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Consob sanziona #UniCredit
Con molta ironia: mi sa che i corsi “on line” non sono stati pervasivi e qualcuno dovrà ripeterli 🙂 CONSOB, sanzioni amministrative a Cordusio SIM e Cordusio Fiduciaria Finanza – LASTAMPA.it – La Stampa – CONSOB ha applicato nei confronti di Unicredit (quale società incorporante Cordusio SIM) una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria pari a 80.000 …
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Abstract:CONSOB Italy’s regulator, issued a warning regarding the fraudulent websites impersonating legitimate investment firms. These fake websites aim to deceive unsuspecting investors into providing personal information or making financial transactions.
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ETF sui Bitcoin, cosa sono e quando saranno disponibili
Il Bitcoin è una criptovaluta decentralizzata, che non dipende da alcuna autorità centrale o intermediario per la sua emissione e il suo trasferimento. Il Bitcoin si basa su una rete peer-to-peer di nodi che validano le transazioni e mantengono una copia della blockchain, il registro pubblico e immutabile di tutte le operazioni in Bitcoin *. Gli ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) sono fondi negoziati in borsa, che replicano l’andamento di un indice, un’attività o un settore. Gli ETF sono prodotti finanziari regolamentati, che offrono agli investitori la possibilità di diversificare il proprio portafoglio e di beneficiare della liquidità e della trasparenza dei mercati tradizionali *. Un ETF sul Bitcoin è un fondo che investe direttamente o indirettamente nella criptovaluta, permettendo agli investitori di partecipare alla sua performance senza doverla possedere fisicamente o gestire un wallet. Un ETF sul Bitcoin può essere costituito da Bitcoin reali, da contratti derivati o da azioni di aziende legate al settore delle criptovalute3. Attualmente, non esistono ETF sul Bitcoin approvati dalle autorità di regolamentazione dei principali mercati, come la SEC negli Stati Uniti o la Consob in Italia. Tuttavia, ci sono alcuni ETF sul Bitcoin disponibili in altre borse, come quella di Toronto o di Stoccolma, che possono essere acquistati da investitori qualificati o tramite broker autorizzati *. Alcuni esempi di ETF sul Bitcoin sono: - Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC): il primo ETF sul Bitcoin approvato in Nord America, lanciato nel febbraio 2021 sulla Borsa di Toronto. Questo ETF investe direttamente in Bitcoin fisici, custoditi da Gemini Trust Company, e addebita una commissione di gestione dello 0,75%. - VanEck Vectors Bitcoin ETN (VBTC): un exchange traded note (ETN) che replica il prezzo del Bitcoin tramite contratti futures. Questo ETN è quotato sulla Borsa di Francoforte dal novembre 2020 e ha una commissione di gestione dello 0,25%. - WisdomTree Bitcoin ETP (BTCW): un exchange traded product (ETP) che investe in Bitcoin fisici, custoditi da Coinbase Custody Trust Company. Questo ETP è quotato sulla Borsa di Zurigo dal dicembre 2019 e ha una commissione di gestione dello 0,95%. Gli ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) sono fondi negoziati in borsa, che replicano l’andamento di un indice, un’attività o un settore. Gli ETF sono prodotti finanziari regolamentati, che offrono agli investitori la possibilità di diversificare il proprio portafoglio e di beneficiare della liquidità e della trasparenza dei mercati tradizionali *. La Security Exchange Commission (SEC) è l’agenzia del governo degli Stati Uniti che vigila e regolamenta il mercato mobiliare americano, con lo scopo di evitare le manipolazioni e proteggere gli investitori2. La SEC è presieduta da Gary Gensler, che è in carica dal 2021 dopo la designazione del presidente Joe Biden *. La SEC ha il potere di approvare o rifiutare la quotazione di ETF sul Bitcoin, che sono fondi che investono direttamente o indirettamente nella criptovaluta, permettendo agli investitori di partecipare alla sua performance senza doverla possedere fisicamente o gestire un wallet *. Finora, la SEC non ha approvato nessun ETF sul Bitcoin, nonostante le numerose richieste presentate da vari emittenti. La SEC ha espresso preoccupazioni riguardo alla volatilità, alla manipolazione e alla sicurezza del mercato