#Coin Sales Niche
Corey Brower Key Date Coins - A Leader in the Online Coin Sales Niche
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Corey Brower's Key Date Coins provides the best online coin auctions in the United States. As a team, Corey and Sandi Brower host regular auctions that provide some of the most desirable coins to people looking to expand their collection. They stream across several auction sites simultaneously.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
In reference to this anon, you know what, actually, let's talk about "narcissistic abuse" because I'm in psych and I'm about to air some niche drama. "Narcissistic Abuse" was a term coined by Sam Vaknin who's written several books on the topic, his most popular being "Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited" and is one of the most interviewed on the topic. Sam Vaknin is not a certified mental health professional in any capacity and lies about being a "professor of psychology" to increase his book sales and further his career. None of his work is psychologically supported, some of the things he's written directly contradict the DSM. He's also the one that started the "Obama is a narcissist" craze.
But here's the kicker, Sam Vaknin is a domestic abuser and coined "narcissistic abuse" specifically to avoid responsibility for his abusive actions by claiming that it's inherent to his disorder — when you lend validity "narcissistic abuse" and prepetuate it either as a term or concept, you're buying into this man's bullshit. Not only in his attempt to avoid accountability for his own actions, but in his exploitation of vulnerable victims for profit and all his pseudoscientific bullshit.
He's also misogynistic, a rape apologist, queerphobic (and much more tbh) but this tumblr post gets into that pretty well and links his own work as sources. So I'm not going to get into it myself.
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nichenarratives · 1 year
Hurricane Heller 4
A Niche Narratives Fanficiton
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4. Bar Mitzvah'd
Mordecai doesn't enjoy his bar mitzvah, not because he has to share it with his sister, not due to the heavy loss clouding his mother's joy, not even with the distraction of his sore lip and the worry of missing two days' wages. He doesn't enjoy the event for one reason alone; he's the focal point of the entire congregation, in the spotlight. Something he loathes.
Given the current shaky state of their work relationship and the more personal nature of his request, he'd elected to go straight to Mr Fiores to secure time off that Saturday and Sabbath. The underboss was surprisingly agreeable to the request for unpaid leave, even if it came with mocking his beliefs. He'd simply thanked the man and left before clauses could be added, grateful to attend his sister's aliyah the night before his own. 
Thankfully, no one openly commented on his scabbing lip, but it throbs throughout the whole service, a potent reminder that actions could include dire consequences, if not treated with the proper reverence.
The letter opener remained in his pocket for the service too, as it had in his suit jacket for the last four days. Its presence serves as a constant reminder of the danger he is in, of the threat to his life and those he cares for, should he misstep. It rests directly over his heart in an internal pocket, in case he ever has to act on his or their behalf in an instant.
Aliyah reading over and returned to his mother's side, who beamed with joy despite heavy tears welling in her eyes, the adolescent's mind returned to more pressing matters. Namely, Jimbo's utter destruction. 
His last two days at the tracks were hell. Jimbo had made it a mission to insult, victimize, blame and otherwise interfere with Mordecai and his work to the point of blatant sabotage. Unattended ledgers went missing or had pages ripped out; someone pickpocketed his coin purse twice in one day; and numerous bets were falsely invalidated on winning horses.
In addition, the man also managed to get a number of other hires to assist with his agenda, or at least clued them in on the occupational torture. They're far less subtle than their boss though, actively snickering at his expense when his satchel was filled with manure, or when he had to rewrite an entire ledger for the week from memory.
Jimbo also became aggressively hostile those two days; an increase in the use of antisemitic slurs or 'boy' instead of his name; cutting him off mid-sentence; or ignoring him entirely we're the main culprits. Taking every minuscule opportunity to 'accidentally' smack the sore spot on the back of his head as discipline came a close second, likely awarding himself bonus points if Mordecai hissed in pain.
Fortunately for Mordecai, the man is also not the smartest of men, which meant he didn't consider the consequences of his actions. This provides Mordecai with a much needed opportunity to deal with Jimbo without having to get his hands dirty, beyond some lead.
As expected of middle managers, Jimbo is exceedingly lazy, handing off as much work as possible to underlings while he relaxed or socialized with punters. Previously, this work had been spread amongst trusted employees, but trying to make Mordecai's life difficult culminated in most of these duties being added to the adolescent's roster instead. 
These personal assignments were ones that dealt with more than punter money. In just two days, Mordecai has juggled an assortment of managerial tasks like track maintenance, filling the stables, keeping track of inventory and sales figures, even ordering stock for drinks and refreshments. It's intense data, but moreover, money a bookie shouldn't have utility over.
A wise man might have simply taken the abuse and waited for it to subside, perhaps sought the help of a senior in a legitimate company. Neither is an option for Mordecai, who lacks both the means and experience to request help. Not that he needs assistance; their hatred feeds a precise, methodical revenge already brewing as the prayers come to an end and the congregation heads to the reception hall to celebrate his adulthood.
Ideally, Mordecai hopes to avoid using violence entirely. If it weren't already painfully obvious by his lip and head injuries, the tuxedo doesn't know how to handle himself in a fight. Impoverished and undernourished, he's a thin man with more bones than muscle beneath his carefully tailored image. The little knife is a last resort, one he hopes never to need, because it'll probably end in death.
So rather than attempt a scuffle, he's tackling the issue in his own way; with order, precision and math.
Mordecai has kept meticulous records of extracurricular jobs for the last few days, specifically: what each entailed; when they were assigned; how long each took; if they interfered with his duties as a bookie; projected losses based on these days and of course; duplicate copies - from memory - of any ledgers he shouldn't have been privy to, including stock and purchasing orders he signed off.
Disinterested in the post-prayer celebrations, Mordecai sits in a quiet corner of the room adding to his notes on Jimbo's ineffective management. It isn't enough to prove the man is a schmendrick taking advantage of the mob's disconnected hierarchical system. No, to protect himself and his family, Mordecai needs to make him look inept and detrimental to the organization as a whole.
With access to the books and careful planning, the tuxedo is certain that can be achieved. He simply needs some time, a few more important ledgers to study, and a convincing poker face. So long as he continues to tolerate Jimbo's vendetta, the schmuck will willingly throw everything Mordecai needs into his lap. Then, a little creative editing will seal the distasteful man's fate.
"You bleed." 
Once again too focused on something to take notice of his surroundings, he jerks in surprise, tail fluffing up and irises blowing wide as he simultaneously slams his notebook shut and snaps his gaze to the newcomer. The girl he's met with isn't familiar; about his age, an unusual gray-silver pelt with thick, black hair neatly braided down her back, though a few stands seem to have been worked free to frame her face. 
Yellow eyes blink innocently, hands clasped in front of her stomach over a dusky, wine red dress with a black sash around her waist. None of those observations are useful. Irritated that her presence highlighted his lack of awareness, he furrows his brows and sets his jaw. "Can I assist you, somehow?"
The girl suddenly leans in close and almost irrationally, he's reaching for the letter opener, the memory of being taken by surprise overriding common sense until ever so gently, she dabs at his lip with her handkerchief. The raw contact hurts and he flinches, but as fast as she leant in she pulls back again, the handkerchief she holds out spotted with red. "You bleed. Take."
Untrusting eyes move between the handkerchief and gentle yellows, even as she smiles and offers it to him again with a slight shift of her wrist. Tentatively, Mordecai takes the small square of folded white fabric and presses it to his lip, trying not to let the renewed flash of pain show on his face. A few blots, and it seems to stop bleeding again, though he's now ruined the young woman's handkerchief.
"Thank you," he manages to mutter, folding the square even smaller to hide the blood, though unsure of the etiquette of dirtying another's pocket square he holds onto it. Aware she lingers there, he offers a fleeting sideways glance then digs out his own handkerchief, offering it simultaneously without making eye contact and feeling idiotic. "Here. In case you require one later."
She doesn't hesitate as long to take his offering, tucking it into a sleeve for safe keeping. Mordecai expects her to turn around and return to the dancefloor and readies to return to his notes, only to tense up when the girl instead sits beside him on the bench. Wide eyes stay trained on his shoes as he scoots just a little further away from the stranger, not at all sure what to say or do in this situation.
Beside him, the girl just smiles, leaning forward a bit to see his face. Mordecai doubles down on being entirely awkward and leans oddly forward to thwart it, almost bending double on the bench. The girl giggles softly, then straightens up, the momentum bringing her braid over a shoulder.  "Mazel tov."
The phrase relaxes Mordecai a little. It's one he's gotten a hundred times this afternoon, congratulating him on his bar mitzvah. The girl is trying to be friendly, likely a new member of the congregation, and a party is an efficient time to make connections even if she can't tell he's unsociable. He forces an awkward, toothy smile to be polite and nods in thanks. "Todah."
It seems to work; she looks pleased, though she doesn't get up to go, instead patting her chest and adding:  "Nataliya."
Social interactions are not Mordecai's forté. While he might be comfortable enough around his family or force himself to make polite conversation as required when working, he isn't the type to seek out and engage strangers. Much like his father - who usually required prodding to greet the Rabbi - he prefers the company of knowledge and his own thoughts. 
As such, It takes his reclusive brain too long to notice she's introduced herself and is patiently waiting for his reply. The realisation hits suddenly; his ears flicker back up as the tom breathes a quiet oh, then he clears his throat and offers her the same courtesy. "Mordecai."
She seems satisfied with his answer, smiling and nodding, still expectantly holding his gaze. Mordecai takes the time to study her properly, noting a thick pelt he's not seen before in New York. Her dress seems to be of satin or silk, flowing like water over her slim frame. Expensive, he muses as his gaze returns to fluffy whiskers that make her face look oval, like a doll, so out of place amongst a congregation of shorthair or broken coats. Foreign? Did she have an accent? I don't recall.
Nataliya giggles again, seemingly entertained by his silence. For the monochromatic tom, it's enough to realise he's been staring at her for far too long and he turns away swiftly, his claws digging into his pants to ground the embarrassment that rears its ugly head. Staring is rude, he's found out while learning to navigate social norms. Thank HaShem mother didn't witness it, or his sore head would've known about it.
Silence stretches between them. Mordecai kneads his legs and stares at a wall as an unfamiliar panic creeps up his spine, one he can't identify. It's unlike the anxiety work creates, or the fear that chilled his blood when he was assaulted. Instead, it's a lingering tingle that slides along every nerve until even his eyes struggle to focus. He honestly wonders if he's falling ill.
Suddenly, his internal debate is abruptly disrupted as Esther plops down between them with a dramatic sigh, leaning up against the wall. Mordecai glares at his sister, for even if she disturbed an uncomfortable situation, he doesn't appreciate her proximity or the sweat flicked from her brow. The panic averted, he flicks his tail and scoots further away, leaving the girls to talk.
"Phew! What a party!" Esther exclaims, tilting her head on the wall to address Nataliya. "Are you having a good time?" Mordecai sees the silvery feline smile and nod assuringly in his peripheral vision. Rolling his eyes at the idiocratic small talk, he stoops to retrieve his notebook, but pauses as his sister continues. "That's good. Is Mordy ignoring you? D'you want me to make mother make him ask to dance? He won't ask unless he's forced to because he can't. Dance, that is."
"Stop it," he hisses between clenched teeth, but she waves it off without glancing at him, her focus entirely on the new girl. His hackles bristle under his collar. "Esther. Go away."
"Though he's so polite, he wouldn't refuse if you asked him," Esther adds, a sly glance over her shoulder. Mordecai goes stiff, ears reclined, a sudden flux of the confusing fear from earlier returning. Esther's smile widens for just a second in triumph before she abruptly pushes back to her feet. "Well, I've got more dancing to do! Have a good night!"
