#Concrete Expansion Anchors
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fixdex-fastening-technology · 11 months ago
👍 Wedge anchor All production processes are inside our factory
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tthevoic3s · 3 days ago
From Blood Births Life and Death - Chapter 17
Held at Gunpoint
(Alt: Fly, My Scarab)
Word count: 3,243
The wind gusts hit hard against his face as Mars made his way back into the forest – back at the headquarters. The whizzing of cables of his gear resonated slightly in the air, a stark, metallic contrast to the sounds of the nature surrounding him. 
The hooks anchored themselves on the rough tree barks, making the soldier move in the vast expanse of the woods with absurd speed and agility. He leapt in the air no slower than a bug casually flying by. Well, if only bugs wore military clothes, thin glasses, and had a mess of curly blond hair actively disturbing their eyesight. 
As soon as the deeper part of the forest became visible and able to shield him from undesired eyes, Mars quickly fired a wire and lowered himself mid-flight.  
He hovered swiftly between the thick tree branches, the foliage shadowing from above.
He really, really risked his neck this time. It was almost unbelievable he agreed with Maya. The girl’s decision was straight up reckless, based on everything but solid, reliable proof, nor a plan, but he still agreed. Mars still said yes. And again, he wasn’t really able to understand what part of his brain decided to loosen his grip around rationality. Unlike the chances of success, the risks were concrete, real, almost tangible. 
A drop of sweat slid down his forehead as his mind retraced every step that led him to that moment. 
The jail guards had been their first problem. Well, obviously not the worst. Mars — or rather, Captain Erickson of the Research Scout Unit — had everything but a bad reputation in the headquarters. He was one of the best, his face known and recognised by other soldiers, guards, staff… everyone, in a nutshell. He might haven’t been Junior, but his well known identity alone guaranteed him good protection. Yeah, maybe his scouting mission companion was a little bit shorter than the average soldier, and the military clothes didn’t fit their body well, but he was pretty sure he could forget about suspicions, at least in this part. Nobody would’ve expected that the person under that ski mask and helmet was, from all people, Maya Strauss. 
They had sneaked out successfully, and that alone was a great win. 
One point less to Scott’s colony organisation system, because, for fuck’s sake, you really must be absorbed in your stupid evil planning shit not to notice a prisoner escaping from jail. And, most of all, not to notice that said escapee was being helped not by one, but by five of his best soldiers. 
Looked like Scott had only eyes for Junior. Well, nothing’s new. Mars wouldn’t have blamed him if such attitude persisted only during that month, after all he wasn’t — no, wait, she, actually — wrong to want to control the native who helped Maya, but everyone in the academy knew how much Higgs cared about Junior. 
Hah, it was more like he wanted to have her on a leash. Oh, and he totally had her. The general’s loyal lapdog and perfect student. Annoyingly perfect, always got the best missions, and, most of all, the main reason their plans of overthrowing Higgs’ power was being sabotaged. She was his second pair of eyes, hidden behind the mask of the apprentice. It was undeniably too risky to act when she was around. And she was always around. 
Now, if God existed, He must have blessed their luck. Because casually, precisely during the month Junior wasn’t around, and Scott was absorbed by other matters, Maya Strauss came out with her reckless plan. Not that the two things weren’t linked — after all, the key factor was that guy. The native Maya interacted with. 
Screw it, Mars hated having him involved. It wasn’t anything personal, but having one of them involved in their plans meant multiplying significantly the risks of getting discovered. 
And, to be honest, he was also kind of intimidated. Okay, maybe Mars was on the verge of pissing himself when he locked eyes with the giant — just being looked at by someone so much powerful than him made his blood run cold.
For how Friedrich’s ideologies were still in his heart, believing giants were harmless in theory was a thing, almost interacting with one in real life was… a completely different, adrenaline inducing, terrifying one. 
Probably, that young man wasn't even really aware of the power he held in his mere hands, but Mars, oh, Mars sure as hell was. 
He wasn’t exactly scary himself — freckles, dark blond hair, pointed ears— all of his features might have been boyish if they weren’t attached to someone a hundred feet tall.
Even though he might have looked like a slightly awkward librarian, not much older than a teenager, judging by his appearance, it absolutely couldn’t deny the fact that he could kill a human being without effort or a second thought. 
The soldier shivered at the thought, clenching his teeth.
It’s okay — he tried to reassure himself — If Maya trusts him…
Okay, let’s take a step back. Realistically, nobody would put their life in the hands of Maya Strauss, no matter who her father was and how reliable his knowledge could have been. She had always been a reckless feral goblin, even while Fred was alive, he could vividly remember it. 
Luckily though, she was the type of person to apply her crazy plans by herself. Always great at seeking attention, he had to say. That red haired bastard really thrived to cause chaos, as if she was trying to be the main character of whatever adventure fiction she was building up in that little head of hers.
It almost seemed that she was jealous of her troubles and wanted to carry all her reckless shit alone, quite never involving others — Mars being included was an exception. Maybe, just maybe, because he was the one that included her first.
Mars sighed in relief. 
Now he was safe and sound, whizzing in the air away from danger, as agilely as the previously mentioned bug. A mighty scarab in a world too huge for him. Tired and misunderstood, he would have added. Welp.
Now, the native was a Maya problem. Asking him for help was her idea, she was dealing with him, and with whatever reaction he might have been having at that moment.  It might have been a bit egoistical as a thought, but Mars never denied being a bit of an asshole. 
The Mars problem right now was making sure that Scott didn’t suspect a thing while he was away — that man was still kind of unpredictable, and fucking crazy, he might say. But screw Scott Higgs. The most important thing he had to make sure was that Riley actually nailed the secret mission they had discussed before Maya’s jailbreak, and most of all, that he did it without getting his ass caught. 
“The bunker is in good shape. Honestly, I’d expected Higgs to destroy every single one of them, burn them down, but surprisingly, it was just sealed shut.”
Mars took a slow drag as the two soldiers walked through the empty corridor, letting the cigarette burn down just a little more before exhaling a cloud of gray. 
Thank God. 
“The infrastructure is sturdy. A bit dusty, sure, but still standing,” Riley continued, stuffing his hand in his pockets as he kept looking at his mate. “We have to collect and bring supplies, though. Weapons, food, maps and documents for the plans.”
Another tendril of smoke spread in the air after leaving Mars’ lips.
“You sure it’s safe, well hidden?” He asked, his tone etched with something close to anxiety. Riley shot him a pointed look, as if he had just questioned an obviousness. 
“General Strauss made sure of it himself, years ago. It always worked. Why are you doubting now?” he replied. “Something on your mind?”
There wasn’t a concrete problem, but if Mars had to be completely frank, there was something in his mind. His brows knitted together as the scene at the village library replayed in the blond haired soldier’s mind. Higgs and his allies were their main problem, the thing he should focus on, but he still couldn’t shake off the way the native boy looked – no, stared – at him. Sheer confusion. He looked everything but aware of the entity of what was at stake, but how could he be, after all? Until Maya decided to let herself be seen, humans were extinct in the boy’s mind. It wasn’t the easiest news to learn, and they had been lucky he reacted in such a calm way.  The problem gnawing at Mars’ mind was now another – What if other natives discovered about them? Not only their existence, but a whole bunker of humans right there, inside their village. 
The issue had never bothered him when Friedrich was alive. He knew what he was doing, and Mars didn’t need to worry. However, everything was on his squad’s shoulders now. And since he was the captain, the sheer responsibility of it added weight to the already heavy burden. And he couldn’t forget about Maya’s involvement. He shivered at the mere thought of leaving such a fragile matter in her hands. But what was done was done. 
Right on point, Riley elbowed him. “Any problems with that ginger menace?” he snorted, “All her father, isn’t she? Let’s just hope her little friend doesn’t mess anything up.” 
Yeah. Perfect time, Jason Riley. Really.
“How was he?”
“Tall.” Mars replied, deadpan. 
“No shit.”
“Young, confused, definitely too little aware for my liking.”
“For your liking?” Riley scoffed. “Is there anything in this world that actually fits your liking, Unit Captain Marcus Erickson?” 
Mars glared at his companion. Here he goes, addressing him with his full name and title just to mock him. In response, he just sighed.  
“Let’s go deliver this report before Scott loses his temper, come on.” he said, as they resumed walking towards the meeting room. The heavy metal door slid open, but just before the two men could step inside, a dark blur of movement cut straight across their path.
Well, predictable. Mars and Riley exchanged a knowing glance. Of course she had to be the first one on roll call if Scott Higgs was there. 
The doors sealed shut as they finally entered, and the two soldiers headed to their usual spot on the side of the dimly lit room, against one of the walls. Sarah, James and Samuel, the other members of their Unit, were already there, probably waiting for them. They stared at the General, who was turned towards the huge whiteboard, his fingers sweeping over the projected map of the island, while his other hand firmly held a lit cigarette between two fingers.
“Killed by her own stubbornness,” Higgs prompted, his voice low and detached, almost a contemplative hum, without any hint of grief or concern. “What a shame for a girl to die so young.” 
His lips curled into a slight smirk.
“Wouldn’t be surprised if she got killed by one of her friends,” the general scoffed. “Those savages she insisted so dearly to defend. How heroic. At least she died proving me right,” he added, his smirk turning even more grim. “Not that I ever doubted, anyways.”
Mars visibly cringed, his lips pressing into a thin line as he tried to keep his mask of loyal composure on. 
It was incredible. Incredible how Scott Higgs took any possible chance to blame everything on someone that did absolutely nothing to him — rather than existing. Just that mere fact, although, was considered an outrageous insult to human kind, given Scott’s ideals. 
Higgs pinched at the screen with his fingers, zooming out from the map, and leant against the long metal table. His broad frame casted a shadow on the electronic board behind him, partially obscuring the projected image.
“Well. Captain Erickson…” he prompted, stretching his arm in Mars’ direction, flexing his fingers in a clear gesture for him to hand the mission report.
Mars obeyed without any kind of complaint, and gave him the neatly folded — and accurately falsified — report of the scouting mission. The ‘scouting mission’ that was covering Mars’ little trip to the giant village and to that boy’s library. 
Higgs dismissed him with a nod, and flipped through the pages of the file quickly, almost carelessly. Then, he just exhaled slowly. 
“Well, one problem less. Right, Junior?
Sadie’s head jerked up abruptly, as if she was caught lost in thought. Well that was new — Mars thought. She was always so precise, never off guarded — especially during meetings. Something was on her mind, perhaps. And perhaps, it didn’t mean it was good. Mars bit his lip, his hands fidgeting slightly behind his back. She nodded, initially looking at Scott. But then, her sharp blue eyes moved slowly to meet the Captain’s own auburn ones.
Mars stiffened as he noticed how her brows furrowed, almost if she was studying him. Her gaze lingered on him for seconds that seemed hours, and he let out a string of curses under his breath, not audible to anybody else in the room except his mind. Junior almost never acknowledged anyone except general Higgs, slouching in that throne of superiority she built with his and her mother’s help since she was in the academy. And now? Now she kept her eyes stuck and still on him. Him, who, back in the academy, was nothing more than a nuisance.
In a normal situation, such attention by nobody less than Sadie Junior Howard — and we’re talking about a mere minute of staring — would have pumped up his ego. Being acknowledged by her would have probably made him feel important, but now he wasn’t so sure.
Maybe, just maybe, he didn’t enjoy how that scrutinising gaze landed on him because Mars was organising a full conspiracy against every single one of her superiors?
He swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure, never detaching from eye contact with the other soldier. That would have been suspicious. 
Mars felt utterly exposed now — he couldn’t deny it. 
“So,” the General prompted again, his voice rising in both pitch and volume as if the topic he was about to bring up was way more interesting.
He rubbed his hands together and straightened his posture.
 “Thanks to the latest Research Missions, we were able to locate the areas where the minerals that Dr Howard was analysing are in higher quantities.” 
He turned towards the screen again, and continued. 
“One of those precious sediments is right under the north-eastern settlement.” He tapped on the map, his finger drumming right against the village out of the forest. “What a shame,” he added, his tone etched with something close to sarcasm, “When the weapons I requested, the village will be our first target.”
