#Comet Skateboards
cometblogging · 1 year
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Wake up bestie I just made my first digital fanart and of course it's Renga
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GLC wearing shorts appreciation post! 🥰♥️
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 2 months
Poll 7, Round 2.
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About Nova: (by @pastelspindash) Nova was created by Eggman from Sonic and Shadow's DNA in an attempt to perfect the ultimate lifeform. She was created at the age she is now, 19, and was rescued from Eggman's lab by the pair. However, they weren't very good parents, often neglecting their duties as parents for their duties as heroes. (they say it's to protect her, but really they're just not ready for that responsibility.) Because of this, Nova is a lot closer to Amy, who looked after her until Eggman returned one day. He convinced her to rejoin the Empire, and now she works with him, as well as seeing him as her father figure. She fights Sonic whatever chance she gets, and seems to revel in the fight just like him - maybe they'll even start to bond over their regular battles... Despite working for Eggman, under her hard exterior and resting angry face is a very kind and rather lonely girl. Her hobbies include skateboarding and parkour.
About Solar: (by @chaospears) Solar (they/she) was created by Black Doom just before his defeat. He realised Shadow was going to betray him, so he needed someone that could a) harness chaos energy to bring the Black Comet to earth and b) be strong enough to defeat Shadow. So he used Sonic's DNA to create a powerful Black Arms hybrid. Solar however wasn't completed before Doom's defeat, and they stayed in stasis in her lifepod for 3 years amongst fallen debris from the comet. She was discovered by Eclipse. Solar is VERY excitable and bubbly and very like sonic in that she talks and acts faster than she thinks but they love the earth so deeply, and would do anything to protect it <3
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sweetredbeans · 3 months
i still fall for you (like suns do for skies)
My piece for @sthbigbang! It was delightful to work with such talented artists as @encodedkismet, @spiritofrainbursts and @superemeralds! Links to their gorgeous art pieces are at the end of the story! (Yes I will be finishing updating everyone's links as stuff gets posted!)
Comet: definition: a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
Star: definition: a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
He should have known. Dammit, he should have known, from that very first moment, that very first instant in time that he saw him, how it would end.
The way it always had to, the way it always would.
It would end the same way that it began.
I push my feet
To the edge
I look and I face my world
This lonely scene, I take it in
It's hard to say where all of it begins
And I end
Sonic was a comet. A block of ice hurtling through mostly empty space, originating from somewhere beyond the reaches of imagination and flying at unimaginable speeds towards nothing, forever.
That was how it had always been.
True, he would admit that from time to time he had some satellites–Tails, the golden fox twisting and turning like a spark across his endless skies, a shooting star that couldn’t possibly exist in the depths of space and yet he did–unique and impossible. Amy, a burst of violet and rose on the distant horizon, the creation of a new galaxy that called to him, promising a life, a future of stability and tranquility that his chaotic flight would never be able to enjoy. Knuckles, a strong, steadfast planet wandering his own universe and finding his own way in the distant parallel.
None of them could ever keep up. None of them could fully thaw his frozen heart, melt him to his icy core, race him to the edge of the universe in perfect stride, step for step, beat for beat. He was the Blue Blur, the Cerulean Phantom, running solo, free and alone, forever and ever, his only true companions the feeling of the earth beneath the soles of his feet, and the glitter of stars in the endless expanse over his head. He was part of the world, and the world was part of him, and everyone else was just a blip, a splash of color whipping by at speeds that no one else could even comprehend.
In his own orbit, he was alone. A solitary glitter of life sprinkled across an empty universe. And that's how it had always been.
And I waited for the sky to change
But, oh, it never did
And I almost dropped my head
And lost my faith
At least outsmarting GUN had been fun, a quick distraction from the monotony. That's how these things went every time: each adventure was a grand new opportunity that always fell short. Nothing could ever truly challenge his abilities. Leaping off a helicopter, skateboarding down city streets, even fighting that mech—it was all so basic that it barely left his heart pumping, barely made his blood flow through his veins. But it was all that he had, when the rest of the world very often felt so dull and lifeless.
Sonic scuffed the sole of his red shoe on the ground, listening to the way the specialized rubber scraped against the asphalt, before glancing up. The night was hidden here, among the great gray and brown-clad buildings stretching into the skies, their marching rows of rectangular fluorescent lights the only stars that were visible. Never changing, powered from dawn to dusk and round again—no twinkle to them unless Sonic tilted his head back and forth, letting the shadows and walls take one light or another from him. He was the only one who could make a change to his world.
Then I saw you from a distance
You were worlds away
Oh, but you had me from the vision
I never looked away
Then. Then, there was someone there. Someone else.
Someone new.
A galaxy.
A star.
A sun.
It didn't matter that the true stars were obscured: Sonic could see them all, every one of them, here reflected in front of him in oil-dark, ink-black fur. Here was an emptiness, a lack of matter, a black hole straight into space ignoring all laws of physics and reality because he just could. And that red—streaks of blood, of life, flowing through his space, glinting ruby-bright eyes that wouldn't look at him: chaos he wanted this stellar being to look at him. Wanted to be broken apart, cracked open, the glittering inside pieces laid bare streaming behind him worth it to taste the heat of the sun. And this was his sun.
His star was saying words, but Sonic's ears didn't process them, his mind far too preoccupied. Stars didn't speak—they sang, songs so old and distant that no one living could understand the words. His star was singing too, and perhaps, possibly, if he concentrated, if he focused, maybe he could grasp a single thread of that tune, hold it tight forever in his heart, know it intimately until one day he could understand the meaning behind the melody. The truth behind the tune. The soul behind the song.
Only a flash of green, bright and distracting, so very much of this world and none other brought him out of his dream and back into the present moment, “That's the...chaos emerald!”
