#Confucius Mc
voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
Kae Tempest - Smoking feat. Confucius MC
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somanythings2021 · 11 months
スモークが雰囲気作りにいかに大事かわかる。Directorの @sholtss 気になって調べたが、Instagramに載ってる写真もいい感じでした。
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moonchq · 1 year
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empipi · 2 months
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Little MC doodle i did for @psychopomp-enthusiast Blade x Reader fic To Mourn The Living
I rlly like philosophy and hidden meanings in art so let me yap
The colors: I chose a seafoam-ish green for the hair for a few reasons: 1. MCs ties to the ocean being a Vidyadhara(i felt that the scene where MC and Blade were underwater just screamed that this was their hair color)
2. Seafoam symbolism kinda parallels the MCs personality: that being a soothing figure in the eyes of the Stellaron Hunters. The color is known to relax, invigorate, is known to cleans the soul-- all things I feel that the MC does to Blade. The color is also tied to insecurity, in which I feel correlates with the MC with their environment.
3. Whats the complementary color of red? Green. I feel like MC and Blade are FOIL characters, and the color scheme kinda adds to it.
We will talk about the pink in a second.
The design:
Aside from the obvious Vidyadhara traits-- design tied to the sea and all that. I felt that orchids suit the MC very well. I chose orchids because of the quote Confucius says, "The orchids grow in the deep valleys, even though no one is there to admire them. They release their fragrant smell even though no one may be there to appreciate it. No matter what happens, they act like righteous men, strong and noble."--- I feel like this is self explanatory to the MCs lore. Orchids, specifically pink orchids represent gentle care and love.
fanfic make brain go brrrrr thank you psychopomp for the delicious meal.
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coeluvr · 5 months
love a disney princess mc who still absolutely loses it around luceris...going to bed every night staring at the ceiling like we are NOT killing him remember what vesphirian confucius said abt seeking revenge...its not worth it.....we're better than this...
Disney Princess MC that complains to their plants about Luceris OR smacks their dough while baking/cooking pretending it's Luceris OR paints/draws Luceris dead OR writes their version of fanfic where he's dying or dead 🥺
Just a passive little guy who uses their healthy coping mechanism to let out steam. 💗
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Hello, Can I request RoR x Pokemon? Romantic or Platonic
Human Reader as guardian (or adventurer/ hero/saint/other) figure or similar to the sages (Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, Socrates), for Pokemon Pantheon …
Known for selfless, pure-hearted, friendly, and brave. Can be passive-aggressive or serious when something dangerous happens with Pokemon or closed ones…
You can add this, if you want.
(Reader Has abilities/powers, that she's born w/ or received, and they are;
Pokemon communication/empathy;
psychic/aura-like powers (or similar to the characters from the movies/animes; like, Baraz & Meray's, Damos & Sheena's, Aura Guardian Riley's, and/or others…)
knows to Sing/Play instruments of the songs of the legendary Pokemon; like Lugia's song, Oración, May's Lullaby in Jirachi Movie, Relic song…
has the Legendary artifacts/items, some that summons the legendary pokemon. (ex. Arceus-Azure flute/other.) and some are needed to be guarded. (ex. Eon Duo-Soul dew/other)
Reader's as the one who 1st discover and the gimmicks, such as, Mega Evolution, Z-crystals/Moves, Gigan/dyna -max, Terrasteral/others…)
Whenever Legendary pokemon wants to go out to explore places outside/inside of their region, They want Reader to join them as an escort/guard, they also enjoy each others company, and if they encounter trainer/s that wanted to battle the legendary pokemon, They told Reader to go battle with trainer/s to see if they're okay to battle them, Mostly Reader wons or just they finish it swiftly and disappear…
Whenever a challenger or a threat meet Reader and they explain their reasons (lies and/or honest) and/or challenge Reader to get/met Legendary pokemon, then Reader challenge them to a battle, and Reader always won…
however, if its someone's a bigger threat (ex: Volo, team villains, others), and probably uses force/trick (ex. Ambush/other) to get to the Legendary…
until someone's who are truly worthy (Player, Champions, or others) to challenge Legendary pokemon, they Battle reader and they won then Reader take them to the Legendary pokemon's summoning place but they accept it of couldn't capture it…
What are the reactions/interactions of Reader w/ RoR Characters?
-The Pokemon Pantheon was a relatively new Pantheon, compared to many of the others, but instead of being full of people who earned their place, it was mostly full of Pokemon, all types from normal to legendary Pokemon.
-There were a few humans, trainers and partners of the past who earned their place alongside their partner Pokemon, but the one who oversaw it was a young-looking maiden named Y/N.