Mars gritted his teeth. Fantastic. Not that he didn’t know Higgs’ intentions, but still, the thought made him uneasy. It was a bit egoistical, perhaps, but if really Higgs wanted to commit an inevitable manslaughter, he’d rather unleash it on a village that wasn’t hosting the damn rebellion’s only base.
They needed to be quicker. Maybe it was already too late. They had eight months. In theory, a long time. Practically, it was barely more than a minute to organise a whole resistance against a military chief. 
And fuck, Junior kept watching him. 
“Though,” the General continued, “It is clear that a large-scale operation like that won’t stay unnoticed by the natives. Therefore, it is equally clear that it will be crucial, and I repeat, crucial” — he reiterated, his expression darkened as he leaned forward, placing his hands on the long metal table — “that we mustn’t raise any kind of suspicion before we’re ready for the mission. They might be savages, but they’re not blind. And if they feel threatened, it’s impossible to believe they won’t react.”
Scott exhaled and crossed his arms, and after a brief pause, he started pacing slowly around the table.
“I will not tolerate any other… incident like the one involving Maya Strauss.” He declared, his voice cold, and he stopped right behind Sadie’s chair. He rested both hands on the backrest, leaning slightly towards her. 
The first thing Mars noticed was how Junior’s whole body stiffened, became rigid. Her gaze finally left him. Something wasn’t right. It was almost like… she felt exposed as well. 
“I will have the curfew checks doubled.” 
And so, Higgs kept yapping. About resources, about weapons, plans, whatever. Yet, Mars’ brain was completely disconnected. Despite how much he fought against himself to stay concentrated, now he was completely focused on Junior. Her eyes, her body language, every shift in her behaviour. If she knew something — anything, really — the whole rebellion would have fallen like a castle of cards before its very birth. Saying that the balance was precarious was more than an understatement. He cursed in his mind. This whole plan was a dare, a complete gamble. 
Not long passed before the whole squad was dismissed, anyways. Mars exhaled a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t help but keep an eye on Higgs and, most of all, Junior.
As he always did, almost on ritual, the General stopped her in her tracks, keeping her inside for their usual post-meeting private chat. 
He never did it, but that day Mars felt tempted by the idea of eavesdropping. Studying her body language wasn’t enough to state with certainty if she knew about their plans, but if she did, he was sure she wouldn’t have hesitated to report it to Higgs, like a dog retrieving a bone to its owner. 
Mars rolled his eyes. Was there anybody in the academy who could stand Junior? Hell no. 
He pressed his back against the nearby wall, pondering his options. He could try to spy and eavesdrop, but the risk of getting caught was too high, and most of all, it would have only confirmed the allegations with the rebellion Higgs now hypothetically knew about. Mars shook his head. The idea of waiting, and already imagining the worst, was unbearable. But he couldn’t risk getting caught — it was too hazardous.
Too bad. If he couldn’t know with certainty, he had to force himself to ignore the problem. You can’t cure something you don't know. 
Let’s just hope for the best. I'll have my answer when I get executed for treason against humanity.
Mars sighed again, adjusting his glasses as he started walking towards his quarters. He walked slowly, his hands curled into tight fists as he absentmindedly chewed on his lip. 
Just go on and hope for the best.
He kept repeating it in his mind like a mantra, trying to make the stress dissolve, so lost in his mind every sound echoing around him seemed muffled. 
Just hope for the best, you’re acting for the greater good. 
Mars finally stopped in front of his door. His hand reached for the ID in his right pocket. He placed it on the scanner, a green light flashing as the card was checked by the machine. 
The metal door slid open. Mars exhaled. Finally, some peace and privacy. — He thought. 
Before he could step inside, his breath hitched instinctively, his whole body freezing.
A cold, hard object pressed right on his side. A gun.
“Don’t you dare move a single muscle, or you’re a dead man.”
A low, feminine voice he rarely heard. He turned his head, slowly.
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b1ackbaccara · 1 month ago
to peel back the edges of the universe
Bombardier. Mercury. It wasn't a glamorous, sprawling metroswathe like much of the rest of Cradle's fulcrum worlds, but instead something more reminiscent of a weed pushing itself up between faults in asphalt, stubbornly growing out of necessity than careful cultivation.
There was something to be said for it, for humanity's proclivity to scrabble and grasp for survival, to flourish in the face of challenge and adversity--and while her younger mind couldn't grapple with all the complex particulars, that driving necessity took root early in the wake of their purpose here; the anchor for humanity's very first Dyson web. Without access to the sort of energy it provided, the crises across the galaxy would be catastrophic. Catastrophic.
It should have scared her, young as she was, but with how often her parents repeated their responsibility to their station, to Cradle, to humanity spoken with such reverence every time she lamented their absence without fail (until she stopped asking altogether)--how could it?
She'd say she understood, but she didn't, not until she saw the web. Really saw it.
While the only residential hub on Mercury, Bombardier's passages and facilities were still largely industrial, perfunctory spaces. There weren't windows and atriums and greenery--save for the hubs through which Union's officials would pass most often--as most of Bombardier was below ground, given Mercury's climate on the surface.
There was a passage, though, near her family's apartments. A long corridor that opened up like the elbow joint of a drain pipe, branching down into other residential passages. She remembers a few scattered tables, once-plush, curved leather benches lining the walls with grooves where people had sat on and off for decades, vidscreens with the latest station news alternating with programming beamed across the Omninet from Cradle.
She remembers the concrete flooring was shinier down the main thoroughfare, that she'd spend her limited amount of free time occasionally tracking up and down, playing at filling the shoes of her parents or their colleagues on some important mission or another for the Anchor (like defending it from invading mutant astronaut dinosaurs who she'd inevitably convince of the error of their ways and she'd get to ride up and down the hallways).
On one of those days, though, something had possessed her to lay out in the center of the little concrete plaza, staring up at a ceiling that vaulted far higher than she'd ever really noticed. Reinforced steel beams were criss-crossed by thick ropes of tied up cabling, recycled air hissed through slats in the massive, squared rows of ducts that spliced down the junction of each hallway. Electricity buzzed in the artificial lights, flickering almost imperceptibly, while the TV blathered on at a low drone.
She didn't notice any of it, though, peering up into what she'd always thought was a shadowy ceiling that terminated not in darkness, but light. It was high up enough that it didn't really cast light down, not below the artificial industrial lighting lining the hallways and the edges of the room in a harsher, off-white glow, but it was a massive porthole to what must have been the surface.
She could see the outline of thick bolts the size of her six-or-seven year-old head lining the edges, and whatever glass was up there was so thick that it cast a foggy haze over the sights beyond, blowing out the flickering strands of the Dyson web so each lit section looked more like a glowing bulb on a strand of holiday lights.
Like she was seeing cracks in the black expanse, fingers of gold trying to peel back the edges of the universe.
It was that moment, that spark of wonder and of terror that spurred her along the path her life would eventually take. Her parents might have planned to have her take up engineering, but while she internalized the responsibility and importance of caring for the Anchor on behalf of all humanity, she would eventually fly straight past it.
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the-gone-ton · 2 years ago
The dead malls of York
Continuing on the theme from my last post about York Galleria, I'm going to talk more about the four now-closed malls in York that came before the Galleria.
The York Mall
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The York Mall opened in 1968, developed by the famous Kravco Company of Philadelphia. It was a fairly large mall for its era (about 700,000 Square feet of retail space, I believe). It was primarily a single-level mall, though in this rare interior photo you can see stairs leading up to a small 2nd level that included a community room and some offices. The opening anchors were JCPenney, Montgomery Ward, and Maryland-based Hochschild-Kohn (seen in the above picture). The mall also featured a Trans-Lux Theater and a flagship location of McCrory's variety store. In fact, the McCrory's distribution center was located directly next door to the York Mall, and a concrete ramp led straight from the distribution center's parking lot right up to the back of McCrory's store around the rear side of the mall. The ramp still exists today as a relic of this bit of McCrory's history. The layout of the mall had Penney's at one end and Wards at the other, with Hochschild-Kohn right in the middle. You'd have to walk through the Kohn's department store to get from one end of the mall to the other.
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Hochschild-Kohn's declined in the 70s, closing their York Mall store in 1975. York's own local department store, The Bon-Ton, opened in this spot that same year. The York Mall remained the largest mall in town for 21 years until George Zamias built the 2-story York Galleria practically next door in 1989. Both The Bon-Ton and JCPenney left the York Mall for the York Galleria when it opened, but it wasn't a total loss because The Bon-Ton kept their store open as a new discount concept called "Bon-Ton Express" on the ground floor and put their corporate offices on what had been the 2nd floor of the department store. Still, the new competition from the Galleria badly hurt the York Mall and forced it to go more downscale. Looking to replace JCPenney, the York Mall signed a lease with Arkansas-based discount store Walmart in 1990 - it was the first Walmart in the state of Pennsylvania and was then the largest in the country at 130,000 square feet. Walmart also built a new Sam's Club right next to Montgomery Ward. At the time, the destructive tendencies of Walmart were not as widely-known.
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The York Mall still did alright for a few more years with its new configuration. But stores in the mall noticed a drop in business after The Bon-Ton Express closed in May of 1992. Bon-Ton executives attributed the closure to Walmart, whose cash registers only faced their parking lot entrance (in other words, you could enter Walmart from the mall, but you have to leave out towards your car). Burlington replaced Bon-Ton Express in 1993, but it didn't do much to help sales at the small shops. Around the turn of the century, the demise of Montgomery Ward and McCrory's left gaping vacancies in the north end of the mall while an expansion of Walmart into a 240,000 square foot supercenter swallowed up the entire south end of the mall. It didn't take long after that for the remainder of the mall to be demolished.
North Mall
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The North Mall - "the first completely carpeted, enclosed shopping center in the East!" - opened in 1969, as the 2nd enclosed shopping mall in York, PA. It was a smaller mall that was sort of split level; the upper level was fully enclosed and anchored by The Bon-Ton and a G.C. Murphy's variety store. At the end opposite of Bon-Ton, an artistic ramp took you down to a lower level that turned into an open air strip mall. This section was anchored by a J.M. Fields discount store, which included a Pantry Pride discount grocery store inside. The whole mall was owned by Food Fair Properties, which shared the same parent company (Food Fair) as Pantry Pride and J.M. Fields.
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Food Fair became a pretty large company in the 60s and early 70s, having expanded its subsidiaries Pantry Pride and J.M. Fields nationally. But the business then began to suffer, leading to bankruptcy and the closure of all J.M. Fields stores in 1978. The Pantry Pride at North Mall closed as well. The anchor building that had housed Fields and Pantry Pride was large and difficult to find a replacement tenant for. It housed women's apparel store Marianne's for a few years in the late 70s/early 80s.
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1981 brought the opening of West Manchester Mall, a project of famous developer Crown American Corporation. Compared to the nearby North Mall, West Manchester was much newer and larger. The North Mall had never updated, and was still very much a fully-carpeted, flower-patterned product of 1969. The Bon-Ton closed at North Mall to open a new store at West Manchester when it opened. The Bon-Ton was quickly replaced by the 4th location of discount department store Mailman's. Ironically, Mailman's had a collaboration with The Bon-Ton wherein Bon-Ton would supply their own apparel merchandise at Mailman's stores, so Bon-Ton never totally left the North Mall after all. At that point, the North Mall felt pressured to go downscale, so the mall became known as the "North Mall Factory Outlet Center". Burlington opened in the former J.M. Fields location in 1983, and the mall kept afloat for a while. In 1984, G.C. Murphy's closed their store, apparently in violation of a 20 year lease they had signed which did not expire until 1989 (this prompted a lawsuit from the mall). In 1988, the collaboration between Mailman's and Bon-Ton ended, so the North Mall Mailman's lost its whole apparel department. By the end of that same year, Mailman's closed after failing to reach a lease deal with North Mall management. This was the last staw for North Mall, which by 1990 was slated for redevelopment into "Manchester Crossroads," a strip mall. It was the first mall in York to be de-malled.
Delco Plaza Mall
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The Delco Plaza Mall was a small, discount-oriented mall opened in 1974 in west York, not far from the North Mall. It featured Hills and Grant City (both discount department stores) as anchors as well as a United Artists movie theater in the mall and a Pathmark grocery store in the parking lot. The UA theater was the first 3-screen cinema in York and drove a lot of traffic into the mall. The name of this mall has always confused me because "Delco" is common shorthand for Delaware County, PA, a county which York is very much not located in. The first issue for Delco Plaza was the bankruptcy of W.T. Grant Co., the parent company of Grant City. This resulted in what was then the largest retail bankruptcy liquidation in American history when all of the Grant's stores closed in 1976. Many former Grant Cities, including the one at Delco Plaza, were snatched up by Kmart for new stores.