Body frozen in place, Mordecai watches his conniving sister rejoin the group, slipping seamlessly into the line dance as it limbos around the dancefloor. Before he can begin planning an adequate revenge however, Nataliya is also on her feet and offering him a hand, yellow eyes glancing towards the jovial celebration behind her before meeting his dazed gaze. "Tantsn?"
Stuck between a wall and Freylekh, Mordecai silently curses his sister's observational skills. With barely a year between them, Esther is the sibling he most relates with, but it means she also has a uniquely intimate and often accurate idea of how he functions. To refuse a dance at his own bar mitzvah would reflect poorly on his parents, and not about to let the entire congregation judge his mother harshly for his choices, he hesitantly takes the proffered hand and stands.
Apparently enthused by his acceptance, Nataliya pulls the uncoordinated tom into the throng of dancers, bypassing the perimeter line to the enclosed center, where numerous pairs of dancers have already begun their own choreography. In an attempt to appear unphased, Mordecai takes a moment to straighten his tie, unwittingly drawing another laugh from his dance partner before she takes his hands in hers.
Seemingly prepared to take the lead, she draws Mordecai into a simple but repetitive freestyle, her rapid steps in time with the music beat. His own attempts are far less graceful, but he does at least manage to mimic her arm motions, his brows creased with concentration and back inflexible, entire focus on not making a fool of himself - even though he most certainly looks out of place.
His humiliation is short lived. Within a single song length, his reconnection with festivities expedites the beginning of the hora, whereupon Mordecai is given no choice but to sit in an assigned chair. Nataliya holds on until he's hoisted out of reach, then shyly waves as he's raised above the crowd by the congregation. Esther giggles and claps along to the beat in her own chair, soaking up the attention as they're paraded around, while Mordecai clings to his chair for dear life. 
Whenever he spots Nataliya in the horde below, she smiles and waves shyly. Despite initial reservations, the tom manages a tentative wave sometimes, because while she might still be a stranger, having a face to seek in the crowd helps Mordecai stay composed and - for one night, at least - forget that the sun will still set, and life will continue unchanged, regardless of his sentiments.
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layingeggs · 8 months
I've been playing games lately that the developers describe as character action or as inspired by Devil May Cry.
I don't know where "character action" came from. I found a forum post that claimed that Hideaki Kamiya, director of the original DMC, was the one to coin the term to describe emerging game design thought from DMC.
I also know that there's a number of people who consider character action to be an incoherent or insubstantial genre.
My position on the matter is simple. I believe that games are a form of art. And since games are art, character action must be a genre. Simplicity itself, right?
To elaborate on this further, if genre is a marketing term then character action cannot be considered a legitimate genre. If genre is a means of identifying products and maximising availability for consumption, then increased granularity in genre can only serve to dilute marketing and risk alienating target demographics.
Marketing demands a certain minimum broad strokes in discussing and talking about games. Marketing demands that every game ever made be marketable to as many people as possible to increase potential sales and profits. Marketing does not allow for niche. Niche reduces demographics and reduces sales and reduces profits.
On the other hand, if you understand games as art, you likely understand art as conversation, and genre as language. A given work of art is making a statement, an audience is participating in conversation, culture and art are inextricably linked in this way. Genre is a shared language for a given work of art to lead that conversation. You know what statement is being made because you recognise the creative traditions that this work is clearly following.
By which point, it becomes pretty undeniable then that character action is a genre. Devil May Cry has started a creative tradition that other games are now following. DMC has particular game mechanics that we do not see in the broader action genre. And other games in borrowing those specific mechanics are making a statement. The mere choices by developers on what mechanics specifically to include or exclude is in itself a conversation in art. With enough developers all doing this around one game, it becomes a genre rather than simply emulating a specific work.
Then you have the issue of disagreement within the genre. Different people having different ideas of which games are or are not character action and different people having different ideas of which mechanics are foundational or not foundational to character action.
Again, we look at marketing and art. We cannot help but come to the same conclusions as we did before.
Clearly, if games are products and content then disagreement over what is or isn't character action is a terrible indictment for character action's claim to genre status. If it cannot properly advertise product then it is not genre. If it cannot properly flag up to a target demographic what content is available then it cannot be genre.
But if games are art, then once again pretty undeniably character action must be a genre! If you say that Ninja Gaiden is a character action and I say bugger is it, that's a disagreement. And disagreement is fertile soil for healthy conversation. If different people with different ideas about what DMC was really about each make their own response games showing the different interpretations, then not only do you have the exchange of ideas but also new ideas emerging specifically from that exchange. Definitionally a fertile conversation. Genre.
Here's my disagreement, and love for Vernal Edge.
I always thought that a defining mechanic in DMC was the Taunts. I think I could talk about Taunts for the rest of my life. They're wonderful aren't they? Non-combat moves used in a combat situation. A mechanic that pushes you to embody the devil may care protagonist. A mechanic that by its nature takes you away from attacking enemies and takes you away from winning the core combat gameplay.
But it naturally complements the combat. And I'm not talking about the non-offensive mechanical benefits of Taunting, such as gaining Devil Trigger and gaining Style, crucial resources in Devil May Cry.
No, the simple beautiful push and pull of it. When you Taunt, you are taking time away from combat. Enemies are not. Enemies can punish you during your Taunt. You can't hit them when you're Taunting, so they are not defending, so they are free to attack.
So, in order to Taunt safely, you have to learn enemy attack patterns and recognise when is the opportunity to take time away to Taunt.
But the opportunity to Taunt is also the opportunity to attack. Taking a step away from the combat inherently teaches you about the combat. Gives you insight that you wouldn't get by simply button mashing. It's a clear invitation to the more timid player who is afraid to try parrying or afraid to try dodging, well here you go, here's a secret third thing that you can try doing instead, and it looks really cool when you pull it off and it makes you feel like the character.
This is just one single quality of the Taunt. I could go on talking about this all day.
So it is to my surprise then that so few other people seem to see it the same way.
You have Bayonetta, also directed by the aforementioned Hideaki Kamiya and often described as a character action, where you have a dedicated vogue button. Press it and Bayo will start voguing on the spot. Bayo also has other non-combat moves used in combat. For example, at the end of certain attacks, Bayo will pose and smile and wink at the camera, and some unseen photographer will take her picture. It is your choice as the player to pause and allow this animation to play out so that Bayo can do her little modeling, but doing so leaves you potentially open to enemy attack, and alternatively you can interrupt the animation and try to dive straight back into the fight. Non-combat move used in combat situation.
Few other games have those non-combat moves for combat though. I recently played Magenta Horizon and Stratospear. Both excellent indie games and both claiming from the developers to be DMC inspired. No taunt moves. No moves at all that are not attacking or defending moves.
Again, in this regard, I think taunting is crucial. It is a mighty pillar of what makes DMC work. I cannot imagine trying to recreate the style of DMC without it.
Vernal Edge brings its blessings.
We have a Taunt and an Air Taunt. (Ah!)
Vernal Edge is described by the developer as being DMC inspired but it is also a metroidvania. Does the Air Taunt have platforming utility then? No! Actually it immediately applies downward momentum if you were otherwise floating with other moves.
You see it? You see it? It's the conversation! The conversation has come back to us! :D
DMCV has Air Taunts. But nearly all of the DMCV Air Taunts have utility. DMCV has multiple playable characters, with Nero having a platforming Air Taunt. We see an animation of Nero riding his sword as if his sword were a skateboard or surfboard. When he does this, he gains a little height. This can literally be used to access certain areas you can't otherwise access until unlocking later game abilities.
But that doesn't matter so much in DMC since DMC is not a metroidvania, it is not open world. It is divided into levels and each level only has a beginning and a middle and an end. All that some extra platforming techs can do in that game is get you to collectible health upgrades or easter eggs a little bit quicker than you might otherwise get them. But the only way to access late game areas is to beat the levels in linear order.
Vernal Edge is a metroidvania. A genre famous for allowing players to explore the game world and even face bosses or reach the end of the game itself entirely out of order.
The Air Taunt then must be something that gives aesthetic value in exchange for that downward momentum. Or, the whole game has to be built around the assumption that a clever player will figure out if an Air Taunt can give them an early extra jump.
Already you see the navigating and the translating of the same ideas under different games. You see the conversation!
Taunt and Air Taunt don't seem to gain you any in game resource, unlike DMC. In VE, they seem only to be for aesthetic purpose, and to allow the player to embody the cocky fight happy protagonist Vernal. Vernal often trash talks her enemies in cutscene, it seems appropriate that you the player should be able to participate in that yourself in the combat.
Again, this is another conversation.
DMC has its Devil Trigger Gauge and its Style Meter. Vernal Edge has its Pulse Meter and some kind of super meter I haven't learned the name of yet because I'm only a few hours in.
In DMC, since Taunting gives DT and Style, then that means that the optimal way to play the game is to ensure that you find ways to Taunt during combat. Whereas in VE, attacking gives Pulse and Taunting takes precious time away from attacking.
This means that the Taunt in VE is truly an act of boasting and claiming superiority to the enemy. If you and the enemy were equals then you wouldn't have time to Taunt. Taunting is what you do when you know you've already won.
Here we can see then the Vernal Edge as criticism of Devil May Cry. And this conversation centered around the question, the question of: If we can taunt in a single player game, then should the game materially reward the player for doing that so as to give incentive for doing it in the first place, or should it be its own reward and its own incentive?
Can the path to optimal play be considered an invitation to the player to engage with this mechanic? Or is this mechanic's exclusion from optimal play itself an invitation to any curious player looking off the beaten path?
Which do you think is best? And do you think perhaps it varies game by game? If you made your own game with these mechanics, which kind of Taunt would you put in your game, the optimal one or the sub-optimal one? What kind of game would it be? What other elements could you put in your game that would change the nature of Taunting?
And, of course, if you did make such a game, then you would be participating in genre!
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klugami · 11 months
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Amitie the idol?! New conflict. I’m done. Anyways I wish I had a boyfriend but more Klugami soon. Or not. It took like half a year for this one hehe
For a city with such a colorful cast, everyone blurs into the same shade of brown. Browns, purples, reds. No matter what you do, you’re just another hat in a crowd. Embracing yourself might be fun, but in the end, you’re still a nobody. Faceless, perhaps. Why pretend you exist? Occupy your niche, pretend it’s all fine. Aren’t you happier like this?
Why do you want to be unique so badly? Is it truly unique, or do you just want to feel loved? Do you even want to be loved, or are you so desperate to have acknowledgment? To be something more than one brick in the Great Wall of society.
Sig looked at the window, from behind the counter. Orange lights, a sight that he’s grown tired of. In the past few weeks, or maybe it was months, it feels like he’s seen Klug less and less. Raffina told him that this was normal, but… no, it’s probably fine.
Besides him, Raffina and Lidelle seemed to be more consistent customers. They’d chat about the happenings, usually that nothing new happened. Amitie was usually there too, but today she was not. Sig never talked to any of them outside of orders, anyway.
He still comes by, every now and again, though he’s grown a bit stranger over time. Now, Sig always felt that Klug was kind of the hiding type, but it feels like whatever Klug was hiding got bigger. But at the same time, he smiles more. Was it genuine or not? Sig didn’t know.
As the door chimed, Sig immediately looked to see who came in. Disappointingly, it was not one of his friends, but rather a papergirl. This is odd, Sig thinks, as usually letters are delivered straight to his home. “Is it urgent?” He asked, now looking at the bread he had for sale.
“No, no!” Ally tried to explain. “I’m not here to deliver anything. Ooh, but your bread looks super good! I insist, Mister Sig! I want to make a purchase!” She looks at many loaves of bread, pointing out each one’s qualities to her like “oh! It’s so cute!” Or “I really like that bug!”