del Bitcoin, e ha richiesto maggiori garanzie e standard per la sua regolamentazione 3. Tuttavia, alcuni osservatori ritengono che la SEC possa cambiare il suo atteggiamento sotto la guida di Gensler, che ha una maggiore conoscenza e apertura verso le criptovalute, avendo insegnato un corso sul tema al MIT. Inoltre, la SEC ha recentemente adottato una nuova regola per modernizzare la regolazione degli ETF, stabilendo un quadro chiaro e coerente per la maggior parte degli ETF operanti oggi 1. Alcuni membri della Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti hanno scritto una lettera a Gensler, sollecitandolo ad approvare un ETF sul Bitcoin “immediatamente”, sostenendo che ciò aumenterebbe la concorrenza, l’innovazione e la protezione degli investitori *. Non si sa ancora se e quando la SEC approverà un ETF sul Bitcoin, ma molti investitori e operatori del settore sono in attesa di una decisione che potrebbe avere un impatto significativo sul mercato delle criptovalute. La Consob, l’autorità di vigilanza finanziaria italiana, ha avvertito i risparmiatori che le società del gruppo Binance non sono autorizzate a prestare servizi e attività di investimento in Italia, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i derivati e gli stock token correlati alle criptovalute *. Questa è una misura precauzionale per proteggere gli investitori dai rischi e dalle frodi che possono derivare da un mercato non regolamentato e volatile *. Binance è la pi�� grande piattaforma di scambio di criptovalute al mondo, con un volume di trading mensile di oltre 600 miliardi di dollari3. Tuttavia, la sua struttura aziendale e la sua sede legale sono poco chiare, e la società è stata oggetto di indagini e sanzioni da parte di diverse autorità di regolamentazione in altri paesi, come il Regno Unito, la Germania, il Giappone e gli Stati Uniti *. Per ora, Binance continua a operare in Italia, ma la Consob ha invitato i risparmiatori a usare la massima cautela e diligenza nel fare operazioni su strumenti correlati a criptovalute, e a verificare sempre l’identità e l’autorizzazione della controparte contrattuale *. Fonte: Bing Read the full article
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Scusa, io non ne capisco molto, ma cosa cambia se la juven è quotate in borsa? non dovrebbe essere trattata ugualmente agli altre?
no in realtà c'entra eccome. il fatto è questo: la Juventus è una società quotata in borsa e in quanto tale è soggetta al controllo della CONSOB, diversamente da tutti gli altri club italiani (che non sono quotati in borsa). ciò non vuol dire che le altre squadre facciono quello che vogliono (ci sono altri organi di controllo), ma c'è un livello di scrutinio diverso, mettiamola così.
il fatto di essere quotati in borsa implica necessariamente anche delle differenze sostanziali in tribunale. ad esempio, per reati di falso in bilancio, la legge italiana prevede fino a 5 anni per le società non quotate e fino a 8 per le società quotate.
la differenza di pena implica anche diversi mezzi d'indagine – particolarmente rilevanti in questo caso sono le intercettazioni che, secondo la legge italiana, possono essere effettuate solo per reati punibili con più di 5 anni. ciò significa che la Juventus è l'unica squadra italiana intercettabile e che, in sintesi, anche a parità di reato, la Juventus rischierà sempre di più e riceverà una pena sempre più cospicua rispetto agli altri club.
un esempio in soldoni: se De Laurentiis facesse dei rigiri (togli pure il periodo ipotetico) e ne parlasse al telefono, non ne saprebbe nulla nessuno perché non è intercettabile. se fossero comunque dimostrate delle irregolarità di bilancio tramite altre vie, De Laurentiis rischierebbe fino a 5 anni. nella stessa identica situazione un dirigente della Juventus sarebbe 1) intercettabile (rendendo molto più semplici le indagini) e 2) punibile con fino a 8 anni.
non è giusto o sbagliato, è semplicemente una tutela in più da parte dell'ordinamento giuridico italiano. però faccio un ragionamento: se sarà (come io vedo abbastanza probabile che sia) che la Juventus, a bocce ferme e trovando un'uscita relativamente vantaggiosa, farà un'operazione di delisting (ovvero ritirerà le azioni), non facciamo finta che sia una vittoria per il calcio italiano perché sarà l'esatto opposto.
