#Commercial title insurance services
nexgentitle-agency · 5 months
Imagine you've finally found the perfect commercial property – the location is ideal, the space is perfect for your business, and you're ready to take the leap. You close the deal, feeling confident and excited. But then, a few months later, you receive a notification: someone is challenging your ownership of the property. This is a commercial title claim, and it can be a stressful situation for any business owner.
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Skip The Trip To The N.Y. State Department of Motor Vehicles - We Are Now An Approved Private Service Bureau
Fusco Insurance, Retirement $ Wealth Planning Services would like to announce we are now a fully approved New York State Department of Motor Vehicle Private Service Bureau. What that means is we can now transact on your behalf the following transactions: The permitted transactions include but are not limited to: Registrations – Renewals, transfers, duplicates, and lost/stolen,…
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misfitwashere · 1 year
If You Don't Know Medicare Advantage Is a Scam, You're Not Paying Attention
We’re on the edge of the open enrollment period for Medicare, and the Advantage scammers will be carpet-bombing America with advertisements over the next few months. Don't be fooled about what it is—and who is profiting.
Thom Hartmann
Oct 07, 2023
Common Dreams
President George W. Bush and Republicans (and a handful of on-the-take Democrats) in Congress created the Medicare Advantage scam in 2003 as a way of routing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of for-profit insurance companies.
Those companies, and their executives, then recycle some of that profit back into politicians’ pockets via the Citizens United legalized bribery loophole created by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.
Just the overcharges happening right now in that scam are costing Americans over $140 billion a year: more than the entire budget for the Medicare Part B or Part D programs. These ripoffs — that our federal government seems to have no interest in stopping — are draining the Medicare trust fund while ensnaring gullible seniors in private insurance programs where they’re often denied life-saving care.
Real Medicare pays bills when they’re presented. Medicare Advantage insurance companies, on the other hand, get a fixed dollar amount every year for each of the people enrolled in their programs, regardless of how much they spent on each customer.
As a result, Medicare Advantage programs make the greatest profits for their CEOs and shareholders when they actively refuse to pay for care, something that happens frequently. It’s a safe bet that nearly 100 percent of the people who sign up for Advantage programs don’t know this and don’t have any idea how badly screwed they could be if they get seriously ill.
Not only that, when people do figure out they’ve been duped and try to get back on real Medicare, the same insurance companies often punish them by refusing to write Medigap plans (that fill in the 20% hole in real Medicare). They can’t do that when you first sign up when you turn 65, but if you “leave” real Medicare for privatized Medicare Advantage, it can be damn hard to get back on it.
The doctors’ group Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) just published a shocking report on the extent of the Medicare Advantage ripoffs — both to individual customers and to Medicare itself — that every American should know about.
The report, titled Our Payments, Their Profits, opens with this shocking exposé:
“By our estimate, and based on 2022 spending, Medicare Advantage overcharges taxpayers by a minimum of 22% or $88 billion per year, and potentially by up to 35% or $140 billion. By comparison, Part B premiums in 2022 totaled approximately $131 billion, and overall federal spending on Part D drug benefits cost approximately $126 billion. Either of these — or other crucial aspects of Medicare and Medicaid — could be funded entirely by eliminating overcharges in the Medicare Advantage program. “Medicare Advantage, also known as MA or Medicare Part C, is a privately administered insurance program that uses a capitated payment structure, as opposed to the fee-for-service (FFS) structure of Traditional Medicare or TM. Instead of paying directly for the health care of beneficiaries, the federal government gives a lump sum of money to a third party (generally a commercial insurer) to ‘manage’ patient care.”
With real Medicare and a Medigap plan, you talk with your physician or hospital and decide on your treatment, they bill Medicare, and you never see or hear about the bill. There is nobody between you and your physician or hospital and Medicare only goes after the payment they’ve made if they sniff out a fraud.
With Medicare Advantage, on the other hand, your insurance company gets a lump-sum payment from Medicare every year and keeps the difference between what they get and what they pay out. They then insert themselves between you and your doctor or hospital to avoid paying for whatever they can.
Whatever you decide on regarding treatment, many Advantage insurance company will regularly second-guess and do everything they can to intimidate you into paying yourself out-of-pocket. Often, they simply refuse payment and wait for you to file a complaint against them; for people seriously ill the cumbersome “appeals” process is often more than they can handle.
As a result, hospitals and doctor groups across the nation are beginning to refuse to take Medicare Advantage patients. California-based Scripps Health, for example, cares for around 30,000 people on Medicare Advantage and recently notified all of them that Scripps will no longer offer medical services to them unless they pay out-of-pocket or revert back to real Medicare.
They made this decision because over $75 million worth of services and procedures their physicians had recommended to their patients were turned down by Medicare Advantage insurance companies. In many cases, Scripps had already provided the care and is now stuck with the bills that the Advantage companies refuse to pay.
Scripps CEO Chris Van Gorder told MedPage Today:
“We are a patient care organization and not a patient denial organization and, in many ways, the model of managed care has always been about denying or delaying care – at least economically. That is why denials, [prior] authorizations and administrative processes have become a very big issue for physicians and hospitals...”
Similarly, the Mayo Clinic has warned its customers in Florida and Arizona that they won’t accept Medicare Advantage any more, either. Increasing numbers of physician groups and hospitals are simply over being ripped off by Advantage insurance companies.