Ally fawned over all the bread, before lightly smacking herself to remain focused. “Ok! I’ll have.. whatever’s cheapest!” She decides.
Sig looked behind him, then grabbed a loaf of bread. The plainest one he had, as per Ally’s request for something cheap. At least he wasn’t parting with something more extravagant.
“Here it is. 5 silver coins.” He recites, putting the bread in Ally’s hands. “I thought you had letters to deliver?” Sig said, offhandedly, as he went to go bake a replacement loaf.
“There’s no need to worry! I’m off today!” Ally said, as she sat herself down to eat her bread. Though before she could even get started, the door swung open again, seeming out of breath
“Puff… Baker! Baker! I’ll have the usual!”
Amitie waved from the door, upon seeing everyone present. “Oh! Raffina, and Lidelle! The whole gang’s here!” She grinned, as she scuttled to the front. “Y’know, I didn’t expect everyone here! Usually we’re all too busy to meet up!”
Lidelle turned over, excited to hear Amitie’s voice. “Oh! Ami! I-It’s been a while since we’ve talked… you’re alone this time. W-What happened to Klug?” She asked.
As Amitie waited at the counter for her usual order, she contemplated what she was going to see. “Well uh— how do I put it.. I haven’t the foggiest clue what happened to him!”
“He’s dead?!” Lidelle gasped.
“What? No, of course not!” Amitie reassured her. “But like… he’s been all cooped up in his house, and he won’t answer the door. I don’t think he’s left it since we talked about the thing..”
“The thing?” Raffina asked, now also invested in the conversation. “Amitie, what on Earth is the ‘thing?’”
Since she was going to be here awhile, Amitie sat down near Lidelle and Raffina. “So, like, the short of it is that we were at his place talking but all of a sudden, he got mopey. And then he told me I should leave and that we—“
“But why were you hanging out together? No, why were you at his house? What happened before this?” Raffina interrupts, suspicious. “What was so important that you had to tell him something at his place?”
“Well, I should probably explain the rest of what happened before. Okay?” Amitie said, as she leaned back on her chair, nearly falling, but that’s per usual with Amitie.
So like, before we talked about it, it was actually really normal! I had actually gotten a meeting with a company! Like, a real idol company! The actual meeting was super nerve-wracking though, because there was this tall mysterious type!
I remember giving them a demo of one of my songs, and some long questions, but only one I really remember! “Why do you sing?” He asked me, his aura actually freaking me out. “What inspires you to perform?” Well, that question was the most important to me.
Really, I knew this answer already! But it was the only answer that I knew! From the get-go! “I perform to make people happy! To make the world I live in better, even if it’s just one person who smiles!” I told him, pep and all! And I think this was the ticket, because I got a card after!
The interviewer even seemed to be smiling, but I couldn’t tell. “We’ll arrange for an audition. We can talk further on the phone.”
I was stoked! It was absolutely incredible that I could have a chance! And of course, the first thing I had to do was tell Klug about it. But as I got up to leave, they told me something else.
A few things, actually, but most important was that they’d end up… taking me to another city. One that was far, like, somewhere I don’t know the name of.
It’s scary, right? I think it is…
But, this is something important, still, so I had to tell Klug! After all, he’s my closest friend—
“Aren’t you two..?” Lidelle interrupted. “I-I thought you guys were.. and… did you two…?”
“Well, yeah, we are dating, but that doesn’t make him not my friend! This story isn’t about us splitting!…I hope.” Amitie explained, before returning to the story.
After all, he’s my closest friend, and I can’t just leave him in the dark of such an important decision! Now, I know his schedule like the back of my hand, so that day, at that time, he’d be at the top of the hill that overlooks the clo—
“Clock? Klug? The same Klug who adores exhaust pipes?” Raffina interrupted immediately after.
Amitie frowned, but ignored that entirely.
The Hill that overlooks the clock tower! It’s actually a really nice place! That’s where we hung out and made advertisements. And he was still there, probably drawing the same clock tower again. I could probably look at him draw for a while, super mesmerizing!
Well, I wasn’t there to go just admire, I was there to talk! So I tapped him on the shoulder, which surely got his attention. “Hey, Klug! I’ve got the best news of my life today! I need to tell you!” I told him, loud and clear.
“Is it something that you have to spend money on?” Klug retorted, as per usual. Sometimes we end up spending a bit of money on shopping, but I don’t know why he said that like I do it DAILY! It’s kind of rude of him to speak like I do it often.
Well, anyway, I tell him “What makes you think that? What I’ve got to tell you is something so important that…” And then, I had the perfect idea! “Oh! Actually, let’s go somewhere!” I said, as I grabbed both of his hands, which is probably why he was in a sour mood later, as it ruined his canvas or whatever.
I mean… maybe if I told him then… then he wouldn’t be so…
Whatever! That’s not the point right now, right now I’m just telling what happened, and what happened was that I took him all around the Primp District! I took him to the train station, then I took him to the restaurant we ate at, even this very bakery! It was like.. like hitting him with all the good memories so that I could soften the blow!
Because, like… well!
What was I talking about? Oh, right! So, it was at one of these places that I decided to tell him about what happened! I forgot where exactly, but I basically just told him something like “I have wonderful news!! I’m going to be a real singer! For real!”
And he wasn’t shocked or anything. If anything, he seemed happy for me! “That’s… that’s really great, Amitie!” He said. “Your dream is coming true before your eyes. That’s amazing!”
“Yeah! Yeah it’s all great! I’m thinking about packing soon, cuz there’s gonna be a LOT of train rides! That’s traveling! Isn’t that exciting?” I said, and it was then that his happiness got kind of … sad.
He didn’t say anything that seemed envious or anything. He just went “Oh. Well then, if that’s what you must do for your dream, then you should go for it.” And “But if it’s hell, it’s what you wanted after all.” Actually, maybe that last one was a bit envious. Whatever he felt, he left for a bit. I didn’t see him until—
“Your order’s ready” Sig called out, and Amitie stopped her story.
“Ooh! Delish!” She chirped, as she took a large bite out of one of the loaves given to her. It seemed whatever sadness she had reminiscing was going to be buried under delicious bread.
Raffina watched as Amitie had stuffed herself full of bread. That story seemed kind of…unfinished. “None of this mentions the…‘thing’ you two talked about though…” Raffina thought aloud.
“Well— uhm—“ Amitie stammered, but swallowed her words. “It’s actually—“
“And if there’s no mention of the ‘thing’…” Ally finished her plain loaf, adjusted her bag strap, and clapped her hands together. “Which means that we should go and ask for the other half of the story!” She chimed in, happily. “These two happy lovey-dovey friends…we have to fix this!”
Raffina didn’t share the sentiment, but it.. was sort of her job to keep peace. This sort of falls under that. Technically. Maybe it’s a thinly veiled excuse to verbally attack Klug. “Well… if it’ll help us figure out what’s wrong with that guy...” She reluctantly agreed, to Ally’s cheer.
“Wonderful! This story is so exciting, my heart may burst!” Ally cheered, as she went to the door with Raffina. “Miss Amitie! We’ll be off! We’re going to find out what exactly happened”
“U..uhm… Good Luck, Guys!” Amitie wasn’t too sure why they were talking about this. But if it meant things’ll get better, then it was fine. Right?
The most obvious place to look would be his house, of course. Ally knocked on it, but there was no answer at all. She knocked again, but no answer. “Phew.. there’s no response. He really is cooped there, how lonely…” Ally lamented with a frown.
But while Ally was knocking, Raffina had managed to open a window.. Well, it wasn’t really that hard. Especially for someone like Raffina. “Don’t give up so quickly, look! Damn it, a door lock isn’t going to stop anyone if you leave your windows open. Come on, we have a talk to have.”
The two girls climbed into the house through the window, only to find Klug was sitting there, idly, almost lost in thought. Ally tiptoed over, and waved her hand in front of his face. As expected, he made no comment nor even reaction.
“…it’s so scary..” Ally whispered, as she retracted her hand. “It’s like he’s devoid of anything…Mister Klug, can you even hear us?” She asked, tilting her head slightly. “You’re ok, right? …Right…?”
Klug blinked, then looked straight at Ally, then Raffina, then at the open door. “…Ah. Salutations, Raffina, Orange Hair Girl.” He mumbled. “You broke into my house… Is there an evacuation notice?”
“Of course there is no- have you really sunk so low as to be unaware of what’s outside?” Raffina gasped, in disbelief. “No, we’re here on the grounds of where in the hell were you for the past few weeks! Locking yourself in your home is a safety hazard, as well!”
He sighed, now falling onto the ground. “You worry too much. I suppose Amitie sent you on this little quest. I’d tell you to tell her I’m alright, but it wouldn’t matter.” Klug said, his voice with a pinch of regret.
Struggling, Ally tried to pull him upright, but this only resulted in her dropping him on the ground a few times, so she left him as is. “Amitie actually told us you were locked here, but she never sent us on a fetch quest. We actually came here to find out why you’re so sad and lonely!”
Hearing that, Klug stood up, and tried to walk elsewhere, but Ally stopped him. “No! You can’t keep hiding, we’re here to help you! It’s for love’s sake!” She assured, almost shaking him.
“If I tell you what happened will you two leave me alone?” Klug asked, to the two of them nodding yes, almost rhythmically. It wasn’t the answer Klug wanted, but he wasn’t a guy who’d go against word. “..Alright, alright, so.” He sat down.
This couldn’t have been any more than a few weeks or a month ago, so it’s still fresh in my mind. Amitie must’ve told you that she had landed some sort of acting gig, and that’s true.
I don’t actually mind her pursuing her career, but her immediately saying that she was leaving town did make me feel sad. If it was Raffina, I wouldn’t really care that much, but having to say goodbye to Amitie for a bit was actually disheartening, to say the least.
After the conversation ended, I chose to mull it over, maybe pick up something to make it easier on me. So, I chose to take to what made me the most clear minded— painting.
You surely must know that I enjoy putting what’s in my thoughts and in my eyes onto a canvas, and that’s precisely what would save me from mental confusion! I sat down, propped my canvas against myself, and took to still life drawing.
And it was while illustrating one of the most beautiful lamps I’ve laid eyes on that I was finally thinking— Why should I have to say goodbye to Amitie? Surely, someone as simple-minded as her would likely realize that leaving Primp won’t be as cracked up as she thought! Hm.. that sounds more like something you’d say, Raffina.
Regardless, the gentle orange glow that the light gave off was just enough for me to get my thoughts in order. At first, I thought of going with her, though if I left Primp District, who would be here to preserve its rich culture? I couldn’t do that. So I thought about keeping Amitie here, though I couldn’t go out and just marry her. Thus! I settled on the idea of convincing her.
With what money I had, I knew I’d be able to give her some sort of big reason to stay. I even planned out a day and everything! No, it was a week! A week that I’d finish off with a grand hot air balloon ride, a so perfectly Amitie-like activity!
“Ahh! A week of just the two of you!” Ally gushed, her eyes practically full of hearts. “That’s so romantic!”
Klug froze in his storytelling, and held his head down, as if disappointed, or even upset. “… … I guess it was romantic.” He finally continued. “But you came here to figure out why I’m ’sad and lonely’, correct? Let’s skip ahead.”
The sixth day is when things went downhill. I decided to close the day off with a sleepover, something that Amitie and I haven’t done in a while. That, and it would have been a good way to wake her up early for the balloon trip. Getting her to agree to staying over was easy, no surprise there.
Of course, now you two are here, and if you glance at the couch, you’ll notice I even moved the cushions around. Yes, Amitie was to sleep there, but she never did, because we never got to sleep in the first place.
