#Columbia Jumper
vtkmodels · 5 months
The Columbia Jacket & Tights Jumper Outfit By VTK Hey, Guys!" The Columbia Jacket & Leggings Jumper Outfit" is for teens-elders. All colors are represented with 42 swatches! Find this outfit in everyday, athletic, sleep, party, and cold weather categories of Create-A-Sim. All LODs are present. It's non-random and is restricted for opposite gender and frame. Enjoy! Join The KillaSims Patreon & Download! It goes public after a couple weeks. https://www.patreon.com/posts/97088356
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killasims · 5 months
The Columbia Jacket & Tights Jumper Outfit By VTK
Hey, Guys!" "The Columbia Jacket & Leggings Jumper Outfit" is for teens-elders. All colors are represented with 42 swatches! Find this outfit in everyday, athletic, sleep, party, and cold weather categories of Create-A-Sim. All LODs are present. It's non-random and is restricted for opposite gender and frame. Join The KillaSims Patreon & Download! It goes public after a couple weeks. Enjoy! https://www.patreon.com/posts/97088356
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moinsbienquekaworu · 11 months
Hi I'm here for blorbos in pajamas and oversized clothing and somftness
Sweatshirts and sweatpants haven't been invented yet in the 1870s wild west but also Chester wearing Matt's sleep shirt some morning 🥺🥺 where it's too cold and the jail's stove has gone out for the third time that night and "I just don't want to deal with it no more, Mr. Dillon" and Matt doesn't even think about it too hard he just hands him the shirt and goes back to sleep but then it's morning and oh no. Chester may be tall but he's not as tall as Matt and he's drowning in that sleep shirt and his hair is a mess and oh no I think I need to write this,,,,,
Thank you for giving me this brainrot I love it I love you and I hope you're having a good night !!!
Haha YES!! More softness!!
Honestly that moment of obviousness while they're not at 100%, like "of course, I know what to do, I must hand him my shirt, this is just how it's done", and then in the morning when the brain's fully back online the "holy shit hoLY SHIT", it's so so tasty I love it. I was thinking Matt/Foggy thoughts (as I do right now) personally, cause it's sometimes a thing in fanfic for them to have clothes at each other's place for impromptu sleepovers and the like, and authors also like putting Matt in Foggy's clothes sometimes, plus on top of that they roomed together for - the show's not clear on that bit tbh but at least a year and people often give them more - for a certain time in college/law school or however that works, which I think would also be conducive to clothes sharing. I can't tell if I like it more if Matt wears something of Foggy's by accident and he can't tell cause he's not fully awake yet or he Knows that specific texture, knows the smell of the detergent and the closet it was in, he knows it's not his, and the pining on Foggy's side because he doesn't need to say something, does he? surely it was a mistake, Matt's just blind and it doesn't matter, 100% friendly platonic feelings about this! Anyway. Hmm I'm going to be thinking about this.
Thank you for the thoughts!! OH wait what you said also makes me think of the obvious warmth-sharing techniques you see in fanfics a lot. Not that shirt sharing isn't incredible (it is it so is) but y'know, huddling for warmth and such 👀 so yeah thanks for sending that, I'm going to go to sleep Early like a reasonable young woman, I know you're going to have a busy start to your week but I hope you had as good a day as possible and you sleep well!! <3 <3
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emmylous-world · 7 months
When We Were Young
Chapter 1
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Captain John Price x Female oc!Reader (Emma)
Summary: John meets his captains niece and can't seem to get her out of his head.
Warnings: MDNI, Probably will be smut at some part. Violence and Mature themes. Slow burnnnnn.
2,6k words
A/N: I'm baccckkk, I hope you guys enjoy. I proofed read this myself so forgive any mistakes.
Pls leave some likes, comments and reblogs <3
British Columbia, Canada 
John dropped his bags down on the bedroom floor, letting the tension on his shoulders go, the day had been too long for him, been up since the crack of dawn and haven't stopped moving the walls were white, the floors were a tan carpet, a desk was against the wall and the bed sat across from it, the bedding was sky blue, it reminded him of summer in England, spending the days down at the river. He undid the buttons on his military jacket and threw it on the back of the desk chair. John sat down at the end of the bed and pulled his rucksack onto the bed to pull out his files and paperwork, going through the paper, trying to find that damn report to fill out. 
John was staying at his Captain Oscar Powell’s sister; Sheila's place, while in between operations, giving him a warm bed and home-cooked meals, that's all he could ask for and he was very grateful. He got up from the bed and sat down at the desk flicking on the lamp, and spreading the paper in front of him, he knew he should go out and talk with the family, get to know them, but John was too tired even to think straight, socializing made him wanna crawl up in a ball and sleep, and the bed right behind him wasn't helping him with that desire. An hour or so goes by when John finishes the report and puts it with the rest of the finished work. He checks his watch, 16:05, he gets up and changes into sweats and a sweater, which his mother made for him before she passed, it still smelt like her house; cimminon (I literally don't know how to spell it, but I hope yall understand ToT) and fresh laundry. He missed the warmth of his mother's hugs and his little sister’s pestering. He kept their memories close to his heart and cherished them as hard as he could. A soft knock sounded on the door. 
"Hey, dinner would be ready in an hour or so." Shelia says, "You’re welcome to join, I can also bring it up if you like?" He opened the door to talk face-to-face with her. Her face had delicate features, and wrinkles around her mouth and eyes, showing her age, she looked much like her brother, and the familiarity of her face was comforting. To John, the Captain was like a second father, he trusted that man with his life, he knew his Cap had his back and he makes sure he had his.   