è quest'ultimo aspetto che mi manda ai matti – il campanilismo. "eheh la Juve che fallisce" come se non ci si rendesse conto che il fallimento di una (specie la Juve) non fa che contribuire al fallimento di tutta la Serie A. se la Juventus facesse delisting quale altro dirigente italiano si prenderebbe mai il rischio di farsi quotare in borsa?
stesso vale per la giustizia sportiva. la FIGC che toglie 15 punti in fretta e furia in vista (!) di un'ulteriore penalizzazione a campionato in corso non è una vittoria per il calcio italiano. è una sentenza politica di un sistema che non funziona e che cerca un capro espiatorio per autoproteggersi.
il "così fan tutti" non è una giustificazione, ma non prendiamo in giro l'intelligenza di ciascuno di noi facendo finta che il marcio risieda solo a Torino presso la sede della Juventus FC S.p.A. – è solo il bersaglio più semplice da centrare.
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Buon anno a tutti - Recap 2024 e Outlook 2025
Buon anno a tutti – Recap 2024 e Outlook 2025 Nel 2024 iniziavamo l’anno con una attesa quasi messianica di un paio di eventi. Prima fra tutti, l’approvazione, del fondo di investimento ETF in bitcoin di BlackRock da parte della SEC (la Consob USA). Approvazione poi effettivamente avvenuta, seppure ob torto collo, bei primi giorni di gennaio. Questa ha determinato il primo grande balzo nelle…
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Armin Ordodary
In the era of CFDs and binary options, massive international arose. With the peak occurring in or around 2015, many of them began operating between 2010 and 2012. Legislators and regulators needed some time to recognize emerging trends and devise effective countermeasures. The beginning of 2014 saw regulators issue warnings about binary options, signaling the end of the FX gold rush. It took three more years for regulators to formally outlaw binary options. A few international forex scammers duped hundreds of thousands of retail investors between 2012 and 2017. One of the groups that created a wave of illicit binary options, and cryptocurrency trading methods is Corp. Media has requested additional information to establish an EFRI funds recovery campaign.
The FSM Smart by Armin Ordodary
The fraudulent FSM Smart (www.fsmsmart.com) has been aggressively gaining clients through their Serbian boiler room Upmarket d.o.o., according to information provided to the media by whistleblowers. Benrich Holdings Ltd., a company based in Cyprus, is the only shareholder in this boiler room. Armin Ordodary, a resident of Cyprus, is a director of both companies. Upmarkt is only one of the Lau Global Services Corp several boiler rooms.
The has only a few minor branches, including the Serbian Upmarkt d.o.o. Kiev, Ukraine, has served as something of an epicentre for additional boiler rooms that have already been discovered in other jurisdictions. For instance, call centre addresses in Kiev were discovered by the Russian website. Apart from E&G Bulgaria, Lau Global Services Corp is unquestionably one of the biggest illicit broker enterprises on the planet. Even with so many offshore connections, this operation appears to be run out of Ukraine and the Balkans.
However, let’s begin with FSM Smart and work our way up to the larger picture. Early in 2018, the illicit FSM Smart made its debut. Investor cautionary note regarding the current FSM Smart (www.fsmsmart.com) :
August 2018: In the summer of 2018, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) of New Zealand issued a warning on FSM Smart.
