying to lowball professors’ salaries, but this is the type of schtick that only works on pushovers like you. Naoya leans back in his desk chair, arms crossed, and it’s obvious that he is going to be listening in on the whole entire ordeal. You’re embarrassed to be put on display like this, not knowing that he isn’t here to scrutinize you (for once), but rather he’s your backup. 
Before things take a turn for the worse, you’re actually all smiles and sunshines and rainbows. 
Stop smiling at him, Naoya thinks. He hates your smile. Hates it the most when it’s directed towards anyone but him.
Kimura begins with a compliment. That’s how all the professors in the arts are taught. Compliment sandwich! Praise, constructive criticism, more praise! What a fucking joke. Naoya thinks his way of handling things is much more efficient. Talk about all the stuff they need improvement on, and whatever isn’t corrected clearly is okay. Don’t you people know how to read in between the lines? Context clues ring any bells? Fuck, what did you all go to school for?
Disaster strikes, just as Naoya predicts. 
“Listen, we know that this is your first year of teaching, and you’re still getting settled into your role of professor and not student, but clearly there’s some leniency when it comes to your grading…” 
Kimura’s listing all sorts of shit. Grade inflation is what he claims one second, next he’s claiming you have subjective grading criteria. No other Intro to Classic Literature course has a similar class average to yours. 
Kimura shakes his head, like he’s disappointed in you. Another tactic that would only work on someone as sweet as you. 
“If this continues to be an issue, we may have to reconsider renewing your contract.”
And there are those waterworks Naoya is expecting. 
The thing is, Naoya knows a bully when he sees one. Naoya knows all about being cruel just for the sake of being cruel. As cold, shriveled up, and worthless as it seems, Naoya does have a heart. 
“That’s bullshit.” He inserts himself into the conversation. You’re staring down at your lap, twiddling with your fingers. Kimura turns to look at him.
“This is a private matter—”
“If it was private, you would have done it in your own office instead of mine.” 
“This is a matter that concerns the English department, not yours, Dr. Zenin.” 
He’s right. And yet—
“Have you even read any of her students’ papers?” 
—Naoya is your backup. 
“How is this relevant?” 
“Read their papers. Read their first one versus their most recent one. Hell, read every single essay a student has turned in over the course. I guarantee you they deserve the marks she’s given them.” 
“Their papers are filled with corrections and questions, and yet, she gives them an A.” Kimura knows all about Naoya’s reputation. He’s infamous. He’s the reason why everyone’s scared of majoring in economics. Naoya Zenin is the toughest grader there is.
“I’ve seen the mental state of your department’s students. She’s doing them a favor by not crushing them.” 
“You’re saying they deserve those grades?”
“She lets them redo all their papers within a reasonable period of time and grades based on the overall improvement.” Naoya shrugs, like it’s just that simple. “I don’t see an issue.”
“She’s manipulating grades.”
“She’s giving them a second chance. I personally find that to be admirable.” Naoya is not lying. This is what makes you look up. “And she cares. I think she’s the only one of your faculty who gives a damn about whether her students are learning or not.” 
Naoya doesn’t hate a lot of things because he doesn’t like giving certain things so much special attention, but he does dislike insincere people. People like Kimura are the worst because they hide behind fake niceties and table manners, but if you peel off their skin, they’re secretly lizards in disguise. At least in Naoya’s case, no one ever has the luxury of being shocked when he says something very mean and unpleasant because he will never filter himself or put on a mask that gives off the vibe that he practices civility. 
As a matter of fact, Naoya has a nasty, serpent-like grin on his face as he locks in on Kimura, caging him in. 
“After all, isn't that the point of becoming a professor, Dr. Kimura?”
Gotcha, you slimy bastard.
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Learning Objective Four: Be Vulnerable, Put Yourself Out There
“Would you say I’m an asshole?” Naoya brings this up as he helps you pack up your belongings. He claims that it’s because he can’t wait to have his office all to himself again, but really, he’s starting to realize that lending a helping hand every once in a while can’t hurt. He hisses when a sharp edge from one of the many stacks of paper you possess cuts his finger. 
That’s the last time he’ll ever help someone, he thinks bitterly.
“Not to your face.” You reply back, giving him a grin. He wants to take your smile and store it in a moving box and then keep that box underneath his desk and have it be one of his most prized possessions. 
“Hm.” Then he tells you, “A student called me that.”
“To your face?” You look equal parts shocked, amused, and delighted. It’s a good look. 
“No. RateMyProfessor.” 
“Oh, I think I saw that one. They called you hot, right?” You’re busy packing up your sticker sheets and binders. Naoya wonders if he’s reading too hard into what you’re telling him.
“You’ve seen my reviews?” 
“Of course I did. I looked you up on the Internet the day we became office roomies.” You throw this information out so nonchalantly that Naoya almost feels like he’s the weird one to have a reaction from it. 
“You looked me up on the Internet?” 
“Duh. Naoya, we live in a world where AI is writing essays for students. Of course, I would look you up online.” 
“But why?” He presses you, latches on to the idea that there is a world where someone wants to look him up online and it’s not to find his home address so they can get revenge on him failing them. 
“Because I wanted to know more about you, silly.” 
It would be nice to be known. It’s already nice to have someone who wants to get to know you. Naoya Zenin does not settle in life, but he thinks he could settle for this and be content for the rest of his days.
Of course you would. He would say this, all snarky and egotistical, but he knows better. He won’t have an excuse to see your four times a week, won’t be cooped up in this office with you late in the night, won’t get to smell the remnants of your perfume when he’s up at the podium, lecturing his class. But there’s a chance that he could see you in different settings, too. Getting coffee together in between classes. Sitting next to each other during university-wide faculty meetings. Taking you out to dinner, because he’s reviewed your contract, and he’s not sure how you’re surviving financially. 
“I would like that.” The words come out rushed, all jumbled and smushed together. He’s a grown man. He doesn’t blush. This is what he tells himself when he feels heat rise to his cheeks. “I would like for you to get to know me. And to learn more about you, too.” He swallows. Hard. “I sound stupid, I meant to—”
“It’s okay, Dr. Zenin.” You have the prettiest smile in the world. His dissertation should have been on that. “The fun part about learning is that you can still do it, even when you’re being stupid.” 
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noisyquokka · 10 months
I know this is a very vague request and im really sorry in advance 😭… do you think you could write some headcanons/reactions for wayv? I noticed that most nct content is for dream, sometimes 127, and rarely my wayv boys and i LOVE them 😮‍💨, i dont really have a concept in mind i would prefer if it was made with a female reader in mind but gender neutral works just as well, and idk maybe a little bit suggestive if youre in the mood for it?? Idk anyways thanks for listening and im sorry im not giving you much to work with :)
+ OMG OK I JUST SENT IN A VAGUE REQUEST FOR WAYV BUT I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING NOW, idk if you’ll see this but do you think you could do wayvs reaction to a female reader whos more dominant, not necessarily in the bedroom sense (although that too) but just someone who looks more feminine but automatically takes on more masculine gender roles in a relationship like being big spoon, or bringing home the bag, or being the one to take care of things and fix things? Again i don’t necessarily mean in a sexual way just more in a general relationship because i know you said you werent confident/comfortable writing nsfw stuff, but if you wanted to take a more suggestive route too i wouldnt be mad, youre the writer here, im just here to support 💗, thank you again!
A/N - Not me having a whole-ass brain fart on gender roles as I wrote this🤪but ohhhohoo I love this idea!!! I'm sorry it took forever :( also some of these are longer than others, I apologize. But I still hope you enjoy 💛 Thank you for the request, Love!
WARNINGS - F!reader, suggestive if you squint from the other side of the galaxy??
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you had told him that you were quite independent from the beginning of your relationship
perhaps you hadn't been persuasive enough, or it didn't register in Kun's head...
because when he comes home from tour, he doesn't expect to find you in the kitchen, cursing under your breath with your head ducked beneath the sink
it appears you're too busy groveling at the plumbing to notice his presence, the clanking of metal on metal hitting his ears
"What... are you doing?" is followed by a thud! and another hushed curse as you emerge from the cabinet, rubbing at the crown of your head with a grimace
you're met with warm hands and a concerned gaze as you straighten up, adjustable wrench in your grip
"The shut-off valve for the cold water failed," you wipe the sweat from your brow, eyeing the small space you have to work with under the sink, "so I went and picked up replacements for both."
and Kun's just standing there like 'woah, babe, go off'
but also a little worried
cue the "shouldn't we call a plumber", and the "are you sure's"
it's not that he believes you're incapable, far from it!
he's just got no clue about the tricks of that trade lmao
asks if you need help
will literally sit by and watch like a curious Retriever whether you need extra hands or not (without being in the way, of course)
he has no idea where your confidence comes from when it comes to these types of things, but it's kinda... 😏
you finish the job in two hours, checking for any leaks after you turn the water back on and let the water flow through the pipes to clear the air in the lines
after this, he quickly adapts to you taking lead around the house with similar things
he's so used to being the leader/taking lead on so many things that it's so refreshing for him.
you're just the type to say "Hey, I've got it!" with no expectations
he's gonna find his ways of thanking you for the things you do btw
cooking you dinner, cleaning the entire house, buying you something you've been eyeing for forever.
also lives and breaths you cuddling him
back hugs, waking up to you pulling him back into your arms before you're both falling asleep again
this man is so content being little spoon if it means you're right there
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totally into it!
I'd bet that this man goes full doting boyfriend
probably the most curious out of all the guys
would be super invested if you were an HVAC technician or something just because of how physically demanding the job is
asks you if he could tag along to work one day like an excited child
to which you tell him that it's not as exciting for him to watch considering most of the job is you crawling into tight spaces
like you'd literally be in some dusty attic, sweltering as you work
it happens anyways, because you find that your HVAC unit is outdated, so naturally, you choose to update it yourself
cue a sneaky head peeking around the corner every chance he gets because, contrary to what you had said, Ten is very entertained
the man has the biggest heart eyes for you through the entire process - which is roughly 6 hours
"your attention to detail is beyond admirable!"
"I'd say it's necessary when I'm working with electrical, Babe."
wants to learn how to do whatever it is you're working on
doesn't matter what it is you're doing
soaks up whatever you teach him
mans is a whole sponge istg
at the same time he's absolutely gonna tell you to keep being the boss-ass bitch that you are
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supportive but a lil insecure :(
like he loves you loads, supports you 100% in all that you do
but sometimes it'll make him feel like he's not doing enough in terms of your relationship
I don't see the insecurity coming from your confidence of taking on a more masculine role, but more out of worrying that his time is so limited with you and around the house so when he is home, he feels like it's not enough
feels like he shouldn't tell you at first
like it sounds a little like an excuse to be an ass
but eventually thinks it's the best thing for your relationship
y'all take communication so seriously so why start holding back over something like this
you're quick to reassure him that he does more than enough
like sir, sit down and kick your feet up, you literally do so much for me, I will write you a whole list rn
it works to a certain extent, so you offer him some options "to make up for it" cough I'll leave this up to interpretation💀
fair to say that all is better with a little communication
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I say this solely for his safety and benefit
do not, under any circumstances, let this man know you can do some of the things that you're capable of!!
boy is too petty and competitive to have this knowledge
I feel like he'd be the type to see you so confidently take care of yard work and the next week turns into a competition of who can complete said tasks better
he wouldn't do it to make you feel less than, or to put you in your place (as if you wouldn't set his ass straight)
he's just a little dramatic
a lil competitive
he loses almost every time 😔
either makes excuses for it ("I didn't know there were levels to the lawn mower", "the handle on my rake was broken") or stays quiet
will be whiny for a few days afterwards
you have no issue giving him something to whine about-
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full cheerleader mode!!
he literally grew up with three sisters, ain't no way he's gonna be against a strong and independent woman doing her thing
is the best assistant when you need an extra set of hands
literally the kid that holds dad's flashlight while dad fixes the car except you don't have to remind him to hold it steady
he's on top of it, baby 😎
mans takes this as seriously as performing open-heart surgery
I'm talking brows set in concentration and hands as steady as my granny threading a needle (that woman was so talented)
tools are in your hand before you've even finished telling him what you need
bro is just that good
loves helping you to the point that when you don't need his help, he's just a pouty boy in the corner
like Kun and Ten, he'll just watch and cheer you on in those instances
he is the ultimate ally
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I could see him drawn toward a woman who takes initiative in a relationship
probably finds it attractive as hell
at the same time, I could see him not caring much about traditional gender roles
sees it as a social construct that is meant to be broken
he digs how dynamic you can be in any situation, definitely!
that said, he is the reason you fix so many things 🧍🏻‍♀️
listen, him being your boyfriend does not guarantee your safety from The Menace™
feels bad about it sometimes
but like... you never complain
YangYang swears he's a magnet for finding patient people that can tolerate his antics
which is exactly why he's wrapped around your finger
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 3 months
Ti voglio tanto bene
Rating: General Audiences Characters: Peach, Mario, Luigi Relationships: Mario/Peach, Mario & Luigi Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Queerplatonic Relationship, Brotherly Love, Internalized Aphobia, Aromantic Mario, Asexual Mario, (though that one’s a bit understated), Nonverbal Mario
Summary: Here’s the thing. Mario liked Peach. And he knew she had a crush on him. And by all rights, she was the kind of person he was supposed to be dating. So, he figured, he might as well give it a try. Word Count: 11,002 words
[AO3 Link]
Mario couldn't tell you to this day why he’d gone to rescue Princess Peach the first time.
He'd hardly seen as much as a glimpse of her in the first few weeks after he and Luigi moved to the outskirts of Toad Town, busy as they were settling in. Sure, there were photographs of her in various houses they'd done plumbing jobs in, and there was the far off stained-glass of the castle itself, but it hadn’t been until their self-proclaimed best friend Toad — one of dozens, all content to share the same moniker to an extent — had cheerfully cajoled them into attending an upcoming parade in town that he’d gotten to see her in person for the first time.
She’d stood on a parade float, waving to the crowd with a smile, and Mario’s first thought had been that she was more beautiful than those photos could even try to do justice.
Every Toad they would meet spoke of her reverently yet fondly, and in the following weeks he’d see her around town now and again. Her kindness was overflowing, filling the hearts of her people and spilling out to touch Mario and Luigi in turn, relative strangers to their town. So the morning they’d woken up and found out she’d been stolen in the night, Mario couldn't help but want to repay this town — his home — by getting her back.
So maybe he could tell you why, after all.
Regardless, he'd had no idea what he’d gotten himself into.
Honestly, a lot of the rescue mission had come down to luck and good timing and the element of surprise. He hardly remembered the back half of it, hopped up on adrenaline and stubborn determination and whatever Mushrooms and power-ups the Toads along the way had chosen to stuff him with. He still had no clue what the deal was with that giant axe Bowser had, or why it was so near the cables to a bridge, but he’d tripped on it anyway and knocked it over, sending both the bridge and the brute dropping into lava. He’d needed a few minutes to catch his breath afterward; he’d honestly thought he’d never get to see Luigi again after failing that stunt.
With the kidnapper dealt with, all that had been left was to escort the kidnappee home. Finding her cell hadn’t been hard; it had been just beyond the room he'd fought Bowser in. She’d looked surprised to see him, he remembered, like she hadn't expected to be rescued at all. That thought had made him sad.
The beginning of the long trek home had been quiet, at first. It had been Mario’s first time truly being up close to Princess Peach since a few days after that parade when she’d come up to him and Luigi while they were having lunch to introduce herself and personally welcome them to the town — something that’d had his brother hyperventilating afterward about chatting with royalty; Mario’s panic had been much further buried by comparison. But then something had broken the ice; Mario couldn't have told you what it was, only that by the time they stepped into town they had been chatting and laughing like friends. Beyond the royal airs, she was a woman who was surprisingly easy to talk to. Though by the looks everyone in town gave them, maybe she wasn't like that for everyone.
And that was when Mario’s problems had started.
Where before if they saw each other in town they would go about their days, now Peach would come up to say hello, and they would sometimes chat for a while. Peach invited Mario to the castle a few times, too, something that always had Luigi grinning at him in a way that meant he wanted to tease Mario. He never did, though, knowing Mario truly didn't like that particular flavor of teasing.
The Toads didn't have the same restraint, though, and every time Mario stopped by they tittered amongst themselves. And whenever Mario returned home with Peach after the next kidnapping, and the next, and the next, and the next, Mario would hear echoes of their gossip as he left, burrowing into his brain and taking root. Mario did his best to weed them out as they sprouted, casting them aside so they wouldn't choke the budding flowers of his and Peach's friendship.