“Yeah, of course, I’ll come down.” His voice was hoarse; he cleared his throat and knew his captain wouldn’t be too fond of him not joining him and his family for dinner. She smiled, her eyes crinkling and lit up. He gave her a lop-sided smile back, it did not reach his eyes, he was too tired to care. “Ok, great,” she said and went back downstairs to the kitchen. John’s muscles were screaming as he went to go lay down on the bed, he tucked himself under the blankets and soon enough he fell into a slumber 
John woke to his name being called and shot straight up, panicking. “Hey, dinner’s ready chap,” he heard his captain through the door. “Ok gimme a minute,” he took off his sweats and put on a pair of jeans, the most decent he could get, with it only a few pairs of jeans and a couple of black jumpers. Downstairs the Captain gestured to John to take the seat at the right-side seat at the end, John gratefully took the seat and fell into the conversation. He was asked questions and he happily replied. The food was something John was most excited about, it was hot, and it melted in his mouth, he sighed at the savory taste. He couldn’t compliment Shelia enough. 
“This is so good,” John said after swallowing a mouthful and stuffing his mouth with more. 
“Geez, slow down son, we’re not going back to base anytime soon,” Powell chuckled  
“Sorry Sir, just trying to get as much in as possible, can’t stand those IMPs.”  
Shelia smiled with pride and Powell shook his head. 
“Oh, Emma is coming home next week,” Shelia says with excitement, her smile growing. John was curious who that was, guess he will find out next week. Dinner was done, helping wash up the dishes.  
“Tell me more about yourself” Shelia turns to him with a smile. “I heard you’re good on the field, well the football field.”  
John gave her a warm smile. “Yah, I grew up playing on my school’s team” he put a cup on the rack “Won a couple of trophies in middle school.” 
That’s amazing,”   
He let out a breath, thinking back about his best friend from elementary. John finished putting the dishes in the rack, wiping down the countertops, and bid Shelia a good night. When he entered his room, he immediately took off all his clothing except his boxers and crawled into bed, and soon sleep consumed him. 
The following day John woke a wee bit panicked, still thinking he was at the base and had early mornings. He checked his watch; 09:23 am, that was the latest he had slept in a while, since his last leave, which was 8 ½ months ago. John crawled out of the covers and sat at the edge of the bed, contemplating if he wanted to go back to sleep or go on a run. He chose the latter, he figured that he should at least keep a basic schedule. He got up and put on his shorts and black compression shirt. After putting on a pair of runners, he ran off the road, pushing to see how far he could go.   30 mins had passed, 2 klicks in, he knows that he can go for another few, like a switch John picked his pace up. Around 5 Ish klicks, he turned around and headed back.      
When he arrived, John was drenched in sweat, his shirt sticking to his chest and back. He quickly made his way upstairs, grabbing his shower supplies, he bought a new set of shampoo and conditioner, knowing his little sister would troll and harass him for using a 2-in-1. John turned on the water, gave it a min, and then stepped in, the cool water felt amazing on his sweaty back. Soaking his hair and running his hands in it. He followed the shampooing and conditioning steps, his sister instructed him to do. The shower was done 5 mins later, he had wrapped a towel around his hips, his v-line visible, John looked at himself in the mirror, and his auburn chest hair ran down into a trail past the towel. He flexed his pecs and shoulder muscles, his shoulders were broad, and his pecs were large, he could fit into one of his sister's bras, not that he was bragging. His thighs also were massive making it hard for him to sit in tight spaces. After checking himself out, he looked at his beard, its way past the 5 o’clock shadow and not quite a beard. He was upset that he had grey hairs in some places, screw his father's genes. John let a huff out and grabbed his razor and shaving cream, getting rid of the annoying grey specks. After finishing up, he cleaned up and went back to his room. Putting on a fresh pair of clothes and deodorant, John was ready.  
Downstairs, Shelia was in the garden and Captain was out back doing yard work. Today was the day John learned about the house and yard. He put on a pair of Blundstones, and a navy blue pullover rain jacket. The weather outside was dull, and the smell of rain was strong in the air, it was April, the spring rain came during this month. He walked over to Shelia, he asked her if she needed help, eager to get his hands dirty. 
“Oh Please, the bags of dirt from the lean-on by the shed, could you bring some bags,” she points to the west side of the gigantic house “It would save both Emma and I some trouble.” and John sets off, looking for the shed in the direction she had pointed. The property was huge, he remembers the captain saying around it being 26 acres or so. It was a heritage house, that had been in his family since the 1880s, the house was a massive Tudor house, with vines growing all over the east side of the building. The whole property was surrounded by forest, the whole place made John’s heart swell, the place somewhat reminded him of home or maybe he was homesick, but he missed the country of England, the smell of cow manure, and watching the sunrise on the porch with a cup of tea. After wandering around like a lost puppy, he found a shed with a lean-on, there was a wheel borrow tipped over on its side, and by the shed, he flipped it straight and started filling it up with the bags of garden soil. Once it was full, he started pushing it back over to the gardens, the trip back over was longer than expected, and he reached the garden Shelia was puttering at, emptying the wheel burrow. He stopped and let out a wheeze, the military training did not prepare him for that. 