No...no...his dreams were nothing more than pleasant distracting fantasies. This was no sun, no star. Just a fake hedgehog, another threat to the world, to their way of life, and, of course, it was Sonic's job to stop him.
It would be so easy, of course. Too easy, always too easy. Sonic almost sighed; just another routine, another set of hoops to jump through to avoid whatever shenanigans the world was trying to draw him into, be it from GUN or Eggman or this strange new hedgehog brandishing the chaos emerald like he was someone worthy of its power.
He could be...a star was worthy of that power. A great ball of plasma containing the ability to spring new life into existence, or the ability to destroy the very fabric of reality—perhaps this hedgehog was a star, after all. Chaos, Sonic longed for a star, a fixed point to return home to on his long travels, a spot where he was always welcomed, always loved...
But no, no he was a comet, that was how it was, and he didn't know where such thoughts of being in orbit were coming from. He was free, he was alone, and yet there was somehow no way that he could ever look away and escape from this brilliant crimson glow ever again.
“Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!” How could they have mistaken him, a dim, distant block of ice, for this radiant point of light?
His star looked at him, with eyes the color of blood, of lava, of the heartbeat of the earth itself, and Sonic willed himself not to care, not to crumble, not to prostrate himself before a god of the very universe itself.
“So...where do you think you're going with that emerald?” Nothing. No response, no liquid song voice; he needed to hear it, he needed to understand! “Say something! You fake hedgehog!”
He did. He sang, “Chaos control!”
And Sonic's heart soared.
He was fast.
He was as fast as Sonic—even if it was just that he was using the chaos emerald to warp, Sonic couldn't remember the last time he'd fought someone who dodged him that quickly on the first attack. Who looked back at him like that, with a smirk that knew it was superior. He could feel the energy radiating from his doppelganger now that they were fighting, a perfect resonance to his own—gravity rippling the fabric of spacetime itself, pulling him closer, tugging him into orbit around nothing less than a giant. Staring into the beauty that would rip him apart and leave him as nothing more than a streak of light across a distant sky.
Sonic felt the world get emptier when the other hedgehog vanished, leaving him alone again to once again face G.U.N.'s paltry wrath.
Shadow. The world's ultimate life form.
His star.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
“Pffft, no, what are you talking about, I'm not in love with Shadow! I mean, c'mon that's crazy, right? Cuz, I mean, we just met anyways—nobody here even ever saw him before he showed up to steal that chaos emerald the other day while pretending to be me! The fact that we keep running into each other is just coincidence: of course we'd meet on Prison Island, since he was there to steal stuff for Egghead and I was there to fix stuff and it's only natural that we'd fight and then he'd run away after I totally beat him, and I definitely didn't think about running after him to see where he was going and follow him because I never want him out of my sight again, nah that'd be crazy, right? Hahahahah yeah it totally would...just like it's crazy to think about how beautiful the stars would be reflected in his eyes...red shouldn't be the color of space; space is black, right? Red's a color out of space—but he's a star, of course he'd be a red giant. All the best stars are red giants, aren't they? Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Antares, Arcturus...so maybe it makes sense. But, y'know I'm totally not obsessed with him or thinking about what star he'd be or anything...”
“Uhhhh...Sonic?” Tails' voice cut through Sonic's rambling and the blue hedgehog immediately stopped, his hands frozen where they had been gesturing wildly to the empty air.
The yellow fox gave a sideways glance at Amy and Knuckles, who were both staring too, mouths slightly ajar, “I, uh...I don't think anyone asked that. We just wanted to know where to go next.”
A short beat of silence before Sonic cleared his throat.
“Oh, yeah, heheheh, that makes sense,” the blue hedgehog made an expression that could be a grimace or a grin, as he ran his hand nervously through his quills before glancing up at the skies above him, “Well...space, I think. That's where...that's where they'd be. That's where Shadow belongs.”
That's where all stars belonged.
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
Like watching the Earthrise
He'd never tried to harness chaos energy before—not like this. But he knew how Shadow's energy felt when they'd clashed—he'd memorized the fluctuations, the rhythm and beat of his rival's existence resonating with his every breath. So here, in the tiny space capsule falling towards his imminent death, he closed his eyes and remembered it.
He remembered how to be a star.
And somehow it worked.
“You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.” His star. His star, not even attacking him now, not lashing out at him but merely here, walking beside him. If they both reached their hands out, they could link their pinkie fingers together, an unspoken promise, a silent bond. Sonic felt his heart stutter, but kept his voice nonchalant.
“You know, what can I say...I die hard!” But he could tell the truth; he couldn't lie to his star, couldn't hesitate to tell him, “You actually saved me, you know.” The golden gem gleamed in his hand, its energy a paltry reflection of its true cousins, but still vibrant in its own right.
“It was a chaos emerald, wasn't it? But there's no way you could have activated chaos control using an emerald that's fake!”
Of course he couldn't. It was against the laws of this universe, completely out of the realm of possibility, but for his star, he would do it again and again. For his star, he would reach through the bowels of a black hole to another universe and bring back the haunted dust of a million galaxies if he only asked.
The corridor walls blurred together: somehow, they were running. Neither of them knew when they had started, but they were—they had to be, it was in their nature. They couldn't stand still, neither of them, they had to run, had to feel the world moving around them.
“So there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway?”
A comet. Your comet.
But he couldn't say that. He could never tell, “What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!” It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
“I see. But you know, I can't let you live.” Of course he couldn't. Suns didn't let comets live. Comets came to bask in their glow...and died in their arms.
They said that we both were too different
That all of the shine would fade away
But I wish that I never listened
'Cause you pulled me through the grey
Sonic didn't care what Tails had said; he didn't need to heed the yellow fox's warning. He'd never felt like this before. Not with anyone.