Until dinner one evening, when Luigi responded to Mario telling him about a favor Peach had surprised him with earlier in the day with a, “I think she’s totally into you, bro. But don't worry,” he continued at Mario’s alarmed look, “you should totally go for it!” It had Mario’s mind spinning as he laid in bed late that night, mind running back through all his interactions with Peach; reconsidering the various flustered excuses given to him regarding pinked cheeks and prolonged contact and lingering stares, feeling quite foolish.
Because here’s the thing.
Mario liked Peach.
He liked her trusting nature and the way she held herself and the way she smiled at him after he saved her, grateful and happy. As a person and as a friend, she was a joy to talk to, on the long treks back to her home from wherever Bowser had spirited her out to this time, talking about their homes and their families and themselves, and the moments spent hanging out in town or at her castle never felt long enough. They would never feel long enough, even if they hung out until the universe was reborn.
So by all rights, she was the kind of person he was supposed to be dating. And she already liked him.
So, he figured, he might as well give it a try.
Because here’s the thing.
Mario didn't date, in school. He’d much preferred to be partnered up with the ideas of his mother's polpette al sugo and doodling in his notepad instead of taking notes and being the best older brother he could be for Luigi. But he’d gone to a couple of school dances nonetheless. Mostly as moral support for Luigi, but one year they’d each had their own dates, because Luigi’s girlfriend at the time had had a friend who hadn't anyone to go with herself. So Luigi had volunteered Mario to take her — without asking Mario first, of course. But it had been fine; despite barely being acquainted with the girl in question, the least he could do was make sure she had fun that night. If only to help keep Luigi in his girl’s good graces.
He’d pulled out all the stops he could, even if doing so cost hours of sleep instead spent squinting through the light of his computer screen to figure out what those stops were supposed to be to begin with. But his research had paid off, both by the delight on the face of this date for the evening and by the way Luigi had joked that he was making him look like a terrible boyfriend in comparison. So all in all, a resounding success. By the time the brothers had stepped into school the next Monday morning, he’d tucked the entire experience out of his mind almost completely.
And it had stayed there until a week later, when he’d been approached after school one day by that same girl he’d taken to that school dance. She’d had an air of nervous bravado about her, and Mario’d had the errant thought that it was the same air that would surround his brother before he marched out to talk with some girl he fancied. And then she opened her mouth to do exactly that. Talk to a boy she fancied, rather. A boy who happened to be him. Because she’d had her eyes on him for a while, it seemed, and letting him take her to the dance had meant to be some sort of test. A test he’d apparently passed, so...here she was.
Mario felt a bit foolish for not seeing this coming.
She’d been his date for the evening, after all.
That foolishness was immediately drowned out by all the personal satisfaction from that night curdling and souring with this added context; this had been a scenario he’d only ever considered in hypotheticals, but faced with the real thing it had been all he could do not to panic as her words had hung in the air. They curled around him, heavy like lead, spiraling his thoughts down and outwards to what it would be like, to have attained an ideal everyone his age, his brother included, seemed to be striving for. To maintain that ideal for however long it lasted; a pre-written destiny with a lifetime of this sour feeling to accompany it.
Overwhelmed, he could do nothing but stand there as his frozen silence was taken as rejection, and the girl had shuffled back around the corner from which she’d surprised him. His sigh of relief at her disappearance had been swiftly chased by guilt.
Luckily, there hadn’t been any girls at school who’d wanted to even talk to him after that.
Unluckily, they hadn't really wanted to talk to Luigi, either.
Despite everything, at the end of it all whenever he thought back to that night — the dancing and the food and the conversation and those little chivalrous touches — he’d always come to the conclusion that in spite of the romantic context retroactively added to it, he honestly had kind of liked the experience, to be honest. And, well, he liked Peach. So...maybe if he did date her, then weathering the associated sour feeling wouldn't be so bad. And maybe it would eventually be replaced by the normal feelings he was supposed to feel when dating someone.
He hoped.
And most days, Mario was sure it was working.
When it was just the two of them in their own little world, walking in the gardens shoulder-to-shoulder or him looking up at her balcony waving a third goodbye or when she’d convinced him to bake with her and he’d gotten a mess of flour in his mustache and she’d laughed and laughed and laughed and the sound had sparks going off in his head as he left her castle by the light of the setting sun.
But then he turned the corner and the castle guards saw the way he was smiling, and the amused glance they exchanged doused everything into sludge.
It was the way Toadsworth stared at him when he came to steal her away from a long day of work to do something relaxing, an almost inevitability sitting in his gaze and boring straight through him like a knife.
Sitting together in Peach’s drawing room, she asked him why he’d been a bit withdrawn recently. He chalked it up to inexperience; it wasn't like he’d dated very much, and he was nervous about doing something wrong. Peach hummed, and admitted this was all new to her, too.
That was good. At least he couldn't be disappointing her too much.
That was good, because it gave him some wiggle room to figure out how dating actually worked in practice. For instance, he got used to kissing her, less so for the act itself and more so for the look on her face after he did. He got used to holding her hand, too, and that was something he actually liked doing for the act itself. So he did it often, in the castle hallways, out on the hills overlooking the town walls, wandering around the town market. Especially then, because once in a while he would consider not doing it, the imaginary stares of passersby floating in his mind’s eye, looming over the gesture and turning it into something that had his stomach churning. But then whispers in his mind would echo, ones that almost had him looking over his shoulder for someone pointing at him saying he wasn't good enough at pretending, that they knew what feelings really lay deep within him. So he took her hand. It was warm, as was the smile she gave him for it, and the warmth that settled in his soul to match would last up until a shopkeeper caught a glimpse of them and cooed about young love.
And while its absence was brief, quick to return thanks to Peach’s presence, the effect of it would still linger, sometimes, after he left her. Increasingly so, as the weeks went on. Luigi noticed him wilting, noticed him take longer and longer to recharge when he got home, curled up on his bed or on the couch, hiding from the world for a while. Worried, he would ask if everything was alright; Mario wouldn't know how to begin, if he wanted to. Which he didn't, because while Luigi had come to him all those years ago to tell him about the true breadth of the fish in his sea, Mario could hardly muster the courage to do the same. How could he admit those in his were fake? Carefully crafted based on what studies showed were meant to live in those waters, though he cared for them as if they were real? Luigi had always been the braver of the two of them, and Mario really felt it now.
So Mario didn't tell Luigi the whole truth. There was more than one reason to be nervous about a relationship, and it was true that now that his and Peach’s relationship had hit its stride, the fact that he was dating a real life princess was starting to get to him a little.
Predictably and immediately, Mario’s admission had Luigi taking a deep breath and launching into a spiel of all the reasons Mario was in her league, actually, and all the things about him that surely made him a good boyfriend. It was as if he’d been saving the sentiments up his whole life, stockpiling the compliments and reassurances his brother had given to him over the years on this topic for the perfect moment to give them back all at once. And despite the fact they weren’t addressing the real issue, the surety with which Luigi gave his little speech nonetheless made it seem as distant as if they were. Mario patted the hand that had clasped his shoulder during a particularly passionate outburst, a weak smile curled up under his mustache. He wondered how many of Luigi’s points Peach would have agreed with, if she were here.
Something about that idle thought threw a burst of ice water at Mario’s spine, and it didn't take long to figure out why — he wasn't sure Luigi and Peach had substantially interacted since he’d started dating her. Which, even if Luigi tried to insist he didn't need to be that formal, wouldn't do at all.
Mario racked his brain for a way to fix this. Luigi watched him think, bemused. His first idea was to bring Luigi to the castle for tea, but the last time he’d suggested simply visiting the castle gardens Luigi had turned a particular shade of pale that had told Mario he’d be overwhelmed with anxiety long before they reached the front gates.
Mario’s eyes caught on the kitchen table, the remnants of their dinner strewn upon it. He remembered a conversation he and Peach had one afternoon, when she’d asked about where Mario and Luigi had grown up and Mario had woven tales of running out of the house to catch the school bus, babysitting the neighbors’ kids, bullies in alleyways, the consequences for neglecting his homework for video games. She’d reacted especially to his description of the chaotic mealtimes they’d shared back then; losing her parents young and growing up in a castle with employed kitchen staff effectively eliminated her chances at getting the type of home-cooked meal Mario described to her. It wasn't for Toadsworth’s lack of trying, but for as well as he’d raised his charge cooking for a growing girl was one of the things forced to fall by the wayside in the face of sparing Peach from having to run the Mushroom Kingdom at the age of twelve.
Mario had thought at the time that he wanted her to have a true home-cooked meal one day, one that rivaled anything she’d seen in movies or through windows, and it seemed like now was the time to deliver. And he’d do it himself if he had to.
“Eh? But you don't know how to cook?”
But Luigi did know. And he could teach him!
The facial expression he received at that request could be described by the word “daunted”, at best. Nonetheless, he wanted to help Mario, so Luigi — dear, sweet Luigi — agreed to a mini-Cooking Bootcamp of sorts.
First things first — they needed to decide what they were making, to give themselves a focus. But none of the recipes they could come up with offhand seemed worthy of serving to Peach as a first meal in their house. Their journey to find a suitable dish took them to the attic, to the boxes they had packed way back when they were freshly graduated, still half in their caps and gowns as they prepared to leave the only home they’d ever known, bright-eyed yet buzzing with nervous energy; to the boxes they had packed when they returned to that home years later, suit jackets draped over the couch, packing a house full of memories into cardboard with shaking hands and watery sighs.
Mario and Luigi shared a glance, a deep breath. They broke the tape on one of the boxes and pulled it open. Luigi reached inside for a recipe card booklet. Mario flipped it to the recipe for his mother’s polpette. The handwriting in the margins tugged at his throat; the notes she’d taken were abundant. For the day either Mario could stand still long enough to watch the stove without getting distracted, or he brought home a potential in-law who could do that for him, she used to sometimes say.
“But I’m sure she wouldn't mind we’re the ones learning it, yeah?” Luigi murmured, melancholy in his voice.
To be honest, learning how to cook the polpette and accompanying polento start to finish was almost exactly as painful of a process as Mario and Luigi had both expected. But Mario was nothing if not stubborn, and somehow he was able to consistently make it well enough that the smell wafting through the house was pleasant and enticing by the time Peach knocked on their front door.
From where he stood at the stove, Mario heard Luigi let Peach into the house. Out in the entranceway, the two exchanged greetings, and Peach’s marveling at the interior of the house floated into the kitchen, as well as Luigi’s increasingly outgoing answers to her questions. She was managing to bring him out of his nervous shell, and as someone who’d watched him stress-clean the house at least three times over the past two days, Mario was quite grateful for it. Their conversation picked up, and it pulled a smile onto Mario’s face.
Until he heard Peach ask Luigi about Mario and Mario raised his eyes skyward and sighed, because now Luigi was walking into the kitchen whispering to Peach about how the landscape picture they’d just passed was Mario’s original work and Luigi had to convince him to let him hang up because for some reason he didn't think himself a good artist, and that Mario had carved their kitchen table himself, you know, dragged half a tree from the forest out back to the house one afternoon on a whim after borrowing a handsaw from their neighbor to chop it down, oh and he carved the chairs with the leftover wood too, and used some spare fabric to figure out the upholstery even though he pricked his fingers so many times, and and and —
Peach giggled at Mario’s exasperated glare at his brother. Smirking, Luigi danced to the other side of the kitchen to shoo Mario away from the stove and save whatever Mario was about to burn. Shooed away, Mario took Luigi’s former place, greeting Peach with a hug and pulling out a chair for her. Peach kissed him on the cheek and sat, commenting on how good whatever was on the stove smelled, and how the pohl-peh-teh probably tasted just as good. Even though she hadn't tasted it yet, and for all she knew, it tasted terrible.
Still, Peach remained one hundred percent confident in Mario’s cooking abilities despite him trying to temper her expectations, until he was eventually forced to concede, color in his cheeks. No matter what she said or how the food actually tasted, he already knew it wouldn't come close to how mother used to make it, anyway. Peach softened at the statement.
Food on the table, Mario was in the middle of sitting down to eat when he caught a flash of green out of the corner of his eye. In the middle of sneaking out of the kitchen, Luigi froze. Notably, he hasn't taken any dinner with him.
“Oh, it's fine,” Luigi said at Mario’s frown, waving his hands in dismissal. “I can just...order somethin’ or somethin’!”
“That’s not fair,” Peach protested, before Mario could say something similar. “Come eat with us — oh!” Peach pursed her lips, looking around. “Is there another chair?”
No, there wasn't. But they did have a couch in the living room.
“Wha — hey,” Luigi complained, as Mario and Peach moved around him to gather the food. “This is supposed to be you guys’s time!”
Peach leveled him with a stern look. Luigi stood strong in the face of it for approximately three seconds before he sighed and gave in, grabbing a chair to drag to the living room. Mario smiled at Peach. Peach grinned proudly back.
So the three of them ate dinner in the living room. To Mario’s relief, Peach took her first bite and hummed in appreciation. “Told you it would be good,” she winked. Mario blushed, pleased. Luigi chimed in with a mention of how terrible Mario’s first few attempts were, you’re lucky you didn't see them it was awful, and wasn't it nice he was willing to learn all this for you —?
Mario kicked him. Luigi yelped, almost falling out of his chair. Peach stifled laughter, and the sound took most of the edge off Luigi’s embarrassing behavior.
In the middle of dessert — some homemade cupcakes neither brother noticed Peach had brought, initially — Mario excused himself to use the bathroom. When he returned, Peach and Luigi were chatting; they’d discovered their mutual love of reading, by the sound of it. At the same time, they both noticed and smiled at him, and it hit Mario in that instant that they could figure him out. Together, they could pool what they knew about him and figure out that the way Mario felt for Peach wasn't the way he was supposed to be feeling. The thought should have worried Mario. But in the face of the two people he cared about most getting along, Mario found he didn't really care all that much. He smiled back at them.
As the evening wound down and the sun began to set, it was just about time to take Peach home. As her and Mario left the house, Luigi tugged on Mario’s arm to hold him back for a moment. His grin was easy and warm. “She really makes you happy, huh?” he asked with a nudge to Mario’s arm.
At the edge of their driveway, the fireflies were out and about, bumbling and flying around. While waiting for Mario and Luigi’s conversation to end, Peach was sneaking after them, catching and releasing them. A few floated around her face, casting it in a near-ethereal glow.
Mario was hardly aware of the soft look on his face until his brother elbowed him, snickering. Mario rolled his eyes, equal parts sheepish and cross. Well, she did make him happy. With one last fond chuckle, Luigi thumped Mario on the shoulder and disappeared back into the house.
Mario and Peach’s walk back to the Warp Pipe was filled with idle chatter, about dinner, about Luigi, and about the next time they could do something like this, lower-key and away from prying eyes. In no time at all, they arrived at their destination; Mario offered an arm to help Peach into the Warp Pipe. And in the moments before following her he took a deep breath, steeling himself to leave the easygoing bubble of the house for the world of outside expectations that lay beyond it.
It was hard, but here's the thing.
It was worth it, because he really liked Peach.
He really liked her dainty little hands, the way her eyes squeezed shut in the midst of uproarious laughter, how her nose ever-so-slightly crinkled when she was sufficiently focused and even though playing this part had him chipping away at himself it was worth it because of the love she gave him in return. It was bright, it was precious, it was heavy in his arms and burned to the touch it was so much it was too much it was hers and he would give in to his selfishness and guard it and protect it with everything he had for the rest of his life as long as she let him stay by her side.
Hm. The rest of his life. Mario rolled the thought around in his head.
He’d only ever really thought about spending the rest of his life with Luigi, before; it had always felt like a given growing up. But then Luigi had started searching for someone to spend the rest of his life with, and Mario realized he maybe couldn't count on it as much as he’d hoped.
But the idea of possibly spending the rest of his life with Peach felt as good as his imagined rest of his life with his brother. The timeline stretched out before him — the picnics and garden walks and late night chats, and hopefully fewer kidnappings and scares. Letting her sleep in while he made her breakfast, brushing her hair as she prepped for a gala, traveling with her on vacations, listening to her vent about the whims of her council, standing on that parade float beside her, hand in hers to keep her warm.
He very pointedly ignored the guarantee for that vision, the natural conclusion about how to get there given his circumstances, deciding it would be a bridge to trip over once he’d gotten there. Who knows, maybe he'll be better at pretending by then.
However, aside from him and Peach, no one else was content to ignore it, and as the weeks flew by the gossip and the remarks and the unsubtly dropped hints compounded and compounded, in a refrain that threatened to pull Mario under. Mario wasn't sure Peach knew she was unconsciously contributing to that refrain, too. When he thought about it for too long, it sent pangs running through him. He wasn't sure he could give her that. He knew he was eventually supposed to. She surely had childhood dreams of her own about it.
But despite all of this, it was Bowser who was the one to shake up the increasingly untenable status quo, with one of his biggest schemes yet — one where he decided to arrange and hold a wedding to marry Peach. Without her permission or say-so. Because of course.
