#Computer Vision Software Development Services
The applications of computer vision span a wide range of industries, from transportation and healthcare to manufacturing and retail. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more transformative innovations that will redefine the way businesses operate and interact with their customers.
By embracing the power of computer vision, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and innovation, positioning themselves for success in the digital age. As an industry leader in computer vision solutions, we are committed to helping businesses across various sectors harness the full potential of this transformative technology.
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thetatechnolabs · 4 months
Weed management is a critical aspect of agriculture, significantly impacting crop yields and farming efficiency. Traditional weed control methods, such as manual weeding and chemical herbicides, are often labor-intensive, costly, and environmentally damaging. In response to these challenges, the development of automated weed detection systems has emerged as a transformative solution. Leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision, these systems promise precise, efficient, and eco-friendly weed management. Particularly in regions like Ahmedabad, known for its burgeoning tech industry, the expertise in computer vision development has been pivotal in advancing these technologies.
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nextgen-invent · 3 months
NextGen Invent provides custom computer vision software development services, leveraging advanced deep learning and machine learning technologies. Reach out to us to explore how we can help achieve your objectives.
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Computer Vision Solutions
Ksolves offers cutting-edge Computer Vision solutions leveraging advanced image processing and machine learning. Services include object detection, facial recognition, image segmentation, visual search, augmented reality, medical imaging, and video analytics - empowering businesses with enhanced visual intelligence for data-driven decision-making. Discover the future of visual computing by visiting the website today
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nitor-infotech · 11 months
Cloud & Devops Services | Nitor Infotech
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, cloud technology has emerged as a transformative force that empowers organizations to innovate, scale and adapt like never before. To know more about Nitor Infotech's services click on - https://bitly.ws/Zyt3
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cyberpunkonline · 10 months
The Cyberpunk Genre: From Fiction to Reality
The Real-World Cyberpunk Narrative
In the realm of science fiction, the cyberpunk genre has long captivated audiences with its vision of a high-tech, low-life future. Cyberpunk, a subgenre that emerged in the early 1980s, combines advanced technology with a layer of dystopian elements, often exploring themes of artificial intelligence, cybernetics, corporate hegemony, and social decay. However, what once seemed a distant future is now becoming a striking reflection of our present reality.
The Cyberpunk Reality of Modern Corporations
As we delve into the corporate world, the parallels between cyberpunk narratives and current events become strikingly clear. This article examines the activities of major corporations like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, SpaceX, and OpenAI, highlighting instances that resonate with cyberpunk themes.
"Google: The Digital Panopticon"
Google, with its vast array of services, has created a digital ecosystem that closely resembles the omnipresent corporations in cyberpunk lore. The company's foray into various sectors, from search engines to smart home devices, has raised concerns about privacy invasion and data control, reminiscent of cyberpunk's surveillance-heavy societies.
"Microsoft: The Silicon Overlord"
Microsoft's dominance in the software industry, particularly with its Windows operating system and Office suite, mirrors the cyberpunk trope of a corporation wielding enormous power over everyday technology. The company's expansion into cloud computing and AI further cements its status as a tech giant with a reach that extends into the very fabric of digital life.
"Amazon: The Corporate Colossus"
Amazon's transformation from an online bookstore to a retail and technology behemoth aligns with cyberpunk's portrayal of mega-corporations that transcend traditional industry boundaries. The company's ventures into cloud computing, AI, and even space travel through its Blue Origin subsidiary evoke images of a corporation with almost limitless ambition and resources.
"SpaceX: Architects of the Starbound Future"
SpaceX, under the leadership of Elon Musk, brings to life the cyberpunk fascination with space exploration and privatization. The company's ambitious projects, including the colonization of Mars and satellite internet services, embody the cyberpunk vision of pushing humanity's boundaries, both technologically and geographically.
"OpenAI: The AI Enigma"
OpenAI, known for its groundbreaking work in AI, reflects cyberpunk's preoccupation with the potential and dangers of artificial intelligence. The development of advanced AI models and their applications in various fields raise questions about the future of human-AI interaction, a central theme in many cyberpunk narratives.
Industrial Espionage: A Cyberpunk Reality
The world of industrial espionage, a staple in cyberpunk plots, is no stranger to these tech giants. The competitive nature of the technology industry, driven by the race for innovation and market dominance, has led to numerous instances of data breaches, intellectual property theft, and corporate spying. These incidents underscore the darker aspects of the corporate world, mirroring the intrigue and deception often found in cyberpunk stories.
Cyberpunk Tropes in the Modern World
Several broad tropes characteristic of the cyberpunk genre are increasingly relevant today:
Technological Advancements vs. Societal Decay: The stark contrast between cutting-edge technology and societal challenges, such as income inequality and privacy concerns, is a recurring theme in both cyberpunk fiction and the modern world.