In 1981, the West Manchester Mall opened, hurting smaller, older malls like Delco Plaza. At some indeterminate time after this, the UA cinema in the mall was downgraded to a cheaper, second-run theater, which had an adverse effect on mall traffic. The Pathmark also closed, and slowly the stores inside the mall began to go under as well. Though the addition of some new tenants like a post office branch and liquor store helped keep the mall open, it was not enough to save it. Hills, struggling in face of competition from Walmart in particular, was bought out by Ames discount department stores in 1999. Ames, in turn, went out of business in 2002. Kmart closed shortly thereafter. The mostly vacant mall faced demolition in 2005.
West Manchester Mall
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The West Manchester Mall was developed by Crown American, one of the nation's largest privately-owned real estate developers, in 1981. It was located in west York, nearby the much smaller North Mall and Delco Plaza Mall. It was a modern, single-level mall, about the same size as the York Mall on the other side of town. It featured The Bon-Ton, Hess's department store of Allentown (which at the time was a subsidiary of Crown American itself), and Gee Bee discount store of Johnstown as its anchors. West Manchester had little drama in its early years as it enjoyed dominance in west York while being far enough from the York Mall on the east side of town to maintain a delicate balance. That balance was only really upset in 1989 by the opening of George Zamias' York Galleria. The Galleria was much larger than any other mall in York, and drew a lot of business away from the York Mall in particular.
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In 1992, Gee Bee, which had just survived a bankruptcy filing, was bought by rival discount store Value City. Then, in 1993, Hess's department store was circling the drain after recklessly opening too many locations too far from its home base. It closed at West Manchester, and Crown American signed a lease with Walmart to fill the space. Crown also expanded the mall in 1995, adding a new wing leading to a new Hecht's department store of Maryland. A few years later, they renovated the mall again and added a 13 screen Regal Cinemas to occipy vacant store space and keep the West Manchester Mall competitive. But the decision to bring in Walmart turned out to be a long-term curse for the mall itself, as Walmart chose to expand into a supercenter in the early 2000s. Just as it did at the York Mall, the West Manchester Walmart took over what used to be a whole wing of the mall when it expanded. Hecht's became Macy's in 2005, and Value City went out of business in 2008, to be replaced by Kohl's. A big nail in the coffin came when in 2011 The Bon-Ton announced that their store at West Manchester was "not performing as well as it should" and would close at the end of their lease the following January. At this point, Regal was mostly the only thing keeping people coming into the mall. The mall was sold in 2012 to new owners who pledged a nearly $50 million renovation to transform it into the West Manchester Town Center, an open-air retail center. With this closure, the York Galleria became the only surviving mall out of five in York, PA.
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sims-realty · 7 months ago
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welcome to desert springs, the newest and most premiere lot in beautiful oasis springs. with its iconic butterfly roof and exquisite landscaping, the exterior of the home immediately catches your eye. enjoy the incredible mature cactus and succulent garden in the front yard that provides a natural barrier between your expansive front porch and pool entertainment area, with vintage pink terracotta tiles salvaged from a local home original to the area prior to its demolition on a lot nearby. a landscaped palm oasis welcomes you to the expansive backyard that separates the main house from the greenhouse. because of its humidity control, the greenhouse makes an excellent home for all of your exotic plants and gardening hobbies while also providing space for an office or art studio.
just inside the custom glass doors and windows, you'll be blown away by the custom built-in cabinet that separates the curated entryway (lit by a a truly unique - confirmed one-of-a-kind - chandelier) from the large living room designed for gatherings. the 360-degree fireplace anchors the living room and provides heat to the entire house on those chilly 55-degree desert evenings. custom accordion glass doors separate the living room and kitchen that also features the salvaged pink terracotta tiles. a handmade dining table gifted to the home's original owner by the artist natsukashii herself comes with the home and is highlighted by the second of the home's bespoke lighting fixtures. one thing this home doesn't lack is natural sunlight. from your kitchen enjoy the most beautiful view of your backyard oasis, filled with lavender bushes, cacti and palm trees.
this home features two bedrooms and one bathroom, recently remodeled. the guest bedroom features a cozy sitting area perfect for the bookworm in your family, without lacking adequate closet space. custom bed and shelving seamlessly flow together, making this bedroom an aesthetic retreat.
when you walk through the door adjacent to the guest bedroom, you'll take in the walk-through closet which opens to an expansive primary bedroom featuring a lounge area, natsukashii custom bed and living shelving. the primary bed looks out onto the back patio and a break in the sleek concrete and wood fence surrounding the property allows for uninterrupted south-facing mountain views. living shelving moves out from the primary bedroom onto the patio as well, ensuring that you're never far from green in this home.
desert springs is open for showings now, but don't delay because this gem won't be on the market for long. make this home your oasis in oasis springs.
cc used:
SYB: Fency, Astrid, Nathalie, Dreamy, Julie, Maya, Natsukashii, Laundry, Millenial, Pauline, Sabine, Manon, Diane, Cecile, Nothing to Wear, Agnes, Brigitte, Sophie, Elodie, Rosalie, Oceane, How About Tea
SIMcredible: Advent Calendar 2022, Vocatio, Agreste, Veranda, Amazonica, Emblema, Naturalis, Green Time, Pomeriggio, ScandiFever, TV Corner, Nuance, Coastal Plants, Bontempo, Bossa Nova, Calligaris, Zara, Keep Life Simple, Morning Tea, Ofuro, Breezy, MinimaliSIM, Clarity, Modernism, Chlorophyll, Mix It
Soloriya: Winnie
MincSims: Tara, Basset
Siomi's: Vault Avalon House II
Simsova: Plants, Plant Stands
Lapanemona: HEX
Comiko: Boho, Book Nook Zodiac
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pretty-princess-jeremy · 8 months ago
Let's transform a 0 point 0 1 square meter space into a functional house. Mannequin Mark lived frugally and worked diligently in a woodworking business for two years managing to save up half a million to buy a house in New York.
However, upon moving in, he was shocked by how small it was, tripping upon walking in but was saved by his childhood eagle. He couldn't even fit his grandma's coffin.
Poor Mark had to tie himself up to the doorframe to get a proper night's rest. He would lay on his eagle's and cry. Eventually, he got sick of it and decided for renovation.
Now, let's explore how we can help Mannequin Mark transform it into a functional home.
First, we'll construct a durable frame using galvanized square steel anchored firmly to the wall with expansion screws borrowed from his aunt filled with grid steel bars and concrete for lasting strength.
We'll also install thermally broken aluminum windows, expanding the living space by 2 square meters.
Next, we'll build a multifunctional sitting platform on the floor with hidden storage underneath for bulky items, saving precious space and providing a seating area for Mark and his husband, Wallter. This platform doubles as a comfortable bed that can fit two people, surrounded by cushion panels in blue and yellow for a better rest.
We'll add a movable table on the bed to serve as both a workspace and dining area, with an outlet switch nearby for charging devices, making it perfect for work and meals.
After use, the table can be stored beside the bed, keeping the space organized. Add a projector and projector screen so he can watch his Korean Dramas.
We'll then construct a bedframe from galvanized square steel, enhancing its appearance with eco-friendly wood veneers.
Incorporate a pre-buried drainage system for convenience. Build a set of wall cabinets with a countertop drilled to embed a sink. Underneath, install a build in washing-machine to keep dirty laundry at bay.
Convert the countertop for dual use by placing an induction cooker for cooking, and install a mirror cabinet above. Next to the mirror, add a cabinet for spices and toiletries. Install a showerhead on the wall and an enlarged stand, allowing even space to ride a horse while showering.
Now his tiny space has everything he needs
"Did tou just send me an entire fucking home decor story or whatever. For MANNEQUIN_MARK.?"
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severefartoholic · 9 months ago
Let's transform a 0 point 0 1 square meter space into a functional house. Sergei lived frugally and worked diligently for two years managing to save up half a million to buy a house in New York. However, upon moving in, he was shocked by how small it was. He couldn't even stretch out his fingers. Now, let's explore how we can help Sergei transform it into a functional home. First, we'll construct a durable frame using galvanized square steel anchored firmly to the wall with expansion screws filled with grid steel bars and concrete for lasting strength. We'll also install thermally broken aluminum windows, expanding the living space by 2 square meters. Next, we'll build a multifunctional sitting platform on the floor with hidden storage underneath for bulky items, saving precious space and providing a seating area for Sergei and his girlfriend. This platform doubles as a comfortable bed that can sleep two, surrounded by cushion panels in lucky colors for a better rest. We'll add a movable table on the bed to serve as both a workspace and dining area, with an outlet switch nearby for charging devices, making it perfect for work and meals. After use, the table can be stored beside the bed, keeping the space organized. We'll then construct a bedframe from galvanized square steel, enhancing its appearance with wood veneers. Incorporate a pre-buried drainage system for convenience. Build a set of wall cabinets with a countertop drilled to embed a sink. Underneath, install a build in washing-machine to keep dirty laundry at bay. Convert the countertop for dual use by placing an induction cooker for cooking, and install a mirror cabinet above. Next to the mirror, add a cabinet for spices and toiletries. Install a showerhead on the wall and an enlarged stand, allowing even space to ride a horse while showering.
we get free pet mice from the city new york. hell yes
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auburniivenus · 11 months ago
I was ten years old when you were born. (modern)
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In   this   moment,   as   daybreak   unfurls   its   lustrous   embrace   across   the   cerulean   expanse,   there   exists   a   marina.   Here,   serpentine   paths   of   concrete,   aged   as   gracefully   as   a   vintage   from   an   esteemed   vineyard,   curve   alongside   the   gentle   murmurs   of   the   watercourse—a   portal   to   the   immeasurable,   enigmatic   sea’s   heart.   Piers,   resembling   the   outstretched   limbs   of   veteran   mariners,   plunge   into   the   tender   caresses   of   the   waters,   anchoring   an   assembly   of   vessels   with   nylon   strands   to   age-old   cleats.
Water,   an   eternal   artisan,   molds   the   immense   stones   at   its   border   into   timeless   monuments   to   nature’s   dogged   perseverance.   Guardians   of   wood,   sheathed   in   protective   rubber,   stand   watch   over   the   ceaseless   affections   of   the   waves,   while   barnacles,   the   ocean's   inconspicuous   craftsmen,   adorn   the   pylons   at   the   waterline,   manufacturing   a   narrative   rich   with   maritime   heritage.   Metallic   ladders,   reminiscent   of   liquid   silver   streams,   plunge   into   the   depths,   bordered   by   relics   of   sea   life—containers   concealing   the   ordinary,   hoses   and   spigots   poised   to   quench,   and   receptacles   holding   the   echoes   of   humanity’s   dialogue   with   the   deep.
Amid   this   domain,   tools   of   safety   and   prudence   lay   in   quiet   expectation,   encircled   by   the   implements   of   fishing   ventures,   whispering   of   the   unseen   giants   beneath   the   blue   veil.   The   atmosphere   trembles   with   the   pious   dance   of   individuals   clad   in   beachwear,   who,   in   an   ancient   ceremony   as   perpetual   as   the   sea   itself,   prepare   their   vessels   for   the   voyage   into   the   open   waters   or   nurture   them   with   the   tender   care   of   salt   and   wax.   Sun   forms   a   spectacle   of   light   upon   Adam's   ale,   transforming   the   mediocre   into   a   vision   of   awe-inspiring   aesthetic.