Not only is the Medicare Advantage scam a screw job for healthcare providers and people who are on the programs and are unfortunate enough to get sick, it’s also preventing Americans from getting expanded benefits from real Medicare.
As the PNHP report notes, for real Medicare to provide comprehensive vision, dental, and hearing benefits to all Medicare recipients would cost the system around $84 billion a year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Instead, though, the Medicare system is burdened with at least that amount of money in over-payments to Medicare Advantage providers — over-payments that have no health benefit whatsoever and merely inflate the companies’ profits.
A hundred billion dollars in excess profits can be put to a lot of uses, and the health insurance industry is quite good at it. The former CEO of UnitedHealth, “Dollar” Bill McGuire, for example, made off with over $1.5 billion dollars for his efforts.
And, because five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court legalized political bribery with their Citizens United decision, some of these companies allocate millions every year (a mere drop in the bucket) to pay off loyal members of Congress and to dangle high-paying future jobs to high-level employees of CMS who have the power to keep the gravy train going and thwart prosecutions.
As PNHP noted:
“Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American health care, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often life-saving treatment. While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand Traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries, the deep structural problems with our health care system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All.”
We’re on the edge of the open enrollment period for Medicare, and the Advantage scammers will be carpet-bombing America with advertisements over the next few months. Representatives Pocan, Khanna, and Schakowsky have introduced the “Save Medicare Act” that would ban Advantage companies from using the word Medicare in their advertising.
They made a video about it that’s well worth sharing with friends and family:
As Schakowsky, Khanna, and Pocan note, “Only Medicare is Medicare.” Don’t be fooled by the Medicare Advantage scam.
And now that you know, pass it on and save somebody else’s health!
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kp777 · 1 year
By Thom Hartmann
Common Dreams
Oct. 7, 2023
President George W. Bush and Republicans (and a handful of on-the-take Democrats) in Congress created the Medicare Advantage scam in 2003 as a way of routing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of for-profit insurance companies.
Those companies, and their executives, then recycle some of that profit back into politicians’ pockets via the Citizens United legalized bribery loophole created by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.
Just the overcharges happening right now in that scam are costing Americans over $140 billion a year: more than the entire budget for the Medicare Part B or Part D programs. These ripoffs — that our federal government seems to have no interest in stopping — are draining the Medicare trust fund while ensnaring gullible seniors in private insurance programs where they’re often denied life-saving care.
Real Medicare pays bills when they’re presented. Medicare Advantage insurance companies, on the other hand, get a fixed dollar amount every year for each of the people enrolled in their programs, regardless of how much they spent on each customer.
As a result, Medicare Advantage programs make the greatest profits for their CEOs and shareholders when they actively refuse to pay for care, something that happens frequently. It’s a safe bet that nearly 100 percent of the people who sign up for Advantage programs don’t know this and don’t have any idea how badly screwed they could be if they get seriously ill.
Not only that, when people do figure out they’ve been duped and try to get back on real Medicare, the same insurance companies often punish them by refusing to write Medigap plans (that fill in the 20% hole in real Medicare). They can’t do that when you first sign up when you turn 65, but if you “leave” real Medicare for privatized Medicare Advantage, it can be damn hard to get back on it.
The doctors’ group Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) just published a shocking report on the extent of the Medicare Advantage ripoffs — both to individual customers and to Medicare itself — that every American should know about.
The report, titled Our Payments, Their Profits, opens with this shocking exposé:
“By our estimate, and based on 2022 spending, Medicare Advantage overcharges taxpayers by a minimum of 22% or $88 billion per year, and potentially by up to 35% or $140 billion. By comparison, Part B premiums in 2022 totaled approximately $131 billion, and overall federal spending on Part D drug benefits cost approximately $126 billion. Either of these — or other crucial aspects of Medicare and Medicaid — could be funded entirely by eliminating overcharges in the Medicare Advantage program. “Medicare Advantage, also known as MA or Medicare Part C, is a privately administered insurance program that uses a capitated payment structure, as opposed to the fee-for-service (FFS) structure of Traditional Medicare or TM. Instead of paying directly for the health care of beneficiaries, the federal government gives a lump sum of money to a third party (generally a commercial insurer) to ‘manage’ patient care.”
With real Medicare and a Medigap plan, you talk with your physician or hospital and decide on your treatment, they bill Medicare, and you never see or hear about the bill. There is nobody between you and your physician or hospital and Medicare only goes after the payment they’ve made if they sniff out a fraud.
With Medicare Advantage, on the other hand, your insurance company gets a lump-sum payment from Medicare every year and keeps the difference between what they get and what they pay out. They then insert themselves between you and your doctor or hospital to avoid paying for whatever they can.
Whatever you decide on regarding treatment, many Advantage insurance company will regularly second-guess and do everything they can to intimidate you into paying yourself out-of-pocket. Often, they simply refuse payment and wait for you to file a complaint against them; for people seriously ill the cumbersome “appeals” process is often more than they can handle.
As a result, hospitals and doctor groups across the nation are beginning to refuse to take Medicare Advantage patients. California-based Scripps Health, for example, cares for around 30,000 people on Medicare Advantage and recently notified all of them that Scripps will no longer offer medical services to them unless they pay out-of-pocket or revert back to real Medicare.
They made this decision because over $75 million worth of services and procedures their physicians had recommended to their patients were turned down by Medicare Advantage insurance companies. In many cases, Scripps had already provided the care and is now stuck with the bills that the Advantage companies refuse to pay.