In fact, we spent almost all night just.. talking. I was hoping she’d try to practice her dancing — preferably, not around any of my valuables. But within an hour, she was seemingly already tired, and she mumbled about how she was excited about her new “totally-amazing extra-wicked new life” or whatnot.
Yes, it was then I decided to reveal my plan, and so I got up and told her that she should come with me to the living area. And it was… THERE, that everything was to fall apart! Oh, the minute I started talking about how much I would miss her… the girl would interrupt. I remember it well. Saying things like “Ooh, but imagine how many people I’d meet outta town!” And the like..
Eventually, she told me the worst of it— it wasn’t simply leaving for a bit, but that she might never see Primp District again. She’d never be back.
“But, But Amitie! To leave Primp District forever?! Doesn’t that sound hasty?” I cried out, now in a desperate plea to change her mind. “I only just finally got to see you again, and you’re going to leave me and the others…”
“I’m not a kid! I want to go after my dream, I can’t standby.. I can’t just say no! I wish I could be here forever!” Amitie yelled. Her yelling was so.. abnormal. She almost never did that. “But I wanted this for years! I can’t back out now!”
It was a whole thing. It felt like a betrayal, even.
I think she knew I was upset, and she tried to comfort me. She gave me a hug. She held my hands. She left a kiss on my left cheek. She apologized about having the outburst. “I didn’t mean to hurt you” and “I could’ve said it better!” But if she was so worried about me, why was she willing to leave so suddenly?
I couldn’t convince her to stay, I realized, and so it was pointless to continue! “No, it’s nothing for you to be concerned about!” I told her, regaining my composure! “Well, I doubt you have time for tomorrow, so how about you go home?”
And she stammered! Amitie stammered, like she usually does, but it wasn’t her usual tripping over her own words— she sounded kind of.. shocked. And that was strange. She babbled about something, but I can’t recall. And after that, I told her again to leave, and she did.
Hm.. come to think of it. I wished she’d stay. But, as she so clearly has her life figured out, I can’t hold her back! But.. but I..
“Alright, alright! Hold it.” Raffina interrupts, though this wasn’t so much an interruption and more an after-examination. “You’re saying that.. the reason you’re upset.. is because Amitie’s successful? That’s a pathetic reason, isn’t it? Do you really want her to stay or do you just want someone to like you!” She crossed her arms, as if restraining herself.
Klug stared upwards, the faint light reflecting off of his glasses. He didn’t have an answer, nor did he want to know the answer. “I wish she’d stay. Or at least, I’d wish—“
His line of thought was interrupted as Raffina (now free of her self imposed restraints) picked him up off the floor and held him up as if he was an easily throwable plush doll.
“Kch. You’re so annoying, sometimes! You wouldn’t be here, and you would’ve been happy, if you just.. spoke up!! You’re the furthest thing from perfect I know, stop trying to be that, because it’s PISSING me off!” Raffina shouted, before running out of steam. She dropped him, took a breath, and simply unlocked the door, and left.
Ally, meanwhile, stayed a little longer. She dusted off her dress, went towards the door, but paused. Looking back at Klug, even if he’s dazed, he really does look pathetic. Not even in a sad way. He just looks so lonely. “…I promise you that we’ll fix everything! For the sake of love.” She told him, under her breath.
Ally went scrambling back to the bakery, Raffina’s (unwilling) hand in tow, and bursted the doors open. “Alright, Baker! Miss Lidelle! Miss Amitie! I have a—“ She stopped midway, upon realizing that Amitie is missing. “Ah. Miss Lidelle, any idea where Amitie is?” She asked.
Lidelle turned her head towards the door, then back to Ally. “Uhm.. Ami said she had to catch a train tomorrow, so she, uhm, she went to her house…” She answered. “Do you want her for anything? It’s really late..”
Ally then grabbed Lidelle’s sleeve, pulled her out of her chair, and bolted out the door again. “Alright, alright! Let’s go after her then!” She announced, now with a party of 3 (and Sig, who followed after.)
The 3+1 of them had scrambled to Amitie’s house, though none of them really knew what Ally was planning. Ally knocked on the door with a simplistic rhythm, and a mere two seconds after, the door opened.
“Oh! Raffina, Lidelle, and Sig! What’re you guys doing here!… and uh— what’s your name again? I forgot..” Amitie chirped, with a wide grin. Her smile faded as she saw the determined face Ally was making.
“Miss Amitie, I have a plan to get Klug out of the house! It’s going to need you, so forgive me for bothering you, but come with us!” Ally told her, extending her hand for Amitie to take.
Seeing as Amitie valued her friends, it was an easy choice. She took Ally’s hand, and gave an affirming nod. “Alright! Let’s do it, then!” She agreed.
The 5 of them, now complete, had begun the march to Klug’s house again, though none of them knew the plan at all. In fact, when they arrived, Raffina nearly opened the first floor window again, before Ally stopped her.
“We can’t break and enter again! That’ll just make him worse!” Ally scolded, before she turned to Amitie. “Miss Amitie, which window would he be near at this time?” She asked.
“How would I know that! He could be anywhere! Uhm.. it’s uh.. it’s night right now, so he might be going to sleep, which would be…” Amitie looked around the outside of the house, before pointing at a higher window. “That one!” She exclaimed.
The five of them looked at the general height of the window. It’s not exactly too high, but it wasn’t gonna be reachable with just a short hop.
But Ally had a look in her eye, as if she expected it. “Perfect-o… so! Here’s my plan. We all stack up on top of each-other, having Miss Amitie knock on the window as if she’s an angel from heaven.. surely, this’ll allow them to reconcile..”
Sig kept looking at the window. “…and if Glasses doesn’t open the window?” He mentions, taking a bite out of snack food he brought.
“Then we’ll try a different window! And again. And again! That’s the power of Love, Mister Sig!” Ally assured, with a wink. “Miss Raffina, I want you to pick me up, as high as you can! After I pick up Miss Amitie!”
“Doesn’t this idea sound a bit foolish?! Ally, you can’t possibly be serious— we have better hopes of having Amitie just knock on the door!” Raffina argued, as she effortlessly lifted Ally upwards (who was, herself, struggling with Amitie)
But Ally just giggled at the retort. “That’s why Miss Lidelle and Mister Sig will be on standby, in case something happens. Like a human ladder!” She explained, as she wobbled slightly. “Ok.. Miss Amitie, can you reach the window?”
Amitie reached her hands to the windowsill, grasping on for dear life, and pushed her face against the window to make a knock. “I’ve knocked on the window, but I can hardly hold on!” She exclaimed, her hands trembling.
She peered through the window, and while Klug was there, he seemed out of it. Just sitting in the middle of the room. Not sleeping. Just.. nothing. Was it a depressive spiral? She knew he got mopey sometimes. But that just meant she had to try harder.
Trying her hardest to still her movements, she knocked on the window again, and again. And again. But it felt like he couldn’t hear her. If a knock wasn’t going to do it, she had to try something else.
“… Everyone, time and time again, can feel that they’re all sad and hopeless.” She sang, trying to project her voice as loud as she could. Amitie wasn’t really the best singer, but she knew that he couldn’t ignore it.
Seeing as Klug perked his head up to the window, it just meant Amitie had to keep going. “It’ll be fine! Let’s cheer ourselves up!” She continued, now smiling. Even if she wasn’t believing in her smile, it’s what a true idol would do.
And it’s a true idol’s job to make others smile, too.
Klug looked out the window, and was somewhat shocked to see that Amitie was literally right there. “How on.. How on Earth are.. Amitie, get down from there, you’ll fall.” He told her, pointing downwards.
“Let me inside! I want to talk with you! About— uhm.. What was the plan, Ally?” Amitie asked, looking at Ally. As the window was opened (nearly smacking Amitie in the face), Amitie never got a response from Ally, who simply just smiled.
Just the two of them now, Amitie thought. She.. didn’t actually know what to say. The few times she was at his house, she had friends with her. And the time she was alone, it only resulted in her getting kicked out.
“So, why are you here? Don’t you have a magical fantastical job to do?” Klug remarked, moving stuff around to appear tidier. “I thought you had to leave. I thought you were gone, even.”
Amitie gulped in nervousness. She was trying to think of what to say. “Uhm.. uh.. I leave tomorrow, actually.. but— but that’s why I’m here today! I’m here to— I’m here to at least see you one last time for a long time!” She finally decided, trying her best to remain positive and chipper.
Throwing away empty paint bottles, Klug tried not to look at Amitie. “You know, I’d rather you have not come back here. It hurts me too much to look at you.” He told her, now walking away. “I’ll let you out the house, just—“
“But— but I don’t want to leave!” Amitie called out, freezing Klug’s movement. “Believe me, I wish— I wish I could see you and follow my dream.. but— but I’m not…”
She stopped talking. She said something like this last time. That resulted in a fight.
“I really wish I could see you when I leave. I wish you and Raffina and Sig and Lidelle would all follow me.. but, you guys also have dreams.” She explained, starting to cry. “And.. and that means I gotta go places. And I gotta say goodbyes… but that just means you can focus on your dream too, Right?”
Sniffling turned to sobbing, to Amitie loudly crying. She was the emotional type, still, even now. “I’m.. I’m sorry! I’m so.. I’m so sorry!” She kept repeating. “I’d miss you, and everyone, and Primp… but.. but..”
At this point, Klug turned around. Watching and listening to Amitie wailing was hurting him. Hearing her say what she was saying was breaking him. He still, of course, was her friend. And the best thing he could do as her friend was to give her a hug, like last time.
The simple act of a warm embrace wouldn’t make Amitie stop crying, but the acceptance of her speech was comfort, too.
“If it’s your dream, you should go for it. Don’t.. don’t worry about me or the others.” Klug told her. “I don’t want you to worry, and I’m sure we can still keep in touch. I’m pretty sure a mailwoman even visited my house earlier, we can send eachother mail. Weekly.”
A loud sniffle, and Amitie stopped crying as much. “Re-really? Would you promise every week?” She asked.
“I promise.” Klug affirmed, wiping away one of Amitie’s tears with a swipe of a finger. “So you leave tomorrow, huh… you better get to sleep then. Do you want to— uhm, stay over? I live closer to the train station anyway.” He offered.
Amitie flushed red, but she tried to steady herself to be calm. “I’d.. I’d like that, I think. We never finished the last one… but I’m tired already.. I’ll see myself downstairs.”
“No, no, you need to rest easy, you can just take the bed here. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Klug insisted, pointing. “You could- er.. you could borrow a shirt from the dresser, so you don’t mess up your own clothes! I’ll get out now, even.”
Closing the door behind him, Klug went downstairs, and simply sat on the floor. He still kind of wanted Amitie to stay forever, but just knowing she’ll speak to him every week is fine enough.
He wanted to go back and tell her something else, but he couldn’t bring himself to go upstairs. Not right now anyway. He stared upwards at the ceiling, thinking about the time he had spent outside, not just with Amitie, but with the others.
Wanting to thank her, Klug went upstairs, and gently opened the room door, cracking it open to make sure Amitie wasn’t busy. Turns out she already was out like a light. Delicate and smiling, as she usually is when awake.
“Ah, Amitie… Thank you, for everything. I love you.” Klug told her. Gently brushing her bangs out of her way, he lightly kissed her on the forehead. It was the least he could do. The littlest of a last memory before she went on to the rest of her life.
The smell of baked goods filled the air, and the world was still as bland as ever. But this time in the bakery, it was lively. Raffina and Lidelle were here, of course, and just a few minutes ago, Klug came by for an order.
