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eximintell · 1 year ago
Safeguard Your Commission Fee in Import-Export Business
Join us as we dive into effective strategies and expert advice on how to secure that well-deserved commission fee in the exhilarating realm of import-export business.
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heartlandfundinginc · 5 months ago
What Should I Budget for if I Sell My House on My Own in Chicago?
Planning to sell your house in Chicago on your own? Before you take the plunge, make sure you're prepared for the costs involved. From marketing to legal fees, budgeting is key to a smooth sale. Read our full guide to learn more!
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esquizo3214378 · 2 months ago
// Bitburner Optimized Trading Script (Refined Strategy)
// Goal: Maximize profit by prioritizing upward movement forecast, considering volatility secondarily.
/** @param {NS} ns */
export async function main(ns) {
    const commissionFee = 100000; // Transaction commission fee
    const forecastThreshold = 0.6; // Minimum forecast to consider a stock
    const minInvestment = 10000000; // Minimum investment per trade to offset commission costs
    while (true) {
        let playerMoney = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home"); // Player's available money
        const stocks = ns.stock.getSymbols(); // List of all stocks
        let stockMetrics = [];
        for (const stock of stocks) {
            const forecast = ns.stock.getForecast(stock); // Prediction of price movement (0.5 is neutral)
            const volatility = ns.stock.getVolatility(stock); // Stock volatility
            const maxShares = ns.stock.getMaxShares(stock);
            const askPrice = ns.stock.getAskPrice(stock);
            const ownedShares = ns.stock.getPosition(stock)[0]; // Shares already owned
            // Filter stocks by forecast threshold
            if (forecast > forecastThreshold) {
        // Sort stocks by forecast (descending), breaking ties with volatility (descending)
        stockMetrics.sort((a, b) => b.forecast - a.forecast || b.volatility - a.volatility);
        // Allocate funds to best stocks first
        for (const { stock, maxShares, askPrice, ownedShares } of stockMetrics) {
            const availableShares = maxShares - ownedShares; // Remaining shares available to purchase
            if (availableShares <= 0) {
                ns.print(`Cannot buy more shares of ${stock}. Maximum shares owned.`);
            const affordableShares = Math.min(Math.floor((playerMoney - commissionFee) / askPrice), availableShares);
            const cost = affordableShares * askPrice + commissionFee;
            // Ensure investment meets minimum threshold
            if (affordableShares > 0 && cost >= minInvestment && cost <= playerMoney) {
                const purchasedShares = ns.stock.buyStock(stock, affordableShares);
                if (purchasedShares > 0) {
                    ns.print(`Bought ${purchasedShares} shares of ${stock} at ${askPrice} per share.`);
                    playerMoney -= cost; // Update available money
                } else {
                    ns.print(`Failed to buy shares of ${stock}.`);
            } else {
                ns.print(`Skipping ${stock} - Investment below minimum threshold or insufficient funds.`);
        // Reassess holdings for selling
        for (const stock of stocks) {
            const [sharesOwned, avgPrice] = ns.stock.getPosition(stock);
            const forecast = ns.stock.getForecast(stock);
            const bidPrice = ns.stock.getBidPrice(stock);
            if (sharesOwned > 0 && (forecast < forecastThreshold || forecast < 0.5)) {
                const profit = (bidPrice - avgPrice) * sharesOwned - commissionFee;
                ns.stock.sellStock(stock, sharesOwned);
                ns.print(`Sold ${sharesOwned} shares of ${stock} for profit: ${profit}.`);
        ns.print("Cycle complete. Waiting 6 seconds.");
        await ns.sleep(6000); // 6 seconds to avoid overtrading
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yoyumm · 4 years ago
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One of the important components of growth propellers to accelerate your online food delivery business outcomes is “Revenue Channels”
Here are Effective Revenue Channels For Yo!Yumm Powered Food Delivery
Platforms that include:
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marvinvotaw-blog · 6 years ago
Ultra Test XR Researchers at Florida State UniversityCollege saidstatedmentioned that apples are a "miracle fruit." In theirOf their studyresearchexamine, the investigators founddiscovered that older womenladiesgirls who startedbegan a regime of eatingconsuming apples dailyevery dayday by dayeach day experiencedskilled a 3 percent%p.c drop in levelsranges of baddangerousunhealthy cholesterolldl cholesterol LDL and a 4four percent%p.c increaseimproveenhance in good cholesterolldl cholesterol HDL after justsimply 6 months.One studyresearchexamine measured levelsranges of cortisol in childrenyoungsterskids undergoingpresent process a standarda normala regularan ordinarya typical medical procedureprocess. In additionAs well as, usingutilizing a highexcessive-qualityhigh quality manhood healthwell being crème can keepmaintainholdpreserve skinpores and skin of the penis elastic and replenished with water. Now, a newa brand new studyresearchexamine showsexhibitsreveals that Medicare patientssufferers discharged from the hospital and into homehouseresidencedwelling healthwell being care have highergreaterlargerincreased ratescharges of hospital readmissions compared toin comparison with thosethese discharged to a skilleda talented nursing facility.As wellproperlynicelyeffectively, the InternationalWorldwide CommissionFee for Electromagnetic SafetySecurity has statedsaidacknowledged many timesoccasionsinstances that EMFs have documented negativeadverseunfavorabledamagingdestructiveunfavourabledetrimental effectsresults on the healthwell being of livingdwellingresiding matter at everyeach leveldegreestage of investigation: molecular, cellularmobile, animal and human populationinhabitants levelsranges. RecommendationSuggestionAdvice As cuttingslicingchoppingreducing out sugar does notdoesn't starve the cancermost cancers cells, a sugar free dietfood regimenfood planweight-reduction planweight loss planeating regimenweight loss program is notisn'tjust isn'tis just notshouldn't bewill not be recommendedbeneficialreally helpfuladvisablereally useful beforeearlier than or duringthroughout treatmentremedytherapy. http://www.garciniamarket.com/ultra-test-xr/
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catypience-blog · 6 years ago
Ultra Test XR Lu and Dr. Jeff Temple, anotherone other authorwritercreator of the studyresearchexamine and a professor at UTMB, surveyed participantsindividualsmemberscontributors in a longan extendeda protracted-termtime period studyresearchexamine about their firearm possession and use as well asin addition to about anxietynervousnessanxiousness, depressionmelancholydespair, stress, posttraumatic stress disorderdysfunction , hostility, impulsivity, borderline personalitycharacterpersona disorderdysfunction , mentalpsychological healthwell being treatmentremedytherapy and otherdifferent demographic detailsparticulars.The Alberta Utilities CommissionFee AUC had essentiallyprimarilybasically ignored the volumes of healthwell being riskdangerthreat dataknowledgeinformation and expertprofessionalskilledknowledgeable testimony presentedintroducedoffered to it, and unfortunatelysadly approvedaccreditedpermittedacceptedauthorisedauthorized the buildingconstructing of the Heartland line nextsubsequent to 5to five,80 homeshousesproperties, severala number of schoolsfacultiescolleges and daycare centres, and manyand lots ofand plenty of businessescompanies.A 000 studyresearchexamine in thewithin the New England Journal of MedicineDrugsMedication founddiscovered that routine preoperative testschecksexamsassessments for cataract surgerysurgical procedure are of limitedrestricted medical valueworth for patientssufferers, buthowever a later studyresearchexamine, publishedrevealedprinted in the samethe identical journal in 015, founddiscovered that the procedures are stillnonetheless commonlygenerally performedcarried out acrossthroughout the U.S. healthwell being care system. http://www.garciniamarket.com/ultra-test-xr/
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eximintell · 1 year ago
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Safeguard Your Commission Fee in Import-Export Business
Join us as we dive into effective strategies and expert advice on how to secure that well-deserved commission fee in the exhilarating realm of import-export business.
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