#Comfortable Men's Moccasins
parmarboothouse · 8 months
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annab-nana · 2 years
JJ maybank x Fem! Reader , Platonic! Pouges x Fem! Reader.
where reader is VERY claustrophobic and she’s the only on small enough to fit into the hole at the graveyard so kie suggests that reader should climb thought , they argue for a bit then she faces her fears, climbs through the hole and gets the envelope for John B, and JJ comforts her after telling her she did a good job and stuff
really fluffy ending
you got it babe!!
warnings: claustrophobia, mentions of gunshots, snakes, difficulty breathing, not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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it had already been quite the day. jj and john b went to mrs. lana's this morning and heard some men demanding the compass from her that she didn't have. come to find out, those men were the ones who chased you guys yesterday in the marsh and shot at you guys until you and kie threw out the net to slow them down.
then, after jj and john b told you the story of what occurred that morning—all while you held jj's hand since the boy was frazzled from seeing mrs. lana in such a state—john b unlocked his dad's office, a room none of you had seen the inside of, to look for anything that could help. while you were all realizing john b had a death compass, it seemed death was around the corner when those same two guys showed up at the chateau. it ended up being okay even though you had nothing to protect yourselves with. you never expected to be hiding out in john b's chicken coop, but it was your saving grace.
you were put on babysitting duty of jj and pope while john b and kie went up into the lighthouse. but, when the cops showed up and those two weren't back yet, you had to keep yourselves safe. so, you peeled with the boys and hoped john b and kiara were cool with a little more running.
after john b got arrested, then got out, made kiara angry at some point, but got her to come along, you now stood in a cemetery with "redfield" written across the top of the stone. the boys tried to push the door—it wouldn't budge obviously—and a water moccasin slipped out of the hole in the door. jj, ever the genius, started loudly barking at it when this little mission of yours was supposed to be a little covert.
while the boys argued about the snake whether it be how to scare them off or if there were more in there, it was clear that hope was being lost on the goal here. you stood by kie who lifted her flashlight up to the hole the snake came from and then looked to you.
"what if you went through it?" she asked, her head nodding toward the hole in the stone.
"wha-why me? you can fit through just as much as me." the boys stopped their bickering to listen to you two.
"i hate snakes and you don't mind them. you literally have had pet snakes all your life and anytime we see one, you want to touch it. if anyone is best equipped with the knowledge and confidence to be around snakes out of any of us, it's you," kiara explained and it was hard to fight her logic.
"but i'm claustrophobic. you guys know that."
"but," pope interjected, "it should only be tight going in or out. inside, i imagine it wouldn’t be that bad."
you took in a deep breath and met everyone's eye, each of them encouraging you to go through with only their gaze. john b's was the worst because you knew how bad he wanted this. you knew just how desperate he was to find the truth about his father and you'd be lying if you said you weren't intrigued by what could be inside as well.
"fine," you huffed, "but anything else that we have to do that isn't fun, someone else has to do it."
"deal," the group agreed before moving to remove the mess of sticks and vines that were covering the hole.
"hey," jj pulled you aside, "you sure you're okay with this?"
"honestly, no, but if it can help john b and it doesn't last too long, then i think i can manage it." you could see in his face, he was hesitant, but you leaned forward to wipe that look of his face with a kiss. "i've got this, okay? and if i don't, i know you and those three will do whatever you have to to get me out."
"y/n, you ready?" kie called from where she and pope held the vines to the side. jj rushed over to john b's side so that they could both help you up.
"as i'll ever be." you walked over to the two boys and faced john b. "what am i looking for exactly?"
"you'll know when you see it," the brunet responded which didn't at all help your nerves.
"alright, cryptic as hell, but i can work with it." you stepped up into jj's joined hands after your hands gripped onto the stone opening. the blond counted to three and then boosted you up. kiara had her flashlight shining in so you could see but your body obstructed the view when you entered through. your feet landed on the ground below and you reached out for the flashlight that kiara gladly handed over.
you shined the light on everything inside. the space was bigger than you'd thought, but the fact that your exit was so small and that you'd have to work to get through without jj's help wasn't sitting right with you.
the running, the scary men, the gunshots, and the snakes were enough to scare someone, but none of it scared you more than this. maybe it was a tad irrational to be afraid of small spaces. what harm could actually come from it? but for you, it was the end of the world. you felt yourself freaking out over it, so you tried to quicken your trip.