-You watched over the Pokemon with gentle kindness but also stern rules, like no attacking others and battles were to be done only on the battlefields you had created for them to burn off energy, as you didn’t want to deal with anymore property damage.
-The Pokemon obeyed your rules, so you didn’t have many problems, just with the new arrivals who were quick to learn.
-You didn’t really interact with the other pantheons, only when you had to, you preferred to be with Pokemon rather than people, as Pokemon wouldn’t betray you, not like your fellow humans.
-You had died young, betrayed by those you had trusted, and you became the patron, as you had died protecting your Pokemon, and the Pokemon look to you as their leader, including the legendary ones, they see you as the boss.
-Your partner Pokemon, who was a Munchlax when you died, but he evolved into a Snorlax, fighting hard to avenge you, but ultimately fell and he arrived shortly after you, was the one who came with you everywhere, following you, protecting you, and comforting you whenever you needed to be comforted.
-All of the tools the trainers have come across on earth were thanks to you- giving them to those you deem worthy, like MC, who in turn uses them to help Pokemon themselves. Then once the mission is done, you retrieve the tools.
-You watch over the legendary Pokemon, the ones who can travel between earth and Valhalla, escorting them down so they can run around and play on earth, and if trainers wish to battle them, for a chance to capture them, they must first defeat you.
-You have thousands of years under your belt, so you are not to be underestimated by any means, especially your partner, who is way more active compared to normal Snorlax, he’s way stronger and way faster.
-If a trainer managed to best you, then you would allow them to approach the legendary, but it was the Pokemon who made the decision, and if they refused, then you would do nothing to sway their mind.
-If one was worthy, you would bid your friend goodbye, but you knew that you would see them again soon, once the trainer who caught them passed on themselves.
-In Valhalla, you welcomed visitors to your pantheon, gods and humans alike, allowing them to befriend and train alongside Pokemon, and all obeyed your rules, mainly of no violence and no trying to take any of your Pokemon if they didn’t want to go.
-People would find Pokemon all over Valhalla, as they could wander, but they always came back home to you at the end of the day.
-You had seen friendships formed between the citizens of Valhalla and your Pokemon, seeing the partnerships that always warmed your heart.
-However, if any were to try to harm your Pokemon, there would be no holding back- many had learned this lesson the hard way. Snorlax quite enjoyed eating popcorn alongside Buddha as you used double slap on several young cocky gods that tried to attack Totodile under your care.
-Many gods used your pantheon as a means to escape from their duties. Poseidon would spend hours in your ocean, swimming in the clear water amongst the Pokemon who were always happy to see him, except for one cranky Quillfish, but he was like that with everyone.
-Buddha loved the vibe of your pantheon, it was so relaxing, he could just nap in the fields amongst the grass types who would sleep around him and cover him with flowers, something that would always make you laugh, seeing him coming up to you, covered in flowers.
-Shiva, Hercules, Thor, Lu Bu, and Raiden all loved training with your fighting types, sparring with them, as their unpredictability always made for good fun.
-Ares, when he needed comfort, when he was feeling sad or just needed to be alone, your fairy types were always quick to swarm him, cuddling all around him, making him feel so loved.
-You loved your Pokemon, all of them, seeing them running around, flying, swimming, having fun, enjoying their peaceful lives from your perch on Snorlax’s stomach, laying on top of him as he slept. This truly was a paradise.
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drovvninq · 8 months
clone high season 3 thoughts:
joan was handled a lot better but it sucks that her and jfk NEVER talked abt their relationship again. it's all about her and abe/confucious now and i hate it. i liked her going back to her indie girl roots but the og joan would NEVER accept that whole "i'll pretend to date you if you pay for my film festival" shit. she had more class than that. it feels like she's doing that thing they did in z-o-m-b-i-e-s where s2 she thinks she belongs with harriet and jfk but now she thinks she's a bleacher creature... idk it's weird.... bleacher creatures were kinda cool tho :) not topher.
i liked jfk being the mc actually, it was refreshing. i found the christian arc really fitting especially at the end where they tied it together as him being a kennedy. i didn't like him dating harriet again and i also didn't like the jfabe hints ???? that scares me... but the dick pic thing was funny,, also the fact that he's just like,, one of the guys now?? him and confucius and abe being buds. just dudes being dudes.
abe was SO much more in character this season. i didn't particularly like the bloody mary episode but the whole "i found a girl and she's nerdy like me and she's cute and funny but she wants to get rid of joan" thing is okay i guess. it really feeds back into s1 when he abandoned ghandi for cleo. overall he was good but he was VERY hypersexual this season and it was just awkward to watch.
