#Confessions d'un
monlivrepratique · 2 years
Comment augmenter votre pouvoir d’achat ? les Confessions d’un Professionnel.
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Bruno Reidal: confession d'un meurtrier (2021) // dir. Vincent Le Port
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rapha-reads · 3 months
Anne Rice, IWTV, Part 3, Armand to Louis:
"'It is through you that I can save myself from the despair which I've described to you as our death. It is through you that I must make my link with this nineteenth century and come to understand it in a way that will revitalize me, which I so desperately need. [...] No. I must make contact with the age. [...] And I can do this through you . . . not to learn things from you which I can see in a moment in an art gallery or read in an hour in the thickest books . . . you are the spirit, you are the heart.'
'No, no.' I threw up my hands. I was on the point of a bitter, hysterical laughter. 'Don't you see? I'm not the spirit of any age. I'm at odds with everything and always have been! I have never belonged anywhere with anyone at any time!' It was too painful, too perfectly true.
But his face only brightened with an irresistible smile. He seemed on the verge of laughing at me, and then his shoulders began to move with this laughter. 'But Louis,' he said softly. 'This is the very spirit of your age. Don't you see that? Everyone else feels as you feel. Your fall from grace and faith has been the fall of a century.'"
Alfred de Musset, Confession d'un enfant du siècle, chapitre 2 :
"Trois éléments partageaient donc la vie qui s’offrait alors aux jeunes gens : derrière eux un passé à jamais détruit*, s’agitant encore sur ses ruines, avec tous les fossiles des siècles de l’absolutisme ; devant eux l’aurore d’un immense horizon, les premières clartés de l’avenir** ; et entre ces deux mondes… quelque chose de semblable à l’Océan qui sépare le vieux continent de la jeune Amérique, je ne sais quoi de vague et de flottant, une mer houleuse et pleine de naufrages, traversée de temps en temps par quelque blanche voile lointaine ou par quelque navire soufflant une lourde vapeur ; le siècle présent, en un mot, qui sépare le passé de l’avenir, qui n’est ni l’un ni l’autre et qui ressemble à tous deux à la fois, et où l’on ne sait, à chaque pas qu’on fait, si l’on marche sur une semence ou sur un débris***.
[...] Il leur restait donc le présent, l’esprit du siècle, ange du crépuscule, qui n’est ni la nuit ni le jour ; ils le trouvèrent assis sur un sac de chaux plein d’ossements, serré dans le manteau des égoïstes, et grelottant d’un froid terrible. L’angoisse de la mort leur entra dans l’âme à la vue de ce spectre moitié momie et moitié fœtus**** [...]
Toute la maladie du siècle présent vient de deux causes ; le peuple qui a passé par 93 et par 1814 porte au cœur deux blessures. Tout ce qui était n’est plus, tout ce qui sera n’est pas encore. Ne cherchez pas ailleurs le secret de nos maux*****."
Anne Rice definitely read Musset. And Musset would have ADORED Armand and loathed Louis - or maybe the contrary. And depending on when exactly during the 19th century Armand and Louis met, Armand might have already read Musset, and Louis would read him at the end of the century - Confession was published in 1836.
Translations of the passages in bold (translation by me and it's 4am for me right now, so don't expect a perfect work):
*"behind them a past forever destroyed"
**"in front of them, the dawn of an immense horizon, the first lights of the future"
***"the present century, in a word, what separates the past from the future, which is neither one nor the other and which resembles both at the same time, and where one does not know, with each step one takes, if one steps on a seed or rubble"
****"The anguish of death entered their souls at the sight of this specter, half mummy and half fetus."
*****"All that was is no more, all that will be is not yet. Do not look elsewhere for the secret of our ills."
There's a whole Comparative Literature essay that could be written, mirroring Confession with Interview... I will definitely come back to that idea later. Probably. At some point.
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movie--posters · 1 year
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concombre-2-mer · 3 months
"Car les sentiments n'apprécient pas l'ordre figé."