"you alive?" john b asked from outside, "you got like a heartbeat and everything?"
"so far," you called back. talking to someone was helping.
"that's good. that's good," he commented while you looked around.
"yep." it was too dark to really look around. "i need some more light."
"gotcha," jj answered as he grabbed john b's lantern and raised it in and through the hole for you. your eyes landed on an even smaller hole in the stone to your left and you hated that you'd have to stick your hand in there. "did you find something? is there gold?"
"oh shit," you mumbled when your flashlight caught a white corner sticking from the opening. there really was something here.
"what is it?" you could tell jj was getting antsy outside, so you quickly and carefully grabbed the corner to pull it out, revealing it to be an envelope. you walked over to the opening you came in through and passed the envelope through. jj pulled out the lantern to provide light for the rescued item, but that absence of extra light made a difference in the room size for you. it felt smaller than it did a second ago.
not only did the room feel smaller but so did your lungs. breathing became harder as you leaned against the stone door for support. you heard their voices outside but couldn't make out what they were saying. all you heard was "gold" and "dad" but it sounded like you were underwater.
jj thought it was weird that you hadn't come out yet, so he called your name. only when it was silent for a moment did he hear your struggling breaths. he could reach his hand in but he couldn't climb through to get to you. "y/n, baby, take my hand, please."
the feeling of his fingertips grazing the top of your head was what pulled you out of your tunnel vision and you reached up to touch his skin.
"can you get out?"
"yeah, i-" you cut yourself off when you grunted on the incline when you jumped up to get out. jj's hands slipped under your arms to help you out before moving to your waist to help you stand. once stable, you wrapped your arms around him and breathed in his scent, calming down with his smell.
"you okay?"
"yeah," you mumbled into his neck.
"i'm so proud of you, you know? i didn't think you'd go in there and then you braved it and didn't get scared until the very end. you did so good, so so so good," he told you as he held you tightly.
no matter how small the space felt when you were in his arms, it never felt scary because you were with him.
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rosszulorzott · 3 months
Reading Journal
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After reading Why Civil Resistance Works, The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan (2011), I'm now on to the update from 2021, Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know by Erica Chenoweth. This link is from the author's page and you will find many more resources there.
"Written by leading experts in their fields and with over 100 subjects to explore Oxford University Press's acclaimed What Everyone Needs to Know® series offers authoritative discussions of complex contemporary issues from gender to sustainability to robots in a lively question-and-answer format."
I'm now halfway through this book and I thought to share some quotes and commentary.
I have evolved from being a detached skeptic of civil resistance to becoming an invested participant in nonviolent movements. I now study the history and practice of resistance with much greater urgency, for the sake of my own democracy and in solidarity with human rights defenders around the world.
