#Codi don't look
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jacksepticeye-simp · 2 days ago
made myself a pin :)
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wispy-fox · 9 months ago
Oh William...
What has happened to you? You used to be an admirable soldier.
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(Click for better quality)
While we don't know what happened to Wil right after WKM, I love this scenario and the angst it brings. Especially since insane asylums weren't known for being kind to the patients back in those years. And I was going to demonstrate that by adding a mask that doctors used to shut him up. I can imagine them, and even other patients (who would complain), getting sick and tired of Wil's rambling. Especially when he kept asking about his friends, stating over and over that it was just a joke.
That needed to stop, apparently. It didn't matter whether it was with the help of a mask, or through sedation. It was just a flip of coin on which one would be used whenever they got tired of the poor man.
Unfortunately, the only reason I didn't add the mask was because it was difficult to draw, X'D
I'm proud of this piece anyway, so I hope you all enjoy it!
Please don't steal my artwork.
Have a wonderful day/night! ^^
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faecaribou · 24 days ago
this is just another format of the I think we're gonna have to kill this guy Steven meme
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jacksepticeye-simp · 2 days ago
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My sillies
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respect-the-stache · 6 months ago
*all he can smell is rotting. He has put up flowers and air fresheners everywhere. A teenager hops the ancient fence and climbs into the yard. This old house has been sitting here for years. The corpses were disposed here. (Sorry for the VERY creepy aspects I rlly wanna make an analog horror of mark’s serious characters) the one in blue is propped up in front of tea that has long been cold. The one cloaked in rage is sitting with her skeletal fingers sitting on the table. Long withered skin and bone.*
“hello?” *the young boy calls into the dark sand deathly silence. He holds out his phone, recording and talking to the camera* “so it is abandoned. Well here we are chat. The last time someone supposedly used this house was in the 1920’s they say a famous seer used to live here.”
Off in the kitchen, Wilford was busy whipping up a fresh pot of tea when a distant voice caught his attention. The voice didn't belong to his friends, however, which instantly made his eyebrows furrow together. Temporarily abandoning the tea to investigate, the fella took a peep out the kitchen window, only to see someone he didn't recognize in the front yard.
It was some teenager, to be exact. But what was...? Oh! Perhaps Damien or Celine know and invited him to the tea party! More friends were always welcomed, of course, so he better introduce himself to their friend, otherwise he'd be a rather poor party host. He was raised better than that.
"Well, you're certainly late to the party!" He said, loud as usual as he popped up behind the kid, unknowingly interrupting the video they were recording. "While I don't like people showing up late, I suppose it's better to be late than never showing up at all."
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weirdmixofweirdness · 2 years ago
Happy 1 year anniversary, In Space With Markiplier!
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In celebration, have this hit of angst!
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wilfywarfy · 2 years ago
He's surrounded by darkness. Pure black. It's just him and his thoughts.
"Uhm... hello?"
He calls out, and yet no one answers.
"Is anyone here?"
"Someone? Anyone?"
"Turn around..."
He turns around. Met with a stranger.
"...who are you?"
"You don't remember?"
"I don't remember a lot of things."
The stranger steps closer, the only sound that of a cane clicking on the non existent floor.
"I see... let's just say I'm a very old friend..."
"You don't look old."
The stranger smiles. "You've aged rather well yourself."
"Why, thank you. It's the sugar and skincare."
"Ah, is it now? I'll remember that... Say, would you mind following me?"
"Hmm... I don't see why not."
The stranger holds out a hand. He accepts. He and the stranger walk. To where, he doesn't know. It's simply forward.
"You truly don't remember me?"
"Unfortunately not... should I remember you?"
"It's been a long time since you've made a memory with me. I don't blame you for forgetting."
"Wait, let me try and remember! Uh... Greg? Are you Greg?"
"Heh, no, I'm not."
"Bill? Steve? Dave?"
"No, no, and no."
"It's alright. Don't beat yourself up over such a thing. I'm sure it'll come to you eventually."
"Well, if I don't know who you are, then why are you here?"
"I... I simply felt like you could use a friend. Being in the dark is no fun, is it?"
"Hm. No, it's not."
"Let's walk and talk then. Make the dark a bit less boring."
He agrees. He asks the strangers question, and the stranger provides answers. Questions about music, movies, food, life, anything that came to mind. They talk. Like old friends.