They were perfectly in sync. Golden fur glowing, liquid ruby eyes shining, power thrumming through their hearts and blood, they were both suns. Even if one was only a reflection of the other, who could tell when they were so close, so bright that it hurt to look at them. They were truly stars now, a perfect binary in orbit around each other, balanced in exquisite harmony. Every nonexistent breath of nonexistent air matched, every motion was coordinated like they'd been fighting in tandem for years, decades, centuries. Time was immaterial, because they were made of the fabric of the universe. They were never ending, a perfect dance, a perfect song flowing through Sonic's heart. Despite the severity of the situation he never wanted it to end.
They were perfect.
They were partners.
And for the first time...Sonic felt like he could see the world in color. He could see the beauty of the universe painted across the vault of heaven before him. He could see the reasons that people had for living, not just existing but living...he had seen colors before, the splashes of his friends across his oblivion of endless obsidian skies, but they had come and gone, faded before he'd even noticed them.
This was different—this was a reshaping of the very fundamental building blocks of his world. This was color in the way that the first daffodil of spring is, the ripple of a fish in a pond, the streak of a meteor, the flaming foliage of early autumn.
This was life.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
He saw Shadow's decision reflected in his eyes, painted across every inch of sky and stars. He could feel the pull of energy, his partner's wavelength out of sync now, his frequency decreasing.
“Shadow! Shadow!!!!”
His entire universe turned to look at him, and he felt the core of his being shake at the expression in his eyes. The resignation to an end far too early.
“I have to make them happy.”
“But...” Sonic bit back his response, What about making ME happy...he knew what the answer would be. He always knew what the answer would be.
And then there was no more time “CHAOS CONTROL”.
The energy he'd felt vibrating in his soul since the first moment he'd seen Shadow snapped, springing back on him as he left and Shadow...didn't. Separated, broken apart, the comet flung from the orbit of the star by a collision with a force that neither of them could have predicted and tossed away towards...towards...
Sonic couldn't look away. He couldn't.
I walk these streets of loneliness
A tranquil sea on all horizons
This empty scene of might-have-beens
I stare at starless skies
That call to me and I still wish
He could see it.
Their future.
Their “might-have-beens.”
(I still wish)
He could see himself alone. Forever. The world slowly falling back into gray as he watched the never-ending stars shift around an empty planet.
There were sunflowers here. A forest of them, bobbing their golden heads against cerulean skies, mimicking in their own way the world itself. Sonic was shorter than them, their stems stretching far above his head as he walked the endless forest of them, searching for something he'd lost and would never find again.
A shape, a figure, a shadow darting through the green stems ahead of him—he was following them, always following, but he could never catch up, never quite make out their form any more than an obscure shade.
At his feet, a perfect flower, plucked from its stem. Golden symmetrical harmony in every petal. The minute he touched it, it crumbled to dust at his fingertips, blowing away on the wind.
His voice called after it, but only once; he felt blood well in his throat at the raspy croak, cracked and broken from hours, days, years of calling the exact same thing, and never once receiving an answer.
(I still wish)
He could see them standing apart, facing each other. They didn't know each other any more, but somehow the battlefield was familiar, the players the same for another round. The tables reset, the game restarted, another chance in another life.
“It'll be a date to die for.”
“Hey! That's my line!”
He could see an invasion, a devastation on the scale that none had ever imagined—even he couldn't stand against it, falling to his knees in the face of oblivion, but somehow, at the end, there was Shadow. There was the star, the sun, his golden glow shining out against a blood-red sky, and taking the power he had been too weak to use before to end the war before it even began.
Shadow, his star, saved them all, taming the power that had once burned him out and turning it against his very creators, all for the sake of their world. Sonic stared up at him with awe and adoration, but Shadow never looked at him.
Not even once.
(I still wish)
He could see a shattered universe, a disaster created by his own audacity and hubris. His friends and enemies mere shells of their former selves, taunting him with possibilities and “might have beens” as he worked, piecing them back together even as the broken remains of the world drew farther apart, fading and flickering towards oblivion. He risked losing it all, losing everything—not just his true friends but these new versions as well.
But Shadow was there, watching over him: guiding his footsteps, and, at the very end, catching him when he fell.
Shadow saved him. Shadow always saved him.
(I still wish)
But best of all, he could see them dancing, like this, forever. The space above the planet becoming their domain, their place to stand and watch over the world below. They would count the stars together, naming them one by one and hanging them into their constellations, holding each one close until the day they went out, disappearing with a whisper or a nova bright enough to light up the entire night sky, leaving a mark on the skin of space that could be seen for millions of years.
A super nova.
He could see them in the city, the rain covering up the stars, the buildings, everything except the two of them, walking, hand in hand through the never-ending gray, but never being lost because together they were always found. Heart to heart and hand in hand, orbiting each other perfectly and perpetually, the comet caught in the star's gravity and kept safe, the perfect distance away to admire the fire but not be burned by it.
He could see them in the flowers in the spring. Tulips, each as red as Shadow's eyes, bobbing their heads under the sun and the stars, time meaningless to them as they walked among the crimson fields, the smell of damp earth invigorating to every sense.
He could see them fighting, teeth bared, ears pinned, snarling and growling and hating each other or the world or both, until fur was dusty and fangs were stained with blood, but at the end of the day they would embrace, fire and ice, and return to a home that they shared and watch the world pass them by.
Like watching the Earthrise
Sonic didn't know how he'd found himself back on the ARK after the battle with the Final Hazard. He couldn't remember walking the hallways back to the viewing area—he couldn't imagine looking away from Shadow's grave for one singular moment. He...he hadn't, right? He hadn't looked away...he couldn't look away, he might miss the spark, the distant moment when Shadow reignited and came back, a phoenix from the ashes...his Sayonara couldn't be the end.