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Although many cases don’t make headline news, the past decade—2010 to 2020—has seen more revolutionary nonviolent uprisings around the world than in any other period in recorded history. In fact, there have been more such campaigns in the first two decades of the twenty-first century than there were during the entire twentieth century. ... Even though nonviolent resistance is now ubiquitous as a leading strategy for creating change worldwide, the data also suggest that governments are defeating revolutionary nonviolent movements more often than in prior decades ... since 2016, far-right and neo-Nazi groups in Germany have been relying on the work of nonviolent resistance scholar Gene Sharp to better understand how to build and wield people power to pursue their racist and exclusionary aims. ... Just because people are protesting in the streets does not mean they are engaging in civil resistance. Spontaneous, improvised street actions that are not coordinated across various civic groups as part of a broader strategy rarely have staying power or capacity for long-term transformation. ... Few if any civil resistance campaigns have succeeded using protest alone. ... The first known feminist rebellion in North America was a sixteenth-century civil resistance campaign by Iroquois tribal women to end unregulated warfare within the Iroquois nation. Men exclusively controlled declarations of war, along with other political powers. Iroquois women coordinated a sex and childbearing strike, refused to harvest and prepare crops, and refused to produce moccasins necessary for war-making. Ultimately Iroquois women won the power to veto war declarations. ... Since World War II, very few civil resistance movements that excluded women at the front lines succeeded. ... No movements have failed after getting 10% of the nation’s population to be actively involved in their peak event. Most succeed after mobilizing 3.5%. ... successful movements do not necessarily need to turn mortal enemies into active supporters. Civil resistance is not about converting the opponent or melting the hearts of brutal dictators. It is about pulling their supports away in key moments—and taking away their options. ... Digital technology makes it easy to skip the critical steps of building relationships, developing ongoing coalitions, planning strategies, building alternative institutions, and preparing a population for a long struggle. With the convenience of social media, many movements may fall into the trap of organizing only in the short term, moving from one event to another, while failing to absorb their base of supporters into long-term movement adherents. Every movement faces the temptation to put tactics before strategy. Social media dramatically increase that temptation. ... Civil rights organizer Bernice Johnson Reagon once said that if you’re comfortable with everyone in your coalition, you’re not in a coalition. Maintaining a winning coalition is much more difficult than selecting a clear and concrete objective; it often requires skilled mediators and a movement-wide willingness to resolve conflict through some accepted process. ... we know from historical studies that people tend to be more willing to put themselves in harm’s way than to actively hurt others. ... even more important than tactical discipline may be narrative discipline
I have grouped some of these quotes by topic, because the book is written in a very detailed and recursive style, repeating key findings in different contexts and in varying depths. No matter what question the reader wants to explore first, they will find the answer substantiated by research and other background info. This also makes the book hard to read, more like a study course - but one we desperately need to take. Maybe when translating it we could create a shorter version from the essentials (localized for each region's own political environment) and referenced back to the full text. This way we could have a format better suited for general education and organization needs.
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ambyandony · 1 year
Starlit Labyrinth - Gregory Vecellio Profilette
The first thing you might notice is his surname is Vecellio... sound familiar? yeah... we'll get to that.
By the way
//BIG tw: nothing explicit of course, but topics of child abuse, CSA
the part that applies will be marked by start and end indicators
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you dont have to read that tiny ass text im putting it all below
Gregory Vecellio
age 11 ~ boy ~ he/him
tw/ Gregory is a young boy who, throughout the majority of his early childhood, had been horrifically abused, mistreated and hidden from the world. From a very young age, he was trafficked, exploited, and passed between various men in various parts of the world, including the USA, Canada, and, lastly, Italy. Eventually, he reached a breaking point, and using his Stand—which he'd never before used—he escaped, attacking anyone who tried to get in the way until he'd gotten out. /tw
Once he'd escaped, misuse of his new ability caused grievous damage to his throat; he lost consciousness from the severity of the injury, at which point he was (unsurprisingly) taken to hospital when a passerby called emergency services after seeing him. As a result of the damage, which was to the point of being completely irreversible, his larynx was removed, and with it, he lost the ability to speak and was left with a stoma (tracheostomy) to allow him to breathe. He'd ultimately—unable to tell anyone much of anything but his name and age and seemingly having no legal record of existence—end up being placed in a children's home, where he would remain until eventually (c. 2019) being adopted by a couple—the Vecellios. Though it took him a good while to get used to his new dads and settle given his traumatic background, he would eventually come to trust and feel safe around Tiziano and Squalo, and with their help, has begun to heal.
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I drew a comic but I feel like it's kinda cringe so I'll put it under the cut at the bottom alright?
Gregory wears moccasins and a poncho as they are very comfortable for him; his neck is bandaged most of the time, leaving room on the neck for his stoma, and his hands are bandaged as well to prevent him from picking and biting his skin on his hands. He wears a little tape deck on his waist... which is actually...
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His Stand,
「In Fact」.