Corporate Power and Influence: The immense power wielded by mega-corporations, often at the expense of individual freedoms and government authority, is a reality in both the cyberpunk genre and today's corporate landscape.
Ethical Dilemmas of AI and Cybernetics: The ethical and philosophical questions surrounding artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and human enhancement are as pertinent in real life as they are in cyberpunk narratives.
Conclusion: Cyberpunk as a Now Genre
As we examine these parallels, it becomes evident that cyberpunk is no longer a genre fixated on a near future. The themes, concerns, and narratives central to cyberpunk are increasingly manifesting in our current reality. The once speculative fiction has transformed into a lens through which we can view and understand the complexities and challenges of our high-tech, corporate-dominated world. Cyber is no longer a near future genre. It's a now genre.
- Raz
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vergess · 2 years
What's covered by "prose editing"? Do you mean editor's services for articles and original work, SPAG for school work, beta-reading fanfiction, workshopping shitposts, what kind of services are we talking here?
I've edited for each of those media (primary and secondary school; fandom; shitposting), as well as the following:
Technical manuals (Chicago and Microsoft styles)
Newspapers, including strict character limits (AP style)
Copy and editing for research journal submissions (style provided by journal)
Print and digital magazines (style provided by publisher)
University level creative writing composition for short stories and novellas
Novel editing for slush submissions and indie publishing
The specific skills I have on offer include:
Spelling, punctuation and grammar (English-US and English-UK)
Developmental and structural edits
Content editing only for styles or fandoms with which I am already familiar, or for which a style guide is provided.
Redlining and line edits, with fact checks only for non-technical writing
Proofing, including print and digital proofing
Now, for readers who stared at "SPAG" for a second like "wtf does that even mean," here's some extra clarification on what those services are.
SPAG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar) is the most basic type of editing. It can usually be done by a computer automatically, though MS Word's grammar checker is notoriously bad.
Developmental edits are focused on helping the author decide their audience, conform to or break genre expectations, and develop the broad order of story elements.
Structural edits are focused on achieving the goals from development as effectively as possible. In fiction, this is the point at which cuts tend to start, with smaller characters being merged into single, more prominent characters. In technical writing, this is the point at which you determine things like the order in which data will be presented, what needs to be in the introduction rather than methodologies, etc. For writing manuals and documentation, this is the point at which you determine the specific categories and organization you will be using.
Content edits are what most people think of when they think "editor." This is the point at which the finished draft has been organized to the author's satisfaction, and the editor proceeds to go through it looking for style and factual errors. A style error varies based on the medium: something correct for a software manual in MSWG would be wildly wrong for a school essay in MLA or for a fanfic about Supernatural.
I consider informal manuals like Britpickers' Guides to be sufficient for most things in fandom, so if you have anything like that, then I'm happy to do content edits for unfamiliar fandoms too. However, if I am not familiar with a fandoms' canon, I cannot fact check the piece for canon compliance.
Line edits are sometimes called "punch ups" or "redlining." It is not related to the art technique or financial racism law. Line edit is the more common name. This is the point at which an editor goes line by line or paragraph by paragraph through a completed piece to adjust phrasing for maximum impact. If you've never seen a redline for text, here's an example of a redline I did last year:
None still living know what once sat where Refinement now rises from the Bismuth sea. > None alive yet know what once sat where Refinement rises from the Bismuth Sea. Rumors and speculation abound, but the one accepted fact is that the city sprang from the singular will and vision of one woman: the Founder. > Rumors abound, but only one truth is known universally: the city sprang from the will and vision of their singular Founder. No other figure in Refinement commands the same admiration and reverence. > No other figure in Refinement’s history commands more admiration and reverence. Though her name, age, and even species are argued over to this day, some details of her origins and mastery of the stuff of the Bismuth Sea are yet agreed upon. > Her name, age, and even species are as lost as whatever came before the city. Two pale shadows of her legacy remain: the myth of her origin, and the legend of her mastery over the chaotic tides of the Bismuth Sea.
Proofing is the last possible stage in editing, and occurs immediately before printing (traditional media) or publication (digital media). It's your opportunity to double check the piece for minor typos you missed before.
For print media in particular, it's extremely important to proof thoroughly. Once the book is printed, it cannot be changed. And worse, the process of composing a draft into a printable format can introduce errors, with hanging words on blank pages, or words cut off entirely!
For digital media, this is a less mission critical stage, as you can always correct the piece after it is live. There are two major exceptions to this: news writing, and school work. In both these cases, because the damage done by incorrect proofing is high and the opportunity to issue a correction is low, you should always proof schoolwork and news, even if it is submitted/published digitally.
That's all of the editorial services I can offer!
Honestly, seeing it laid out like this, I think $10/1k words is a steal.