In November 2018, the Canadian watchdog in Manitoba (MSC) issued an investor warning against FSM Smart, while the financial market regulatory organisation in Switzerland,
FINMA issued a warning against the company. FSM Smart’s contact address is reportedly Hertensteinstrasse 51, 6004 Luzern in Switzerland.
The Global Services Network of Lau
It is clear that there are connections between the operators of the FSM Smart and other con artists, such as MTI Markets (www.mtimarkets.com). According to reports, Corp., the company behind this unlawful broker, also ran the following other illicit:
(www.lgs-corp.com) LGS Corp.
(www.tradingbanks.com) TradingBanks
Trade12: https://www.trade12.com
mtimarkets.com, the website of MTI Markets
(www.grizzly-ltd.com) Grizzly
The following companies have been linked to the Lau Global Services Group by the Media team:
Belize’s Lau Global Services Corp.
Serbian Upmarkt d.o.o.
Global Fin Services Ltd (UK), Exo Capital Markets Ltd (Marshall Islands), and MTI Investments LLC or MTI Markets Ltd (Marshall Islands)
Malta-based Grizzly Ltd.
Cyprus-based R Capital Solutions Ltd.
Cyprus-based Benrich Holdings Ltd.
SIO Ltd (Cyprus)
Eyar Financial Corp Limited (Vanatu)
Most of the businesses don’t have a website or aren’t active on social media. Armin Ordodary, a resident of Cyprus, appears to be involved. The last several months have seen the disappearance of all the websites and social media accounts he is directly related to going offline. Only to bring up his SIAO Ltd. The reason behind this is the question.
Regulators from many jurisdictions issued numerous warnings to the brands and businesses connected Corp.
August 2015: MXTrade and Lau Global Services were the targets of an investor alert by the Italian CONSOB;
September 2015: MXTrade and Lau Global Services were the targets of an investor alert from Cyprus agency CySec;
April 2016: The Belgian Financial Services Authority (FSMA) cautioned investors.
Nov. 2016 saw the Australian regulator ASIC issue a warning to investors about MXTrade; Nov. 2016 saw the New Zealand regulator FMA issue a warning to investors about EXO Capital Markets Ltd. trading as Trade12;
Nov. 2017 saw the Guernsey regulator issue a warning to investors about Exo Capital Markets Ltd. trading as Trade12;
numerous other warnings regarding the various trading styles (domains/brands)
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Understanding the Forex Market in Italy.
The foreign exchange market, commonly known as forex or FX, is the world’s largest financial market, with a daily trading volume exceeding $6 trillion. Forex trading involves the exchange of currencies, allowing participants to profit from fluctuating exchange rates. In Italy, as in many other countries, the forex market has gained significant traction among investors, traders, and even small businesses looking to hedge currency risk.
What Does Forex Mean?
Forex, short for foreign exchange, refers to the global marketplace for buying and selling currencies. Unlike stock markets, forex trading operates 24/7, thanks to its decentralized nature. Participants include banks, corporations, governments, institutional investors, and individual traders.
Currencies are traded in pairs, such as EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar) or GBP/JPY (British Pound/Japanese Yen). The price of a currency pair reflects how much one currency is worth in relation to the other. For example, if the EUR/USD is trading at 1.10, it means 1 Euro is equal to 1.10 US Dollars.
Why is Forex Trading Popular in Italy?
Italy has a thriving community of forex traders due to several factors:
Accessibility: With online trading platforms, anyone with an internet connection can participate in the forex market.
High Liquidity: The forex market’s massive size ensures high liquidity, meaning traders can enter and exit positions easily.
Leverage: Forex brokers in Italy often offer leverage, allowing traders to control large positions with relatively small capital.
Economic Volatility: The Euro’s fluctuations against other currencies provide ample opportunities for Italian traders to profit.
How Can You Start Forex Trading in Italy?
Starting forex trading in Italy is straightforward if you follow these steps:
Learn the Basics: Understand forex terminology, market mechanics, and trading strategies. Many online resources and courses are available for beginners.