Mishima, Confessions d'un masque
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lemondeabicyclette · 3 months
« Voici ce que j'écris depuis trente ans : la vie est invivable, le désir toujours insatisfait, l'amour une escroquerie, le bonheur impossible, le capitalisme une machine à tout détruire, le présent une acocalypse et le futur inexistant. Par-dessus le marché, j'ai découvert que le narcissisme, même rassasié, rendait insomniaque. » Puis je suis tombé sur cette vidéo et ma vie a changé ❤️‍🔥
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rosie-loves-poetry · 2 years
"Pardonnez-moi, ô grands poètes ! vous êtes des demi-dieux, et je ne suis qu'un enfant qui souffre."
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museumofsins-rpg · 2 days
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pour chaque personnage, un trait vous sera demandé à l'inscription. vos personnages devront s'organiser autour d'une vertu ou d'un vice proéminent, fortement exacerbé par une newport catalyseuse. nous vous demanderons aussi de choisir un trait compatible (le vice ou la vertu avec lequel votre personnage possède une affinité) et un trait incompatible (qui créer une forte hostilité). ici, les extrêmes rendent fou les saints comme les impurs. car de tous les traits, aucun n'est pire que celui qui se tire d'un gras crayon. ainsi, que vous choisissiez un vice ou une vertu, il semblerait que vous ne pourrez jamais en sortir vainqueur; car si les vices sont généralement connus pour être problématiques... que pensez-vous vraiment d'une qualité poussée à son paroxysme? et si la clé pour sortir de cet enfer semble donc être l'équilibre, newport ne vous permettra pas de la trouver. mais après tout, voulez-vous réellement la quitter..?
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implosion; hystérie; instabilité ; phalanges écorchées; haine; babines écumeuses; aigreur; désespoir; sale bile; jurons de maudits; âpres regrets; faiblesse pitoyable; vengeance.
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vanité; mégalomanie; ce bleu roi; drapé de soie et de chair putride; gloriole; autosuffisance; mépris; ô beau narcisse; solitude du parfait; trône de bois; fantasque éphémère; fierté; faux.
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indifférence; apathie; absence de conséquences; sombres méninges; éternel aquilon; abandon, atrophie insupportable; désengagement; l'affligeant ennui, électron libre.
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jalousie; éternelle insatisfaction; jurons de malheur; aigreur; confiance érodée; vicieuse frustration; rivalité infondée; caïn; rancune hostile; manigances chuchotées; caprice de minot.
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obsession; insatiable; extase dionysiaque; plaisirs exacerbés; épicure; auréole en bois de vigne; primitif; addictions; sève d'ivresse; banquets; opium; foule paillarde; folie fiévreuse; chaos.
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cupidité; matérialité; l'or en idole; possession excessive; manipulation; opportunisme; cruauté; bedaine enflée; gel du marbre; pingre; attachement excessif; fortune enchaînée; geôle dorée.
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passion; débauche; trahison; parade de charme; faim de charnel; indécence; démesure; tentation entêtante; pourpre de velour; instabilité amoureuse; absence de lien.
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quête de la vérité; inébranlable acharné; sceptre justicier; de bleu roi et d'or; ordre implacable; autoritarisme; châtiments exacerbés; ô douce tyrannie; fièvre justicière.
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corps contre rafale; ce ô preux chevalier; folie héroïque; absurde hardiesse; imprudence; orgueilleuse bravoure; sacrifice vénérable; insoumis; brasier de grandeur; la sale audace. 
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sacrifice aveugle; martyr; empathie éreintante; funeste abnégation; générosité hypocrite; lugubre bonté; bras de saint, vaine ironie; quête de profit personnel; folie du sauveur, blanche prière.
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méfiance flaire essence; cardinal sans sens; mutisme cri statisme; conséquences au lourd pesant; clairvoyance aveugle; horace à pas velours; abstinence septentrionale; repos contre écueil.