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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United Kingdom wants to accelerate the development of the future Tempest fighter
UK scientists, engineers and innovators collaborate to accelerate the future air power capacity of combat aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/12/2023 - 11:00am in Military
The UK's leading combat airlines and the Ministry of Defense conducted research with leading scientists in machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and computing to support software development for a next-generation jet fighter.
Tempest will be part of the UK's future combat air system (FCAS) and was designed to be a supersonic poaching equipped with pioneering technologies, including integrated state-of-the-art detection and protection capabilities. These capabilities will be provided, in part, by millions of lines of code in aircraft, with many more lines of code also present in ground systems. This means that Tempest's software needs to be more robust and resilient than that of its potential opponents.
The collaboration provided valuable information about the software requirements, design, delivery, operation, speed of updates and maintenance for both the fighter and the training systems that pilots and maintainers will use to operate and support the aircraft.
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Outsmart Insight, a deep technology intelligence company, and Oxford Creativity, a group that offers a systematic approach to innovation and creative problem solving, have conducted targeted research with scientists, engineers and academics. The research addressed the most challenging problems faced by software development over the several decades of expected life of the program: flexible ways to manage computational resources; the role of reliable artificial intelligence; software reuse; and increasing software reliability.
Air Commodore Martin Lowe, Director of the FCAS Program for the UK Ministry of Defense, said: “Software is critical to Tempest because the future operating environment requires adaptability, including frequent software updates. But the software also poses a great risk of delivery. Recent history shows the dangers that arise when software is poorly done and the advantages of doing it well. The advantages are so significant that, in terms of operational capacity, the people who provide the software are as important as the people who maintain the aircraft or the pilots who fly them.
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"It's great to see the enthusiasm and optimism that Outsmart Insight and Oxford Creativity brought to this study. This gives us greater confidence that we can take advantage of the opportunities offered by software-based advances in the program. This project also showed the value of collaborating in research with important organizations and individuals, both in academia and in industry."
Based on the findings, Team Tempest partners commissioned follow-up research aimed at the UK academy, which aims to support more robust software development, which can be hosted in a more resilient way. This work supports the program's vision for a modern, efficient, safe and constantly improving software delivery ecosystem.
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Tempest should be in service by 2035. The program will provide significant economic benefits to the UK, helping to sustain and develop critical skills and ensure that the technical and industrial knowledge of hundreds of organizations across the UK remains at the forefront of advanced air combat systems for future generations.
Tags: Military AviationFCAS - Future Combat Air System/Future Air Combat SystemGCAP - Global Combat Air Program
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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wolfliving · 4 months
Another Alexa
Hello and welcome to Eye on AI. 
Before ChatGPT could talk, there was Alexa. The decade-old Amazon voice assistant, however, never fully delivered on its potential and was useful for little more than setting a kitchen timer or telling you the weather. 
But now with the full force of generative AI at its disposal, Amazon is looking toward Alexa’s second act. Sometime this year, the company plans to launch an overhauled, “more conversational” version of Alexa, sources told CNBC. Along with new and improved generative AI-powered capabilities, Amazon also plans to introduce a new business model for Alexa. Rather than be included with the company’s Prime subscription, Alexa will require its own monthly subscription. 
While Alexa has previously dominated voice assistant competitors, including Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant, the recent steady release of powerful generative AI-powered chatbots has made clear this space is newly up for grabs. Amazon has already sold more than 500 million Alexa-enabled devices, according to Amazon, which could give the company a leg up. 
At the same time, Amazon hasn’t exactly shown itself to be an AI disrupter—the company is certainly supporting the AI boom via Amazon Web Services and has hitched its wagon to AI startup Anthropic by investing billions of dollars in it, but it hasn’t released any leading AI models that would put it in the same realm as OpenAI, Google, or Meta. 
A generative AI-powered Alexa could be Amazon’s opportunity to finally get in on the AI boom, not to mention finally deliver on the true vision of Alexa. But it faces real challenges: its own lagging position in AI, technical hurdles and runaway compute costs still plaguing the industry, and fierce competition from other tech giants that are all vying to deliver the best AI assistant experience. 
Despite the recent controversy around the Scarlett Johansson-esque voice for ChatGPT, OpenAI put a stake in the ground with its demo of the latest version of its product last week. Google has also rolled out voice support for its Gemini model. And next month at its annual developers conference, Apple is expected to unveil a new generative AI-powered, more conversational Siri. Apple faces many of the same challenges as Amazon in terms of its AI position, but the company is reportedly negotiating with Google to bring its leading Gemini model to the iPhone.
“A lot of us have had this vision for what a powerful assistant can be, but we were held back by the underlying technology not being able to serve that goal,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai said on the Decoder podcast this week. “I think we have a technology that is better able to serve that. That’s why you’re seeing the progress again. I think that’s exciting.”