He looks at the stranger, confused.
"...you don't have to blame yourself anymore."
"I'm sorry?"
"I can feel it, you know... deep down, in that heart of yours... you hurt. You've hurt for a long time. A pain that you didn't know how to heal."
"...what do you-"
"You don't have to blame yourself anymore. It's been years. Decades. Decades you've lived with this pain... Pain you don't deserve to suffer through anymore."
"...he said it was my fault."
"Don't listen to him... he's gotten into your head enough. You have to forgive yourself."
"But they're all-"
"I know... it's okay... we don't blame you, William... we've forgiven you a long time ago."
His friends gives his hand a squeeze.
"You have to forgive yourself, William."
"But it's all my fault."
"It's not... you need to see that it's not... you were a victim of this story... just like everyone else. Not everything you did was right... but that doesn't mean you deserve to suffer any longer. Please, William... It's time to forgive yourself."
He feels himself stirring.
"It's time to forgive yourself."
"Wait, no, please, don't leave!"
"Forgive yourself."
"How? Please, tell me-"
"Forgive yourself."
He awakens.
"...who's Damien?"
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war-cat770 · 2 years ago
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silver-halloween · 2 years ago
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Just Darkiplier things.
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jacksepticeye-simp · 26 days ago
Engineer Mark core
hey check this out *dies in front of you in every universe*
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jacksepticeye-simp · 2 months ago
Pairing(s): Darkiplier x F! Reader
TW(S): None
Summary: Dark has called you to the manors garden to tell you something important, I wonder what it is?
Overall rating: Completely SFW
(Little gift for @otterlyinluv I meant to write this for you earlier but I got busy, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!)
(Enjoy the fluff while it lasts dear readers, my next fic is a yandere fic lol /lh)
Dark stood beneath the moonlight, clutching a bouquet of white roses and a small black box covered in velvet, waiting patiently for you. Despite the cold weather, Dark was sweating and fiddling with his wrist cuffs as he panicked internally. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
He knew that this moment would be one of the most important events of his life and he was determined to make it perfect. He fixed his gaze on the garden gate, anticipating your arrival. What if you said no? What would he do then? Was he moving things along too quickly? He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to clear his head.
You feel your heart flutter as he kisses your hand. "I could say the same about you my dearest. Every part of you is ever so intoxicating." He purrs as he runs his cold hands along your waist, your lips inches apart. "Which brings me to the reason I wanted to meet with you here." Dark gets down on one knee, taking one of your hands in his as he reaches into the pockets of his suit. You gasp as he pulls a small box from his pocket and opens it to reveal the most gorgeous engagement ring you've ever seen.
He knew he had to remain calm and focus on the task. He had to make this special moment count… You soon appeared, wearing the black knee-length dress he'd gifted you. He gazed at you, absolutely enamored by the way you looked in it. "You said you wanted to meet me? Something about an important matter?" You asked nervously as you stepped closer to him.
"Yes, darling. There is something I have been…itching to tell you." He says, his voice low and silky. "Oh, I almost forgot…A bouquet of roses for my sweetest rose~" You smile as you take the bouquet from him. "Oh Damien, you're much too sweet.." You take a deep breath and look into his eyes.
"My love, will you make me the luckiest man in existence and marry me?" Tears of joy flood your eyes as you nod your head in agreement. Dark slips the ring onto your finger gently as he stands up, sealing your lips together in a passionate embrace. "I love you so much, Damien.."
"I love you so much more, my little monster.."
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faecaribou · 2 years ago
Dreamt that I was outside in a snowy forest and then I found a lake of ice and Damien was standing there looking down at this hole in the ice like the plot of Damien and I was like “bitch! get off the ice!” and he walked back to solid land but then I thought “wouldnt it be neat if i check out the hole in the ice FOR him?” and i walked out onto the ice and it broke and i fell in but I drowned and woke up so clearly actor mark did not approve of my main character energies
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respect-the-stache · 1 year ago
I'm sorry for not be Chatty Cathy lately, especially since it is- or was? Maybe was... Or perhaps not. I'm quite sure at the moment... Nor do I fully understand why I am in such a funky mood...
..It doesn't really matter I suppose. It'll go away in the end anyhow. So don't you worry, dear fans- I'll perk right back up as soon as Halloween draws near, I swear!
