pondsocs · 3 years
What changes are you making to the sequel trilogy? (ignoring the existence of ocs being a change lol)
First of all, Rey is Elle's padawan, Luke is so stubborn and they both have a complicated relationship, so she trains her because it has always been Elinoyra's dream to be a Jedi master and lowkey bc she just want to get under Luke's skin.
She doesn't go back to the island with Luke, bc now she has a ship and can finally go back to her brother and mother.
And lastly, Ben doesn't die. She pretty much forces her brother to use the force and help her and Rey to bring him back.
And they live happily ever after. That's it.
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pondsocs · 3 years
oooo can you tell me about the Skywalker Twins? Like what their relationship is like, and if they have any parallels to Luke and Leia?
YES OF COURSE. I don't talk a lot about them.
So they were separated when they were teens, the main parallel between them and Luke & Leia is that, just like them, one turned into a Jedi and the other one is more focused on the rebellion.
Elle trained with her father and the rest of the jedis until the whole thing with Ben. Coen never wanted to use the force bc he wanted to be a pilot like her mother.
They never knew what triggered the force bond, but just like Rey and Kylo, they can talk while on different sistems. They usually do it once every other week or when things get hard for them. Elle fears for her brother, since she's one with the force, she can sense when Coen is in distress or afraid.
They are very close, and they miss each other terribly, but they both know what's at stake is she returns to him.
Also, Luke is a bitch and never told her about the ship under the water.
I love them so much, and I'm sad that I don't talk about them more.
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pondsocs · 3 years
Hello, @heresthefanfiction here! I have you on my bingo card, and I have discovered you have Star Wars ocs.
So hit me with any and all thoughts, maybe something I can make an edit with if you so desire!
HI! YES! More on their way bc i just finished The Book of Bobba Fett... And Mandalorian but that makes me sad so.
Corvina Halsar.
She's a pilot, she met Anakin when they were both very young and both started their training.
They would steal a ship and go out exploring and as they grew up, they got closer and started to date in secret. But they both knew they couldn't be together, so she left to complete her training and Anakin never forgot her, but then Padme came back and...
She goes back to Coruscant for the Clone Wars, and there is an unnecessary love triangle between them. Eventually, Padme gets pregnant and she leaves him for good and the rest is history. She might be a good reason on why he turned to the dark side lol.
Morgayne Asena.
She's Corvie's daughter! Her and Nil Asena's (Not fully developed oc). She's also a pilot bc she looks after her parents, and also best friend and kind of Leia's bodyguard (not official, but she likes to say that).
Her dad dies during the Rouge One plot and she officially joins the rebellion. She meets Luke when her and Leia are captured by Vader.
And she fits perfectly on the original trilogy, so there isn't much information or a proper story
(I love her, but i haven't worked on her that much)
Elle and Coen Skywalker.
The twins! Morgayne and Luke's kids. They grew appart bc Elinoyra decided to train as a Jedi and Coen as a pilot (shocker), also, something happened to Luke (JJ Abrams) that he became kind of a jerk.
They still talk via force bond and they are very, very close. Like, the best brother-sister relationship ever.
Elle is Rey's master. Since her father didn't train her, Elle took upon her duty as a Jedi and also wanted to get under Luke's skin bc after everything with Ben (They were also close), he didn't allow her to go back to her brother and mother. Her love interest is Poe Dameron bc she fell in love with him after everything Coen told her about him.
Coen, his best friend is Poe and they are both himbos. He's very reckless but hes the best rebel of them all, alongside Poe. They get in so much trouble and sometimes steal a X-Wing and fly to a near planet to get away from the problems, for a couple of minutes at least and then go back to action.
He misses his sister terribly and can't quite figure out their force bond, so he waits everyday for her to "call"
I think that's all. I hope it was helpful!
Also, I'm sorry for grammar errors, english isn't my first language and its pretty late too lol
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pondsocs · 4 years
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Halloween Challenge 2020  — Day Two: Fairytale AU
The Skywalker twins — Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Where Elinoyra is also a witch
Tag list: @ocfairygodmother @abbysarcane @villanele @stareyedplanet @butcherofblackwater @randomfandoming1  @perfectlystiles [Want to be added? shoot me an ask!]
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pondsocs · 4 years
🌹 🌹 🌹
From Sacrifice
He kissed me again, as if he knew what I was about to say and there was a place inside me that suspected that was the case.
From Lost Memory
For several days and even weeks I had feared the worst, but the Senator had contacted the superior of his squad and assured me that he was fine, but not knowing what had happened with Steve and me.
From Fallen
Nell and Ben were the best during their training, but it was notorious that they were both curious about the dark side and when Dad found out, it was too late.
Thank youu!!!
For every ‘ 🌹’ I get I’ll post a line from one of my WIPs
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pondsocs · 4 years
Cohen Skywalker and sleep
(Opps, spoilers for Fallen)
Coen doesn’t get to sleep that much bc
1. He stays up late talking to his sister via forcebord
2. He has a high rank in the resistance so he has to be on the lookout 
3. His room is next to Poe’s bc best buds.
Also, sorry for grammar errors. English isn’t my native language
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