“Hope that wasn’t too hard,” Shelia remarks, seeing his out-of-breath state 
“Oh no, didn’t even break a sweat.” He broke a sweat,  
Shelia knew that was bullshit, but she also knew that the 23-year-old had that boyish ego that all boys seemed to have, no matter how old they are, John reminded her of her brother; Oscar, but younger, both pretty stubborn and had similar mindset.  
The rest of the week, John spent his days helping in the garden, he also found out that They also had a stable on the other far side of the property, there were 4 horses and a draft, once he found that out, he spent hours in the stable, cleaning, brushing, feeding and what not in there. There was also a barn with multiple farm animals, chickens outnumbering them all. When he asked out them over dinner, He was told that they were Emma’s pride and joy, jokingly saying that they’re pretty much Shelia’s nieces and nephews. John couldn’t stop his curiosity about this Emma growing, he would never admit to his excitement.  
When the following Monday rolled around, John got out of bed a little too eagerly. He put on his best shirt and the cologne his sister insisted on getting him, apparently “it makes the girls weak in the knees” He trusted her, he didn’t know diddly squat about this shit, or about girls for that matter. He hoped to make the best impression on her.  
The flight home was long but worth it. Emma had been waiting to come home since the beginning of the school year in august last year. As soon as she got off the plane, she bee-lined for the luggage terminal, grabbed her stuff, and headed to the arrivals, looking for her aunt, it took some time to spot her, but once she did, she quickened her pace, desperate to get out of the place. She reached her aunt and pulled her into a big hug. 
“It's so good to have you home finally,” Shelia squeezed her. 
“I know, it's nice to finally get out of the city.” 
“Well, we still gotta leave the city and get back to town,” Shelia says as she grabs one of the luggage. “Not quite a free bird yet.” Emma rolled her eyes, rushing to find the exit.  
The car ride home was long, filling her aunt in about everything that happened at UofT (University of Toronto). Diving right into her Anthropology and Archeology classes, and what she did, she was beaming at the topic of going to an anthropology excavation site. 
“We have a guest staying with us for a bit,” Shelia mentions “He’s one of your uncles men, a lieutenant I think?” 
“His name is John, I think you’ll like him.” 
All Emma could think about was a man in his late 30s and balding. She just nods, not caring much. Her uncle had some of his men stay over before, this isn’t surprising to her.  
When they finally arrived at the house, Emma couldn’t help but sigh in relief, she knew she was immediately going to go soak in a hot bubble bath. Pulling her bags out from the trunk of the SUV, she walks to the front door, she walks back to the car to grab the rest of the luggage, when she reaches for the duffle bag, a hand already beat her to it, it was not her aunts, it was too big and there were too many scars. She looked up to see who the hand belonged to, and she was taken aback, his face was young and handsome, his eyes reflected the sky, a bright blue, and his hair was short and sticking up and awry as if he was wearing a hat. He put his big hand out for her to shake it. 
“Names John.” His voice was deep, husky, and British. When he shook her hand, the biceps under his black shirt flexed. This was not the man Emma was expecting, so young and so attractive. She told herself to get it together, no need to simp over a man you had just met. 
He flashed a smile at her, it wrinkled his eyes, making them bright. She couldn’t help but return the smile “Your aunt said you needed help with the luggage?” he spoke in that voice again, she shook her head yes, “Please” was all she managed to squeak out. He grabbed the heavy stuff, Emma had to look away with a bashful look, knowing if she looked any longer, she’d start drooling.  
Once everything was inside and, in her room, she figured she’d unpack tomorrow. Drawing a hot bath in her ensuite, she got out when the water got cold. She got out, dried off, and dressed, she went downstairs and into the kitchen, not realizing that she hadn’t eaten since before the plane ride. Scrounging around the fridge and pantry, looking for anything. After looking for 10 mins, she decided on KD (Mac and Cheese for u Yankee's out there) putting on a pot of water on the stove, and she went back upstairs to grab her book. She sat at the island and read while waiting for the water to boil. 
As soon as her KD was done and plated, she pushed the doors to the den, and groaned at the sight of John passed out on the couch, mouth opened, snoring obnoxiously and with a book laid open on his chest. She turned to go back to the kitchen to eat, but no, this is her house, she just got home from a long 5-hour flight and it’s late, wanted to watch her reality shows, she sat down at the armchair, flicked on the TV and happily ate at her noodles.  
John woke to a clatter, jolting up and knocking off the book that was lying on his lap. He looked up at Emma, she had her mouth full, and the TV was on, playing a trashy reality show. He rubbed his face with his palm, drowsy from sleep. 
“Sorry did I wake you?” She looks at him with her round eyes, her hair wet from a shower. He stopped his mind from wandering to far from the subject, of this beautiful woman in the shower.  
“No, no s’alright.” He yawns, gets up from the couch and picks up his book. He stood there awkwardly for a second, he checked his watch, 21:14, bedtime. He bid her a goodnight and went upstairs.  
Chapter 2 here
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@newxenesis submitted: These spiders have been everywhere this past month, they're so cute and they sometimes hop onto my hand when I offer, can I get an ID pls? Location is British Columbia, Canada :]
Cute lil jumpers! They're California flattened jumpers, Platycryptus californicus :)
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skybluewritings · 1 year
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Plane- Pope Heyward x fem!reader
Description: (Name) ends up at the same college as her former academic rival Pope and is forced to share a flight with him.
AN: References to panic attack.