Gregory's 「In Fact」 is a bound Stand visible to non-Stand-Users, taking the form of a portable tape deck which allows him, despite his injury, to speak—by stealing and using the voices of others, in the form of cassette tapes. The potential damage caused by this is variable; if he's in distress when taking a voice, it's more likely to be painful and also runs the risk of causing mild-to-severe internal damage. Otherwise, the process can be harmless, and will likely only cause some dull pain or aching at worst.
Once a voice is taken, the tape is placed in the tape deck, which then allows Gregory to speak by using the voice he took, including the accent. This doesn't, however, allow him to speak any languages he doesn't already know, as language is not a "physical" aspect of the voice. This limitation is probably due to the fact that removing a target's voice is, in essence, metaphysically removing their larynx so that Gregory can replace his own missing one, hence the target no longer being able to speak themself. In doing this, as the voice is always removed through the throat, a slot—which is semi-meta-physical—is created, functioning as a stoma to allow the person to breathe, but, like Gregory normally, not speak.
He can only use the voice a certain amount before he needs to rewind the tape to speak more. The amount differs depending on various factors, usually how much the Stand has "heard" the target speak; the more the target's spoken, the longer Gregory can speak with the voice before needing to rewind. He can also take voices post-mortem, although it can be a little more complicated; however, a dead person's voice will eventually run out and dissipate entirely. Multiple tapes can be made from a single dead person's voice, but all of the tapes will eventually run out over time and will dissolve or unravel (and then dissolve) entirely.
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top left:
Record "burns"* a voice so that it can be removed *like a CD and also a lot like fire
Play activates the voice to allow Gregory to speak
Rewind Self-explanatory
Fast-forward has no function outside of playing regular tapes.
Stop disables and ejects voice
idk what this is
(yes it can play normal tapes too)
top right:
His hands glow when he takes a voice. it looks like fire. Feels like it, too. Having your voice stolen always burns.
Voices are removed from the throat
Meta-semi-physical slot, it's physical in function (allowing the person to breathe) but not actually visible (at least not to non-stand users).
Things can be put into the slot other than a voice but it's really not recommended. Gregory does this with water sometimes if he's really in danger and has a chance. It leaves an opening for 「Clash」 to show up and cause some fucking ruination (as long as Squalo's in range)
Once the voice is returned, it leaves a physical red mark that takes a while to fade. It'll ache or sting for a while.
bottom left:
Tapes are always labelled with the name of the person who the voice belongs to. Sometimes, it's written on masking tape and stuck over where the name would usually be instead.
Voice tapes typically look something like this.
Details may vary (this number basically indicates the available talking time before rewind is needed).
bottom right:
Tapes with no one to return to will eventually unravel or self destruct in some way (like if it belongs to a dead person)
this isnt canon btw at all but just establishing a vibe yknow its kinda cringe but i made it suuuuuper quick lol
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kshitij1804 · 3 days
From The Office To The Open Road: How Men’s Driving Shoes Are Perfect For Any Occasion
In today's fast-paced world, versatility in footwear is more important than ever. Men are seeking shoes that not only offer comfort but also seamlessly transition between different settings. Men's driving shoes have emerged as the perfect solution, combining style, comfort, and functionality.
At Adventure Shoe Shop, we offer a wide range of men's shoes that cater to every need. Our collection of driving shoes is designed to take you from the office to the open road without missing a beat.
The Versatility of Men's Driving Shoes Men's driving shoes are known for their adaptability. Their sleek design makes them suitable for both professional and casual environments.
In the office, a pair of Men's Leather Casual Shoes adds a touch of sophistication to your attire. The high-quality leather and classic design make them a perfect match for business meetings or formal events. They're not just stylish; they're also incredibly comfortable for those long workdays.
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When it's time to unwind, these shoes transition effortlessly. Whether you're heading out for a weekend drive or a casual dinner, the same pair keeps you looking sharp. The versatility of these men's shoes means you don't have to compromise on style or comfort, no matter the occasion.
Superior Comfort for the Open Road Driving requires footwear that offers both comfort and functionality. Our Lightweight Men's Driving Shoes are specifically designed for this purpose.