Mario possessed way more adventuring and rescuing experience by now, so though this particular one had taken him all over the world he was flying back home on the Odyssey with Peach relatively soon, trying to forget the fool of himself he’d made mere hours prior. They’d made some stilted small talk for the sake of their Bonneton companions, but after they’d dropped the two of them off in the Cap Kingdom there was nothing to buffer the awkward air.
Peach, who had been frowning out the window, turned her attention to him. She asked what Mario didn't want to answer, and the silence hung thick.
Mario tried to form a response. He’d wanted to say I don't know. He’d meant to say something about how seeing Bowser trying to propose to her again made him want to do it twice as hard to spite him. His hands took the shape of I was supposed to, instead, and Peach furrowed her brow.
“What do you mean ‘supposed to’...?” she wondered aloud, and Mario’s heart dropped down, down, down through the floor, cast into the oceans below and drowned by the uncaring waves.
...You see, here’s the thing.
Peach loved Mario.
She loved the calluses on his fingers, the way he looked in a well-tailored suit, the way he smiled at her when he saw her, warm and bright and infectious. The sparkle in his eyes when he presented her with a gift, his absolute inability to stifle his own laughter, the way his mustache rubbed against her cheeks when he kissed her. She felt like she could spend the rest of her life with him, and admittedly would stay up thinking about what that would be like many a time, taking joy from it. In a fit of inspiration she’d even found childhood drawings of what her future wedding would or could go, ones she remembered gleefully telling Toadsworth about, growing up, to which he’d tease her about not growing up too fast, lest she left him in the dust.
And then Mario had started to wilt.
He’d extracted himself from joking with Toad with a troubled frown on his face, one day, one that had remained even as he brightened upon seeing her. When she’d asked him about it, he’d told her about the pressure of escalating their relationship, and she’d nodded, assuring him they would take things at their own pace.
“I love you,” she’d said afterward. He’d responded in kind, in that shy way of his that was oh so endearing.
It had been a simple matter for her to confide in Toadsworth about Mario’s worries, framing them as her own, and it was relatively simple for the two of them to work to halt some of the rumor mill. When she’d told Mario she’d done so, he’d looked surprised, she remembered, as if he hadn’t expected anyone to be in his corner in that way. That thought had made her sad.
But the echoes of those worries had remained; she’d see him thinking about it, sometimes, and she tried to keep the rest of her thoughts about it to herself. Because she loved him, so it didn't matter how she spent the rest of her life with him as long as he let her do so, and it wasn't worth making him uncomfortable for a silly childhood ideal.
Even so, when Mario had looked at her on the moon, before Bowser had butted in, a small part of her had honestly thought those childhood dreams would soon be reality.
She was glad they didn't.
She was glad, because she watched Mario try to take back what he’d said, something building behind his eyes; that layer of feeling pressured to propose to her folding back to reveal something else, something more core to him, and he was so scared.
He assured her he still loved her. I love you shifted to I like you, I care about you, you’re important to me, you make me happy. The memory of the way he smiled at her lay overtop them. Tears in her eyes, she found she believed him.
But still her heart swooped down, down, down through the floor, cast into the waves below and shattered on the ocean floor. If he had been feeling like this the entire time...while she’d been busy with her daydreams Mario had been having nightmares, ones she’d been contributing to, in her own way. How could she call herself his friend, let alone...? She loved him, but if loving him hurt him then maybe it was better if she —
The Odyssey rumbled. Through the window, the horizon line lowered, green hills stretching across it. They’d arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Peach exhaled, and inhaled, schooling her expression into something more composed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mario copy her. Her expression shifted into something more genuine, at the sight.
The door opened as the Odyssey settled onto the ground. As one, Mario and Peach stepped out. Toadsworth was standing there to greet them, and as soon as Peach stepped a foot off the metal ramp of the ship onto lush grass he immediately began fretting over her. Her smile deepened, and she knelt to embrace him. Her castle stood tall in the distance behind him, the smell of flowers on the wind. She was home.
When they pulled apart, it was then Toadsworth blinked at her. “What in the world are you wearing?” he asked her, incredulous. He saw Mario, the suit he hadn’t changed out of, the same color as her dress. He looked between them. “Did the two of you...”
Peach could see the wave of discomfort racing up Mario’s spine, now that she had a sense to look for it. She wondered how often that had happened over the past few months. A knot formed in her throat. It was large enough for Mario to see, and he grew even more upset. To Toadsworth, he shook his head; to her, he waved. He turned and ran, faster than he’d burst into the wedding chapel, faster than he’d chased Bowser when he'd snatched her away to take her there, a white speck in the distance in no time at all. He’d taken the light in Peach’s heart with him. She wondered if he knew.
Toadsworth stared after him. “What happened, my dear...?” he breathed, worry in his eyes. Behind him, the Toads that had accompanied him began whispering to each other.
With a shaky sigh, Peach stood. “I’ll tell you inside,” she promised, and Toadsworth nodded. Peach gave in to the urge to hold his hand as they walked to the castle.
Perhaps she’d grown up a little too fast, after all.
Luigi returned from the airport to a quiet house.
This wasn't unusual, as Mario tended to be out of the house more often than not these days, whether on an adventure or visiting the Princess. It was probably the latter, as Luigi had heard Mario had returned from rescuing Peach from another kidnapping recently, and he tended to stay around her more in the days after doing so.
But this quiet felt...off. Stifling. Suffocating.
Hand nervously gripping his bag, Luigi stepped further into the house. The third step he took almost slipped out from under him; lifting his foot revealed something white and singed brown and burnt black. It was a strip of silken cloth, more of which dotted the floor of the entranceway, accompanied by a dress shoe smeared with ash laying discarded near the shoe rack. The other shoe was laying overturned in the kitchen doorway, similarly damaged, and nearby, one of the pictures on the wall had fallen. Though the glass of the frame had cracked, the landscape painting inside was fine, and after re-hanging it Luigi picked up the glove that had been underneath it. It smelled faintly of smoke.
The trail of disarray led deeper into the house. To the living room, a complete mess, half-full takeout containers strewn throughout; sitting in the center of the couch was Mario, in his boxers, listlessly staring off into space.
Luigi froze, though Mario hadn't reacted to him entering. Luigi crept into Mario’s field of view, and even then it was a while before Mario met his gaze. He looked tired. Despondent. Drained. Luigi bit his lip, feeling way out of his depth. He'd never seen Mario like this before. He had no idea how to break the silence.
In hindsight, he really should have picked a better opener.
“So...the Toads can't decide if you and Peach either got hitched or broke up...?” Luigi ventured.
He watched Mario blink, processing his words.
And then Mario
Luigi stood shocked still up until the first sobs tore out of his brother’s throat, at which he dropped his bag and practically vaulted over the table to get to him. All he could think to do was hold Mario as he fell apart, rocking him back and forth and back and forth while trying not to fall apart himself. “What happened, bro?” Luigi murmured when the crying died down, eyes shiny with sympathy.
Mario looked up at Luigi and, well.
He'd already made one person he cared about upset with him, recently.
Mario didn't know where to start. He started from as far back as he could. He started when they were young kids, reading fairy tales about knights in shining armor chivalrously helping those in need. When he would go around the house pretending to be one, Luigi as his prince, sweeping him off his feet as best as his little arms could manage; when Luigi would play along, agreeing with Mario when he would declare that nothing could hurt the two of them as long as they were side by side forever and ever, in a misremembering of the oath he was supposed to give.
When their parents had watched them, and idly remarked that Mario would make a girl real happy with that act one day. When he had scrunched up his face about the very idea of it; when they laughed at him, and told him to wait until he was older.
When he grew older.
When his game of Knights had long since faded from memory. Not for lack of trying; if one were to ask his mother, she would tell them in exuberant detail about how long those old books and VHS tapes had captured her eldest’s attention, moreso than almost anything else. It was just that when the game was introduced to the wider sphere of his playground peers, Mario was also introduced to the parts of the game he’d left out when playing at home. The knight and the princess usually lived happily ever after, in most stories.
And Mario had not fully grasped what that had meant until some of the other girls he’d ‘rescued’ began getting upset with him for ‘ending the game wrong’. And there was a sour taste left to it all, when without a clear explanation he’d ask the adults what he was doing wrong, and they would only smirk and tell him he’d understand when he was older.
Well, he grew older.
He grew older and with that came changes, and with those came explanations, everyone piled into the gymnasium right after lunch with a slideshow on the front stage. Information that went in one ear and out the other, partly because he had trouble paying attention and partly because he wasn't sure how exactly it applied to him, yet.
But he had another chance to figure it out, as growing older still came with even more changes, and with those came more explanations, everyone piled into a classroom with a teacher and a slideshow at the front of it. Information that went in one ear and out the other, partly because he was no better at focusing on a lecture than last time and partly because he still wasn't sure how any of said information applied to him.
They had all walked out of the room in various states of embarrassment and disgust, commiserating about a shared mortifying experience. By the middle of the next year, he was seemingly the only one who still felt that way.
But still, he grew older.
All around him, everyone talked and talked and talked about who liked who, how that person looked, this person’s body, whether they had a chance with whoever, and and and —
And when he’d take the wondering about if they could talk about literally anything else out of the privacy of his own head, he’d be met with strange looks. What do you mean, they would more or less say, these are the sort of things we’re normally supposed to talk about, right? It’s just normal teenager stuff!
...He hadn't brought it up again.
He’d flitted in and out and between and through friend groups because he didn't want to talk about these normal things, because he didn't want anyone to get close enough to find out he didn't know how to fake wanting to. Although it had helped that whenever someone did get close to figuring it out, there was always someone else ready to jump in with a joke about how Mario was too busy minding his little brother to bother with normal things like those.
His little brother, a social butterfly despite his general anxiety who got invited to parties and get-togethers, who went to meet new people and connect with current friends and get better at socializing and maybe run into someone he fancied, his older brother tagging along. Because although the risk was higher, if Mario didn't go, then Luigi wouldn't even consider it, and Luigi deserved to go to these things because he was normal. He’d always do his best to appear normal, too. So his brother wouldn't have to worry too much.
Except he couldn't even manage that; despite it all, Luigi was still able to at least pick up on something not quite right with his brother as the years went by. Enough to conclude that Mario usually tended to avoid romance-related things if he could help it. And enough that Mario hadn't found out about his brother being unofficially courted until he’d come across one of the letters Luigi and Prince Peasley had apparently been exchanging in the three or so months after the end of their adventure in the Beanbean Kingdom. And wasn't that something? A whole piece of his brother’s joy that he’d missed, that he’d been unable to partake in like he should have because he couldn't pull it together and be normal for him.
And he couldn't pull it together for Peach, either. Wonderful, lovely Peach who deserved so much better than someone who could only ever love her wrong. Who let the illusion slip through his fingers when it mattered most; who was arrogant enough to think he could keep it up forever, that he wouldn't end up leaving her with a broken heart and wasted time. He’d hurt her with this, and he hated himself for it, he hated the part of himself that couldn't be normal, that caused him to be out of step with Luigi, with Peach, with everyone, unable to fall in line no matter how hard he tried, and the reality of never being able to do so curled around him, heavy like lead, forcing him to confront the unbearable truth, that he was going to be like this for the rest of his life, disappointing the people he cared about just by existing and he can't do this anymore, he can't —
Luigi grabbed Mario’s wrists. “What do you mean, ‘this’?” he asked.
Mario gestured vaguely at himself.
“Mario...” Luigi’s grip tightened. “What do you mean, ‘this’?” he asked again.
There was an undercurrent to Luigi’s voice Mario couldn't identify, yet it bade him try once more to elaborate further. He locked his gaze to their hands. Being broken, Mario signed underneath Luigi’s palms. Being a freak, Mario thought, squeezing his eyes shut so he wouldn't see that sentiment reflected in his brother’s face.
Luigi was quiet for a long moment.
He pulled his hands from Mario’s. Mario’s own chased them, too slow, and he whimpered as they slipped away. “I’ll be right back,” Luigi whispered, and his footsteps faded away. Mario dared to wonder what he’d do if they didn't return.
But they did.
Luigi came back, and he sat next to Mario. He was muttering, “I swear there’s gotta be...” and Mario took his head out of his hands to see Luigi staring intently at his phone, brow knit in concentration, typing and scrolling. All of a sudden, he gasped, raising a fist in triumph. “I knew it!” he burst out, sounding relieved. He shoved his phone under Mario’s nose. “Look at this!”
Mario took the phone. He looked at the screen. On it was a sunset over an ocean’s still waters, spilled into a rectangle and separated by color into thin stripes. Or maybe it was more of a sunrise, with the way it rose as he read the words underneath and lit up some long-dark place in Mario’s heart. Luigi reached over and did something to change the screen. The shades of green at the top blurred. Funny, he’d thought he’d be out of tears by now.
Mario wiped his eyes and kept reading, so absorbed in falling into rabbit holes and backing out when they didn't resonate with him, rereading the articles that echoed with something deep within him he thought was beyond saving, that he didn't notice Luigi had left him to go prepare a late dinner. When Luigi got back, Mario was staring at a different flag, one that reminded him of Peach both by design and by name. He looked up at Luigi, wide-eyed, and Luigi’s returning smile was knowing, of what it was like to discover there was a word, there was a reason he was like this and it wasn't that there was something intrinsically wrong with him and him alone.
Luigi retook his place on the couch, setting the food on the table and pressing a glass of water into Mario’s hand. “That’s a pretty one,” he remarked, gesturing to the flag on the screen. “Very pink!”
Mario swallowed past the lump in his throat. It was strange being on the other side of the unconditional acceptance, for a change.
As they ate, Luigi traded phones with Mario; on Mario’s phone were the articles Luigi had led him to, for Mario to continue reading, and on his own phone he read testimonials and blogs and stories of people — people like Mario. Who were misaligned with what was expected of them, who crashed and burned for it, who found they weren’t alone, who found there was still hope, community, happiness, even if it was far off in the distance for them to chase. Luigi read, and Mario’s eyes drooped, and he fell asleep against his brother looking peaceful, for once. Luigi wrapped him in a blanket and kept reading, to himself, this time, wanting to be there for his brother like Mario had been for him all those years ago.
And that support continued into the next morning, as Mario stood at the threshold of his own house, dressed to go out. Though Luigi had encouraged him to settle in his identity a little bit first, Mario knew he had to tell Peach about what he’d learned as soon as he could. She needed an explanation, at least, as to why he’d acted the way he did. She deserved that. She deserved a lot.
But the smidgen of courage his brother had given him barely overcame the worst case scenarios for how she’d react. So his journey to the castle stalled before it really began.
Worriedly, Luigi watched him dither. “You can still wait,” he said. “I could drive you,” he offered next when Mario shook his head.
Mario took a deep breath, hand tightening on the doorknob. He opened the door, and took a step onto the porch; Luigi followed behind, keys in hand.
As he walked to the kart, Mario mentally planned out how his conversation with Peach was going to go, with more of an optimistic lens. Except as soon as the imaginary him and Luigi approached the town gates, Mario stopped short in the driveway, and the last of his borrowed courage fizzled out completely.
He tugged on Luigi’s sleeve before he could get too far ahead, trying to figure out how to explain this new source of unease. He settled on Destiny del Vecchio from high school, and upon hearing the name, Luigi winced.
“Hm.” Luigi frowned, biting his lip. “Ok,” he decided, clasping Mario’s shoulders with both hands and a determined crease to his brow. “I’ll go to town first, then, and scope things out! I’ll be back soon!”
Mario nodded, and Luigi — dear, brave Luigi — got in his kart and drove away.
Mario watched Luigi’s kart disappear down the road, the sting of his last-minute cowardice echoing in his chest. He frowned, disappointed in himself. Well, what’s done was done. Luigi would be back soon. He might as well clean up around the house while waiting for his return.
The front door opened an hour later, as Mario was putting the last of the dishes away.
“Mario!” Luigi called. “I have bad news and good news and news-news!”
Mario poked his head out of the kitchen. Luigi poked his head out of the entryway.
“So, um. The bad news is the Toads definitely thought you’d broken up with the Princess. But!” Luigi hurriedly continued when Mario’s face fell. “The good news is it was pretty easy for us to convince them you hadn't!”
“Oh.” Luigi looked sheepish. “The news-news is, well. Uh.”
Mario ducked back into the kitchen, wide-eyed.
“Um.” Peach’s voice floated through the house. “I-I think we should talk. Luigi...gave me a pamphlet?”
Pressed back against the wall, even if Mario could speak his heart would be too far up his throat to make a sound.