They   wander,   in   pursuit   of   solace.   Eyes   deep   with   the   richness   of   caramel   roam,   moving   in   accordance   with   his   presence—a   symphony   of   coexistence   amidst   the   myriad   expressions   of   dasein.   Couples,   families,   children—each   imbues   the   marina   with   vibrancy,   their   laughter   and   conversations   a   rhythm   of   the   human   condition.   Some   stride   past,   casting   glances   that   linger,   admiring   the   synergistic   bond   between   them.   A   petulant   smile   rests   upon   her   lips   as   she   heeds   his   words,   her   complexion   a   study   in   reflection.   The   sweet   resonance   of   his   voice   shifts   her   attention   from   the   terrain   to   his   gaze. “Does   that   bother   you?”   The   concept   of   age,   so   inconsequential   and   yet   so   pivotal   in   societal   judgment,   had   never   dimmed   her   spirit.   Yet,   she   wondered—perhaps   not   for   her,   but   what   of   him?   In   a   realm   often   swift   to   judge,   might   their   union   be   viewed   as   an   act   of   askance?   “I   don’t   really   care   about   what   others   think.   We   are   doing   nothing   wrong.”
@estarion - modern
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thetrinitarianmystery · 1 year ago
A Wave: On Love and Individuality
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This is the oldest poem in my collection—the first I wrote as a freshman in college. It was indeed a “starting point for thought” for me.
It was winter when I wrote it. There was a place I would go to think, a little nook in the rocks on the shoreline in a small town near Boston. I would watch the waves crash and break at my feet for hours on end, until the cold or the tide dictated that I should go home.
At the time I was grieving a close relationship, studying physics and theoretical mathematics at university, and reading such figures in classical Chinese philosophy as the Laozi, Confucius, and Zhuangzi.
Amidst this expansion of my worldview, I needed a place to anchor my thought. I felt that I was swimming in new concepts, and I needed a basic way to hold what I had known and what I was learning. I anchored my understanding in a great and generative paradox.
At once, the wave is entirely and only itself; it is irreducibly individual. Even the concept of a “wave” is an abstraction, a many-to-one mapping of real facts to a neat concept that ignores the “suchness,” or haecceity, of each wave itself—that irreducible individuality that escapes full linguistic or mathematical capture.
At the same time, there is no clear division between a wave and the rest of the ocean. It is part-and-whole simultaneously. One can draw a division, but the border is shifting, permeable, and ultimately arbitrary.
I began to notice that the division between myself and the rest of Reality (and by “Reality” I mean, “that which IS, prior to anything we may say about it”) has a similar character.
Once I have declared my borders (my skin, perhaps) in any given moment, I as a subset of Reality have an irreducible individuality. I may be conceptualized many ways, but I retain my haecceity, my unique “suchness.”
At the same time, I am part-and-whole of all that is, as the wave is to the ocean. Wherever I draw the line between self and Other, there is a blending and an interchange—a dance of sorts. The “Other” is continuous with and in constant interchange with “self.” This is a coordinated process of being and becoming.
What does this mean for us, concretely?
Well for one, this idea is experiential: let it be a starting point for thought, and see what comes of it.
See if you can notice that when you conceive of your self, your ego, you do so in relation to some imagined Other. You mutually conceptualize the agent and the arena, to borrow cognitive scientist and philosopher John Vervaeke’s terminology.
Now realize that that Other is not alien from and discontinuous with your self, but likewise part-and-whole of the same unified Reality.
If you’ll indulge it, notice too that in this very moment I am coming to you as that Other, with a message of great love and good tidings.
Indeed, when I started posting my poetry, I had no followers and no engagement. I was very much casting “a stone at the wave in my conceit.” It seems now that the olivine sea has carried the wave to break on your shore.
Let us marvel at how beautiful the world can be.
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foxxydevil · 2 years ago
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Lace & Silken Shadows
So this is a lil something something I'm cooking up because I have mega brain rot. This should be a longer fic, maybe even pretty slow burn-y.
The basic principle is that Alexia, a young destitute female college graduate, gets accepted into the Alchemax bioengineering internship under Dr Miguel O'Hara. She struggles with her abusive home life, making ends meat, and her judgmental pain in the ass lab supervisor who stirs feelings in her she can not even begin to understand and he clearly has a few secret second lives of his own.
Fem!OC/Miguel O'Hara third person dark romance + superhero shenanigans
Word count: 8.6k
Content warnings ⚠️
Past child abuse, sexual trauma, prostitution, discussed current sexual abuse, mild injuries due to abuse, abuse denial, age gap, mentor/student relationship, BDSM
The Boomtown Rats droned a particularly fitting chorus in Alexia’s ear as she took the 9 train, shooting through the dim green pre dawn expanses interrupted by the bright concrete and glass structures of Nueva York.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down
Grim, she thought and yawned into her hand, a wrist looped through one of the few loops hanging from the ceiling to anchor oneself with. And still, fitting. Nerves coil in her stomach, twisting her guts onto a winch with rhythmic efficiency. It wasn’t hard to feel like she was making the wrong choice, again, as hunger roiled in her stomach and she could almost feel the disgusting rubberized anti-slip flooring of the train through the thinning soles of her shoes.
Accepting the scholarships to go to college had been stupid, even if it had covered some living expenses, but an unpaid post graduate internship?
Alexia's mom's screams of how selfish she was still stung in her ears.
Her heavily pregnant sister-in-law's sneer burned into the backs of her eyes.
Somehow the bruises on her back and the way her shoulder ached as she held onto the wrist strap didn’t seem nearly as bad as the words that had bloomed just as deep on repeat in her mind when her brother had shoved her into the doorframe.
“Selfish little princess.”
“So you're just going to let us all starve for your useless BS?”
“I have done nothing but care for you under this roof since dad died. All you do is take and think you're so much better than us.”
Those memories of screaming and shoving from the last few weeks since she had told them the news about being accepted into the internship program crowded her mind, distracting her from the other morning commuters.
Their own little girl
Sweet 16 ain't so peachy keen
No, it ain't so neat to admit defeat
They can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need?
I can give you at least 3 good reasons, Bob Geldof, she thought as the band launched into the repeating chorus once more and the train drove into a tunnel, transforming the window into a dim mirror.
Fuck, were the bags under her eyes always that obvious? And were the windows smudged or did her bun really have that many drab colored flyaways.
At least she was running a comfortable - more like overly anxious - hour early for the first day of her Alchemax internship. She could probably fix herself up a little nicer in a Starbucks bathroom if they didn't require a purchase. She couldn't afford the dollar menu for breakfast much less a 5$ coffee that would only turn her empty stomach gurgling into agonizing cramps.
And daddy doesn't understand it
He always said she was as good as gold
And he can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?
Sorry daddy, it's been a couple of years. You probably wouldn’t recognize me anymore. I had to sell all my gold to keep the house.
It was a bittersweet feeling thinking of her dad today. He may not recognize her, but she hoped he would understand what she had to do, that she had to do it for both of their dreams to come true.
Growing up, before she could even walk on her own, her dad had taken Alexia to work with him, boasting about how she was a junior engineer, and someday, she'll work there too.
And today was that day.
As she stepped off the train, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She glances up at the towering building that houses Alchemax and couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of starting her internship finally, after all the work she had done to stand there.
Of course it wasn't the first time she had stood in this very spot. Aside from the interviews for the internship, her father had been one of their top engineers. He'd even run his own lab.
Alexia grinned to herself as she walked across the plaza to the crowded chain coffee shop. A line snaked out of the building despite the early hour but she wasn't there to order. She walked to the front counter.
"Bathroom code?" Alexia asked the already tired looking barista and coiled the kinked white plastic headphone cord around her ancient, barely working, mp3 player before shoving it into her ancient canvas backpack.
He gave her a blank stare before reluctantly rattling off the code. Alexia thanked him and quickly made her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She washed her face with cold water and tried to tidy her hair as best she could. She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. You can do this, she told herself. You can succeed.
She grimaced at the too small, too off white, button up shirt she wore, the very last button hole secured with a safety pin. One of her brother's friends had popped the plastic button off the other night while tearing at the cheap yellowing fabric with an urgency that still flashed through her mind accompanied with a surge of fear that made her want to heave her empty stomach into the sink.
Her skirt wasn't in much better condition. Despite being black originally it had a gray-ish worn out tinge from being washed a few too many times, having outlived its destined fast fashion lifespan. She knew she should have been wearing sheer tights under it, the expected clean look of a Nueva York business woman, but she hadn't owned an intact pair in years.
Alexia sighed and splashed some more water on her face, as if she could wash away the negative thoughts. She had spent too long letting her circumstances define her, elegant sheer tights or not she was making a new life for herself.
Even being 45 minutes early to her scheduled office hours she decided to head into the intimidatingly dark Alchemax building across the brick courtyard anyways. The front receptionist hadn't even laid out all the badges for new interns on the desk yet, a group of about two dozen hopeful headshots looking up at her from their plastic sleeves growing one by one in neat rows.
Alexia was the only one of the group that had the designation "bioengineering" printed in an all caps cobalt font under her portrait. While Alchemax pursued many scientific fields, none were quite as selective as bioengineering, she had earned high marks in her college courses even with her unusual work schedule to qualify for the prestigious field and stand out among all the other applicants. She grinned as she snagged up the card, a renewed sense of pride warming her chest to push out the fear and anxiety.
“Dr O’Hara already came in a few minutes ago. You can head up to the 15th floor rather than wait. I’m sure he’s not preparing a presentation for you anyways,” the receptionist said, shaking Alexia from her thoughts.
Was that a sympathetic or pained look in her eyes? Oh shit-
“Oh- yeah for sure no point in the full production for just one intern,” Alexia answered with a lopsided grin, trying to sooth her nerves with some humor, give herself more of a chance to see if the receptionist was hinting at a far less dire reason she shouldn't bother waiting.
The look the receptionist gave her was definitely sympathy, that and pity. The look one gave someone who was terminal.
Alexia laughed nervously before turning to make her way to the elevator, not having to wait for the direction to go past the center escalator in the hall and to the row of silver doors hidden behind it. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in her gut again. She could only hope that she would be able to meet the expectations of her mentors and live up to her father's legacy and dreams for her. The elevator doors opened and she stepped in, her heart pounding in her chest.
While most of the other interns would be directed to a variety of conference rooms for their first day and introduction to the company, she was to go directly to the lab. Dr O'Hara, it would seem, did not have a separate office space or need for a larger room.
That sympathetic cringe the receptionist had given her set her mind spinning with worry again. She pictured a stern and intimidating figure, someone who would judge her based on her appearance and pedigree, not on her abilities and work ethic. As she walked down the hallway after a gut lurching short trip up, her footsteps echoed in the silence, the sound of her own breathing deafening as it crowded out every thought with beginnings of an anxiety attack lurking in the recesses of her mind.
A deep voice called out to her from a nearby room. "Hey- are you the new intern?"
Alexia looked over to see a dark haired man standing in the doorway, his suit neatly pressed and tie perfectly knotted. He stared at her, his eyes tired with dark bags that emphasized his already deep set eyes with thick brows hooding his narrowed eyes as if he was already over this interaction, annoyed at the inconvenience of her very existence.
"Yes! Alexia-"
"Uh," she realized her mistake almost immediately as the pause drew out just slightly too long to add her last name naturally, introducing herself by her first name alone. She narrowly avoided her legs tangling under her as she made the sharp stop and turn, walking with a confident proud stride that didn’t exactly match the restricted proper stride of most pencil skirts, the material too worn out to give her the ladylike gait.
Her hand stretched out in an offered handshake. "Alexia Gates."
The man stared at her hand for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he reached out and gripped her hand firmly, his gaze returning to hers.
"Dr O'Hara," he answered, his voice low and gravelly. "You’re early, that's something. Let's get to the lab."
His voice had a rhythmic quality, a scripted practice that hinted at a cool ego he hadn't expected him to be so- large. She never thought of herself as short. Alexia stood a respectable 5'6, neither tall nor tiny. Dr O'Hara dwarfed her, not only because he was at least a foot taller than her but because he was twice her weight, pure muscle. His face wasn’t unfamiliar of course, she had looked him up in the college library almost as soon as she had received her acceptance letter with her program details, but his presence online had been limited to a short corporate bio along with a portrait that was only a few years older than the portrait that glowered at her from the badge clipped to his chest, clearly not one for social media or media engagement in general.
She nodded, chewing the inside of her cheek. It was a bad habit, one that sometimes led to the iron tang of blood in her mouth but people rarely noticed, not paying much attention to her face in her field of work.
"Right, yes. The lab," Alexia agreed.