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These shoes feature a flexible sole that provides excellent pedal feel, enhancing your driving experience. The lightweight construction reduces foot fatigue, allowing you to enjoy long drives without discomfort. Plus, the breathable materials keep your feet cool, making them ideal for warm weather.
Similarly, the Breathable Driving Moccasins Shoes offer a relaxed fit that's perfect for casual outings. The moccasin style is timeless, and the breathable design ensures maximum comfort during extended wear.
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Style That Complements Any Outfit One of the biggest advantages of men's driving shoes is their ability to complement a wide range of outfits.
For a casual look, pair the Men's Sneakers Driving Shoes with jeans or chinos. These shoes offer a sporty aesthetic that's both modern and comfortable. They're perfect for weekend getaways or casual Fridays at the office.
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If you're dressing up for a more formal occasion, the Men's Leather Casual Shoes are an excellent choice. The polished leather finish adds a touch of elegance to suits or dress pants, making you stand out in any professional setting.
The Practical Choice for Every Man Beyond style and comfort, men's driving shoes are a practical addition to any wardrobe.
Their slip-on design makes them convenient for men on the go. Whether you're rushing out the door for work or embarking on a spontaneous road trip, these shoes save you time without sacrificing appearance.
Durability is another key feature. High-quality materials ensure that your investment lasts. Shoes like our Lightweight Men's Driving Shoes are built to withstand daily wear and tear, providing long-lasting value.
Conclusion From the structured environment of the office to the freedom of the open road, men's driving shoes are truly perfect for any occasion. They offer a unique blend of style, comfort, and practicality that every man can appreciate. At Adventure Shoe Shop, we're committed to providing the best selection of men's shoes to suit your lifestyle. Explore our full range of driving shoes here and discover how they can enhance your daily life.
Ready to elevate your footwear game? Visit Adventure Shoe Shop today to find the perfect pair of men's driving shoes. With options like the Lightweight Men's Driving Shoes and the Men's Leather Casual Shoes, you're sure to find a style that fits your needs. Shop now and step into comfort and style!
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reyalecommerce · 3 days
Men’s Shoes & Slippers
Step into the world of men’s footwear where style meets comfort. Whether you're dressing for a formal event, hitting the gym, or relaxing at home, our collection of men’s shoes and slippers offers the perfect pair for every occasion. From sleek dress shoes to cozy slippers, discover a range of options that blend functionality with fashion.
Men’s Shoes: Crafted for Every Walk of Life
Dress Shoes: Elevate your formal attire with our selection of dress shoes, designed to impress at business meetings, weddings, and upscale events. Choose from classic oxfords, brogues, and loafers, crafted from premium leather and finished with meticulous detailing. These shoes provide a polished look while ensuring comfort, so you can stay stylish without compromising on ease.
Casual Shoes: For everyday wear, explore our range of casual shoes that strike the perfect balance between laid-back style and practicality. Whether it’s a pair of trendy sneakers, versatile loafers, or sturdy boots, our casual footwear is designed to keep you comfortable on the go. Pair them with jeans, chinos, or shorts for a relaxed, yet refined look.
Sports & Athletic Shoes: Enhance your performance with our collection of sports and athletic shoes, built to support your active lifestyle. Whether you’re running, training, or playing your favorite sport, these shoes offer the perfect combination of cushioning, grip, and stability. Designed with advanced technologies, they help you push your limits while keeping your feet protected.
Boots: Tackle tough terrains and unpredictable weather with our range of men’s boots. From rugged hiking boots to stylish Chelsea boots, find the perfect pair that offers durability, protection, and style. Ideal for outdoor adventures or adding a bold statement to your wardrobe, our boots are crafted to withstand the elements while keeping you comfortable.
Men’s Slippers: Ultimate Comfort for Relaxation
After a long day, nothing feels better than slipping into a pair of cozy men’s slippers. Whether you’re lounging at home or stepping out to grab the mail, our slippers provide the warmth and comfort you need. Available in various materials such as plush fleece, soft suede, and breathable cotton, our slippers are designed to keep your feet relaxed.
