ulisesbarreiro · 7 days
1000 NFTs déjà créés dans la collection « Token MITHR & Ecos Radio »
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Merci de faire partie de la communauté Cardano. La collection de NFT intitulée « Token MITHR & Ecos Radio », qui a pour thème exclusif les dragons dans diverses situations de la vie quotidienne sur une planète hypothétique où les dragons vivent aux côtés des humains et effectuent les mêmes activités, a atteint 1000 pièces frappées (Créées). C'est merveilleux, parce qu'elles ont toutes été créées lentement pour donner l'opportunité à différents investisseurs qui peuvent les acquérir en leur temps, et ainsi ne pas générer des monopoles dans l'aspect que quelques portefeuilles (ou investisseurs) ont toutes les pièces et ainsi donner la chance aux sujets de notre communauté qui peuvent avoir des pièces de cette collection. Cette collection est destinée à collecter des fonds pour un média avec lequel nous avons un accord sur la base de l'éducation financière et de la presse, c'est pourquoi il est important de les aider à maintenir leur espace, il s'agit de Ecos Multimedios, qui est dirigé par le célèbre journaliste Carlos Garses, originaire de la ville de Trelew, dans la province de Chubut, en Argentine.
Les NFT (jetons non fongibles) offrent plusieurs avantages, tant pour les créateurs que pour les collectionneurs. Voici quelques-uns des points forts de cette industrie dans laquelle Token Mithrandir a travaillé et a déjà investi plus de 3500 USDT dans la génération de contenu NFT. Tous ces investissements sont destinés à des fins caritatives pour diverses communautés ou institutions. Propriété numérique : les NFT permettent de vérifier la propriété numérique d'un actif unique. Cela signifie que les créateurs peuvent établir l'authenticité et la propriété de leurs œuvres, ce qui est particulièrement précieux dans le monde numérique.
Monétisation : pour les artistes et les créateurs de contenu, les NFT offrent un nouveau moyen de monétiser leur travail. Ils peuvent vendre leurs œuvres directement aux consommateurs, souvent sans passer par des intermédiaires tels que des galeries ou des maisons de vente aux enchères.
Redevances : de nombreux contrats intelligents dans l'espace NFT peuvent inclure une fonction de redevance, permettant aux créateurs de recevoir un pourcentage des ventes futures de leur travail. Cela signifie qu'à long terme, ils peuvent continuer à bénéficier de la réévaluation de leurs œuvres.
Accès à un public mondial : les NFT peuvent être vendus sur des plateformes numériques de portée mondiale, ce qui permet aux créateurs d'atteindre un public beaucoup plus large qu'avec les méthodes traditionnelles.
Interopérabilité : les NFT peuvent être compatibles avec différentes plateformes et services, ce qui signifie qu'un NFT acheté à un endroit peut être utilisé dans plusieurs environnements, tels que des jeux, des galeries numériques, etc.
Transparence et sécurité : La technologie blockchain qui sous-tend les NFT fournit un enregistrement transparent et sécurisé de toutes les transactions, réduisant le risque de fraude et garantissant que les droits de propriété sont facilement vérifiables.
Communauté et participation : Les NFT créent souvent des communautés actives autour d'un projet, ce qui peut favoriser la loyauté des fans et soutenir la croissance de la base de fans du créateur.
Innovation en matière d'expérience utilisateur : les NFT peuvent aller au-delà d'une simple archive numérique ; ils peuvent inclure des éléments interactifs, des expériences exclusives, l'accès à des événements ou à du contenu supplémentaire, ce qui enrichit la relation entre le créateur et le consommateur, en particulier nos collections qui visent à apporter un soutien à diverses institutions qui ont un impact réel sur leurs diverses communautés, qui font partie de l'écosystème du Token Mithrandir.
En bref, les NFT représentent une manière innovante et moderne d'interagir avec l'art et d'autres types de contenu numérique, offrant des avantages à la fois aux créateurs et aux collectionneurs. Il n'est pas étonnant que cette collection compte déjà près de 1 000 pièces.
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2013 Classic House 90s Cartouche – Feel The Groove (King Size Version)(...
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dottcre · 2 years
okay i think i asked this before (multiple thmes) but which genshin person do i remind u of!!!
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neekrobite · 2 years
i think its really funny that for a long while you could use the silk touch enchantment book for silktouch purposes
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tokei-sama · 11 months
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Princess colecction
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mausman75-blog · 3 months
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Cammy colecction.
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maxphilippa · 11 months
shows you my pokemon collection
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so i originally was meaning to reply to this with drawn fanart based on these but i lost the art i did so like love wins and love loses
wonderful colecction btw
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edeaxworks · 3 months
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There's no backing out now, for me, or for you…
💎 Hoodies 💎 T-Shirts 💎 Colour Mug
Now available on Etsy - visit edeaxworks.etsy.com for more Honkai merch!
To celebrate the store grand opening, enjoy a 10% discount with the code OPENING10 🐍
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nylovers · 11 months
Carolina Herrera fashon week NY
Carolina Herrera FW2023
I love this colecction
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colorful-white-ideas · 5 months
he didn't attend the JW4 premier cause he was busy filming for 18 hours per a day back then and he was busy with Nosferatu... and he missed a really big opportunity, I hope he attends the BKW and The Crow premier but NOT with a "Tiger Of Sweden" suit 😂😂😂 their suits are so ugly 🥹💔
Tiger of Sweden have nice stuff but that "70's inspired" colecction was indeed very ugly. This vest gives me nightmares.
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fafupaf · 2 years
My Gumae colecction 🐰💕
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cleoenfaserum · 6 months
SHUJI TERAYAMA-10 Experimental Japanese Movies
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SOURCE: SHUJI TERAYAMA - 10 Avant-Garde Japanese Movies — GATA (gatamagazine.com)
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Here, we recommended you, 10 of the best Terayama’s surreal and eerie films that are a must-watch for any fan of groundbreaking cinema.