As they started to walk her eyes assessed her new mentor, picking up any details she could glean from his movements alone. Dr O'Hara didn’t so much as walk as he prowled, his shoulders were massive and rolled forward. It wasn't quite in the same way that most tall men seemed to have a permanently shrinked hunch to their posture, used to training themselves into a less intimidating posture, but like Atlas balancing the sky on his shoulders.
They reached the lab without another word while Alexia considered if she was supposed to say something, to make a good impression on the man that the receptionist had seemed to regard as her executioner. She thought better of it as Dr O'Hara tapped his badge to the door lock and held the door for her, gesturing for her to take a seat at his desk at the far side of the room.
She walked ahead of him, feeling his strangely red eyes burning into her back.
Not red, she told herself. A weird brown like clay, people don’t have red eyes.
She slid into the chair, crossing her legs instinctively and placing her hands, one on top of the other, on her knees. It was a defensive position, closed off and protective of her core. Her green eyes followed him as he made his way to the mesh desk chair on the other side of the wide cluttered desk, too focused on deciding if he was a threat or not to take a good look at the rest of the lab.
Of course he was a threat in her mind, look at him.
Alexia launched into the empty pleasant words she knew most men with an ego liked. If she wanted to learn and drag herself into a new life, she could stroke some egos and make pleasant sounds at self important men. If she wanted to survive this world instead of rotting away on the streets, she had to stay on her toes. She couldn't afford Starbucks coffee, much less useless pride.
"I appreciate the opportunity to work with you-"
"Save the pleasantries, Ms Gates. We have a lot of work to do." Dr O'Hara cut her off mid-sentence, his tone sharp and biting,
Her eyes narrowed as her mouth slowly closed, forgetting those little niceties. Ok, maybe fuck not having pride.
"It's called manners, Dr O'Hara. Some of us have them," she answered, voice clipped, before she could stop herself. She knew her greatest downfall was her inability to shut up when annoyed. Even still, she didn't apologize or show any outward signs of regretting the words.
She could already tell the man in front of her wasn't used to getting any lip back, it would probably do him some good and humble him a bit if he didn’t fire her immediately.
Miguel, the name she had gleaned from his online bio since he hadn’t given her his first name, leaned forward in his chair, his eyes boring into her, "Ms Gates, let's be clear. I am not interested in your pleasantries or your opinions. I am here to work, and I expect you to get in line in my lab and not interrupt my day. I did not request an intern, nor am I interested in putting on a kids' lab day. You will stay out of my way and entertain yourself, making yourself useful whenever possible."
A shiver ran down her spine at his direct cold statement. His words had an almost rhythmic quality, the only hint at an accent that matched his tiger eye skin. She idly wondered why everything about him seemed hard as stone from his grinding voice, to his garnet eyes that definitely had to be a normal brown in a more natural lighting.
"I am not here to be your simpering lackey. I'm here to learn hands on and earn my credits, the actual point of an internship. I expect to be respected as a graduate intern who is here on merit and not pay, not treated like a clueless brat," she pushed back, unable to help herself even though every instinct in her told her to shut up or he would lash out and do what men do, take what they desire regardless of what she needs.
Miguel's eyes narrowed as he considered her words, "I respect your determination, Ms Gates, but I will not stand for insubordination. Here’s your first lesson, don’t talk that way to the person who will decide whether or not you actually get a job in this company."
"I will be your lab intern, run any tests or data you like," she agreed, but her eyes were still hard, matching the gemstone hardness of his eyes piercing into her, still determined to lay down her boundaries and not be dismissed when she knew she was worth this internship. "- but I am not some secretary or personal assistant. I do not run around for coffee orders or your dry cleaning."
Alexia was stubborn to a fault, her foot tapping in the air to an anxious beat and flashing the worn-out bottoms of her soles, unintentionally drawing attention to her less than fashionable attire. Dr O'Hara studied her for a moment, his face the picture of exhaustion despite the day just beginning.
“Well, you actually will be doing that. That’s what an intern is. Or did you think we just hired some fresh out of school kids for the fun of it?” he scoffed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
“You take on fresh out of school adults to learn in the field so we can earn a paid position. I wouldn't call an unpaid internship employment, Dr O'Hara,” Alexia countered, holding perfectly still. She would stand her ground and not give him an inch, but she wasn’t relaxed enough to put on a confident swagger.
“Call it whatever you want, chica. I call it ‘being used’. Welcome to the real world,” he answered, his voice dripping with condescension.
“Oh, I am plenty experienced with how the real world likes to use people up,” Alexia scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “I was under the impression that Alchemax cultivates brilliance, not wastes it.”
“They like the idea of cultivating brilliance. But when it comes to actually doing it- well, that’s a completely different ball game.”
“Maybe drop the bitter tone when you are the one refusing to cultivate. You have one intern, not a herd like the other departments, I'm sure there are far more useful things for me to help with than running errands,” Alexia countered, hoping a little reasoning would work on her reluctant mentor.
“You know, you’re exactly like every other intern. You think you’re so special, that you’re gonna change this place, but you’re just the same as all of the others- in over your head and going nowhere,” Dr O’Hara observed with cruelty and his latin accent became a little more noticeable as his annoyance grew, “I bet in a month’s time, your so called ‘brilliance’ won’t be worth a dime and if anyone remembers you at all it’ll just be as the office coffee girl.”
“I won't be changing this place, but my work will change the world. Not because I'm special, but because I am determined and unlike the other pedigree kids, I need this. They can drop out and cry to their parents. I need the paid offer after the internship,” Alexia spat out, vaguely aware that she shouldn’t be showing so much frustration even as she leaned forward in her chair.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, cure Huntington's disease? You think we take pity on kids who need this? You think we’re gonna hire you just because you have ‘need’ on your resume? That’s not how it works, chica.”
“There is a difference between need and want, Dr O'Hara,” Alexia said through clenched teeth. “When an animal wants, it makes big pouty eyes and begs. When an animal needs, it will chew off its own leg. Nothing stands in the way of its need. I need this and that's what sets me apart. I will do anything I need to to learn and rise above.”
“Sounds like you’ve got drive, which is more than most people,” Dr O’Hara admitted, his brows rising slightly. Was he impressed? “Maybe you’ll make something of yourself in this world after all. But if you want my advice? You’d better take that energy you’re putting into selling yourself- and put it into not pissing me off.”
‘Selling yourself’, that hit a little too close to home for Alexia and she just barely held back a wince.
“Show me an ounce of basic respect for a mentee, and I will respect you as a mentor,” she countered, hating the common demand for respect by men worth far less than the clothes on their back.
“Oh, I see. You’re one of those. You want respect? How ‘bout earn it?” he smeared, his full lips turning up into an amused grin that was closer to a snarl.
“Ah, so you mean ‘treat me like a God or I won't treat you like a person’ when you say 'earn respect’?” Alexia leaned back in her chair again with a roll of her eyes, any hope for finding something worthwhile in the man in front of her gone.
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” the older man growled, clearly not enjoying the image she was painting of him. “If you want me to do something for you- like say, teaching you instead of letting you run and fetch- then let me see if you’re actually capable of doing things for me. You think I’m gonna tell my bosses and my colleagues that I should hire you because I feel bad for you? That’s not how things work here. So yeah, earn it.”
“Oh, I am more than ready to earn your recommendation,” Alexia said, standing up and placing her palms flat on his desk. “I am qualified for this internship, I can collect and compile data for you and make base analysis for you to review. I earned this internship by being at the top of my course. ‘Go and fetch’ unfortunately wasn't covered.”
“You know, you’ve got more spunk than any of these other interns I’ve had,” he observed, sounding near defeated or just exhausted. “Fine. Collect some data for me and write me up an analysis, and you can work with me in the field instead of doing coffee runs. You got 48 hours.”
Alexia nodded, a little self satisfied and victorious smile pulling at the corners of her lips. She felt proud for standing up to herself and, from all appearances, gaining an ounce of Dr O'Hara's respect.
Despite herself she felt a growing need for more than him simply relenting to her stubbornness. She felt a desire to make him proud of her as well. She wanted to be more than just an annoying student to him. Alexia wanted him to see her as a peer. As these thoughts swirled in her mind, she barely noticed Dr O'Hara walked around his desk and approached her.
"Now, let's get started on your training, Ms Gates."
She straightened her back as he walked up to her, feeling a tinge of nervousness at his approach. Standing straighter didn't exactly help all that much.
"What would you have me do, Dr O'Hara?" she asked, falling into the comfortable familiarity of referring to him just as she had her professors before graduating college. While she was now 23, it was hard to peg down exactly how old Miguel O'Hara was, though it was safe to say he had at least a decade on her. She couldn't help but feel intimidated by his height and presence, but she did her best not to let it show. Miguel looked at her, his eyes piercing and intense.
"Follow me, Ms Gates. I have something I need to discuss with you." He led her through the lab, his lack of hesitation showing his confidence that she would follow his orders.
Alexia did all but scramble after him, gritting her teeth in annoyance with his tendency to leave her behind and expect her to chase after him already. Within a few steps, she had caught up to him, so that she walked only a step behind him, glaring at the middle of his back, the pure white expanse of his lab coat annoying her.
As they walked through the lab, she could hear the sound of his leather shoes against the tiled floor, the sound echoing through the lab. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to her, his face unreadable.
"Ms Gates, I want you to lift your skirt." He said, his voice calm and collected, as if he hadn’t just made a demand so out of the blue, Alexia swore she heard a phantom record scratch. Maybe it was just the blade of disappointment that sliced through her mind, destroying the small inkling of hope that had warmed her only for a moment.
She had to skid to a stop, stumbling back a few steps. She realized they had gone around a corner, no longer visible from the only entrance in the lab. Her eyes burned with fury, her assumptions of him clear as day. She saw him as just another horny man who thought he could take from her.
But he pointed to a yellowed bruise on the inside of her thigh that was just barely visible under her skirt.
"I want you to show me the bruises on your body," he said, his voice low and commanding. "I need to know if they are a result of consensual... interactions, or if they are something else. As your mentor I have a vested interest in ensuring my employees are in a safe environment."
Alexia's face burned. Not just mortified but ashamed of how quickly he'd noticed, how careless she'd been. She was not about to admit to this intimidating stranger, a man she wanted to respect her, that there were many more and they had absolutely not been her choice. The absolute absurdity of this sudden shift sent her mind spinning.
"I think this is highly inappropriate, Dr O'Hara," she fumed, hoping her anger portrayed her as a woman who was embarrassed, not guilty of his assumptions. "I think what the state of my body is is none of your business."
Miguel eyed her as he considered her words. "Ms Gates, I am your employer, and I expect a certain level of professionalism and trust from you. I will not stand for insubordination or dishonesty." He stepped closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers.
"And I will not be exposing myself at my workplace," she hissed between clenched teeth, her fists balling at her sides and refusing to back down even a single inch.
"You will not touch me, Dr O'Hara," she sneered, assuming his approach was to force her compliance. "You will not touch me, do you understand?"
He cocked his head, his nostrils flaring and it was as if her words were a physical strike that he flinched back from.
"Ms Gates, I understand a situation like this could be misinterpreted, but I do not intend to touch you. I assure you that when you show me these bruises, I will respect your boundaries."
To Alexia's surprise he clearly seemed offended, possibly hurt, at the accusation she had thrown her way.
Her face heated as she looked down, her eyes burning into his chest without actually seeing him.
"That bruise is the only one, a clumsy accident," she tried to explain, blatantly lying through her teeth and hoping he would just back off even if she had to portray herself as a clutz. "I'm fine, really. You don't need to worry about it."
Miguel crossed his arms over his chest, his face pulled into hard lines of barely controlled restraint. "Ms Gates, this is a non-negotiable for my employment. That was the last time you will ever lie to me," he paused, and Alexia could hear the unspoken threat hanging between his words. “Tell me you understand. If you wish to be taught by me, I need you to show me these bruises, otherwise you can leave."
It was unexpected for her, the mere option of refusing his demand. Of course, she would lose her dream if she did not comply, but he wasn't going to force her. He was giving her a choice.
"I understand," she gritted out, feeling so much more like a chastised child than a grown woman being told to expose herself, and somehow, as absurd as it seemed, it helped. It made her feel like he genuinely wasn't just trying to leer at her, but was a protective figure trying to gauge her situation to see if she was safe.
"What are you worried about?" Dr O'Hara asked, his voice kept low but it was impossible to tell if he was trying to be soothing or if he was holding back rage, maybe both.