Scripps CEO Chris Van Gorder told MedPage Today:
“We are a patient care organization and not a patient denial organization and, in many ways, the model of managed care has always been about denying or delaying care – at least economically. That is why denials, [prior] authorizations and administrative processes have become a very big issue for physicians and hospitals...”
Similarly, the Mayo Clinic has warned its customers in Florida and Arizona that they won’t accept Medicare Advantage any more, either. Increasing numbers of physician groups and hospitals are simply over being ripped off by Advantage insurance companies.
Not only is the Medicare Advantage scam a screw job for healthcare providers and people who are on the programs and are unfortunate enough to get sick, it’s also preventing Americans from getting expanded benefits from real Medicare.
As the PNHP report notes, for real Medicare to provide comprehensive vision, dental, and hearing benefits to all Medicare recipients would cost the system around $84 billion a year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Instead, though, the Medicare system is burdened with at least that amount of money in over-payments to Medicare Advantage providers — over-payments that have no health benefit whatsoever and merely inflate the companies’ profits.
A hundred billion dollars in excess profits can be put to a lot of uses, and the health insurance industry is quite good at it. The former CEO of UnitedHealth, “Dollar” Bill McGuire, for example, made off with over $1.5 billion dollars for his efforts.
And, because five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court legalized political bribery with their Citizens United decision, some of these companies allocate millions every year (a mere drop in the bucket) to pay off loyal members of Congress and to dangle high-paying future jobs to high-level employees of CMS who have the power to keep the gravy train going and thwart prosecutions.
As PNHP noted:
“Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American health care, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often life-saving treatment. While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand Traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries, the deep structural problems with our health care system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All.”
We’re on the edge of the open enrollment period for Medicare, and the Advantage scammers will be carpet-bombing America with advertisements over the next few months. Representatives Pocan, Khanna, and Schakowsky have introduced the “Save Medicare Act” that would ban Advantage companies from using the word Medicare in their advertising.
They made a video about it that’s well worth sharing with friends and family:
As Schakowsky, Khanna, and Pocan note, “Only Medicare is Medicare.” Don’t be fooled by the Medicare Advantage scam.
And now that you know, pass it on and save somebody else’s health!
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jamieroxxartist · 3 months
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Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Episode #1409 of 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guests:
Doug Strong (#Director, Co-#Writer) & Kira L. Wilson (#Actress) The Parallels of Loneliness; #Film | #Short, #drama
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #DougStrong & #KiraLWilson ( #TheParallelsofLoneliness; Film | Short, Drama) to the Show!
● IMDB (Film) www.imdb.com/title/tt31433636 ● IMDB (Doug) www.imdb.com/name/nm9950977 ● IMDB (Kira) www.imdb.com/name/nm8381237
The Parallels of Loneliness was originally made for Winterfilm XI competition. It was nominated for 10 awards and took home trophies for: Best Picture, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Lead Female Actor. This film has been revised and sent to numerous film festivals around the world. At this time, it will only be viewable during the festival screenings.
Doug Strong is a director, editor, writer, and cinematographer from Cincinnati, Ohio. Known for River Road, Psycho Bastard, 24 Percent, and The Parallels of Loneliness, He's won many awards for his work including Best Film: Psycho Bastard (Fright Film 2021), Best Narrative Short: Psycho Bastard (Blue Chip Media Awards 2022), Best Cinematography: 24 Percent (Winterfilm 2023) and Best Film and Best Cinematography: The Parallels of Loneliness (Winterfilm 2024). Best Kill for Psycho Bastard 2022 (Days of the Dead Indianapolis) and Doug has also been nominated by Cincinnati City Beat Magazine for Best Local Filmmaker 4 years in a row. He has two dogs, a German Shepherd named Elio and a red Boston Terrier named Apple. Next up for Doug is the Fright Film competition in August 2024, and currently he's doing a film festival run with Parallels of Loneliness, already being officially selected for 2 upcoming festivals including DMoff and Hilliard. A feature-length horror film could be on the horizon. Favorite movies include John Carpenter's Halloween, and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.
Kira L. Wilson is a multi-award winning actress, production designer, and producer from Dayton, Ohio represented by Heyman Talent Agency as well as Talent Fusion. 8 years ago, Kira was a full-time insurance agent and happened to “fall into” acting on a local feature film. It had always been her dream to be an actor but never had the opportunity to do so until then. After a highly successful 2 years of networking and acting work, she left her career of 20 years to pursue acting professionally. In addition to acting, she has produced a number of highly successful short films, worked on production design/set decorating, and wardrobing, has been a location manager quite a few times, and assisted with casting projects.
Kira has been involved in over 200 projects such as commercials, print modeling, short & feature films, music videos, and industrials and can be seen on numerous streaming services and television programs for AppleTV, Amazon Prime, Tubi, Roku Channel, Cineverse, Oxygen, TVOne, and HLN networks. Kira is also known by many of her industry peers as “The Chameleon” for her ability to physically transform into practically any character thus making her a well sought after actor to portray biographical roles.
When she’s not working on projects and studying her craft, Kira enjoys traveling, watching movies, attending film festivals, filming alternative hair educational videos on Instagram and YouTube, cooking, volunteering, and fostering for animal rescue, interior design, and spending time with her family and 3 dogs.