If these products succeed, they could completely change how we interact with technology, get information, organize our lives, and use products and services. The New York Times reported that Apple executives worry new AI technology could displace its iPhone’s iOS software and threaten its dominance over the smartphone market. With an ecosystem of AI agents, we may no longer need apps or the app store. 
That’s the exact future wearable maker Humane was betting on with its Ai Pin, though it’s clear we’re still quite a ways off. The Ai Pin was designed to speak out loud to people wearing it and handle many of the same tasks as Alexa and Siri, but it failed to deliver. Gadget reviewer Marques Brownlee dubbed it “the worst product I’ve ever reviewed…for now”, and yesterday, Bloomberg reported that Humane is seeking to be acquired after the product’s rocky launch. 
The dream of finally delivering a true AI assistant feels closer than ever before, and at the same time, still very far away. In OpenAI’s demo last week, Sky very much sounded like a real person—both in terms of its voice and how it answered questions (and as always, it’s important to remember that we can only trust a demo so much). But sounding like a real person is only half the battle. These models are still limited by the fact that they’re confidently wrong all the time. As I continue to test ChatGPT, I am floored by how consistently wrong it is. I feel like I can’t trust a word it says.
“I wonder if the intelligence is increasing at the same rate as the facility with language,” Nilay Patel, editor-in-chief of The Verge, said to Pichai during the Decoder conversation. “I kind of don’t see it, to be perfectly honest. I see computers getting much better at language and actually in some cases getting dumber.”
And with that, here’s more AI news. 
Sage Lazzaro [email protected] sagelazzaro.com
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seogoogle1 · 6 months
Unveiling Microsoft Persia: A Revolution in Tech Innovation
In an era where technological advancements are reshaping the world, Microsoft stands at the forefront, pioneering innovations that transcend boundaries and redefine possibilities. Among its latest endeavors is Microsoft Persia, a venture that promises to revolutionize the tech landscape, particularly in the Middle East region. With its strategic vision and commitment to excellence, Microsoft Persia is poised to leave an indelible mark on the intersection of technology and culture. Let's delve into the intricacies of this groundbreaking initiative and explore its implications for the future.
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Microsoft Persia: A Visionary Leap
Microsoft Persia emerges as a testament to Microsoft's unwavering dedication to global inclusivity and diversity. Recognizing the immense potential within the Persian-speaking world, Microsoft embarked on a journey to establish a dedicated hub that caters to the unique needs and aspirations of this vibrant community. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering local talent, Microsoft Persia aims to empower individuals and businesses alike, driving socioeconomic growth and fostering innovation.
Empowering Innovation through Localization
At the heart of Microsoft Persia lies a commitment to localization, ensuring that technology is not merely adopted but embraced as an integral part of everyday life. By tailoring products and services to resonate with Persian culture and language, Microsoft Persia bridges the gap between technology and tradition, making innovation more accessible and relevant than ever before. Whether through localized software interfaces or culturally resonant marketing campaigns, Microsoft Persia seeks to create a seamless and immersive experience for users across the region.
Fostering Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
In a rapidly digitizing world, access to technology is synonymous with empowerment. Microsoft Persia recognizes this imperative and endeavors to promote digital inclusion on a broad scale. Through initiatives aimed at enhancing digital literacy and bridging the digital divide, Microsoft Persia empowers individuals from all walks of life to harness the transformative power of technology. By making tools and resources more accessible and user-friendly, Microsoft Persia ensures that no one is left behind in the digital revolution.
Catalyzing Economic Growth and Innovation
The establishment of Microsoft Persia heralds a new era of economic growth and innovation in the region. By providing a fertile ground for startups, entrepreneurs, and enterprises to thrive, Microsoft Persia catalyzes the development of a dynamic tech ecosystem that fuels progress and prosperity. Through strategic partnerships and investment in local talent, Microsoft Persia nurtures a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, propelling the region onto the global stage as a hub of technological excellence.
Embracing AI and Cloud Computing
Central to Microsoft Persia's mission is the integration of transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. By harnessing the power of AI, Microsoft Persia unlocks new possibilities in areas such as healthcare, education, and smart cities, driving efficiency, and innovation across sectors. Moreover, through its robust cloud computing infrastructure, Microsoft Persia provides scalable and secure solutions that enable organizations to embrace digital transformation with confidence, unleashing unprecedented levels of productivity and agility.
Sustainable Innovation for a Better Tomorrow
In the pursuit of technological advancement, Microsoft Persia remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. By prioritizing eco-friendly practices and minimizing its environmental footprint, Microsoft Persia ensures that progress is achieved in harmony with the planet. From green data centers to carbon-neutral operations, Microsoft Persia sets a precedent for sustainable innovation that inspires others to follow suit, ushering in a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.