“You know why I need plain bread! I can’t use a loafy bug as my model!” Klug argued, frustrated. “Sig, I’ll pay you extra, I just need a standard loaf!”
Sig blinked flatly. “There’s only bugs here. If you want bread, you go somewhere else.” He answered, tired. “Do you ever even eat the bread you order? Food waste.”
Slamming his hands onto the counter, Klug gave up. “Damn! You’re so difficult, refusing the customer won’t give you any money!” He told Sig, before his frustration melted away. “…but, I guess I’ll have the one that looks like a ladybird.”
“Coming up.” Sig said, leaving for his work. Mild banter like that was usual, and while it did annoy the customers, Sig didn’t really mind that much. Klug’s his friend, and he’s just ok with the fact that he’s actually here.
And then, suddenly, the door opened with the chime of a bell. Curly haired and red all over, it was an exhausted paperwoman. “Excuse me, excuse me!” Ally called out. “Is this a Mister Klug here?”
Klug turned around, his eyes lighting up. “Oh. Letter. It must be from Amitie.” He remarked, as Ally handed the letter over. “..She sure writes fast. I wonder if it’ll even be legible. Raffina, Lidelle, you should come listen too.”
Confirming his hypothesis, the words themselves were scratchy, but at the very least, they were readable.
“ ‘Hello from the distant land of Lyla! It’s Amitie! It’s really great here, though there’s not a lot of people. I’ve been kind of busy preparing for the audition. It actually went super well! I got to write a contract and everything♥︎ I’m gonna try my best on my first album, and I’ll invite you live to my first concert! Isn’t that exciting? Best wishes, Amitie!’ “
“It seems like Ami’s got her life together…” Lidelle commented, in awe. “We should go see her soon, maybe we can surprise her..!”
Klug put the letter down, and shook his head. “I want her to focus on her career right now. We’ve still got lives too, Lidelle.” He said. “I’ll write her back after I finish my next masterpiece, I’ll even invite her back here for when she’s free! We can even pay for her train ticket.”
Sig came back, ladybird bread in hand. ”Alright. Got your ladybird. 7 bronze coins.” He informed Klug, who paid nearly immediately. “Oh. Ami sent you a letter, huh? Is she doing ok?”
“…Yeah. She’s doing alright.” Klug nodded. “I think that her dream is finally coming true.”
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vrankup · 1 year
Art of affiliate marketing |vrankup|
Yo, welcome to the affiliate marketing rollercoaster! Buckle up, 'cause we digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup are about to dive deep into the rabbit hole of this digital dynamite. I'm gonna break it down for you in a way that's smoother than butter on hot pancakes.
Affiliate marketing, my friend, is like a tag team match between brands and regular folks – we call 'em affiliates. Imagine this: Brands got some killer products or services, but they need to spread the word like wildfire. That's where affiliates step in, armed with their blogs, YouTube channels, Insta grids, or even their own websites. These affiliates are like the hype squad, cheering for the brand from the digital sidelines.
Hold on tight, 'cause here comes the cool part. Affiliates get this magical link – it's like their golden ticket. When someone clicks on that link and buys the brand's stuff, ka-ching! The affiliate gets a slice of the pie – we're talking cold, hard cash. It's like a high-five moment for both sides. The brand gets exposure and sales, while the affiliate walks away with a grin and some extra cash to boot.
Now, let's flip the coin and see why brands are grinning like Cheshire cats over this affiliate magic. Imagine you're a brand with some next-level products. But here's the thing – those products won't sell themselves, right? That's where affiliates come to the rescue. These affiliates have their own fan clubs – blogs with dedicated readers, YouTube channels with subscribers hanging on their every word, and social media profiles with followers who trust them like a best friend's advice.
So, brands team up with these affiliates to get their products out there, to the masses. It's like a collaboration made in digital heaven. Brands are reaching audiences they might never have reached on their own.
Brands aren't just throwing money into a pit and hoping something sticks. Nah, they're smarter than that. With affiliate marketing, they're only shelling out cash when there's a real result – a sale, a lead, something that makes the cash register go cha-ching. It's like a marketing dream come true – you're investing where it counts and getting a bigger bang for your buck than a Fourth of July fireworks display.
Now, let's slide into the affiliate's shoes for a minute. Picture this: You're not a brand owner, but you're passionate about something. Let's say it's vintage video games. You've got a blog where you geek out about old-school consoles and pixelated adventures. Now, brands with killer retro game gear are peeping at you like, "Hey, wanna tell the world about our stuff?" And guess what? They're willing to pay you for it!
Affiliate marketing is like turning your passion into a paycheck. You're not inventing products, but you're like a tour guide showing people the hidden gems in your niche. You're recommending products you genuinely believe in, and for every sale that rolls in through your affiliate link, you're raking in some sweet commissions. It's like being the curator of an awesome museum, but you're making money while doing it.
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digital marketing agency in dwarka
Here's the kicker – you're not tied down to one brand. Nope, you're like a digital free bird, spreading your wings and partnering up with different brands. So, while you're geeking out about those vintage games, you could also be talking about other cool stuff like retro controllers, gaming chairs, or even gaming-themed socks. It's like having a bunch of mini-income streams, all flowing into your wallet. Who needs a nine-to-five when you've got this affiliate gig going on?
But hey, before you jump into the affiliate pool, let's talk strategy.
1. **Niche Power:** Pick a niche and own it like a boss. Whether it's vegan snacks, fashion hacks, or gardening gear, stick to your niche like glue. People trust experts, and you're gonna be their go-to guru in your corner of the internet.
2. **Content Wizardry:** Content is your magic wand. Don't just slap affiliate links all over the place like confetti. Create content that's engaging, informative, and oh-so-enticing. Think reviews, guides, "Top 10" lists – content that's like catnip for your audience.
3. **Authenticity Matters:** Listen up, honesty is your BFF. Your audience can spot a phony review from a mile away.
4. **Show Your Cards:** No hiding in the shadows, my friend. Transparency is key. Let your audience know when you're rocking an affiliate link. It's like letting them in on the secret handshake – they appreciate it, and it builds trust.
Now, before you put on your affiliate superhero cape, let's talk challenges. Like any epic quest, affiliate marketing's got its dragons to slay.
1. **Saturation Showdown:** In some niches, it's like a jam-packed party, and everybody's trying to outshine each other. To stand out, you've gotta bring the fireworks, the confetti, and maybe even a dancing unicorn.
2. **Ethical Everest:** Steer clear of the dark side, my friend. Dishonest promotions or misleading reviews? That's like wearing a neon sign that says "trust issues." Keep it clean, keep it real.
3. **Rulebook Rumble:** Different places, different rules. Some corners of the digital world need you to shout from the virtual rooftops that your content's got affiliate links. Know the rules; you're playing on their turf.
And now, for the grand finale – affiliate marketing, the dynamic dance where brands and affiliates tango their way to success. Brands score visibility and sales, while affiliates pocket commissions and live their digital dreams. It's like a high-five between the virtual worlds, a secret handshake that only those in the know get to share.
So, whether you're a brand looking to up your game or an affiliate ready to rock the digital stage, affiliate marketing's the melody that'll keep you grooving. Stay awesome, digital trailblazers, and keep those affiliate fires burning bright!
Catch you later
Digital marketing agency in Dwarka | Digital marketing company in Dwarka, vrankup!
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cryptokimee · 2 years
Top 5 Altcoins to Consider: Coins for Potential 10X Gains in 2023
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Cryptocurrency has evolved from a niche currency used by tech enthusiasts to a mainstream investment opportunity that has garnered global attention. While Bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency, there are now thousands of alternative coins, or altcoins, each with unique features and potential for growth. In this article, we will explore some altcoins that investors may want to consider for potential 10x gains in 2023.
First on the list is Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap after Bitcoin. It is a decentralized platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Ethereum’s flexibility and scalability have led to a growing ecosystem of dApps, driving demand for its native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH).
Binance Coin (BNB) is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance exchange, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges globally. Binance Coin facilitates transactions on the exchange and incentivizes users to trade on the platform. It also has other use cases, such as paying for goods and services and participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad. Binance’s success and expansion have resulted in growing demand for Binance Coin.
NavC Token (NavC) is an ERC-20 utility token designed to serve as the native cryptocurrency of the NavExM trading ecosystem. NavExM is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that provides trading and investing in crypto, NFT, and stablecoins. The project aims to reduce transaction fees and provide positive cashback for every trade on the exchange. NavExM will launch in March 2023 as the world’s first revenue-giving exchange for crypto enthusiasts. NavC Token’s price has already increased following the NavExM launch.
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Solana (SOL) is a high-speed blockchain platform that provides scalable infrastructure for decentralized applications. Solana’s unique consensus mechanism, Proof of History (PoH), enables high transaction throughput without sacrificing security. Solana has attracted a growing community of developers and users, and many high-profile projects have been built on the platform. Solana’s potential for growth has resulted in significant price appreciation in recent years.
Polkadot (DOT) is a decentralized platform that aims to enable interoperability between different blockchains. Polkadot’s unique architecture allows multiple blockchains to operate together in a unified network, enabling scalability and reducing network congestion. Polkadot’s ability to facilitate cross-chain communication and its decentralized governance structure make it a promising investment opportunity.
While these altcoins may offer potential for 10x gains in 2023, investors should conduct thorough research and consider the risks before investing in any cryptocurrency. Nonetheless, these altcoins, among others, offer unique features and potential for growth, providing investors with a compelling investment opportunity in the cryptocurrency market.
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Looking for a highly rewarding crypto trading platform?   Look no further than NavExM! It is powered by the native utility token NavC, making it one of the most innovative and cutting-edge Crypto Trading Exchange.  If you have any questions related to NavC or NavExM, join us on Telegram and ask away! Our team of experts is ready to answer any and all questions you may have.
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jehans-flower-pot · 2 years
9. Favourite historical film?
16. Do you own some historical item (e.g. coin, clothing, weapons, books, etc.) If yes, which one is your favourite?
24. Who do you consider to be one of the most underrated historical figures?
9. this is like. really bad. but les mis im counting it.
16. I have some steel pennies from my great aunt and like a few good old books. my faves are the books i find at library sales and used book stores bc if u look in the right section u find niche informational books from the past. i have a leatherbound book on painting on different surfaces from the late 40s and a booklet on the history of my town from 1915. heres the kicker on the booklet tho it has local ads. it has ads. for a sanitarium. we had a. sanitarium.
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Blockchain Devices Market Size, Share, Trend, Forecast, & Growth Analysis: 2024-2032
Blockchain Devices Market 2024 Report: A Comprehensive Analysis of Historical and Current Market Trends with Strategic Insights.
Analysis of the global "Blockchain Devices Market" shows that the market will develop steadily and strongly between 2024 and 2032, and projections indicate that this growth will continue through 2032. The increasing demand from consumers for ecologically friendly and sustainable products is a noteworthy development in the Blockchain Devices Market. To improve the effectiveness and caliber of products in the Blockchain Devices Market, technology has also been used much more frequently.
➼ Market Capacity:
Between 2017 and 2023, the Blockchain Devices Market's value increased significantly, from US$ million to US$ million. With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) predicted to reach US$ million by 2032, this momentum is anticipated to continue. An extensive analysis explores consumer preferences and purchasing patterns in this industry, broken down by type (Filament (US), GENERAL BYTES R.O. (Czech Republic), Blockchain Luxembourg S.A. (UK), SatoshiLabs (Czech Republic), Lamassu Industries AG (Switzerland), Ledger SAS (France), HTC Corporation (Taiwan), RIDDLE&CODE (Austria), Genesis Coin Inc. (US), Pundi X Labs Private Limited (Singapore), Sikur (US), AVADO (Switzerland), SIRIN LABS (Switzerland)). Based on extensive research, this perceptive analysis is anticipated to be a useful tool for industry participants looking to profit from the market's remarkable anticipated compound annual growth rate (2024–2032).