Luigi found him there, struggling to keep from hyperventilating. “Bro...” Luigi said at Mario’s look of betrayal. “Bro, it’ll be fine,” Luigi said. “I talked to her and everything. She just wants answers, yeah? And you have those now!”
...and he has those now. Mario glanced out to the living room, where Peach sat waiting. He glanced back at Luigi, and mustered up a smile as best he could. Luigi beamed, pulling him into a hug. It was a long moment before they parted.
“Promise, bro, everything will be fine, as long as my name’s Luigi!” Luigi cheered in a whisper, and Mario couldn't help but huff a laugh.
With an exaggerated thumbs up and a grin at his back, Mario steeled himself and exited the kitchen, to where Peach was perched on the couch. The silence hung thick as they stared at each other. She had her gifted pamphlet clutched in her hands, crinkled up as if squeezed. It crinkled further as Mario hesitantly sat on the couch next to her.
Peach held the pamphlet out to Mario. He opened it to green and purple and gave it back. She read. Her breath hitched. She turned to him, eyes shining. “...can I hug you?” she asked, sounding miserable.
Mario opened his arms. She dove into them, trembling. “I'm sorry,” she hiccuped. Mario shook his head and held her, because he was so much sorrier.
...Here's the thing.
Mario really, really liked Peach.
He told her so, when upon exiting the hug she asked him if he wanted to call their relationship off, voice small, and his eyes widened in alarm, and his hands moved in a blur to detail all the different reasons he really, really liked her, of which there were many, big and small, until her tears gave way to that flustered giggling that had always been and would always be music to his ears.
He told her he didn't know if that like would shift to anything else, something that aligned more with how she felt about him, but regardless he wanted to stay by her side any way he could, if she’d have him.
“Except for getting married, right?”
Mario shrugged. Peach frowned. The frown grew as Mario reminded her that while she wouldn't mind never getting married, her subjects would certainly have something to say if they didn't, probably.
“I’ll make them have something to say, alright,” Peach grumbled. Mario laughed as if she was joking. She wasn't, really.
Because here’s the thing.
Peach really loved Mario.
So they talked, carving out boundaries previously implied and assumed into something concrete and real. They pored over the pamphlet again, and over the articles from Mario’s phone, and found there were more to relationships than only friends or lovers, with their own terms to match. For instance, Peach had been delighted about potentially being able to call Mario her marshmallow, to Mario’s fond chagrin.
It all made Mario self-conscious about how many lines in the sand he had drawn and detours she was forced to take for him until Peach quieted him with something that sat well behind one such line on a beaten path, a kiss to the cheek that dusted his face pink. Because she wanted to stay by his side as long as he’d have her and she wanted him to be happy, and the idea that she could still do both had the darkened place in her heart lighting up as if it was a new day.
The hours flew by, and soon Luigi popped in with dinner, a zucchini lasagna that had Peach clapping her hands with laughter and Mario rolling his eyes with a grin. And when Luigi tried to excuse himself to let them have time to themselves, Mario grabbed his arm and yanked him down onto the couch next to them. Peach thanked Luigi profusely for his help, Mario nodding along. Luigi sheepishly tried to deflect the praise, to little avail.
The three of them ate and talked, mostly about topics related to Peach’s new pamphlet. It turned out that most of what was just becoming accepted common knowledge in the Metro Kingdom by the time Mario and Luigi were moving away from its borders was hardly even a thought in the Mushroom Kingdom; and for what was known in both places, the language was quite different. And after an offhand remark from Luigi, he and Mario had to talk Peach down from spontaneously adding yet another parade to the Mushroom Kingdom’s holiday itinerary. They couldn't talk her away from going to one that already existed, though. Not that they’d minded very much. Though they were both nervous about how much they'd be carrying home, given her enthusiasm.
As they finished their food, Mario was slumped against Peach, her arm around his waist. Her touch was pleasantly warm as they sat there, no expectations other than full bellies and good conversations and the promise to stay by each other's side. A promise that neither of them intended to break.
But here’s the thing.
At the end of the day, Mario and Peach still had a part to play. They would have to do something public-facing to definitively quash the rumors they’d broken up. The idea of it had Mario frowning. But not as much as he would otherwise, looking at Peach and Luigi, who knew the true nature of his and Peach’s relationship. This new state of affairs made other people assuming their relationship was romantic feel a lot more bearable, in theory.
Luigi offered to go with them so it seemed like less of a date at first glance, though, and that — that was also very helpful. Mario’s sigh was audible, and it had Peach hiding a laugh behind a wrist. But Mario knew Luigi couldn't act as this sort of buffer forever. It wouldn't be fair to him, even if he was happy to do so.
Mario stood to help Luigi gather the dishes. Peach tried to help as well, but the Bros wouldn't let her. She huffed. They gave her the TV remote as a compromise.
In the kitchen, Luigi tapped Mario’s shoulder in the middle of washing and drying. “I can be your buffer,” he said, having read the earlier thoughts on his brother’s face. “I want to help however I can, too!” He extended a hand to Mario in camaraderie. “As long as we’re together, right?”
Mario blinked at the outstretched hand. Luigi’s face fell. “Did you really think...?”
Mario looked everywhere other than his brother’s face. Luigi already had someone to maybe spend the rest of his life with, miles away in another kingdom. He’d...thought it was only a matter of time before...
Luigi pursed his lips; Mario hadn't been the only one growing up to notice friends drifting away and back based on their relationship status, after all. But Mario was his brother. They’ve had each other since they were born, and they've only had each other for a good while. Nothing could pry him from his brother’s side, no one else, and if they dared then he would sooner stay by Mario’s side than whoever would make him choose.
And if Luigi somehow lost his head and drifted away — which he would actively try his damnedest to prevent from happening — he’d hope that Mario would be there to knock some sense into him as Luigi would for him. Because they were brothers, and he wouldn't dare leave Mario behind, not while he still lived.
“Forever and ever, yeah?” Luigi slung an arm around Mario’s shoulders, sweeping his hand in front of them as if to demonstrate that impossible length of time, grinning at him sidelong.
Mario huffed shakily. He slung an arm around Luigi’s waist, leaned into Luigi’s side. They stood like that, the sound of running water from the faucet accompanying their shared peace.
...And then Mario skittered his fingers up Luigi’s side.
Luigi pushed him away with a startled laugh. “Mario! That — no fair!”
A smirk grew on Mario’s face as he lunged for Luigi again. His fingertips brushed the space beneath Luigi’s ribs as Luigi dodged, setting him off again. A third lunge had Luigi dashing out of the kitchen. “Princess!” he yelled through laughter as Mario chased him. “Help!”
Torn from idly flipping through TV channels, Peach’s alarm lasted for all but a second before she saw the grin splitting Mario’s face in two, his hair tousled, his sleeves rolled up from washing the dishes. Its unrestrained joy admittedly stopped her in her tracks, though that could also be chalked up to her only-child self not knowing how to deal with the sibling shenanigans suddenly unfolding around her. In any case, she’d already leapt to her feet so Luigi hid behind her like she was a shield. And she was cognizant enough to keep herself between the two brothers as Mario exaggeratedly searched for a way past her. She even brandished the TV remote for good measure.
Finally, Mario seemed to give up. He looked expectantly at Peach, waiting for her to name her price, eyes sparkling.
“Don't listen to him...!” Luigi pleaded, shaking her a little.
Peach made a show of thinking it over. “I recently had the worst around the world trip of my entire life,” she declared in her best overly-haughty tone. “So I want you to be available tomorrow afternoon to come to the castle to hear about it over tea.”
Mario blinked in surprise. His smile widened and softened all at once, and it took Peach’s breath away. With a wink, he gave her a thumbs up, and Luigi wailed in protest.
Peach didn't move as Mario approached her, and Luigi realized too late she was serious about leaving him to Mario’s mercies and bolted. He didn't get very far, and Peach poked her head into the hallway to find them both on the floor, Luigi trapped in a headlock and Mario rubbing his knuckles against his brother’s hair with reckless abandon. Their laughter was loud, and Peach hung back to bask in it.
Eventually, Luigi managed to kick his feet and swat his brother enough for him to let go. He stumbled to his feet, loudly complaining about Mario acting like this in front of a Princess. Peach laughed and said she didn't mind. She didn't say she’d truthfully have Mario be this silly all the time just to see all the weight of the world vanish off his shoulders.
Peach held out her hands to help Mario to his feet. She didn't let go of his hands once he was upright; Peach’s cheeks hurt with how much she’d been smiling, and she squeezed his hands to almost-match. She cast her gaze around the hallway, recognizing some pictures on the wall from the last time she’d visited — the photo of Mario and Luigi’s family, the paintings of distant landscapes, the candid snapshot of Mario and Toad in the backyard garden. And there were a few new ones, too — of Toad Town Square, of Luigi and Prince Peasley inside Beanbean Castle, of — of her. Mario fidgeted nervously when he noticed she’d noticed. She shuffled closer to better see. It looked hand-drawn. She’d love to ask about it, but...
Peach yawned. It was getting late.
“Wish you could stay,” Luigi said. Peach almost asked why she couldn't, but then remembered how quickly word traveled amongst her subjects. Perhaps, in light of today's conversations, they didn't go tempting fate in that regard.
Mario nodded, a weight settling back around his shoulders. Peach ached to remove it again, and she put her hands on Mario’s shoulders as if to do so. Mario placed a hand on hers, smile small and light.
Luigi interrupted their staring at each other to offer to drive Peach home, since it had gotten dark. Mario, in a fit of impulse, decided to go with them. They needed that public appearance anyway, right? So he followed them out the door. The nighttime air carried a chill to it; Mario offered Peach his jacket and belatedly realized he wasn't sure it would fit her. Peach took it anyway, and it turned out it did fit her, though it was a little loose. Mario ducked his head away, because he was sure his face was doing something silly at the sight of her wearing it and he wasn't too keen on being teased about it.
The drive was quiet, the late hour getting to them all. Despite the late hour, though, there were many Toads still out and about, and Mario could see their faces visibly clear and brighten as they saw Mario and Peach leaning against each other in the backseat. Something in Mario’s chest loosened and tightened all at once. Peach’s hand in his loosened it fully.
Luigi drove up past the drawbridge and parked. Mario got out of the kart first. On instinct, he held out an arm to help Peach out as well, and then realized they’d gained a curious audience, hidden behind statues and bushes and pretending not to eavesdrop. Mario froze.
Peach considered the look on Mario’s face. She took Mario’s arm, And something about her voice when she thanked him for it struck Mario as odd. When she stepped onto the ground she curtsied at him, and Mario was admittedly confused until she squeezed his hand and winked at him, mischievousness sparkling in her eyes and oh.
Mario bowed back, feeling a bit ridiculous. He stole a glance out of the corner of his eye at the audience, and they were still watching. Pretending to be “normal” for the world was one thing, but if it was an act that he wasn't alone in...
Mario escorted Peach over the moat’s bridge and to the giant front doors of the castle. They embraced each other tightly, and Peach disappeared inside. Before the door fully shut, Mario saw one of her attendants run up to her. By the time he turned around, the onlookers had dispersed.
“Okay?” Luigi asked as Mario returned to the kart.
Mario thought about it. Okay, he decided.
Luigi looked relieved. They pulled out and drove home, Mario’s eyes remaining fixed on the castle as they went. As they sped out of town by the main road, Mario saw Peach, far off on one of the highest balconies. He thought he saw her waving at him, his jacket in the air like a flag. He took his hat off and waved it back at her. He swore he could see the light of her smile from here. He wondered if she could see his.
Luigi huffed. “You two are the most ridiculous cou — duo I've ever met.”
Mario smirked. No more than the two of them, surely. Luigi dissolved into snickers, and Mario quickly joined him.
“Love ya, bro,” Luigi said, smiling at him in the rearview mirror.
Mario reached up and squeezed his shoulder.
Because here’s the thing.
Mario loved Luigi.
He loved his good-humored disposition, his resourceful cleverness, his unwavering loyalty, his boundless compassion. He was the most courageous person Mario knew, and not a day went by where he wasn't thankful Luigi had been born in those minutes after him, to be the tempering force Mario sorely needed lest he be in a much worse spot in life.
And when Mario compared how he felt about Luigi to how he felt about Peach it was like comparing apples and oranges, if those apples and oranges were his most treasured things in life.
So, like, pasta and peaches, maybe. Ha.
And they both loved him, each in their own way. Their love was warm and precious and something Mario was grateful and honored to have, something he would guard and protect with everything he had as he would them. And he knew they would do the same; he knew it by the way they’d chosen to accompany him in exploring this new, uncharted destiny with him, learning about it just as he was and will be. And no matter what happened in the future while they figured it all out, Mario knew that together, side by side, they would find that everything would be okay.
Nothing could hurt them, after all.
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katareyoudrilling · 1 year
Construction Corner (Joel Miller AU) Episode 5: The Peña Family
Fandom: The Last of Us/Pedro Pascal
Pairing: TV Host Joel Miller x divorced Female Reader
Summary: Filming out of town has Joel thinking about the past and the future
Word count: 2.1k
Rating: Mature (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Joel’s POV, Alternate Universe, cameos galore, inaccuracies about tv show production, filming, and construction, allusions to sexy times, dry humping (?)
A/N: This episode took so much longer to finish than I had hoped.  Thank you for hanging in there with me while life got busy and then threw me a curveball.  We only have the Epilogue left after this!  Huge thank you to @wheresarizona for the beta and for letting her Learning to Live Javier and Cielito come play in Construction Corner!
Comments and reblogs very much appreciated!
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Want to get dinner?
Joel presses send and sets his phone down on the nightstand.  He has to admit, texting does have its uses.  He’s getting faster at it too, which definitely helps.  He continues putting his clothes for the week into the hotel drawers while he awaits your reply.
Filming weeks spent in hotels were not his favorite, but this project had captured his imagination, and he was eager to get started.  He enjoyed all types of projects – the ones when he was teaching a useful skill, like fixing plumbing, and the kinds that allowed him to design something interesting.
This one had to be his favorite, though.  He spent hours drafting plans, taking into account the homeowner’s ideas but also adding some of his own.  Just thinking about it gave him a bounce in his step as he organized his jeans and t-shirts in the drawer.
Of course, being in a hotel also had advantages as far as you were concerned.
He had kept you in his home and in his bed for as long as he possibly could over the weekend, reluctantly letting you leave yesterday afternoon so you could pack for the week.  In fairness, you seemed reluctant to go.
It just all felt so good.  Eating breakfast with you at the kitchen table.  Watching a movie, snuggled under a blanket on the couch.  The quiet domesticity of the weekend just felt… right.
Then there was the sex – nothing quiet or domestic about that.  Joel adjusts his jeans as memories of the noises you made – how you called his name and begged for more – wash over him, causing his cock to swell against his zipper.
You were so enthusiastic and free.  In those moments with you, looking deep into your eyes while he buried himself in your warm heat… he could see the future.
His phone chimes on the nightstand, pulling him from his reverie.
Sure.  Maybe breakfast too ;-)  Lobby in 5?
He snorts out a laugh but then stares down at his phone screen, puzzled.  He replies in the affirmative and scratches at his scruff absentmindedly as he stuffs his wallet in his jeans pocket and switches off the lights.
You are already in the lobby when the elevator doors open, sitting in an armchair and flipping through a Laredo travel guide.  Warmth rushes over his body at just the sight of you.  Your easy smile when you spot him is like a warm hug.  He can’t help the dopey grin that spreads across his face.
“Ready to go? I heard of a good place downtown.  We can take my car,” you say, gathering your belongings.
“Sounds good, sunshine, but first… what does this mean?” he holds up his phone, pointing to the collection of symbols you had texted him.
“It’s called an emoji, Joel.  It’s a winking face, see?” you turn his phone sideways and wink at him.  “Sarah hasn’t taught you those yet?”
He squints and looks at it again.  Just when he thought he was getting it…  He shakes his head and follows you out the door with a chuckle.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It happens sometimes that a homeowner is reluctant to accept help on their project.  Usually, their spouse had been the one to apply to the show.  The ones who were actively hostile to the idea were quickly weeded out, while some who just needed some convincing made it through.
Today is one that needs some convincing.
Joel had been looking forward to this project since he saw the initial photos.  Now, standing in the Peña’s backyard, looking up at their massive oak tree, he can barely contain his excitement.
The homeowner next to him, Javier, is another story.
“I really do know how to do this.  I built the whole sunroom by myself,” Javier grumbles next to him.  His wife ducks under his arm to wrap her arms around his waist.
Joel had met a lot of couples over the course of filming this show, but these two are special.  The way they look at each other… it’s like the other hung the moon.  He glances up and spots you across the lawn.  Might you look at him like that someday?  Could he be so lucky?