Looking Ahead: A Future of Boundless Possibilities
As Microsoft Persia embarks on its journey of innovation and transformation, the possibilities are truly limitless. By harnessing the collective talents and aspirations of the Persian-speaking world, Microsoft Persia is poised to redefine the boundaries of what is possible, driving progress and prosperity in the region and beyond. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and sustainability, Microsoft Persia stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration in an ever-changing world, shaping the future of technology one breakthrough at a time.
In conclusion, Microsoft Persia represents not just a venture in technology but a testament to the power of vision, innovation, and collaboration. By harnessing the transformative potential of technology and embracing the rich tapestry of Persian culture, Microsoft Persia paves the way for a future where innovation knows no bounds and opportunity is within reach of all. As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace the spirit of Microsoft Persia and dare to imagine a world where technology serves as a force for good, empowering individuals and communities to thrive in the digital age.
Website: https://microsoftpersia.com/
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Empowering Digital Innovation: Microlent Systems' Comprehensive Web Development Services
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Microlent Systems
In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses are relentlessly pursuing innovation to stay ahead in their respective markets. Amid this digital race, Microlent Systems emerges as a beacon of technological advancement and a pioneer in web development services. With a robust portfolio that spans web application development, TV application development, wearable technology solutions, enterprise solution development, AI/ML-based solutions, and IoT/hardware integrated solutions, Microlent stands at the forefront of enabling businesses to unlock their full potential in the digital landscape.
Web Application Development: A Cornerstone for Digital Success At the heart of Microlent's services lies its web application development expertise. In understanding the critical role that web applications play in today's business ecosystems, Microlent delivers bespoke solutions that are not just about coding and deployment but about creating a digital experience that resonates with end-users. From e-commerce sites that handle millions of transactions to SaaS platforms that automate business processes, Microlent's approach is to build scalable, secure, and dynamic web applications that drive user engagement and business growth.
Revolutionizing Television with TV Application Development The television industry is undergoing a transformation, with digital platforms and OTT services changing the way content is consumed. Microlent's TV application development service is tailored to meet this new wave of demand. By focusing on user experience, Microlent helps content providers, telecoms, and OTT platforms deliver applications that are intuitive, engaging, and accessible across devices, ensuring content reaches viewers worldwide in the most effective manner possible.
Pioneering in Wearable Technology with Android and Apple Watch Application Development As wearable technologies become an integral part of our daily lives, Microlent is at the helm of developing innovative applications for Android and Apple Watch devices. These applications are not just about extending smartphone functionalities to one's wrist but are designed with a focus on health, fitness, productivity, and lifestyle, ensuring users have a seamless and enriched wearable experience.
Enterprise Solution Development: Catalyzing Business Transformation Microlent recognizes the challenges businesses face in adapting to rapidly changing market conditions. Its enterprise solution development services are focused on building robust, cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and maintain competitive advantage. Whether it's through CRM systems, ERP solutions, or custom software tailored to specific business needs, Microlent's solutions are a catalyst for digital transformation.
Leading the Way in AI/ML-Based Solutions In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Microlent is a trailblazer, providing cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation across industries. From predictive analytics and natural language processing to computer vision and intelligent automation, Microlent leverages the latest in AI and ML technologies to help businesses unlock new opportunities, enhance decision-making, and create value in ways never before possible.
Bridging the Physical and Digital with IoT/Hardware Integrated Solutions Microlent's expertise extends into the burgeoning field of IoT and hardware-integrated solutions, where the physical and digital worlds converge. By enabling smart interactions between devices, systems, and services, Microlent's solutions facilitate enhanced data collection, real-time monitoring, and automated control, driving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation across sectors.
Conclusion In the constantly evolving digital landscape, Microlent Systems stands out as a partner of choice for businesses looking to harness the power of technology for growth, innovation, and digital transformation. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for innovation, and a comprehensive suite of web development services, Microlent is dedicated to empowering businesses to achieve their digital aspirations.
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tech-tar-review · 7 months
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The Complete Beginner's Guide to Visionize AI
Visionize AI - Introduction
Welcome to my Visionize AI Review post. Where innovation meets intelligence, at Visionize AI, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with artificial intelligence technology. Our mission is to empower businesses and organizations of all sizes to harness the transformative power of AI to drive growth, efficiency, and success.
With a team of experts at the forefront of AI research and development, Visionize AI is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that address our client's unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you're looking to streamline operations, optimize processes, or unlock new insights from your data, Visionize AI provides the expertise and technology needed to achieve your goals.
From machine learning algorithms to natural language processing systems, our comprehensive suite of AI solutions is designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Join us on a journey of innovation and discovery with Visionize AI.
Visionize AI – Overview
Creator: Bizomart
Product: Visionize AI
The official page: >>> Click here to access.
Niche: Software
Bonus: Yes, Huge Bonus
Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee!
What is Visionize AI?
Visionize AI is a pioneering technology company focused on harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation and transformation. At Visionize AI, we develop cutting-edge AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of businesses across various industries. Our expertise lies in creating intelligent systems that automate processes, analyze data, and generate valuable insights to help organizations make informed decisions and achieve their goals.