● Media Inquiries: Doug Strong, FB: @DougStrong Kira L. Wilson, FB @kira8899
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Boat Surveyor Miami Florida: Why Miami, Florida is a Hub for Top-Notch Boat Surveyors
### Boat Surveyor Miami Florida: Why Miami, Florida is a Hub for Top-Notch Boat Surveyors Miami, known for its vibrant culture and bustling maritime scene, is unsurprisingly home to some of the most skilled professionals in marine surveying. If you're on the lookout for a **boat surveyor miami florida**, you will find that this location offers more than just picturesque views—it's a hub for top-notch marine expertise. When considering where to conduct marine surveys, many choose boat surveyor miami florida due to the extensive services they offer. The coastal position of Miami makes it an ideal place for marine industries, including boat surveying. Here, boat surveyor miami florida are well-versed in handling a variety of boats from luxury yachts to commercial vessels. Why exactly does boat surveyor miami florida stand out? One reason is the sheer volume of maritime traffic that passes through Florida’s ports. This gives boat surveyor miami florida ample opportunity to gain experience in a range of surveying scenarios, ensuring comprehensive knowledge in both practical and technical aspects of marine survey. Boat surveyor miami florida often finds themselves busy throughout the year. Florida's climate allows for extended boating seasons which keeps boat surveyor miami florida continuously engaged. This frequent interaction with different boats enhances their expertise, keeping them updated with the latest marine surveying technologies and practices. Furthermore, training and certifications required to become a boat surveyor miami florida are rigorous and thorough. This ensures that only the most capable individuals provide services under the title of boat surveyor miami florida. High standards mean that whether you’re buying, selling, or maintaining a vessel, relying on boat surveyor miami florida guarantees detailed and reliable assessments. Marine Survey Information plays a critical role in this region, not only supporting the endeavors of boat surveyor miami florida but also contributing to safer marine operations. It’s no surprise then that Marine Survey Information frequently highlights the work done by boat surveyor miami florida, showcasing the importance of their role in maritime safety and transaction transparency. The reputation of boat surveyor miami florida also benefits greatly from local businesses like Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting. Companies such as Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting depend on the detailed reports provided by boat surveyor miami florida to ensure the condition and value of the vessels meet client expectations and industry standards. It’s also worth noting that boat surveyor miami florida interacts frequently with other marine professionals—from mechanics to marine insurers. This network allows boat surveyor miami florida to stay at the forefront of industry developments and regulations, further enhancing their service quality. Choosing a boat surveyor miami florida means engaging with someone who not only has geographical advantage but also boasts a depth of experience facilitated by Miami's status as a thriving nautical hub. Whether it’s insurance surveys, damage assessments, or pre-purchase evaluations, boat surveyor miami florida is equipped to handle it with precision and professional acumen. Educational opportunities in and around Miami also benefit boat surveyor miami florida. Many institutions offer specialized programs focused on maritime studies and marine surveying, allowing aspiring boat surveyor miami florida to access cutting-edge education right at the heart of one of America’s busiest marinas. In conclusion, selecting a boat surveyor miami florida is not merely about finding someone to evaluate your vessel; it’s about accessing a wealth of maritime experience and expertise concentrated in one of the United States' prime boating capitals. With support from essential local companies like Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting, and the rich resource pool provided by Marine Survey Information, boat surveyor miami florida stands ready to meet all your marine survey needs with unmatched professionalism and insight.
boat surveyor miami florida
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natsthewriter · 2 days
Used Cars - Should I Buy One?
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Used cars in Yorkshire, also known as a pre-owned or second-hand car, is a vehicle that has been previously owned and driven by one or more individuals before being offered for sale again. These premium used cars are typically sold by dealerships, private sellers, or through auctions.
Reasons why people prefer to buy used cars:
Lower Cost: Used luxury vehicles for sale are generally less expensive than new cars. This makes them more affordable for many buyers who are looking to save money on their purchase.
Depreciation: New cars lose a significant portion of their value as soon as they are driven off the dealership lot. By purchasing a used car, buyers avoid the steepest part of the depreciation curve, which occurs in the first few years of a car's life.
Lower Insurance Rates: Insurance costs are often lower for used cars because the value of the car is less than that of a new car. This can lead to significant savings over time.
Variety of Options: The used car market offers a wide range of makes, models, and years, giving buyers more options to find a car that fits their specific needs and budget.
Reduced Fees: Used cars often come with lower registration fees and taxes, as these costs are usually based on the car's value, which is lower for used vehicles.
Certified Pre-Owned Programs: Many dealerships offer certified pre-owned (CPO) programs where used cars go through rigorous inspections and come with warranties, giving buyers peace of mind similar to buying a new car but at a lower cost.
Availability of Vehicle History Reports: Tools like Carfax or AutoCheck allow buyers to access the history of a used car, including previous ownership, accident history, and maintenance records, helping them make an informed purchase decision.
Less Worry About Wear and Tear: Since used cars are already broken in, buyers may feel less stressed about minor damages, dings, or mileage, compared to owning a brand-new vehicle.
These factors make used cars an attractive option for many people looking to balance quality with affordability.
What to look for when buying a used car
When buying used cars for sale in Yorkshire, it is important to carefully evaluate the vehicle to ensure you're getting a good deal and avoiding potential problems. Here is a checklist of things to look for:
Vehicle History Report
Accident History: Check if the car has been in any accidents, as this can affect its performance and safety.