Moccasin Slippers: Offering a blend of classic style and comfort, moccasin slippers are perfect for indoor and light outdoor wear. With features like cushioned insoles and durable soles, these slippers provide support and a snug fit, making them a favorite for unwinding at home.
Slide Slippers: Easy to wear and versatile, slide slippers are ideal for quick trips around the house or even poolside relaxation. Designed for convenience, they offer a slip-on style with a comfortable footbed, ensuring your feet feel pampered with every step.
Memory Foam Slippers: Experience the luxury of memory foam with slippers that conform to the shape of your feet, providing personalized comfort. These slippers offer excellent cushioning and support, making them perfect for those who seek both comfort and relief after a busy day.
Why Choose Our Men’s Shoes & Slippers?
Quality Materials: Our shoes and slippers are crafted from high-quality materials that ensure durability, comfort, and style.
Variety: Whether you need footwear for a formal occasion, casual outing, or simply relaxing at home, our collection caters to all your needs.
Comfort: Designed with your comfort in mind, our footwear offers features like cushioned insoles, breathable fabrics, and ergonomic designs. Upgrade your footwear collection with our range of men’s shoes and slippers. Whether you’re heading out for a night on the town or enjoying a quiet evening at home, we have the perfect pair to keep your feet comfortable and stylish.
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hibiscuspizza · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Melzan Brown Leather Slip On Loafers, Men's 9.
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Bruno Marc Men's Driving Moccasins Penny Loafers Slip on Loafer Shoes
Buy now from Amazon Bruno Marc Men’s Driving Moccasins Penny Loafers Slip-on Loafer Shoes Review Bruno Marc Men’s Driving Moccasins Penny Loafers Slip-on Loafer Shoes: A Comprehensive Review In a market brimming with footwear options, Bruno Marc stands out with its unique blend of style, comfort, and affordability. One of their acclaimed products, the Bruno Marc Men’s Driving Moccasins Penny…
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awesomeksouth · 13 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Clarks Men's Shacre Boot Ankle Navy Blue Leather Size 11.5 M.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Bernini Beverly Hills Genuine Ostrich Leather Shoes Loafers Mens 12 M.
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igotyasize · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men's Sperry Wave Driver Moccasin Loafers - Tan Leather.
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iphone15prokkk · 19 days
The Evolution of Shoe Design: From Ancient Times to Modern Trends
Shoe design has come a long way since the dawn of civilization, evolving from simple protective coverings to complex fashion statements that blend functionality and style. Shoes have been an integral part of human culture, reflecting not only technological advancements but also shifts in social norms and fashion trends. In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating journey of shoe design from ancient times to modern trends, showcasing how shoes have transformed and what they signify in today's world.
Ancient Beginnings: The Birth of Footwear
The earliest known shoes date back to around 7000 BCE. Archaeological discoveries in Oregon, USA, reveal that ancient people crafted shoes from plant fibers, animal hides, and leather. These rudimentary shoes were primarily designed for protection and practicality rather than fashion. They served to shield the feet from harsh terrains, sharp objects, and extreme weather conditions. These early shoes were often simple sandals or moccasins, with designs tailored to the specific needs of their environment.
The Influence of Ancient Civilizations
As civilizations progressed, so did the complexity of shoe design. In ancient Egypt, shoes became more elaborate and were often used to denote social status. Sandals made from woven papyrus or leather, adorned with jewels and intricate designs, were a symbol of wealth and power. Similarly, in ancient Greece and Rome, shoes evolved to reflect societal roles and occupations. The Greeks wore sandals with straps that held the foot securely, while the Romans introduced the concept of the “caliga,” a type of military sandal with hobnails for durability.
The Middle Ages: Functionality Meets Fashion
During the Middle Ages, shoe design continued to evolve, influenced by both necessity and the burgeoning fashion sense of the time. Shoes in medieval Europe were characterized by pointed toes, known as "poulaines." These shoes, often made from leather, could be quite long and were sometimes embellished with embroidery. The pointed toe became a symbol of social status, with longer toes denoting higher social rank.