“Sonic.” Tails' voice nearly made him jump out of his skin, but he didn't look back; he couldn't look away.
“We have to go. Eggman's ship is getting ready and...”
Sonic cut him off, “Tails?”
“Comets...what are comets?”
“Comets? Uh...they're big balls of ice and rock that usually start way out in the far reaches of the solar system, and for some reason get flung in towards the sun. When they get close, at the near end of their parabolic pathway, the solar wind heats them up so they start forming tails of dust and gas as they basically burn up...”
Tails kept going, continuing his commentary about the wonders of the universe, but Sonic didn't hear, didn't process any more of the words, because there was only one thought that was echoing thunderously through his mind.
“Sh-shadow...Shadow was the comet.”
“What?” Tails stopped chattering, his tone concerned.
“Shadow was the comet.” Sonic's voice was hollow, as he stared out at the enormous blue and green ball that slowly rotated into the view of the window, “And I...I was always the sun.”
It was always going to end like this.
Like watching the Earthrise
Art Links!
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noahsresources · 1 year
send an emoji (and/or the description of them) to let them know! if it helps, think about finishing the following sentence from the perspective of your muse: "i think you're _____." (terms source)
😡 [RED ANGRY FACE] — aggressive
😒 [UNAMUSED FACE] — aloof
🫵 [INDEX POINTING AT THE VIEWER] — argumentative
👅 [TONGUE] — arrogant
😉 [WINKING FACE] — cheeky
👶 [BABY] — childish
🪃 [BOOMERANG] — cocky
🪞 [MIRROR] — conceited
🩸 [DROP OF BLOOD] — cruel
🚪 [DOOR] — cynical
🔫 [WATER PISTOL] — dangerous
💥 [EXPLOSION] — daring
🌑 [NEW MOON] — dark
⚠️ [WARNING] — defiant
😣 [PERSEVERING FACE] — difficult
🗯️ [ANGRY SPEECH BUBBLE] — dishonest
🖕 [MIDDLE FINGER] — disrespectful
🫠 [MELTING FACE] — ditsy
😭 [LOUDLY CRYING FACE] — emotional
🖤 [BLACK HEART] — evil
🗑️ [WASTEBASKET] — filthy
💔 [BROKEN HEART] — fragile
🌧️ [CLOUD WITH RAIN] — gloomy
🤑 [MONEY-MOUTH FACE] — greedy
🙎 [PERSON POUTING] — grumpy
🧨 [FIRECRACKER] — hateful
🤣 [ROFL FACE] — hyper
🧒 [CHILD] — immature
😖 [CONFOUNDED FACE] — impatient
😪 [SLEEPY FACE] — impolite
🛹 [SKATEBOARD] — impulsive
🐣 [HATCHING CHICK] — innocent
⚡️ [LIGHTNING BOLT] — intense
💦 [WATER DROPLETS] — irrational
❎ [X MARK] — jealous
🥱 [YAWNING FACE] — lazy
😩 [WEARY FACE] — moody
🫲 [LEFTWARD HAND] — needy
🫦 [BITING LIP] — nervous
❌ [CROSS MARK] — offensive
👎 [THUMBS DOWN] — pessimistic
🥢 [CHOPSTICKS] — picky
🧊 [ICE] — prejudiced
👏 [CLAPPING HANDS] — proud
💫 [DIZZY SYMBOL] — sarcastic
🐍 [SNAKE] — sassy
😋 [SMILING FACE LICKING LIPS] — scatterbrained
📒 [LEDGER] — secretive
🏴‍☠️ [PIRATE FLAG] — selfish
🥺 [PLEADING FACE] — sensitive
😴 [SLEEPING FACE] — sleepy
💄 [LIPSTICK] — snobbish
👆 [INDEX FINGER] — strict
🥶 [COLD FACE] — stubborn
🤯 [EXPLODING HEAD] — unstable
💀 [SKULL] — untrustworthy
🤜 [RIGHT-FACING FIST] — uptight
💅 [NAIL POLISH] — vain
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] — vicious
☄️ [COMET] — volatile
👿 [ANGRY FACE WITH HORNS] — wrathful
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lilyblackdrawside · 5 months
I looked at what all the liberi operators and Skalter gift for their tokens.
Weapons Gnosis - handmade knife Flint - handmade knife GreyThroat - broken scalpel Kafka - knife in soil May - taser Pinecone - very heavy toolbag with a backup nailgun
Feathers Plume - hat with decorations Silence - feather
Pens Orchid - feels like office-work Astesia - starry Skalter - curved cartilage quill that mutates you
Reading material Hellagur - Ursus war history Ho'olheyak - history Elysium - hand-drawn topographic map La Pluma - Dossoles Guide to Cocktails Erato - notebook with legends and poems Ceylon - notebook on Originium research Ptilopsis - reference book on Originium arts
Instruments Fartooth - wooden piccolo Cantabile - small, disarmed lyre
Wood Magallan - frozen branch Totter - frozen firewood
Snacks Fiammetta - bullet-shaped hazelnut lollipop Poncirus - Poncirus
Wearables Archetto - badge Salter - her old glasses
Clothing Bibeak - a shirt that she made when she first started sewing Kjera - big, warm scarf
Decorations Bryophyta - small, decorative surfboard Astgenne - handmade comet
Money Passenger - coin Snowsant - purse with coins
Trinkets Irene - ochre reef Firewhistle - lighter that she showed you some sweet tricks with Mulberry - charmed amulet with a very slight scent Mr. Nothing - paper fan
Skateboard Aciddrop - skateboard, bandages, disinfectant
The amount of weapons, especially knives, is notable, as are the books. Plume's token is specifically "A formal hat decorated with a modest amount of feathers. It is suitable for all Laterano festivals.". I assume those are plucked from a fowlbeast, but I like to think that they're her own that she's gathered over time.