cleo acted... KIND of like herself?? i liked the slim snowsuit thing and the supporting frida because she got free stuff but that's like it. i still wish her and frida had more setup in s2 but they handled it well this season at least. them being the christian icons was funny i guess but i seriously want cleo to accidentally use frida and manipulate her power at some point and then feel guilt. that's the ONLY reason cleo should ever feel guilty for anything in this show.
frida was chill tbh, not much to say abt her. the whole fish pointing, painting stuff for cleo, only snorkeling to make her happy was sososososo cute </33 i want more stuff like that :")
harriet is terrible character writing. her only trait is that she's smart and loyal, but she cheats on confucius. with eye sex. I HATE THE EYE SEX THING. WHY WAS IT NECESSARY. and then she goes back to confucius as soon as she thinks he's available just because she thinks he likes her. WHAT. AND THEN SHE'S MAD ??? i feel like she's only there to be joan's friend and to be with frida at the beginning of s1... WHY!!!!! IS JFK!!!!! DATING HER !!!!! STILL !!!! NOT ONLY IS SHE A BAD FRIEND, SHE'S JUST A BAD PARTNER IN GENERAL!!
confucius is a good character though imho. he was a good person this season and his actions actually made sense with his motivations. he's a huge people pleaser and because of that he wants validation in points (ep1) and doesn't wanna tell harriet he's dating joan. he wants to keep everyone happy and he's so sweet tbh he's growing on me.
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What do X like most about humans and their culture and what do they hate most about it
Good morning!! 👾
*X is an alien romance option from Contra Spem Spiro.
X likes how diverse humans are. Their home planet is pretty homogenous, so they don't have many variations of culture or tradition. They like hearing about food, music, clothing styles, etc and is a voracious reader. X has read the Qur'an, the Torah, the Vedas, and the Bible. They read Confucius, Socrates, Shakespeare, works like that!
They have a fascination with poetry! They don't like writing their own but will read it all day. If MC asks, they will share some of their favorite.
The aliens don't have much relaxation time while taking over a planet, but once the first year of chaos is over, they have more time to explore Earth and learn more.
X dislikes how emotional they are and how sensitive humans are towards war and violence. They think that is hypocritical of humans to spend their lifetimes oppressive and colonizing each other, then turn around and despise the alien race for doing the same thing. When the predator becomes the prey, that is the only time they cry injustice.
On Nion 8, they are assigned roles in the militia as children based on skillsets they demonstrate. They are trained for conquering and preserving the alien species across the universe.
To X, Earth is a blip in the grand plan, and the losses are insignificant to them. (However, they can show compassion and empathy towards MC, even going so far as protecting MC and their group against their own species if it came down to it.)
Oh...and X hates chocolate. They ate way too much of it at once and got a vicious tummy-ache. So they have waged war against chocolate and it's sugary goodness.
Thank you for the ask, my lovely!!! I hope you had a great day ♡♡♡
All my love,
Cheye 👾
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dan6085 · 4 months
Here's a list of 20 of the greatest thinkers of all time, along with details about their contributions and years of life:
1. **Socrates (470/469-399 BC)**
- **Contributions**: Founder of Western philosophy; developed the Socratic method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas.
2. **Plato (428/427-348/347 BC)**
- **Contributions**: Student of Socrates; founded the Academy in Athens; wrote "The Republic," which outlines his vision of a just society and discusses the theory of forms.
3. **Aristotle (384-322 BC)**
- **Contributions**: Student of Plato; made significant contributions to numerous fields, including metaphysics, ethics, politics, and biology; wrote "Nicomachean Ethics" and "Politics."
4. **Confucius (551-479 BC)**
- **Contributions**: Chinese philosopher who founded Confucianism; emphasized moral integrity, familial loyalty, and social harmony; wrote "The Analects."
5. **Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)**
- **Contributions**: German philosopher known for his work in epistemology and ethics; wrote "Critique of Pure Reason," which explores the limits of human knowledge and "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals."
6. **René Descartes (1596-1650)**
- **Contributions**: French philosopher and mathematician; known as the father of modern philosophy; famous for the statement "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am"); wrote "Meditations on First Philosophy."
7. **Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)**
- **Contributions**: German philosopher known for his critique of traditional moral values and religion; introduced concepts such as the "Übermensch" and "eternal recurrence"; wrote "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."
8. **Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)**
- **Contributions**: Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis; developed theories on the unconscious mind, repression, and the significance of dreams; wrote "The Interpretation of Dreams."