The Middle Ages also saw the introduction of the “clog,” a wooden shoe that provided sturdiness and protection, particularly in rural areas. Clogs were practical and durable, designed to withstand the demands of agrarian life while offering basic protection from the elements.
The Renaissance and Baroque Eras: Artistry and Elegance
The Renaissance period marked a significant shift in shoe design, reflecting the era's emphasis on art and elegance. Shoes during this time were often adorned with intricate embroidery, luxurious fabrics, and ornamental details. Both men and women wore shoes that were designed to complement their elaborate attire, often incorporating elements such as ribbons, lace, and buckles.
The Baroque era continued this trend, with shoes becoming even more ornate. High heels became fashionable for both men and women, reflecting the period's preference for dramatic and extravagant styles. Heels were often made from wood or metal and were sometimes embellished with precious stones or elaborate designs.
The Industrial Revolution: Innovation and Mass Production
The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in shoe design and manufacturing. The introduction of machinery revolutionized the production process, allowing for the mass production of shoes. This era saw the advent of new materials such as rubber and synthetic fabrics, which expanded the possibilities for shoe design.
During this time, shoes became more accessible to the general public, with standardized sizes and mass production techniques leading to a more uniform appearance. The development of the "Oxford" shoe, characterized by its closed lacing system, became a staple in men's fashion, while the "ballet flat" emerged as a popular choice for women, combining comfort with style.
The 20th Century: The Birth of Modern Trends
The 20th century was a period of rapid innovation and experimentation in shoe design. The early decades saw the rise of iconic styles such as the Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star, which became a symbol of American youth culture and athletic wear. The 1950s and 60s introduced new materials and designs, including the introduction of the "sneaker" as a fashion statement.
In the 1970s and 80s, high fashion and sportswear began to merge, leading to the creation of designer sneakers and athletic shoes that catered to both performance and style. Brands like Nike and Adidas became household names, and shoe design began to emphasize both functionality and aesthetics.
Contemporary Trends: A Fusion of Fashion and Function
Today, shoe design continues to evolve, driven by both technological advancements and shifting fashion trends. Modern shoes incorporate cutting-edge materials such as memory foam, advanced cushioning systems, and breathable fabrics. The emphasis on comfort and performance is evident in the rise of athletic and casual footwear that seamlessly transitions from the gym to everyday life.
Sustainability has also become a key focus in contemporary shoe design. Many brands are exploring eco-friendly materials, such as recycled plastics and organic cotton, and adopting sustainable production practices. The demand for transparent supply chains and ethical manufacturing processes reflects a growing awareness of environmental and social issues within the fashion industry.
Fashion-forward designs, such as bold color palettes, unconventional silhouettes, and customizable options, continue to push the boundaries of traditional shoe design. Sneakers, once considered purely athletic wear, have become a dominant fashion trend, with limited-edition releases and collaborations driving hype and exclusivity.
The evolution of shoe design is a testament to humanity's ingenuity and adaptability. From the basic protective coverings of ancient times to the sophisticated and diverse footwear of today, shoes have mirrored changes in technology, fashion, and societal values. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to see how future innovations and trends will shape the next chapter in the history of shoe design. Whether you’re a fashion enthusiast, an athlete, or simply someone who appreciates well-crafted footwear, there’s no denying the profound impact shoes have had on our lives and our culture.
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pursueownpassion · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Florsheim Driver Mens Brown Suede Loafer Slip-On Driving Moccasins Shoes Sz 13 M.
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choix5454 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sperry Top-Sider Men's Boat Shoes.
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siriusstars333 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Clarks Moccasin Slippers for Men. Leather, size 9M. Gently used.
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ashish2345 · 2 months
The Evolution of Slip-On Shoes: From Classic to Contemporary
Slip-on shoes have undergone a fascinating evolution over the decades, transforming from simple, practical footwear into a versatile fashion statement. This journey from classic designs to contemporary styles highlights not only changes in aesthetics but also shifts in technology, culture, and functionality. Let’s delve into the history and development of slip-on shoes and explore how these beloved footwear items have evolved to meet the demands of modern life.