She took a swig of beer from the red solo cup, the burn of the alcohol warming her throat. She had felt prepared for tonight when she had slipped on a cute bodycon dress and her favourite denim jacket. She scanned the crowded party, wishing she hadn’t lost her roommate. A strange shyness crept over her as she helplessly looked to the different clumps of people talking.
Back in Kildare she’d had no problem at parties, it was easy to know what to say. But here at Columbia she felt completely out of her depth. Everyone seemed so much more older and wiser than her, despite also being freshman. For as long as she could remember she had wanted to escape to a different life, now more than anything she longed for a familiar face. And the universe listened to her.
In the corner of the room looking just as lost as she felt stood-Pope Heyward? He was staring reflectively into his own solo cup as he swirled it with his wrist. He was wearing blue jeans and a navy Kildare jumper. It was a far cry from his usual shorts and loose fitting t-shirts. She longed for her own Kildare jumper, which was still shoved at the bottom of her suitcase.
She supposed it wasn’t all that surprising that Pope would attend the same college as her. He was insanely intelligent. They had been in a lot of the same advanced classes before she had transferred to Kildare academy in her Junior year. Despite having a reputation as a fairly nice guy, a smug smile would spread across his stupidly handsome face every time he beat her for top of the class. She had once been so mad the pencil in her hand had nearly snapped in two. Past annoyances aside it was relieving to see someone she knew.
The ground was sticky under her new nike shoes, as she made her way across the tightly packed room. She hoped it was just beer.
“Pope hey.” She said.
He ignored her continuing to investigate his cup. He probably hadn’t heard her over the music.
“Pope hey.” She said again, still no reply.
She moved closer to him. “Pope!” It came out louder than she had expected.
He let out a gasp, his cup falling to the floor. His brown eyes snapping straight to her.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to startle you!” She apologised bending down to collect his discarded cup.
She pressed the cup into his hands, his jaw clenched as he looked inside it. “It’s empty.”
She let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I guess I overestimated the volume of my own voice.”
“Yep.” He replied in a clipped tone.
It was just beer, she thought to herself skin prickling.
“Anyway, how’re you finding college so far?” She asked brightly.
He shrugged at her. “Well no one’s spoken to me in 15 minutes so.”
“To be fair you aren’t helping yourself brooding in the corner.” She pointed out.
“I’m not brooding, you make me sound like batman.”
“You’ve definitely got the muscles for it.” She teased, immediately regretting it as soon as she’d said it.
It technically wasn’t untrue she’d seen him at the beach a few times surfing, she had found her face heating up when he’d once caught her staring.
“Uh thank you?..”
“Sorry-that was just a joke.” She stammered.
He let out a heavy sigh. “(Name) what do you want? We barely even knew each other back home.”
“That’s not entirely true we went to the same school.” She firmly reminded him.
“Until you pissed off to the kook academy.” He told her.
She desperately wanted to know who put the stick up his ass.
Her lips pressed into a line. “I forgot people still used those words. You know you can drop all that stupid shit, we’re not children anymore. What’s even the problem?”
“That’s easy for you to say, you aren’t the one who has to worry about how you’re gonna keep the lights on in your house. So I’ll stop using them when it stops being a problem.” He icily replied.
Yeah so clearly this conversation was clearly over.
“I’m gonna go get another drink it’s been fun?” She said earning an eye roll from him. “Enjoy college Pope.”
As she walked away from him she hoped she wouldn’t ever have to interact with him anymore at college. And once again the universe worked its magic.
Two and a half years (and many more college parties) later, she was 21 years old on the plane back to North Carolina. It had a been a few months since her last visit and she was excited to go back. She had felt like a different version of herself in New York. Not that it was a bad version, just different.
She usually enjoyed the short flight home. She would engross herself in a new book or gaze out of the window with her music blaring. But this time her usual peaceful journey had been interrupted by a child kicking her seat.
She turned round in her seat. “Excuse me sorry, do you mind asking your child to stop kicking my seat?” She politely asked the boy’s mother.
“He wasn’t kicking your seat.” The woman replied.
“I promise you he was, it’s all I’ve felt the past thirty minutes.” She assured her.
“My son’s a good boy how dare you accuse him of things.” The woman snapped as the boy once more booted her seat.
“See he just did it!” She said in exasperation.
The woman glared at her. “I didn’t see anything.”
She glared back at the woman. “Because you weren’t even looking.“
The boy did it once more she turned to the kid. “I swear to god if you don’t-“
“What's going on?” A familiar voice asked.
Pope stood in the narrow aisle a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Of course he had caught at her yelling at a child.
“Pope hey.” She said far too casually.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
She shamefully sank back into her seat. “Yeah I’m great, what are you up to?”
“Flying home…”
“Oh fun.”
Silence hung between them neither sure how to further the conversation. He then placed his duffle bag in the overhead compartment before falling into the seat next to her.
Her mouth fell open a little. “What-why are you sitting here?”
“It’s my seat.” He explained. “Unfortunately.”
How was she meant to go an entire flight next to him? They were bound to annoy the other as they usually did, every time they interacted.
“Look let’s just keep to ourselves ok? You do your thing and I’ll do mine.” She decided.
“That’s good with me.” He agreed, closing his eyes and getting comfortable in his seat.
And as the plane took flight things became promising. The little boy had stopped kicking her seat and Pope rested. She read her book- until her kindle ran out.
“What no!” She groaned as the device switched off.
