#Commander Yvonne Soulbrand
commander-scaea · 4 years
What We Found in the Echoes
She was past this, she was sure of it, she was past this. It wasn’t supposed to hurt anymore, she had moved on from that dark night shrouded in vines. She had accepted what happened and she was living her life in his memory, as he had asked. So how, how, did one stone tablet leave her crumbling as if only seconds had passed since she had been forced to slide Caladbolg between his ribs? It hadn’t stung like this in a very long time, not even since reliving her life and all of those wretched memories in The Domain of The Lost.
And yet, ten simple lines have sent her crashing to her knees in the middle of a battle long since passed with sobs wracking her small frame. She remembers this poem. She remembers countless moments shared before sunrise agonizing over the missing line, the scholar in both of them craving the final piece. She remembers poring over possibilities and lying next to him while they camped on cliffsides after the Cleansing and after ridding the world of Zhaitan. The moments they had shared as they explored the treasures and secrets of Arah, finding troves of knowledge and scores of poems and songs and epics, but never finding the last piece of his favorite.
Until now. And now the wound in her heart has been torn open again, by something so small, yet so powerful. She had never wished he was here more than she did now, if only to see this. Within seconds she berates herself for the thought, Trahearne wouldn’t want to be thrown again onto the claws of an Elder Dragon, especially after it was her mistakes and her failures that empowered it enough to seemingly rend reality asunder. She shouldn’t want him here at the epicenter of yet another war, yet another calamity. But, but if he were here, maybe she could breathe again, as she did before, maybe she wouldn’t feel so alone, maybe ....... maybe she could lay her staff down, for only a moment, and be held in a way she hasn’t been in what feels like a lifetime.
She hears the crackle of her communicator, a concerned Taimi at the other end, and rises. In her pack she manages to find enough parchment and charcoal to take a rubbing of the tablet. After tucking it safely away, she climbs down from that tower and leaves the battlefield echoes behind. When this is over, when she finally has the time, she will take the finished poem to the Grove, read it to him and pretend that he can hear her.
“Darkness pays Orr a visit.
With billowing robes of blackened silk,
She beckons us, arms outstretched.
I see my brothers walk forward, greet her as a friend.
So many fold themselves into her embrace.
And even over their cries, and the roars of the beasts.
I hear Darkness call to me with a promise.
But I close myself. I will not join her yet.
Another call is more beautiful,
And I will chase it back to you.”
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commander-scaea · 3 years
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Yvonne in her various Wintersday outfits! 
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commander-scaea · 4 years
My Commanders:
Or at least those I have somewhat fleshed out.
Scaea Jotunkin - Norn Ranger
My OG character that I created back in 2012
Tall, Blonde, and not here for anyone’s nonsense
Favored pets: Arctodus and Fern Hound
Favored weapons: Longbow and Greatsword
Joined the Vigil
Exhausted Team Mom just trying to keep everyone alive and out of enemy hands
Taimi is her tiny daughter, she constantly fights the instinct to stuff her into a pocket to keep her safe
Was and still is deeply in love with Eir Stegalkin
In my head, she’s not shiny and young when she starts getting involved in Pact stuff and I prefer to think of her as only a few years younger than Eir. Like early personal story stuff happened a few years before she started working the orders and Trahearne
Kind of misses the relative simplicity of the campaign to take down Zhaitan because everyone was so hopeful at the end and she had finally gotten a moment to breathe after it. Everything since has been mired in unforeseen complications
During LWS3 was absolutely sick to death of Braham acting like she didn’t care about what Jormag had cost the Norn
Medium Carapace armor set is her preferred, gotta love the butterfly aesthetic
Yvonne Soulbrand - Human Elementalist
Weaver, prefered element combo is Fire/Lightning. Prefered weapons are staff amd sword/dagger
Shortest model possible, small but knowing
Noble origin, been dealing with Faren’s nonsense since they were small. She’s the only one who gets away with smacking him for his foolishness
Joined the Priory
Fell fast and hard for Trahearne, and Trahearne did the same for her. Truly nerd to nerd communication
Genuinely considered burning Maguuma to the ground after HoT
Everything involving Balthazar felt like a foundation-shaking betrayal because that was the god whose blessing she received as a child and who had been a guiding influence
Genuinely considered staying dead, but duty overrides all
Would have fist-fought Kormir about the gods abandoning Tyria if she hadn’t been so shocked and awed by the library
Valkyre Duskmoore - Sylvari Engineer
Dusk-cycle and Green Knight quest, joined the Order of Whispers
Dark purple leaves and minty green skin, his glow is magenta
Twinsies with Riona Duskmoore
In the case of those two, she is the commander, he is of similar fame but didn’t want to be tied by title or formal position
Spritely, but full of dry wit and humor. Willing to be more mean-spirited if someone is profoundly rude or disrespectful to him or his
Trahearne was like a super close older brother, even if at times he worries about him and his sister getting tangled up Orr and Zhaitan
Married to Canach, he loves a prickly man and is disgustingly sweet with him
Internally is kinda over The Pact/Dragon’s Watch stuff after having it nearly kill him and his twin so many times and actually manage to succeed in killing his twin at one point.
Riona Duskmoore - Silvari Thief
Twinsies with Valkyre, but has white leaves instead and her glow is soft pink
The lady loves daggers, what can I say
Joined the Vigil
Is more soft-hearted than her brother and more willing to forgive, sometimes to her own detriment
Super looks up to Trahearne and desperately craves his approval as an older brother
Stubborn when it comes to finishing the mission and reluctant to give up in anyone even when they’ve kind of told her to fuck herself
Absolutely stupidly in love with Braham from like minute one
Everything from LWS2 and beyond was one sucker punch after another, starting with Caithe taking off
She doesn’t quite get her brother’s thing for Canach, but thinks that he should pursue what makes him happy, even if it’s a grumpy cactus man
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