The Early Beginnings
Slip-on shoes can trace their origins back to ancient civilizations where they were first crafted from materials like leather and fabric. The simplicity of these early designs allowed for ease of wear, making them a practical choice for people across different cultures. For example, in ancient Egypt, slip-on shoes were crafted from woven reeds and leather, providing a straightforward solution for protection and comfort.
The Classic Era
The modern slip-on shoe began to take shape during the 19th century. Early iterations were primarily practical, designed to offer convenience and ease of use. One iconic design from this era is the loafer, which evolved from the Norwegian "Aurland" shoe—a hand-sewn slip-on style with a moccasin-like appearance. This classic design was characterized by its low heel and simple, comfortable fit, embodying the essence of slip-on shoes.
In the early 20th century, slip-on shoes gained popularity among both men and women. The penny loafer, introduced by the G.H. Bass company in 1936, became a staple of American fashion. Its distinctive strap and slot, which was originally intended to hold a penny for emergencies, made it both functional and stylish. This period saw slip-on shoes embraced as a symbol of preppy, collegiate style, further embedding them into mainstream fashion.
Mid-Century Innovations
The mid-20th century brought significant changes to the world of slip-on shoes. The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of casual slip-ons, particularly in the realm of youth culture. Brands like Vans popularized the slip-on sneaker, which featured a distinctive checkerboard pattern. This design quickly became associated with skate culture and rebellion, marking a departure from the more formal slip-ons of previous decades.
During the same period, the slip-on moccasin became a popular choice for casual wear. Designers began experimenting with different materials and embellishments, leading to a broader range of slip-on styles. This era was marked by innovation, as designers began to incorporate new materials such as synthetic fabrics and cushioned soles to enhance both comfort and durability.
Contemporary Transformations
As we entered the 21st century, slip-on shoes underwent a significant transformation. The emphasis on comfort and functionality continued to grow, leading to the development of advanced materials and technologies. Today’s slip-on shoes are not just about ease of wear; they also prioritize performance, sustainability, and style.
One notable development is the rise of slip-on athletic shoes. Brands like Skechers and Adidas have introduced slip-on designs featuring advanced cushioning, breathable fabrics, and ergonomic soles. These innovations cater to a wide range of activities, from casual strolls to intense workouts, blending the practicality of slip-on shoes with the demands of modern athletic performance.
Another significant trend is the emphasis on sustainability. With growing awareness of environmental issues, many brands have shifted towards eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes. Slip-on shoes made from recycled plastics, organic cotton, and other sustainable materials are becoming increasingly popular. This shift reflects a broader societal movement towards responsible consumption and eco-conscious fashion.
Slip-On Shoes in Fashion
The contemporary slip-on shoe has also become a fashion statement in its own right. High-fashion designers have embraced the slip-on style, incorporating it into their collections with luxurious materials and innovative designs. From sleek leather slip-ons to embellished versions with intricate detailing, these shoes have transcended their utilitarian origins to become a symbol of modern sophistication.
In addition to high fashion, slip-on shoes have found their place in everyday street style. They are a go-to choice for people seeking a balance between comfort and fashion. The versatility of slip-on shoes allows them to be paired with various outfits, from casual jeans and t-shirts to more polished ensembles. This adaptability has cemented their place as a staple in contemporary wardrobes.
The Future of Slip-On Shoes
Looking ahead, the evolution of slip-on shoes is likely to continue reflecting broader trends in fashion, technology, and sustainability. As technology advances, we may see even more innovative materials and designs, further enhancing the comfort and functionality of slip-on shoes. Additionally, the emphasis on eco-friendly practices is expected to grow, with more brands focusing on reducing their environmental impact.
In conclusion, slip-on shoes have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Their evolution from classic designs to contemporary styles showcases a rich history of innovation and adaptation. Today, slip-on shoes are not only a practical choice but also a versatile fashion statement that caters to a wide range of preferences and needs. As they continue to evolve, one thing remains certain: slip-on shoes will always hold a special place in the world of footwear.
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