➼ Key Players:
List of Blockchain Devices Market PLAYERS PROFILED
The Blockchain Devices Market includes several key players such as Blockchain Smartphones, Cryptographic Hardware Wallet, Crypto Atm play crucial roles in this market.
Blockchain Devices Market Report Contains 2024: -
Complete overview of the global Blockchain Devices Market
Top Country data and analysis for United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, etc. It also throws light on the progress of key regional Blockchain Devices Markets such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East and Africa.
Description and analysis of Blockchain Devices Market potentials by type, Deep Dive, disruption, application capacity, end use industry
impact evaluation of most important drivers and restraints, and dynamics of the global Blockchain Devices Market and current trends in the enterprise
Value Propositions of This Market Research:
The study covers a comprehensive analysis of industry drivers, restraints, and opportunities, providing a neutral perspective on the market performance. It highlights recent industry trends and developments, offering insights into the competitive landscape and the strategies employed by key players. The study identifies potential and niche segments and regions exhibiting promising growth, supported by historical, current, and projected market size data in terms of value. An in-depth analysis of the Blockchain Devices Market is included, along with an overview of the regional outlook. This holistic approach ensures a thorough understanding of the market dynamics and potential growth areas.
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Global Blockchain Devices Market: SEGMENTATION ANALYSIS
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), manufacturers, Type, and Application. Market segmentation creates subsets of a market based on product type, end-user or application, Geographic, and other factors. By understanding the market segments, the decision-maker can leverage this targeting in product, sales, and marketing strategies. Market segments can power your product development cycles by informing how you create product offerings for different segments.
Valuable Points from Blockchain Devices Market Research Report 2024-2032:
The market for Blockchain Devices Market has undergone significant changes because to changing consumer preferences, laws, and technological advancements. This dynamic business is being shaped by new product launches, mergers, and creative marketing strategies from big players. A thorough analysis of recent and historical data yields insights into the market's value, volume, historical growth, current size, and potential for the future. While competition research explores market share and strategy, segmentation by key regions exposes regional variances. The research provides practical suggestions to help you improve your position in this dynamic market and finds new niches and development possibilities across regions.
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Behind the Brand In an industry characterized by rapid growth and technological advancements, economic changes occur daily. To thrive in this dynamic environment, companies must understand market trends and develop effective strategies. A well-defined strategy not only facilitates planning but also offers a competitive edge. For dependable market reports that provide essential insights to guide your business toward success, visit us at www.globalmarketstatistics.com .
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willpaul229 · 13 days
The Growing Popularity Of Online Auctions For Rare Collectibles
The world of rare collectibles has always been one of intrigue, passion, and competition. From vintage coins and classic cars to rare stamps and limited-edition toys, collectors have long sought after unique items that hold significant historical, cultural, or personal value. In recent years, online auctions have emerged as a powerful platform for buying and selling these coveted treasures, transforming the way collectors interact with the market. This shift has not only made rare collectibles more accessible but has also fueled their growing popularity worldwide.
The Rise of Online Auctions
Historically, auctions were held in physical locations, often exclusive to a select group of participants. Collectors had to travel to auction houses or specialized events, where they would bid against others in person. This process, while thrilling, was also limited by geography and time, restricting the pool of potential buyers and sellers.
The advent of online auctions has revolutionized this landscape. Platforms have brought the auction experience to a global audience, allowing anyone with an internet connection to participate. This shift has democratized the collectibles market, breaking down barriers that once limited access to rare items. Whether it’s a comic book from the 1930s or a piece of sports memorabilia, Minnesota online auctions provide a platform for collectors to discover, bid on, and acquire rare collectibles from around the world.
Accessibility and Convenience
One of the key drivers behind the growing popularity of online auctions for rare collectibles is the accessibility they offer. Unlike traditional auctions, which often require physical presence and adherence to specific schedules, online auctions can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. Collectors can browse listings, place bids, and track auctions from the comfort of their homes or on the go using mobile devices. This level of convenience has attracted a new generation of collectors, many of whom prefer the flexibility that online platforms provide.
Moreover, online auctions offer a wider variety of items than most traditional auction houses. With thousands of sellers from different regions, these platforms can host an extensive range of collectibles, catering to various interests and niches. Whether a collector is searching for a specific item or exploring new possibilities, the sheer diversity available online is unparalleled.
The Thrill of the Bid
The competitive nature of online auctions adds an element of excitement that resonates with collectors. The real-time bidding process, often accompanied by countdown timers and live updates, creates a dynamic environment where bidders must strategize and act quickly to secure their desired items. This thrill is amplified when rare or highly sought-after collectibles are at stake, as bidders know that missing out on a one-of-a-kind item could mean losing it forever.
Additionally, the transparency of online auctions enhances trust among participants. Platforms typically provide detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and historical data on past sales, allowing buyers to make informed decisions. Many sites also offer authentication services and buyer protection policies, further ensuring the integrity of the transaction.
The Impact on the Collectibles Market
The growing popularity of online auctions has had a significant impact on the collectibles market. Increased accessibility and a larger pool of participants have led to higher demand for rare items, often driving prices to record levels. In some cases, items that might have languished in obscurity have found new life and value through online exposure.
This trend has also encouraged more people to explore collecting as a hobby or investment, expanding the community and bringing fresh interest to various niches. Sellers, in turn, have benefited from access to a global audience, enabling them to achieve better returns on their items.
The rise of online auctions has undeniably transformed the rare collectibles market, making them more accessible, exciting, and lucrative for collectors worldwide. As technology continues to evolve, these platforms are likely to play an even greater role in the future of collecting, connecting enthusiasts with the treasures they seek, and fueling the ongoing passion for rare and unique items. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just beginning your journey, the world of online auctions offers endless possibilities for discovery and acquisition.
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Corey Brower Key Date Coins - A Top Auction House
Corey Brower's Key Date Coins has a reputation for being the source of some of the most popular coin auctions on the internet. In the future, Corey and Sandi Brower would like to continue presenting their unique auctions which are a mixture of history lessons and fun. 
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zarazyana · 20 days
How Can Influencer Marketing Enhance the Success of Your ICO?
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In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have emerged as a popular method for startups to raise capital. ICOs enable companies to launch new tokens or coins by selling them to early investors, usually in exchange for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, launching an ICO is not without its challenges. Amidst a crowded market of new projects, how can a company distinguish itself and ensure a successful token sale? One powerful tool in the marketing arsenal is ICO influencer marketing.
The Role of Influencer Marketing in ICO Success
Influencer marketing leverages the reach and authority of individuals with a substantial following on social media platforms, blogs, or other digital channels. These influencers, often experts or thought leaders in specific fields, can sway opinions and drive engagement due to their established credibility. For ICOs, influencer marketing can be a game-changer. Here’s how it can enhance the success of your ICO:
1. Building Credibility and Trust
One of the biggest challenges for any ICO is establishing credibility. Investors are often wary of scams and want to ensure that a project is legitimate and worthwhile. Influencers who are respected within the cryptocurrency and blockchain communities can lend their endorsement to your project, signaling to their followers that your ICO is credible. This endorsement helps build trust and can significantly impact investor confidence.
2. Reaching a Targeted Audience
Influencers often have a niche following that aligns with specific interests or industries. By collaborating with influencers who focus on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, or fintech, you can reach an audience that is already interested in your ICO’s field. This targeted approach is more effective than broad-based advertising because it ensures that your message is reaching people who are more likely to be interested in investing in your project.
3. Generating Buzz and Creating Awareness
An influencer's endorsement can create significant buzz around your ICO. When an influencer shares your project with their audience, it often generates conversations and increases visibility. This buzz can drive traffic to your website, increase social media engagement, and amplify your ICO’s reach. Influencers can create content, such as reviews, interviews, or explainer videos, which can be shared widely and generate additional interest.
4. Leveraging Social Proof
Social proof plays a crucial role in consumer decision-making. When potential investors see that respected influencers are talking about and supporting your ICO, they are more likely to perceive your project as valuable and trustworthy. Influencers' endorsements can act as a form of social proof, encouraging others to invest because they see that credible figures have already validated your project.
5. Driving Traffic and Conversions
Influencers can drive targeted traffic to your ICO’s landing page or website. By including a call-to-action in their content, such as a link to your ICO, influencers can direct their followers to learn more about your project and participate in the token sale. This direct traffic can lead to higher conversion rates, as the audience is already interested in your industry and influenced by the endorsement.
How to Leverage Influencer Marketing for Your ICO
To effectively utilize influencer marketing for your ICO, follow these strategic steps:
1. Identify the Right Influencers
Start by identifying influencers who have a strong presence in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Look for individuals who have a track record of discussing ICOs and related topics. Tools like social media analytics, influencer databases, and industry forums can help you find influencers with the right audience demographics and engagement rates.
2. Evaluate Influencers’ Credibility
Not all influencers are created equal. Assess their credibility by reviewing their content, engagement metrics, and past collaborations. Ensure that their values align with your project’s mission and that they have a history of providing honest and informed opinions. Avoid influencers with a history of promoting projects with questionable legitimacy.
3. Develop a Clear Collaboration Plan
Once you’ve identified potential influencers, reach out to them with a clear proposal. Outline the goals of the collaboration, the type of content you’re interested in, and any compensation or incentives. Be transparent about what you expect and how their endorsement will be integrated into your marketing strategy.
4. Create Engaging Content
Work with influencers to create content that resonates with their audience while effectively conveying the key aspects of your ICO. This might include interviews with your team, detailed reviews of your project, or educational content explaining your token’s utility. Ensure that the content is authentic and aligns with the influencer’s style and voice.
5. Monitor and Measure Impact
Track the performance of influencer campaigns by monitoring key metrics such as engagement rates, website traffic, and conversion rates. Use analytics tools to assess how influencer-driven traffic is interacting with your ICO’s landing page and whether it leads to actual investments. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to optimize results.
6. Maintain Relationships
Building long-term relationships with influencers can be beneficial beyond your ICO. Cultivate these relationships by providing regular updates, involving them in future projects, and showing appreciation for their support. A strong partnership can lead to continued advocacy and support for your brand.
Case Studies and Examples
1. The Role of Influencers in the ICO of Binance Coin
Binance Coin (BNB) is a notable example of how influencer marketing can impact an ICO. During its ICO, Binance leveraged influential figures within the cryptocurrency community to build credibility and attract investors. Their strategic partnerships with well-known personalities in the space helped create significant buzz and trust, contributing to the ICO’s success.
2. The Success of the Ethereum ICO
Ethereum’s ICO is another example of effective use of influencer marketing. Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, was already a prominent figure in the blockchain community. His engagement with influencers and thought leaders helped Ethereum gain traction and credibility, leading to a highly successful token sale.
Influencer marketing can significantly enhance the success of your ICO by building credibility, reaching a targeted audience, generating buzz, and driving conversions. By carefully selecting and collaborating with the right influencers, you can leverage their reach and authority to create a compelling narrative around your ICO. This strategy not only helps in gaining visibility but also in establishing trust and credibility, which are crucial for a successful token sale. In the competitive world of ICOs, influencer marketing can be the key to standing out and achieving your fundraising goals.
By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can harness the power of influencer marketing to elevate your ICO and attract the attention of potential investors.
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studystores · 23 days
Easy Way Understand Affiliate Marketing Step by Step
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What is Affiliate Marketing ?