“I know you do, but it has been a year, Javi.  The children are getting restless,” Cielito teases her husband gently.  Javier’s face softens at the mention of his children, and he looks up at the unfinished treehouse—a generous description for the collection of boards nailed to the tree—and sighs.
“Look,” Joel turns towards the couple, “I’m just here to help.  I can tell you know your stuff.  Big projects – heck, even small ones – are difficult when you have little ones runnin’ around.”
“That’s the truth,” Javier chuckles, dragging a hand down his face and smoothing his mustache.  The three Peña children had been packed off with their grandfather that morning for the duration of the project but would be back for the reveal in a few days.
“Let’s build a treehouse that will be the envy of the neighborhood this week so you can focus on spendin’ time with your kids and each other.  Deal?” he extends his hand toward Javier.
Javier grabs his hand for a firm handshake, “Deal.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Joel could watch you all day – he kind of has.  It’s a good thing Javier Peña is so handy.  The project may have suffered otherwise.
The two of you barely made it through the hotel room door before he pulled you on top of him, fully clothed, on the bed – like a couple of teenagers.  You’re an angel above him – breathless and moaning.  You feel so good against him.  Your softness against his hardness.  His fingers dig into your hips, urging you to continue rocking against his cock.
It started as making out, you teasing him by grinding into him while he hiked your skirt up your legs, but he watched as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, and your eyes went hazy.  Your teasing became focused as you chased your pleasure on his clothed cock.
He’s just along for the show now, and that is just fine.  Your whimpers as you angle your hips just right and speed up your rocking are driving him wild.  If he was younger, he’d probably have come in his pants by now.  Points to middle-age.
“Does that feel good, sunshine,” he rasps as he digs his fingers into your hips, and you moan in response.  His cock jumps, and a satisfied little smile flits across your face.  You know what you do to him.
Your brow furrows in concentration, a little line forming on your forehead, so you must be getting close.  He loves that he has started to notice these little signs.  He’s not an expert on your body yet, but he wants to be.
Your breath catches as your legs clamp around his hips, and you shudder through your orgasm.  He strokes down your back as you relax onto his chest, then slide off to snuggle into his side.
Right or wrong, Joel had neglected his personal life while Sarah grew up.  He went on a date here or there or met someone in a bar, but he hadn’t even been interested in anything serious.  Lately, though, with Sarah thriving off at college, he’s been thinking more about himself.
And he’s been thinking about you.
Beautiful, smart, kind, capable, remarkable you.
It has only been a few weeks since he found out you were single, and the world tilted on its axis.  It feels like so much longer, though, with all that has happened between you.
“Do you think anyone has noticed that I haven’t been sleeping in my room?” you muse lazily, dragging your fingers down his chest.
“I have a feelin’ they have.  I’ve been gettin’ some looks.”  
“Does it bother you?  The crew knowing?”
“Not one fuckin’ bit, sunshine.  You?” he shifts on his side so he can see your reaction more clearly.
You shake your head and kiss him gently.  Your soft lips molding perfectly with his own.  You snuggle into his side, letting out a satisfied, sleepy sigh.  “I love you, Joel.”
Your eyes pop open, and you clasp a hand over your mouth.  His heartbeat pounds in his ears.
You look at him, panicked, “I didn’t mean t-to say that – it’s too soon… you’re freaked out.  I mean—I mean it, I just…”
“Calm down, sunshine,” he pulls your frantically fluttering hand into his own and presses it to his chest over the rapid thumping of his heart.  He gazes deep into your eyes until you are fully focused on him and have started breathing again.  “I love you, too.”
“You do?” you exhale in relief.
“Absolutely.”  He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss into your knuckles.  “I’m kinda glad you said it first, though.  Lord knows I was gonna say it soon,” he chuckles.  “In the back of my mind, I worry that I’m rushin’ you – goin’ too fast – because I just know.  Now I know you know too.”
“I do know,” you whisper, tears sparkling in the corners of your eyes, and his heart feels too big in his chest.  How did he get so lucky?
He bends down to capture your mouth with his own, imbuing the kiss with all the feelings he can’t put into words.  You meet him eagerly.  A little later, when that line forms on your forehead again, he kisses it gently as you both tip over the edge together.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Ok, kids, your dad worked really hard this week.  Are you ready to see what he built for you?”  The three Peña children stand lined up in the backyard, dutifully covering their eyes.  Joel crouches beside them.
“Yes!” they scream in unison.  Javier and Cielito stand on either side of them, beaming.
“Then… open your eyes!”
Three sets of brown eyes are uncovered, followed by three little voices squealing with excitement.
He has to admit, it turned out well.  He wanted to build a place that could grow with the Peña children, from being the crow’s nest of a pirate ship, to the top of a castle tower, to a hangout to read in.
He had the same philosophy when he built Sarah’s playhouse.  She taught her stuffed animals the alphabet there, served him soft drinks through a drive-up window, and even cashed checks with Monopoly money.  
Javier clears his throat, interrupting Joel’s trip down memory lane. “Thanks, Joel.  I don’t know how much longer it would have taken me to do this on my own.”
“It’s been my pleasure helpin’ you out.  I hope y’all enjoy it together.  They grow up so fast,” Joel’s voice catches in his throat as he watches the kids scramble up the ladder and pop their heads out the windows, waving to their parents below.
For just a moment, it’s Sarah’s curly head popping out of the window.
Her playhouse stayed in the backyard long after she was done playing with it, but he couldn’t bear to tear it down.  It made him sad – the idea of her growing up – but as he watched her come into her own as a bright, considerate young adult, he realized he was missing out on the present by holding on so tightly to the past.
Sarah has so many wonderful adventures in front of her, and Joel can’t wait to see what she does with her life.  He still looks at the photo albums of her as a little kid, but not with sadness that those days are gone, but with gladness for the times they spent together.
Joel clears his throat and turns to Javier, “Get up there and make some memories.”  Javier nods and follows his kids up the ladder.
Joel looks across the yard to where you’ve been watching and catches your eye.  Sarah isn’t the only one with adventures ahead of her.  There’s so much time ahead for him too.  Time for making more memories with her and time for new memories with you.  He can’t wait.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: This episode’s cameo comes from Narcos via Learning to Live by @wheresarizona
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Nothing is as Simple as Black and White
Inspired by the “What if Bruno Madrigal is Carlos de Vil’s father” idea by me and @silverloreley plus this fanfiction by @silverloreleysfanfics.
Carlos hovered nervously at the outskirts of the village.
It looked like a nice little village. Friendly. Peaceful. People bustling around on their everyday business, children playing.
Completely foreign, for an Isle boy.
He scratched Dude between the ears. It had been a hassle, bringing him all the way here - two plane flights, a short boat ride, and a lot of walking, not necessarily in that order - but in Carlos’ opinion it was worth it.
“It’s going to be fine,” he told Dude, rubbing his fur. Dude growled softly in contentment.
“Right,” Carlos continued, emboldened. “We’ll just go in and ask directions to the Madrigal family….there’s a bunch of them, it shouldn’t be too hard to find one…and then we’ll just - well, I’ll just say who I am and ask them to stay and give them the letters he…Oh, forget it,” he said abruptly. His arm dropped to his side. “Who am I kidding?”
Dude barked cheerfully, as though to say, “Me!”
“They don’t even know me,” Carlos muttered. “They probably don’t even know I exist. If they did they would have showed up at Auradon Prep like Snow White did for Evie. They’ll just kick me out and I’ll have to find somewhere else to live for the summer.”
It was hot. He was thirsty. There were birds singing in the trees - even after months in Auradon, he still found that odd - and beautiful, vibrant flowers grew everywhere.
This wouldn’t have been nearly so bad if one of his friends or cousins were with him. But his cousins, of course, were still on the Isle. Carlos had promised to try to get them off, just as Jay had to Jade and Mal had to Hadie and Evie had to Dizzy. But so far, nothing was doing. Being friends with the, admittedly extremely busy, king of Auradon didn’t have as many advantages as Carlos had thought it would. And just being in Auradon didn’t mean they had the power to change things. The newly-arrived and technically on paper not actually in Auradon Freddie Facilier was already getting very impatient.
And his friends weren’t there, because for the summer they weren’t allowed to just live in the dorms. (“We live there the rest of the time!” Mal had argued, but Fairy Godmother had been adamant. “It’s not like the buildings are unfit for human habitation! There’s enough food and running water and plumbing and everything! Why are you looking at me like that? We won’t be lonely, we’ll have each other! We can even catch up on all our schoolwork since we’ll literally be living in the school! What do you mean we need adult supervision and stable family structures?”)
So for the summer, they were all staying with whatever family they had in Auradon. Which wasn’t much.
Evie was staying with Snow White, who was technically her stepsister. From what Carlos had seen so far, the time Snow had come to school to meet Evie and from whatever Evie mentioned about the occasional texts they’d exchanged since then, they seemed to be getting along all right. But then, in a way the Evil Queen was Snow’s mother as well.
Jafar had no known family, so Jay was staying with Coach Jenkins.
Maleficent also had no known family - at least, no known family that could be contacted and was willing to. Unless Mal wanted to wander into the wilderness in Auroria and wait for any fae kin to find her, she was alone, so Ben had convinced his parents to let her stay with them for the summer.
Which left Carlos. The only one of them who had biological family anywhere in Auradon.
Ben had been surprised. “I thought all the de Vils were on the Isle,” he’d said.
“We are,” Carlos had said. “I don’t mean my mother’s family.”
Now, Carlos took a deep breath. “Come on, boy,” he murmured to Dude, slinging his backpack, which contained everything he owned, onto his shoulder. “We might as well get this over with.”
Mirabel spun as she danced in the street, laughing. “Come on, dance with me,” she called, and three small figures (usually there would be four, but Tía Pepa had informed Camilo that it was his turn to watch Antonio for the day) ran after her, spinning and dancing to the best of their ability. Which wasn’t much, considering none of them were older than six, but their enthusiasm more than made up for it.
Mirabel liked spending time with the little kids of Encanto. Children were so sweet and adorable and enthusiastic. She played with them and made up games with them and told them stories, and they told her all about the events going on in their lives, competing for her attention, and at least this way she was doing something useful, right?
“Faster!” Mirabel shouted, reaching out her arms; Juancho and Cecilia and Alejandra grabbed her hands - well, Cecilia and Juancho did, Alejandra held both of their hands - and they all spun in a circle until they fell down dizzy, giggling.
“That was fun!” Juancho announced. “Let’s do it again!”
Mirabel stretched in the warmth of the sun and began to sit up.
Her head hit the dirt as she fell over backwards, bowled over by a heavy weight that had materialized on her stomach. She yelped, her vision full of brown fur. Something warm and wet lapped at her face.
The children were laughing and shrieking.
“Dog! Dog!”
“Mirabel! Are you okay?”
“I wanna pet the dog!”
Someone shouted in English, accompanied by running footsteps.
The dog sprawled atop Mirabel shifted, ears perking up. Mirabel tried to sit up again, pushing the dog into her lap and wiping the dog spittle off her face with her sleeve.
A boy of about Mirabel’s age was running forward, his face panicked, calling out in English; Mirabel caught the words no and stop. The dog leapt off Mirabel and bounded over to the boy, tail wagging, as though expecting to be rewarded with treats. The boy gave it an angry look, gesturing to Mirabel, then looked at her nervously as she stood up and brushed her dress off.”
“I’m sorry,” he said in stilted, accented, but understandable Spanish. “He doesn’t usually do this. I am very sorry. Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she assured him, but he still looked afraid, like he thought she was going to be furious at him. “No, really, I’m fine! No harm done.”
“Is that your dog?” Cecilia asked.
“Of course it is!” Juancho interrupted before the boy could answer.
The boy looked startled. “Oh - yes, this is my dog. Sorry. Um-”
“Can we pet him?” Alejandra wanted to know.
“Oh - sure - he liked being petted - just be gentle-”
He’d barely gotten a few words out before the dog was laying down with a supremely contented look on its face while the three children gave him belly rubs.
“You’d think they’d never seen a dog before,” Mirabel commented fondly.
“No?” the boy asked.
“I mean, they have, they just get really excited over, well, everything,” Mirabel explained. “Anyway, so…you’re new here?” Clearly, he was; the Encanto didn’t get many visitors, so strangers were instantly recognizable.
“Um, yeah, I’m….My name is Carlos.”
Carlos. That was a Spanish name, but Carlos himself didn’t appear to be. He didn’t look it, and while his Spanish, while fairly good for a foreigner, wasn’t fluent, and his accent wasn’t Colombian either. Perhaps his parents had died when he was young, and he’d been raised elsewhere?
Enough speculation. He was a visitor to the Encanto, and she was the only Madrigal present and so must give him a good impression of the Madrigals and the Encanto. Although that was kind of hard to do with mud all over your skirt.
“I’m Mirabel,” she said. “Nice to meet you.”
Carlos blinked. “I - oh - thanks,” he said. “Um, I’m actually looking for something…someone, I mean, a few people….Would you happen to know where the Madrigal family is?”
Oh. Well. That made sense. To anyone outside the Encanto, the Madrigals were the only notable members inside it, what with the magic most of them possessed. Maybe he needed help, help that only her family’s magic could give him.
“Right here!” Juancho piped up from where he was scratching Carlos’ dog behind the ears.
“What?” Carlos said.
“Mirabel’s a Madrigal,” Alejandra explained.
“Oh!” Carlos, if anything, looked even more nervous. Which was ridiculous, really; no one would ever be wary of her. Not when there was Luisa-Who-Can-Lift-Anything or Dolores-Who-Knows-All-Your-Secrets or Tía Pepa-Armed-With-Lightning (Okay, so Camilo’s imitations were a little funny, she had to admit) to be faced.
Or, once, Tío Bruno. But no one talked about him.
“So….do you want to meet my family?” Mirabel prompted. He’d have to, if he needed their help, but he looked like that was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Um…yes?” Carlos almost squeaked. “Please? If it isn’t too much trouble?”
“Of course it’s not! Come on, Casita - my house - is this way.”
Mirabel led the way. Carlos, who kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, followed just behind her, and his dog right behind him, accompanied by the three kids who had apparently decided that said dog was currently their most favorite thing in the world. (“Look! He licked my hand! He likes me! Look, he lets me pet him! That’s nothing, he lets all of us pet him! Ooh, look, he’s smiling at me! Dogs don’t smile! Yes they do! Isn’t he smiling, Juancho?”)
“So, um…Mirabel.” Carlos swallowed. “Could you…tell me about your family?”
“Sing him the song!” Alejandra called from behind them.
They both turned. “The song?” Carlos asked.
Mirabel shrugged. “A while ago I made up a little song about my family, to sing for the kids around town. I guess they liked it.”
“We LOVED it!” Juancho announced, jumping up and down; Mirabel wondered if he’d been at the coffee again. “Sing it again! Please!”
“You have to sing it, for him,” Cecilia pointed out. “Because he doesn’t know your family.”
Mirabel gave a half-laugh. “Oh, all right, but only if we keep walking.” Somewhat self-consciously, she began her song.
She sang of how her family had been blessed, how they used their gifts to keep the Encanto safe and flourishing. She sang of her Abuela who led the family and the village, who had received the miracle so many years ago, through her own love and grief; of Tía Pepa, who could control the very weather with her emotions, calling up a storm in a rage or a rainbow in bliss; of Tío Bruno, the prophet long gone (Carlos flinched); of her mother, the kindest, gentlest soul in the Encanto, with the gift of healing to match; of her father and Tío Felix, who both proclaimed that they’d become the happiest men alive the moment they’d married their respective wives.
Moving on to her generation, she began with Dolores, who could hear a pin drop from the other side of the village. Then on to Camilo, who could change shape at will and perfectly imitate anybody he saw. Antonio, soon to receive his gift. Señorita Perfecta Isabela, beautiful and graceful, who could grow any kind of flower, anywhere. Luisa, gifted with superstrength.
“Wow,” Carlos said when Mirabel had finished. “That’s….a lot.”
“It is,” Mirabel agreed wholeheartedly.
“So what’s your gift?”
Mirabel’s heart sank down to her toes. She’d hoped he wouldn’t ask that.
“Mirabel didn’t get one,” Cecilia informed him.
“Nope!” Juancho chimed in. “She’s the only Madrigal not to get one! No one knows why.”
“Oh,” he said. “Uh. Sorry.”
“It’s all right,” she assured him. It made sense that he would ask. The questions - at least the first questions, the ones of “What’s your gift?” and “You didn’t get a gift?” didn’t bother her; they were only to be expected. What did bother her were the ones like “So why do you think you didn't get a gift?”
“Anyway!” she said with some relief. “Here we are!”
Mirabel led him into the courtyard. Juancho, Cecilia, and Alejandra offered to stay at the gate and watch his dog. Carlos said, in English, “Stay, Dude!” to his dog, who plopped himself right down for some more belly rubs.