Choose a Broker: Select a reliable forex broker. Look for brokers regulated by reputable authorities such as CONSOB (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa) in Italy. Ensure they offer a user-friendly platform, low fees, and robust customer support.
Open a Trading Account: Register for a demo or live trading account. A demo account is an excellent way to practice trading without risking real money.
Deposit Funds: Fund your trading account using bank transfers, credit cards, or e-wallets.
Develop a Trading Strategy: Decide whether you prefer day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing. A solid strategy is essential for consistent success.
Start Trading: Begin trading by analyzing currency pairs, using technical and fundamental analysis, and placing trades through your broker’s platform.
For reliable forex signals and expert guidance, visit Forex Bank Liquidity.
Key Forex Trading Terms
Pip: The smallest price movement in a currency pair, typically 0.0001 for most pairs.
Spread: The difference between the bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices.
Leverage: A tool that allows traders to control larger positions with less capital.
Margin: The amount of money required to open a leveraged position.
Stop-Loss: An order to close a trade automatically when it reaches a specified loss level.
Popular Currency Pairs in Italy
Italian traders often focus on major currency pairs, which include:
EUR/USD: The Euro/US Dollar pair is the most traded globally due to its high liquidity and low spreads.
GBP/EUR: Popular among traders monitoring the Eurozone and the UK economies.
USD/JPY: Offers high volatility and frequent trading opportunities.
EUR/CHF: The Euro/Swiss Franc pair appeals to those seeking stability.
Italy’s Forex Trading Regulations
The forex market in Italy is regulated to protect traders and ensure transparency. CONSOB oversees financial markets, including forex brokers. When choosing a broker in Italy, ensure they are CONSOB-registered or regulated by a reputable international body such as the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) in the UK or CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission).
Economic Factors Influencing Forex Trading in Italy
Understanding the economic landscape is crucial for successful forex trading. Key factors influencing the forex market in Italy include:
European Central Bank (ECB) Policies: Italy, as a Eurozone member, is heavily affected by ECB monetary policies, such as interest rate decisions and quantitative easing.
Italian Economic Data: Indicators like GDP growth, unemployment rates, and industrial production impact currency movements.
Political Stability: Political events in Italy and the broader Eurozone can trigger volatility in the forex market.
Global Market Trends: The US Dollar, as the world’s reserve currency, often dictates broader market trends.
Benefits of Forex Trading in Italy
Flexible Trading Hours: The forex market operates 24/5, allowing Italians to trade after work or during other convenient times.
Diverse Strategies: From scalping to long-term investing, traders can adopt strategies that suit their risk tolerance and goals.
Global Market Exposure: Forex trading offers exposure to global economies, making it an attractive option for diversification.
Risks of Forex Trading
While forex trading offers immense opportunities, it’s not without risks:
Leverage Risk: High leverage amplifies both gains and losses.
Market Volatility: Sudden price swings can lead to significant losses.
Lack of Knowledge: Inadequate understanding of the market can result in poor decision-making.
To mitigate these risks, traders should focus on continuous learning, risk management, and using reliable forex signals from platforms like Forex Bank Liquidity.
Tools for Forex Traders in Italy
Modern forex trading relies on advanced tools to analyze and execute trades. Popular tools include:
Trading Platforms: MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), and cTrader are widely used for their robust features.
Economic Calendars: Track key economic events that impact currency prices.
Technical Indicators: Moving averages, RSI, MACD, and Bollinger Bands help traders identify trends and entry points.
Forex Signals: Platforms like Forex Bank Liquidity provide actionable signals to enhance trading performance.
Forex Trading Strategies for Italian Traders
Scalping: Involves making small profits from quick trades, usually within minutes.
Day Trading: Positions are opened and closed within the same trading day.
Swing Trading: Focuses on capturing short-to-medium-term price movements.
Position Trading: Long-term strategy based on fundamental analysis.
Why Choose Forex Bank Liquidity?