Affiliate marketing is a simple trade. You find a product worth selling, something people need, or think they need. You put it out there, tell the story in a way that catches the eye, and wait. If someone buys, you get your cut. It’s a clean deal—no frills, just business. You could be anyone—a writer with a knack for words, a person with a following, or someone who knows how to catch attention with an email. You get a link, send it out, and if it clicks, so do the coins in your pocket. The company, they don’t mind. They’ve got their sale, and you’ve got your share. It’s honest work, and if you’re good at it, you can make a living. Simple as that.
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What is Affiliate Marketing ? Let's Know About the Basic Concept of Affiliate Marketing Examples of Affiliate Marketing How many type of affiliate marketing Understand The Advantage & Disadvantage of The Affiliate MarketingAdvantages of the affiliate marketing Disadvantages of the affiliate marketing Attention to these points Conclusion FAQsHow to start affiliate marketing ? How does affiliate marketing work ? How to start affiliate marketing with no money ? Is affiliate marketing a good way to make money? How much can I earn with affiliate marketing?
Let's Know About the Basic Concept of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing boomed thanks to the internet. With a straightforward concept allowing users to link to their product pages—Amazon set the standard. The person who shared the links received payment when a sale was made via them. The game is performance pay. Many people sell, and the business owner is simply paid when sales are made. Affiliate marketing didn’t start with the internet, but it became a giant business thanks to digital tools like analytics and cookies. Now, companies can see which links bring in customers and how many of those customers make a purchase. Consider an online retailer who would like to expand their customer base. They employ an affiliate to manage several email lists business websites. This affiliate promotes the retailer's goods via emails, links, and advertisements on their websites. The business catches people's attention and piques their curiosity with articles, videos, and pictures. Simple enough: the employee is paid by the business for the money they make.
Examples of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is among the easiest money-making techniques available. There is no need to produce anything or accumulate supplies. You market, people purchase, and you get paid. It really is that simple. Let's examine how people are managing this. 1. Specialist Blogging Let's start with niche blogging. You choose a topic and write on it, your topic may be fitness or fishing, depending on what you know best. Include a few links to things you support and are rewarded when someone purchases them. For instance: Imagine a fitness blog whose author is a fervent supporter of a particular exercise regimen. There's a link to purchase it online as well, but if users do, they get a small commission. 2. Product Review Sites Next, there are product review sites. These folks make a living telling you the good, the bad, and the ugly about whatever you’re thinking of buying. They throw in some links, and if you trust their word and click through, they get paid. Example: Imagine a website comparing smartphones. They give you the rundown on each model, and if you like what you read, there’s a link for you to buy it. That link? It’s making them money. 3. Email Marketing Campaigns There’s also email marketing. Build yourself a list of folks who want to hear from you, and then send them recommendations. You slide in an affiliate link, and when they buy, you’re in the money. Example: Picture a food blogger sending out recipes every week, along with a link to the exact gadgets they use. You click, you buy, they earn. 4. Social Media Influencers The influencers come next. People pay attention to them when they recommend something, since they have a devoted following. Such connections in their bios? Affiliate treasure troves. Example: A makeup company is showcased in an Instagram lesson posted by a beauty influencer. They have a link to purchase the goods in their bio, and each transaction puts money in their pocket. 5. Coupons and deals websites Coupons and deals websites work differently, basically they focused on the audience which are finding for a bargain, and these type of website offers them to coupons and deals so that they can buy their product by using that coupons and deals. When the code gets used, they earn a commission. Example: Think of a site listing the best deals on smartphones. They’ve got a discount code for a big brand, and when you use it, they get a commission. 6. Comparison Websites The comparison websites are the best way to earn, it's very useful to the audience because they help by compare products and services so that people can buy which is useful and good for them, and When you pick one and click, they earn their keep. Example: A technology site that lets you compare smartphones feature & prices. You find a good deal, click the link, and they make a little money from your booking. 7. YouTube Channels This is very useful for the YouTubers, if you are a YouTuber you can talk about the product and services or give the link in the description. When your subscriber click on the link and purchase the product and services, you get a cut. Example: A tech YouTuber unboxing the latest gadget, telling you what’s good and what’s not. The link below? That’s their payday if you buy. 8. Podcast Sponsorships Podcasters join the game through sponsorships. They talk up a product during their show and leave a link in the show notes. It’s as simple as talking, really. Example: A podcast about saving money promotes an app that helps you budget better. They tell you to check the link in the notes, and when you do, they earn. 9. Affiliate Programs on E-commerce Platforms This is very big platform for the affiliate marketing —e-commerce platforms like Amazon. They’ve got affiliate programs that let you link to their products. You share, someone buys, and the platform hands you a commission. Example: An Amazon affiliate making a holiday gift guide on their blog. Every link to a product in the guide is making them money when you buy. 10. Online course affiliate marketing Lastly, Affiliate links can also be found in many online courses. The author provides links to complementary tools that complement the course material, and those recommendations help them generate money. Example: A course on graphic design that recommends specific software, with affiliate links included. Students buy the software, and the creator earns a commission.
How many type of affiliate marketing
With affiliate marketing, you can create your own approach as a business model. Every kind has its own guidelines, dangers, and benefits. Create your path and proceed along it. Occasionally, your plan will succeed, but the game will still continue. There are mainly three types of affiliate marketing which is given below : 1. Unattached Affiliate Marketing Unattached affiliate marketing is like throwing a line in the dark. You don’t know the product, don’t care about it. You just place your ads and hope someone bites. If they do, you get your cut. Example: You run ads for a product you’ve never seen, never used. You don’t care if it’s good or bad. Your job is to get people to click, and when they do, you get paid. 2. Related Affiliate Marketing This type is closer to home. You’re not a stranger to the products, even if you don’t use them. You know the field, know what works, and you recommend what fits. Example: A tech blogger writing about software might push hardware they’ve heard good things about. They haven’t used every piece, but they know the territory, and that’s enough. 3. Involved Affiliate Marketing Involved affiliate marketing is where you get your hands dirty. You use the products, know them inside out. Your audience trusts you because you’ve been there, done that. Example: A fitness influencer who swears by a certain protein powder. They’ve used it, they like it, and they tell their followers why. When the followers buy, everyone wins.
Understand The Advantage & Disadvantage of The Affiliate Marketing
The world of affiliate marketing is luck-based. It provides independence, affordability, and the potential for passive income. It is not without difficulties, though rivalry, reliance, and the requirement for ongoing work are just a few. You determine whether taking a chance is worthwhile by weighing the benefits and the hazards. Advantages of the affiliate marketing - Minimal startup expenses Not much is needed to get started. No requirement for stock or a physical store. Just some time and a website. That is all there is to it. - Possibility of Passive Income After you've placed your traps, you can make money while you're asleep. Though it's not a given, it is feasible. And it's that potential that keeps players engaged in the game. - Adaptability and Practicality This task can be done at any time and from any location. That offers some freedom. You are the only one who has to answer to, and you choose your own timetable. - Absence of customer service Returns and complaints are not something you have to handle. That is handled by the merchant. Getting folks to the door is your job. You have no control over what occurs after that. - A Range of Goods to Advertise There are plenty of goods to promote. You can decide based on what appeals to you, what you think will appeal to others, or both. You have the option. - Earnings Based on Performance It all depends on what you produce. You make more money the more you sell. Although it's a straightforward equation, it's not always clear-cut. - No Requirement to Create Products You don't work in the manufacturing industry. Selling things that other people have made is what you do. This facilitates scaling and makes getting started easier. - Getting into a worldwide market Your market is the entire world. You are not constrained by location. You can reach anyone, wherever, with the appropriate strategy. Disadvantages of the affiliate marketing - Intense Rivalry All of them are attempting to market identical products. It's difficult to stand out in this packed field. Work harder, think more clearly, and move more quickly than the next person. - Income Based on Commissions Commissions are what drive your income. It can therefore be unpredictable. Your cash flow slows down along with a decline in sales. - Depend on Affiliate Networks The programs you enrol in have an impact on you. You’re left scurrying if they shut down, decrease commissions, or modify the rules. That's not something you can control. - Insufficient Product Control You don't own the products. There is nothing you can do if they are bad. Additionally, even though it's not your responsibility, it can reflect negatively on you if they are dissatisfied. - Necessitates Constant Work It is not something you can set and forget. It is imperative that you continue to develop, create, and optimise. The money stops if you quit. - Possibility of Varying Income Money can come in strong one day and then disappear the next, much like the tide. It can be challenging to live with because it isn't constant. - Can Be Time-Consuming It takes time to build something that works. You’ll need to invest hours in creating content, driving traffic, and keeping up with trends. It’s not a quick win. - Risk of Shady Practices Not all programs are above board. Some might cheat you out of your earnings or engage in practices that could harm your reputation. You have to be careful who you partner with.
Attention to these points
It's not as easy as it looks to use affiliate marketing. You have things to consider that have the power to make or ruin you. Let's examine them. - Selecting the Appropriate Niche You must identify a niche that appeals to you. It shouldn't be something that everyone else is doing rather, it should be something you care about and that people want. If there is too much rivalry, you risk becoming lost in the throng. If there's not enough interest, you won't make any money. - Establishing Credibility with Your Viewers The key is trust. You will not sell to an audience that lacks trust in you. That is all there is to it. Don't promote goods that you don't support. Admit to yourself that you are profiting from the sales. They will obey you if they have faith in you. - Adherence to Legal Mandates You must abide with certain regulations, such as the US FTC requirements. The fact that you are an associate cannot be concealed. People must be informed. Breaking the law is not worth the danger since it is the law. - Prioritise Quality above Quantity Refrain from endorsing every product that comes up. Concentrate on a few outstanding ones. Items that provide value and address a need. People will continue to return if they get what they desire. - Knowledge of the Commission System Affiliate schemes vary from one another. Pay varies from person to person. Some don't take long to pay off, while some do. You have to be aware of the specifics. Make sure you know how much money you will receive and when. - Changing Up Your Revenue Sources You should avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket. You're asking for trouble if you depend only on one software or product. Disperse it. Look for various programs and items. In this manner, even if one fails, you can still win. - Tracking and Improving Performance It cannot just be put up and then abandoned. You must maintain vigilance. Keep an eye on your traffic and link tracking. Examine what is and is not working. And make a change when something isn't functioning. Take action now.
Affiliate marketing offers a lot, but it’s not without its challenges. You need to choose wisely, work hard, and stay honest. If you do that, you can succeed. But don’t take it lightly. It’s a business, and it needs to be treated as one.
How to start affiliate marketing ?Find a niche you believe in. Join the affiliate programs that suit it. Build a place where your words can live—a blog, a channel. Speak plainly, and let your content carry the weight. Insert your links where they belong, without forcing them. Draw people in, one by one, with honest effort. Watch how it goes, adjust as needed, and keep moving forward.How does affiliate marketing work ?Affiliate marketing is a straightforward trade. A business offers a reward to those who bring customers its way. The affiliates, as they are called, set about their task, placing links where people might stumble upon them—on websites, in the corners of social media, perhaps in a blog. When someone clicks and buys, the affiliate earns a piece of the profit. It’s a simple arrangement. The business gains a customer, and the affiliate, a few coins for their trouble. No frills, no pretense, just a fair exchange.How to start affiliate marketing with no money ?To start affiliate marketing with no money, firstly you have to select your niche, after that sign up for a free programs like Amazon associates. Then share your content on the free platforms such as blogs, social media or YouTube, finally embed your affiliate links in the content to drive traffic and earn commissions.Is affiliate marketing a good way to make money?Earning money with affiliate marketing has certain benefits. Commissions from sales or leads may be earned if you have a strong online presence and effectively market products. It provides both flexibility and the possibility of passive income. However, it requires a lot of work to develop a following, provide quality content, and hone your techniques. Although simple, it requires work.How much can I earn with affiliate marketing?Affiliate marketing earnings might vary greatly. They rely on things like your audience size, marketing expertise, affiliate program commission structure, and niche. A few dollars can make a month for some folks, but hundreds for others. There is potential, but it will need work, planning, and perseverance. Read the full article
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jennyefranklin · 1 month
Top eBay Categories for Maximum Profit
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An Introduction to Profitable eBay Categories
Selling on eBay can be very profitable. The important thing is to know the right categories one has to go into. There are categories that might bring a higher profit than others. Such successful sellers specialize, focusing on those targeted categories where demand is significantly high, and competition is low. Areas like electronics, fashion, and collectibles belong to such categories. Many sellers made their living by just mastering these categories. For example, my friend made a killing off reselling vintage watches. He started small but quickly learned what worked.