An imaginary world filled with dreams of erotic fantasy and escape.
1.THE CAGE (1962)
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Finished shooting in 1962, the movie’s cast was almost the same as its crew. With a bunch of experimental symbols such as skinny human body, clock and goat flow from one scene to another, the film explores the question of whether a man is a prisoner of time.
929-10-1 https://youtu.be/za3ExUFRjWo
A young boy is the emperor of a country in which children have overthrown the adults.
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Go to original blog at:
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Conditions have been better for the nameless protagonist: his grandmother is a shoplifter and his war criminal father and sister have an unhealthy, intimate relationship with the family rabbit.
929-10-3 https://ok.ru/video/1625530501742
4. PASTORAL: TO DIE IN THE COUNTRY (Hide and Seek) 1974
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A young boys' coming of age tale set in a strange, carnivalesque village becomes the recreation of a memory that the director has twenty years later.
929-10-4 https://ok.ru/video/1584031861358
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In the heady and extremist Japanese art scene of the late ‘70s, Terayama created a number of unforgettable and highly controversial short films. This is a short movie Terayama’s Experimental Image World.
929-10-5 https://youtu.be/_xFTQ139eF8
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Two men carry a portal door which leads to different realms.
929-10-6 https://youtu.be/2E0E0vYKA9Q
7. THE ERASER (1977)
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Visions of characters by the seaside from one’s memory are erased by the filmmaker’s hand.
9259-10-7 https://youtu.be/c4cSbZC0UPk
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A “reading film” of delirious image and text, Les chants de Maldoror takes its title and inspiration from Comte de Lautréamont’s 1869 proto-Surrealist poetic novel which, for instance, describes beauty as the chance encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table. In the novel’s six cantos, a young misanthrope indulges in depraved and destructive acts.
929-10-8 https://youtu.be/SLTj6ZsJN9Y
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A film composed of three stories. In the first one, a castaway arrives on a paradise island and finds a half-naked, playful and complacent woman. In the second, a teenager tries to remember the lyrics of a lullaby, which leads to sexual and oedipal fantasies. In the third, a rich man in 19th century Paris hires a prostitute for one night.
10. VIDEO LETTER (1982)
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Video Letter is a strange and unsettling film that records a correspondence by videotape between Shuji Terayama and his acquaintance, the famous modern poet, Shuntaro Tanikawa.
929-10-10 https://ok.ru/video/2856731413018
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Colecct beautfull moments
(colecione belos momentos)
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ERIN MOMMSEN WOLFF-Sain Laurent -Fall Winter Colecction  - FALL WINTER 2018 - COLLECTION
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disneyotaku20 · 1 year
Possible Exclusivity of Some Future Coloring Pages
Hi If you are asking i am not exactly in hiatus it is more a thing of university and some of trying to get the time to get new coloring pages of Belle, Merida, Cinderella, Ariel, Anna, Elsa and the others except for Tiana and is not because racist motives it is because her hair length is confusing and limits the hairstyles she probably will use but I wanted to share these new maybe there is still a very long way to go before I publish them but i am in a way getting some exclusive coloring pages in January of next year made just for fun and non profit by a online friend that is practicing digital art I know too long the wait but it will be worth to get them specifically some Belle, Ariel, Anna, Elsa, Cinderella and Maybe Merida collections wich are of some Holidays and other topics like Hanukkah, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick Day, Maybe Chinese New Year, Belle Birthday and three different versions of her Wedding using in them some hairstyles that they did not have a chance to use in their movies that I like and may look good on her like Ringlets, Cogsworth Hairstyle this one hairstyle would go in three versions with and without the ponytail and even a version with a high ponytail and the same will come with the Similar Hairstyle that Cinderella used in the first story of Cinderella 2 Dreams Come True and others that Belle and the other princess did not use in their movies more likley that at least in my opinion they would look very good and very beautiful wearing those hairstyles and trying to make the colecctions the most respectfull of their cultures and traditions and complete posible in the cases of Saint Patrick Day and Hanukkah.
Yes three versions You may be wondering why three different versions of her wedding collection? It may not be entirely necessary, but the answer is simply I have seen in some places that some people prefer that Prince Adam/The Beast had never returned to being a human and was still a beast, basically that the spell would not be broken no matter that he learned his lesson and that he deserved it, the same would also apply with the servants for what I thought of this group of people who wanted that to give them two versions of this like a what if or alternate universes one based more in the concept introduced in the brodway musical of the servants as hibrids of humans and objects or at least I saw it like that because they are objects but still have human characteristics and not only their human size and some coloring pages in all colecction in the three versions of the servants I really do not care if the holiday situation with each princess and their princes and friends are historically incorrect/anachronistic or not is just for fun but if you are someone obsessed with everything being historically correct with all the respect you deserve please do me a favor and get out of my blog if you are just going to make a fuss about it.
Maybe in the future I ask my friend or someboy else some colecctions of the other princess but it is very posssible that I quit the rebbloging to the blog if there is no a specifical way to do it on the posts when I put them here but is to control or prevent some comments that may be insulting the drawings for not liking the hairstyles or their situations. I respect that everyone has their own sense of humor, thigs they like or not or personalities but don't make that kind of comment or at least if you don't like the hairstyles try to do not insult them or Belle and in the future other Disney Princess for using them to see if I give permission to reblog them later even if somehow or other someone finds a way to put them on another website only I know when I share them obviously will  gave him the credit for his job.
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vimogra-art · 2 years
The Rolling Original LP Stones Emotional Tattoo 1983 Private Colecction...
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