9. **Karl Marx (1818-1883)**
- **Contributions**: German philosopher, economist, and political theorist; co-authored "The Communist Manifesto" with Friedrich Engels; developed the theory of historical materialism and critiqued capitalism in "Das Kapital."
10. **John Locke (1632-1704)**
- **Contributions**: English philosopher known as the father of liberalism; his ideas on natural rights and government influenced the Enlightenment and modern political thought; wrote "Two Treatises of Government."
11. **Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)**
- **Contributions**: French philosopher and writer; his ideas on education, politics, and society influenced the French Revolution and modern political and educational thought; wrote "The Social Contract" and "Émile."
12. **Isaac Newton (1643-1727)**
- **Contributions**: English mathematician and physicist; formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation; made significant contributions to calculus and optics; wrote "Principia Mathematica."
13. **Albert Einstein (1879-1955)**
- **Contributions**: German-born theoretical physicist; developed the theory of relativity, fundamentally changing our understanding of space, time, and energy; famous for the equation E=mc².
14. **Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)**
- **Contributions**: Italian Dominican friar and theologian; synthesized Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology; wrote "Summa Theologica," a cornerstone of Scholasticism.
15. **David Hume (1711-1776)**
- **Contributions**: Scottish Enlightenment philosopher known for his empirical approach to epistemology; his skepticism about human understanding and natural religion; wrote "A Treatise of Human Nature."
16. **John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)**
- **Contributions**: English philosopher and political economist; advocate of utilitarianism, liberty, and women's rights; wrote "On Liberty" and "Utilitarianism."
17. **Michel Foucault (1926-1984)**
- **Contributions**: French philosopher and social theorist; explored the relationships between power, knowledge, and social institutions; wrote "Discipline and Punish" and "The History of Sexuality."
18. **Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)**
- **Contributions**: French existentialist philosopher and feminist; her work "The Second Sex" is a foundational text in feminist theory; explored the construction of gender and women's oppression.
19. **Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)**
- **Contributions**: British philosopher, logician, and social critic; contributed significantly to logic, philosophy of language, and analytic philosophy; co-authored "Principia Mathematica" with Alfred North Whitehead.
20. **Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)**
- **Contributions**: Austrian-British philosopher who worked primarily in logic, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of language; wrote "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" and "Philosophical Investigations."
These thinkers have significantly shaped various fields of human knowledge, from philosophy and politics to science and psychology, leaving a lasting legacy on the world.
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ardl · 9 months
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imustbenuts · 2 years
(un)fun facts about a lot of fire emblem's general plot lines regarding the iffy issues of bloodline and just rulers
tldr: this is actually me talking about fafnir. this guy.
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the mandate of heaven was a olde china idea that confucius thought up and it was an argumentative basis for why people (ie the common folk) should have the right to overthrow their rulers when the government wasnt doing their job. basically if they revolted and succeeded in a time of extreme strife (natural disasters, famine etc), it meant the heavens was giving them a big kissy approval.
the idea of divine bloodline was used as an argumentative for some dynasties for why people should follow their rule but obviously it clashed with this 'mandate of heaven' after it was introduced and people felt empowered to depose their rulers. this idea stuck around and it's easy to see why: it gave power to the people.
800 years after confucius' time, there are now 3 religions/philosophies. these 3 are confuciusm, taoism and buddhism in china, kind of mixing and mingling harmoniously. (Buddhism came 200 years after confucism and was actually seen as a radical religion at the beginning bc people were going up into the mountains to meditate and abandoning their families and not repopulating the villages. this was against confucism's idea of filial piety lol).
also at this time, japan enters the picture.
japan copied a lot of china's government system and language bc they thought china was pretty neat. and with pretty much all monarchy related systems at the time, they imported alongside the ideologies to holding power and they... uh, decided to chop out the small mandate of heaven part. japan's rulers viewed divine bloodline as an absolute must to cement their power so this bit cannot stay.
close to this one japanese dude also decided to set off to find buddhism which was more spiritual and ended up importing buddhist scriptures from korea. this was then further mixed into the already present Shintoism they have, and also over time some hindu gods were adopted into their pantheon, resulting in a specific blend of the Shinto Buddhism today. essentially, Japan as we know came about like this. (but also oh so many warlords and shogunate shenanigans along the way...)
now it obviously doesnt require too much to immediately see the biggest problem with giving power to someone just because of their bloodline. nepotism can result in some very messy bad times for the people if the ruler is incompetent and people cant depose them because of <insert belief here>. cough one step away from cough fascism
so fire emblem, a series of games made by japanese devs, seems to sit in this weird grey area where it commits both ideas often in a mishy mashy way. it shows both. the mandate of heaven in the form of Divine Dragons/the players giving the heroic protagonist with the correct bloodline the okay occurs so often it's a main staple of the series. this is effectively a double approval from both sides. pretty much all mcs who become rulers by the epilogue gets this treatment.
anyway this is a lot of words to talk about Fafnir but i think my point is pretty clear.