Electronics: A Booming Market
It's one of the hottest areas on eBay. Smartphones, laptops, and gaming machines never go out of demand. I remember selling an old iPhone; it sold really fast with a nice profit. People love their gadgets. Even past models sell if the price is right. Some sellers do pretty good flipping used electronics. They buy low, fix, and sell high. This category can be highly competitive; however, the profits are worth it.
Fashion and Collectibles: Hidden Treasures
Fashion and collectibles are very opportunistic. Clothing, shoes, and accessories are huge on eBay. Of course, high-end brands always sell at excellent prices, as do items that are rare. One seller I am familiar with focuses on vintage designer handbags. She spends her time getting out in the marketplace to find that rare find. Her sales have been great because she picked a niche. Comic books, toys, and coins are just a few collectibles that bring in huge money. Rare items can sell for hundreds or even thousands. These are categories that entail knowledge and passion. But for those who invest time, the rewards can be substantial.
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auroragracesblogs · 2 months
Expert Tips on Building a Successful ICO Platform from Scratch
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The cryptocurrency landscape is teeming with opportunities, and one of the most compelling avenues for raising capital is through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). An ICO platform serves as a bridge between projects and investors, enabling new ventures to launch their tokens and secure funding. However, creating a successful ICO platform from scratch is a complex endeavor that requires a blend of technical expertise, strategic planning, and regulatory compliance. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps, tips, and best practices to build a robust, cutting-edge ICO platform that stands out in the competitive crypto market.
1. Understanding the ICO Landscape
Before you dive into the development process, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of ICOs and the market dynamics.
What is an ICO?
An ICO is a fundraising method in the blockchain space where new projects issue digital tokens to investors in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. These tokens can represent various assets or utilities within the project ecosystem.
Why Build an ICO Platform?
An ICO platform is essential for:
Streamlining Token Sales: Providing the infrastructure for project creators to launch and manage their ICOs.
Attracting Investors: Offering a secure, user-friendly environment for investors to participate in token sales.
Enhancing Project Visibility: Helping projects gain traction and visibility in the crowded crypto space.
2. Strategic Planning: Laying the Foundation
Creating a successful ICO platform starts with thorough planning. This phase involves defining your vision, understanding the market, and setting clear objectives.
Define Your Vision and Goals
Identify Your Niche: Determine the specific market segment or type of projects you want to support (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, fintech).
Set Clear Objectives: Establish short-term and long-term goals. Consider what you aim to achieve, such as the number of projects to onboard, target fundraising amount, and platform growth metrics.
Conduct Market Research
Analyze Competitors: Study existing ICO platforms to identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the market.
Identify Trends: Keep abreast of the latest trends in blockchain technology, ICO regulations, and investor preferences.
3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Compliance is a critical aspect of building an ICO platform. Failure to adhere to regulations can result in severe penalties and loss of credibility.
Engage with Legal Experts
Consultation: Work with legal professionals who specialize in cryptocurrency regulations to navigate complex legal landscapes.
Draft Legal Documents: Prepare essential documents, including Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Token Sale Agreement, and KYC/AML policies.
Understand Regulatory Requirements
Securities Laws: Determine if your tokens are classified as securities and comply with relevant securities regulations.
KYC/AML Compliance: Implement Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures to verify investor identities and prevent illicit activities.
Global Compliance: Consider the regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions, ensuring your platform is compliant worldwide.
4. Building the Core Team
A talented and diverse team is the backbone of a successful ICO platform. Assemble professionals with expertise in various domains to drive your project forward.
Key Roles to Hire
Blockchain Developers: Skilled in smart contract development, blockchain integration, and backend development.
Security Experts: Specialists in cybersecurity, responsible for safeguarding the platform against vulnerabilities and attacks.
Legal Advisors: Experts in cryptocurrency law and compliance, guiding you through legal complexities.
Marketing and PR Specialists: Professionals to handle marketing strategies, community building, and public relations.
5. Designing the ICO Platform
The design and development phase is where your vision takes shape. Focus on creating a user-centric, secure, and scalable platform.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
Simplicity and Intuitiveness: Design an intuitive interface with a clean layout and easy navigation. Ensure that users can quickly understand how to participate in ICOs.
Responsive Design: Optimize the design for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.
Key Features to Include
User Registration and KYC Integration: Implement a secure registration process and integrate KYC functionality to verify user identities.
Smart Contract Management: Develop and deploy smart contracts for token creation, sales, and distribution. Ensure they are secure, efficient, and compliant with industry standards.
Payment Gateway Integration: Enable support for multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies to facilitate smooth transactions.
Dashboard and Analytics: Provide a comprehensive dashboard with real-time analytics, performance tracking, and reporting tools for project creators and investors.
6. Ensuring Security and Compliance
Security is paramount in the cryptocurrency space. Implement robust measures to protect user data and assets.
Best Security Practices
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhance account security by requiring users to verify their identity through multiple channels.
Cold Storage Solutions: Store the majority of funds in cold storage wallets to protect against hacking and theft.
Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
Compliance with Regulations
Automated KYC/AML Checks: Integrate automated KYC and AML verification processes to ensure compliance and streamline user onboarding.
Data Protection: Implement data protection measures to safeguard user information and comply with GDPR and other data privacy regulations.
7. Marketing and Community Building
An effective marketing strategy and strong community engagement are crucial for the success of your ICO platform.
Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing: Create high-quality content, including blogs, whitepapers, and videos, to educate your audience and establish thought leadership.
Social Media Marketing: Leverage social media platforms to engage with your audience, share updates, and promote your platform.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with crypto influencers and industry experts to enhance your platform’s credibility and reach.
Build and Engage Your Community
Online Forums and Communities: Participate in relevant forums, chat groups, and online communities to connect with potential users and projects.
Host Events and Webinars: Organize events, webinars, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions to educate your audience, answer questions, and build trust.
Offer Incentives: Implement referral programs, airdrops, and rewards to encourage user participation and grow your community.
8. Launching the ICO Platform
The launch phase is critical for gaining momentum and attracting users. Follow these steps to ensure a successful launch.
Beta Testing
Select a Test Group: Choose a small group of users to test the platform’s functionality, identify bugs, and gather feedback.
Implement Feedback: Use the feedback from beta testers to make necessary improvements and ensure a smooth user experience.
Marketing Kickoff
Pre-Launch Campaign: Build excitement with a pre-launch campaign, including teasers, countdowns, and exclusive previews for early supporters.
Press Releases and Media Outreach: Distribute press releases and engage with media outlets to gain coverage and generate buzz.
Customer Support and Engagement
24/7 Support: Provide round-the-clock customer support through live chat, email, and community forums to assist users and address queries.
Gather Feedback: Actively seek user feedback and suggestions to continuously improve the platform’s features and user experience.
9. Post-Launch Operations and Scaling
After launching your ICO platform, focus on continuous improvement, user support, and scaling your operations.
Continuous Development
Feature Enhancements: Regularly update the platform with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes based on user feedback and market trends.
Performance Optimization: Monitor and optimize the platform’s performance, ensuring scalability and a seamless user experience.
Community and User Support
Engagement and Communication: Maintain regular communication with your community through updates, newsletters, and social media. Keep users informed about platform developments and upcoming features.
Dedicated Support Team: Expand your support team to handle user queries, provide assistance, and resolve issues promptly.
Regulatory Compliance
Stay Updated: Keep abreast of regulatory changes and ensure continuous compliance. Update your platform’s compliance protocols and legal documentation as needed.
Conduct Audits: Perform regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with KYC, AML, and data protection regulations.
Building a successful ICO platform from scratch is a challenging yet rewarding journey. By following these expert tips and leveraging professional guidance, you can create a platform that not only meets regulatory standards but also provides a seamless, secure, and engaging experience for projects and investors. Focus on innovation, security, user experience, and community engagement to establish a platform that stands out in the competitive ICO landscape and drives the next wave of blockchain innovation.
Embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that with careful planning, a skilled team, and a commitment to excellence, you can build a cutting-edge ICO platform that empowers projects and transforms the future of fundraising in the blockchain space.
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tyccommunicationblog · 2 months
Influencer Marketing on a Budget: Maximizing Impact with Limited Resources
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Effective influencer marketing is an exclusive advantage for large brands with substantial budgets. Yet, smaller businesses can also tap into this marketing strategy successfully. By adopting cost-effective tactics and focusing on meaningful partnerships, businesses can achieve impactful results in their influencer campaigns without overspending.
Furthermore, influencer marketing has become a cornerstone of contemporary advertising strategies. For businesses with limited financial resources, the key to success lies in strategic planning and resourcefulness. By carefully selecting influencers and employing cost-effective methods, brands can still achieve significant reach and engagement.
Identify micro-influencers and niche markets
One of the most effective ways to maximize influencer marketing on a budget is to collaborate with micro-influencers. These influencers may have smaller followings compared to their high-profile counterparts, but their audiences are often highly engaged and niche-specific. By targeting micro-influencers whose followers align with the brand's target demographic, businesses can achieve a more personalized and impactful outreach.
Build authentic relationships
Authenticity is crucial in influencer marketing. Brands should focus on building genuine relationships with influencers rather than simply purchasing sponsored posts. Engaging with influencers through meaningful interactions, offering free products, or providing exclusive experiences can foster a more authentic connection. This approach reduces costs and enhances the credibility of the brand's message.
Leverage user-generated content
Encouraging influencers to create user-generated content (UGC) can be a cost-effective way to amplify brand messages. UGC, such as reviews, testimonials, and social media posts, often resonates more with audiences than traditional advertising. By incentivizing influencers to share their authentic experiences with the brand, businesses can benefit from valuable content without incurring high expenses.
Utilize affiliate marketing models
Another budget-friendly strategy is to implement affiliate marketing models. Businesses can align compensation with performance by offering influencers a commission on sales generated through their referral links. This approach ensures that marketing expenses are directly tied to tangible results, making it a cost-effective way to drive sales and increase ROI.
Track and measure results
To maximize the impact of influencer marketing, it is essential to track and measure campaign results. Businesses should use analytics tools to monitor engagement, reach, and conversions. This data can help refine strategies, optimize future campaigns, and efficiently allocate resources.
In a nutshell
Influencer marketing, even on a budget, can deliver impressive results when approached strategically. By focusing on micro-influencers, fostering authentic relationships, leveraging user-generated content, utilizing affiliate models, and tracking performance, businesses can achieve significant impact without overspending.
Moreover, for businesses looking to enhance their influencer marketing efforts and optimize their overall PR strategies, partnering with a reputable online PR agency in Delhi or digital PR agency in Delhi can be highly beneficial. The Yellow Coin Communication offers expert services in influencer marketing and digital PR, helping brands navigate the complexities of modern marketing with efficiency and creativity.
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