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legendsoffandoms · 26 days
Is it time for a Kintro?
(No real order btw)
Probably [Updated as of: ##\##\##]
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Clover - The Vessel!
Any but she/her (loves neos)
Trans masc / Genderfluid
Interests: Ninjago, Lmk, Jttw, Tmnt, Video games, Roblox, Transformers, DnD, Baking, Drawing, Writing, Undertale, OSP, Mythology, Music, Goth music and fashion, Countryhumans/Statehumans, Empires smp, Hermitcraft smp, The life series, and more (I forget)
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Xiao Siye Cao
Xiǎo Sìyè Cǎo
Aka Clover
Trans masc
Interests: Messing with friends, Exploring, Swimming, Painting, Designing, Making stuff, Making clothes, Spending time with family, and The winter time
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Male (probably)
Interests: Gardening, Cleaning, Spending time outside, Listening to music, The gardens, meeting other fallen angels, and chilling in the gardens
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Interests: Causing chaos, exploring, messing with life forms, chilling in/near black holes, chilling on/near stars, chilling on comets, destroying stuff
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Sun Wukong
Monkey King
Pilgrim Sun
Interests: Fighting, Fashion, Hanging with friends, messing with gods, messing with mortals, causing chaos, hanging with the children (the monkeys)
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South Carolina
Palmetto State
Interests: Pirates, The ocean, Reading, Hiking, Boating, Rafting, Outdoors, Alone time, and other things we forget
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Interests: Shiny objects, sea shells, swimming, the depths, messing with humans, luring humans, singing, talking with other merfolks, and nom-ing on non edible things
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Ink Sans
Paint Brush
Interests: Painting, Drawing, Watching over the aus, Helping creators, hanging with the bad sanses, hanging with Error, messing with Error, hanging with the star sanses, and making art/stuff
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Nardo (Donnie only)
Transgender / Trans masc
Interests: Swords, Hanging with his brothers, Sleep (insomnia is a bitch), Hanging with April, hanging with Casey jr, Medical stuff, Skateboarding, Comics, Exploring, Water activities, Swimming, and telling jokes
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Eldrecryptic - Gender
Interests: Playing, getting pet, getting treats, stalking humans, hanging with other cryptics, roaming houses, sleeping, getting food, finding new humans to meet, messing with humans, and playing with other cats
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taylorswiftandx · 11 months
Taylor Swift and Passing
'Taylor Swift'
(no passing)
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
(no passing)
'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)'
Back To December: When your birthday passed and I didn't call
Enchanted: The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy
Long Live: I said, "Remember this feeling," I pass the pictures around
I Can See You: Pass me a note saying, "Meet me tonight"
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
The Moment I Knew: And the hours pass by, now I just wanna be alone
'1989 (Taylor's Version)'
I Wish You Would: It's 2 AM in your car, windows down, you pass my street, the memories start
I Wish You Would: It's 2 AM in my room, headlights pass the window pane, I think of you
I Know Places: I can hear them whisper as we pass by, it's a bad sign, bad sign
Is It Over Now?: "Come here," I whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out
End Game: I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one
It's Nice To Have A Friend: Video games, you pass me a note, sleeping in tents
Seven: Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
Seven: And just like a folk song, our love will be passed on
Seven: Passed down like folk songs, our love lasts so long
Betty: Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard when I passed your house, it's like I couldn't breathe
'Tis The Damn Season: It's the kind of cold fogs up windshield glass but I felt it when I passed you
No Body, No Crime: And I noticed when I passed his house, his truck has got some brand new tires
Cowboy Like Me: And the ladies lunching have their stories about when you passed through town
Long Story Short: And you passed right by, I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides
Long Story Short: And he's passing by, rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
Snow On The Beach: But it might just have been you passing by unbeknownst to me
Other Songs written by Taylor
Safe And Sound: But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
Official Alternate Releases
(no passing)
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gmbmcoccu-offish · 1 year
.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·: character intros :·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.
mainly, this universe is reliant on be more chill (book/musical mashup) and our original characters' backstories :)
PLACE: suburban east-coast united states
TIME: circa 2010
Comet Andromeda, 17, she/her: main character. a girl who may well have fallen from the stars herself, who is not quite as adjusted to this world as she wants to be. traits: sweet, passionate, naive.
Mari Sallow, 17, they/them: main character. a former runaway who enjoys aliens, parties, skateboarding, and general shenanigans. traits: charismatic, loyal, anxious.
Wilbur Rayne, 18, he/him: main character. a coffee-and-cigarette-fuelled bookworm who spends less time reading and more time getting dragged into things he doesn’t want to be a part of. traits: cheerful, careless, energetic.
Celia Starling, 17, she/her: main character. a talented guitarist for her own band with too much pent-up anger to release onto the strings. traits: self-confident, pessimistic, devoted.
Raven Adrien, 18, she/her: main character. an amateur writer and spirit medium who really just wants a bit of relief from all. that. anger. traits: sarcastic, intelligent, bitter.
Rakuto 'Rack' ("Like a spice rack") Hata, 19, he/him: main character. the local squip-dealer full of ambition with no traits to become as popular or rich as he wants. traits: willful, ambitious, sensitive.
Stephanie Sanicci, 18, she/her: side character. the resident goth girl, ranked third hottest. for all her popularity she likes being strange and off-putting. traits: self-indulgent, melancholic, dedicated.
acceptance, romance, indiecore, neon, 2010s, grunge, secrets
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spacerockwriting · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!! 🏷️
hello friends and welcome back to weekly tag game wednesday! Thanks to our lovely host Macy for brining us - a Very Random Q&A!