“Mirabel!” her mother called, coming through the door. “Where have you b- Oh! Who’s this?” She gave Carlos a surprised, almost spooked look.
“This is Carlos,” Mirabel said. “He’s from…” She realized that Carlos hadn’t actually told her where he was from. “Anyway, he wanted to talk to all of you, and I said I would bring him to meet you? He needs our help.” Carlos didn’t contradict her.
Mama blinked several times. “Hello, Carlos. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry - it’s just that you reminded me of someone for a moment. Come right in; Mirabel, bring him to the living room, Abuela will see him there.”
Mirabel led him through the hallway, past Tío Felix, whose eyes widened; past Dolores, who poked her head out of a doorway, squeaked, and pulled herself back in; past her father, who dropped the stack of plates he was holding and shooed them both away when they tried to help him pick them up; past Luisa, who was juggling dumbbells; and past the kitchen, where her father had deposited his miraculously unbroken plates and was whispering loudly to her mother “Doesn’t he look a bit like-” before finally reaching the living room.
Sometimes she wished she’d been born into a normal family.
“You can sit if you want,” she offered. She didn’t usually entertain guests and had no clue of what to do.
Carlos jumped a little, said “Thanks,” and sat down gingerly on the very edge of the sofa.
Abuela walked in, took one look at Carlos, and demanded “Who are you?”
Carlos quailed, but drew himself up and answered “Carlos de Vil.”
Devil? Wasn’t that the English for Diablo? What kind of name was that?
“A-are y-you Doña Alma Madrigal?” Carlos stuttered. Mirabel thought he was trembling. He looked terrified.
“I am,” Abuela answered, but before she could say anything else Carlos reached into his pocket and withdrew several grubby, folded pieces of paper; sealed envelopes. He unfolded one, then another, and handed that one to Abuela.
“This is for you,” was all he said.
The envelope was labeled, simply, Mamá.
"Oh, Dios mío!” Mirabel gasped. “You’re C!”
“You’re C?” Camilo asked. “You must be!”
“He’s C!” Dolores agreed. “Wow, I never thought we’d actually meet him!”
Carlos looked overwhelmed, like he quite wished no one would be paying any attention to him. Unfortunately, the exact opposite was the case. “C?”
The entire family was crowded into the kitchen. Mama and Tía Pepa were hugging each other, weeping about their poor Brunito, the letters Carlos had delivered to them from him clutched in their hands. Abuela was sitting in her seat, reading her own letter over and over, as though trying to discern some hidden meaning in the words.
Carlos himself was sitting at the table with the heaping plateful of food Julieta had demanded he eat before interrogating him about his father and ripping open her own letter to read. So far, he’d eaten very little of it.
Papa and Tío Felix were huddled together, whispering.
Mirabel and her sisters and cousins were all crowded around poor Carlos.
“You got a door,” Isabela explained. “To your room in Casita, and you would have received your gift when you opened it. It had your initial on it, so we knew you existed, and that your name started with C. But that was all we knew about you. And you weren’t there to open it, so your door disappeared.” She hesitated. “You do know about the doors and the gifts, right?”
Carlos nodded jerkily. “He told me. But I thought it was just a story, then.”
Antonio interrupted them all to come up and wrap his arms around Carlos and the chair Carlos was sitting in. “A new cousin!” he proclaimed. “Hi, new cousin! I’m Antonio!”
“Uh - hi, Antonio,” Carlos said, sitting very stiffly and ill at ease, seemingly uncomfortable.
“Do we also get to meet a new tía?” Antonio wanted to know, still keeping his small arms wrapped around Carlos’ stomach.
“What?” Dolores asked.
“If we have a new cousin,” Antonio explained, “then we also have a new tia! Is she visiting, too? Can we meet her?” He looked around expectantly, as though waiting for the cousins’ new tia to come walking in.
“No!” Carlos snapped, and then again, calmer, gingerly removing Antonio’s arms from they were wrapped around him, “No. You won’t meet her. You can’t meet her. She’s not here.”
Mirabel remembered when Carlos’ door had appeared, only about a year after her own failed ceremony. She’d been so excited, because she’d thought she would finally be getting a gift, after all. But then the door hadn’t even been for her.
She’d been jealous, at first. She had been born and raised in Casita and got no gift or room at all, while the cousin the rest of them knew nothing about would have gotten a room and gift of his own - or would have had, if he’d been there to open his door. But he hadn’t been, so his door had faded as well.
But she’d also felt a strange kinship. After all, the mysterious C was also a giftless Madrigal. There had been no C to open the door. No C to receive a gift. She wasn’t the only Madrigal without a gift, then.
Every year, the Madrigal cousins marked the date the door had appeared as C’s birthday. It was a day of tense silences, a day to be lost in thought, just like the triplets’ birthday was, and Mirabel’s birthday, and a random day near the beginning of November that they had eventually realized was the day Tío Bruno had been taken away.
She’d always wondered if one day, somehow, she would get to meet the mysterious C. And now, here he was.
This is a week or so before Antonio receives his gift.
I figure that Carlos would know some Spanish because if and when Bruno was present in his childhood, he would have spoken it to him. Also, once he found out he’s getting sent to Encanto for the summer, he would have tried to learn some; he’s smart, he’s picked up at least the basics by now.
As an aside, according to Return to the Isle of the Lost, Carlos’ middle name is Oscar. And what was Bruno’s name originally in some early concept art? Oscar.
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anonymous-harpy · 6 months
So as a totally random post I finally feel comfortable/confident in saying that I'm most likely at least A e g o s e x u a l and I currently feel like L i t h r o m a n t i c covers my feelings on romance
And in my queer moment of "It all makes sense now" I actually understand why when I first got into fanfiction and fanfiction-adjacent content why I made OCs to ship with characters I liked
And also why when it came to reading fanfiction I never was able to actually visualize myself as the "Reader" insert. I would always read the (Y/n) [Your name] ect as LITERALLY being "Your name walked/did/said" sure the eye color, skin color and hair color i might mentally match to myself
But like
Hear me out
Depending on the personality the "Reader" character would have even those superficial details would change in my head to fit the personality.
And even when I used to write Insert Readers I always viewed the "Reader" as an actual character that fit the character I was simping for
ALSO THIS FREAKING EXPLAINS WHY WITH ONE CHARACTER there was a vicious drought of content so I broke down and read a OC/cannon and guess what? Aside from the writing being better than the average "written by a teenager" garbage I was accustomed to I just REALLY enjoyed it because it wasn't another "Reader" but a genuinely fleshed out character
So like... I used to write Insert Readers and then started drifting back to OCs. And now with the fanfiction I've been writing all did one "Reader" character in a non-romantic fic and I think I was halfway through it when I realized "i don't like reader characters" and I was so confused but I finished it because damnit I liked that fic (never again, not even for non-romance. There's just going to be an "Alex" for every situation now) As far as reading Insert Readers i just do the same thing I used to- I don't REALLY envision myself there, I don't even try and guess guess what? I enjoy them even more now!
Heck I used to L O V E shipping fics the best! I still do! And this just EXPLAINS everything for me! At least with fanfiction
So am I mourning that I'll probably not have a "typical" relationship if any?
Tumblr media
Well kinda. It is a little saddening to think I'll probably be alone since I'd always be told "Maybe one day you'll find someone to be your partner like us" my parents always referring to one another as a team, but at the same time I'd already crossed this bridge before when I first believed I was possibly Demi-sexual, then gray-sexual- and I doubted that anyone I'd meet would tolerate a spiceless romance
Besides, I realize barely have the energy and desire for maintain friendships let alone a romantic one!
I'm up for a queer platonic relationship, just... No smooches or romance. Only fanfiction and garlic bread in this house ZD
And I noticed the majority of this post is focused on my Ace status
Welp, the romantic thing is just... Idk a work friend just moved out of her plumb full family home and into an apartment and no more than a week had passed before she got a boyfriend. I don't know or care if they're doing any funny business (i don't ever want to know either), but just the idea that he's spending the night at her apartment- because she told me that's happening- and theb that they've seen each other EVERYDAY since they made themselves an official couple- I cringe. It's insane. I cannot fathom it and yet it's... Normal for people to start dating a month or two after MEETING each other? Sleeping together on the third date (haha, old fashioned and such a lie I don't believe anymore 😐)?
Maybe I am just old fashioned but... Fuck I don't even feel comfortable letting a "damn" slip from my mouth until I've interacted with another human being for a month.
That's why I like my fanfiction and Roman novels. I'll buy the speed dating there, but no in real life.
In other news- I've set a personal commitment to myself to keep writing layered romances and queer platonic relationships (I don't think I've written the ladder but I intend to goshdarnit) both in my fanfiction and in my novels! I don't care how I have to present it to a publisher I'll eventually take the to to go "Oh! This is an ace romance, this person is actually Aromantic, ect"
I want more awareness of Ace and Aro spectrum individuals! You are all valid! You are not broken! You are human and have a right to not be pressured to conform to the expectations placed on you. And just because your on the spectrum and maybe feel a desire for romance or intimacy, that doesn't means you're not stil Aro or Ace, it's a spectrum after all. I know what a crush feels like, but I don't want the feelings reciprocated. That doesn't invalidate me from being on the Aromantic spectrum though.
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alectoperdita · 2 years
how do you think dsod jou and other jou differ? because of how fast duel monsters canonically evolves, i feel like jou gets some success on the pro level but ends up bowing out when the next generation emerges. he’s a little bit of a lost soul. honda’s got the factory and maybe anzu has to transition to teaching if she’s been dancing for years. where does he go from here? aside from kaiba’s bed
I guess a lot of that depends on when Jounouchi retires from pro-level Duel Monsters. Yeah, DM is constantly evolving, but unlike a lot of sports or even e-sports, you're not dependent on being in your physical prime to remain competitive. There's not necessarily an age where you're aged out of the game, compared to tennis or baseball (though that seems less of a concern these days with advances in sports medicine). So as long as Jounouchi keeps up with the game meta and has the capital to reinvest in himself, he could stay relevant for pretty long on the pro-circuit.
But capital is the keyword there. A lot of people write professional Duel Monsters based on a sponsorship model, which I agree is a logical model. So it is possible that Jounouchi has to wash out/quit at some point if he can't keep up with the evolving meta.
That might be the case for DSOD Jounouchi if we're keeping to the idea that DSOD verse is a little more downtrodden. (And if DSOD Kaiba is a weird tyrannical dick, probably makes it hard to thrive at the sport without some KC-level support which DSOD Jounouchi would not be getting.) Without post-secondary education, it's almost entirely impossible to get an office job in Japan, so that's likely out of the books for him even if he did want it (probably doesn't). Which leaves service/retail positions as the next major possibility. If Jounouchi can pick up a trade though, such as carpentry or plumbing, I think he could be content. He canonically likes building stuff in the manga.
But if Jounouchi retires within good standing of the sport as it were, He can easily parlay his minor celebrity status into doing promotional work. Modeling for street fashion brands, promo spotlights, CMs, and the sort. That would be the case for DM-verse Jounouchi. If he has enough savings, he could try to open a small business.
I think one of the interesting things about Jounouchi is that he has a sort of unlimited potential. You can give him any number of jobs and careers and they could all make sense and feel in-character. Kaiba will almost always be the president of the Kaiba Corporation, but Jounouchi can be almost anything from a part-time convenience store clerk to a celebrity of some sort, given the right plot setup.
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derekklenadaily · 2 years
‘A Holiday Spectacular’ was written by Julie Sherman Wolfe and directed by John Putch. The cast featured Ginna Claire Mason, Derek Klena, Eve Plumb, Stephen DeRosa, Ann-Margret, Elle Graper, Bryon Jennings, Carolyn McCormick, Sara Gallos, Dylan S Wallach, the Radio City’s Rockettes and more!
The film sets in present day with an Older Margaret with her granddaughter Lucy (Elle Graper), who is going to audition at the Radio City as Clara in ‘The Nutcracker’. To calm Lucy’s anxiety and fears, Margaret decides to tell her secret, that’s where we suddenly go back to the year of 1958 in Philadelphia. Young Margaret is part of the Philadelphia wealthy high society and is expected to be married into the well known prominent family. But she feels stuck with the wedding plans, so she makes a sudden decision to go to New York City to fulfill her dream to become one of the iconic Radio City’s Rockettes after seeing them on Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on her television.
Ginna Claire Mason as Margaret is absolutely divine to watch. She’s funny, ambitious, driven and confident. In the film, we see a stark contrast of both worlds, as a wealthy Philadelphia socialite and a Rockette; a loveless engagement to a man who hardly knew anything about her, and picturing the idea of the “perfect” wife would be like once she’s married. Then there’s other world where she is more comfortable and content in the city, surrounded by a group of ladies in a boarding house for the Rockettes and we see that there’s a huge weight off of her shoulders by dancing on stage every night rather than having her head in amounts of stressful planning for the upcoming wedding.
During her time in the city, she meets several people throughout her journey. Sofia; her talkative, bubbly, hilarious roommate and best friend, who is portrayed by Sara Gallos. We can see that she was clearly having a ball playing the part. Alice (Tiffany Denise Hobbs) and Janet (Larissa Schmitz) are among in the supportive sisterhood of the Rockettes. It’s neat to find a little tidbits of the side-characters and their story in the film. And how they all bond with each other on and off-stage due to how much they relate to one to another especially they are going down the same pathway to perform as a Rockette.
There’s several great scenes with Maggie and the Rockettes where we see how hard they work on stage and how precise each dance move has to be with certain timing of the song or how quickly they have to change into another costume by helping each other out after running off the stage. To relate to the previous paragraph, not only we see the main characters bond, we see every single Rockette bond together as sisters on stage especially the kick-line sequences!
Derek Klena who plays John Slater who is an aspiring photographer who has dreams of going to a NYU to become a photo journalist even though he is working at his father’s shop in the city while he is off-duty from the Navy. Derek is so charismatic, charming and determined in this film! Audiences will definitely fall in love with him fast, like how Margaret did in this film.
Throughout the film, we see Maggie and John’s relationship blossoming within days of meeting each other on the streets of New York. They gave each other’s support and inspiration by their respective love for photography and dancing, going for their dreams even though their parents seem to think it’s completely impossible and they want their children to carry on the family’s name and legacy whether it’s business related or money. Derek and Ginna Claire’s chemistry is really lovely to watch on screen. They bounce each off so well with witty one-liners, slow dancing in the snow, and stealing glances throughout the film.
Eve Plumb (Brady Bunch) and Stephen DeRosa (Boardwalk Empire) played John’s adorable but strong-willed parents. Carolyn McCormick (Law and Order) and Bryon Jennings (Lincoln) portrayed as Margaret’s strict and pompous parents. Can’t imagine what imagine was it like to have the actors to have such iconic and well known stars to play as their parents or even as an older Margaret who was portrayed by Ann-Margret (Viva Las Vegas and Bye-Bye Birdie).
We get the taste of glitter and glamour in the film with pretty iconic and stunning costumes on the Rockettes. Not only that, throughout the film, we get the vibes of ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ or ‘Rare Window’ or ‘A Star Is Born’ with the gorgeous, dreamy, bright and stylish 1950’s costumes by Keith Costumes! And the music score in the film was amazing especially during when she’s on stage with Rockettes and poignant/sentimental scenes.
‘A Holiday Spectacular’ is a wonderful movie that give us all the nostalgic and holiday feels upon watching the film. The message in the film was strongly expressed that we should be ourselves, go for what makes you happy and achieve your goals/dreams no matter what anyone says. Be surrounded by the people who know and love you for who are. Julie Sherman Wolfe did a beautiful job with the script and John Putch did a great job with the directing especially it was filmed for a short period of time. ‘A Holiday Spectacular’ had a bit more theatrical feel than the traditional Hallmark movies, even though it still had a few cheesy moments but overall the reviews and tweets from various audience members and critics say that it was really great and heartwarming Christmas film to watch. You can watch the film on Peacock TV, YouTubeTV and FrdnlyTV during the holidays! Enjoy!
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How Central Coast Businesses Can Leverage SEO to Attract More Local Customers
In the highly competitive local market of Central Coast, businesses need to harness the power of SEO to reach potential customers and stand out. Here are key strategies to help attract local customers through effective SEO practices.
1. Optimize for Local Search Terms
To rank higher in local search results, businesses should focus on local SEO techniques. This includes optimizing content with location-specific keywords such as “Central Coast” and incorporating them naturally throughout the website. For example, businesses providing services like plumbing, hospitality, or retail can use phrases like "best plumbing services in Central Coast" or "local café in Central Coast" to capture search intent.
Additionally, businesses should optimize for “near me” searches, which are becoming increasingly popular. These searches connect customers with local businesses that can meet their immediate needs. Including your exact location, such as city and neighborhood names, within your website's content, headings, meta descriptions, and titles helps Google and other search engines direct local traffic to your site.