Title Status: Ensure the car has a clean title, meaning it hasn’t been declared a total loss by an insurance company.
Ownership History: Look at the number of previous owners and whether the car was used for personal or commercial purposes.
Service Records: Review maintenance records to ensure the car was regularly serviced.
Exterior Inspection
Body Condition: Look for dents, scratches, rust, and mismatched paint that might indicate previous damage or repairs.
Tires: Check the tire tread depth and for any uneven wear, which could indicate alignment issues.
Lights and Lenses: Ensure all lights, including headlights, taillights, and turn signals, are functioning and that the lenses are not cracked or fogged.
Interior Inspection
Upholstery: Check for any tears, stains, or excessive wear on seats, carpets, and headliner.
Odours: Be wary of musty or mouldy smells, which could indicate water damage.
Electronics: Test all electronic components like the radio, infotainment system, air conditioning, and power windows to ensure they work properly.
Mechanical Check
Engine: Inspect the engine for leaks, corrosion, and the condition of hoses and belts.
Fluids: Check the levels and condition of the engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and coolant. Look for any signs of leaks.
Exhaust System: Examine the exhaust for black smoke or unusual noises, which could indicate engine problems.
Battery: Look at the battery’s age and check for corrosion on the terminals.
Test Drive
Steering: Make sure the steering feels responsive and that the car tracks straight without pulling to one side.
Braking: Test the brakes for responsiveness and listen for any unusual noises like squealing or grinding.
Transmission: Shift through all gears smoothly in both manual and automatic transmissions. Check for any hesitation or hard shifting.
Suspension: Drive over bumps to see if the car handles them smoothly and does not bounce excessively.
Compare the mileage to the age of the car. A car that is driven excessively or unusually low mileage could be a red flag.
High mileage cars are more prone to wear and tear, but low mileage might indicate underuse, which can also cause issues.
Ownership Costs
Insurance Rates: Check how much it will cost to insure the car based on its make, model, and year.
Fuel Efficiency: Consider the car’s fuel economy, as some older models may not be as efficient.
Maintenance Costs: Research typical repair costs for the model to ensure it is within your budget.
Negotiation and Warranty
Price Research: Use resources like Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds to understand the car’s market value and ensure you’re getting a fair deal.
Negotiation: Be prepared to negotiate based on any issues you’ve found during your inspection.
Warranty Options: Consider purchasing an extended warranty if the car is no longer covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, or ask if the dealership offers any coverage.
Professional Inspection
If you're not confident in your ability to assess the car, consider hiring a trusted mechanic to perform a thorough inspection before finalising the purchase.
Legal Considerations
Documentation: Ensure you receive all necessary documents, including the title, bill of sale, and any warranty papers.
VIN Verification: Make sure the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the car matches the one on the title and registration documents.
Taking these steps can help you avoid potential problems and make a more informed decision when buying a used car.
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vanita95 · 5 days
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SAMS Surveyors: SAMS Surveyors: The Gold Standard in Marine Surveying
Within the dynamic marine industry, sams surveyors represent the gold standard in excellence for Marine Survey Information. Essentially, Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting is a pioneering firm deploying sams surveyors to deliver unmatched services. The sams surveyors are not merely individuals holding a job title; they are highly trained professionals providing critical services within the marine industry. Servicing a broad range of vessels, from recreational boats to commercial ships, sams surveyors ensure that every vessel's structural integrity and operational performance is up to standard. Whether required for purchase, insurance, or safety inspections, sams surveyors are dedicated to performing comprehensive assessments. With an eye for detail that leaves no stone unturned, these experts guarantee peace of mind for boat owners and operators. Therefore, it is safe to say that when it comes to Marine Survey Information, sams surveyors play an invaluable role. Moreover, with changing regulations and advancing technologies, the expertise of sams surveyors is constantly evolving. The professionals at Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting and other firms utilize sams surveyors who are committed to ongoing professional development. In the world of marine surveys, the name sams surveyors has become synonymous with reliable insights and industry-leading professionalism. As we delve deeper into the work of sams surveyors, it becomes evident how vital their role is in maintaining safety standards in maritime operations. Performing thorough checks on various attributes such as hull condition, equipment functionality, and safety compliance, sams surveyors apply their extensive knowledge and skills to ensure that each vessel is seaworthy. Undeniably, the marine sector can be fraught with potential perils. As such, those within this industry rely heavily on the detailed reports provided by sams surveyors. These reports guide vessel owners and operators towards necessary maintenance measures or upgrades, leading to safer sailing experiences for everyone aboard. When discussing sams surveyors, it is important to highlight their role in the buying process. Anyone planning to buy a vessel can be assured they are making a sound investment by availing the services of sams surveyors. They provide impartial, accurate Marine Survey Information that aids prospective buyers in their decision-making process. Sams surveyors also play a key role when it comes to insurance requirements. Insurers often require one of these professional assessments to determine the exact condition and value of a vessel before providing coverage. Thus, sams surveyors facilitate smoother insurance processes for vessel owners. In effect, the varied roles played by sams surveyors underscore their significance in the marine industry. From aiding vessel purchases and ensuring compliance with safety regulations to facilitating insurance applications and providing peace of mind, sams surveyors contribute immensely across several verticals within this sector. Through Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting, a company steeped in maritime knowledge and experience, the expertise of sams surveyors is made readily accessible. They demonstrate unwavering commitment towards delivering thorough, unbiased surveys – further reinforcing why sams surveyors are the gold standard in Marine Survey Information. In conclusion, as we continually strive for safer seas and more informed decisions in the marine industry, the instrumental role of sams surveyors cannot be overstated. With their meticulous assessment procedures, deep-rooted understanding of maritime operations, and dedication to their work, sams surveyors prove time and again why they are the backbone of Marine Survey Information. Their relentless pursuit of excellence makes them not only essential but also irreplaceable.