Thanks for the tags @heymacy and @energievie
name: Comet
your time zone: EST
favorite food: Chipotle, Nandos??? idk.
your eye color: green
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? wavyish???
coffee or tea? coffee. Tea hates me
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? dont force me to choose. omg
how many countries have you visited? ...none.
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): discord
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? hmmmm ha, being Nico wouldn't be so bad.
relationship status: i dont fucking know??? Like, i'm not really "with" anyone formally.
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? yup, communications major, but film focus
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? Perks of Being a Wallflower, South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut, Orgazmo, and idk.
what’s one of your pet peeves? people who don't believe my sensory issues
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? well not on HERE, but in general? out in the open about this shit now.
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? skateboarding, better at guitar, better at arting
tagging: @transmurderbug @roryonic @transmickey @deathsclassic @rayrayor
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Damn the hype was accurate The Martian was real good
Overall I think it was fun, I think the fact he does the like video calls is a great way to make up for the fact he doesn't have anyone around to talk to so you can maintain dialogue without having it feel forced. It's a creative way to get around the fact he's up there totally alone.
I think it was a well-made movie, the lighting was good and the pacing was solid, they could have done more to kind of drag out the fact he was there alone in the vastness of space and emphasize the loneliness and mental impact but I understand why they didn't. Some of the cgi isn't the world's best like you can tell they filmed the zero gravity by just like probably havin em lay on a skateboard or smth and roll around cause it defo looks Wrong compared to Apollo 13 which filmed a lot of stuff in the reduced gravity vomit comet and while I understand why they did not do that because it's a bitch and a half to film and as the name implies often makes people motion sick, it does look way worse using cg.
I would have liked a little more scientific detail and again I understand why they didn't. But as a scientist. I personally want more. Give me jargon baby I can handle it.
I did really like how they referenced real NASA stuff and how he used Pathfinder and little Sojourner! Lovely little Sojourner, the first of a new breed of space travelers. It really was that little. See here on the Martian surface, in a photo taken from the real Pathfinder:
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Sojourner is akin to a child to me and I would die for it. It's an honorary member of the Geologic Society of America. Anyway that has nothing to do with the movie itself I just love seeing Sojourner. The fact that it was the first of its kind and Mark was the first of his own kind, the first to grow plants on another planet, the first to do a lot of shit on Mars, I think that's a nice little sort of symbolism. The choice of going with Sojourner and not a more recognizable rover because it was the first I think is a good creative decision.
Oh I also think the first part of the credits was done in a good way one that hearkens back to older films with the fact they had the actor's name over a shot of the character and having it be like a "where are they now" segment was creative it worked the epilogue into the credits and I like that. Makes the credits more engaging and also helps you remember who the fuck everyone was.
The soundtrack slaps I love me some creative use of disco-esque tracks. You can hit me with that Donna Summer anytime and I will enjoy every second of it.
It was simply a good movie. I'm gonna read the book at some point once I'm done muscling my way through everything else I'm reading rn. Probably a 9/10, mostly bc again that CG was just not it and also there were a few imdb goofs level mistakes like a backpack disappearing between shots and what have you but like it's a long movie you make allowances. I love you Sojourner I love you Pathfinder.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 9 months
I'd love a personality summary of all your OCs :)
Kaiya: lonely kid from early 2010s internet that will end up a jerk in a few years if they don't get any character development soon
Suika: sans undertale but a 'senpai/ne-chan' magical girl
joyuu: tall dark and mysterious but in a cottage-core kinda way
koko: that kid that is trying to convince you they're part cat
Gaman: jester.
Kyo Fukushima : sensitive soft boy that is slowly developing a hero complex
Niseru Woodtail : rich goth girl ran away from home to live in woods! tsundere but in a star-crossed lovers way
Fukusha Kopi : trying so hard to be a badboy tumblr sexy man. skateboards, spraypaints, leather jackets and all that. also he has a god-complex
Chikara Kitsune : Idol anime protagonist
Kazumi Fukushima : if mewtwo was made by a cult instead of the pokemon mafia
Oritsu: lokwey a Diva. short and angry
Tenko Raitail : *insert marina and the diamonds songs*
Beatchu Raitail : has resigned to being a bit of a 'cliche/stereotypical' gay. has mixtapes for every occasion and is sorta silly wacky :3 he's also like the one raitail triplet that turned out stable!
Charlotte : vampire child who you slowly realize really needs therapy
Beatrice : kid that's both like 'wise'/'mature' for their age but also is like really just a kid. also she's terminally ill
Marilou : best girl <3 Shy quiet girl be she has a sword
Comet : audhd kid that wants to climb a tree SO bad
Button: tragic villain but they got a redemption arc before they could do anything evil and now they're literally just some guy
Haku : 'what do you mean that's not normal??" ghost type pokemon user edition
Cassette : opposite of the emotionless robot girl: energetic joy whimsy robot girl
Chari : shy socially anxious weeb that has a lot of random skills fsr
Orbee : he's your friend
Inkblot : shy baby fangirl slowly coming out of her shell cuz she has great older siblig figures encourage her creativity
nutmeg : guy that gave up on not being 'cringe' a long time ago, adorable pastel soft boy whos also a horror fan
Apricot : either a time traveler or a full time larper: we're not sure!