2. Claim and Optimize Google Business Profile
A Google Business Profile (GBP) is essential for attracting local customers, as it allows your business to appear in Google’s local pack, which is the map and list of businesses shown for location-based searches. Central Coast businesses should ensure they claim their GBP and optimize it by filling out all the necessary information, such as business hours, address, phone number, and services offered.
Regularly updating your profile with new photos, promotions, and posts, as well as encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, will enhance your profile’s visibility and trustworthiness. Responding to reviews also signals to potential customers that your business is engaged and responsive.
3. Focus on Local Content Marketing
Creating locally relevant content is a powerful SEO strategy. Businesses can write blog posts or articles that address topics specific to Central Coast. For example, a landscaping business can create a guide on "Best Landscaping Ideas for Homes in Central Coast," or a retail shop could post about "Top Fashion Trends in Central Coast for 2024."
By regularly publishing content that speaks to the local audience, businesses can build authority and trust within the community, which, in turn, improves search rankings. Remember to incorporate local keywords into your content to further boost your SEO performance.
For example, Central Coast businesses that need help creating and managing local content can benefit from services like business web design Central Coast, where professional solutions tailored to the local market can be provided.
4. Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search
Mobile search has grown exponentially in recent years, and with more people using smartphones to find local businesses, having a mobile-optimized website is essential. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search rankings, so ensuring your site loads quickly and provides a seamless experience on smartphones can directly impact your visibility.
Additionally, with the rise of voice search through devices like Siri and Google Assistant, businesses should optimize their content for voice search queries. This means focusing on conversational language and questions that people might ask when searching for services. For example, someone might ask, “Where can I find the best coffee in Central Coast?” Optimizing your website to answer such queries can make it more accessible to voice search users.
5. Build Local Backlinks
Backlinks from reputable websites play a major role in SEO rankings. For Central Coast businesses, obtaining backlinks from local organizations, news outlets, and bloggers can significantly improve local SEO.
Consider reaching out to local directories, publications, and community websites to get featured. You can also collaborate with other local businesses for guest blogging opportunities. For example, if you run a gym, you might partner with a local wellness center to write a guest blog post, earning a valuable backlink in the process.
These high-quality backlinks signal to search engines that your business is credible and relevant to the local community, further improving your chances of appearing in local search results.
6. Ensure Consistent NAP Information
NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency across all online platforms is essential for local SEO. Inconsistent information can confuse search engines and potential customers, resulting in lower rankings or reduced trust in your business. Be sure that your NAP is identical across your website, Google Business Profile, social media pages, and online directories like Yelp.
Additionally, make sure that your contact information is easy to find on your website. Include it in the footer, on the contact page, and throughout the site as needed. A consistent and clear NAP improves your credibility with both search engines and customers, making it easier for them to connect with you.
Leveraging SEO effectively is critical for Central Coast businesses looking to attract more local customers and grow their reach. From optimizing for local keywords to focusing on mobile and voice search, these strategies will help improve visibility in local search results and drive more traffic to your business.
For businesses seeking expert help in implementing these strategies, business web design Central Coast offers tailored web design and SEO solutions that can help local businesses succeed in the competitive Central Coast market.
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megawebdesignindia · 2 months
How We Build Great Websites for Australian Brands
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In this digital age, the very aspect of large exposure for any business, simply shouting out loud, asks for a great website. We are one of the best Website Design Company Australia at Mega Web Design and have built websites that earn pride, house audiences, and, of course, help to grow businesses. Be it a local, emerging start-up or a settled brand in Australia, the full-fledged professional pool seeks to transform your idea into one sensational online entity. Now, let's see how we succeed in that and why exactly our approach places us ahead of the pack among the leaders of web design companies in Australia.
Building a nice-looking site is more than being 'cool'; it is about understanding your brand, your audience, and then translating that to a digital experience. Well, at MegaWeb, it all starts with intensive consultation, to fully understand your aims in business and how you see it realized. It is one of the most fundamental and core activities in terms of keeping everything on your website representative of the identity of your brand.
We begin with making your websites stunning by first understanding everything there is to know about your brand. This means that we talk a lot and understand the significance to business as well as the audience. We start with assessing the Digital presence your business might already have, and how we can build on and innovate it better. Now, after we plumb the depths of brand essence, so is the website designed that it impresses not only on the face of it but extends to be an extension of your brand.
Custom design as per your needs
After having a crystal clear idea about your brand, the design team crafts a custom website design for your requirements. We believe that every website should stand apart from each other, reflecting the character and value of the represented brand. We give a lot of value to our designers for styling the layouts to be modern in nature—it should be visually appealing with such creativity that reflects both in form and function. This includes the right choice of color scheme and typography down to designing intuitive navigation.
It is not just good looks—it's a great feel too.  we take usability seriously. This means making it easy for your customers to navigate through your site, having zero friction for your visitors. We have use of best practices in UX design for fabulous usability, responsive design to bring perfect visuals on any device, and great loading speed to keep users engaged. These are only a few, among the umpteen ways we will use to make a great user experience on your site.
Our Tried-and-Tested Process for Stunning Web Design
A really great website should have a process in place, making sure nothing is left to chance. At MegaWeb, one of the country's leading design companies for stunning websites, we approach every project as follows:
Discovery and Strategy
Design and Development - We start by going through a proper Discovery phase in which we gather information about your business objectives, your target audience, and the competition. It forms one of the most critical stages while coming up with a strategic plan around what design elements, functionality, and content strategy a website needs to adopt.
The first step is the strategy. A vision and strategy are created by our design and development teams in conjunction. We put words to the look and feel with the help of wireframes and mockups. Once we are clear, we move to development: we shape the site using up-to-the-minute technologies and best coding practices in our development phase. This will guarantee not only an appropriate look and feel but also a technically solid underpinning that is both reliable and scalable.
Ninth: Testing and Launch
We carry out rigorous tests before the actual launch. We test to make sure that none of the links are broken, the website compatibility is accurately checked with various browsers and different devices, and essential optimization in terms of performance. All the problems will be fixed, and finally, the website will get launched and continuously be monitored in terms of its performance.
Ongoing Support and Maintenance
Well, we don't rest upon our commitment to your success once we have the product launched. We will provide you with a development package along with continuous support and maintenance to make sure that your website remains updated and performs at its best level. In this regard, regular updating of the website is implemented, as well as security checks and performance enhancements.
When it comes to Web Design Company Australia, Mega Web is one that seemingly stands out for many reasons, as explained below.
Customized Web Development - There is nothing like a one-size-fits-all concept—just share your idea, and we'll work to support our needs. Whether it's designing custom elements that will fit your website or developing unique functionalities, we make sure that your website website truly represents your brand and does assist you in terms of supporting your business goals.
Top-trained Team
We are an empathic team of designers, developers, and strategists, totally in love with the web design industry. We constantly evolve and learn about new trends and technologies to provide solutions and help to take a brand above others with us.
Proven Record of Success
Mega Web has carried a strong reputation of delivering outstanding websites of all kinds to Australian brands. Here is the list of compiled successful projects where our qualities of quality and uniqueness can be shown upon.
Final Words 
Excellent creativity, technical know-how, and a great understanding of your brand are what it takes to build a nice website. At Mega, we place much importance to any Website Design Company in Australia that is taken to the forefront and can turn your fancy flights into an impressive online sales force. We ensure that every website designed by us will be user-friendly, stylish, and cater to exact business needs.
Want to digitize your brand into an awesome website? Visit Mega Web. Please feel free to contact us and learn how our creative, dedicated team can bring your digital dreams to life. We will most definitely make your business stand out and attain your set objectives in the arena of the digital marketplace through uniquely designed websites that are true to your brand.
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psm-global · 2 months
Things to know about plumber course
When you enjoy the range of responsibilities that Plumber Course Melbourne can offer a career. You have wider opportunities to explore and set the job in the fastest growing field. Unlike other field, it is a mandatory one needed by every residential and commercial buildings. Choosing the finest institutions will enhance your knowledge and tend to achieve the aimed position.
However, if you are interested to know more about this course, it will be explained below. This will provide you all the information to get started on the path to a successful career.
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Equipment Use and Tool Care
You can have the chance to study about the correct maintenance and operation of plumbing gear and equipment in a Plumber Course Melbourne provides for the plumbing and piping trades. For example, you may learn about the numerous tools used for pipe-joint assembly and maintenance, as well as boring and cutting. As you go through this course, you learn more about the many tools used in the grade and how to utilize them efficiently. Then you'll be ready to tackle any kind of tasks that comes along the way with this thorough overview of the field.
Make Safety Your Top Priority
The golden rule of plumbing safety is to never bite your fingernails and to avoid getting the hands in your mouth, nose, or, eyes. Wearing gloves and safety eyewear is essential as you'll be close to chemical compounds and bacteria. As a plumber, you automatically need to follow all safety precautions and use extreme caution when working at heights and in narrow spaces. In the end, it's your responsibility to protect yourself, follow best practices, and be alert. The employer and co-workers should regard safety as s high priority.
Plumbing Training Includes Hands-On Experience.
Reading about plumbing or watching someone else do it is not enough when it comes to the subject. To learn the skills and become an expert in the field, you must practice the methods or techniques on yourself. Because of this, they make sure that you have a lot of practical experience while undergoing training at Plumbing Course Melbourne. It will give you knowledge on how to install, cut, and fit pipes as well as perform repairs. This will make you graduate from training with the skills and confidence to take on any tasks.
Continued Learning and Professional Development
New materials, procedures and technology are continually being introduced in this field. To stay up to date on the latest advancements, attend conferences for the industry and workshops for continuous education. To keep on top of the field, take part in associations for professionals, network with other plumbers and stay informed about new developments. Keeping up with the latest techniques enables you to expand your knowledge and take advantage of career chances.
Ideas at last
A fulfilling career choice that provides security, contentment at work, and a significant service to the community is being a plumber. Learn the skills you'll need to succeed in this fascinating and profitable business by enrolling in Best Plumbing Courses plumbing program. To stand out in this crucial industry, never forget that you need to dedicate yourself to professionalism, lifelong learning, and high-quality work. So go ahead and start your plumbing career by acquiring the required abilities and making the step!
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webdesignmaster01 · 3 months
Top 5 Business Ideas That Never Fail: Build Your Empire Today
Building a business that never fails is the ultimate goal for many entrepreneurs. Selecting the right business idea is crucial for long-term success. This article explores the top 5 business ideas that never fail, providing actionable insights and strategies to help you build your empire today.
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Top Business Ideas That Never Fail
Healthcare Services: The healthcare industry is a business that never fails due to the constant demand for medical services. With an aging population and increasing health awareness, healthcare services such as clinics, home healthcare, and telemedicine are always in demand. Investing in healthcare ensures a steady customer base and long-term growth.
Education and Tutoring: Education is another business that never fails. The demand for quality education and tutoring services is perpetual, driven by parents’ desire to provide the best for their children and adults seeking further education. Online tutoring, educational software, and vocational training are booming sectors within the education industry.
Food and Beverage: The food and beverage industry is a timeless business that never fails. People will always need to eat, making this a stable industry. From restaurants and food trucks to specialty food stores and online meal delivery services, there are numerous opportunities to succeed in this field. Focusing on healthy, organic, or unique culinary experiences can set your business apart.
Technology and IT Services: In the digital age, technology and IT services represent a business that never fails. Businesses and individuals alike require technology solutions, from software development and cybersecurity to IT consulting and managed services. Keeping up with technological advancements and providing reliable services ensures sustained demand.
Home and Property Maintenance: Home and property maintenance is a business that never fails due to the ongoing need for upkeep and improvements. Services such as landscaping, cleaning, plumbing, and HVAC maintenance are always in demand. As property owners seek to maintain or increase the value of their assets, reliable maintenance services become indispensable.
Strategies for Success in These Business Ideas
Thorough Market Research: Conducting comprehensive market research is essential for a business that never fails. Understand your target market, analyze competitors, and identify gaps in the market to position your business effectively.
Customer-Centric Approach: A business that never fails prioritizes customer satisfaction. Engage with your customers, gather feedback, and continually improve your services to meet their needs. Building strong customer relationships fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
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Innovation and Adaptability: Staying ahead of industry trends and embracing innovation is key to a business that never fails. Continuously update your offerings, adopt new technologies, and remain flexible to adapt to changing market conditions.
Effective Financial Management: Sound financial management is crucial for a business that never fails. Maintain accurate financial records, manage cash flow efficiently, and invest wisely. Regularly review your financial performance to make informed decisions.
Robust Marketing Strategies: Invest in robust marketing strategies to build brand awareness and attract customers. Utilize digital marketing tools such as SEO, social media, and content marketing to reach a broader audience and engage with potential customers.
In understanding this, choosing the right business idea is the first step towards creating a business that never fails. Healthcare services, education and tutoring, food and beverage, technology and IT services, and home and property maintenance are top business ideas with enduring demand. By conducting thorough market research, prioritizing customer satisfaction, embracing innovation, managing finances effectively, and investing in robust marketing strategies, you can build a resilient and thriving empire.
Embark on your entrepreneurial journey today with these proven business ideas, and you will be well on your way to creating a business that not only survives but flourishes in any economic climate.
Embark on a creative journey through the latest in web design with our series, 'Secrets of a Business That Never Fails: Proven Strategies for Success.' Stay ahead by discovering the newest trends, learning from leading industry professionals, and mastering the skills required for exceptional digital experiences. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to produce standout web design solutions.
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I've been plugging away at the aroace!Mario wip recently; I'm hoping I can get it posted in June, both for my birthday and arospec awareness week, but its still a bit too early to know if I'll make it, haha. I have a lot of the fic written already thanks to that burst of inspiration I'd had last fall; I just need to fill in a few more scenes and then do a crapton of editing. This fic's style got a bit experimental, lmao. And I'm piss awful at writing any romance or romance-adjacent things so that'll be fun for future-me to wrestle with. And also it's clocking in at 9.3k and still climbing 😅
Anyway here's the beginning of the fic because I nailed it pretty much first try and I quite like it!
Mario couldn't tell you to this day why he’d gone to rescue Princess Peach the first time.
He'd hardly seen as much of a glimpse of her in the first few weeks after he and Luigi moved to the outskirts of Toad Town, busy as they were settling in. Sure, there were photographs of her in various houses they'd done plumbing jobs in, and the far off stained glass of the castle itself, but it hadn’t been until their self-proclaimed best friend Toad (one of dozens, all content to share the same moniker to an extent) had cheerfully cajoled them into attending an upcoming parade in town that he’d gotten to see her in person for the first time. 
She’d stood on a parade float, waving to the crowd with a smile, and Mario’s first thought had been that she was more beautiful than those photos could even try to do justice.
Every Toad they'd met spoke of her reverently yet fondly, and over the course of the next few weeks he’d seen her around town now and then. Her kindness was overflowing, filling the hearts of her people and spilling out to touch Mario and Luigi in turn, relative strangers to their town. So the morning they’d woken up and found out she’d been stolen in the night, Mario couldn't help but want to repay this town — his home — by getting her back.
So maybe he could tell you why, after all.
Regardless, he'd had no idea what he’d gotten himself into.
Honestly, a lot of the rescue mission had come down to luck and good timing and the element of surprise. He hardly remembered the back half of it, hopped up on adrenaline and stubborn determination and whatever Mushrooms and power-ups the Toads along the way had chosen to stuff him with. He still had no clue what the deal was with that giant axe Bowser had, or why it was so near the cables to a bridge, but he’d tripped on it anyway and knocked it over, sending both the bridge and the brute dropping into lava. He’d needed a few minutes to catch his breath afterwards; he’d honestly thought he’d never get to see Luigi again after failing that stunt.
With the kidnapper dealt with, all that had been left was to escort the kidnappee home. Finding her cell hadn’t been hard; it was right beyond the room he'd fought Bowser in. She’d looked surprised to see him, he remembered, like she hadn't expected to be rescued at all. That thought had made him sad.
The beginning of the long trek home had been quiet, at first. It was Mario’s first time truly being up close to her since a few days after that parade when she’d come up to him and Luigi while they were having lunch to introduce herself and personally welcome them to the town. (Something that’d had his brother hyperventilating afterwards about chatting with royalty. Mario’s panic had been much further buried by comparison.) But then something had broken the ice; Mario couldn't have told you what it was, only that by the time they stepped into town they had been chatting and laughing like friends. Beyond the royal airs, she was a woman who was surprisingly easy to talk to. Though by the looks of everyone in town afterwards, maybe she wasn't like that for everyone. 
And that was when Mario’s problems had started.