Through advanced machine learning algorithms, natural language processing techniques, and computer vision capabilities, Visionize AI enables businesses to unlock new opportunities, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the competition in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Whether it's optimizing workflows, enhancing customer experiences, or predicting market trends, Visionize AI is dedicated to delivering high-impact AI solutions that drive tangible results and propel businesses toward success in the age of artificial intelligence.
  How Does Visionize AI Work?
Leveraging Visionize AI is a seamless endeavor, characterized by a user-friendly interface where individuals can simply log in, input keywords or utilize voice commands, and witness the rapid generation of desired visual content. This intuitive workflow ensures swift and efficient production of captivating visuals, requiring minimal effort on the part of the user.
Get Instant Access
Benefits Of Using Visionize AI
Streamlines the process of visual content creation for users of all skill levels
 Facilitates the rapid generation of high-quality visuals across a multitude of formats
Provides a seamless avenue for monetizing generated visuals through a dedicated marketplace
Diminishes the reliance on costly design tools and professional services
Empower individuals and businesses to embrace the AI-driven future of visual content creation.
Visionize AI Review - Key Features
AI-powered Graphics and Image Generation
Video Generation without the need for recording or editing
Access to a Marketplace boasting 10,000,000 active buyers
Inpainting, Colorization, and Denoising capabilities for images
Recognition, Synthesis, and Noise Removal functionalities
Mobile Compatibility, facilitating on-the-go visual creation
Comprehensive Training Videos and Round-the-Clock Support
Visionize AI Review- Pros and Cons
The comprehensive suite of visual content creation features
One-time fee structure with no monthly costs, offering excellent value
Free commercial license, enabling users to sell their creations
Mobile compatibility for convenient access across various devices
Streamlined workflow catering to both novices and seasoned professionals
Limited availability of licenses due to server capacity constraints
Potential future increase in price to a monthly subscription model
But That's Not All
In addition, we have several bonuses for those who want to take action today and start profiting from this opportunity.
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1. Bonus: Exclusive Special Training (Valued at $997)
Enhance your skills with our exclusive Special Training program, meticulously crafted to complement VisionizeAi. Uncover advanced techniques, deepen your knowledge, and unlock the full potential of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. Empower your creative vision today.
2. Bonus: 200+ Mascot Cartoon Characters (Valued at $247)
Introducing 200 vibrant mascot cartoon characters by VisionizeAi, each embodying a unique aspect of innovation and creativity. From tech-savvy bots to imaginative thinkers, these characters inject charm and personality into the realm of artificial intelligence.
3. Bonus: Infographic Blackbook (Valued at $367)
Unlock the secrets of crafting visually compelling infographics with the Infographic Blackbook, perfectly complemented by VisionizeAi's cutting-edge automated design tools. Together, they empower users to effortlessly create engaging visual narratives with precision and flair.
4. Bonus: Video Marketing Graphics Pack (Valued at $327)
Enhance your video marketing endeavors with our Graphics Pack, meticulously curated to complement VisionizeAi. Featuring stunning visual elements, dynamic animations, and customizable templates, effortlessly elevate your videos and captivate your audience like never before.
Get Instant Access
Why Recommended?
Recommended for its cutting-edge AI solutions, Visionize AI stands out for its commitment to innovation and excellence. With a track record of delivering tangible results, Visionize AI empowers businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
 Its advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities enable organizations to streamline operations, optimize processes, and uncover valuable insights from data. Backed by a team of AI experts, Visionize AI offers tailored solutions that drive measurable impact and propel businesses toward success. 
Choose Visionize AI for unparalleled expertise and transformative AI solutions that drive growth and innovation.
Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free
Look, VisionizeAi is not one of those “trash” or untested apps. We know what it’s capable of…However, in the unlikely event that you fail to use VisionizeAi for ANY REASON. We insist that you send us an email…It is simple if you don’t make money. We don’t want your money…We make more than enough with VisionizeAi. And no need to keep your money if you’re not gonna use it.
Not just that…We will send you a bundle of premium software as a gift for wasting your time. Worst case scenario, you get VisionizeAi and don’t make any money you will still get an extra bundle of premium software for trying it out.
Final opinion: 
In conclusion, Visionize AI emerges as a leader in the realm of artificial intelligence, offering unparalleled expertise and transformative solutions. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, Visionize AI empowers businesses to thrive in today's dynamic environment. 
Through advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, Visionize AI enables organizations to streamline operations, optimize processes, and unlock valuable insights from data. Backed by a dedicated team of AI experts, Visionize AI delivers tangible results and drives measurable impact.
 Overall, Visionize AI stands as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of AI to achieve their goals and propel growth.
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What is Visionize Ai?