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jacksepticeye-simp · 26 days ago
KEEP LOOPING!!! 99% of timeloopers give up right before the loop where they fix everything and save everyone
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weirdmixofweirdness · 1 year ago
I am live, streaming ISWM stories by Cain_is_sleeby on Ao3. These stories will be:
There's a lot of empty ships in the multiverse
Everything has to end
Inverted Reflections
Please don't go
I Can Fix You
I'll See You Again, When The Stars Align
Time Dilation (the feeling of time being too fast/slow while dreaming)
Trigger Warnings for:
Implied depiction of a panic attack (Inverted Reflections)
Derealization (Time Dilation)
Suicidal thoughts (I’ll See You Again, When The Stars Align)
Emotional Manipulation (I Can Fix You)
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ardenwritesegos · 1 year ago
Emotions are High: Chapter 2
AU based on @iamvegorott 's version of the egos.
Anti didn’t usually like to be the one to interrupt Dark during their work. They got very…cranky whenever someone did that (though that’s an understatement). Still, while food was no longer necessary for them, the being enjoyed partaking in food and drinks. And they took any chance to be with their husband. However, they often, like Gin, had to be woken up from “work mode.” Tonight was apparently no exception. 
“Hey, Mr. businessman,” Anti called teasingly after knocking on the office door. There was no answer. For a creature like Dark, this silence wasn’t unusual. They must have been absorbed in their work. He knocked again. 
“It’s food time,” the glitch called one more time, hoping that would get them to look up. Out of the quiet came a quick clearing of the throat.
“One moment,” a voice responded. It sounded like Dark, but different; a bit more prim and proper than usual (Anti didn’t think that was possible). Then, Anti started hearing a female-sounding voice whispering. He leaned his ear against the door to hear better. 
“He’s not going to go away, you know that,” the woman whispered aggravatedly. 
“Yes,” the Dark-not Dark voice started quietly. 
“But he’s never seen us before, and–”
“But he knows, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” the other voice replied. Wait, what was it Dark said about their past? Right, they were some mish-mash of twins. Which means…
“The Dark twins?” Anti asked from behind the door. There was a pause–likely the female twin giving her brother an ‘I told you so’ look–before the Dark-not Dark voice broke the silence. 
“Come in,” the voice said, the door unlatching and opening itself. What the glitch found was just as he thought; a set of twins, one a woman in a dark dress, the other a man in a black suit. The man was the first one to speak again. 
“Hello, Antisepticeye.” 
“So, you’re…Gin’s anxiety?” Chase asked, guiding the nervous wreck through the house.
“I-I’m worry…actually,” the copy responded. 
“Isn’t that the same thing?” Chase asked, confused more than he already was. 
“Uh…a lot of people think that, but there’s actually…actually a bit of a difference,” purple Gin replied with a nervous smile that quickly went down.The more Chase looked at the copy’s jumpsuit, he noticed that it wasn’t just regular purple. It was more of a violet than a regular purple. He only knew the difference because Schneep liked to info dump on colors (he wanted to be an artist, after all). But that wasn’t important at the moment. 
“And do you know where…regular Gin is?” Chase let out a sigh, frustrated but still trying to be careful. He didn’t know what would cause this emotion to break. 
“Unfortunately, um…” Violet Gin hesitated. He knew this statement would deeply upset Chase and was, well…worried about the repercussions. 
“He’s gone while we’re, uh…separated,” the copy fidgeted with his hands. Chase took another breath, trying to compose himself. 
“But he’ll come back if we find all of you guys,” Chase predicted hopefully. 
“Yeah, the only problem is…getting them back together,” Violet Gin moved his fingers like a child playing the piano for the first time, tapping against his legs. 
“It’s possible, we just gotta get some help. And I know exactly where to get it,” Chase stopped at a dark blue door, knocking four times with a silver cat knocker.
“MARVIN!” he used the signature scream he got from his creator, this time put to good use. With a click and a creak, the door opened. 
“Hello…” Marvin greeted awkwardly. 
“What can I do for you?”
“I think you know,” Chase replied, gesturing towards the copy of Gin. 
“Hi,” Violet Gin waved shyly. 
“We didn’t think we’d be meeting you like this,” Damien said, squeezing his own hands. In the past, he would have his cane, but he was…well…forced to do away with that. 
“For a while, I thought we wouldn’t meet you at all,” Celine retorted. 