Forex Bank Liquidity is a trusted partner for Italian traders seeking consistent profits and expert support. Here’s why:
Accurate Signals: Receive precise forex signals for profitable trades.
Expert Guidance: Access 24/7 support from seasoned professionals.
Educational Resources: Learn and grow with in-depth market insights and tutorials.
Visit Forex Bank Liquidity to elevate your trading journey.
Final Thoughts
Forex trading in Italy offers incredible opportunities for financial growth and market engagement. By understanding the basics, choosing a reliable broker, and developing a sound strategy, Italian traders can thrive in the dynamic forex market. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, platforms like Forex Bank Liquidity provide the tools and insights needed to succeed.
Start your forex trading journey today and unlock the potential of the global currency market!
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ORA ULTIMA: Unicredit e Banco BPM: oggi la svolta. Consob riceve l'offerta: https://www.oraultima.com/unicredit-news-banca/
🆘 Oggi è il giorno fatidico per il futuro di Banco BPM. Unicredit presenterà alla Consob l'offerta pubblica di acquisto. Ma questa unione porterà benefici a tutti gli azionisti? E quali saranno le conseguenze per il mercato bancario italiano? Visita oraultima.com per leggere l'articolo completo e scoprirlo. Cosa ne pensi di questa operazione? Lascia un commento!
❓Credi che l'acquisizione di Banco BPM da parte di Unicredit sia una mossa vincente per entrambe le banche?
💡Curioso di sapere cosa bolle in pentola nei mercati? ORAULTIMA.COM ti svela tutti i segreti dell'economia e della finanza.
#oraultima #unicredit #mps #bmp #bancobmp #banche #azioni #economia #finanza #Italia #Notizie #Investimenti #Investimento #investment #investing #Borsa #Mercati #productivity #MercatiFinanziari #Investimenti #money #changes #newways #futureofwork #bonus #news #notizie #business #finanzapersonale #economiaitaliana #newsfinanziarie
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Abstract:Eminent Regulators like CONSOB and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have issued a warning against First Abu Dhabi Bank. The warning highlights potential risks associated with this broker's operations.
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DBInvesting and NewFX
DBInvesting and NewFX have received allegations of being major scams. Find out if you can trust them or not in this Gripeo review.
Investors are cautioned by the Spanish regulator CNMV not to deal with the unlicensed broker NewFX, as it is a fraud. The broker offers many companies as the operators on its website, www.newfx.co. First up is BIG HORIZONS Limited, followed by NEWFX Limited. DBFX Limited has also been named as one of the operators by the CNMV. In October 2020, the Italian Consob halted the DBFX Trades scam, which was also run by this identical legal business. Praxis Cashier has been involved in and continues to be involved in this series of scams.
The unlicensed broker DBinvesting (www.dbinvesting.com), run by DB Invest Ltd. and licensed by the Financial Services Authority Seychelles (FSAS), is the same as the NewFX fraud in terms of payment templates. The business is not, however, permitted to offer regulated financial products in the UK, Europe, or under any other regulatory framework thanks to this offshore licence. Up until the end of 2020, DBinvesting Limited, an offshore division of Belight Capital Group Ltd., a company regulated by the CySEC, managed DBinvesting. This former offshore organisation was under the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission’s (VFSC) jurisdiction.
It is evident that DBFXtrades, DBinvesting, and NewFX are interconnected. They appear to be run by the same boiler rooms and are nearly exact replicas. Praxis Cashier has also assisted with the three scams.
Furthermore, Leverate has integrated all three brokers onto its Sirix platform.
The American Funds New World Fund is categorised by Morningstar as a diversified emerging markets fund, which implies that its managers mostly invest in stocks of developing market companies. Businesses established in these nations frequently have better development possibilities, but they also run the risk of being negatively impacted by political or economic upheaval.
“American Funds New World is unlikely to top the charts when emerging markets are at their best, but it should outperform through a market cycle by losing less in downturns,” Morningstar says of the fund.
The fund had around $49.76 billion in assets as of November 27, 2023, spread among 587 distinct holdings.