sams surveyors
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Microtek Success Hub: A Gateway to SCO Plots in Gurgaon
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Microtek Success Hub stands as a prominent landmark in Gurgaon, offering a diverse range of commercial and residential spaces. Among its many offerings, the hub has gained significant attention for its SCO (Shop, Cum Office) plots. These plots, strategically located within the bustling city, present a lucrative opportunity for businesses and investors alike.  
Understanding SCO Plots
SCO plots are a versatile property type that combines the functionality of shops and offices into a single unit. They are particularly popular in urban areas due to their flexibility and potential for high returns on investment. In Gurgaon, SCO plots have become a sought-after asset, thanks to the city's rapid growth and thriving business environment.  
Microtek Success Hub: A Prime Location
Microtek Success Hub enjoys a prime location in Gurgaon, offering excellent connectivity to major thoroughfares, commercial hubs, and residential areas. This strategic positioning ensures high foot traffic and visibility for businesses operating from SCO plots in Gurgaon.  
Benefits of Investing in SCO Plots at Microtek Success Hub
Investing in SCO plots at Microtek Success Hub comes with several distinct advantages:
Strategic Location: The hub's prime location ensures high visibility and accessibility, attracting a steady stream of customers and clients.  
High Rental Yields: SCO plots in Gurgaon, especially those located in prime areas like Microtek Success Hub, often command high rental yields due to the demand for commercial spaces.  
Capital Appreciation: As Gurgaon continues to grow and develop, the value of real estate, including SCO plots, is expected to appreciate over time.  
Versatility: SCO plots offer flexibility in terms of usage, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.  
Amenities and Facilities: Microtek Success Hub provides a range of amenities and facilities that enhance the value and appeal of SCO plots, including ample parking, security, and maintenance services.  
Factors to Consider Before Investing in SCO Plots
While SCO plots at Microtek Success Hub present a promising investment opportunity, it's essential to consider certain factors before making a decision:
Budget: Determine your budget and assess whether investing in an SCO plot aligns with your financial goals.
Usage: Consider your intended use for the SCO plot, as this will influence your choice of location and size.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand current trends, demand for commercial spaces, and potential rental yields.
Legal Due Diligence: Ensure that all legal documents and property titles are in order to avoid any future complications.
Maintenance Costs: Factor in ongoing maintenance costs, such as property taxes, insurance, and common area charges.
Microtek Success Hub offers a compelling investment opportunity for those seeking to acquire SCO plots in Gurgaon . The hub's prime location, excellent connectivity, and range of amenities make it an attractive destination for businesses and investors. By carefully considering the factors outlined above, you can make an informed decision and capitalize on the potential benefits of investing in SCO plots at Microtek Success Hub.  
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Representative Matters for Shams Merchant
Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions & Dispositions
Represented a REIT in the $200 million sale of a corporate campus and North American HQ of a large public company.
Led the sale of a $150 million award-winning mixed-use development for a private investment firm to an out-of-state buyer.
Assisted a biomedical company in purchasing industrial property from a large chemical corporation for $10 million.
Represented a private seller in the $30 million sale of an award-winning redevelopment project in Houston.
Managed the $112 million acquisition of a medical office building in Sugar Land, Texas, for a REIT.
Guided private equity in acquiring a $10 million office building in Houston and over 10 acquisitions of raw land for retail and hospitality projects.
Commercial Real Estate Leasing
Represented one of the largest real estate developers globally in leasing office and retail projects in Houston.
Assisted private investment groups with leasing Class A office and retail spaces in award-winning developments.
Represented leading industrial real estate firms in leasing industrial properties and resolving various leasing disputes.
Commercial Real Estate Development
Represented a private investment firm in a $150 million mixed-use development in downtown Houston.
Managed raw land acquisitions for retail center development and ongoing real estate development matters in Texas.
Commercial Real Estate Finance
Assisted high-net-worth clients and private groups with loan document revisions and acquisition loan negotiations.
Represented private equity firms in negotiating CMBS loans and "bad boy" carve-outs.
Commercial Real Estate General
Drafted and negotiated a wide range of real estate agreements, including REAs, CCRs, easements, and development agreements.
Handled 1031 tax-deferred exchanges, construction contracts, and other real estate-related matters.
Corporate and Business Law
Structured corporate documents for private equity firms, including partnership agreements, LLC operating agreements, and business reorganizations.
Provided on-going legal support to real estate investors and private equity firms on various corporate matters.
Securities and Fund Formation
Represented private equity groups in Rule 506(b) fund formations, including a $30 million fund for industrial properties and a $50 million fund for build-to-rent homes.
Provided legal advice for multi-family, retail, industrial, and office property acquisitions.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Represented restaurant owners in acquisitions, including lease negotiations and expansion projects.
Title Insurance, Closings & Escrow Services
Managed title, escrow, and closing services for investors, developers, and private investment firms through affiliated title companies. Successfully closed billions of dollars in commercial real estate transactions.