“Is now really the time for this?” Damien raised his voice; slightly, but just enough to show frustration. 
“To think I used to be the serious one,” his sister let out a puff of laughter from her nose. 
“One of us has to-”
“Excuse me, would ya quit bein’ siblings for a second and say hi?” Anti glitches in between them, interrupting Damien. 
“Hello, honey,” she gave the glitch a warm, but gentle hug, kissing the top of his head. 
“Well, now I see where Dark got their mommy energy from,” Anti joked. 
“Hey, Damien pitches in as well,” Celine replied, breaking off the hug and facing Damien with a smirk. 
“Someone has to make sure everyone is in order,” Damien straightened up his suit, adjusting to having his own form again. Celine just snickered. Those kinds of statements always did go over her dear brother’s head. 
“Hold on a second,” Anti took a confused look at the former Mayor. 
“I thought he was the ‘warm and gentle one.’” 
“That’s a long story,” Celine explained. 
“Yes, one we don’t have time to tell,” Damien spat flatly. 
“Now, we need to find Dark and rejoin them,” he moved his neck out of habit, before realizing he didn’t have to crack it in this form. Anti just barely held in a laugh at the sight. 
“If we are out, that means the entity is roaming around, and who knows what damage it could cause.”
“But I thought Darky was the entity,” clearly, he misunderstood when his partner told him the story. 
“We’ll explain on the way to Wil.”
“Why are we going to him?” Anti asked. 
“Our division happened after that blasted drink he gave us,” Damien sifted through a closet, until he found his old cane. Luckily for him, it looked to be kept intact and polished.
“He couldn’t have known what it did,” Celine followed behind, trying to calm Damien down, at least slightly. The former mayor has been furious at Wil ever since he shot the District Attorney. Further proof that his old self was pushed down by a layer of darkness. But that wasn’t the point of this endeavor. 
“Yes,” Damien sighed, seeming to humor his sister. 
“But he does know where he got it.” 
“Would he, though?” Anti commented. Wilford didn’t always have the best memory, considering his powers. 
“At the moment, it’s the only thing we have,” the former mayor explained, being somewhat more careful with the glitch. 
“Come along,” Anti and Celine followed behind to the door. Unbeknownst to them, a wisp of shadow hid itself behind Dark’s desk. 
“You just let the most chaotic man in the house run away with your potions?!” Chase screamed.
“No one can stop Wilford, you know that!” Marvin yelled back. 
“Then why didn’t you say anything?!” Chase shouted in reply. 
“My teleportation fucked up on me, okay?!” Marvin belted out. 
“You had legs! The dining room was literally seconds away!” Chase shrilled. 
“Okay, clearly this isn’t doing anything,” the magician took a calming breath. 
“We’re just acting like bickering parents with their kid in the room.” Both of them stopped to check on Worry Gin. He was still sitting, listening to music on noise canceling headphones. At least he was occupied. Couldn’t have the embodiment of worry getting overwhelmed, after all. 
“Alright, how do we do this?” Chase took a deep breath as well, shaking out his emotions in the air with his hands. 
“Let me find it,” Marvin to a bookshelf behind him, skimming the book titles until he found just what he needed; a thick, black and orange book called Stupe’s Empirical Lyrical Guide to Magic.
“Aha!” The magician pulled it out. The cover featured the outline of a person with a mustache, sideburns, and glasses. Marvin opened the book where the silk orange bookmark was, carefully speed reading for the solution. 
“Well?” The magician continued scanning the pages until he found a part titled Reversal Rehearsal. 
“You have to give me a moment, all the directions rhyme,” Marvin briefly looks up from the book. 
“Didn’t Phantom tell you not to get that version?” Chase reminded the magician. The author of this book was known for their extensive vocabulary, so their book was never recommended for either beginners or people in an emergency. It just so happens that they are dealing with the latter. After a few minutes, Marvin looked to be finally understanding the words. 
“Alright, so each emotion should be in a place the person associates with that feeling,” the magician explained. 
“But where would we even start?” Chase eyebrows strained down in confusion. 
“It says to start with the basic ones,” Marvin began. 
“So happiness, maybe?” he suggested. Chase’s eyes widened immediately after. 
“I think I know where to find that one.” 
Thanks for reading! If you would like to be tagged in my stories, please let me know. Also, there may or may not be more short stories coming, as I have gained more creative inspiration recently.
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