Vision AI is a peculiar sports-changing model crafted by complex algorithms and AI technology. It aims to just do that (don’t use double words). Specifically, its objective is to take the world’s imagery design to another next level. It does this by the way of using simple automatic techniques and additional design alternatives.
How does Visionize Ai differ from other design tools like Canva?
Visionize AI became quickly famous as a tool that can simplify the design usually performed by the industry’s front runner. Therefore, it is referred to as a Canva killer. It utilizes modern AI-driven models that offer personalized design suggestions, templates, and layouts. Also, it supplies libraries of inspiration and designs.
How does Visionize AI work?
The Visionize AI understands data in large volumes and skips the job of humans for many design work. It will offer advice and recommendations specific to each project, as well as different templates and layouts that have a personalized touch. Plugging the AI into the development process dramatically speeds up the workflow of design and gives a considerable library of inspirations and design objects.
Who can benefit from using Visionize AI?
Our solution focuses on meeting two major groups’ needs, those who are professional at the same time and beginners. Its easy-to-use interface can be mastered by all levels of users and can even be managed by drag and drop. Professionals with design skills are going to be flattered by the ability to use AI’s advanced automation abilities to save time and the creative work left off by the newcomers would only be their costly templates and design inspirations.
What sets Visionize Ai apart from other AI models?
It is indeed true that Visionise Ai is the “Daddy of all AI Models”. Advancements in Modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will ensure Visionise is ahead of other design solution providers. Those powerful si eleenes have API that allows user customization, they fo seek to remain cutting edge in the designer sector simply because they are now superior among their peers.
What are the advantages of using Visionize AI?
The Visionize Ai technological solutions offer several benefits over the improvisations. First, its automation characteristics save time for designers leaving them to rationally work on their more strategic endeavors. Then, you use this AI base with its suggestions and templates to enable you to add more creative ideas and this inspires you. Finally, Visionize Ai’s (this company’s) top technology makes the most recent design trends and the most advanced features available as well as up-to-date.
How can Visionize Ai unlock my design potential?
Whether a seasoned expert in graphic design or a toddler, this tool frees your creativity and enables you to innovate. In line with its user-friendly interface, the strong AI components empower experiments, experiments, and artistic visualization using advanced models making the audience involved and intrigued.
Is Visionize Ai suitable for all types of graphic design projects?
Visionize Ai does all of the graphic design projects that are mentioned here. Its collection of templates as well as design elements gives many options to users who can modify them to suit their design needs, as they are versatile and can work for a range of designs.
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thetatechnolabs · 4 months
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Weed management is a critical aspect of agriculture, significantly impacting crop yields and farming efficiency. Traditional weed control methods, such as manual weeding and chemical herbicides, are often labor-intensive, costly, and environmentally damaging. In response to these challenges, the development of automated weed detection systems has emerged as a transformative solution. Leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision, these systems promise precise, efficient, and eco-friendly weed management. Particularly in regions like Ahmedabad, known for its burgeoning tech industry, the expertise in computer vision development has been pivotal in advancing these technologies.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Open-Source Platform Cuts Costs for Running AI - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/open-source-platform-cuts-costs-for-running-ai-technology-org/
Open-Source Platform Cuts Costs for Running AI - Technology Org
Cornell researchers have released a new, open-source platform called Cascade that can run artificial intelligence (AI) models in a way that slashes expenses and energy costs while dramatically improving performance.
Artificial intelligence hardware – artistic interpretation. Image credit: Alius Noreika, created with AI Image Creator
Cascade is designed for settings like smart traffic intersections, medical diagnostics, equipment servicing using augmented reality, digital agriculture, smart power grids and automatic product inspection during manufacturing – situations where AI models must react within a fraction of a second. It is already in use by College of Veterinary Medicine researchers monitoring cows for risk of mastitis.
With the rise of AI, many companies are eager to leverage new capabilities but worried about the associated computing costs and the risks of sharing private data with AI companies or sending sensitive information into the cloud – far-off servers accessed through the internet.
Also, today’s AI models are slow, limiting their use in settings where data must be transferred back and forth or the model is controlling an automated system. 
A team led by Ken Birman, professor of computer science in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, combined several innovations to address these concerns.
Birman partnered with Weijia Song, a senior research associate, to develop an edge computing system they named Cascade. Edge computing is an approach that places the computation and data storage closer to the sources of data, protecting sensitive information. Song’s “zero copy” edge computing design minimizes data movement.
The AI models don’t have to wait to fetch data when reacting to an event, which enables faster responses, the researchers said.
“Cascade enables users to put machine learning and data fusion really close to the edge of the internet, so artificially intelligent actions can occur instantly,” Birman said. “This contrasts with standard cloud computing approaches, where the frequent movement of data from machine to machine forces those same AIs to wait, resulting in long delays perceptible to the user.” 