“Fucking hell.” She swore softly as she dropped the kindle into her carry on bag.
She pulled out her phone and was horrified to find it only had 5 percent battery. And she’d need that remaining percent to call her parents after the flight.
She had no idea what to do with herself. It wasn’t as if she could just strike up a conversation with her delightful classmate.
She alternated between drumming her manicured nails against the arm rest and flipping open the shutter attached to the small oval window.
“I’m so bored.” She complained to no one in particular.
“Oh my god can you please keep it down?” Pope demanded.
She jumped at his sudden outburst. “I thought you were asleep?!”
“I was until you woke me up with all of your noise.”
“It’s not as if I meant to.” She huffed. “My kindle died.”
He snorted. “Your kindle really?”
“What’s wrong with that?” She asked defensively.
“I don’t know it’s just typical that you of all people would have a kindle.” He laughed unkindly.
She folded her arms across her chest. “All your favourite books in one place what’s wrong with that?!”
“Until it runs out of battery.”
“So what do you suggest I do?”
“Buy a physical book?” He suggested.
She rolled her eyes. “Wow great help you are.”
“I’m full of bright ideas what can I say.” He said dryly.
She needed five minutes away from him or she would scream.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” She told him standing up from her seat.
The plane started to shake from turbulence, she clung onto the headrests in front of her as she moved. A particular jerk sent her hurtling backwards directly into Pope’s lap, a shriek leaving her as she fell.
His eyes were wide. “What are you doing?!”
She swallowed hard. “I fell?”
“Yeah I can see that!”
Her throat tightened. “It was the turbulence!” She stammered.
“Get off of me!” He yelped.
She scrambled off him and bolted to the bathroom. As she slid the lock into place she replayed the moment over and over in her mind. Why did she have to constantly humiliate herself in front of him? And why had his cologne smelt so intoxicatingly good? It was nothing like the smothering cologne of other guys at college. But then she guessed Pope wasn’t like the other guys at college. He never really bragged in lectures or smashed cans of beer against his forehead at parties. He had a lot of friends but seemed to keep to himself. He was smart in a way that was humble (at least with everyone else but her), in the classes they shared. And he was surprisingly snarky.
As she washed her hands the plane began to shake, she quickly dried her hands on one of the cheap paper towels and successfully returned to her seat without anymore incidents. She avoided eye contact with Pope as she shuffled past him, the seat belt sign lit up.
The intercom dinged. “Ladies and Gentleman we’re experiencing a little turbulence, nothing to worry about it, hang tight.” The captain assured them.
“A little, is he serious?!” Pope asked her, as she clicked the clasp of her seat belt together.
“He said it’s nothing to worry about it, I wouldn’t worry.” She replied, mostly trying to convince herself.
The shaking of the plane increased, her chair shuddering underneath her. He suddenly grabbed her hand. She glanced over at him, his eyes were squeezed shut and his chest rising and falling sharply.
“Pope are you ok?”
“It’s happening again.”
“What do you mean again?”
He shook his head. “We’re gonna crash.”
She squeezed his hand gently. “We’re not gonna crash, I promise. It’s going to be ok.”
His grip on her hand tightened. “I can’t breathe.” He whimpered.
“I’ll distract you ok?” He nodded weakly in response.
She wracked her brain for something, anything. “When I was six I was obsessed with the little mermaid. More than anything I wanted to be a mermaid, I never shut up about it really. So one day after school my dad takes me out on his boat tells me we’re gonna go mermaid spotting. We go out pretty far and I see this huge grey tail in the distance slapping against the water.”
His breathing had started to slow, she continued on. “And of course I now know the truth, but back then I was too young to know any different. So I go into school the next day and tell all my friends I saw a mermaid. And they all believed me until you pipe up that it was probably just a whale.”
He opened his eyes. “I think I remember this.” He quietly told her.
She smiled softly. “I should have been upset with you but I just remember thinking how cool it was that you could tell the difference, I thought you were so smart.”
The corners of his mouth tugged up slightly. “Really?”
“Yeah, I still do.”
“For the record I think you’re really smart too.”
Butterflies swam in her stomach. “Thank you.”
The turbulence gradually came to a stop and she found she still holding his hand.
“Oh uh sorry.” He excused dropping her hand.
“It’s okay, I kinda liked it.” She joked, he blinked at her. “Joking of course.”
“Oh right yeah.” He shyly chuckled.
"Why don't you ever talk to me at college?" She asked.
"I wanted to I mean I want to!"
"Then why don't you?"
"I didn't think you wanted me to." He confessed.
"Why wouldn't I want you to, remember that time I tried to talk to you at the party when we were freshmen?" She reminded him.
"Because you're a kook and I'm a-"
"Really you're gonna use those names again?"
"What else am I meant to call it?"
She wrinkled her nose. "I don't know just something that doesn't make me cringe."
He let out a sigh. "Point is I guess I believed you thought you were better than me. But I was wrong. I'm really sorry."
"I forgive you." She smiled. "And for what it's worth I've never believed I was better than you. Besides I actually thought, you thought you were better than me!"
He let out a laugh. "To be honest I just get nervous around pretty girls."
"You think I'm pretty?" She breathed.
"I mean yeah-you're beautiful."
Her pulse quickened. "So are you." She told him.
For a moment the two stared at each other, before Pope cleared his throat. "Anyway did you have a chance to look at the uh safety card?" He blurted out pulling the sheet of plastic from the pocket in front of him.