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Fafnir, despite starting out as a fair and kind ruler after getting isekai'd himself, gets absolutely screwed over mentally and then physically because of Eitri's shenanigans in getting him to put on a crown that messes anyone but the correct bloodline up in donning it.
on a more broader theme level i could argue he failed both conditions of having a mandate of heaven as a consequence of not having the correct bloodline, and is therefore punished for it. but honestly it's a very nasty can of nepotism filled worms when viewed from this perspective.
sure, he succeeded in enacting the mandate through revolting with the people, but his rule was short and wasnt his to keep ultimately...
in the end it's reginn who gets the double approval treatment.
i can see it as something like a tragedy at least. fafnir gets screwed thrice over by eitri, his circumstances and the narrative... and not for any evil efforts or evil intentions at the beginning.
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burlveneer-music · 11 months
My WVUD playlist and stream, 10/16/2023
UI - Ay Nako A Certain Ratio - Rub Down Parasite Jazz - Terciopelo (feat. Fiesta en el Vacio & Ventre de Biche) Population II - Rapaillé Nihiloxica - Asidi Deena Abdelwahed - Violence for Free Kofi Flexxx - Flowers In The Dark (feat. Confucius MC) Yussef Dayes - Chasing The Drum Onipa - Fine Tho JOBS - There is Differing Horse Lords - Zero Degree Machine Edrix Puzzle - V11 Lee "Scratch" Perry - Infinity Nga Han - Revolute Creation Rebel - Stonebridge Warrior Don Letts - Situationist (feat. Zoe Devlin Love) Jay Glass Dubs - Waltz (feat. Marcella) Khidja - Under Stressure Mick Karn - Confabulation Lofting - Gold Sun Takuya Kuroda - Everybody Loves the Sunshine (feat. José James) Butcher Brown - This Side Of Sunshine Bibio - Sunbursting
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thelockin · 1 year
New Video Playlist "Welcome to the Realness" on Youtube
Ramson Badbonez “Stay True” ft Reks, Ruste Juxx & Blacastan
Tru Trilla “Word of God” produced by DNA Beatz
Ramson Badbonez “Black Hole Cypher” ft Kashmere, Truemendous, MysDiggi, Micall Parknsun, Joker Starr, Gee Bag, Confucius, Jehst & Phoenix da Icefire
Phoenix da Icefire & Husky Brown “Shake Things Up”
Belles in Monica “Y’All Under Surveillance” (G-Sharp Remix Cuts by DJ Devestator)
“Lame Duck” (Shahin Remix) ft Tru Trilla, Fly Kwa & Prince Ak
Anthony Kannon & Frost Gamble “Make It Rain”
Tru Trilla “God’s Partical” ft Middy Murdock produced by Jamal Nueve
Ramson Badbonez “Lead by Example” ft Recognize Ali, Skyzoo & Juxx Diamondz. Cuts by DJ Jazz T
Justo the MC & Brelstaff “High”
Phoenix da Icefire & Husky Brown “Cosmic Soul”
“Bismillah” (Qadir Remix) ft Justo the MC, Johaz of Dag Savage & Sleep Sinatra
Tru Trilla “God’s Sympathy” ft Fly Kwa & Confucious produced by DNA Beatz
Belles in Monica “Meltdown” (Mr Krash Slaughta Massive Meltdown Remix)
Ramson Badbonez “Rap to the Future” ft Dizzy Dustin, Mr Hooper & Moka Only. Cuts by Kompoze
Phoenix da Icefire “Dark Rainbow Light” (Tone Spliff Remix)
Tru Trilla “God’s Mercy” produced by DNA Beatz 
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blatantlybluntblog · 2 years
Jehst 'One Horse Town' feat. Confucius MC & Eva Lazarus (Official Audio)
Fresh track from Jehst who connects with two hotly rated artists on a track which offers both a melancholic and melodic vibe, sprinkled with some Christmas vibes too!
Everyone is in agreement when Jehst decrees "we just need to take some time to analyse/the theory is to find out where your talent lies"
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a-dead-mouse · 5 years
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Stig Of The Dump - Kubrick - 2015
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ldigah · 3 years
Confucius MC 'World Stage' feat. Jehst
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