#Combatting Autumn Allergies: Tips to Keep You Feeling Great
joitotheworldstuff · 28 days
Combatting Autumn Allergies: Tips to Keep You Feeling Great
Combatting Autumn Allergies: Tips to Keep You Feeling Great Autumn is a beautiful season, with the air turning crisp and leaves changing colors. However, for many people, autumn also signals the start of allergy season. As the weather cools down and plants release their pollen, many individuals find themselves grappling with irritating allergy symptoms. If you or your loved ones are affected by…
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Spring has sprung, the daffodils are in bloom, the grass is growing and the sun is shining. We might still be in lockdown but with the damp weather a near memory (for now) we can actually get out in our gardens, using this time to benefit not just our physical wellbeing but our mental wellbeing too. This article is written by Matt Keightley for The Guardian and you can access it and other wellbeing gardening tips via: www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/mar/14/how-to-plant-a-wellbeing-garden
Gardens and gardening make us feel better – that's a fact – and the real magic is that anyone, anywhere can enjoy their healing power. Here's how to find your way with gardening and some stories from people whose lives it has changed for the better
How to plant a wellbeing garden
From herbs to aid sleep to trees that tackle pollution, plants can provide more than just a visual feast
There is an ever-growing body of scientific evidence that gardens and gardening are good for our physical, mental and social wellbeing. Having something to nurture brings a sense of unpressured purpose to our lives. And if you choose the right plants and design, you can enhance the wellbeing your garden provides.
A considered, layered approach to planting can block traffic noise; the right trees and shrubs can combat pollution; certain flowers can keep pollen counts low, while still encouraging bees and insects; and scented plants can reduce stress. Here’s how to do it.
Pollutant capturers
English yew (Taxus baccata) has dense natural form and a large surface area through its delicate needle-like foliage. It’s as good for topiary as it is for a formal hedge.
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) leaves provide air-filtering qualities. It has beautiful yellow foliage in autumn.
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is an underrated native, and a popular choice for hedgerow mixes. It also provides a thorny retreat and protection for nesting birds.
Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), with its tiny leaf form, provides a fine filter for air particles. It’s robust, and suitable for both roadsides and ornamental settings.
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) A combination of dense growth and waxy leaves help holly perform well against pollutants. Particulates become trapped in the waxy layer of the leaves.
Italian cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) is brilliant for adding impactful height and structure in relative confinement; its dense foliage is great at absorbing sound.
Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara) Shaped like a wizard’s hat, this majestic tree has strong yet delicate limbs that extend laterally. One of the best climbing trees for kids, it is particularly good at absorbing low frequencies.
Chilean bamboo (Chusquea culeou) helps mask noise with lance-shaped leaves that rustle in the breeze.
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) holds beautiful form and great leaf colour. The ovate leaf shape is effective in limiting noise.
Portugal laurel (Prunus lusitanica) is a great hedging plant that can fit in tight spaces. If placed near a source of noise (a road, say), its dense spreading habit can dampen sound.
Low-pollen plants
Clematis (Clematis armandii) has beautifully scented white flowers and a low pollen count. Allow it to clad a boundary fence or pergola to great effect.
African lily (Agapanthus) is a bold plant that will minimise pollen levels in your plot. It can brighten a border or provide brilliant focus in a pot on a terrace.
Foxglove (Digitalis) Although laden with pollen, its bell-shaped flowers act as cups that hold it inside. Given the height the flower spikes reach, they can also be placed at the back of a border.
Female silver-margined holly (Ilex aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’) has just about zero effect on allergies. With its waxy leaf structure and red berries, it can add interest in more shady spots.
Whitebeam (Sorbus aria) is a deciduous tree that produces clusters of white flowers in spring and red berries in early autumn, providing long-lasting interest throughout the season.
Scented herbs
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) looks great in mixed borders or pots, can be used in many recipes, and is proven to enhance alertness, memory, reduce anxiety, improve mood and aid relaxation.
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) Be sure it doesn’t take over, so place in pots (in sunny spots). Peppermint will enhance attention, alertness and memory as well as reduce stress.
Lavender (Lavandula) A therapeutic garden classic, fantastic for improving concentration, reducing stress and anxiety, increasing relaxation and improving mood. Plant near a back door or seating areas for maximum exposure.
Thyme (Thymus) A great robust ground cover that, if planted along the edge of a path or gaps within paving, will release its beautiful scent when stepped on.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) sits daintily within grasses and among other perennials. It makes a delicious tea and aids sleep
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babewith-abow · 7 years
RULES. Repost, do not reblog! Tag 10! Good luck! 
 Tagged by: @thebrokenrobin​ 
 Tagging: @biestmodus, @theredhoodoutlaw, @lucklessprincess, @billyandhismultiples, @eclairegrey, @redcladnerd, @bcrnentertainer
 FULL NAME:Artemis Lian Crock 
 NICKNAME(S): Artemis, Arty(Artie), Blondie, Tigress
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: May 29th (Ares)
ETHNIC GROUP: Mixed (Vietnamese and Caucasian) 
LANGUAGE: Multilingual (English) 
 RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (getting over the loss of a love)/Verse Dependent 
 CLASS: Middle 
 HOME TOWN/AREA: Gotham City, New Jersey  
CURRENT HOME: House in Palo Alto, California 
PROFESSION: Vigilante Crimefighter/ Part Time ER Doctor
 HAIR: Long waist length fair amber blonde hair, with her ‘identity collar’ it shortens to shoulder length and turns jet black.