"No, it didn't cross my mind."
"I think we should take a look at it especially after what just happened!"
The two of them burst into laughter at the absurdity of the entire flight. She would definitely be getting his number before they got off the plane.
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muttball · 1 year
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Perrine Memorial Bridge over the Snake River
The Snake River is named for the Snake Indians, through whose country the greater part of the river flows. The Indians, in turn, were named "Snake" by their Plains neighbors to the east, possibly because they reputedly used snake heads painted on sticks to terrify their Plains enemies. The Snake River originates in Wyoming and arcs across southern Idaho before turning north along the Idaho-Oregon border. The river then enters Washington and flows west to the Columbia River.
The Perrine Bridge is a popular BASE jumping site known all over the world; it may be the only man-made structure in the United States where BASE jumping is allowed year-round without a permit. Jumpers often use the nearby visitor center as a home base before and after parachuting from the bridge.
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manorpunk · 1 year
So what's Canada's deal, these days?
Jacob: Not much has happened in Canada lately, not since a very talented and handsome general routed the army of Imperial Quebec at the Battle of Mackinac Island, putting an end to their expansion and drawing the borders of the modern-day Great Lakes Republic in the process. And that man’s name….
Jacob: [puts feet on table]
Jacob: …is Jacob Martin Rider.
Sunny, under her breath: every fuckin’ time
Maria: ‘Martin.’ he’s so proud of being such a special widdle boy.
Jacob: you are welcome.
Maria: get your feet off the table, MacArthur.
Sunny: he’s an Eisenhower at best.
Maria: oh my god. he’s such an Eisenhower. General Smol Bean.
Sunny: [laughter]
Jacob: …so back to the question.
Sunny: right, Canada.
Sunny: [snaps her fingers, replacing her current model with the Sunny-Sensei#A25 model, sporting half-moon glasses and a conservative blouse-and-jumper combo. A map titled “North America in 20XX” appears in the background, and Sunny gestures at various regions as she explains.]
Sunny: when America fell apart, it took Canada with it. First was the Quebession (Quebecois Secession), followed by British Columbia seceding in order to join with Portland and the Westphalian Polycule of Seattle and form the new state of Cascadia. Imperial Quebec expanded through Ontario, while Alberta got eaten by rats.
Maria: caught em slipping.
Sunny: Imperial Quebec’s expansion was indeed stopped after the Battle of Mackinac Island,
Jacob: [says ‘pew pew’ while making finger-guns]
Sunny: and one by one, these states joined the American League in exchange for certain special exemptions.
Sunny: [snaps her fingers, returning to her SummerSunny#C07 model - a red spaghetti-strap top and white leggings.]
Sunny: and there you have it!
Maria: what about the rest of Canada?
Sunny: the what
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All good haha than you again! Maybe the colleges they all went to? As Ben and Devi went to their colleges? Feel like that’s never really been mentioned? Or them wearing their jumpers from the colleges?
I am still mind-blown about the Columbia university thing. I hadn't put the connection together. So thank you for bringing that to my attention. i love weird parallels like that.
I updated the set here with the 2 parallels per your request
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hlou13 · 2 years
What if Louis’s Chicago is a citation style:
So “If you feel lonely in Chicago, you can call me, baby" basically means “if you feel lonely being the only one in the writing credit, you can call me, baby.”
So Louis is basically saying in:
Louis Tomlinson, "Chicago", track 6 on Faith in the Future, BMG, 2022, compact disc.
That instead of:
Harry Styles, "Little Freak", track 6 on Harry's House, Columbia Records and Erskine, 2022, compact disc.
We could have:
One Direction, "If I Could Fly", track 6 on Made in the AM, Syco and Sony Music, 2015, compact disc.
These 3 track 6s in this format really fit this line in FITF track 9 Headline: You spend your summer working on your education (Tomlinson, 2022).
And like the song made absolute sense this way with the rest of Louis’s discography
I’m sorry that your mom don’t like me: My mom thinks it’s the flu but girl it’s only you (End of the Day - 1D)
I bet sometimes you still wear my jumper: Your friend’s been telling me you’ve been sleeping in my sweater (Half A Heart - 1D)
I mean is there a more fitting line for 1D’s “hiatus” than this: They say bitter end turns sweet in time. Is that true for You and I?
(We don’t wanna be like them. We can make it til the end)
Really those songs we wrote only we know
One Direction, "Home", track 2 on Perfect EP, Syco and Sony Music, 2015, itunes.
I mean the usual citation style for paper in the field of fine arts is Chicago. And given that Taylor Swift received an honorary doctorate of fine arts from NYU, it's safe to say that music is considered fine arts in the academic world.