Shams Merchant continues to lead high-profile transactions, ensuring clients' interests are protected while maintaining efficient and effective legal services across a broad range of commercial real estate matters.
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Whether you are looking for personal or commercial insurance, All About Insurance offers tailored solutions to protect what matters most to you. We are committed to serving Spring, The Woodlands, Humble, Conroe, Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas, delivering exceptional service and peace of mind.
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nexgentitle-agency · 11 months
Secure Your Real Estate Future with Commercial Title Insurance Services 
Commercial real estate can be a maze of complexities, and your investments are on the line. That's where you need help from Commercial Title Insurance Services experts. NexGen is your trusted commercial title agency. Our expert team is here to ensure your peace of mind. Worried about legal tangles or hidden issues? Let's chat about commercial title insurance policy. Explore our title settlement services, and if you have questions or concerns, reach out for a consultation. Get in touch today.
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Top Surveying Services from Land Surveyors
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Land surveying is a crucial component of real estate transactions, construction projects, and land development. Professional land surveyors offer a variety of services that ensure properties are accurately measured, mapped, and documented. Here’s a look at the top surveying services provided by land surveyors, presented with a professional tone.
1. Boundary Surveys
Purpose: Boundary surveys are designed to determine the exact location of property lines. This service is essential for resolving disputes between neighboring property owners, obtaining building permits, or buying and selling real estate.
Why It’s Important: An accurate boundary survey ensures that all parties involved understand the precise dimensions of the property. This helps avoid legal issues related to encroachments or incorrect property descriptions.
2. Topographic Surveys
Purpose: Topographic surveys map the contours and features of the land, including elevations, trees, streams, and other natural or man-made elements. These surveys are typically required for construction, land development, and environmental assessments.
Why It’s Important: By providing detailed information about the terrain, topographic surveys help engineers and architects design projects that work harmoniously with the land’s natural features. This reduces the risk of costly errors or environmental impact during construction.
3. ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
Purpose: ALTA/NSPS land title surveys are comprehensive surveys that meet the stringent requirements set by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). These surveys are often required for commercial real estate transactions.
Why It’s Important: These surveys provide a detailed view of the property, including boundary lines, easements, improvements, and any encroachments. They are essential for ensuring that the property title is clear and free of disputes, making them a critical part of any commercial real estate deal.
4. Construction Staking
Purpose: Construction staking involves placing physical markers on the ground to guide construction crews during the building process. This ensures that structures are built in the correct location and according to the design plans.
Why It’s Important: Accurate construction staking is vital for keeping construction projects on track and within budget. It helps prevent errors that could lead to costly delays or the need for rework.
5. Subdivision Surveys
Purpose: Subdivision surveys are conducted when a larger parcel of land is divided into smaller lots. These surveys include mapping out the new lot boundaries, streets, and utility lines.
Why It’s Important: Proper subdivision surveys are essential for land developers who need to create new parcels of land for sale or development. They ensure that the subdivision complies with local zoning and land use regulations.
6. Floodplain Surveys
Purpose: Floodplain surveys determine whether a property is located within a flood zone. This information is crucial for homeowners, developers, and insurance companies.
Why It’s Important: Knowing if a property is in a flood zone helps property owners understand the risks and plan accordingly, whether that involves purchasing flood insurance or designing flood-resistant structures.
Land surveyors from https://epochprojects.com/ provide these and other specialized services to ensure that land and property are accurately measured, documented, and managed. Whether you’re involved in a real estate transaction, a construction project, or land development, working with a professional land surveyor ensures that your project starts with a solid foundation.
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claresholmagencies · 1 month
Claresholm Agencies: Your One-Stop Agency for Insurance and Registry Services
Do you want to set up a small business in the region? If so, you might already have done the basics such as business funding, registering your business, hiring employees, and more. But do your business need vehicles to provide its services in the region? If so, you must invest in vehicles specifically meant for your business and get in touch with auto insurance brokers Alberta from Claresholm Agencies right away. This insurance company can provide you with direct access to experienced insurance brokers who can help you find and enroll for the right commercial auto insurance policies. However, the services of Claresholm Agencies don’t just end with commercial auto insurance. Instead, they can also help register your vehicles to ensure you operate legally in the province. Here are the different registry services offered by this company:
Plate or vehicle registration
It is important to register the fleet of vehicles for your business. This helps you operate in the province smoothly without any legal issues. If you have been wondering how to navigate the process of Alberta motor registration, you can always get in touch with Claresholm Agencies. This company has been helping business owners and individuals register their vehicles, plates, in-transit permits, collectibles and antiques, and more with the local registration office efficiently.
Driving license
Having a driver's license is critical to driving any type of vehicle. A driver's license ensures you know the traffic rules and have the skills to drive a vehicle efficiently on the road. Claresholm Agencies can help you with the same. It can help you get your first driver’s license or renew your current driving license. You can also get out-of-province licenses. This can be important for your business if you decide to expand your operations in other provinces.