Sunny : thinks he's cool. dork that loves his girlfriend
Daisy : 'shy and quiet' but actually badass and cool as hell. she's also a dork that loves her boyfriend
Scott : serious, calm, deadpan, constant poker face. Upon closer inspection he is rather silly actually
Tip : if Barry from the murder of sonic the hedgehog was EVEN SILLIER. he's the energetic frantic to Scotts cold and collected
i have more cause of course i do but this works for now lol
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princekirijo · 1 year
Since you've been talking about Riku quite a bit lately I was just wondering - are there any of your mutuals' ocs that you think he would get along well with?
Alright I've been putting this off for like. Two months now because I've been really nervous about it (a good nervous) but fuck it I'm just gonna get this done!!!
OK so the short answer is yes. I'll be 100% honest whenever a mutual posts about their OC I am IMMEDIATELY thinking about how they'd vibe with Riku. I can't help it I think about him 24/7 and to be honest I think it's actually a fun exercise that helps build up characters to imagine how he'd get on with other people.
The longer answer is tough because I don't want to ramble on too long and also I feel. silly. enough so I'm gonna just limit it to a few of my mutuals OCs. Readmore cause this got kinda long but also let me say that you should absolutely check out all the OCs I mentioned because they're so cool and well thought out and just amazing :]
So the first one is Nico (latenitewaffles) OC Katsuro Sanada who has been spinning around in my head ever since Nico introduced him. He's such a cool guy and I get excited whenever Nico posts about him!! Katsuro is an Akishinji kid so obviously with Riku being a Yukamitsu kid, these two would have grown up together. I think they'd balance each other pretty well!! From what I know of Katsuro he's a pretty chilled low energy dude, which honestly Riku needs because that boy is like a comet. Full of energy fr fr. I feel like Riku would have also had a much better time as a kid because he would have had someone very close to his age as a friend. There would be a period of time where the two would be in Kosei together and unfortunately I feel like they wouldn't spend much time together because Riku would have shut himself off from everyone while he was dealing with Hatanaka's bullshit and at the same time Katsuro had all the stuff with Nakada going on too. They'd def make it up to each other afterwards though :] Also Riku 🤝 Katsuro -> having weird ass dreams involving moons and coffins and green skies.
The second one I'm picking I'm cheating a little and picking two of Rui's (wildcard-rumi) OCs Tobei and Aki! If you wanna read more about them I'd highly recommend Rui's fic its so so good. I know there's more OCs in their Persona group but these would be the two I know most about. I think Riku would vibe with them pretty well too!! I know Tobei dislikes being pitied for his illness and I think Riku would kinda get that. He'd have to stop himself from checking in on him every two minutes because he just really cares about his friends but I think Riku would definitely encourage him to try new things, although maybe his high energy might overwhelm Tobei a bit... As for Aki well Riku would honestly vibe with him so much, he'd probably beg Aki to get him to teach him skateboard tricks... only for him to fail spectacularly because he was way too over enthusiastic about it. Also I found it kinda funny there's a place in the fic called Riku Park which is connected to the Labyrinth (which is the Shadow world of Rui's fic) and I think Riku would constantly refer to it as his park and would probably try and convince people he bought it. Just to see the look on their faces 💀
The third one then I'm picking is Asuka Misty (misty-wisp) OC! Another OC I've been rotating in my brain since Misty dropped this fic with her. Initially I think Asuka would be weary of Riku. Cause like Asuka is a very anxious person (for good reason too girl's going through it) and Riku is well. Riku "is anyone gonna rush head first into this dangerous situation" then doesn't wait for an answer Kirijo. However, I think because Asuka is really good at reading people, she'd probably be one of the few people to pick up on the fact that Riku's ego is just a front for how insecure in himself he actually is and eventually I think they'd be good friends :] Also I'm pretty sure Asuka gets on very well with Ann and well Riku gets on extremely well with Ann so the three of them would vibe well with Ann acting as kinda the middle ground between the two.
OK I think that's like. The main ones I can think of where I know enough about the OC to talk about the potential Riku dynamic. A few honorable mentions would be (yusuke-of-valla) Alto's OC Ryuko, both her and Riku are theatre kid nerds and would probably sing + gush about Musicals together, Gabe (elijah-terry) OC Yuuha again they both love dancing so they'd vibe with that and also they have a black mask AU and thats all I can think of for now. I know there's other OCs I'm missing so I'm really sorry about that >.< But this was a really fun ask to think out thank you anon :] and I hope I did all my mutuals' OCs justice....
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Prankster Comet chaos
Uh. Hi.
My name is Ricardo Experiencia
Unfortunately my son is unable to write here at the moment as he's currently dealing with something called a "Prankster Coment"
I'm not sure what that is.
But I this explanation online
"a prankster comet affects a person or location by altering them in some way."
I first noticed this when I went to the portal.
For some reason a toad was speaking backwards. Then one of those crocodile looking guys was on a street corner juggling fireballs. But then he was on fire for everywhere but his hands when a fireball landed on him.
Apparently one of those prankster comets landed here.
I thought this was some normal occurrence here.
I was at the castle garden to watch Garth do his training thing. For some reason Mario was running past me.
I tried asking him where was Garth. That was until another, purple Mario came by, and another and another.
Mario was being chased by these purple copycats.
Mario said. Sorry Ricardo. I'm a bit busy with the comet and can't stop running otherwise these guys will knock me out.
I decided to go wait for Garth since training was probably canceled. But he'd still probably want to come.
I was waiting in there living room.
It was really spacious.
For some reason there was a toad called toadsworth in a skateboarder get up.
I assumed it also affected by the comet.
But no.
The princess (who looks like she was a cake topper) explain that he was just probably going through a Mid life crisis. The last time that he got affected by a prankster comet, he just got red eyes.
Then a talking squid said that hm saying that something similar happened 4 years ago.
I decided to just go wait in the lobby with the two-dimensional receptionist.
Garth had finally come for his training.
But rather than being as usual talkative self.