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sentinelchicken · 2 years
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Got this photo of Tanker 104 resting between sorties at the Redmond Air Tanker Base (RDM) in Oregon this past week while one of the US Forestry Service's Shorts 330 heads out with a load of smoke jumpers for a fire south of the Redmond/Bend area. The Erickson Aero Tanker MD-87s were working a fire near Lake Billy Chinook on the perimeter of the reservation of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. ⁣ ⁣ The Warm Springs tribes are one of the Columbia Plateau tribes of the Inland Northwest I work with on my day job and that's what had me in Central Oregon the past 2 weeks. That's beautiful area where the MD-87s were working the fire this particular day. Like the day prior, it was very hazy due to the wildfires. I had gone hiking earlier in the day up in the Cascades before things got really hot and hazy. ⁣ ⁣ There were also some SEATs (Single Engine Air Tankers) staging out of RDM as well. ⁣ ⁣ #Avgeek #aviation #aircraft #planeporn #RDM #Redmond #USFS #airport #planespotting⁣ #McDonnellDouglas #MD87#N294EA #Tanker104 #Erickson #EricksonAeroTanker ⁣ #Shorts #Shorts330 #smokejumper #N145Z⁣ #instagramaviation #splendid_transport #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #flight ⁣ #AvGeeksAero #AvgeekSchoolofKnowledge #AvGeekNation #TeamAvGeek (at RDMRedmondAirport) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg54Vvlsrtd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 17
fandoms: aftg, bnha, bsd, dc, mdzs, tgcf
Pressure Points by puddlejumper99
(explicit) (underage)
Neil enrolls at Columbia High School and remarkably fails at remaining invisible
the bittersweet between my teeth by alaynes
In which Neil Josten is a Time Jumper, and everywhere he goes he keeps seeing one man.
Neil's throat dried; the sound of keys rang in his ears, but so did his voice. Andrew Minyard stared back at him, expression inscrutable.
From Muddy Waters by HLine
- but the sleeve of his tracksuit was bulging, tearing and ripping and a mass of twisted flesh, nearly as big as the boy himself and nauseatingly familiar (the arm of the man that had torn a hole in his side with a grin and left him a frail shadow of himself) swung forward and slammed into the flat face of the giant robot.
Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything.
pocket change by oushu
(graphic depictions of violence)
It’s funny to him, how this all ended up. It wasn’t like he was anyone special. He was raised by his single mother, in a middle-class neighborhood in Mutsufasu. Then Mom lost her job and they’d had to downsize drastically.
He doesn’t know if moving to the slums started something or accelerated what had already begun.
pull the trigger tighter and watch our distances explode by niwakaame (oolongteas)
The world looks like a big spider’s web, colorful and bright and full of light.
In which Nakajima Atsushi sees the strings of fate, and beyond that.
icarus in flames by setosdarkness
(major character death)
Anything that he can ever want will always be lost. Dazai has tried his best to not get attached to anything or anyone. But even a kitsune cannot escape gravity, and so he cannot help but crave keeping the sun for himself.
A Gentlekid Thief by Blazonix
Tim didn't mean to become the notorious thief Red X; it just sort of happened. Just like how he somehow wound up being Batman’s greatest nemesis - his therapist.
He would like to remind whatever higher forces are out there that he is still only 12.
To Hell and Back by Nyame
(graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
Oliver Queen was the sixteen-year-old scion of the wealthy Queen family before a boat trip gone awry landed him on the island hell of Lian Yu.
Three years prior, Barry Allen, all eleven years of age, woke up to a whirlwind of gold and scarlet and watched as a man in a yellow suit ruined his life. Three years after, he washes up on the shores of purgatory.
Kara Zor-El, age twelve, had neither luxury. She was shoved into a space ship, baby cousin in hand, and tossed into the ebony abyss as her planet exploded around her, landing in a world so similar and yet so very different from her own.
(Or: The AU where Oliver, Barry, and Kara survive Lian Yu together for years, raising a baby Kal-El, and are eventually rescued – by the League of Assassins)
Eternally by meyari
Timothy Drake is only the latest name that he's used. Tim is actually immortal like Ra's, his Beloved, though Tim's method of surviving eternity has more to do with reincarnation than it does with extending his lifespan. Despite eons of being born, living and dying, Tim still has things to learn from life and those that he loves the most.
half the world away by moonsteps
“Hypothetically speaking,” says Xie Lian, “what would you do if someone—not me, of course—told you that they have feelings for San La—your roommate? Even though they live halfway across the world and it will probably never happen and—”
“This is an incredibly specific hypothetical situation,” says He Xuan through a mouthful of his dinner.
(Or: Xie Lian falls in love with his best friend's roommate. This wouldn't be a problem if they didn't live on opposite ends of the world.)
tgcf x mdzs
a warm coal in the hearth of our hearts by eccentrick
No one truly likes a pitiful beggar; maybe they'll get a bit more money the first few days, but that quickly dries up. People like to see success stories, like to see the unfortunate dregs of society have smiles on their thin faces, and feel like they've helped in the long run. If you stay small, you'll only become smaller and blend in with the trash. Wei Ying is a good, smart boy. So he smiles and giggles and jokes. Most days he still goes hungry.
Wei Ying is an orphan who fights to survive alone on the streets. But, sometimes, the streets give back just as it takes. 
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poshfind · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Art Class Plum Purple Corduroy Overall Jumper Dress L 10-12.
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customknitfactory · 10 days
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equestrianempire · 4 months
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Tik Maynard Goes Western: Getting Ready for Road to the Horse
Tik Maynard has many titles: CCI4* eventer, author, Noelle Floyd instructor. Now, he’s getting ready to add World Champion Colt Starter to the list. I caught up with Tik before his cross country round with Susan Southard’s Kayan at Rocking Horse. In between bites of a chocolate muffin brought to him by Susan, Tik chatted with me about his recent foray into the world of Western horsemanship and competitive colt starting.