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rightserve · 3 months
Role of Clash Detection in Preventing Costly Errors in Construction
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The proverb "measure two times, cut once" has extraordinary importance in the structure business. Each venture, no matter what its scale, requests careful preparation and execution to guarantee consistent advancement. In any case, even with the most exhaustive preparation, clashes between different components can happen, prompting exorbitant blunders and deferrals. In this blog entry, we'll dive into the meaning of clash detection and how it fills in as a watchman against costly slip-ups in construction projects.
Understanding Clash Detection
Prior to diving into its job in mistake anticipation, how about we first accept the idea of clash detection. Clash detection includes the utilization of cutting edge programming to recognize possible contentions or clashes between various parts of a construction project. These clashes can go from clashes between primary components to clashes between mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) frameworks. building groups can decrease the chance of costly slip-ups during the structure interaction by proactively tending to clashes that emerge during the preparation or design stage.
Enhancing Collaboration and Communication
One of the essential advantages of clash detection is its capacity to improve coordinated effort and correspondence among different partners engaged with a construction project. With the utilization of Building Data Displaying (BIM) programming, designers, specialists, and workers for hire can picture the whole task in a computerized climate. This common stage permits them to recognize clashes all the more proficiently and team up on settling them before they manifest in the actual construction stage. Powerful correspondence worked with by clash detection programming guarantees that all gatherings are in total agreement in regards to project necessities and details, decreasing the possibilities of false impressions that could prompt mistakes.
Preventing Rework and Delays
Clashes identified during the preparation or design stage can be settled with negligible exertion and cost contrasted with tending to them during the construction stage. By distinguishing clashes almost immediately, construction groups can make essential acclimations to the design, format, or sequencing of components to wipe out clashes. This proactive methodology forestalls revise as well as helps in staying away from postpones in the construction plan. Convenient goal of clashes guarantees that construction advances without a hitch, keeping the undertaking on target and inside financial plan.
Ensuring Safety and Quality
Clash detection assumes an imperative part in guaranteeing the security and nature of the built office. Distinguishing clashes connected with underlying trustworthiness, fire security frameworks, or availability right off the bat in the task lifecycle considers restorative measures to be executed speedily. By resolving these issues before construction starts, workers for hire can try not to think twice about security norms of the structure and stick to administrative prerequisites. Also, clash detection keeps up with the general nature of the venture by limiting blunders and errors that could affect its usefulness and life span.
Optimizing Resource Allocation
Construction projects include critical interests with regards to materials, work, and hardware. Clash detection supports improving asset allotment by forestalling wastage related with revamp or amending mistakes post-construction. By settling clashes forthright, construction groups can assign assets all the more productively, guaranteeing that materials are utilized wisely, and labor is conveyed really. This diminishes costs as well as improves efficiency, prompting better task results.
All in all, clash detection fills in as a key part in forestalling exorbitant blunders and failures in construction projects. By identifying clashes right off the bat in the preparation or design stage, construction groups can moderate dangers, improve joint effort, and guarantee the wellbeing, quality, and convenient finishing of the undertaking. Embracing trend setting innovations like BIM and clash detection programming engages partners to expect and address potential contentions proactively, in this way driving more prominent productivity and outcome in the construction business. As the idiom goes, addressing the issue beforehand is better than addressing any aftermath later, and clash detection embodies this rule by deflecting expensive missteps before they appear on the construction site.
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oamiimarketing · 5 months
Content Marketing Ideas for Plumbing Companies
In the competitive field of plumbing services, content marketing is a powerful tool that can help plumbing companies attract new customers, establish authority, and build lasting relationships with their audience. By creating valuable and relevant content, plumbing companies can educate, inform, and engage potential customers while showcasing their expertise and services. In this article, we'll explore effective content marketing ideas tailored specifically for plumbing companies and how partnering with a digital marketing agency can amplify these efforts.
1. Blogging About Common Plumbing Issues
One of the most effective content marketing strategies for plumbing companies is to maintain a blog that addresses common plumbing problems and solutions. Consider writing articles such as "How to Unclog a Drain Safely," "Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes," or "Signs You Need to Replace Your Water Heater." By offering practical advice and DIY tips, you position your company as a trusted resource for plumbing knowledge.
2. Creating Educational Videos
Video content is highly engaging and can effectively demonstrate plumbing techniques or showcase before-and-after scenarios of plumbing repairs. Create short tutorial videos on topics like "How to Fix a Leaky Faucet" or "Installing a Garbage Disposal." Videos not only educate your audience but also humanize your brand and build trust with potential customers.
3. Client Testimonials and Case Studies
Share success stories from satisfied customers through client testimonials and case studies. Highlight challenges faced, solutions provided, and the positive outcomes achieved. Testimonials and case studies help build credibility and reassure potential customers of your company's reliability and expertise.
4. Infographics and Visual Content
Create visually appealing infographics that simplify complex plumbing concepts or illustrate maintenance tips. Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms and can drive traffic to your website while enhancing brand awareness.
5. Local Community Engagement
Showcase your involvement in the local community through content marketing. Write about sponsorships, charity events, or community initiatives your plumbing company supports. This demonstrates your commitment to giving back and fosters a positive brand image.
6. Answering FAQs
Compile a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to plumbing services and provide detailed answers in blog posts or on your website. Addressing common concerns and queries helps establish your company as an authoritative source in the plumbing industry.
7. Seasonal Maintenance Guides
Create seasonal maintenance guides tailored to your geographic location. For example, offer tips on preparing plumbing systems for winter or spring cleaning recommendations for drains and pipes. Seasonal content keeps your audience engaged and positions your company as a proactive service provider.
8. Email Newsletters
Develop a regular email newsletter that delivers valuable content directly to subscribers' inboxes. Include updates, tips, promotions, and relevant industry news to keep your audience informed and engaged over time.
How a Plumber Digital Marketing Agency Can Help
Partnering with a specialized digital marketing agency that understands the unique challenges of plumbing companies can significantly enhance your content marketing efforts. Here's how a plumber digital marketing agency can assist:
- Strategic Content Planning: Professional agencies can develop a comprehensive content strategy aligned with your business goals and target audience.
- Content Creation and Optimization: Experienced content creators can produce high-quality, SEO-optimized content that resonates with your audience and drives organic traffic.
- Distribution and Promotion: Digital marketing agencies excel in promoting content across various channels, including social media, email, and industry-specific platforms, to maximize reach and engagement.
- Performance Tracking and Optimization: Agencies analyze content performance metrics and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your content marketing strategy for continuous improvement.
In conclusion, content marketing is a valuable tool for plumbing companies to connect with their audience, establish authority, and drive business growth. By implementing creative and informative content marketing strategies such as blogging, video creation, testimonials, and community engagement, plumbing companies can strengthen their online presence and attract more customers. Partnering with a plumber digital marketing agency can further amplify these efforts, ensuring that your content resonates with the right audience and drives measurable results in terms of leads and conversions. Embrace the power of content marketing to differentiate your plumbing business and stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.
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kristenbrady · 7 months
It’s Not Just Your Imagination…Job Hunting is Getting Worse
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Tired of leaving your financial future in the hands of a company who doesn’t care about you? Looking for a job has become very frustrating. Tired of surviving layoff rounds? If we are heading into a recession, employees are more hesitant to make hiring decisions.
The year 2024 is going to be a time for you to take back control of your financial future. It’s time to learn a new skill, if necessary. You don’t have to go back to college to learn a new skill. There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet. Amazon eBooks, and other digital platforms that sell online digital products teaching ways to do certain things are fantastic ways to educate yourself while you keep your day job.
Sell Your Digital Products On These Platforms
Here are 11 platforms you need to place your digital products.
Don’t start a new business until you know you can sustain it. If you want to, you can start a new business while doing such things as DoorDash or Uber just to keep the bills moving along while you work on your business. Those gig economy jobs are very flexible and will allow you to carve out the time needed to start a new business.
Without further ado, let’s jump into 13 small business ideas that are affordable to start but have high potential, as well as the stats to back them up.
Online Publisher
Since 2012, the use of the global internet has increased by 82 percent.
Today, having loyal readers or viewers is invaluable because it’s possible to leverage that trust and authority to develop a business that has customers from the first day.
Platforms such as podcasts, YouTube, a blog, and social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram make it easier now more than ever to build up an audience.
With a loyal audience, it’s possible to monetize through sponsorship deals, affiliate marketing, and advertising. Moving from content creation to providing services such as coaching, product sales or course sales also can be very profitable.
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Between now and 2025, the worldwide content marketing field is predicted to expand by $417 billion.
With increasing advertising prices on platforms such as Facebook and Google, an increasing number of businesses are eyeing organic growth tactics such as social media and SEO to drive traffic. That trend opens up the door to starting up an agency that serves business clientele.
Content marketing performed correctly will substantially increase a brand’s visibility on platforms such as Google, which may assist in driving sales. Microsoft flagged search engine optimization as an important skill for marketing professionals in the next 10 years.
Your content agency may provide a variety of services, from repurposing existing content for various platforms and SEO optimization to assisting businesses in kickstarting podcasts to engage their listeners.
Purchase A Business in Your Area
Many baby boomers are approaching retirement, so local service businesses such as carpet cleaning, plumbing, and HVAC services are now on the market.
Today, the situation is extremely different than it was in the past, when businesses were usually passed down from generation to generation. Many of the offspring of these business owners today are pursuing different occupations than their parents, which leaves the owners of these highly profitable businesses to search for buyers.
While this is not as easy as entering your local HVAC workplace and making an offer, there’s a lot of opportunity out there to the ones willing to perform their due diligence.
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Digital advertising spending in the U.S. exceeded $567 billion in 2022. It is predicted to exceed $835 billion in 2026.
As an increasing number of businesses go online to sell their services and products, the demand for digital marketing experts is exploding. While it’s possible to start in digital marketing as a one-man/woman show, it is also an excellent time to start up an agency.
That is because there are a number of niche skill sets within the industry, which includes running affiliate marketing programs, paid ad management, and social media management.
Here is a list of 7 various areas of specialization within the industry:
Web analytics: Interpreting and reading traffic trends that assist clients in better understanding their website customers and visitors.
Social media marketing: Purchasing micro-targeted advertisement on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
Digital advertising: Investing in targeted advertisements on Google and other types of platforms online.
Email marketing: Creating captivating emails that drive action, and then targeting them to the proper individuals.
SEO (search engine optimization): Optimizing content in order for it to perform well on search engines like Google.
Content marketing strategy: Promoting and producing content that assists brands in building their profile.
Sales funnels: Organizing and writing content that turns prospective buyers into paying clients/customers.
App Development and Web Design
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that a 23 percent rise in demand for web designers from 2019 to 2029 — a pace much greater than the majority of careers.
The massive demand for high-quality app developers and web designers makes this an excellent business idea. What is better is that app development and web design skills are shockingly easy to learn, and individuals are willing to pay big sums for high-quality web development work.
Full sites on open-source platforms such as WordPress may fetch from a few thousand dollars to over $100,000 for corporate clients, with an average rate frequently over $100/hour. Customized websites constructed from scratch may command even more money.
Graphic design is an important component of good web design and a profitable business choice in its own right. Typically, graphic designers begin with rates about $50/hour; however, may make above this with experience. Learning to do outstanding graphic design work may be a great first step to setting up a web design business.
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In 2022, stores on Etsy generated $2.6 billion, up from $ 2.3B in the year 2021.
Etsy is a fave of creative, entrepreneurial-minded types because it is an exceptional way to sell hand-crafted, unique goods without any of the headaches of establishing your own retail shop.
The beauty of this platform is that it comes with a built-in audience of shoppers searching for vintage and handmade products. So, it’s possible to leverage network effects with a quality item your customers adore.
As a store owner on Etsy, you have the job of managing customer service, creating product listings, and shipping the goods yourself. Etsy takes about 8 percent of the sale, but there aren’t any other substantial expenses related to opening a retail store.
Be A Reseller
Imagine reselling as purchasing an asset and then selling it at a higher cost. Your inventory might be anything — from designer clothing to vintage clothing to old video games, rare books, and all things in between.
It’s possible to sell on a variety of platforms, which includes your own website, eBay, Etsy, Poshmark, and Amazon.
The key to running a successful reselling company includes having an information advantage. This means understanding the marketplace for what you are purchasing better than the individual selling the product.
Such a business may start small, but then quickly scale up by purchasing more inventory through spaces such as wholesale markets, in which it’s possible to buy products in bulk.
Service-Based Consulting/Agency Business
Revenue on Upwork (a freelance marketplace) rose 14 percent year-over-year, in Q3 of 2022, which rose to more than $ 1 billion.
The biggest freelance marketplace, Upwork, publishes information in regard to the quickest-growing occupations on the platform. That data displays the highest-paying, most in-demand skills and jobs.
Their current list displays opportunities like:
Video production
Machine Learning
Mobile application skills
Data analytics
Automation specialists
If you are competent in any of those industries, or are willing to take some time to become competent, there is an abundance of highly-paid consulting or freelance work available. One alternative choice to learning a new skill includes finding dependable contractors to perform the work for you.
When you have begun to gain experience and freelance, it’s possible to start a consulting business or agency that specializes in that service. For more repeatable activities, like video production, hiring overseas virtual assistants to perform the work at a reduced price based on the procedures and systems you establish is possible.
Think about combining those skill sets with market trends, like doing video production for creators on TikTok, and it’s possible to quickly run a successful service-based agency.
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People in America spend over $100 billion a year on their furry friends.
In a lot of ways, a dog walking business tends to be more like a side hustle or a job than a business. Because after all, you are earning an income on an hourly basis for offering a service to customers.
However, if you like working with cats, dogs, and other types of animals and have a business/entrepreneurial mindset, applying that business acumen to this line of work can pay.
An excellent place to get started is Rover. Imagine it as the Uber for pets: clients pay good money to arrive at an established time and take their pooch for a walk, in addition to dog/cat sitting.
As you build a reputation and clientele on Rover, you also should think about ways to scale up and then transition from being a freelancer to operating a pet business. This may involve providing other dog/cat owners associated services such as boarding, grooming, and training. Think about starting up other kinds of businesses, like an Etsy store that sells pet supplies.
Event Planner / Wedding Planner
Around 32 percent of couples hire a wedding planner, according to The Knot (a wedding site).
Wedding planning is a highly sought-after home business idea that has huge earning potential.
For the majority of couples, their wedding is one of the most critical days of their life. For better or worse, the increase of social media platforms such as Instagram has made wedding days even more crucial.
Because after all, thousands of photos are captured by both the guests and the professional photographer, and these photos are going to be enshrined online forever. So grooms and brides understandably feel the pressure to get the wedding planning right and make sure everything looks amazing.
On one side, this is a boon for the industry of wedding planning. If you are able to keep everything running on time and are familiar with how to make the big day look fantastic on Instagram, it’s possible to earn a good income for your services.
However, on the flip side, some couples are hesitant to take a risk on a wedding planner who has a limited portfolio or very little experience. Working for a planner in your hometown, even for a short time, might be an excellent way to get some legit experience.
If that isn’t an option, you may have the ability to offer to be of assistance to your family and friends with one specific component of their wedding free of charge, then use that successful execution of that job as a portion of your portfolio.
If you do not like to be around weddings, there also are other opportunities in the business of event planning. Other types of specialties involve conventions, concerts, formal parties, conferences, and corporate events.
Green Cleaning Services
By 2029, the marketplace for green cleaning products is predicted to expand to almost $12 billion.
An increasing number of workplaces are looking for deep cleaning services to completely sanitize their offices. One other trend is that both businesses and consumers are seeking eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Combine these trends, and you’ll obtain an opportunity in high demand and an abundance of long-term growth possibility.
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About 75 percent of people age 50 and up want to remain in their home while they grow older.
The combination of an ever-aging population and the realization that this group of people want to reside inside their homes for as long as they can means there is huge potential for specializing in elderly care inside the healthcare sector.
Services to offer are:
Home renovations and repairs that enable elderly individuals to remain inside their home longer (that is, making their house wheelchair-friendly)
Mobile beauty services
Non-emergency elderly transport services
Respite care facility
Adult day care facility
Personal care aide and home health agency
Personal Training
Through 2030, according to the BLS, there will be a 19 percent rise in demand for personal trainers.
With more expectations on how we look and a rise in healthcare expenses, more and more people now more than ever are attempting to get into shape. And they’re paying a lot of money for it.
This business is more difficult to scale up than the majority of businesses if you just work with customers one-on-one.
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👾Kristen is a contributor on Medium. Sign up here to catch every story when she publishes.
🌀Grab my audiobook on Audible: How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You’re Sleeping or on paperback through Amazon here or FREE eBook through Gumroad here.
😛Follow Kristen on Substack: https://substack.com/@kristenb
Originally posted on Medium
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