The top holdings of the fund are in HDFC Bank, AIA Group, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, Samsung Electronics, and Alphabet.
As of May 2017, the fund, according to Morningstar, is ranked in the following percentiles for its category: 75th for the previous 12 months, 36th for the previous three years, 11th for the previous five years, and 13th for the previous ten years.
Normally, the fund charges a 5.75 percent front-end sales load, meaning that of every $10,000 invested, $9,425 goes toward investments, and the remaining $575 is allocated to commissions. This is on top of an expenditure ratio that Morningstar considers low, at 1.07 percent. A $250 minimum initial deposit is needed to access the fund.
The fund is available in a number of share classes from American Funds, including ones that are only available in 529 accounts and retirement plans.
For the preceding three, five, and ten years, Morningstar rates the fund’s risk as low in relation to other funds in its peer group. In comparison to the fund’s peers, the level of return is judged to be average over the previous three years, high over the previous five years, and above average over the previous ten years.
By comparison, the benchmark’s allocation to non-US equities was nearly 100%, while the fund’s was approximately 69% as of March 31, 2017. nearly 14% of the fund’s assets were allocated to American stocks, compared to nearly none for the fund’s benchmark.
The past year returns for the fund have been 10.50 percent, the past three years have been 0.06 percent, the past five years have been 5.75 percent, and the past ten years have been 3.98 percent.
June 1999 saw the fund’s inception. The parent business Capital Group serves as American Funds’ advisor. The organisation provides investing options to high-net-worth individuals and families, institutions, consultants, and others in addition to mutual funds. Across all of its strategies, the company has nearly $1.4 trillion under management as of December 31, 2016.
What is Praxis Cashier?
Praxis Cashier supports the majority of card issuers and integrates with nearly all PSPs. Praxis Cashier handles payment processing without the need for a third-party processor, unlike other alternatives. With the help of this program, you may take payments from any major credit card company and accept a wide range of payment options.
What is DBFX
DBFX is a broker and platform for financial trading. established in 2010
After more than 14 years, DBFX currently provides Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, cryptocurrency, and CFD trading services to over 2,000 retail clients.
Because they are prohibited from operating in certain important geographic areas, DBFX is not a worldwide broker. The headquarters of DBFX are in Vanuatu.
It can take a lot of time to discover a broker that can suit your expectations when trading in the financial markets.
We will examine the DBFX platform in-depth and evaluate its effectiveness as a global multi-asset trading platform for traders in 2024.
visiting a variety of broker websites, each with a unique language use. With brokers like DBFX, technical jargon and terminology might be perplexing. It can take a while to select or shortlist a trading platform such as DBFX. Selecting a trading platform necessitates extensive investigation and evaluation. Understanding all of the features and advantages of each platform can be difficult, particularly with a complicated trading platform like DBFX.
Because of this, choosing the best trading platform, such as DBFX, necessitates a thorough comprehension of trading tactics, the market, and platform functioning. With so many online brokers like DBFX available, each with its own features, costs, and restrictions, the task gets much more difficult.
Finding a dependable and trustworthy broker like DBFX necessitates serious thought and extensive due investigation in such a complicated market. When utilising the DBFX online trading platform or trading on a mobile device, some of the trading tools can be complicated. It is important for novice and inexperienced traders to take their time learning how to use the DBFX trading tools. In our analysis of DBFX, we list the benefits and drawbacks. What DBFX has to offer and the nations where it’s accessible. And more on who regulates DBFX.
Wind UP- Is DBFX safe?
The financial regulatory status of DBFX in your area is an important consideration when selecting it for your trading activity. Examining the administrative body and regulatory standing of a broker, like DBFX, is one of the most important factors to take into account. Investors may be at danger since brokers operating without oversight from a regulatory body are allowed to set their own regulations. Your entire investment is in danger.
DBFX was founded in 2010 and has been operating for 14 years, with its headquarters located in Vanuatu.