"You, Dr O'Hara- you worry me."
"Elaborate, Ms Gates," he continued to push at her, making her open her thoughts to him.
“You’re smart and strict like my previous professors, you clearly have the qualifications and experience to be a fantastic mentor in this program, but you have the approach and temperament of a barbaric di-” she suddenly cut herself off, realizing she was letting her own temper get her into more potential trouble.
“Language is permissible in my lab, Ms Gates,” he allowed, apparently not considering her words a sign of disrespect this time. “As long as it’s used constructively.”
She narrows her eyes right back. “I was going to say dickhead, but I’m not sure if that's entirely constructive.”
“Give me an example of my alleged behavior, and I’ll decide.”
"You just hauled me around to a private corner and told me to lift my skirt with no explanation or warning beforehand. Asking about the bruise first would have been the least you could do," she snapped, fidgeting with the stretched hem of her skirt with her fingers.
“This is just an examination, for your own good. Nothing inappropriate," he insisted instead, his sheer mass uncompromising. “I’m waiting.”
She starts lifting the hem of her shirt up to uncover her torso, just below her breasts so he could see the band of her black bra but nothing more. Around her hips, only a few days ago, there were more bruises, clear marks of a painful grip but they had faded, he couldn't see anything.
"See, nothing." She said, her voice strained as she tried to keep it together. "I'm fine."
He lowered himself into a squat, his gaze traveling over Alexia's torso, the low waistband of her skirt, then dropping to the knee-length hem. “Now raise your skirt.”
His bent position puts him eye-level with her pelvis, despite his hulking size, and she was momentarily distracted by the soft curls of his dark brown hair, as if her mind was trying to slip away from this dangerous situation rather than experience it.
Physically, he was in an unusual position for a man in her experience. He was lower than her, his face below her waist. More vulnerable, right? She tried to reason in her own mind. Yet he was still trying to take in a way. Alexia could knee him in the nose and run. But the need or want wasn't quite rising up the way she expected it to.
Alexia bunched her skirt up with both fists, lifting it only three inches above her knees, stubbornly refusing to expose herself any more as she kept her gaze lowered, not meeting his eyes.
"Ms Gates, please. This is not an interrogation. I just need to know if there are any other marks on your body that should not be there."
His voice whispered roughly into the foot of space separating his face and her thighs. His hands were there, too, dangling between them, close enough to grab her between the legs if that was his plan. A slight tremble twitched through his fingers, and her shoulders tightened. She shook her head after hesitating, a clear lie but she couldn't voice it. She'd promised herself she wouldn't show weakness.
"Alexia," Miguel said, his tone becoming more stern, as he took in her discomfort. "Keep lifting your skirt."
Alexia took a deep, shaky breath, forcing herself to look down at him. She tried her best to focus past her humiliation.
She lifted her skirt more, until the worn out blackish gray fabric was just barely concealing the purple cotton of her panties.
“Widen your stance.”
She slid her feet out, wobbling with the effort just to keep breathing.
“Just like that,” he breathed, his voice as low as sin. “Good girl.”
His praise wrapped around her like a warm hug. Alexia couldn't remember the last time someone embraced her without hurting her, but if Dr O'Hara spent the next nine months calling her a good girl, she might never need a hug again. The sensation of fear and comfort was dizzying. Who was this man, and why was she not running?
He dipped his head, angling closer. “I’m looking for marks on your inner thighs.”
There were in fact more bruises, some more obvious in their origin than others. Some teeth and some hands. Others were just angry splotches of sickly color.
Alexia's face stayed carefully blank, not revealing the nature of the marks on her skin as she digested her own whirlwind of emotions.
Miguel's eyes scanned her body, his expression remaining as unreadable as her own.
"Alexia," he said, his voice low and commanding. Was that the first time he said her first name? No, he said it before too. She was again distracted, this time by the sound of her name on his lips. "I'll remind you that I need you to be completely honest with me, at all times."
She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, fighting to focus.
"Ok, Dr O'Hara," she answered, her voice stiff, only robotic as she stood in front of him, her thighs completely exposed, staring him down with her steely green eyes. "I understand."
Miguel nodded, his eyes back on hers, the impossible dark red hue seeming to boil with some heat she could not place with confidence.
"I need to know if these bruises are a result of consensual interactions, or if they are something else."
"I wasn't raped," Alexia said firmly, defensively even as if she was insulting her for even insinuating that 'weakness'. Everything in her face said she believed that she was being honest. But the lack of elaboration was concerning. She hadn't said no. She hadn't fought back. She had allowed it to happen. She had allowed it to happen again and again.
Miguel's expression darkened, his eyes never leaving hers. "You don't need to be defensive, Alexia. I just want the truth."
She pulled her skirt back down, preferring the anger that boiled in her stomach to the uncertainty of not understanding his motives and the feelings his words stirred in her.
"None of this is any of your concern, Dr O'Hara," she repeated, emphasizing his name to put distance between them when he had slipped into using her first name. "I can handle my own probleMsms."
Miguel took a step towards her, his eyes still locked on hers. "Alexia, you can't handle this on your own. You need help, and I'm here to give it to you."
"I am here to intern in your lab," she shot back, teeth bared like a snarling wolf. "I would appreciate it if we could refocus this orientation on your work in the lab and not my personal life."
Miguel's eyes narrowed, his words turning cold once more, "Don't try to change the subject, Alexia. I won't allow it." He takes another step towards her, his body tense as if ready to fight.
"You don't have a choice in what is or isn't allowed," she answered, standing firm but crossing her arms under her chest, feeling cornered despite having the option to turn and run. "I am just an intern here, Dr O'Hara. I don't have to submit to your demands."
Miguel's eyes flash with anger, but he quickly regains his composure.
"On the contrary, Ms Gates. This is my lab, and you are my intern. You will submit to questions and my interest in your safety, or you will no longer be my intern."
Alexia bit her lip, her eyes darting around the room as she contemplated her options.
"Fine," she snapped, her eyes meeting his again. He wanted to ask questions? He could ask questions. It wouldn't be her fault if the answers made him uncomfortable.
"I wasn't assaulted. I allowed it to happen. I allowed it to happen again and again," her voice was cold and detached, as if she was recounting a grocery list rather than speaking about something so personal.
"Unfortunately I don't take coworkers or supervisors as clients, so you're out of luck," she sneered, needing the biting edge to sooth her own insecurity, bring her back from the dark pool of dissociation that drew her in with a different kind of comforting embrace.
Miguel's eyes widened slightly, his composure broken for the moment.
"That's not what I asked, Alexia," he said, his voice calm but with a hint of warning. "I asked you to be honest with me, and I expect nothing less."
"I am being honest. Are you fishing for proof? Trying to see how open I'd be to you toying with me?" Her question sounded like a taunt, another jab to get him to back off, but something in her eyes said that was truely what she thought of him.
Miguel shook his head, his expression softening slightly. "No, Alexia. I'm not fishing for proof. I simply want to know what happened so that I can better help you." He stepped closer to her again, his eyes locked on hers.
This time she did step back. His tenderness seemed to scare her more than his harsh words. Anger was easy and predictable, his kindness screamed of tempting manipulation. A facet of masculinity she did not see often and trusted less.
"Fuck off, Dr O'Hara." She spat, turning to leave.
Miguel caught her arm, his grip firm but gentle.
"Alexia, please. Let me help you." He pleaded, his voice low and earnest. "I care about you, and I want to make sure that you are safe."
She huffed, indignant, and turned to leave.
A man she barely knew, caring for her? BS
Miguel held her arm, his grip firm but gentle, stopping her from leaving. "Don't walk away from me, Alexia."
She whipped around to face him, her eyes blazing with anger. His strength was overwhelming, even just his arm on hers wouldn't budge an inch as she tried to yank away. Still, this was much more comfortable.
"Don't enjoy the view?" She sneered. "You should focus on your work, Dr O'Hara. I don't need your protection."
Miguel's grip on her arm tightened, his fingers digging into her skin as he leaned in close, his eyes intense and focused on her.
"Here’s today's lesson," he erased the distance between them leaning into her space. "Don’t question me. Don’t lie to me. And never look away from me." He straightens. "Sit down."
He pulled one of the lab chairs towards them, angling it for Alexia to sit. They were ridiculous demands and yet she found herself sitting.
"If you slip up, I will punish you," he promised, his voice low and dangerous. "I do not accept excuses or sniveling. Any distractions, any problems in your life affect our lab work and I will leave my own welts on your pretty ass." He punctuated his words with an intensity and confidence that shocked her, had he really just said that?
Alexia swallowed hard, feeling a mix of fear and arousal. She hated being bossed around, but she also found herself drawn to the power in Miguel's words.
Her pupils expanded as she looked up at him. Approval shone in his face at whatever he saw in hers. He smiled, a wicked glint in his eyes.
"Good girl," he said again, the two words sparking through her veins. His voice had softened again as he released her. "Now, let's get back to work." He turned as if to go somewhere, but paused to look back over his shoulder. "And make sure you wear a damn damn lab coat."
It was far from the first time she had been referred to as a good girl. Generally the words felt demeaning, more insulting than genuine. The warm tension in her stomach, the tension that shot further down, made her crave those words in a maddening confusing way.
She shook her head, trying to shake off the feeling like a mutt shaking of the rain rain.
"I- I don't have a lab coat," she said, flushing with embarrassment.
"I didn't say you had to have one, you have to wear one," he said, his eyes holding on to her with a raised brow, not quite grasping what the issue was.
She felt the fire in her stomach lessen, but she still felt flushed.
"I don't have one-" she repeated.
"Get one," he interrupted her as if she answer was obvious and she was simply dull.
"Can it wait until the beginning of the month? I don't have the cash right now..." she clenched her jaw, muscles tightening. She'd been hoping to get a new pair of shoes now that she'd be on her feet all day again. Well, not new, just newer. She'd get lucky if she found a lab coat at goodwill with it not being Halloween.
Miguel sighed, his expression softening slightly but annoyance at this petty inconvenience pulled at his face, irking Alexia.
"Alright, I'll cover it for now," he said, pulling out his wallet. "But you have to manage your finances better. We can't have our brightest minds distracted by trivial matters."
Her pride choked her off, but not only her pride. In her life, there was only one reason a man did kind things, and that was to put a woman into debt to him so he could demand from her body.
"So kind of you," she said, sarcastically. "But I don't rely on charity, Dr O'Hara. I will keep your brilliant financial advice in mind."
Miguel narrowed his eyes, his expression hardening again.
"I don't give charity, Alexia. I expect something in return." He stepped forward, his body inches from hers. "And if you don't deliver, we will have a problem."
This time she did lean back, her hackles raised.
"That is exactly what I was worried about. I have no interest in delivering on any of your disgusting demands," she snapped back. It was maybe presumptuous of her to imagine his expected payment as lewd but that was her experience with life, the evidence of that were in the bruises under her clothes that he had seen. She couldn't afford to be naive.
Miguel's expression darkened, his jaw clenching with anger. "You have no idea what you're dealing with, Alexia," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
"I think we both know that I have a very good idea of what I'm dealing with, Miguel," she shot back, matching his tone. If he was going to insist on using her first name then he would get the same, regardless of his preferences. "I will not be put in the position of being indebted to a man who thinks he can take what doesn't belong to him."
Miguel's eyes narrowed, his expression cold. "I will make you an offer, Alexia," he said, his voice low and calculated.
"Enlighten me," she ground out, too curious not to hear his offer though it was clear from the tension in her shoulders that she already planned to reject it.
Miguel took a deep breath, his expression softening slightly. "I will give you a clean slate," he said. "No more debts, no more bruises. I will help you rise above your circumstances and become the successful woman I know you can be." He paused, his eyes holding hers.
"I will be doing that regardless of your help," she answered stubbornly. It was a tempting offer, as Alchemax's top bioengineer Alexia had no doubt he was living comfortably. "What would you require for your generous offer?"
Miguel smiled, his expression confident. "Simple," he said. "A little obedience, a little respect. I will train you to become the best version of yourself." He stepped closer, his body inches from hers.
"Bullshit," she answered, standing her ground and squaring her shoulders. "You would require that regardless. Why would you give me a 'clean slate' for something that's already expected?"
