#Commander blitz
cobaltbeam · 7 months
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Blitz for a Patreon!
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amikoroyaiart · 2 years
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Colt and Blitz!
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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Finished commsion for @msmeredithrose
Commander Blitz
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Commander Blitz 💛
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Special shout out to an old friend of mine that I recently reconnected with for helping me decide who'd follow Colt! Next will be Cmdr. Havoc, and that'll be the last of the space I have on my current page.
Art taglist: @the-hexfiles @your-slutty-gf @msmeredithrose @lonely-day3636 @dukeoftheblackstar
You can find more of my art by searching my art tag or clicking on my masterlist.
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jun-hyungs · 1 year
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some unlabeled alts for wolffe, hardcase, kix, tup, crys, and blitz for anon!
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Your all doing it wrong.
The A-17 command batch consists of Cody, Wolffe, Bly, Ponds, Fox and Doom. (Command batches get 6 because I said so.)
The Fordo command batch consists of Bacara, Colt, Blitz, Neyo, Havoc and Hammer.
The Maze command squad consists of Stone, Thire, Bow, Voca, Oddball, and Trauma.
The Stec command squad consists of Gree, Thorn, Monnk, Vill, Keller and Blackout.
The captain batch consists of Rex, Howzer, Keeli, Styles and Grey. They all ended up lumped together as stragglers from lost squads.
Each cadet in the captain squad has a mutual friend/acquaintance in one of the command batches and the command batches are all friends/acquaintances too.
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alamogirl80 · 2 years
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Trauma lived! Didn’t you know? Blitz is checking up on him… 🥹
Based on a fic gift exchange HERE! By @elthadriel
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barkandshark · 1 year
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Tiny Rancor Battalion
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panther-os · 2 years
Kama - noun, Mando'a; belt-spat, battle-skirt
Kamama (ᎧᎹᎹ) - noun, Tsalagi; butterfly
Clones with butterfly wings on their butts
that is all
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canuckianhawkbi · 1 year
I am having way too much fun with these SW polls, here’s one more for the road:
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rose-blooms-red · 2 years
It’s so colourful, sometimes he still can’t get over that. Even when they made toys and blankets for the tubies after the battle of Kamino, it was always with whatever they had on hand, the black of blacks, the white of most of the fabric on Kamino, maybe the occasional blue or red, but nothing was ever colourful.
(or; Blitz and a moment of realization after the fact.)
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jun-hyungs · 1 year
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aroace tech for @wwheeljack ace + bi / ace + pan bly, colt, and blitz for anon
thank you all for the suggestions! happy pride!
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
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legyt · 1 year
Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear; Where little fears grow great, great love grows there.                              — Hamlet, Shakespeare
He waits, observes, as Colt and Blitz share a look, an unspoken conversation, before looking back to him as they seem to have come to a decision. “Your name,” Colt says, blunt, stiff.
But V’alor feels the underlying desperation and their affliction, he notices how not once have they taken their eyes off of him and Rorrim, and they don’t seem to see him a traitor but a person who belonged to a community that they have brought to ruin.
Regardless of whether or not it was their choice, it seems that they carry the guilt of acting upon it, with their hands stained of the many lives they’ve taken. A far cry to the perfect, good soldiers they  have been for these past three years, and more like the men he had known for far longer, and it is that very reason that V’alor can not bring himself to abhor them for all that has been done.
How could he, when they were just as much of a victim to the Sith as the Jedi were? And it is that realization, that sonder recognition, that allows him to settle on a conclusion.
“V’alor Casteel,” he says, soft, proud, and uninflected. 
Even as silent tears fall from his eye, overwhelmed with the unadulterated feeling of respite, aching with relief as he sees a glimpse of the hope he had never once let go, the Force brimming with Light knowing that the galaxy would eventually recover.
//Febuwhump 2023 Day 17: silent tears
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airlockfailure · 2 months
Hi, for the 50 OTP Things, could I please ask about the very sweet couple Blitz/Scope (AAaaa I've only known them for a short while, but I LUF them 😍), for your choice between any (or some, or all, if you feel up to it 🤭) of these?
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Thank you so much! 🫶🏻
akhfskghs Hello!! =D
2. Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon? Blitz prefers to be the big spoon, wrapping around Scope and practically smothering him with cuddles. However, Scope gets to be the big spoon more often than you'd think. He likes to cradle Blitz's head on his chest and pat his hair while they snuggle.
3. Who hogs the cover/Who loves to cuddle? Once they're off Kamino and Scope stops denying things he wants, Scope is a blanket hog for sure. He overheats easily, but he always wants a blanket. The more the merrier, for the cozy/comfy appeal. The blankets usually end up in a tangled heap at the foot of the bed/couch or on the floor. Blitz is fine without a blanket. As for who loves to cuddle, they both do. Their relationship is based on a long term friendship, so cuddling, spending time together, etc. are huge for them.
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? Blitz wakes Scope up with kisses. Depending on his mood, the kisses vary from a chaste, affectionate greeting, to depraved and desperate. Scope would wake Blitz up with kisses, except Blitz always wakes up before him.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear/naked/Who sleeps in their pajamas? On Kamino, Scope usually sleeps in his underwear and Blitz sleeps in his blacks. Once they leave Kamino, both of them sleep naked and wear pajamas when they wind down for the night/once they wake up in the morning. Similar to the blankets and being cozy/comfortable, once they leave Kamino they both start allowing themselves to explore things they like.
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