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fouet contre palais; gerbe assassine; lame de mauxmots; noble monologue; muselière décousue; sincère blessure; confessions agonisantes; terrible transparence; impitoyable; malédiction. 
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tendresse aveugle; douleur gobée; belle miséricorde; dégénérescence du beau; cécité du malin, acceptation du pire; juge sans voix; empathie hypertrophiée; psyché de pitié.
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doux mirage d'éden; saveur déni; songe en nuages; cauchemar idéal; horizon promesse; folie d'espoir; fantasmes en pagaille; ris aux enfers; insouciance candide; géant de croyance.
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hi! I’d love to recomend “What doesn't kills me, makes me more insanely in love with You” by GreediLadyFoxie if it hasn’t been recommended already.
I was wondering if you folks had anymore fics with grillt either being poisoned/ using drugs/being drugged for angsty reasons (ideally a happy ending but I’m not fussy) thank you so much for all you do for the fandom :)
Here are some angsty fics featuring poison/drugging. Mind the tags!...
Beacon by EdosianOrchids901 (M)
Taken captive by humans, Crowley manages to get a message out. Aziraphale rushes to the rescue, but Crowley has been poisoned by holiness. Will Aziraphale be able to save his beloved?
Dans les Bras d'un Démon by bleuberry (E)
After the failed Apocalypse, Crowley and Aziraphale are living together peacefully. Until, old enemies return again to exact revenge a second time. Or, Crowley is drugged with a demonic enhancer and feelings are confessed. But, first a chase.
Sacrificial Lamb by ShesAKillerQueen98 (M)
Crowley finds himself in a very dangerous situation when he's captured by a religious cult. Without access to his powers, his only hope is that Aziraphale hears his pleas in time.
Paradigm Shift (Or, What it Means to Heal a Demon) by rattatatosk (T)
Aziraphale stared down at the demon's limp body, wringing his hands as he desperately tried to figure out what to do. No, that wasn't quite right. He knew what to do: he needed to heal Crawly. The question was, how? Everyone knew you couldn't heal demons with divine light. Or-- well. He supposed that wasn't quite right, either. No one knew it, because no one would have ever bothered to try it. He was an angel; they didn't heal demons, they smited them. But he couldn't-- he couldn't just leave Crawly like this, helpless and alone. He had to do something. If he didn't, no one else would. And yet the question remained-- how?
Choices by Most_Loved_Tragedy (E)
Two years after the failed apocalypse, Crowley and Aziraphale think they're free. Free to love, free to get married and move into their cottage in the South Downs. But Heaven and Hastur aren't exactly ready to move on.
And the one you mentioned...
What doesn't kills me, makes me more insanely in love with You by GreediLadyFoxie (M)
A.K.A. five times Crowley took a poison (for fun) and one time he really thought he would end his life forever
- Mod D
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kilfeur · 1 year
La représentation LGBT dans ML (The lgbt representation in ML)
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Avec Zoe qui a été confirmé comme perso lgbt pour la série. Certains doivent se demander pourquoi Julerose ou bien Marcaniel n'ont pas été confirmés en tant que couple officiel. Disons que l'envers du décor c'est compliqué, bien qu'on commence à voir des ships gays c'est souvent des perso très secondaires et pas souvent des perso principaux. Rare sont les romances lgbt soient mise en avant, il y a bien Korra x Asami dans la légende de Korra ou bien Steven Universe ou bien She Ra. Sauf que dans l'envers du décor, les créateurs ont dû se battre avec les producteurs pour pouvoir diffuser ça.
On a majoritairement des couples de femmes mis en avant mais peu de couples d'hommes dans les séries occidentales. On voudrait qu'il y a plus de représentation diversifié mais dans l'envers du décor c'est compliqué pour les créateurs qui aimeraient mettre des perso lgbt en avant mais ne peuvent pas pour x raison. Par exemple Julerose aurait pu être confirmé avant mais malheureusement certains n'accepteront pas que le couple soit canon. Et souvent ce sera soit les producteurs ou bien la chaîne qui les diffuse par exemple l'épisode où Marc se fait akumatisé à cause de Nathaniel, beaucoup voyaient dans ces deux là une romance gay. Et on sait que Thomas Astruc s'est inspiré d'un de ses amis pour créer le perso de Marc Anciel d'ailleurs si on enlève le M de Marc ça donne "Arc Anciel" probablement en référence avec le drapeau lgbt qui est un arc en ciel.