He couldn't really see anything. Or emote for that matter
Or really even communicate.
Maybe It had something to do with the black bars over his eyes and mouth.
He also really couldn't write or type anything.
Anything he wrote was just kind of like these weird boxes.
[][][][] [][][] [][][][][][] [][][][][][]
They look like these weird brackets.
There's actually just something that Garth texted me earlier in the day.
Mario then came by and shouted "oh no not you too Garth."
Mario couldn't stand still which was a bit nauseating to be honest. But for some reason I.
I could not use the restroom.
Then again, what else is new.
The comet was affecting everyone.
Even humans but I thought we were immune to stuff like this.
One of the people there mentioned that it was a reality warping thing rather than fantasy or magic or whatever.
Mario decided to just give Garth a quick lecture or something on this and canceled training.
Me and him decided to just take chillax for the rest of the day.
We ended up going to see "The Blast and the Blurriest" movie. Then we went out to eat which was... Is disturbing the right word. My son has sensor bars thing on his face so that was kind of freaky.
After we ate. We kind of talked for a while.
I just spoke some stuff about how I'm kind of proud of him. He's growing up and changing.
Even if I couldn't see his face I think he really liked it.
I do have one question though. How come I wasn't affected.
Anyways I got to go.
Garth mite probably edit this. He wanted me to write for the post today for his blog thing.
[][][][][] [][][][][][][] [][][]
Garth tried typing this
Before I posted. But I don't know what it means.
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jurakan · 2 years
Fun Fact Fridaaaaay!
Today You Learned about the Arecibo Telescope and Observatory:
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Until the completion of FAST in China in 2016, the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico was the world’s largest radio telescope, and it was completed back in 1963. Aside from looking like the awesomest place to skateboard ever of all time, the telescope used radar to observe objects in space. And it made several discoveries, including the true length of Mercury’s rotation period, the detection of Comet Encke, and the first direct image of an asteroid. It was also a major part of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Project, with it beaming a pixelated message into space to see if anyone would pick up and answer back. Probably unsurprisingly, there are tons of stories about UFOs above Puerto Rico.
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The University of Utah tells me the original message was in black and white though.
Also! There was an attached museum with tons of cool science exhibits about astronomy.
Sadly, in the early 2000’s, NASA decided to cut funding to the telescope. There were plenty of advocates, and it continued to operate for over a decade…until it was heavily damaged in 2017 during Hurricane Maria, and in 2020, before much could be done to save it, the entire thing collapsed. There are efforts to replace it and preserve parts of the old telescope, but I don’t know how that’s going.
Also, it appeared in a James Bond movie.
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Pierce Brosnan didn’t actually climb that thing though; reportedly it was a stunt double because in real life Brosnan is afraid of heights (something he’s a bit sensitive about, I think).
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malicedarkened · 1 year
😡 [RED ANGRY FACE] — aggressive
😒 [UNAMUSED FACE] — aloof
🫵 [INDEX POINTING AT THE VIEWER] — argumentative
👅 [TONGUE] — arrogant
😉 [WINKING FACE] — cheeky
👶 [BABY] — childish
🪃 [BOOMERANG] — cocky
🪞 [MIRROR] — conceited
🩸 [DROP OF BLOOD] — cruel
🚪 [DOOR] — cynical
🔫 [WATER PISTOL] — dangerous
💥 [EXPLOSION] — daring
🌑 [NEW MOON] — dark
⚠️ [WARNING] — defiant
😣 [PERSEVERING FACE] — difficult
🗯️ [ANGRY SPEECH BUBBLE] — dishonest
🖕 [MIDDLE FINGER] — disrespectful
🫠 [MELTING FACE] — ditsy
😭 [LOUDLY CRYING FACE] — emotional
🖤 [BLACK HEART] — evil
🗑️ [WASTEBASKET] — filthy
💔 [BROKEN HEART] — fragile
🌧️ [CLOUD WITH RAIN] — gloomy
🤑 [MONEY-MOUTH FACE] — greedy
🙎 [PERSON POUTING] — grumpy
🧨 [FIRECRACKER] — hateful
🤣 [ROFL FACE] — hyper
🧒 [CHILD] — immature
😖 [CONFOUNDED FACE] — impatient
😪 [SLEEPY FACE] — impolite
🛹 [SKATEBOARD] — impulsive
🐣 [HATCHING CHICK] — innocent
⚡️ [LIGHTNING BOLT] — intense
💦 [WATER DROPLETS] — irrational
❎ [X MARK] — jealous
🥱 [YAWNING FACE] — lazy
😩 [WEARY FACE] — moody
🫲 [LEFTWARD HAND] — needy
🫦 [BITING LIP] — nervous
❌ [CROSS MARK] — offensive
👎 [THUMBS DOWN] — pessimistic
🥢 [CHOPSTICKS] — picky
🧊 [ICE] — prejudiced
👏 [CLAPPING HANDS] — proud
💫 [DIZZY SYMBOL] — sarcastic
🐍 [SNAKE] — sassy
😋 [SMILING FACE LICKING LIPS] — scatterbrained
📒 [LEDGER] — secretive
🏴‍☠️ [PIRATE FLAG] — selfish
🥺 [PLEADING FACE] — sensitive
😴 [SLEEPING FACE] — sleepy
💄 [LIPSTICK] — snobbish
👆 [INDEX FINGER] — strict
🥶 [COLD FACE] — stubborn
🤯 [EXPLODING HEAD] — unstable
💀 [SKULL] — untrustworthy
🤜 [RIGHT-FACING FIST] — uptight
💅 [NAIL POLISH] — vain
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] — vicious
☄️ [COMET] — volatile
👿 [ANGRY FACE WITH HORNS] — wrathful
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