Miguel shook his head, his eyes holding hers. "Because I know your potential, Alexia. I see it in your eyes when you talk about your work. And I want to help you realize that potential," he said, his voice earnest. "And I won't take anything that doesn't belong to me."
Alexia's sharp green eyes considered him for a moment. She still deeply distrusted him, had no reason to trust any man, but the offer was so tempting. She knew she was worth it, that she had things to offer this lab and the world as a whole that only she would be able to accomplish. She had no doubts about her abilities, only the chances of her surviving long enough to realize her potential.
"And what exactly does a clean slate entail?" she asked, the hesitation in her voice already giving away that she would cave and agree. She still believed Dr O'Hara would take advantage of her body, but what difference would it make if it was him or some guy off the street? She needed a chance to prove herself, and this seemed to be her best option.
Miguel smiled, his expression smug as he saw her stubbornness start to give.
"It means a new beginning, Alexia," he said, his tone condescending. "A chance to start over and achieve your goals. It means becoming the best you can be, free from any distractions." He stepped closer, his body inches from hers.
"I know what you're trying to sell," she retorted, annoyed. He sounded like a car salesman, raving about the features of the car when you asked for the price.
At least that's what she imagined a car salesman would do, she had never bought a car before.
"What are you giving? Clean slate? I'm not going to magically be able to pay my bills and be 'distraction free' just because you said so with an unpaid internship. If I had better options for a job I would have taken them."
He stepped even closer, his face only inches from hers. "You will work for me three nights a week, in exchange for room and board," he said.
"You want me to abandon my family to the streets so I can be an in-house prostitute?" She sneered, his assumptions about this 'work' he was offering clear.
Miguel's expression darkened. "Do not insult me, Alexia," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I have offered you a chance to change your life for the better. And you will not turn it down."
"I do not need your help. All I am here for is this internship under you. I will sort the rest out myself," she decided, stubbornly.
Refusing his offer was hard but she was far too proud to give in to the one person who's respect she wanted. All she could see now was that he was just like every other man, ignoring her true potential for a chance at her body.
Miguel shook his head, his expression twisting with disappointment.
"I warned you, Alexia," he said, his voice cold. "If you don't accept my offer, you will be nothing more than a used up, forgotten whore for the rest of your life."
Alexia's shoulders rolled back, stretching to her full height that was nothing compared to his. Despite her confidence and strength of will she was still small. She knew she should back down, but couldn't.
"That's where you're wrong, Dr O'Hara. My name will go down in history. I will far surpass any measly legacy you leave behind with your step stone findings or as my mentor," she answered, her eyes alight with that passion, a confident promise her father had whispered in her ear before he died. "My name will be in every textbook for the next 150 years."
Miguel's eyes narrowed, his expression a mix of annoyance and admiration.
"You are one stubborn woman," he said, his voice a mere mutter of frustration at her words. "But I admire your determination. I will give you one more chance to reconsider my offer."
"I am not interested in being your free use slut in exchange for a place to live. I don't need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself."
Miguel's e eyes filled with a dangerous intensity. "What is giving you the idea that I want you to prostitute yourself to me? Is that how you make money now?" he asked, his voice a low growl. He had assumed that she had an abusive boyfriend or something similar. Her immediate assumption of sex in exchange for his help opened up other possibilities.
"What I do outside of this lab is none of your concern," she repeated her earlier words, but there was uncertainty in her eyes. He didn't just deny her allegations, he was disgusted. If that wasn't his intent then what was? Was he really different? "I will not be in debt to you."
Miguel shook his head, his expression unreadable. "You are far too proud for your own good, Alexia," he said. "But you will learn humility under my care. You will learn to respect those who help you, and be grateful for what they give you." He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "And you will earn my respect."
"And I can do all that the normal way, without you demanding to see my skin or forcing me to live where you want me to live," she stood her ground.
"You don't truly understand what I'm offering you, Alexia."
This time, Alexia finally took a step towards him, refusing to let him intimidate her.
"Then explain," she demanded, eyes cold. "Stop being vague and threatening and explain exactly what you're offering me and what you expect me to give as payment for your generosity."
Miguel took a deep breath, his expression softening slightly. "I'm not asking for anything in return, Alexia," he said, his voice calm and reasonable. "I simply want to help you get to where you want to be in life. And I can offer you the resources to do so." He gestured towards the lab around them.
Alexia looked around, her eyes gave away her thoughts. She wanted to believe him, she wanted his words to be true and to finally have a little help in the world.
"I can't trust that," she said, her voice surprisingly soft, even in her own ears. It felt like a confession more than a rejection. "Nothing is free."
"Go home, Ms Gates," Dr O’Hara ordered, but there was none of the expected rejection in his own voice.
Alexia looked up at him, her eyes wide not in confusion but fear that he was firing her, judging her not worth his time. Why did this man have to be the only one alive who's approval she sought?
"Think about what I'm offering, get yourself a lab coat, and come back tomorrow morning," her mentor listed another few orders, his voice and the sheer exhaustion in his shoulders hinting at some line of thought that Alexia couldn't begin to guess at. "8:30 am, sharp."
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105nt · 2 years ago
Strike Walk #2
Borstal Hill to Marine Parade
The Ink Black Heart chapters 76 and 77
This is part 3, link to part 2 down below.
A pebble beach lay on the other side of the car park's stone wall, and the Swansea-raised 105nt experienced that slight lift of the spirits the smell of the sea and the sound of lapping waves gives anyone not completely soulless. 😁
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The skinny on the boat-building industry in Whitstable, for those who seek knowledge, but somehow this legend fails to mention why it's called Keam's Yard and not Holloway's Yard, which seems a bit of an oversight. I've Googled and I am still in the dark. Please comment if you know.
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Island Wall, which lay around the corner from the car park, was a narrow street that sloped downwards. The terrace of painted houses on the right hand side would have an unimpeded rear view of the sea.
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Aquarelle Cottage, which lay several houses down, was painted eau-de-nil, and the stained glass fan window over the door depicted a galleon in full sale ... Strike lifted the anchor-shapedknocker and rapped twice.
There's no Aquarelle Cottage in real life, and no match for these features in the other cottages, thank heavens or there'd be Strike fans on ladders peering through the fan window. I checked the back gardens and several have raised decking next to the sea wall, but I didn't see one that was wheelchair accessible.
[I later found out some history about the building of the cottages - link below.]
After giving Inigo a hard time Strike and Robin return to the car park, and decide to stay in Whitstable overnight.
Strike climbs the short flight of concrete steps that led up out of the car park, pausing at the top looking at the wide expanse of sea beyond the pebble beach - the better to ignore a text and voicemail from Madeline in peace - while Robin digests some bad news about The Halvening.
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Strike secures the last two rooms at The Marine Hotel, and after some shopping for basics and a sandwich in a local cafe (I like to think it was this one, as they do a fish finger sandwich - food of the gods) they drive off.
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I am walking though, and get to wander around Whitstable Harbour, which is beautiful.
Self-portrait with oysters:
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Part 4
Part 2
The "Dollar Row" information from Whitstable Museum:
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coloradohelicalpier · 2 days ago
Foundation Helical Piers Installed in Colorado: A Reliable Solution for Stable Foundations
What Are Helical Piers?
Helical piers, also known as helical piles or screw piles, are deep foundation systems that are designed to transfer the weight of a structure deep into stable soil or bedrock. These piers consist of steel shafts with helical-shaped plates (similar to a screw) welded to the shaft. The piers are mechanically screwed into the ground using a hydraulic torque motor, which allows them to anchor the structure securely into the earth.
Helical piers are often used for foundation helical piers installed in colorado with problematic soil, where traditional concrete or poured foundations may not be stable or practical. In Colorado, the combination of expansive soils, shifting ground, and varying moisture levels can pose a challenge for conventional foundations. Helical piers offer a cost-effective and efficient alternative that addresses these challenges.
Benefits of Helical Piers for Colorado Foundations
Adaptability to Colorado's Soil Conditions: Colorado is known for its diverse soil types, including expansive clays, which can expand when wet and shrink when dry. This movement can cause foundation damage. Helical piers can be installed deep into stable soil layers, bypassing the problematic soil and providing a solid foundation. They are also suitable for areas with poor or uneven soil conditions.
Quick and Efficient Installation: One of the significant advantages of helical piers is their speed of installation. Unlike traditional concrete foundations, which can require lengthy curing times and extensive site preparation, helical piers can be installed quickly and with minimal disruption. This is especially useful in Colorado's mountainous or limited-access areas, where time and space constraints may otherwise pose challenges.
Minimal Excavation Required: The installation of helical piers requires minimal excavation, which means less disruption to the surrounding landscape. This makes them an ideal choice for sites where preserving the surrounding environment is essential or where access to heavy equipment is restricted.
Immediate Load-Bearing Capacity: Once installed, helical piers provide immediate load-bearing capacity. This means that the structure can be safely supported right away without waiting for the soil to settle or the concrete to cure. This is particularly valuable for Colorado properties that need to be built or repaired quickly due to weather constraints or time-sensitive projects.
Durability and Longevity: Helical piers are made of corrosion-resistant steel, ensuring they withstand the harsh conditions found in Colorado. The piers are resistant to shifting soil, frost heave, and other factors that can affect traditional foundations. This durability ensures that the foundation repair services in colorado remains stable for decades to come, providing peace of mind to property owners.
The Installation Process
Installing foundation helical piers in Colorado involves several steps:
Site Assessment: A foundation expert will first assess the property to determine the best locations for the helical piers. This involves analyzing the soil conditions, load requirements, and potential ground movement.
Pier Installation: Using specialized equipment, the helical piers are hydraulically driven into the ground. The process is precise and ensures that each pier reaches stable soil or bedrock.
Foundation Connection: Once the piers are installed, the foundation is connected to the piers, providing a secure and stable base for the structure.
Final Inspection: After installation, the system is inspected to ensure that the helical piers are properly installed and the foundation is securely supported.
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ahm-building-materials · 3 days ago
A Complete Guide to Buying Construction Fasteners Online
Construction fasteners are essential components that hold materials together, ensuring the structural integrity of buildings, furniture, and machinery. Whether working on a large commercial project or a small DIY task, selecting the right fasteners is crucial for durability and safety.
With the convenience of e-commerce, professionals and homeowners can now buy construction fasteners online with ease. However, choosing the right fasteners requires knowledge of materials, sizes, and applications. This guide will help you understand the different types of construction fasteners, their uses, and how to purchase high-quality fasteners from a reliable construction consumables store.
What Are Construction Fasteners?
Construction fasteners are hardware components used to join or secure two or more materials together. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, each designed for specific applications. The right fastener ensures strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors such as moisture, temperature changes, and mechanical stress.
Types of Construction Fasteners and Their Applications
1. Screws
Screws are among the most commonly used fasteners in construction and woodworking. They have a threaded shaft that provides a firm grip when driven into materials like wood, metal, and plastic.
Wood Screws – Used in carpentry and furniture assembly.
Sheet Metal Screws – Designed for fastening metal sheets and panels.
Drywall Screws – Used to secure drywall to studs.
2. Bolts and Nuts
Bolts and nuts provide a strong and removable connection between materials, making them ideal for heavy-duty applications.
Hex Bolts – Commonly used in steel structures and machinery.
Carriage Bolts – Designed for wooden applications.
Anchor Bolts – Used in concrete and masonry work.
3. Washers
Washers are small circular discs placed between a fastener and the surface to distribute load and prevent damage.
Flat Washers – Reduce surface pressure from bolts and nuts.
Lock Washers – Prevent loosening due to vibrations.
4. Rivets
Rivets are permanent fasteners used in construction and metalworking. They create a strong joint that does not require welding.
Blind Rivets – Used when access is limited to one side.
Solid Rivets – Provide extra strength in load-bearing applications.
5. Anchors
Anchors provide a secure hold in materials like concrete, brick, and drywall.
Expansion Anchors – Expand inside a hole for a firm grip.
Toggle Bolts – Used for hanging heavy objects on walls.
Why Buy Construction Fasteners Online?
1. Wide Range of Options
Online stores offer a larger selection of fasteners compared to physical hardware stores, making it easier to find specific types, sizes, and materials.
2. Convenient Shopping Experience
Purchasing construction fasteners online saves time and effort. With detailed product descriptions, specifications, and reviews, you can make informed decisions from the comfort of your home or job site.