Other registries
In addition to getting registries for your business, you might also have personal assets you might need a registry for. In such a case, you can get in touch with Claresholm Agencies. It can help you get registry services for other assets too such as personal property, land titles, commercial registries, birth, death, and marriage certificates, and more. Claresholm Agencies are not only a source of insurance services such as commercial or farm insurance Alberta but also registry services. So, don’t hesitate to contact them for high-quality and professional services right away. To read more about their insurance and registry services, visit https://www.claresholmagencies.com/. Original Source: https://bit.ly/4dZGLjy
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gomezalvaro · 1 month
Top 7 Reasons You Need a Real Estate Lawyer in 2024
Marbella Real Estate Lawyers account for approximately 10% of the legal industry and their services provide services to everyone from individuals purchasing their first family home to corporate investors looking to expand their market share and territory. While most real estate transactions could be considered routine, certain situations necessitate more special attention.
If you find yourself facing one of the following seven circumstances, consulting with a real estate attorney could prove essential in providing guidance.
Personal Advocate
When you hire a real estate attorney, they become your personal advocate, with a fiduciary responsibility to look out for your best interest - especially important since lenders, title companies, and sellers will likely look out for themselves first in any deal. Having someone represent your interests helps level the playing field during transactions.
When You Don't Live Here
Buying real estate outside your own state can be challenging, since laws may differ greatly between jurisdictions. A real estate attorney will know all the ins and outs of acquiring property for purchase within their locality - state, county, municipality and city regulations can differ significantly!
Property Is Part of Probate
After someone dies, their property goes through probate administration. A personal representative or trustee will administer it according to either will or intestate law; if anyone contests its administration then a real estate attorney should be hired as soon as possible for handling it properly. Buyers should consult a Sotogrande Real Estate Lawyer prior to completing any property purchases so as to ensure legal ownership is passed onto them from the executor.
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Bank Owned Properties
Properties that are bank-owned or under foreclosure present special challenges to their current or potential owners. A foreclosure defense lawyer should be hired if you wish to keep your home. When buying property as an investor or buyer, consulting with a real estate attorney ensures you obtain a clear title that can be insured or sold at market price.
It Is Commercial Property
Commercial parcels tend to involve complex legal issues that necessitate professional assistance in order to manage properly, including leasehold issues, corporate ownership structures, easements, tenant contractors and structured financing agreements as well as environmental considerations. Your Marbella property lawyer can negotiate a purchase/sale agreement that addresses each of these aspects so you are clear about all aspects of its purchase/sale agreement.
There are Tenants
If there are tenants occupying your property, adding an extra level of complexity requires consulting with a real estate attorney regarding your obligations to them as the new landlord. Assuming you become one, certain questions such as where will the security deposit paid to the original owner go; whether tenants can hold you liable for valid claims against the former landlord and how evicting the current tenant should take place should also be covered under law.
Illegal Improvements
Property owners must abide by state and local building code regulations when undertaking property improvements, or work could be considered illegal. Consulting real estate lawyer Spain helps clarify what sellers must disclose about any illegal modifications that arise and potential liabilities of these changes to you as an owner or if the modifications impede on how you use the property, an attorney could provide guidance as to suing for damages or even withdrawing from a purchase contract if necessary.
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Real Estate Lawyers Can Assist
Each piece of real estate presents its own set of challenges, so consulting with an attorney to ensure all aspects are covered is crucial to making informed decisions about its purchase or sale. Our Real Estate Lawyers Can Provide Assistance Every property comes with unique challenges; consulting with one can ensure all aspects are considered. These seven situations represent some of the more complicated parts of buying or selling real estate; should any arise when trying to navigate these processes alone, don't worry: our real estate attorneys are here to help!
Take advantage of our knowledgeable Marbella property lawyer's guidance when purchasing or selling real estate. Schedule a consultation now.
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gregmh-blog · 2 months
Medical bill shock and imperfect moral hazard
Medical bill shock and imperfect moral hazard https://ift.tt/GkmQJbh One of the goals of cost sharing (e.g., copayments, deductibles) is to decrease moral hazard. In other words, if a good is free (or lower cost), you’ll consume more of it than if you had to pay for all of it out-of-pocket. One challenge in health care ours that prices are not transparent. How much your insurer is paying your hospital or doctor varies a lot depending on negotiated rates. Then how much you as a patient pay depends on the benefit design of your plan. In short, the link between the prices pay and behavior may be mitigated because these prices are unclear to consumers. A paper by Anderson et al. (2024) (with the same title as this blog post) aims to examine how delays between medical service provision and patient payment impacts consumption decisions. While about 60% of medical bills are being paid by insurers within the first four weeks, of service provision, the remainder take more than a month for payment to be settled, creating a lot of uncertainty. The authors use data from 2006-2018 Merative Marketscan Commercial claims data and focus on CMS ‘shoppable services’ (see White and Eguchi for a definition) to avoid cases of care provided to address and emergency condition. The examine how medical bills impact household spillover spending after utilizing shoppable services. They find that: Households increase spending by 22% after a scheduled service, but then reduce spending by 11% after the bill arrives. Observed bill effects are consistent with resolving price uncertainty; bill effects are strongest when pricing information is particularly salient. A model of demand for healthcare with delayed pricing information suggests households misperceive pricing signals prior to bills, and that correcting these perceptions reduce average (median) spending by 16% (7%) annually. Part of the reason why this delay impacts spending behavior is because patients may be unsure if they will hit their annual deductible or not. The authors also note that their model “…does not rely on consumer inattentiveness to past consumption, but underscores the role of delayed information arising from complex contracts involving multiple parties.” You can read the full paper here. via Healthcare Economist https://ift.tt/pIDNdrM August 13, 2024 at 12:16AM
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