animauxing · 24 days
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Sometimes we just don't heal. [x]
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taritoons · 5 months
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This is exactly how it happened in game, trust me, I was there.
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 2 months
Kaz is such a silly goose
I knooow in peace walker they didn’t have the video call codecs because its the 70’s but i had to make iiiiit okaaaaaaay i couldnt control myseeeeellf guyyys
Have the gif version too lol
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destrukreacja · 2 months
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Projekt Destrukreacja
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maxispaxis · 5 months
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Nothing 2 post… whatever .. codec Shaun and Rebecca
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pixel8or · 1 year
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flowerthornsart · 2 months
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Static brain
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... MGSV explains how the Codec works... when it doesn't break the fourth wall.
Like, okay, we know the super duper magic radio is capable of communications without a radio antennae or broadcast or even a radio interface. It can be used without talking (unless you're radioing in the past there, Naked Snake), keeping communications secret and safe, and its going to be a conversation that only two people using it will hear (unless you're plugged into the system--effectively, Codec calls are the ultimate multicast and man-in-the-middle)
The question that comes up is... How. How the hell are you talking without talking, how are you listening in real time.
... and MGSV answers that.
The Codec is the modern, noninfectious form, of the "Vocal Cord" parts of the Vocal Cord Parasites (What I will now refer to as VCPs for brevity).
Codec and Nanomachines are two separate parts, based on the VCPs.
The effects that VCPs can produce, the fantastical powers and fantastical body and mind modifications as a response to stimuli or force of will--that becomes the Nanomachines later on. We all see this.
But the Vocal Cord parts? That becomes the CODEC. You can talk without talking, so from the outside of a CODEC call, it might sound like light Humming instead. The hivemind bits? Well, translated into technology, and that's the radio bits of your CODEC--from instant communications to knowing who you're talking to intimately, (to a point where you can even be fooled by disguise via fucking Radio Call LIQUID SNAKE. HOLY SHIT DUDE).
The VCP's descendants wasn't just the Nanomachines--its the Codec too.
Its also the ancestor to FOXDIE. Kill someone based on their genetic makeup? Well that's just how the VCPs, just targeted without language. Instead of attaching to everyone indiscriminately, it attaches to specific people only. ... But it brings up the possibility that while FOXDIE might attach to specific genetics--but only activates if the carrier speaks. And that supplies why it took forever for it to take Liquid Snake. He had immunity cos he had it before--it simply ran out when it went against the more powerful descendant of Nanomachines.
Nanomachines might also serve a more practical purpose beyond serving as one of the local magic systems of the world build--And that's specifically finding wild VCPs and destroying them on contact. MGSV shows that you really can't tell if someone has them or not without an obvious progression, and you won't get to obvious progression without obvious deadly infection that FKE (Aka "FUCKING KILLS EVERYONE"). Now that's not true for all of them (The Cobra Unit proves that you can have non-deadly VCPs... or at least, as non-deadly as we know about), but why take the risk of mutation? Ironically this also doubles back to suppoerting MGS's alternative but more oppressed secondary magic system, which is "Outright Supernatural Bullshit (OSB)". So if you have nanomachines, but still maintain your prior super duper special powers--guess what, you just have OSB and the Nanomachines have fuck all to do with that. ( Which brings the third theory that Nanomachines are actually the in-universe excuse used for OSB, because even with the tech, nobody can still explain the super duper special powers bullshit, but its a lot easier to blame the first magic system of the world build so nobody fictional or nonfictional gets a headache. )
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hydragirium · 1 year
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Projekt Destrukreacja
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zenevpower · 3 months
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Waaay late post, originally drawn on time but due to issues and irl stuff I didn't post soooo enjoy-
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animauxing · 1 year
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Said Roscoe after giving me something that matched the color of my clothes.
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icbrothers · 9 months
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I've spent most of the day wrapping Christmas presents and working on a commission for a colleague, so I thought I'd wind down the day with a silly Otacon doodle, playing around with style and shape.
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jellysquib · 2 months
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favorite brand of drawing
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delcat177 · 9 months
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I forgot to set VLC as my default video program after updating, and Microsoft Media is apparently now charging $1 a pop for codec packs
and by God, there are people paying it, aren't there
ETA: VideoLan is a nonprofit and VLC media player is totally free. It works with every file format I've ever tangled with, and immediately played back the file with no difficulty. Get dinked Microsoft
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destrukreacja · 10 months
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Projekt Destrukreacja
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I just remembered that my father would get us to play a game where he would hide in tall bushes and give us one of the walkie talkies. The goal was to communicate with his until we could find him and I can't tell if that's mgs coded or not
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I was also taught as a child that weakness isn't allowed but that's a whole different story
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