#Concrete resurfacing Quinns Rock
aussiespraypave · 5 months
Concrete resurfacing Perth,Australia
Concrete resurfacing Perth,Australia spray on paving to provide them with an absolutely reliable surface that looks stunning, remains slip-resistant in wet conditions, comes in appealing colours and can be enhanched with playing field marking or other insignia.
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castleportrpg · 5 years
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Welcome to the first ROUNDUP of the new year. CASTLEPORT has seen a lot of shake-ups, break-ups, and bust-ups so we’ll jump right into things. 
The extra chatter around town is at an all time high, with reporters filtering in, wanting to get the scoop on the mysterious disappearance of RACHEL BERRY and her untimely and tragic death. The KNIGHTS GAZETTE, seemingly a day late and a dollar short on their exclusives continued to offer no insight into the investigation’s progress, outside of the rental car that Rachel was discovered in was rented under the name of BRODY WESTON, with no other concrete leads. The emergence of CPORTEA, stirs up a deluge of feelings. The podcast and self-proclaimed ‘unbiased’ news source is a contrast from the old guard of the Gazette, offering gossip about the case and Castleport citizens.
BREAKING NEWS: Rental car connected to Brody Weston
CPORTEA: Unfiltered and Unbiased
HALLOWEEN saw plenty of tricks and treats with a massive brawl at THE MAGGIE. involving multiple people and left MASON MCCARTHY with a black eye. Packed with partygoers, the fight only heightened the weird atmosphere at the bar, mostly due to the ban on gossip related to the Berry case, instituted by SAM EVANS. There was plenty of fodder for the tea blog, including a tense public encounter between BREE BROWN and RYDER LYNN, newly returned when a trade sends him from sunny Los Angeles back to the east coast, this time playing for the Giants. Words were exchanged and the two parted ways, though neither leaving alone. Ryder going off with SANTANA LOPEZ and a drunk Bree being escorted home by Sam. Bree, fresh off a divorce, finds common ground with Sam and the two have a drunk sleepover. 
After months away, QUINN FABRAY returns to Castleport, sporting pink hair and a chip on her shoulder. Together with Sam’s sister STACY EVANS, the two devise a plan of action, with Quinn driving JAMES EVANS to ROCK HARBOR RECOVERY, a rehab facility outside of town. She pays for his treatment with a credit card in her father’s name, prompting RUSSELL FABRAY to blackmail his youngest daughter into leaving her job at THE MAGGIE and her apartment in order to move in with him and work at The Gazette. It also causes a massive fight between Quinn and Sam once he learns of his father’s whereabouts and Quinn pulling the strings. 
ROSALIE LOPEZ is dismissed as lead investigator on Rachel’s case, breaking news that’s scooped by CPORTEA. Her replacement is none other than FINN HUDSON, an appointment that many view as a poor substitute, a sentiment stoked by the postings of Castleport’s infamous anonymous blogger, putting Santana in an awkward spot as she continues her romantic entanglements with the upstart Detective Hudson. Thanksgiving in Castleport is a somber affair, with many people spending time with their loved ones (or in some cases, no time at all), while reflecting on the first holiday since the death of Rachel. It also sees the return of another familiar face: MERCEDES JONES, who after spending a length of time back in New York (with Quinn, no less) reappears in town. 
Despite the chaos brewing with the media curiosity and potential bad press coverage--or perhaps because of--the winter holiday season seems more festive than ever. TINA COHEN-CHANG, still reeling from the loss of her father,  JI-HUN COHEN-CHANG, carries on managing THE DOUBLE C DINER in his very noticeable absence and finding support through her relationship with HUNTER CLARINGTON, still secretly dealing with his own issues with alcohol.  
Mason, still grappling with Rachel’s death and the feelings surrounding it, decides to step back from director of the CASTLEPORT HIGH SCHOOL winter production. Seeing an opportunity for supposed goodwill to honor Rachel’s legacy (and to boost public profiles), a raffle is held for the production, with the proceeds going to the drama club. 
In the spirit of the season, the TWELVE DAYS OF TEA segment delivers presents in the form of hot off the press gossip, including a heated exchange involving Mason, Santana, and Finn while backstage at THE RIALTO during the Little Shop opening night. Mason has very openly disapproved of Finn taking over the investigation, finding him unfit for the job, and made his feelings known. 
Other gossip-worthy gems include WILLIAM SCHUESTER and his alleged romantic connection with Rachel, MIKE CHANG SR. and his hard feelings against being passed up as lead investigator over Finn, despite his years of experience and knowledge, and a summer fight between Bree and Santana that got loud and physical. 
In the new year, the investigation into Rachel’s death seems just as stalled as the look into her disappearance last year. With Finn at the helm, he’s tasked with going through Sheriff Lopez’s notes and collection of evidence, and re-interviewing everyone connected with the case, including at times, his friends. The topic of Rachel’s journal resurfaces once again, the item being a key clue in trying to understand what exactly happened and offering insight into her mind as well as her interactions with other people, including Santana and especially Ryder. Ryder, who for the most part has been trying to adjust to a new city and new team while dealing with the shocking news of his father MAYOR LYNN’S infidelity. 
Their beef is nothing new, but the tension between Santana and Hunter reached an explosive level when, after an argument involving Santana telling Hunter and Tina exactly what she thinks of their relationship, Hunter shows his hand and video evidence of Santana breaking into CLARINGTON PROPERTIES. The video, months old, is enough for Santana to be arrested and CPORTEA gleefully pounces on the news. The arrest has a ripple effect on the group, prompting Tina to angrily end her relationship with Hunter and leaving Santana--having been questioned by Finn and another officer--looking like a person of interest in the Rachel case. 
The case of Rachel Berry, long a topic of gossip and speculation in Castleport and the surrounding towns gets broader attention, with an investigative eye turned towards the tourist town with a darker secret. REAL CASE FILES and their reporters are keeping a close watch on the going ons of Castleport and offering insight and questions into a case that continues to baffle the local authority. Their recent reveal of DNA evidence found at the scene that was kept from the public turns a spotlight onto CASTLEPORT PD and their handling of the case so far, with CPORTEA weighing in on a possible conspiracy. 
WHEW. There’s plenty happening around Castleport this go-round. And we’re so happy at the plotwork and great character interactions that have taken place over the past few months. Our first Q&A TUESDAY of the year was a chance for reflection and taking a look at character growth in the form of a FILL IN THE BLANK meme. There’s no specific due date for this, but as it’s a fun and easy way to chart your character’s development, we’d love for everyone to complete it when they can.
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aussiespraypave · 6 months
Driveway resurfacing Perth,Australia
Aussie Spray Pavef you've ever had thought of changing your patio, driveway, garage or any kind of flooring to highly durable surface with an eye-catching appearance, you've come to the right place. Driveway resurfacing Perth,Australia
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