Et devinez quoi ? Cette épisode a apparemment été interdit de diffusion dans certains pays alors qu'à aucun moment Marc confesse ses sentiments envers Nathaniel et ainsi de suite. Pareil pour Julerose, où c'est vraiment du sous texte et dans le doublage français c'est assez évident que c'est un couple. Mais pas de baiser ou que ce soit pour le confirmer. Je pense que l'équipe aimerait confirmer ces deux couples mais malheureusement ceux au dessus d'eux ne sont pas du même avis. Ce qui est dommage en soi, car souvent les fans aiment voir des histoires gays. J'imagine que pour Zoe, ils ont dû aussi convaincre ceux d'en haut aussi que la chaîne pour les laisser diffuser cette épisode. Mais bon la représentation lgbt c'est compliqué même dans une série destiné à des enfants.
With Zoe confirmed as a lgbt character for the series. Some may wonder why Julerose or Marcaniel haven't been confirmed as an official couple. Let's just say that the other side of the coin is complicated: although we're starting to see gay ships, they're often very secondary characters and not often main characters. There's Korra x Asami in The Legend of Korra, Steven Universe or She Ra. Except that behind the scenes, the creators had to fight with the producers to get it on the air.
Most Western series feature female couples, but few male couples. We'd like to see more diverse representation, but behind the scenes, it's complicated for creators who'd like to feature lgbt characters but can't, for whatever reason. For example, Julerose could have been confirmed earlier, but unfortunately some people won't accept that the couple is canon. And often it's either the producers or the network that broadcasts them - for example, the episode where Marc gets akumatized because of Nathaniel, many saw in these two a gay romance. And we know that Thomas Astruc was inspired by one of his friends to create the character of Marc Anciel. In fact, if you remove the M from Marc, you get "Arc Anciel", probably in reference to the lgbt flag, which is a rainbow.
And guess what? This episode has apparently been banned from airing in certain countries, while at no point does Marc confess his feelings towards Nathaniel and so on. The same goes for Julerose, where it's really subtext and in the French dub it's pretty obvious that they're a couple. But there's no kiss or anything to confirm it. I think the team would like to confirm these two couples, but unfortunately those above them are not of the same opinion. Which is a shame in itself, because often fans like to see gay stories. I imagine that for Zoe, they also had to convince those above them as well as the network to let them air this episode. But lgbt representation is complicated, even in a show aimed at children.
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abdou-lorenzo · 4 months
Quelle douceur infinie dans les premiers regards près d'une femme qui vous attire ! D'abord il semble que tout ce qu'on dit en présence l'un de l'autre soit comme des essais timides, comme de légères épreuves ; bientôt naît une joie étrange ; on sent qu'on a frappé un écho ; on s'anime d'une double vie.............💞✨🥀
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La confession d'un enfant du siècle de Alfred de Musset
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ohmyenjolrass · 5 months
things i adored of the catalan version of jesus christ superstar
so i just saw the catalan version of after discovering there is one (it's here, check it out!) and i think it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. shoutout to @this-is-a-name-dont-worry for making me discover it <3
catalan is my favourite language and i am lucky enough to speak it every day, and this production didn't disappoint at all!
so as a tradition in this blog, let's review my favorite parts!
first of all, i adored the setting and the cast. the costumes were also fabulous. so the whole aesthetic of the show was impeccable, giving me the same vibes as the 2018 nbc version. 10/10 for scene.
now, specific things. many of these things have to do with lyrics because i think the translation was EVERYTHING.