DBFX is subject to regulations. This indicates that DBFX are subject to oversight and conduct checks by the regulatory agencies of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commissions (CySec).
Requests for DBFX withdrawals will be fulfilled. Strict rules that forbid them from manipulating market prices to their benefit apply to brokers that work under the supervision of regulatory bodies such as DBFX. By ensuring that brokers act with honesty, equity, and openness, regulatory supervision protects investor funds. DBFX are responsible for their conduct, and breaking any financial restrictions could have dire repercussions. You may be confident that your request to remove money from your account will be handled quickly if you are a client of DBFX. DBFX is known for its quick and dependable fund transfers and for abiding by the regulations set forth by the financial authorities over whom they are controlled.
When you file a withdrawal request, DBFX will check the information in your account and process the payment in the allotted period, which is typically a few business days. You can focus on your trading and have peace of mind when you work with a reliable broker like DBFX. DBFX may lose its regulated status if they break any regulations.
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Collaborazione Consob-Google contro le frodi finanziarie
Per contrastare pubblicità abusive, obiettivo ora è estenderla Read More Per contrastare pubblicità abusive, obiettivo ora è estenderla RSS di Tecnologia – ANSA.it
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Goodbye Mr. Gensler, non ci mancherai! (o forse un po’sì)
Goodbye Mr. Gensler, non ci mancherai! (o forse un po’sì) Gary Gensler lascerà la guida della Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), la Consob USA, il prossimo 20 gennaio, ossia in corrispondenza con l’insediamento alla Casa Bianca di Donald Trump. Orifizio corporale nascosto, libera traduzione di un epiteto tipicamente anglosassone, fra i più teneri con i quali in questi anni il capo della…
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FSM part
In this part, we will focus our attention to money flow in the FSM part, followed by more close ties between FSM SMART, TRADE12 and HQBROKER, obviously set for Part 4. We actually believe this entire FSM Scheme Thread will have at least parts 4 and 5. Maybe even 6? We told you it would be complicated, so hold on. And stay tuned. A lot more is coming. And a few surprise guests to back us up here with their stories and/or documents.
FSM SMART As we previously stated and proved, all of the 3 brands are part of the same scheme, same, for now unidentified UBOs in the end. Apparently, some dangerous people, as stated already. Ok, noted. We are neither 'impressed' nor frightened. In fact, it should be the other way around, if they have any 'smarts', because of the ongoing investigations. Slow, but getting there...
Now, let's see who are the operators (PSPs, intermediaries and a few more boiler rooms), where does the client money go and who receives it. These information may become crucial for anyone aiming to recover his ''lost'' (stolen) funds.
In the FSM Smart(s) T&C (here:link), bottom of the page 6, FSM Smart declares its operator/owner to be both FSMSmart Ltd (Marshal Islands) and Memphis Investments Sp. z o.o. (Poland).
This Polish legal entity Memphis Investments Sp. z o.o. points to a quite interesting direction. Company details here: link. Authorized person, a lady called Pawluk Patrycja. She holds other nominations in the registrar (link) so she is not that important (a nominee director/holder, so called 'monkey', paid to register a local company, however legally liable, weather she likes it or not). Those registered in the Memphis ownership structure, on the other hand, are important, as they lead to a new direction of the FSM SCHEME environment: Memphis breakdown. As any other similar company used for the same illicit business, first ones registered as owner(s) that committed capital, are quickly removed and an actual person or persons are delegated. They do the actual business. In Memphis Poland case, it was like this:
- Income Class - True Capital Pro - Profitix
Valuable links of warnings and info: ASIC, NZ.FMA, Consob,...you get the picture. After this relatively short part, it can be more clear why would an offshore FSMSmart require UK arbitration, while at all times they claim to be located in Switzerland (Lucern), although off course they are not. However, Mr Mordechai Moshe Rosenbaum is in the UK. And possibly in the USA/Canada as well. Where actually most of the FSM Scheme client deposits went. But that's the story for the following parts.
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