Cascade is giving impressive results, with most programs running two to 10 times faster than cloud-based applications, and some computer vision tasks speeding up by factors of 20 or more. Larger AI models see the most benefit.
Moreover, the approach is easy to use: “Cascade often requires no changes at all to the AI software,” Birman said.
Alicia Yang, a doctoral student in the field of computer science, was one of several student researchers in the effort. She developed Navigator, a memory manager and task scheduler for AI workflows that further boosts performance.
“Navigator really pays off when a number of applications need to share expensive hardware,” Yang said. “Compared to cloud-based approaches, Navigator accomplishes the same work in less time and uses the hardware far more efficiently.”
In CVM, Parminder Basran, associate research professor of medical oncology in the Department of Clinical Sciences, and Matthias Wieland, Ph.D. ’21, assistant professor in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, are using Cascade to monitor dairy cows for signs of increased mastitis – a common infection in the mammary gland that reduces milk production.
By imaging the udders of thousands of cows during each milking session and comparing the new photos to those from past milkings, an AI model running on Cascade identifies dry skin, open lesions, rough teat ends and other changes that may signal disease. If early symptoms are detected, cows could be subjected to a medicinal rinse at the milking station to potentially head off a full-blown infection.
Thiago Garrett, a visiting researcher from the University of Oslo, used Cascade to build a prototype “smart traffic intersection.”
His solution tracks crowded settings packed with people, cars, bicycles and other objects, anticipates possible collisions and warns of risks – within milliseconds after images are captured. When he ran the same AI model on a cloud computing infrastructure, it took seconds to sense possible accidents, far too late to sound a warning.
With the new open-source release, Birman’s group hopes other researchers will explore possible uses for Cascade, making AI applications more widely accessible.
“Our goal is to see it used,” Birman said. “Our Cornell effort is supported by the government and many companies. This open-source release will allow the public to benefit from what we created.”
Source: Cornell University
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gadgetsboy · 1 year
MediaTek and NVIDIA Team up for Automotive AI
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With more and more auto manufacturers pushing for smarter vehicles, there's been a considerably growing demand for more powerful smart automotive platforms, going beyond the simple act of pairing your smartphone with your car's Bluetooth console (think 'K.I.T.T.' from Knight Rider). It's no surprise then that we've seen an uptick of specially-designed hardware and software solutions that provide entertainment and navigation features for drivers and passengers alike. With that being said, MediaTek's push towards putting more AI tech into everyday consumer products has certainly yielded some very interesting results, and the company's newly-announced collaboration with PC gaming giant NVIDIA aims to do the same, at least in terms of automotive applications. More specifically, the mobile chip manufacturer formally announced that it has entered into a partnership with NVIDIA to develop new AI-powered software for vehicles, with the goal of creating a "smart cabin" for drivers and passengers. This collaboration will enable MediaTek to develop automotive SoCs, which will in turn integrate a new NVIDIA GPU "chiplet" with support for NVIDIA AI and graphics IP. Interestingly, these chiplets will be connected by specially-developed interconnect technology, at least according to MediaTek. Rick Tsai, Vice Chairman and CEO of MediaTek states: “NVIDIA is a world-renowned pioneer and industry leader in AI and computing. With this partnership,our collaborative vision is to provide a global one-stop shop for the automotive industry, designing thenext generation of intelligent, always-connected vehicles. Through this special collaboration with NVIDIA, we will together be able to offer a truly unique platform for the compute intensive, software-defined vehicle of the future.” NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang says this combination of MediaTek and NVIDIA hardware will "enable new user experiences, enhanced safety and new connected services for all vehicle segments, from luxury to mainstream.” MediaTek adds that its smart cabin solutions will run NVIDIA DRIVE OS, DRIVE IX, CUDA and TensorRT software technologies. This then allows consumers to experience a full range of AI cabin and cockpit functionality with integrated AI, safety, and security features as well. While NVIDIA is more known to consumers as a PC and gaming-centric brand, the company does put a considerable amount of investment towards the development and production of AI and IoT (internet of things) technology, in addition to its powerful GPUs and processors. The Taiwanese company further states that by allowing MediaTek to tap into NVIDIA’s core expertise in AI, cloud, graphics technology, software and pairing with NVIDIA ADAS solutions, we can expect to see further improvement to the capabilities of the Dimensity Auto platform, MediaTek's flagship automotive software product. Dimensity Auto is designed for vehicles with support for compatible smart features. With all that being said, it should be interesting to see how both companies approach this new partnership, both on hardware and business fronts. Read the full article
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farinoishi01 · 2 years
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Purpose & Vision of SEO Expate The biggest international provider of internet information technology today is SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd. There, this corporation maintains positions in the data storage, computer software, and hardware industries. Web design, digital marketing, and SEO services are the major focuses of our work. We also offer social media marketing, graphic design, web development, and other services on the digital platform.
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