heaven on their minds is always a banger, no matter the production. one thing i loved about this particular version was the lyric obri els ulls i escolta el que t'he de dir / que no veus que no vull veure't morir?, which literally translates to open your eyes and listen to what i have to say / can't you see that i don't want to see you die? (more or less).
that translation changed my life forever.
the percussion break right before what's the buzz? gave me +20 years of life.
then, judas's expression during mary's bit was so funny.
and also, some note changes during strange thing mystifying that i LOVED.
i also think it was clever how judas was arguing with the apostles in the background during the first chorus of everything's alright.
moreover, the way mary soothes judas in the second chorus
AND HOW THEY CHANGE THE LYRICS SO THEY CAN MAKE IT PLURAL (like mary talks to both jesus and judas).
ANNAS IS A GIRL !!!!! and an amazing performer, gotta say.
also, the little dancing of the priests during this jesus must die.
i adored how in hosanna, jesus and judas enter together and then mary joins them (and judas gives her a little kiss!!).
also judas telling the crowd to be chill while caiaphas sings.
and how he gets mad when jesus talks about heaven.
the way pilate and jesus look at each other just before pilate's dream.
the priests being in the temple during the scene.
mary confessing to jesus during i don't know how to love him and jesus ALMOST KISSING HER???? WOAH.
a priest offered judas some food while he was having a mental breakdown in damned for all time and i thought it was the funniest thing ever.
okay so during the last supper happened a lot of things
first, JUDAS SMOKING. i'm always a fan of that (please, don't smoke).
also, during their first confrontation, judas says deixa'm que t'expliqui (let me explain) to jesus, and I WANTED TO CRY
the way the apostles tidy up the table after jesus and judas's first fight.
at the end, judas looks for comfort in the apostles AND THEY REJECT HIM???? the audacity.
gethsemane was in general absolutely stunning, but some things i liked about it is the way it was translated. the song in catalan seems like jesus is asking god to show himself so that he can see that everything is real. HEART B R E A K I N G.
ANOTHER HEARTBREAK. the lyrics just before the song starts say ningú es vol quedar despert amb mi? / no em deixeu sol avui, which translates to none of you wants to stay awake with me? / don't leave me alone today. I MEAN.
some other lyrics that destroyed me were the pre-chorus. in catalan, jesus sings: vas donar-me llum / però ara sols veig fum / esperant que tú vinguessis / vaig donar-te el que tenia / una vida / no pots esperar més d'un home sol, which translates to you gave me light / but now i only see smoke / waiting for you to come / i gave you what i had / a life / you cannot expect more from only a man. I MEAN X2.
peter's voice was one of my favorites.
and also, herod serving cunt in that animal print trousers. chef's kiss.
judas's death affected me more than any other production
in superstar, judas singing de debò el teu sacrifici et converteix en salvador? which translates to does your sacrifice really makes you a savior? in the cuntiest way possible. yes, king.
and to finish, the timer above the cross going down before jesus's death.
if you reached this point, hi! i hope you enjoyed it, 'cause i know i did. check out this production, it is truly amazing. see you in the next post! x
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
Hello! Do you have ml fanfic recommendations? Well written english or French and ft romance? Thank you!
Hey there, lovely anon! If I get your ask right, you wanted romance-focused fic recs, didn’t you? So here you go.
First of all,
french recs
Juste un baiser by @mind3ll
Tout avait commencé par une innocente discussion entre Rose et Mylène, et qui aurait parfaitement pu n'avoir aucune conséquence. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que Chloé s'en mêle. Puis Alix. Puis Alya.
Et que la question de qui avait déjà embrassé quelqu'un se trouve soudain au centre de toutes les conversations.
Le battement d'ailes du Papillon by @miraculous-floconfettis
- Ladybug, viens vite, j'ai trouvé le repère du Papillon !
A l'autre bout du fil, le cœur de Ladybug manqua un battement. Chat Noir avait trouvé la tanière de leur ennemi ! Mais lorsque son coéquipier reprit la parole, les mots qu'il prononça lui glacèrent le sang.