EYES: Dark Thundercloud Gray, with her ‘identity collar’ they turn almond shape but seem to retain the same shade of gray.
NOSE: Straight-Edge
FACE: Heart shaped 
LIPS: Full with a defined cupids bow.
BLEMISHES: Rare, usually stressed caused
 SCARS: Multiple and varies by verse, the most prominent one on her cheek from the dagger Harm attacked her and Zatanna with during her youth. In the verse V: Living a nightmare; she becomes reckless in life which results with more intense scars. in the verse V: Never saved; Her eariler scars are caused by her father or herself.
 TATTOOS: Verse dependent. Usually simplistic bolt of lightning or arrow on her rib cage.  
PIERCINGS: Verse dependent, but always has single simple first hole ear piercings . 
HEIGHT: 5′5″ 
WEIGHT: 138 lbs 
 BUILD: Slender, Athletic
FEATURES: Fiery ‘i dare you’ look in her eyes, the skin of one corner of her mouth is a fraction darker from it being torn open and force to heal naturally
 USUAL HAIR STYLE: Pulled back in a low pony tail. 
 USUAL FACE LOOK: Slightly hostile or annoyed/bored. 
 USUAL CLOTHING: Archer uniform- A midriff-baring costume that highlighted her build. Its colored in various shades of green and consisted of a mask extending from the hairline to the cheekbones, a sleeveless top with a stylized arrow tip on the front, fingerless gloves, pants with black knee pads, and black combat boots. A black utility belt and pouch strapped on her left leg filled with assorted tools, a quiver along her back with a bow and a multitude of multi-purpose arrows. Tigress uniform- a predominantly burnt orange and black costume, with a hard orange mask that covers her forehead, nose and cheeks resembling a stylized tiger’s face. A black sheath behind her back which stores her sword and also wears a black belt to store her weapons.  Civilian clothing- A dark colored crop top adored with some colored (usually brown), slim, leather jacket and dark washed jeans with dark brown or black heeled boots.
 FEARS: Drowning, Losing her breath, Losing people to death, dying alone, being alone forever, ending up like her parents.
 ASPIRATIONS:  To make sure to bring good to the world everyday (find someone to dedicate the rest of  her life to).
 POSITIVE TRAITS: Empathetic, Kind-hearted, Loyal, Dedicated, Loving, Street and Book smart, Accepting
 NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, short-tempered, aggressive, forceful, closed off, envious
 SOUL TYPE: The Warrior  
VICE HABITS: Biting her nails, pulling her hair, picking at her scars
 FAITH: She doesn’t know what’s up there but she hopes there’s something, there should be with all the crazy shit that she’s seen in life.
GHOSTS: Was skeptical until the day she met Greta, she still tries to visit her grave and leave her flowers.
 AFTERLIFE: She hopes, but doubts. 
 REINCARNATION: Anything is possible with the events she’s gone through in life  
ALIENS: Her best friend is a martian so yes. 
 POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: She barely had time for college never mind voting or keeping up with campaigns.
 ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: She lived in the same run down apartment in the same crime prone neighborhood for 17 years of her life, she doesn’t care. 
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: She doesn’t care because she doesn’t care to get close to a lot of people
EDUCATION LEVEL: Master’s in Human Biology and Bachelors in Comparative Literature from Stanford University
FATHER:  Lawrence Crock
 MOTHER: Paula Nguyen-Crock 
 SIBLINGS: Jade (Crock) Nguyen
 EXTENDED FAMILY: Lian Nguyen-Harper (Niece), Roy Harper (Brother in law)
 NAME MEANINGS: The true meaning is unknown and possibly related to greek words  αρτεμης (artemes) “safe” or αρταμος (artamos) “a butcher”
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: Artemis was the greek goddess of the moon and hunting, the twin of Apollo. 
 ANIMALS: Dog’s more so the big an medium built not the small breeds, Orca whales, African Wild Dogs and Hyenas
FAVORITE DEITY: Anubis the jackle headed deity associated with mummification and the after life in Egyptian religion or Athena the goddess of wisdom , craft, and war.
MONTH: Any month other then June
SEASON: Autumn 
 PLACE: Star City
WEATHER: Cool and Cloudy 
SOUND: Thunderstorms
SCENTS: Lavender, Singed clothing, Irish spring (Deodorant Soap), Amber, Ylang Ylang, ‘Dragon’s Blood’. 
TASTES:  Her mothers Pho recipie and spicy things
 FEELS: Friendship. Love. Hope. Acceptance.
 NUMBER: 12 
 COLORS: Rich Ocean Blues, Light and Emerald Greens, light yellows and dark purples
TALENTS: Expert Archer and Swords-woman, trained in multiple weapons handling and in improvising things as weapons. trained in numerous fighting styles. took art lessons.
 BAD AT: Letting people in, getting over things/forgiving, getting things done in a timely fashion, taking care of herself.
TURN ONS: People who can take what’s she’s giving (Arty loves being a dom though she is a great sub), hickies, surprisingly spanking
 TURN OFFS:  Uncleanliness/ Bad Hygiene
 HOBBIES: Traveling, conquering her fear of water by learning to surf, running, reading, archery, musicals, boxing.
 MAIN FC/S: Natalie Dormer, Hayley Kiyoko
 ALT FC/S: Candice Accola 
OLDER FC/S:Blake Lively 
YOUNGER FC/S: Lily-Rose Depp
 VOICE CLAIM/S: Stephanie Lemelin
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