Tik has spent the last year preparing to fulfill a dream of his, to compete in the elite colt starting competition, Road to the Horse. The challenge: in less than four hours, start an unhandled three-year-old Quarter Horse under saddle. Spread out over three days, the competitors will have to work against the clock and under immense pressure as an audience of thousands stare on from the stands and even more watch from the livestream.
According to the website, “Judging focuses on the competitor and the effectiveness of their horsemanship methodology to communicate, educate, and build a partnership with their colt based on trust.”
Tik Maynard. Photo credit to Madren Photography
My biggest question for Tik was, how is this possible? Typically colt starting takes months, not hours. “You can’t go as fast as you can and then do a good job. It’s got to be first: do a good job and second: go as fast as you can. It’s really a test of how much the competitors are able to train that horse without letting the pressure they feel go on to the horse. That horse can’t know it’s a competition.”
“In this competition, you’re teaching a kid on their first three days of school, like in kindergarten. You’re trying to make it fun for them first, and within that fun, you’re trying to give them a chance to very, very gradually learn some things and very, very gradually set some boundaries for them. But the number one thing is that you’re just trying to make it fun first.”
Tik is only the second English-disciplined horseman to be included in the invitation-only competition, the first being New Zealand show jumper Vicki Wilson. That being said, Road to the Horse will really push Tik out of his comfort zone and into a completely different equestrian culture.
Tik Maynard and Classic. Photo by Jenni Autry.
“It’s really set up to celebrate the Western culture and the cowboy and the Quarter Horse. So it’s a big honor to be invited to be a part of that,” said Tik. “Starting the horse on a timeline and getting to know Quarter Horses as opposed to Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods and starting the horse in a Western saddle and Western bridle, will be really challenging. I’m spending a lot of time here getting ready for it.”
Far from tackling the project on his own, Tik has enlisted the help of several cowboys in his preparations. “In the past five months I’ve learned more about horses than in the past five years. Jake Biernbaum, who’s down the road from me, has been my number one coach. Then I did a clinic with Glenn Stewart from British Columbia, that was amazing. And then I’m doing a Martin Black clinic– he’s quite well known in the Western ranching world. I also had Tom Pierson, a reiner, help me start one down here in Ocala,” Tik said. “I’m just trying to start Quarter Horses and get feedback from people who are really good as I go.”
Tik Maynard goes Western. Photo credit to Madren Photography
In the world of English disciplines, we’re all familiar with the different mindsets and generalizations about our common breeds of horses. If someone says to me, “Well she’s a chestnut Thoroughbred…” I instantly know what that means. But when it comes to how Quarter Horses think, I draw a blank. According to Tik, there are big differences between Western-bred Quarter Horses and your typical English horse.
“It’s a horse that has been bred to do ranch work and to be started quickly like [in the Road to the Horse]. If you think about how Thoroughbreds have been bred for well over 100 years to race. They have that mindset, and those muscles, and that ability and desire to move,” said Tik. “Quarter Horses can handle more pressure in some ways. They can be more thoughtful in some ways. They can be bred to stand still in a different way than a warmblood or a Thoroughbred. Somehow it’s different with a Quarter Horse– they grow roots in a spot rather than just pause. And the way they carry you is a little bit different.”
“Jake once told me, ‘One of the biggest differences between English and Western is that English horses are bred to get out of the dirt. Whereas Quarter Horses are bred to get into the dirt.’”
Tik is going to be relying heavily on his background in horse psychology for Road to the Horse. “Most of the competitors that are doing the Road to the Horse have a pretty strong background in trying to understand horse psychology. I think a large part of the revolution in horsemanship occurred in the Western world and then transferred to the English world. Not all of it, but I think a large part of it, and I think the reason for that is because of the nuances,” Tik said. “If you watch really good cowboys and the stuff that they do with their horses and cattle, it’s very, very quiet the vast majority of the time. In order to be good at that, you’ve got to read both the cow’s mind and your horse’s mind to know what they’re thinking about.”
“I’ve actually applied that philosophy a lot to how I work with horses, especially on the ground. A lot of times people get caught up in what the feet are doing. But I really try to place the emphasis on where the horse is looking and what they are thinking about. Usually where they’re looking is what they’re thinking about and where they’re gonna go,” Tik said.
Despite the thousands of people watching him, despite the pressure to move as quickly as possible, despite the pressure to perform well, Tik is determined his Quarter Horse will feel like it’s any other day, albeit a strange one.
“The name of the game in this competition is building a relationship with the horse. A relationship is built on trust, but it also encompasses respect and confidence, and play. It encompasses confidence and relaxation,” said Tik. “If I have the feeling at the end that the horse didn’t know it was a competition, then I’ve hit my goal.”
As for himself, his goal is to never stop learning, even after the competition. “This situation is such a big ask for me. It’s so far out of my comfort zone. By taking it seriously and getting ready, I’ve learned a ton. I think all I can ask of myself in terms of success is that I keep this pressure on myself, to keep learning. And that, even if I don’t win, I’m able to go in there and have the presence of mind to apply what I’ve learned.”
Good luck, Tik! The Road to the Horse might need to prepare itself for a sudden influx of eventers as we cheer on one of our own. Cowboys, prepare for insanity.
Watch as Tik takes on his biggest challenge yet on March 22nd through the 24th. If you want to attend in person, Road to the Horse will take place at the home of the Defender Kentucky Three Day Event, the Kentucky Horse Park. Tickets are available for purchase here.
As always, keep an eye on our website for more stories to come as our intrepid eventer ventures into the world of Western horse sports.
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