- Viens le plus vite possible au manoir Agreste. Dépêche-toi, je t'en supplie.
A very accurate depiction of Adrien processing his trauma after finding out Hawk Moth’s true identity. Lots of hurt/comfort, fluff and Adrinette being a married couple without even realising it.
Trouve-moi si tu peux and Embrasse-moi si tu peux by @mind3ll
Adrien jubilait.
Il avait enfin l'opportunité de découvrir qui se cachait derrière l'identité de Ladybug.
Et en tout bien tout honneur, histoire de couronner le tout. Tout ça grâce à un petit jeu entre eux, un simple jeu qu'il avait initié sans trop y croire.
Détransformation de choc by Alixe
Un combat qui finit un peu brutalement, une relation qui peine à se mettre en place, un père qui s'en mêle... La vie de héros n'est pas toujours facile.
Doux chantage by Jade DeTour
Un soir, Chat Noir découvre le secret de l'identité de Ladybug ainsi que l'identité de celui qu'elle aime. Il demande trois rendez-vous en échange de son silence. Ladynoir, Marichat et Adrinette avec un peu de Ladrien.
Éclosion by ElinaLT
Marinette reçoit une fleur et une lettre, d'un mystérieux 'admirateur secret' comme l'appelle Alya. Elles cherchent désespérément de qui il pourrait s'agir... la découverte s'annonce pleine de surprises.
I never get tired of recommending this fic. It’s just so sweet and heartwarming. Please consider giving it a try, even if you’re not into Marichat.
I'll Guess Your Heart, If You Guess Mine by PurpleHeartsOne
When Chat Noir stumbles upon Marinette holding her kwami, Tikki, he finally figures out that his lady, the girl he loves, is none other than his classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette is terrified that he's figured out, and she's not ready to know who he really is, since she's a firm believer that their identities should be hidden and is scared of the consequences if their identities are revealed. As a compromise, Chat Noir decides to set up a deal, he'll give Marinette three chances to guess who he really is underneath the mask, and if she doesn't guess right, he won't reveal himself. But Chat Noir has full faith that his lady will be able to guess who he is.
A story about Chat Noir falling in love with who his lady is, and Marinette falling in love with Chat and easing her worries about the identity reveal.
A multi-chapter set in s4. A must-read imo.
It's You by @inner-sakura
She’d gone through this exact moment a million times in her head. Imagined dramatically declaring her love and having him passionately reciprocate. She’d spent hours picturing the way his green eyes would soften and warm as he too declared his undying love for her, before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her off into the sunset. The fantasy always ended this way, the two of them madly in love.
It never ended with Adrien gazing at her blankly, his face smooth and expressionless.
[AU where Marinette succeeds in confessing to Adrien after the events of Frozer, and everything devolves from there.]
Too much angst, hurt and comfort in this two-shot.
Kiss shy by @emsylcatac
Marinette was on a mission. Three weeks into an impromptu reveal, the same three weeks into a relationship with her partner. And yet, they still hadn’t kissed. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
So tonight, she would kiss him. Right on the mouth.
I just love these precious beans.
rumour has it by summerset
When Alya reveals to the class that Marinette kissed Chat Noir, Adrien is very confused. Why would Marinette lie about kissing him? He decides to take matters into his own hands, and make the rumour a reality.
A Timely Reveal by LiquifiedStars
Adrien realised that having kissed Marinette as Chat Noir was now causing him complications with his now Girlfriend. His attempt to reveal himself however is interrupted when a girl suddenly falls through a portal, and she looks curiously like him. Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord.
I know I recommended this fic too many times before and I’ll do it again. Just read it.
wax lips to wax lips by @ladyofthenoodle
Adrien has been struggling to make sense of Marinette for a long time now, but today is especially confusing. Between Nino’s panicked hedging and Marinette’s own verbal gymnastics, he feels like he’s been whipped around by Ladybug’s yo-yo and tied up in knots.