3. Bulk Purchasing and Cost Savings
Many online suppliers provide discounted rates on bulk orders, helping businesses and contractors save money on large construction projects.
4. Access to High-Quality Products
Reputable online retailers ensure that fasteners meet industry standards for strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.
How to Choose the Right Construction Fasteners Online?
1. Consider Material Type
Stainless Steel Fasteners – Rust-resistant and ideal for outdoor applications.
Carbon Steel Fasteners – Strong and commonly used in heavy construction.
Brass and Copper Fasteners – Used for decorative and electrical applications.
2. Check Size and Compatibility
Ensure that the length, diameter, and thread type of the fastener match your project requirements.
3. Look for Corrosion Resistance
Fasteners exposed to moisture and chemicals should be coated or made from corrosion-resistant materials.
4. Buy from a Trusted Supplier
When purchasing online, choose a reputable construction consumables store like AHM Building Materials to ensure high-quality and reliable products.
Where to Buy the Best Construction Fasteners Online?
If you're looking to buy industrial hardware tools online, AHM Building Materials offers a vast selection of premium construction fasteners, including screws, bolts, anchors, and more. As a trusted supplier, AHM ensures top-tier products that meet industry standards for strength and durability.
Construction fasteners play a vital role in ensuring stability, safety, and longevity in building projects. Whether you're working with wood, metal, or concrete, choosing the right fasteners is essential for a secure and lasting connection. By purchasing from a reputable construction consumables store, you can access high-quality fasteners that enhance the performance of your construction projects.
For the best hand tools for building projects and top-quality construction fasteners, visit AHM Building Materials today and get the right fasteners delivered to your doorstep.
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liroofrepair · 5 days ago
Since you’ve been asking about Nill Embeds from Nill Building Solutions and now want a comparison to competitors, I’ll evaluate the Nill Concrete Embed Anchor Mounts against other waterproof concrete embed solutions in the market. The focus will be on their waterproofing benefits, installation methods, and overall performance, as these seem to align with your earlier questions. Here’s how they stack up:Nill Concrete Embed Anchor Mounts vs. Competitors1. Nill Concrete Embed Anchor Mounts (Nill Building Solutions)
Overview: Cast-in-place embeds with proprietary waterproof internal threaded ports, made from stainless steel, designed for bolting attachments without welding.
Strength: Superior pull-out and lateral load strength (exact values not public but implied by design and stainless steel construction).
Unique Selling Point: The waterproof threaded port is patented (e.g., U.S. Patent No. 10,501,939), offering a unique, weld-free attachment method.
Cost/Time: Reduces labor and material costs by skipping welding and secondary waterproofing steps.
100% waterproof due to sealed internal threading, preventing water ingress at the attachment point.
No need for additional sealants or welds, which eliminates common failure points like seams or caulk degradation.
Embedded during the concrete pour, secured to formwork, and bolted post-cure.
No welding or post-installation sealing required—faster and simpler than traditional methods.
2. Traditional Cast-in-Place Anchors (e.g., J-Bolts, L-Bolts from Williams Form Engineering)
Overview: Simple bolts or shaped anchors embedded during the pour, often requiring welded attachments.
Strength: High tensile strength (e.g., ASTM A615 rebar options), but welds can weaken over time due to corrosion.
Drawback: Relies on skilled welding and consistent sealing, which increases variability in waterproofing success.
Cost/Time: Higher long-term costs from maintenance and repairs due to water damage.
Poor inherent waterproofing—welds and exposed bolt heads are prone to rust and water infiltration.
Requires additional sealants (e.g., caulk, flashing) that degrade over time, leading to leaks and structural rot.
Secured to formwork and embedded in wet concrete, but attachments typically need welding post-cure.
More labor-intensive due to welding and sealing steps.
3. Concrete Embedded Anchor Channels (e.g., Unistrut Concrete Inserts)
Overview: Slotted channels cast into concrete, allowing adjustable attachment points with bolts or clips.
Strength: Solid holding power, though dependent on bolt size and concrete quality; not as inherently strong as a fixed embed for heavy loads.
Unique Selling Point: Flexibility in attachment placement, popular for curtain walls.
Cost/Time: Moderate upfront cost, but sealing and maintenance can add up.
Better than traditional bolts since no welding is needed, but the open channel design can still allow water entry unless meticulously sealed.
Often requires additional caulking or covers, which can fail over time.
Cast into concrete during the pour, with attachments bolted into the channel afterward.
Adjustable positioning is a plus, but sealing the channel adds complexity.
4. Mechanical Post-Installed Anchors (e.g., Wedge Anchors, Sleeve Anchors from Concrete Fastening Systems)
Overview: Drilled into cured concrete and secured via friction or expansion.
Strength: Good shear and tension strength (e.g., wedge anchors excel in static loads), but holding power depends on concrete quality and embedment depth.
Drawback: Not cast-in-place, so less integrated with the structure; waterproofing relies heavily on installer skill.
Cost/Time: Lower initial cost but higher effort for waterproofing and potential repairs.
Minimal inherent waterproofing—drilled holes and exposed bolts can let water in unless sealed with caulk or epoxy.
Less reliable in wet environments compared to cast-in-place solutions.
Post-cure drilling and insertion, no need for pre-planning during the pour.
Faster for retrofits but requires precise drilling and additional sealing steps.
5. Adhesive Post-Installed Anchors (e.g., Epoxy Anchors)
Overview: Bolts or rods bonded into drilled holes with adhesive like epoxy.
Strength: Excellent tensile strength, often exceeding mechanical anchors, but reliant on adhesive bond quality.
Drawback: Not as seamless as cast-in-place embeds; waterproofing isn’t guaranteed without extra effort.
Cost/Time: Higher material cost (epoxy) and longer install time due to curing.
Can be waterproof if the adhesive seals the hole completely, but this depends on the product and application quality.
Exposed bolt heads still need sealing to prevent water entry.
Drilled post-cure, filled with adhesive, and bolted—requires curing time for the epoxy.
More steps than Nill’s cast-in-place method and less suited for immediate use.
Head-to-Head Comparison
Waterproofing: Nill Embeds lead with their built-in, weld-free threaded ports—competitors rely on secondary sealing that’s less reliable long-term. Traditional embeds and post-installed options lag furthest behind.
Installation Ease: Nill’s method is among the simplest for cast-in-place (pour, cure, bolt), beating out welded traditional embeds and complex post-installed setups. Anchor channels offer flexibility but add sealing steps.
Durability: Nill’s stainless steel and waterproof design give it an edge in harsh environments over carbon steel competitors (e.g., J-Bolts) or post-installed anchors prone to corrosion.
Cost Efficiency: Nill saves on labor and maintenance, though upfront cost might be higher than basic J-Bolts. Long-term, it outperforms competitors needing repairs from water damage.
Versatility: Nill excels for fixed attachments (e.g., railings, supports), while anchor channels win for adjustable needs (e.g., curtain walls). Post-installed options are best for retrofits.
VerdictNill Concrete Embed Anchor Mounts stand out where waterproofing and simplicity are priorities—like exterior railings or moisture-prone structural connections. Their patented design eliminates the Achilles’ heel of traditional embeds (weld-related water entry) and outshines post-installed anchors in integration and reliability. However, if you need adjustable positioning (Unistrut) or retrofit solutions (wedge/epoxy anchors), competitors might fit better. For a new build prioritizing longevity and zero leaks, Nill’s got the edge.If you want a deeper dive into specific competitor models or real-world performance data, let me know—I can hunt down more details! What’s your project context? That could narrow this down further.specific competitor analysisalternative building materialsDeepSearchThinkAttach
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lux-properties · 5 days ago
Allure Avani Luxury Villas in Kammasandra, Bangalore
Allure Avani is a new launch residential project offering luxurious villa living in the serene locale of Kammasandra, Bangalore. Nestled amidst nature, this exclusive community features 138 meticulously designed villas, providing a perfect blend of tranquility and modern living. With its spacious layouts, premium amenities, and prime location, Allure Avani redefines luxury living in East Bangalore.
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Key Project Details:
Property Type: Luxury Villas
Units: 138 Villas
Configuration: G+2, 4 BHK (East & North Facing Options)
Starting Price: ₹4 Cr* Onwards
Status: New Launch
Location: Kammasandra, Bangalore
Total Area (Phase I): ~15 acres
Villas per Acre: ~9
Super Built-Up Area (SBUA): 3,500 sq. ft. onwards
Undivided Share (UDS): 3,282 sq. ft. onwards
Open Space: 55% open space with amenities
Clubhouse Area: ~40,000 sq. ft.
Why Choose Allure Avani in Kammasandra?
Live in Nature's Lap: Enjoy a serene and green environment away from the city's hustle.
Spacious Luxury: Expansive 4 BHK villas with G+2 structure, designed for comfortable and sophisticated living.
Generous Land Area: High UDS ensures a valuable land ownership.
Exclusive Community: Limited number of villas for a close-knit and private environment.
World-Class Amenities: A sprawling 40,000 sq. ft. clubhouse and extensive amenities cater to all your lifestyle needs.
Vaastu Compliance: East and North facing villas designed according to Vaastu principles.
Allure Avani: Specifications & Features:
Structure: RCC frame structure
Plastering: Smooth cement plastered internal & external walls.
Painting: Premium emulsion paint for interiors and weatherproof exterior emulsion.
Bathroom: High-end sanitary ware from Duravit/Kohler or equivalent. Single lever diverters, wall-mounted WC, and granite counters. Provision for geysers in toilets.
Plumbing: CPVC water supply lines and PVC sewer lines. Provision for solar water in all toilets.
Blockwork: Solid concrete block masonry (8" for external, 4" for internal walls).
Flooring: Imported marble in Living and Dining, Vitrified tiles for Kitchen and Family Lounge, Laminated wooden flooring in Master Bedroom, Vitrified tiles for other bedrooms, and anti-skid ceramic flooring for balconies and terraces.
Staircase: Imported marble with wooden glass railing.
Doors: Teak wood main door frame with teak veneer shutter, NCL internal doors with Godrej locks. UPVC sliding doors with mosquito mesh for balconies.
Windows: UPVC sliding/casement windows with clear glass and mosquito mesh (Make: Aparna/Wintech/NCL or equivalent).
Electrical: Fire resistant wires (Polycab/Anchor), modular switches (Anchor/Schneider), MCB & ELCB for safety, provision for internet and intercom, provision for split AC in all rooms.
Kitchen/Utility: Provision for water purifier & dishwasher in kitchen, provision for sink in utility.
Car Parking: 2 Covered car parking spaces.
Lift: Provision for lift.
DG Back-up: 100% power back-up for lighting circuits and common areas.
Ground Floor: Kid’s pool, Sand Pit, Department Store, Doctor’s Room, Cafeteria, Park, Pharmacy, Creche
First Floor: Pantry, Boutique, Party Hall, Spa Salon, Maintenance Office, Pre-party Area, Jacuzzi, Gym, Steam Room
Second Floor: Badminton Court, Indoor Games, Library, Co-working Space, Squash Court, Table Tennis, Yoga Sitting Area, Storage, Library, Conference Room
Third Floor: Mini Theatre, Family Lounge, Washrooms, Water Fountains, Storage Room, Yoga/Dance Room
Location Highlights:
Serene and developing area of Kammasandra, Bangalore.
[Mention nearby schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and connectivity details if readily available.]
Unique Highlights:
Nature-Inspired Living: Designed with natural elements – Agni, Vayu, Akash, Neer, Illaya.
Grand Entrance: Grand main entrance with security room and compound wall with barbed wires.
Infrastructure: Underground Electrical, Plumbing and Drainage lines for Common Areas and Villas.
Sustainability: Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Rain Water Harvesting, and Water Softener Plant.
Allure Avani: A Smart Investment Opportunity
Allure Avani offers not just a luxurious home but also a sound investment in a rapidly growing area of Bangalore. Its prime location, world-class amenities, and spacious villas make it an attractive option for both end-users and investors looking for high appreciation potential.
Conclusion: Allure Avani offers luxury living in East Bangalore. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Kammasandra, Bangalore. Experience luxury living amidst nature, with spacious villas and a host of amenities designed for a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle. Don't miss the chance to be a part of this exclusive community.
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