Still, he isn’t going to let some confusion get in the way of their friendship.
Even if things have just gotten really, really confusing.
(it's the statue scene, from Adrien's point of view!)
Seven Seconds by alvares715
Adrien finds a lost video on his phone.
Set in season four.
Episode “Felix” aftermath. Very angsty fic. Another one must-read imo.
Accidentally Not In Love by Lucid
Marinette confesses to Adrien and he rejects her. It takes him less than 24 hours to realize he's made a huge mistake.
Can't Help Falling For You by FelicisMagic18873
Ladybug decides to talk Chat out of his crush for her by making him realize that he might end up not liking who she was behind the mask. It decidedly goes out of hand pretty quickly.
Very sweet one-shot, you can literally feel Chat Noir’s love for Ladybug through the words.
Thank you for your ask, anon! Hope you found something to read. Happy reading!
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jean-pierre-fr · 4 days
Tu es amoureux. ⁃ Non. Elle me trouble, me séduit et m'inquiète, m'attire et m'effraye. Je me méfie d'elle comme d'un piège, et j'ai envie d'elle comme on a envie d'un sorbet quand on a soif. Je subis son charme et je ne l'approche qu'avec l'appréhension qu'on aurait d'un homme soupçonné d'être un adroit voleur. Près d'elle j'éprouve un entraînement iraisonné vers sa candeur possible et une méfiance très raisonnable contre sa rouerie non moins probable. Je me sens en contact avec un être anormal, en dehors des règles naturelles, exquis ou détestable. Je ne sais pas. - Je te dis que tu es amoureux. Tu parles d'elle avec une emphase de poète et un lyrisme de troubadour. Allons, descends en toi, tâte ton coeur et avoue,. ⁃ C'est possible, après tout. Dans tous les cas, elle me préoccupe beaucoup. Oui, je suis peut-être amoureux. J'y songe trop. Je pense à elle en m'endormant et aussi en me réveillant... c'est assez grave. Son image me suit, me poursuit m'accompagne sans cesse, toujours devant."
Guy de Maupassant
You are in love. ⁃ No. She troubles me, seduces me and worries me, attracts me and frightens me. I am wary of her as of a trap, and I want her as one wants a sorbet when one is thirsty. I submit to her charm and I approach her only with the apprehension one would have of a man suspected of being a clever thief. Near her I feel an irrational attraction towards her possible candor and a very reasonable distrust against her no less probable cunning. I feel in contact with an abnormal being, outside the natural rules, exquisite or detestable. I do not know. - I tell you that you are in love. You speak of her with the emphasis of a poet and the lyricism of a troubadour. Come on, go down into yourself, feel your heart and confess,. ⁃ It is possible, after all. In any case, she worries me a lot. Yes, maybe I'm in love. I think about it too much. I think about her when I fall asleep and also when I wake up... it's quite serious. Her image follows me, pursues me, accompanies me constantly, always in front."
Guy de Maupassant
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enoramenguy · 2 months
Surplombée par une pluie d'étoiles filantes
Certains diront que j'ai gaché mes voeux
Car ce n'est pas la richesse ni la beauté que j'ai souhaitée
Mais une eternité de moments passés à tes côtés.
Si tu regardes cette étoile là
Tu pourras y voir de nombreux cafés partagés.
Si tu regardes celle d'à côté
Tu pourras y trouver des confessions sur l'oreiller.
Si tu regardes celle-ci
Tu pourras nous observer arpenter des rues inconnues.
Et si tu regardes plus loin
Tu pourras apercevoir les clés d'un foyer.
Sous cette pluie encore et encore j'ai souhaité
Pour une infinité de banalités à tes côtés.
Enora Menguy
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concombre-2-mer · 3 months
"A mes yeux, Sonoko était l'incarnation de mon amour pour la normalité, de mon amour pour les choses de l'esprit, de mon amour pour ce qui dure à jamais."
Mishima, Confessions d'un masque
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